galleries. See Web galleries
gamma, 170 –171
gamut clipping, 254–255
General preferences, 674–676
Geotag Photos app, 660
geotagged images, 660–671
creating, 660–661
exporting, 662, 670
filtering, 664, 671
manually tagging, 668–669
reverse geocoding of, 662, 670
viewing and managing, 662–671
See also Map module
Golden Spiral crop overlay, 187, 189
Gorman, Greg, 219
GPS metadata, 32, 660–671
embedding into photos, 661
exporting files containing, 662, 670
filtering photos by, 664, 671
options for recording, 660–661
reverse geocoding of, 662, 670
See also geotagged images
GPX tracklogs, 664–667
Graduated Filter tool, 326–328
Grain effects sliders, 282–283
graphics card, 696
grayscale conversions. See black-and-
white conversions
grayscale previews, 390, 397
Grid overlay, 126, 127, 187, 188
Grid view, 26, 57, 116–119, 120, 122,
123, 143, 144
grouping photos, 152–153
book, 523
print, 469, 478
Guides overlay, 126, 127
Guides panel
Book module, 512
Print module, 462, 469
Gulick, Rebecca, v
H.264 video format, 457, 550
halo suppression, 394
Hamburg, Mark, iv, v, 2, 216, 250
Hampson, Damon, v
hard drives, 696–699
Harvey, Phil, 595
HDR file processing, 212–215
Heal mode, Spot Removal tool, 298,
305, 307
Help menu, 20, 45, 180
Hi DPI support, 4, 57, 530
panels, 28, 100
program interface, 36
Toolbar, 23
folder, 103
keyword, 445, 612–613
Highlight Priority vignette, 280, 281
clipping, 197, 205, 218
detail recovery, 203, 208
reflective vs. nonreflective, 218
Highlights adjustment
Basic panel, 199–200, 203, 246
Quick Develop panel, 227
Tone Curve panel, 242
Histogram panel
Develop module, 205–207
Library module, 226
History panel (Develop module), 37,
Hogarty, Tom, v
Holbert, Mac, 220, 461
HSL controls (Develop module),
B&W conversion method, 377
desaturated color adjustments,
false color hue adjustments,
overview of controls, 250
reducing gamut clipping with,
selective color darkening, 252–253
HSL/Color/B&W panel (Develop
module), 250
HTML galleries, 554, 555
Appearance panel settings, 564
Color Palette panel settings, 562
Identity Plate options, 568
Site Info panel settings, 561
Title/Caption information, 569, 571
Hue sliders
HSL panel, 250, 251, 252, 253
Split Toning panel, 372
Hughes, Bryan O’Neil, vi
ICM Color Management, 490,
493, 497
Identity Plate
custom package layout, 484
customizing, 18–19, 21
photo border options, 474–475
slideshow options, 536, 537
steps for creating, 472–473
Web Gallery options, 568
Identity Plate Editor, 473, 475,
537, 5 4 4
Image Info panel (Web module), 552,
image-processing engine, 167, 168
Image Settings panel (Print module),
462, 464–466
Picture Package layout, 478
Single Image/Contact Sheet layout,
implied keywords, 614
Import dialog, 48–49
Apply During Import panel, 65
compact mode, 49, 53
content area, 57–59
Destination panel, 66–68
expanded mode, 48, 49
File Handling panel, 60–62
File Renaming panel, 63–64
Import Presets menu, 68
Source panel, 56
Import DNG Creation options,
Import from Catalog dialog, 94
Import Photos dialog, 108, 109, 130
Import Presets menu, 68
importing photos, 25, 47–81
Auto Import feature, 76
backing up and, 61
camera card imports, 52–55
catalog imports, 93–95
Develop settings and, 65
DNG conversion options, 50–51
drag-and-drop method for, 72–75