Security settings
Basic protection through firewall
The XSBoxR4v is equipped with a firewall and is configured from the factory so that a basic protection for your data is
given even whilst connecting your PC/laptop. It prevents internet access to the XSBoxR4v and thus to your PC/laptop.
You can deactivate the XSBoxR4v's firewall if necessary. (Administration interface >> Security >> Firewall).
The port forwarding is determined through firewall rules internally in the system.
Firewall rules
Administration interface >> Security >> Firewall
The XSBoxR4v's firewall is rule-based. He rules determine the incoming and outgoing data flow. Basically the firewall is
thus configured that unauthorised incoming data connections from the internet are blocked and outgoing data connec-
tions to the internet are allowed. This configuration enables free navigation on web sites.
Caution! These basic security settings do not guarantee connection protection between the XSBoxR4v and your PC/laptop. This is
especially important if you use a WLAN connection.
Network Address Translation (NAT)
The XSBoxR4v supports NAT. NAT describes the decoupling of the public IP address and the private IP address range.
All PCs/laptops in your network can together use one public IP address through NAT.
This IP address is allocated to the XSBoxR4v over the network. It is the only IP address which is visible for third parties
outside of your network. (e.g. in internet).
The local IP addresses, which the XSBoxR4v's DHCP server allocates to the computers in your network remain private
and cannot be reached from the internet. Thus they are protected from external attacks.
Denial-of-Service attack (DoS)
DoS attacks flood your network with more enquiries than it can deal with. Even though this kind of attack cannot damage
your PCs/laptops, such DoS attacks still lead to network operation slowdown or stop. The XSBoxR4v automatically
blocks the attacks. You need not set-up any firewall rules for incoming data traffic.