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Quick Start Guide
Simultaneous Dual-Band Wireless AC1200 Media Router
Version 1.00
Edition 1, 09/2014
Copyright © 2014 ZyXEL Communications Corporation
User’s Guide
Default Login Details
LAN IP Address
(Router Mode)
(Access Point Mode)
Password 1234
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Screenshots and graphics in this book may differ slightly from your product due to differences in
your product firmware or your computer operating system. Every effort has been made to ensure
that the information in this manual is accurate.
Related Documentation
•Quick Start Guide
The Quick Start Guide shows how to connect the NBG6616 and access the Web Configurator
wizards. It contains information on setting up your network and configuring for Internet access.
Contents Overview
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Contents Overview
Users Guide .......................................................................................................................................11
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................12
Introducing the Web Configurator ...........................................................................................................17
Connection Wizard ..................................................................................................................................20
NBG6616 Modes .....................................................................................................................................30
Easy Mode ..............................................................................................................................................31
Router Mode ...........................................................................................................................................42
Access Point Mode .................................................................................................................................49
Tutorials ..................................................................................................................................................56
Technical Reference ..........................................................................................................................68
Monitor ....................................................................................................................................................69
WAN ........................................................................................................................................................74
Wireless LAN ..........................................................................................................................................84
LAN .......................................................................................................................................................107
DHCP Server ........................................................................................................................................ 111
NAT .......................................................................................................................................................116
DDNS ....................................................................................................................................................124
Static Route ...........................................................................................................................................126
Firewall ..................................................................................................................................................129
Content Filtering ....................................................................................................................................134
Parental Control ....................................................................................................................................136
IPv6 Firewall ..........................................................................................................................................142
Bandwidth Management .......................................................................................................................145
Remote Management ............................................................................................................................152
Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) ...........................................................................................................156
USB Media Sharing ...............................................................................................................................162
Maintenance ..........................................................................................................................................172
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................................182
Table of Contents
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Table of Contents
Contents Overview ..............................................................................................................................3
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................4
Part I: Users Guide ......................................................................................... 11
Chapter 1
1.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................12
1.2 Applications .......................................................................................................................................12
1.3 Ways to Manage the NBG6616 ........................................................................................................12
1.4 Good Habits for Managing the NBG6616 .........................................................................................13
1.5 Resetting the NBG6616 ....................................................................................................................13
1.5.1 How to Use the RESET Button ................................................................................................13
1.6 The WPS Button ...............................................................................................................................13
1.7 LEDs .................................................................................................................................................14
1.8 Wall Mounting ...................................................................................................................................15
Chapter 2
Introducing the Web Configurator ....................................................................................................17
2.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................17
2.2 Accessing the Web Configurator .......................................................................................................17
2.2.1 Login Screen ...........................................................................................................................17
2.2.2 Password Screen ....................................................................................................................18
Chapter 3
Connection Wizard .............................................................................................................................20
3.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................20
3.2 Accessing the Wizard ........................................................................................................................20
3.3 Connect to Internet ............................................................................................................................21
3.3.1 Connection Type: IPoE ............................................................................................................22
3.3.2 Connection Type: PPPoE ........................................................................................................24
3.4 Router Password ...............................................................................................................................25
3.5 Wireless Security ..............................................................................................................................26
3.5.1 Wireless Security: No Security ................................................................................................26
3.5.2 Wireless Security: WPA2-PSK .................................................................................................27
Table of Contents
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Chapter 4
NBG6616 Modes .................................................................................................................................30
4.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................30
4.1.1 Web Configurator Modes .........................................................................................................30
4.1.2 Device Modes ..........................................................................................................................30
Chapter 5
Easy Mode...........................................................................................................................................31
5.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................31
5.2 What You Can Do .............................................................................................................................32
5.3 What You Need to Know ...................................................................................................................32
5.4 Navigation Panel ...............................................................................................................................32
5.5 Network Map .....................................................................................................................................33
5.6 Control Panel ....................................................................................................................................34
5.6.1 Game Engine ...........................................................................................................................35
5.6.2 Power Saving ..........................................................................................................................35
5.6.3 Parental Control .......................................................................................................................36
5.6.4 Bandwidth MGMT ....................................................................................................................37
5.6.5 Firewall ....................................................................................................................................38
5.6.6 Wireless Security .....................................................................................................................38
5.6.7 WPS ........................................................................................................................................39
5.7 Status Screen in Easy Mode .............................................................................................................40
Chapter 6
Router Mode........................................................................................................................................42
6.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................42
6.2 Router Mode Status Screen ..............................................................................................................42
6.2.1 Navigation Panel .....................................................................................................................45
Chapter 7
Access Point Mode.............................................................................................................................49
7.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................49
7.2 What You Can Do .............................................................................................................................49
7.3 What You Need to Know ...................................................................................................................49
7.3.1 Setting your NBG6616 to AP Mode .........................................................................................50
7.3.2 Accessing the Web Configurator in Access Point Mode ..........................................................50
7.3.3 Configuring your WLAN and Maintenance Settings ................................................................51
7.4 AP Mode Status Screen ....................................................................................................................51
7.4.1 Navigation Panel .....................................................................................................................53
7.5 LAN Screen .......................................................................................................................................53
Chapter 8
Table of Contents
NBG6616 User’s Guide
8.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................56
8.2 Set Up a Wireless Network Using WPS ............................................................................................56
8.2.1 Push Button Configuration (PBC) ............................................................................................56
8.2.2 PIN Configuration ....................................................................................................................57
8.3 Connect to NBG6616 Wireless Network without WPS .....................................................................58
8.3.1 Configure Your Notebook ........................................................................................................60
8.4 Using Multiple SSIDs on the NBG6616 .............................................................................................62
8.4.1 Configuring Security Settings of Multiple SSIDs ......................................................................63
Part II: Technical Reference............................................................................68
Chapter 9
9.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................69
9.2 What You Can Do .............................................................................................................................69
9.3 The Log Screen .................................................................................................................................69
9.3.1 View Log ..................................................................................................................................69
9.4 DHCP Table ...................................................................................................................................70
9.5 Packet Statistics .............................................................................................................................71
9.6 WLAN Station Status .....................................................................................................................72
Chapter 10
WAN .....................................................................................................................................................74
10.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................74
10.2 What You Can Do ...........................................................................................................................74
10.3 What You Need To Know ................................................................................................................74
10.3.1 Configuring Your Internet Connection ....................................................................................75
10.4 Internet Connection .........................................................................................................................76
10.4.1 IPoE Encapsulation ...............................................................................................................76
10.4.2 PPPoE Encapsulation ...........................................................................................................79
10.5 Advanced WAN Screen ..................................................................................................................82
Chapter 11
Wireless LAN.......................................................................................................................................84
11.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................84
11.1.1 What You Can Do ..................................................................................................................85
11.1.2 What You Should Know .........................................................................................................85
11.2 General Wireless LAN Screen .......................................................................................................89
11.3 Wireless Security .............................................................................................................................91
11.3.1 No Security ............................................................................................................................91
11.3.2 WEP Encryption .....................................................................................................................92
Table of Contents
NBG6616 User’s Guide
11.3.3 WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK ...........................................................................................................94
11.3.4 WPA/WPA2 ............................................................................................................................95
11.4 More AP Screen ..............................................................................................................................97
11.4.1 More AP Edit ..........................................................................................................................98
11.5 MAC Filter Screen ........................................................................................................................100
11.6 Wireless LAN Advanced Screen ...................................................................................................102
11.7 Quality of Service (QoS) Screen ...................................................................................................102
11.8 WPS Screen ..................................................................................................................................103
11.9 WPS Station Screen ......................................................................................................................105
11.10 Scheduling Screen ......................................................................................................................105
Chapter 12
LAN ....................................................................................................................................................107
12.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................107
12.2 What You Can Do .........................................................................................................................107
12.3 What You Need To Know ..............................................................................................................107
12.3.1 IP Alias ................................................................................................................................108
12.4 LAN IP Screen ..............................................................................................................................108
12.5 IP Alias Screen ..............................................................................................................................109
12.6 IPv6 LAN Screen ...........................................................................................................................110
Chapter 13
DHCP Server ..................................................................................................................................... 111
13.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 111
13.1.1 What You Can Do ................................................................................................................ 111
13.1.2 What You Need To Know ..................................................................................................... 111
13.2 DHCP Server General Screen ...................................................................................................... 111
13.3 DHCP Server Advanced Screen ................................................................................................112
13.4 DHCP Client List Screen ...............................................................................................................114
Chapter 14
14.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 116
14.1.1 What You Can Do ................................................................................................................ 116
14.2 General ......................................................................................................................................... 117
14.3 Port Forwarding Screen ............................................................................................................... 117
14.3.1 Port Forwarding Edit Screen .............................................................................................. 119
14.4 Port Trigger Screen .......................................................................................................................120
14.5 Technical Reference ......................................................................................................................121
14.5.1 NATPort Forwarding: Services and Port Numbers ..............................................................121
14.5.2 NAT Port Forwarding Example ............................................................................................121
14.5.3 Trigger Port Forwarding .......................................................................................................122
14.5.4 Trigger Port Forwarding Example ........................................................................................122
Table of Contents
NBG6616 User’s Guide
14.5.5 Two Points To Remember About Trigger Ports ...................................................................123
Chapter 15
15.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................124
15.1.1 What You Need To Know .....................................................................................................124
15.2 General .......................................................................................................................................124
Chapter 16
Static Route.......................................................................................................................................126
16.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................126
16.2 IP Static Route Screen .................................................................................................................126
16.2.1 Add/Edit Static Route ..........................................................................................................127
Chapter 17
Firewall ..............................................................................................................................................129
17.1 Overview .....................................................................................................................................129
17.1.1 What You Can Do ................................................................................................................129
17.1.2 What You Need To Know .....................................................................................................129
17.2 General Screen ............................................................................................................................130
17.3 Services Screen ............................................................................................................................131
Chapter 18
Content Filtering...............................................................................................................................134
18.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................134
18.2 Content Filter .................................................................................................................................134
Chapter 19
Parental Control................................................................................................................................136
19.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................136
19.1.1 What You Need To Know .....................................................................................................136
19.2 Parental Control Screen ................................................................................................................136
19.2.1 Add/Edit a Parental Control Rule .........................................................................................137
19.2.2 Add/Edit a Service ...............................................................................................................139
19.3 Technical Reference ......................................................................................................................140
19.3.1 Customizing Keyword Blocking URL Checking ...................................................................140
Chapter 20
IPv6 Firewall......................................................................................................................................142
20.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................142
20.2 IPv6 Firewall Screen ....................................................................................................................142
Chapter 21
Bandwidth Management...................................................................................................................145
Table of Contents
NBG6616 User’s Guide
21.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................145
21.2 What You Can Do .........................................................................................................................145
21.3 What You Need To Know ..............................................................................................................146
21.4 General Screen ............................................................................................................................146
21.5 Advanced Screen .........................................................................................................................146
21.5.1 Rule Configuration: Application Rule Configuration ...........................................................148
21.5.2 Rule Configuration: User Defined Service Rule Configuration .........................................149
21.5.3 Predefined Bandwidth Management Services .....................................................................151
Chapter 22
Remote Management........................................................................................................................152
22.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................152
22.2 What You Can Do in this Chapter .................................................................................................152
22.3 What You Need to Know ...............................................................................................................152
22.3.1 Remote Management and NAT ...........................................................................................153
22.3.2 System Timeout ..................................................................................................................153
22.4 WWW Screen .............................................................................................................................153
22.5 Telnet Screen .............................................................................................................................154
22.6 Wake On LAN Screen ...................................................................................................................154
Chapter 23
Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP)......................................................................................................156
23.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................156
23.2 What You Need to Know ...............................................................................................................156
23.2.1 NAT Traversal ......................................................................................................................156
23.2.2 Cautions with UPnP .............................................................................................................156
23.3 UPnP Screen ...............................................................................................................................157
23.4 Technical Reference ......................................................................................................................157
23.4.1 Using UPnP in Windows XP Example .................................................................................157
23.4.2 Web Configurator Easy Access ...........................................................................................159
Chapter 24
USB Media Sharing...........................................................................................................................162
24.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................162
24.2 What You Can Do .........................................................................................................................163
24.3 What You Need To Know ..............................................................................................................163
24.4 Before You Begin ..........................................................................................................................164
24.5 DLNA Screen ................................................................................................................................165
24.6 SAMBA Screen .............................................................................................................................165
24.7 FTP Screen ...................................................................................................................................167
24.8 Example of Accessing Your Shared Files From a Computer ........................................................168
24.8.1 Use Windows Explorer to Share Files .................................................................................168
24.8.2 Use FTP to Share Files .......................................................................................................170
Table of Contents
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Chapter 25
25.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................172
25.2 What You Can Do .........................................................................................................................172
25.3 General Screen .............................................................................................................................172
25.4 Password Screen ..........................................................................................................................173
25.5 Time Setting Screen ......................................................................................................................174
25.6 Firmware Upgrade Screen ............................................................................................................175
25.7 Configuration Backup/Restore Screen ..........................................................................................177
25.8 Restart Screen ..............................................................................................................................178
25.9 Language Screen ..........................................................................................................................178
25.10 System Operation Mode Overview .............................................................................................179
25.11 Sys OP Mode Screen ..................................................................................................................180
Chapter 26
26.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................182
26.2 Power, Hardware Connections, and LEDs ....................................................................................182
26.3 NBG6616 Access and Login .........................................................................................................183
26.4 Internet Access .............................................................................................................................184
26.5 Resetting the NBG6616 to Its Factory Defaults ............................................................................186
26.6 Wireless Connections ...................................................................................................................186
26.7 USB Device Problems ...................................................................................................................188
Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions ...................................................189
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address ......................................................................198
Appendix C Common Services........................................................................................................224
Appendix D Legal Information .........................................................................................................227
Appendix E Customer Support ........................................................................................................232
Index ..................................................................................................................................................238
Users Guide
NBG6616 User’s Guide
1.1 Overview
This chapter introduces the main features and applications of the NBG6616.
