PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg yyoouurr ppeerrssoonnaall ccooddee
To choose or change your personal code:
(1) Dial the appropriate feature code for
PPaasssswwoorrdd -- cchhaannggee
(2) Dial your personal code
(3) Dial the new code
Each digit of the code is indicated on your display by an asterisk.
Note: The default number code for your terminal is 0000.
CChhoooossiinngg aa ddiissppllaayy llaanngguuaaggee
To select a display language:
(1) Dial the "Language" feature code:
Press to scroll through the languages available on your system.
(For example, American English, French, Spanish, German, etc.).
(2) Press the related numeric key to choose a language
(3) To confirm your choice ; then to complete.
SSwwiittcchhiinngg oonn tthhee ssttaattiioonn ssppeeaakkeerr dduurriinngg aa ccaallll
To allow others in the room to hear the party you are speaking with, activate the
station speaker: (volume level will be displayed for a few seconds).
To switch the station speaker off: once again.