To request a callback:
(1) Enter the code for the "
CCaallllbbaacckk -- sseett rreeqquueesstt
" feature. Your display will show
that the call back feature is in effect.
(2) Replace the handset, and you will be called back when your party answers
your call me request (or automatically when the busy line is free).
To cancel the callback request: dial the number a second time, then hang up.
CCaammpp--oonn aann iinntteerrnnaall ppaarrttyy wwhhoo iiss bbuussyy
If you call an internal terminal and all its lines are busy, the voice guide (or a busy
tone) and the station display screen will inform you of this. When this occurs, you
have several options, including
- which allows you to wait and have
your call ring through as soon as your party finishes their call.
To camp-on a busy internal line:
Enter the code for the
feature, and wait (do not hang up).
As soon as the line you are calling becomes available, your call rings the station.
AAnnsswweerriinngg aa nniigghhtt sseerrvviiccee bbeellll
When the attendant is away, all internal or external calls to the attendant position
may be offered to extensions for answering.
To answer a night service bell:
Dial the code for the
""NNiigghhtt sseerrvviiccee aannsswweerr""