The NBG6616 extends the range of your existing wired network without additional wiring, providing
easy network access to mobile users. You can set up a wireless network with other IEEE 802.11a/b/
g/n/ac compatible devices. The NBG6616 is able to function both 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks at the
same time.
A range of services such as a firewall and content filtering are also available for secure Internet
There are two USB 2.0 ports on the side panel of your NBG6616. You can connect USB (version 2.0
or lower) memory sticks, USB hard drives, or USB devices for file sharing. The NBG6616
automatically detects the USB devices.
Note: For the USB function, it is strongly recommended to use version 2.0 or lower USB
storage devices (such as memory sticks, USB hard drives) and/or USB devices.
Other USB products are not guaranteed to function properly with the NBG6616.
1.2 Applications
Your can have the following networks with the NBG6616:
Wired. You can connect network devices via the Ethernet ports of the NBG6616 so that they can
communicate with each other and access the Internet.
Wireless. Wireless clients can connect to the NBG6616 to access network resources. You can
use WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) to create an instant network connection with another WPS-
compatible device.
WAN. Connect to a broadband modem/router for Internet access.
1.3 Ways to Manage the NBG6616
Use any of the following methods to manage the NBG6616.
WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup). You can use the WPS button or the WPS section of the Web
Configurator to set up a wireless network with your NBG6616.
Web Configurator. This is recommended for everyday management of the NBG6616 using a
(supported) web browser.
Chapter 1 Introduction
NBG6616 User’s Guide
1.4 Good Habits for Managing the NBG6616
Do the following things regularly to make the NBG6616 more secure and to manage the NBG6616
more effectively.
Change the password. Use a password that’s not easy to guess and that consists of different
types of characters, such as numbers and letters.
Write down the password and put it in a safe place.
Back up the configuration (and make sure you know how to restore it). Restoring an earlier
working configuration may be useful if the device becomes unstable or even crashes. If you
forget your password, you will have to reset the NBG6616 to its factory default settings. If you
backed up an earlier configuration file, you would not have to totally re-configure the NBG6616.
You could simply restore your last configuration.
1.5 Resetting the NBG6616
If you forget your password or IP address, or you cannot access the Web Configurator, you will need
to use the RESET button at the back of the NBG6616 to reload the factory-default configuration
file. This means that you will lose all configurations that you had previously saved, the password
will be reset to “1234” and the IP address will be reset to “”.
1.5.1 How to Use the RESET Button
1 Make sure the power LED is on.
2 Press the RESET button for one to four seconds to restart/reboot the NBG6616.
3 Press the RESET button for longer than five seconds to set the NBG6616 back to its factory-default
1.6 The WPS Button
Your NBG6616 supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), which is an easy way to set up a secure
wireless network. WPS is an industry standard specification, defined by the Wi-Fi Alliance.
WPS allows you to quickly set up a wireless network with strong security, without having to
configure security settings manually. Each WPS connection works between two devices. Both
devices must support WPS (check each device’s documentation to make sure).
Depending on the devices you have, you can either press a button (on the device itself, or in its
configuration utility) or enter a PIN (a unique Personal Identification Number that allows one device
to authenticate the other) in each of the two devices. When WPS is activated on a device, it has two
minutes to find another device that also has WPS activated. Then, the two devices connect and set
up a secure network by themselves.
You can use the WPS button ( ) on the front panel of the NBG6616 to activate WPS in order to
quickly set up a wireless network with strong security.
Chapter 1 Introduction
NBG6616 User’s Guide
1 Make sure the power LED is on (not blinking).
2 Press the WPS button for more than three seconds and release it. Press the WPS button on another
WPS-enabled device within range of the NBG6616.
Note: You must activate WPS in the NBG6616 and in another wireless device within two
minutes of each other.
For more information on using WPS, see Section 8.2 on page 56.
1.7 LEDs
Figure 1 Front Panel
The following table describes the LEDs.
Table 1 Front panel LEDs
Power Green On The NBG6616 is receiving power and functioning properly.
Blinking The NBG6616 is in the process of starting up or default
Off The NBG6616 is not receiving power.
LAN 1-4
USB 1/2
WPS Button
Chapter 1 Introduction
NBG6616 User’s Guide
1.8 Wall Mounting
You may need screw anchors if mounting on a concrete or brick wall.
1 Select a position free of obstructions on a wall strong enough to hold the weight of the device.
2 Mark two holes on the wall at the appropriate distance apart for the screws.
Be careful to avoid damaging pipes or cables located inside the wall
when drilling holes for the screws.
3 If using screw anchors, drill two holes for the screw anchors into the wall. Push the anchors into the
full depth of the holes, then insert the screws into the anchors. Do not insert the screws all the way
in - leave a small gap of about 0.5 cm.
If not using screw anchors, use a screwdriver to insert the screws into the wall. Do not insert the
screws all the way in - leave a gap of about 0.5 cm.
4 Make sure the screws are fastened well enough to hold the weight of the NBG6616 with the
connection cables.
WAN Green On The NBG6616’s WAN connection is ready.
Blinking The NBG6616 is sending/receiving data through the WAN.
Off The WAN connection is not ready, or has failed.
LAN 1-4 Green On The NBG6616’s LAN connection is ready.
Blinking The NBG6616 is sending/receiving data through the LAN.
Off The LAN connection is not ready, or has failed.
2.4G/5G WLAN Green On The NBG6616 is ready and the 2.4GHz/5GHz wireless LAN is on,
but is not sending/receiving data through the wireless LAN.
Blinking The NBG6616 is sending/receiving data through the wireless
Off The wireless LAN is not ready or has failed.
WPS Green On WPS is enabled.
Blinking The NBG6616 is negotiating a WPS connection with a wireless
Off WPS is disabled.
USB 1/2 Green On The NBG6616 has a USB device installed.
Blinking The NBG6616 is transmitting and/or receiving data from routers
through an installed USB device.
Off There is no USB device connected to the NBG6616.
Table 1 Front panel LEDs (continued)
Table 2 Wall Mounting Information
Distance between holes 13 cm
M4 Screws Two
Screw anchors (optional) Two
Chapter 1 Introduction
NBG6616 User’s Guide
5 Align the holes on the back of the NBG6616 with the screws on the wall. Hang the NBG6616 on the
Figure 2 Wall Mounting Example
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Introducing the Web Configurator
2.1 Overview
This chapter describes how to access the NBG6616 Web Configurator and provides an overview of
its screens.
The Web Configurator is an HTML-based management interface that allows easy setup and
management of the NBG6616 via Internet browser. Use Internet Explorer 9.0 and later versions,
Mozilla Firefox 21 and later versions, Safari 6.0 and later versions or Google Chrome 26.0 and later
versions. The recommended screen resolution is 1024 by 768 pixels.
In order to use the Web Configurator you need to allow:
Web browser pop-up windows from your device. Web pop-up blocking is enabled by default in
Windows XP SP (Service Pack) 2.
JavaScript (enabled by default).
Java permissions (enabled by default).
Refer to the Troubleshooting chapter (Chapter 26 on page 182) to see how to make sure these
functions are allowed in Internet Explorer.
2.2 Accessing the Web Configurator
1 Make sure your NBG6616 hardware is properly connected and prepare your computer or computer
network to connect to the NBG6616 (refer to the Quick Start Guide).
2 Launch your web browser.
3 The NBG6616 is in router mode by default. Type "" as the website address.
If the NBG6616 is in access point, the IP address is See Chapter 4 on page 30 for
more information about the modes of the NBG6616.
Your computer must be in the same subnet in order to access this website address.
2.2.1 Login Screen
Note: If this is the first time you are accessing the Web Configurator, you may be
redirected to the Wizard. Refer to Chapter 3 on page 20 for the Connection Wizard
The Web Configurator initially displays the following login screen.
Chapter 2 Introducing the Web Configurator
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 3 Login screen
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
2.2.2 Password Screen
You should see a screen asking you to change your password (highly recommended) as shown
Figure 4 Change Password Screen
Table 3 Login screen
Language Select the language you want to use to configure the Web Configurator.
Password Type "1234" (default) as the password. Click Login.
This shows the current weather, either in celsius or fahrenheit, of the city you specify in
Section on page 19.
This shows the time (hh:mm:ss) and date (yyyy:mm:dd) of the timezone you select in
Section 25.5 on page 174. The time is in 24-hour format, for example 15:00 is 3:00 PM.
Chapter 2 Introducing the Web Configurator
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Note: The management session automatically times out when the time period set in the
Administrator Inactivity Timer field expires (default five minutes; go to Chapter
25 on page 172 to change this). Simply log back into the NBG6616 if this happens. Weather Edit
You can change the temperature unit and select the location for which you want to know the
Click the icon to change the Weather display.
Figure 5 Change Weather
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 4 Change Password Screen
New Password Type a new password.
Retype to Confirm Retype the password for confirmation.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Ignore Click Ignore if you do not want to change the password this time.
Table 5 Change Weather
Change Unit Choose which temperature unit you want the NBG6616 to display.
Change Location Select the location for which you want to know the weather. If the city you want is not
listed, choose one that is closest to it.
Finish Click this to apply the settings and refresh the date and time display.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Connection Wizard
3.1 Overview
This chapter provides information on the wizard setup screens in the Web Configurator.
The Web Configurator’s wizard setup helps you configure your device to access the Internet. Refer
to your ISP for your Internet account information. Leave a field blank if you don’t have that
3.2 Accessing the Wizard
Launch your web browser and type "" as the website address. Type "1234"
(default) as the password and click Login.
Note: The Wizard appears when the NBG6616 is accessed for the first time or when you
reset the NBG6616 to its default factory settings.
The Wizard screen opens. Choose your Language and click Connect to Internet.
