WPA encryption
Administration interface >> Security >> Encryption
WPA encryption protects your network from unauthorised access. It works in a similar way to WEP encryption, however
it has dynamic encryption keys which change.
To configure WPA encryption you can choose between WPA1, WPA2 and WPA1+2.
In general WPA1+2 are to be preferred:
1. Enter any string in the field marked key (e.g. mustermann).
2. Click on the button OK.
The WLAN connection to the XSBoxR4v is disconnected. The list of available wireless network connections
already shows, that it is a WPA encrypted wireless network.
3. Reconnect to your PC/laptop using WLAN and enter the key generated in your PC/laptop.
WEP encryption
Administration interface >> Security >> Encryption
WEP encryption arranges for a key to be generated which is disclosed to all network participants and which is used for
data encryption and decryption. The encryption code should be regularly changed in order for WEP effeciency to be re-
tained. This is how to configure WEP encryption:
1. Select the entry WEP 152 from the selection list Encryption mechanism.
2. This is the highest security level for WEP, which allows the most secure encryption. Enter any string in the
field marked Pass phrase (e.g. mustermann). The pass phrase serves to generate a WEP key automatically.
The string entered may be up to 3
1 characters long and may not include space characters.
3. Click on the button Create key. Your pass phrase will be converted hexadecimal. The length of the key gene-
rated depends on the security level:
■ WEP 64: 10 characters
■ WEP 128: 26 characters
■ WEP 152: 31 characters