Tethered Capture Settings dialog, 79
Tethered Shoot control panel, 80
tethered shooting, 77–81
cable connection for, 77
connecting cameras for, 77–78
Lightroom feature for, 78–81
speed considerations for, 79
steps in process of, 79–81
wireless, 77–78
book, 524–528
photo info, 477
searching, 631–633
slideshow, 536, 538–541
Sort by Label option, 659
Web Gallery, 569–573
text box layouts, 524
Text panel (Book module), 512,
Text Template Editor, 678
Print module, 477
Slideshow module, 538, 539
Web module, 570, 572 website, 559–560
third-party gallery styles, 559–561
badges displayed with, 117, 159
Flash Gallery preview, 565
Library Grid view, 118
Thumbnails slider, 57, 118, 516
TIFF files
exporting photos as, 440
external editing options, 419, 420
XMP metadata options, 651–654
Time Machine backups, 87
time/date information, 593–594, 636
timelapse videos, 551
Tint slider
B&W conversions, 364, 369
localized adjustments, 320–321
White Balance adjustments, 195
slideshow, 544
Web Gallery, 569–573
Titles panel (Slideshow module),
530, 544
tone controls
Basic panel, 197–204
Quick Develop panel, 226–228
Tone Curve panel, 236–249
Tone Curve panel (Develop module),
Basic panel adjustments and, 199,
overview of controls in, 236–237
Point Curve editing mode, 238–239
RGB curve editing mode, 240–241
Tone Curve regions, 242–244
tone-range split points, 237,
Tool Overlay options, 190, 305
Toolbar, 23
Book module, 516
Develop module, 305
Import dialog, 57
Library module, 102
Slideshow module, 530, 547
tracklogs, 664–667
Transform perspective controls, 275
transparency preservation, 270
Triangle crop overlay, 187, 189
Type panel (Book module), 526–528
typographic fractions, 689
underexposed image correction,
Undo command, 37, 305, 312,
334, 542
Unsharp Mask filter, 382
updates, automatic, 674
upgrading Lightroom, 11–13
Upload Settings panel (Web module),
577, 579
uploading Web galleries, 577–581
Upright adjustments, 269–274
how they work, 269–270
suggested order for, 270–271
synchronizing, 271–274
UPS units, 88
USB connections, 77, 696
user Lightroom folder, 85
Validate DNG Files feature, 683
Van Ness, David, v
Vibrance adjustments
Basic panel, 224–225, 377
Quick Develop panel, 227
video cache settings, 685
video files/clips
adding to slideshows, 545
editing, 231–235
exporting, 44, 457, 550–551
importing, 62, 69
presets for, 235
publishing, 644
slideshows as, 550–551
view modes
Develop module, 182, 292–297
Metadata panel, 588–589, 591
View options (Library module)
Compare view, 136–139, 143, 144
Grid view, 26, 57, 116–119, 120,
122, 123, 143, 144
Loupe Overlay view, 126–129, 271
Loupe view, 27, 57, 120–125,
142, 689
Survey view, 35, 134–135,
144, 145
applying to photos, 278–281
correcting problems with, 275–277
virtual copies
copy names for, 590, 592
creating for photos, 338–339
external editing with, 425–426
filtering for, 627
snapshots vs., 338
soft proofing and, 505, 508
Visualize Spots feature, 300–301
warped images, 182
watermarks, 445–447, 472, 536, 605
web browsers, 575, 578
Web galleries, 43, 552–581
AutoViewer, 557
captions for, 569–573
collection creation, 581
color processing for, 575
color themes for, 562–563
exporting, 576
Flash, 554, 556, 565–567
HTML, 554, 555, 564
Identity Plate options, 568
layout appearance, 564–568
metadata information, 572, 574