Figure 6 Welcome
Chapter 3 Connection Wizard
NBG6616 User’s Guide
3.3 Connect to Internet
The NBG6616 offers two Internet connection types. They are IPoE or PPPoE. The wizard attempts
to detect which WAN connection type you are using.
Figure 7 Detecting your Internet Connection Type
If the wizard does not detect a connection type, you must select one from the drop-down list box.
Check with your ISP to make sure you use the correct type.
Note: If you get an error message, check your hardware connections. Make sure your
Internet connection is up and running.
The following screen depends on your Internet connection type. Enter the details provided by your
Internet Service Provider (ISP) in the fields (if any).
Chapter 3 Connection Wizard
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 8 Internet Connection Type
Your NBG6616 detects the following Internet Connection type.
3.3.1 Connection Type: IPoE
Choose IPoE as the Internet Connection Type when the WAN port is used as a regular Ethernet.
Click Next.
Table 6 Internet Connection Type
IPoE Select the IPoE (IP over Ethernet) option when the WAN port is used as a regular
Select the PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) option for a dial-up
Chapter 3 Connection Wizard
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 9 Internet Connection Type: IPoE
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Note: If you get an error screen after clicking Next, you might have selected the wrong
Internet Connection type. Click Back, make sure your Internet connection is
working and select the right Connection Type. Contact your ISP if you are not sure
of your Internet Connection type.
Table 7 Internet Connection Type: IPoE
Internet Connection Type Select the IPoE option.
Obtain an IP Address
Select this radio button if your ISP did not assign you a fixed IP address.
Static IP Address Select this radio button if your ISP assigned an IP address for your Internet
IP Address Enter the IP address provided by your ISP.
Subnet Mask Enter the IP subnet mask in this field.
Gateway IP Address Enter the gateway IP address in this field.
First DNS Server
Second DNS Server
Select Obtained From ISP if your ISP dynamically assigns DNS server
information (and the NBG6616's WAN IP address). The field to the right displays
the (read-only) DNS server IP address that the ISP assigns.
Select User-Defined if you have the IP address of a DNS server. Enter the DNS
server's IP address in the field to the right.
Select None if you do not want to configure DNS servers. If you do not configure
a DNS server, you must know the IP address of a computer in order to access it.
Exit Click this to close the wizard screen without saving.
Back Click this to return to the previous screen.
Next Click this to continue.
Chapter 3 Connection Wizard
NBG6616 User’s Guide
3.3.2 Connection Type: PPPoE
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) functions as a dial-up connection. PPPoE is an IETF
(Internet Engineering Task Force) standard specifying how a host personal computer interacts with
a broadband modem (for example DSL, cable, wireless, etc.) to achieve access to high-speed data
For the service provider, PPPoE offers an access and authentication method that works with existing
access control systems (for instance, RADIUS).
One of the benefits of PPPoE is the ability to let end users access one of multiple network services,
a function known as dynamic service selection. This enables the service provider to easily create
and offer new IP services for specific users.
Operationally, PPPoE saves significant effort for both the subscriber and the ISP/carrier, as it
requires no specific configuration of the broadband modem at the subscriber's site.
By implementing PPPoE directly on the NBG6616 (rather than individual computers), the computers
on the LAN do not need PPPoE software installed, since the NBG6616 does that part of the task.
Furthermore, with NAT, all of the LAN's computers will have Internet access.
Figure 10
Internet Connection Type: PPPoE
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 8 Internet Connection Type: PPPoE
Connection Type
Select the PPPoE option for a dial-up connection.
Get automatically
from ISP
Select this radio button if your ISP did not assign you a fixed IP address.
Use Fixed IP
Select this radio button, provided by your ISP to give the NBG6616 a fixed, unique IP
Chapter 3 Connection Wizard
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The NBG6616 connects to the Internet.
Figure 11 Connecting to the Internet
Note: If the Wizard successfully connects to the Internet, it proceeds to the next step. If
you get an error message, go back to the previous screen and make sure you have
entered the correct information provided by your ISP.
3.4 Router Password
Change the login password in the following screen. Enter the new password and retype it to
confirm. Click Next to proceed with the Wireless Security screen.
PPP Username Type the user name given to you by your ISP.
PPP Password Type the password associated with the user name above.
My WAN IP Address Type the name of your service provider.
Exit Click this to close the wizard screen without saving.
Back Click this to return to the previous screen.
Next Click this to continue.
Table 8 Internet Connection Type: PPPoE (continued)
Chapter 3 Connection Wizard
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 12 Router Password
3.5 Wireless Security
Configure Wireless Settings. Configure the wireless network settings on your NBG6616 in the
following screen. The fields that show up depend on the kind of security you select.
3.5.1 Wireless Security: No Security
Choose No Security in the Wireless Security screen to let wireless devices within range access
your wireless network.
Chapter 3 Connection Wizard
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 13 Wireless Security: No Security
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
3.5.2 Wireless Security: WPA2-PSK
Choose WPA2-PSK security in the Wireless Security screen to set up a password for your wireless
Table 9 Wireless Security: No Security
Network Name
Enter a descriptive name (up to 32 printable 7-bit ASCII characters) for the wireless LAN.
Note: The setting here applies to both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz wireless radios.
If you change this field on the NBG6616, make sure all wireless stations use the same SSID
in order to access the network.
Security Mode Select a security level from the drop-down list box.
Note: The setting here applies to both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz wireless radios.
Choose No Security to have no wireless LAN security configured. If you do not enable any
wireless security on your NBG6616, your network is accessible to any wireless networking
device that is within range.
Exit Click this to close the wizard screen without saving.
Back Click this to return to the previous screen.
Next Click this to continue.
Chapter 3 Connection Wizard
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 14 Wireless Security: WPA2-PSK
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Congratulations! Open a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, to visit your favorite website.
Note: If you cannot access the Internet when your computer is connected to one of the
NBG6616’s LAN ports, check your connections. Then turn the NBG6616 off, wait for
a few seconds then turn it back on. If that does not work, log in to the web
configurator again and check you have typed all information correctly. See the
User’s Guide for more suggestions.
Table 10 Wireless Security: WPA2-PSK
Network Name
Enter a descriptive name (up to 32 printable 7-bit ASCII characters) for the wireless LAN.
Note: The setting here applies to both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz wireless radios.
If you change this field on the NBG6616, make sure all wireless stations use the same SSID
in order to access the network.
Security Mode Select a security level from the drop-down list box.
Note: The setting here applies to both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz wireless radios.
Choose WPA2-PSK security to configure a Pre-Shared Key. Choose this option only if your
wireless clients support WPA2-PSK.
Type from 8 to 63 case-sensitive ASCII characters. You can set up the most secure wireless
connection by configuring WPA in the wireless LAN screens.
Verify Password Retype the password to confirm.
Exit Click this to close the wizard screen without saving.
Back Click this to return to the previous screen.
Next Click this to continue.
Chapter 3 Connection Wizard
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 15 Congratulations
You can also click GO to open the Easy Mode Web Configurator of your NBG6616.
You have successfully set up your NBG6616 to operate on your network and access the Internet.
You are now ready to connect wirelessly to your NBG6616 and access the Internet.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
NBG6616 Modes
4.1 Overview
This chapter introduces the different modes available on your NBG6616. First, the term “mode”
refers to two things in this User’s Guide.
Web Configurator mode. This refers to the Web Configurator interface you want to use for
editing NBG6616 features.
Device mode. This is the operating mode of your NBG6616, or simply how the NBG6616 is
being used in the network.
4.1.1 Web Configurator Modes
This refers to the configuration interface of the Web Configurator, which has two modes:
Easy: The Web Configurator shows this mode by default. Refer to Chapter 5 on page 31 for more
information on the screens in this mode. This interface may be sufficient for users who just want
to use the device.
Expert: Advanced users can change to this mode to customize all the functions of the NBG6616.
Click Expert Mode after logging into the Web Configurator. The User’s Guide Chapter 2 on page
17 through Chapter 25 on page 180 discusses the screens in this mode.
4.1.2 Device Modes
This refers to the operating mode of the NBG6616, which can act as a:
Router: This is the default device mode of the NBG6616. Use this mode to connect the local
network to another network, like the Internet. Go to Section 6.2 on page 42 to view the Status
screen in this mode.
Access Point: Use this mode if you want to extend your network by allowing network devices to
connect to the NBG6616 wirelessly. Go to Section 7.4 on page 51 to view the Status screen in
this mode.
For more information on these modes and to change the mode of your NBG6616, refer to Chapter
25 on page 180.
The menu for changing device modes is available in Expert Mode only.
Note: Choose your device mode carefully to avoid having to change it later.
When changing to another mode, the IP address of the NBG6616 changes. The running applications
and services of the network devices connected to the NBG6616 can be interrupted.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Easy Mode
5.1 Overview
The Web Configurator is set to Easy Mode by default. You can configure several key features of the
NBG6616 in this mode. This mode is useful to users who are not fully familiar with some features
that are usually intended for network administrators.
When you log in to the Web Configurator, the following screen opens.
Figure 16 Easy Mode: Network Map
Click Status to open the following screen.
Network Map
Control Panel
Go to
Navigation Panel
Chapter 5 Easy Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 17 Easy Mode: Status Screen
5.2 What You Can Do
You can do the following in this mode:
•Use this Navigation Panel to opt out of the Easy mode (Section 5.4 on page 32).
•Use the Network Map screen to check if your NBG6616 can ping the gateway and whether it is
connected to the Internet (Section 5.5 on page 33).
•Use the Control Panel to configure and enable NBG6616 features, including wireless security,
wireless scheduling and bandwidth management and so on (Section 5.6 on page 34).
•Use the Status Screen to view read-only information about the NBG6616, including the WAN IP,
MAC address of the NBG6616 and the firmware version (Section 5.7 on page 40).
5.3 What You Need to Know
Between the different device modes, the Control Panel (Section 5.6 on page 34) changes
depending on which features are applicable to the mode:
Router Mode: All Control Panel features are available.
Access Point Mode: Only Power Saving and Wireless Security are available.
5.4 Navigation Panel
Use this navigation panel to opt out of the Easy mode.
Control Panel
Status Screen
Go to
Navigation Panel
Chapter 5 Easy Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 18 Control Panel
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
5.5 Network Map
Note: The Network MAP is viewable by Windows XP (need to install patch), Windows
Vista and Windows 7 users only. For Windows XP (Service Pack 2) users, you can
see the network devices connected to the NBG6616 by downloading the LLTD (Link
Layer Topology Discovery) patch from the Microsoft Website.
Note: Don’t worry if the Network Map does not display in your web browser. This feature
may not be supported by your system. You can still configure the Control Panel
(Section 5.6 on page 34) in the Easy Mode and the NBG6616 features that you
want to use in the Expert Mode.
When you log into the Web Configurator, the Network Map is shown as follows.
Figure 19 Network Map
Table 11 Control Panel
Home Click this to go to the Login page.
Expert Mode Click this to change to Expert Mode and customize features of the NBG6616.
Logout Click this to end the Web Configurator session.
Chapter 5 Easy Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The line connecting the NBG6616 to the gateway becomes green when the NBG6616 is able to ping
the gateway. It becomes red when the ping initiating from the NBG6616 does not get a response
from the gateway. The same rule applies to the line connecting the gateway to the Internet.
You can also view the devices (represented by icons indicating the kind of network device, such as
android device, apple device or Windows OS) connected to the NBG6616, including those
connecting wirelessly. Click the Refresh button or right-click on the NBG6616 icon to refresh the
network map and go to the Wizard. Click on a device icon and select to view information about the
device, block or allow the device’s access to the NBG6616, or view the parental control rules.
5.6 Control Panel
The features configurable in Easy Mode are shown in the Control Panel.
Figure 20 Control Panel
Switch ON to enable the feature. Otherwise, switch OFF. If the feature is turned on, the green light
flashes. If it is turned off, the red light flashes.
Additionally, click the feature to open a screen where you can edit its settings.
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 12 Control Panel
Game Engine Switch ON to maximize bandwidth for gaming traffic in your network. Otherwise,
switch OFF.
Refer to Section 5.6.1 on page 35 to see this screen.
Power Saving Click this to schedule the wireless feature of the NBG6616.
Disabling the wireless function helps lower the energy consumption of the
Switch ON to apply wireless scheduling. Otherwise, switch OFF.
Refer to Section 5.6.2 on page 35 to see this screen.
Parental Control Click this to restrict access to certain websites, based on keywords contained in
URLs, to which you do not want users in your network to open.
Switch ON to apply website filtering. Otherwise, switch OFF.
Refer to Section 5.6.3 on page 36 to see this screen.
Bandwidth MGMT Click this to edit bandwidth management for predefined applications.
Switch ON to have the NBG6616 management bandwidth for uplink and downlink
traffic according to an application or service. Otherwise, switch OFF.
Refer to Section 5.6.4 on page 37 to see this screen.
Chapter 5 Easy Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
5.6.1 Game Engine
When this feature is enabled, the NBG6616 maximizes the bandwidth for gaming traffic that
it forwards out through an interface.
Figure 21 Game Engine
Note: When this is switched on, the Game Console tab in the Bandwidth Mgmt screen
is automatically positioned on top.
Turn this off if your network is not using gaming.
Click OK to close this screen.
5.6.2 Power Saving
Use this screen to set the day of the week and time of the day when your wireless LAN is turned on
and off. Wireless LAN scheduling is disabled by default.
Disabling the wireless capability lowers the energy consumption of the of the NBG6616.
Firewall Switch ON to ensure that your network is protected from Denial of Service (DoS)
attacks. Otherwise, switch OFF.
Refer to Section 5.6.5 on page 38 to see this screen.
Wireless Security Click this to configure the wireless security, such as SSID, security mode and WPS
key on your NBG6616.
Refer to Section 5.6.6 on page 38 to see this screen.
Table 12 Control Panel (continued)
Chapter 5 Easy Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 22 Power Saving
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
5.6.3 Parental Control
Use this screen to view the parental control rules configured on the NBG6616. See Chapter 19 on
page 136 for how to enable and configure parental control rules.
Table 13 Power Saving
Wireless Radio Choose whether you want to apply the power saving schedule to 2.4G Hz or 5G Hz
wireless radio.
WLAN Status Select On or Off to specify whether the Wireless LAN is turned on or off (depending on
what you selected in the WLAN Status field). This field works in conjunction with the
Day and For the following times fields.
Day Select Everyday or the specific days to turn the Wireless LAN on or off.
If you select Everyday you can not select any specific days. This field works in
conjunction with the For the following times field.
For the following
times (24-Hour
Select a begin time using the first set of hour and minute (min) drop down boxes and
select an end time using the second set of hour and minute (min) drop down boxes. If
you have chosen On earlier for the WLAN Status the Wireless LAN will turn on between
the two times you enter in these fields. If you have chosen Off earlier for the WLAN
Status the Wireless LAN will turn off between the two times you enter in these fields.
In this time format, midnight is 00:00 and progresses up to 24:00. For example, 6:00
PM is 18:00.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to close this screen without saving any changes.
Chapter 5 Easy Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 23 Parental Control
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
5.6.4 Bandwidth MGMT
Use this screen to set bandwidth allocation to pre-defined services and applications for bandwidth
The NBG6616 uses bandwidth management for incoming and outgoing traffic. Rank the services
and applications by dragging them accordingly from High to Low and click Apply. Click Cancel to
close the screen.
Table 14 Parental Control
Status This indicates whether the rule is active or not.
A yellow bulb signifies that this rule is active. A gray bulb signifies that this rule is not
Network User
This shows the MAC address of the LAN user’s computer to which this rule applies.
Internet Access
This shows the day(s) and time when parental controls are enabled.
Network Service This shows whether the network service is configured. If not, NONE will be shown.
Website Blocked This shows whether the website block is configured. If not, NONE will be shown.
Chapter 5 Easy Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 24 Bandwidth MGNT
5.6.5 Firewall
Enable this feature to protect the network from Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. The NBG6616
blocks repetitive pings from the WAN that can otherwise cause systems to slow down or hang. See
Chapter 17 on page 129 for how to enable and configure firewall rules.
Figure 25 Firewall
Click OK to close this screen.
5.6.6 Wireless Security
Use this screen to configure security for your the wireless LAN. You can enter the SSID and select
the wireless security mode in the following screen.
Chapter 5 Easy Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Note: You can enable the wireless function of your NBG6616 by first turning on the switch
in the back panel.
Figure 26 Wireless Security
The following table describes the general wireless LAN labels in this screen.
5.6.7 WPS
Use this screen to add a wireless station to the network using WPS. Click WPS in the Wireless
Security to open the following screen.
Table 15 Wireless Security
Wireless Radio Choose whether you want to apply the wireless security to 2.4G Hz or 5G Hz wireless
Network Name
(Service Set IDentity) The SSID identifies the Service Set with which a wireless station is
associated. Wireless stations associating to the access point (AP) must have the same
SSID. Enter a descriptive name (up to 32 keyboard characters) for the wireless LAN.
Security mode Select WPA2-PSK to add security on this wireless network. The wireless clients which
want to associate to this network must have same wireless security settings as this device.
After you select to use a security, additional options appears in this screen.
Select No Security to allow any client to connect to this network without authentication.
This field appears when you choose wither WPA2-PSK as the security mode.
Type a pre-shared key from 8 to 63 case-sensitive keyboard characters.
Verify password Type the password again to confirm.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to close this screen.
WPS Click this to configure the WPS screen.
You can transfer the wireless settings configured here (Wireless Security screen) to
another wireless device that supports WPS.
Chapter 5 Easy Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 27 Wireless Security: WPS
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
5.7 Status Screen in Easy Mode
In the Network Map screen, click Status to view read-only information about the NBG6616.
Table 16 Wireless Security: WPS
Wireless Security Click this to go back to the Wireless Security screen.
WPS Create a secure wireless network simply by pressing a button.
The NBG6616 scans for a WPS-enabled device within the range and performs wireless
security information synchronization.
Note: After you click the WPS button on this screen, you have to press a similar button in
the wireless station utility within 2 minutes. To add the second wireless station, you
have to press these buttons on both device and the wireless station again after the
first 2 minutes.
Register Create a secure wireless network simply by entering a wireless client's PIN (Personal
Identification Number) in the NBG6616’s interface and pushing this button.
Type the same PIN number generated in the wireless station’s utility. Then click Register
to associate to each other and perform the wireless security information synchronization.
Exit Click Exit to close this screen.
Chapter 5 Easy Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 28 Status Screen in Easy Mode
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 17 Status Screen in Easy Mode
Name This is the name of the NBG6616 in the network. You can change this in the
Maintenance > General screen in Section 25.3 on page 172.
Time This is the current system date and time.
The date is in YYYY:MM:DD (Year-Month-Day) format. The time is in HH:MM:SS
(Hour:Minutes:Seconds) format.
WAN IP This is the IP address of the WAN port.
MAC Address This is the MAC address of the NBG6616.
Firmware Version This shows the firmware version of the NBG6616.
The firmware version format shows the trunk version, model code and release
Wireless 2.4G Network
Name (SSID)
Wireless 5G Network
Name (SSID)
This shows the SSID of the wireless network. You can configure this in the Wireless
Security screen (Section 5.6.6 on page 38; Section 11.2 on page 89).
Security This shows the wireless security used by the NBG6616.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Router Mode
6.1 Overview
The NBG6616 is set to router mode by default. Routers are used to connect the local network to
another network (for example, the Internet). In the figure below, the NBG6616 connects the local
network (LAN1 ~ LAN4) to the Internet.
Figure 29 NBG6616 Network
Note: The Status screen is shown after changing to the Expert Mode of the Web
Configurator. It varies depending on the device mode of your NBG6616.
6.2 Router Mode Status Screen
Click to open the status screen.
Chapter 6 Router Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 30 Status Screen: Router Mode
The following table describes the icons shown in the Status screen.
Table 18 Status Screen Icon Key
Logout Click this at any time to exit the Web Configurator.
Click this icon to view copyright and a link for related product information.
Click this icon to go to Easy Mode. See Chapter 5 on page 31.
Select a number of seconds or None from the drop-down list box to refresh all screen statistics
automatically at the end of every time interval or to not refresh the screen statistics.
Click this button to refresh the status screen statistics.
Chapter 6 Router Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels shown in the Status screen.
Click this icon to see the Status page. The information in this screen depends on the device
mode you select.
Click this icon to see the Monitor navigation menu.
Click this icon to see the Configuration navigation menu.
Click this icon to see the Maintenance navigation menu.
Table 18 Status Screen Icon Key (continued)
Table 19 Status Screen: Router Mode
Device Information
Host Name This is the System Name you enter in the Maintenance > General screen. It is for
identification purposes.
Model Number This is the model name of your device.
Firmware Version This is the firmware version and the date created.
Sys OP Mode This is the device mode (Section 4.1.2 on page 30) to which the NBG6616 is set - Router
WAN Information
MAC Address This shows the WAN Ethernet adapter MAC Address of your device.
IP Address This shows the WAN port’s IP address.
IP Subnet Mask This shows the WAN port’s subnet mask.
Default Gateway This shows the WAN port’s gateway IP address.
IPv6 Address This shows the IPv6 address of the NBG6616 on the WAN.
LAN Information
MAC Address This shows the LAN Ethernet adapter MAC Address of your device.
IP Address This shows the LAN port’s IP address.
IP Subnet Mask This shows the LAN ports subnet mask.
DHCP This shows the LAN port’s DHCP role - Server or Disable.
IPv6 Address This shows the IPv6 address of the NBG6616 on the LAN.
WLAN 2.4G Information
WLAN OP Mode This is the device mode (Section 4.1.2 on page 30) to which the NBG6616’s wireless LAN is
set - Access Point Mode.
MAC Address This shows the 2.4GHz wireless adapter MAC Address of your device.
SSID This shows a descriptive name used to identify the NBG6616 in the 2.4GHz wireless LAN.
Channel This shows the channel number which you select manually.
Security This shows the level of wireless security the NBG6616 is using.
WLAN 5G Information
MAC Address This shows the 5GHz wireless adapter MAC Address of your device.
SSID This shows a descriptive name used to identify the NBG6616 in the 5GHz wireless LAN.
Channel This shows the channel number which you select manually.
Security This shows the level of wireless security the NBG6616 is using.
Chapter 6 Router Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
6.2.1 Navigation Panel
Use the sub-menus on the navigation panel to configure NBG6616 features.
Firewall This shows whether the firewall is enabled or not.
Packet Statistics Click Details... to go to the Monitor > Packet Statistics screen (Section 9.5 on page 71).
Use this screen to view port status and packet specific statistics.
WLAN 2.4G Station
Click Details... to go to the Monitor > WLAN 2.4G Station Status screen (Section 9.6 on
page 72). Use this screen to view the wireless stations that are currently associated to the
NBG6616’s 2.4GHz wireless LAN.
WLAN 5G Station Status Click Details... to go to the Monitor > WLAN 5G Station Status screen (Section 9.6 on
page 72). Use this screen to view the wireless stations that are currently associated to the
NBG6616’s 5GHz wireless LAN.
System Status
Item This column shows the type of data the NBG6616 is recording.
Data This column shows the actual data recorded by the NBG6616.
System Up Time This is the total time the NBG6616 has been on.
Current Date/Time This field displays your NBG6616’s present date and time.
System Resource
- CPU Usage This displays what percentage of the NBG6616’s processing ability is currently used. When
this percentage is close to 100%, the NBG6616 is running at full load, and the throughput is
not going to improve anymore. If you want some applications to have more throughput, you
should turn off other applications (for example, using bandwidth management.)
- Memory Usage This shows what percentage of the heap memory the NBG6616 is using.
Interface Status
Interface This displays the NBG6616 port types. The port types are: WAN, LAN and WLAN.
Status For the LAN and WAN ports, this field displays Down (line is down) or Up (line is up or
For the 2.4GHz/5GHz WLAN, it displays Up when the 2.4GHz/5GHz WLAN is enabled or
Down when the 2.4G/5G WLAN is disabled.
Rate For the LAN ports, this displays the port speed and duplex setting or N/A when the line is
For the WAN port, it displays the port speed and duplex setting if you’re using Ethernet
encapsulation. This field displays N/A when the line is disconnected.
For the 2.4GHz/5GHz WLAN, it displays the maximum transmission rate when the 2.4GHz/
5GHz WLAN is enabled and N/A when the WLAN is disabled.
Table 19 Status Screen: Router Mode (continued)
Chapter 6 Router Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 31 Navigation Panel: Router Mode
The following table describes the sub-menus.
Table 20 Navigation Panel: Router Mode
Status This screen shows the NBG6616’s general device, system and interface
status information. Use this screen to access the wizard, and summary
statistics tables.
Log Use this screen to view the list of activities recorded by your NBG6616.
DHCP Table Use this screen to view current DHCP client information.
Packet Statistics Use this screen to view port status and packet specific statistics.
Station Status
Use this screen to view the wireless stations that are currently associated
to the NBG6616’s 2.4GHz wireless LAN.
Station Status
Use this screen to view the wireless stations that are currently associated
to the NBG6616’s 5GHz wireless LAN.
WAN Internet
This screen allows you to configure ISP parameters, WAN IP address
assignment, DNS servers and the WAN MAC address.
Advanced Use this screen to configure other advanced properties.
Chapter 6 Router Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Wireless LAN
General Use this screen to enable the wireless LAN and configure wireless LAN and
wireless security settings.
More AP Use this screen to configure multiple BSSs on the NBG6616.
MAC Filter Use the MAC filter screen to configure the NBG6616 to block access to
devices or block the devices from accessing the NBG6616.
Advanced This screen allows you to configure advanced wireless settings.
QoS Use this screen to configure Wi-Fi Multimedia Quality of Service (WMM
QoS). WMM QoS allows you to prioritize wireless traffic according to the
delivery requirements of individual services.
WPS Use this screen to configure WPS.
WPS Station Use this screen to add a wireless station using WPS.
Scheduling Use this screen to schedule the times the Wireless LAN is enabled.
LAN IP Use this screen to configure LAN IP address and subnet mask.
IP Alias Use this screen to have the NBG6616 apply IP alias to create LAN subnets.
IPv6 LAN Use this screen to configure the IPv6 address for the NBG6616 on the LAN.
DHCP Server General Use this screen to enable the NBG6616’s DHCP server.
Advanced Use this screen to assign IP addresses to specific individual computers
based on their MAC addresses and to have DNS servers assigned by the
DHCP server.
Client List Use this screen to view information related to your DHCP status.
NAT General Use this screen to enable NAT.
Use this screen to configure servers behind the NBG6616 and forward
incoming service requests to the server(s) on your local network.
Port Trigger Use this screen to change your NBG6616’s port triggering settings.
Dynamic DNS Use this screen to set up dynamic DNS.
Static Route Static Route Use this screen to configure IP static routes.
Firewall General Use this screen to activate/deactivate the firewall.
Services This screen shows a summary of the firewall rules, and allows you to edit/
add a firewall rule.
Content Filter Use this screen to restrict web features and designate a trusted computer.
Use this screen to block certain web features and sites containing certain
keywords in the URL.
IPv6 firewall Services Use this screen to configure IPv6 firewall rules.
General Use this screen to enable bandwidth management.
Advanced Use this screen to set the upstream bandwidth and edit a bandwidth
management rule.
WWW Use this screen to configure through which interface(s) and from which IP
address(es) users can use HTTP to manage the NBG6616.
Telnet Use this screen to configure through which interface(s) and from which IP
address(es) users can use Telnet to manage the NBG6616.
Wake On LAN Use this screen to enable Wake on LAN to remotely turn on a device on the
local network.
Table 20 Navigation Panel: Router Mode (continued)
Chapter 6 Router Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
UPnP UPnP Use this screen to enable UPnP on the NBG6616.
USB Media
DLNA Use this screen to have the NBG6616 function as a DLNA-compliant media
server, that lets DLNA-compliant media clients play video, audio, and photo
content files stored on the connected USB storage device.
SAMBA Use this screen to enable file sharing through the NBG6616.
FTP Use this screen to have the NBG6616 act as a FTP server.
General General Use this screen to view and change administrative settings such as system
and domain names.
Password Password
Use this screen to change the password of your NBG6616.
Time Time Setting Use this screen to change your NBG6616’s time and date.
Use this screen to upload firmware to your NBG6616.
Use this screen to backup and restore the configuration or reset the factory
defaults to your NBG6616.
Restart System
This screen allows you to reboot the NBG6616 without turning the power
Language Language This screen allows you to select the language you prefer.
Sys OP Mode Sys OP Mode This screen allows you to select whether your device acts as a router, or an
access point.
Table 20 Navigation Panel: Router Mode (continued)
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Access Point Mode
7.1 Overview
Use your NBG6616 as an access point (AP) if you already have a router or gateway on your
network. In this mode your NBG6616 bridges a wired network (LAN) and wireless LAN (WLAN) in
the same subnet. See the figure below for an example.
Figure 32 Wireless Internet Access in Access Point Mode
Many screens that are available in Router Mode are not available in Access Point Mode, such as
bandwidth management and firewall.
7.2 What You Can Do
•Use the Status screen to view read-only information about your NBG6616 (Section 7.4 on page
•Use the LAN screen to set the IP address for your NBG6616 acting as an access point (Section
7.5 on page 53).
7.3 What You Need to Know
See Chapter 8 on page 56 for a tutorial on setting up a network with the NBG6616 as an access
Chapter 7 Access Point Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
7.3.1 Setting your NBG6616 to AP Mode
1 Log into the Web Configurator if you haven’t already. See the Quick start Guide for instructions on
how to do this.
2 To use your NBG6616 as an access point, go to Maintenance > Sys OP Mode and select Access
Point Mode.
Figure 33 Changing to Access Point mode
Note: You have to log in to the Web Configurator again when you change modes. As soon
as you do, your NBG6616 is already in Access Point mode.
3 When you select Access Point Mode, the following pop-up message window appears.
Figure 34 Pop up for Access Point mode
Click OK. Then click Apply. The Web Configurator refreshes once the change to Access Point mode
is successful.
7.3.2 Accessing the Web Configurator in Access Point Mode
Log in to the Web Configurator in Access Point mode, do the following:
1 Connect your computer to the LAN port of the NBG6616.
2 The default IP address of the NBG6616 is “”. In this case, your computer must have an
IP address in the range between “” and “
3 Click Start > Run on your computer in Windows. Type “cmd” in the dialog box. Enter “ipconfig” to
show your computer’s IP address. If your computers IP address is not in the correct range then see
Appendix B on page 198 for information on changing your computer’s IP address.
4 After you’ve set your computer’s IP address, open a web browser such as Internet Explorer and
type “” as the web address in your web browser.
Chapter 7 Access Point Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Note: After clicking Login, the Easy Mode appears. Refer to Section on page 31 for the
Easy Mode screens. Change to Expert Mode to see the screens described in the
sections following this.
7.3.3 Configuring your WLAN and Maintenance Settings
The configuration of wireless and maintenance settings in Access Point Mode is the same as for
Router Mode.
•See Chapter 11 on page 84 for information on the configuring your wireless network.
•See Chapter 25 on page 172 for information on configuring your Maintenance settings.
7.4 AP Mode Status Screen
Click to open the Status screen.
Figure 35 Status Screen: Access Point Mode
Chapter 7 Access Point Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels shown in the Status screen.
Table 21 Status Screen: Access Point Mode
Device Information
Host Name This is the System Name you enter in the Maintenance > General screen. It is for
identification purposes.
Model Number This is the model name of your device.
Firmware Version This is the firmware version and the date created.
Sys OP Mode This is the device mode (Section 4.1.2 on page 30) to which the NBG6616 is set - AP Mode.
LAN Information
MAC Address This shows the LAN Ethernet adapter MAC Address of your device.
IP Address This shows the LAN port’s IP address.
IP Subnet Mask This shows the LAN ports subnet mask.
DHCP This shows the LAN port’s DHCP role - Client or None.
IPv6 Address This shows the IPv6 address of the NBG6616 on the LAN.
WLAN 2.4G Information
WLAN OP Mode This is the device mode (Section 4.1.2 on page 30) to which the NBG6616’s wireless LAN is
set - Access Point Mode.
MAC Address This shows the 2.4GHz wireless adapter MAC Address of your device.
SSID This shows a descriptive name used to identify the NBG6616 in the 2.4GHz wireless LAN.
Channel This shows the channel number which you select manually.
Security This shows the level of wireless security the NBG6616 is using.
WLAN 5G Information
MAC Address This shows the 5GHz wireless adapter MAC Address of your device.
SSID This shows a descriptive name used to identify the NBG6616 in the 5GHz wireless LAN.
Channel This shows the channel number which you select manually.
Security This shows the level of wireless security the NBG6616 is using.
Packet Statistics Click Details... to go to the Monitor > Packet Statistics screen (Section 9.5 on page 71).
Use this screen to view port status and packet specific statistics.
WLAN 2.4G Station
Click Details... to go to the Monitor > WLAN 2.4G Station Status screen (Section 9.6 on
page 72). Use this screen to view the wireless stations that are currently associated to the
NBG6616’s 2.4GHz wireless LAN.
WLAN 5G Station Status Click Details... to go to the Monitor > WLAN 5G Station Status screen (Section 9.6 on
page 72). Use this screen to view the wireless stations that are currently associated to the
NBG6616’s 5GHz wireless LAN.
System Status
Item This column shows the type of data the NBG6616 is recording.
Data This column shows the actual data recorded by the NBG6616.
System Up Time This is the total time the NBG6616 has been on.
Current Date/Time This field displays your NBG6616’s present date and time.
System Resource
- CPU Usage This displays what percentage of the NBG6616’s processing ability is currently used. When
this percentage is close to 100%, the NBG6616 is running at full load, and the throughput is
not going to improve anymore. If you want some applications to have more throughput, you
should turn off other applications (for example, using bandwidth management.)
Chapter 7 Access Point Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
7.4.1 Navigation Panel
Use the menu in the navigation panel to configure NBG6616 features in Access Point Mode.
Figure 36 Menu: Access Point Mode
Refer to Table 20 on page 46 for descriptions of the labels shown in the navigation panel.
7.5 LAN Screen
Use this section to configure your LAN settings while in Access Point Mode.
Click Network > LAN to see the screen below.
Note: If you change the IP address of the NBG6616 in the screen below, you will need to
log into the NBG6616 again using the new IP address.
- Memory Usage This shows what percentage of the heap memory the NBG6616 is using.
Interface Status
Interface This displays the NBG6616 port types. The port types are: LAN and WLAN.
Status For the LAN ports, this field displays Down (line is down) or Up (line is up or connected).
For the 2.4GHz/5GHz WLAN, it displays Up when the 2.4GHz/5GHz WLAN is enabled or
Down when the 2.4G/5G WLAN is disabled.
Rate For the LAN ports, this displays the port speed and duplex setting or N/A when the line is
For the 2.4GHz/5GHz WLAN, it displays the maximum transmission rate when the 2.4GHz/
5GHz WLAN is enabled and N/A when the WLAN is disabled.
Table 21 Status Screen: Access Point Mode (continued)
Chapter 7 Access Point Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 37 Network > LAN > IP
The table below describes the labels in the screen.
Table 22 Network > LAN > IP
Obtain an IP Address
When you enable this, the NBG6616 gets its IP address from the network’s DHCP
server (for example, your ISP). Users connected to the NBG6616 can now access
the network (i.e., the Internet if the IP address is given by the ISP).
The Web Configurator may no longer be accessible unless you know the IP address
assigned by the DHCP server to the NBG6616. You need to reset the NBG6616 to
be able to access the Web Configurator again (see Section 25.7 on page 177 for
details on how to reset the NBG6616).
Also when you select this, you cannot enter an IP address for your NBG6616 in the
field below.
Static IP Address Click this if you want to specify the IP address of your NBG6616. Or if your ISP or
network administrator gave you a static IP address to access the network or the
IP Address Type the IP address in dotted decimal notation. The default setting is
If you change the IP address you will have to log in again with the new IP address.
Subnet Mask The subnet mask specifies the network number portion of an IP address. Your
NBG6616 will automatically calculate the subnet mask based on the IP address that
you assign. Unless you are implementing subnetting, use the subnet mask
computed by the NBG6616.
Gateway IP Address Enter a Gateway IP Address (if your ISP or network administrator gave you one)
in this field.
DNS Assignment
Chapter 7 Access Point Mode
NBG6616 User’s Guide
First DNS Server
Second DNS Server
Third DNS Server
Select Obtained From ISP if your ISP dynamically assigns DNS server information
(and the NBG6616's WAN IP address). The field to the right displays the (read-
only) DNS server IP address that the ISP assigns.
Select User-Defined if you have the IP address of a DNS server. Enter the DNS
server's IP address in the field to the right. If you chose User-Defined, but leave
the IP address set to, User-Defined changes to None after you click
Apply. If you set a second choice to User-Defined, and enter the same IP
address, the second User-Defined changes to None after you click Apply.
Select None if you do not want to configure DNS servers. If you do not configure a
DNS server, you must know the IP address of a computer in order to access it.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Table 22 Network > LAN > IP (continued)
NBG6616 User’s Guide
8.1 Overview
This chapter provides tutorials for setting up your NBG6616.
Set Up a Wireless Network Using WPS
Connect to NBG6616 Wireless Network without WPS
Using Multiple SSIDs on the NBG6616
8.2 Set Up a Wireless Network Using WPS
This section gives you an example of how to set up wireless network using WPS. This example uses
the NBG6616 as the AP and NWD210N as the wireless client which connects to a notebook.
Note: The wireless client must be a WPS-aware device (for example, a WPS USB adapter
or PCI card).
There are two WPS methods for creating a secure connection via the web configurator or utility.
This tutorial shows you how to do both.
Push Button Configuration (PBC) - create a secure wireless network simply by pressing a
button. See Section 8.2.1 on page 56. This is the easier method.
PIN Configuration - create a secure wireless network simply by entering a wireless client's PIN
(Personal Identification Number) in the NBG6616’s interface. See Section 8.2.2 on page 57. This
is the more secure method, since one device can authenticate the other.
8.2.1 Push Button Configuration (PBC)
1 Make sure that your NBG6616 is turned on. Make sure the WIFI button (at the back panel of the
NBG6616) is pushed in, and that the device is placed within range of your notebook.
2 Make sure that you have installed the wireless client (this example uses the NWD210N) driver and
utility in your notebook.
3 In the wireless client utility, find the WPS settings. Enable WPS and press the WPS button (Start or
WPS button)
4 Log into NBG6616’s Web Configurator and press the Push Button in the Configuration >
Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G > WPS Station screen.
Chapter 8 Tutorials
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Note: Your NBG6616 has a WPS button located on its panel, as well as a WPS button in its
configuration utility. Both buttons have exactly the same function; you can use one
or the other.
Note: It doesn’t matter which button is pressed first. You must press the second button
within two minutes of pressing the first one.
The NBG6616 sends the proper configuration settings to the wireless client. This may take up to
two minutes. Then the wireless client is able to communicate with the NBG6616 securely.
The following figure shows you an example to set up wireless network and security by pressing a
button on both NBG6616 and wireless client (the NWD210N in this example).
Figure 38 Example WPS Process: PBC Method
8.2.2 PIN Configuration
When you use the PIN configuration method, you need to use both NBG6616’s configuration
interface and the client’s utilities.
1 Launch your wireless client’s configuration utility. Go to the WPS settings and select the PIN method
to get a PIN number.
2 Enter the PIN number to the PIN field in the Configuration > Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G >
WPS Station screen on the NBG6616.
Wireless Client
Access Point
Chapter 8 Tutorials
NBG6616 User’s Guide
3 Click Start buttons (or button next to the PIN field) on both the wireless client utility screen and the
NBG6616’s WPS Station screen within two minutes.
The NBG6616 authenticates the wireless client and sends the proper configuration settings to the
wireless client. This may take up to two minutes. Then the wireless client is able to communicate
with the NBG6616 securely.
The following figure shows you the example to set up wireless network and security on NBG6616
and wireless client (ex. NWD210N in this example) by using PIN method.
Figure 39 Example WPS Process: PIN Method
8.3 Connect to NBG6616 Wireless Network without WPS
This example shows you how to configure wireless security settings with the following parameters
on your NBG6616 and connect your computer to the NBG6616 wireless network.
Follow the steps below to configure the wireless settings on your NBG6616.
Wireless Client
Access Point
SSID SSID_Example3
Channel 6
Security WPA2-PSK
(Pre-Shared Key: ThisismyWPA-PSKpre-sharedkey)
Chapter 8 Tutorials
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The instructions require that your hardware is connected (see the Quick Start Guide) and you are
logged into the Web Configurator through your LAN connection (see Section 2.2 on page 17).
1 Make sure the WIFI switch (at the back panel of the NBG6616) is set to ON.
2 Open the Configuration > Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G > General screen in the AP’s Web
3 Confirm that the wireless LAN is enabled on the NBG6616.
4 Enter SSID_Example3 as the SSID and select Channel-06 as the channel. Set security mode to
WPA2-PSK and enter ThisismyWPA-PSKpre-sharedkey in the Pre-Shared Key field. Click
Chapter 8 Tutorials
NBG6616 User’s Guide
5 Open the Status screen. Verify your wireless and wireless security settings under Device
Information and check if the WLAN connection is up under Interface Status.
8.3.1 Configure Your Notebook
Note: In this example, we use the ZyXEL NWD6505 wireless adapter as the wireless
client and use the Windows built-in utility (Windows Zero Configuration (WZC)) to
connect to the wireless netwok.
1 The NBG6616 supports IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n and IEEE
802.11ac wireless clients. Make sure that your notebook or computer’s wireless adapter supports
one of these standards.
2 Wireless adapters come with software sometimes called a “utility” that you install on your
computer. See your wireless adapter’s User’s Guide for information on how to do that.
Chapter 8 Tutorials
NBG6616 User’s Guide
3 After you’ve installed the driver and attached the NWD6505 to your computer’s USB port, right-
click the Wireless Network Connection icon in your computer’s system tray, select and click
View Available Wireless Networks.
4 The Wireless Network Connection screen displays. Click Refresh network list to view the
available wireless APs within range.
5 Select SSID_Example3 and click Connect.
6 Type the security key in the following screen. Click Connect.
Chapter 8 Tutorials
NBG6616 User’s Guide
7 Check the status of your wireless connection in the screen below.
8 If the wireless client keeps trying to connect to or acquiring an IP address from the NBG6616, make
sure you entered the correct security key.
If the connection has limited or no connectivity, make sure the DHCP server is enabled on the
If your connection is successful, open your Internet browser and enter http://www.zyxel.com or the
URL of any other web site in the address bar. If you are able to access the web site, your wireless
connection is successfully configured.
8.4 Using Multiple SSIDs on the NBG6616
You can configure more than one SSID on a NBG6616. See Section 11.4 on page 97.
This allows you to configure multiple independent wireless networks on the NBG6616 as if there
were multiple APs (virtual APs). Each virtual AP has its own SSID, wireless security type and MAC
filtering settings. That is, each SSID on the NBG6616 represents a different access point/wireless
network to wireless clients in the network.
Clients can associate only with the SSIDs for which they have the correct security settings. Clients
using different SSIDs can access the Internet and the wired network behind the NBG6616 (such as
a printer).
Chapter 8 Tutorials
NBG6616 User’s Guide
For example, you may set up three wireless networks (A, B and C) in your office. A is for workers,
B is for guests and C is specific to a VoIP device in the meeting room.
8.4.1 Configuring Security Settings of Multiple SSIDs
The NBG6616 is in router mode by default.
This example shows you how to configure the SSIDs with the following parameters on your
NBG6616 (in router mode).
1 Connect your computer to the LAN port of the NBG6616 using an Ethernet cable.
2 The default IP address of the NBG6616 in router mode is “”. In this case, your
computer must have an IP address in the range between “” and “”.
3 Click Start > Run on your computer in Windows. Type “cmd” in the dialog box. Enter “ipconfig” to
show your computer’s IP address. If your computers IP address is not in the correct range then see
Appendix B on page 198 for information on changing your computer’s IP address.
4 After you’ve set your computer’s IP address, open a web browser such as Internet Explorer and
type “” as the web address in your web browser.
5 Enter “1234” (default) as the password and click Login.
WPA Compatible
DoNotStealMyWirelessNetwork Disable
SSID_VoIP WPA-PSK VoIPOnly12345678 Allow
SSID_Guest WPA-PSK keyexample123 Disable
Chapter 8 Tutorials
NBG6616 User’s Guide
6 Type a new password and retype it to confirm, then click Apply. Otherwise, click Ignore.
7 The Easy Mode appears. Click Expert Mode in the navigation panel.
8 Go to Configuration > Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G > More AP. Click the Edit icon of the first
entry to configure wireless and security settings for SSID_Worker.
9 Configure the screen as follows. In this example, you enable Intra-BSS Traffic for SSID_Worker
to allow wireless clients in the same wireless network to communicate with each other. Click Apply.
10 Click the Edit icon of the second entry to configure wireless and security settings for SSID_VoIP.
Chapter 8 Tutorials
NBG6616 User’s Guide
11 Configure the screen as follows. You do not enable Intra-BSS Traffic for SSID_VoIP. Click Apply.
12 Click the Edit icon of the third entry to configure wireless and security settings for SSID_Guest.
13 Configure the screen as follows. In this example, you enable Intra-BSS Traffic for SSID_Guest to
allow wireless clients in the same wireless network to communicate with each other. Select Enable
Guest WLAN to allow clients to access the Internet only. Click Apply.
Chapter 8 Tutorials
NBG6616 User’s Guide
14 Click the MAC Filter tab to configure MAC filtering for the SSID_VoIP wireless network. Select
SSID_VoIP from the SSID Select drop-down list, enable MAC address filtering and set the Filter
Action to Allow. Enter the VoIP device’s MAC address in the Mac Address field and click Apply to
allow only the VoIP device to associate with the NBG6616 using this SSID.
Chapter 8 Tutorials
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Technical Reference
NBG6616 User’s Guide
9.1 Overview
This chapter discusses read-only information related to the device state of the NBG6616.
To access the Monitor screens, go to Expert Mode after login, then click .
You can also click the links in the Summary table of the Status screen to view the packets sent/
received as well as the status of clients connected to the NBG6616.
9.2 What You Can Do
•Use the Log screen to see the logs for the activity on the NBG6616 (Section 9.3 on page 69).
•Use the DHCP Table screen to view information related to your DHCP status (Section 9.4 on
page 70).
•use the Packet Statistics screen to view port status, packet specific statistics, the "system up
time" and so on (Section 9.5 on page 71).
•Use the WLAN 2.4G/5G Station Status screen to view the wireless stations that are currently
associated to the NBG6616 (Section 9.6 on page 72).
9.3 The Log Screen
The Web Configurator allows you to look at all of the NBG6616’s logs in one location.
9.3.1 View Log
Use the View Log screen to see the logged messages for the NBG6616. The log wraps around and
deletes the old entries after it fills. Select what logs you want to see from the Display drop list. The
log choices depend on your settings in the Log Setting screen. Click Refresh to renew the log
screen. Click Clear Log to delete all the logs.
Chapter 9 Monitor
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 40 View Log
You can configure which logs to display in the View Log screen. Go to the Log Setting screen and
select the logs you wish to display. Click Apply to save your settings. Click Cancel to start the
screen afresh.
Figure 41 Log Settings
9.4 DHCP Table
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, RFC 2131 and RFC 2132) allows individual clients to
obtain TCP/IP configuration at start-up from a server. You can configure the NBG6616’s LAN as a
DHCP server or disable it. When configured as a server, the NBG6616 provides the TCP/IP
configuration for the clients. If DHCP service is disabled, you must have another DHCP server on
that network, or else the computer must be manually configured.
Click Monitor > DHCP Table or Configuration > Network > DHCP Server > Client List. Read-
only information here relates to your DHCP status. The DHCP table shows current DHCP client
Chapter 9 Monitor
NBG6616 User’s Guide
information (including MAC Address, and IP Address) of all network clients using the NBG6616’s
DHCP server.
Figure 42 Monitor > DHCP Table
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
9.5 Packet Statistics
Click Monitor > Packet Statistics or the Packet Statistics (Details...) hyperlink in the Status
screen. Read-only information here includes port status, packet specific statistics and the "system
up time". The Poll Interval(s) field is configurable and is used for refreshing the screen.
Table 23 Monitor > DHCP Table
# This is the index number of the host computer.
Status This field displays whether the connection to the host computer is up (a yellow bulb) or
down (a gray bulb).
Host Name This field displays the computer host name.
IP Address This field displays the IP address relative to the # field listed above.
MAC Address This field shows the MAC address of the computer with the name in the Host Name field.
Every Ethernet device has a unique MAC (Media Access Control) address which uniquely
identifies a device. The MAC address is assigned at the factory and consists of six pairs of
hexadecimal characters, for example, 00:A0:C5:00:00:02.
Reserve Select this if you want to reserve the IP address for this specific MAC address.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Chapter 9 Monitor
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 43 Monitor > Packet Statistics
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
9.6 WLAN Station Status
Click Monitor > WLAN 2.4G/5G Station Status or the WLAN 2.4G/5G Station Status
(Details...) hyperlink in the Status screen. View the wireless stations that are currently associated
to the NBG6616’s 2.4GHz or 5GHz wireless network in the Association List. Association means
that a wireless client (for example, your network or computer with a wireless network card) has
connected successfully to the AP (or wireless router) using the same SSID, channel and security
Table 24 Monitor > Packet Statistics
Port This is the NBG6616’s interface type.
Status For the LAN ports, this displays the port speed and duplex setting or Down when the
line is disconnected.
For the WAN port, it displays the port speed and duplex setting if you’re using Ethernet
encapsulation and Idle (line (ppp) idle), Dial (starting to trigger a call) and Drop
(dropping a call) if you're using PPPoE encapsulation. This field displays Down when
the line is disconnected.
For the 2.4GHz or 5GHz WLAN, it displays the maximum transmission rate when the
WLAN is enabled and Down when the WLAN is disabled.
TxPkts This is the number of transmitted packets on this port.
RxPkts This is the number of received packets on this port.
Collisions This is the number of collisions on this port.
Tx B/s This displays the transmission speed in bytes per second on this port.
Rx B/s This displays the reception speed in bytes per second on this port.
Up Time This is the total time the NBG6616 has been for each session.
System Up Time This is the total time the NBG6616 has been on.
Poll Interval(s) Enter the time interval in seconds for refreshing statistics in this field.
Set Interval Click this button to apply the new poll interval you entered in the Poll Interval(s)
Stop Click Stop to stop refreshing statistics.
Chapter 9 Monitor
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 44 Monitor > WLAN Station Status
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 25 Monitor > WLAN Station Status
# This is the index number of an associated wireless station.
MAC Address This field displays the MAC address of an associated wireless station.
Association Time This field displays the time a wireless station first associated with the NBG6616’s WLAN.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
10.1 Overview
This chapter discusses the NBG6616’s WAN screens. Use these screens to configure your NBG6616
for Internet access.
A WAN (Wide Area Network) connection is an outside connection to another network or the
Internet. It connects your private networks such as a LAN (Local Area Network) and other
networks, so that a computer in one location can communicate with computers in other locations.
Figure 45 LAN and WAN
10.2 What You Can Do
•Use the Internet Connection screen to enter your ISP information and set how the computer
acquires its IP, DNS and WAN MAC addresses (Section 10.4 on page 76).
•Use the Advanced screen to enable multicasting, configure Windows networking and bridge
(Section 10.5 on page 82).
10.3 What You Need To Know
The information in this section can help you configure the screens for your WAN connection, as well
as enable/disable some advanced features of your NBG6616.
Chapter 10 WAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
10.3.1 Configuring Your Internet Connection
Encapsulation Method
Encapsulation is used to include data from an upper layer protocol into a lower layer protocol. To set
up a WAN connection to the Internet, you need to use the same encapsulation method used by your
ISP (Internet Service Provider). If your ISP offers a dial-up Internet connection using PPPoE (PPP
over Ethernet) or PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol), they should also provide a username
and password (and service name) for user authentication.
WAN IP Address
The WAN IP address is an IP address for the NBG6616, which makes it accessible from an outside
network. It is used by the NBG6616 to communicate with other devices in other networks. It can be
static (fixed) or dynamically assigned by the ISP each time the NBG6616 tries to access the
If your ISP assigns you a static WAN IP address, they should also assign you the subnet mask and
DNS server IP address(es) (and a gateway IP address if you use the Ethernet or ENET ENCAP
encapsulation method).
DNS Server Address Assignment
Use Domain Name System (DNS) to map a domain name to its corresponding IP address and vice
versa, for instance, the IP address of www.zyxel.com is The DNS server is extremely
important because without it, you must know the IP address of a computer before you can access
The NBG6616 can get the DNS server addresses in the following ways.
1 The ISP tells you the DNS server addresses, usually in the form of an information sheet, when you
sign up. If your ISP gives you DNS server addresses, manually enter them in the DNS server fields.
2 If your ISP dynamically assigns the DNS server IP addresses (along with the NBG6616’s WAN IP
address), set the DNS server fields to get the DNS server address from the ISP.
WAN MAC Address
The MAC address screen allows users to configure the WAN port's MAC address by either using the
factory default or cloning the MAC address from a computer on your LAN. Choose Factory Default
to select the factory assigned default MAC Address.
Otherwise, click Clone the computer's MAC address - IP Address and enter the IP address of
the computer on the LAN whose MAC you are cloning. Once it is successfully configured, the
address will be copied to configuration file. It is recommended that you clone the MAC address prior
to hooking up the WAN Port.
Chapter 10 WAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Traditionally, IP packets are transmitted in one of either two ways - Unicast (1 sender - 1 recipient)
or Broadcast (1 sender - everybody on the network). Multicast delivers IP packets to a group of
hosts on the network - not everybody and not just 1.
Figure 46 Multicast Example
In the multicast example above, systems A and D comprise one multicast group. In multicasting,
the server only needs to send one data stream and this is delivered to systems A and D.
IGMP (Internet Group Multicast Protocol) is a network-layer protocol used to establish membership
in a multicast group - it is not used to carry user data. The NBG6616 supports both IGMP version 1
(IGMP-v1) and IGMP version 2 (IGMP-v2).
At start up, the NBG6616 queries all directly connected networks to gather group membership.
After that, the NBG6616 periodically updates this information. IP multicasting can be enabled/
disabled on the NBG6616 WAN interface in the Web Configurator (WAN). Select None to disable IP
multicasting on these interfaces.
10.4 Internet Connection
Use this screen to change your NBG6616’s Internet access settings. Click Network > WAN from
the Configuration menu. The screen differs according to the encapsulation you choose.
10.4.1 IPoE Encapsulation
This screen displays when you select IPoE encapsulation.
Chapter 10 WAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 47 Network > WAN > Internet Connection: IPoE Encapsulation (IPv4 Only)
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 26 Network > WAN > Internet Connection: IPoE Encapsulation
ISP Parameters for Internet Access
Encapsulation You must choose the IPoE option when the WAN port is used as a regular Ethernet.
IPv4 / IPv6 Select IPv4 Only if you want the NBG6616 to run IPv4 only.
Select Dual Stack to allow the NBG6616 to run IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time.
Select IPv6 Only if you want the NBG6616 to run IPv6 only.
IP Address
Chapter 10 WAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Obtain an IP
Select this option If your ISP did not assign you a fixed IP address. This is the default
Static IP Address Select this option If the ISP assigned a fixed IP address.
IP Address Enter your WAN IP address in this field if you selected Static IP Address.
Subnet Mask Enter the Subnet Mask in this field.
Gateway IP
Enter a Gateway IP Address (if your ISP gave you one) in this field.
MTU Size Enter the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) size for each packet. If a larger packet
arrives, the NBG6616 divides it into smaller fragments.
Use IPv6 Rapid Deployment (6rd) when the local network uses IPv6 and the ISP has an IPv4 network. When
the NBG6616 has an IPv4 WAN address and you set IPv6/IPv4 mode to IPv4 Only, you can enable 6rd to
encapsulate IPv6 packets in IPv4 packets to cross the ISP’s IPv4 network.
The NBG6616 generates a global IPv6 prefix from its IPv4 WAN address and tunnels IPv6 traffic to the ISP’s
Border Relay router to connect to the native IPv6 Internet. The local network can also use IPv4 services. The
NBG6616 uses its configured IPv4 WAN IP to route IPv4 traffic to the IPv4 Internet.
This is available only when you select IPv4 Only in the IPv6/IPv4 field.
Enable 6RD Enable IPv6 rapid deployment to tunnel IPv6 traffic from the local network through the
ISP’s IPv4 network.
configured by
Select this to have the NBG6616 detect the relay server’s IP address automatically
through DHCP.
Manually Configured Select this if you have the IPv4 address of the relay server.
Border Relay IPv4
Specify the relay server’s IPv4 address.
Service Provider
IPv6 Prefix
Enter an IPv6 prefix for tunneling IPv6 traffic to the ISP’s Border Relay router and
connecting to the native IPv6 Internet.
Service Provider
IPv6 Prefix length
Enter the IPv6 prefix length.
An IPv6 prefix length specifies how many most significant bits (starting from the left) in
the address compose the network address.
IPv4 mask length Enter the subnet mask number (1~32) for the IPv4 network.
DNS Server
First DNS Server
Second DNS Server
Third DNS Server
Select Obtained From ISP if your ISP dynamically assigns DNS server information
(and the NBG6616's WAN IP address). The field to the right displays the (read-only)
DNS server IP address that the ISP assigns.
Select User-Defined if you have the IP address of a DNS server. Enter the DNS
server's IP address in the field to the right.
Select None if you do not want to configure DNS servers. If you do not configure a DNS
server, you must know the IP address of a computer in order to access it.
WAN MAC Address The MAC address section allows users to configure the WAN port's MAC address by
either using the NBG6616’s MAC address, copying the MAC address from a computer on
your LAN or manually entering a MAC address.
Factory default Select Factory default to use the factory assigned default MAC Address.
Clone the
computer’s MAC
address - IP
Select Clone the computer's MAC address - IP Address and enter the IP address of
the computer on the LAN whose MAC you are cloning.
Table 26 Network > WAN > Internet Connection: IPoE Encapsulation (continued)
Chapter 10 WAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
10.4.2 PPPoE Encapsulation
The NBG6616 supports PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet). PPPoE is an IETF standard
(RFC 2516) specifying how a personal computer (PC) interacts with a broadband modem (DSL,
cable, wireless, etc.) connection. The PPP over Ethernet option is for a dial-up connection using
For the service provider, PPPoE offers an access and authentication method that works with existing
access control systems (for example Radius).
One of the benefits of PPPoE is the ability to let you access one of multiple network services, a
function known as dynamic service selection. This enables the service provider to easily create and
offer new IP services for individuals.
Operationally, PPPoE saves significant effort for both you and the ISP or carrier, as it requires no
specific configuration of the broadband modem at the customer site.
By implementing PPPoE directly on the NBG6616 (rather than individual computers), the computers
on the LAN do not need PPPoE software installed, since the NBG6616 does that part of the task.
Furthermore, with NAT, all of the LANs’ computers will have access.
Select this option and enter the MAC address you want to use.
IPv6 Address
This is not available when you select IPv4 Only in the IPv6/IPv4 field.
Obtain an IP
Select this if you want to obtain an IPv6 address from a DHCPv6 server.
Static IP Address Select this if you have a fixed IPv6 address assigned by your ISP.
IPv6 Address Enter the IPv6 address assigned by your ISP.
Prefix length Enter the address prefix length to specify how many most significant bits in an IPv6
address compose the network address.
IPv6 Default
Enter the IP address of the next-hop gateway. The gateway is a router or switch on the
same segment as your NBG6616's interface(s). The gateway helps forward packets to
their destinations.
IPv6 DNS server
This is not available when you select IPv4 Only in the IPv6/IPv4 field.
Obtain IPv6 DNS
info Automatically
Select this to have the NBG6616 get the IPv6 DNS server addresses from the ISP
Use the following
Static DNS IPv6
Select this to have the NBG6616 use the IPv6 DNS server addresses you configure
IPv6 DNS Server Enter the IPv6 DNS server address assigned by the ISP.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 26 Network > WAN > Internet Connection: IPoE Encapsulation (continued)
Chapter 10 WAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
This screen displays when you select PPPoE encapsulation.
Figure 48 Network > WAN > Internet Connection: PPPoE Encapsulation (IPv4 Only)
Chapter 10 WAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 27 Network > WAN > Internet Connection: PPPoE Encapsulation
ISP Parameters for Internet Access
Encapsulation Select PPPoE if you connect to your Internet via dial-up.
IPv4 / IPv6 Select IPv4 Only if you want the NBG6616 to run IPv4 only.
Select Dual Stack to allow the NBG6616 to run IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time.
Select IPv6 Only if you want the NBG6616 to run IPv6 only.
PPP Information
PPP Username Type the user name given to you by your ISP.
PPP Password Type the password associated with the user name above.
MTU Size Enter the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) or the largest packet size per frame that
your NBG6616 can receive and process.
PPP Auto Connect Select this option if you do not want the connection to time out.
Idle Timeout
This value specifies the time in minutes that elapses before the router automatically
disconnects from the PPPoE server.
PPPoE Service
Enter the PPPoE service name specified in the ISP account.
WAN IP Address Assignment
Get automatically
from ISP
Select this option If your ISP did not assign you a fixed IP address. This is the default
Use Fixed IP
Select this option If the ISP assigned a fixed IP address.
Enter your WAN IP address in this field if you selected Use Fixed IP Address.
Use IPv6 Rapid Deployment (6rd) when the local network uses IPv6 and the ISP has an IPv4 network. When
the NBG6616 has an IPv4 WAN address and you set IPv6/IPv4 mode to IPv4 Only, you can enable 6rd to
encapsulate IPv6 packets in IPv4 packets to cross the ISP’s IPv4 network.
The NBG6616 generates a global IPv6 prefix from its IPv4 WAN address and tunnels IPv6 traffic to the ISP’s
Border Relay router to connect to the native IPv6 Internet. The local network can also use IPv4 services. The
NBG6616 uses its configured IPv4 WAN IP to route IPv4 traffic to the IPv4 Internet.
This is available only when you select IPv4 Only in the IPv6/IPv4 field.
Enable 6RD Enable IPv6 rapid deployment to tunnel IPv6 traffic from the local network through the
ISP’s IPv4 network.
configured by
Select this to have the NBG6616 detect the relay server’s IP address automatically
through DHCP.
Select this if you have the IPv4 address of the relay server.
Border Relay IPv4
Specify the relay server’s IPv4 address.
Service Provider
IPv6 Prefix
Enter an IPv6 prefix for tunneling IPv6 traffic to the ISP’s Border Relay router and
connecting to the native IPv6 Internet.
Service Provider
IPv6 Prefix length
Enter the IPv6 prefix length.
An IPv6 prefix length specifies how many most significant bits (starting from the left) in
the address compose the network address.
IPv4 mask length Enter the subnet mask number (1~32) for the IPv4 network.
Chapter 10 WAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
10.5 Advanced WAN Screen
To change your NBG6616’s advanced WAN settings, click Network > WAN > Advanced. The
screen appears as shown.
Figure 49 Network > WAN > Advanced
DNS Server
First DNS Server
Second DNS
Third DNS Server
Select Obtained From ISP if your ISP dynamically assigns DNS server information (and
the NBG6616's WAN IP address). The field to the right displays the (read-only) DNS
server IP address that the ISP assigns.
Select User-Defined if you have the IP address of a DNS server. Enter the DNS server's
IP address in the field to the right.
Select None if you do not want to configure DNS servers. If you do not configure a DNS
server, you must know the IP address of a computer in order to access it.
WAN MAC Address The MAC address section allows users to configure the WAN port's MAC address by using
the NBG6616’s MAC address, copying the MAC address from a computer on your LAN or
manually entering a MAC address.
Factory default Select Factory default to use the factory assigned default MAC Address.
Clone the
computer’s MAC
address - IP
Select Clone the computer's MAC address - IP Address and enter the IP address of
the computer on the LAN whose MAC you are cloning.
Select this option and enter the MAC address you want to use.
IPv6 DNS server
This is not available when you select IPv4 Only in the IPv6/IPv4 field.
Obtain IPv6 DNS
info Automatically
Select this to have the NBG6616 get the IPv6 DNS server addresses from the ISP
Use the following
Static DNS IPv6
Select this to have the NBG6616 use the IPv6 DNS server addresses you configure
IPv6 DNS Server Enter the IPv6 DNS server address assigned by the ISP.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 27 Network > WAN > Internet Connection: PPPoE Encapsulation (continued)
Chapter 10 WAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 28 Network > WAN > Advanced
Multicast Setup
Multicast Select IGMPv1/v2 to enable multicasting. This applies to traffic routed from the
WAN to the LAN.
Select None to disable this feature. This may cause incoming traffic to be dropped or
sent to all connected network devices.
Auto-Subnet Configuration
Enable Auto-IP-
Change mode
Select this option to have the NBG6616 change its LAN IP address to or accordingly when the NBG6616 gets a dynamic WAN IP address in the
same subnet as the LAN IP address or
The NAT, DHCP server and firewall functions on the NBG6616 are still available in this
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Wireless LAN
11.1 Overview
This chapter discusses how to configure the wireless network settings in your NBG6616. The
NBG6616 is able to function both 2.4GHz and 5GHz network at the same time. You can have
different wireless and wireless security settings for 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless LANs. Click
Configuration > Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G or Wireless LAN 5G to configure to do so.
See the appendices for more detailed information about wireless networks.
The following figure provides an example of a wireless network.
Figure 50 Example of a Wireless Network
The wireless network is the part in the blue circle. In this wireless network, devices A and B are
called wireless clients. The wireless clients use the access point (AP) to interact with other devices
(such as the printer) or with the Internet. Your NBG6616 is the AP.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
11.1.1 What You Can Do
•Use the General screen to turn the wireless connection on or off, set up wireless security
between the NBG6616 and the wireless clients, and make other basic configuration changes
(Section 11.2 on page 89).
•Use the More AP screen to set up multiple wireless networks on your NBG6616 (Section 11.4 on
page 97).
•Use the MAC Filter screen to allow or deny wireless stations based on their MAC addresses from
connecting to the NBG6616 (Section 11.5 on page 100).
•Use the Advanced screen to allow intra-BSS networking and set the RTS/CTS Threshold (Section
11.6 on page 102).
•Use the QoS screen to ensure Quality of Service (QoS) in your wireless network (Section 11.7 on
page 102).
•Use the WPS screen to quickly set up a wireless network with strong security, without having to
configure security settings manually (Section 11.8 on page 103).
•Use the WPS Station screen to add a wireless station using WPS (Section 11.9 on page 105).
•Use the Scheduling screen to set the times your wireless LAN is turned on and off (Section
11.10 on page 105).
11.1.2 What You Should Know
Every wireless network must follow these basic guidelines.
Every wireless client in the same wireless network must use the same SSID.
The SSID is the name of the wireless network. It stands for Service Set IDentity.
If two wireless networks overlap, they should use different channels.
Like radio stations or television channels, each wireless network uses a specific channel, or
frequency, to send and receive information.
Every wireless client in the same wireless network must use security compatible with the AP.
Security stops unauthorized devices from using the wireless network. It can also protect the
information that is sent in the wireless network.
Wireless Security Overview
The following sections introduce different types of wireless security you can set up in the wireless
Normally, the AP acts like a beacon and regularly broadcasts the SSID in the area. You can hide the
SSID instead, in which case the AP does not broadcast the SSID. In addition, you should change
the default SSID to something that is difficult to guess.
This type of security is fairly weak, however, because there are ways for unauthorized devices to
get the SSID. In addition, unauthorized devices can still see the information that is sent in the
wireless network.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
MAC Address Filter
Every wireless client has a unique identification number, called a MAC address.
A MAC address is
usually written using twelve hexadecimal characters
; for example, 00A0C5000002 or
00:A0:C5:00:00:02. To get the MAC address for each wireless client, see the appropriate Users
Guide or other documentation.
You can use the MAC address filter to tell the AP which wireless clients are allowed or not allowed to
use the wireless network. If a wireless client is allowed to use the wireless network, it still has to
have the correct settings (SSID, channel, and security). If a wireless client is not allowed to use the
wireless network, it does not matter if it has the correct settings.
This type of security does not protect the information that is sent in the wireless network.
Furthermore, there are ways for unauthorized devices to get the MAC address of an authorized
wireless client. Then, they can use that MAC address to use the wireless network.
User Authentication
You can make every user log in to the wireless network before they can use it. This is called user
authentication. However, every wireless client in the wireless network has to support IEEE 802.1x
to do this.
For wireless networks, there are two typical places to store the user names and passwords for each
In the AP: this feature is called a local user database or a local database.
In a RADIUS server: this is a server used in businesses more than in homes.
If your AP does not provide a local user database and if you do not have a RADIUS server, you
cannot set up user names and passwords for your users.
Unauthorized devices can still see the information that is sent in the wireless network, even if they
cannot use the wireless network. Furthermore, there are ways for unauthorized wireless users to
get a valid user name and password. Then, they can use that user name and password to use the
wireless network.
Local user databases also have an additional limitation that is explained in the next section.
Wireless networks can use encryption to protect the information that is sent in the wireless
network. Encryption is like a secret code. If you do not know the secret code, you cannot
understand the message.
1. Some wireless devices, such as scanners, can detect wireless networks but cannot use wireless networks. These kinds
of wireless devices might not have MAC addresses.
2. Hexadecimal characters are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The types of encryption you can choose depend on the type of user authentication. (See page 86
for information about this.)
For example, if the wireless network has a RADIUS server, you can choose WPA or WPA2. If users
do not log in to the wireless network, you can choose no encryption, Static WEP, WPA-PSK, or
Usually, you should set up the strongest encryption that every wireless client in the wireless
network supports. For example, suppose the AP does not have a local user database, and you do
not have a RADIUS server. Therefore, there is no user authentication. Suppose the wireless network
has two wireless clients. Device A only supports WEP, and device B supports WEP and WPA.
Therefore, you should set up Static WEP in the wireless network.
Note: It is recommended that wireless networks use WPA-PSK, WPA, or stronger
encryption. IEEE 802.1x and WEP encryption are better than none at all, but it is
still possible for unauthorized devices to figure out the original information pretty
Note: It is not possible to use WPA-PSK, WPA or stronger encryption with a local user
database. In this case, it is better to set up stronger encryption with no
authentication than to set up weaker encryption with the local user database.
When you select WPA2 or WPA2-PSK in your NBG6616, you can also select an option (WPA/
WPA-PSK Compatible) to support WPA/WPA-PSK as well. In this case, if some wireless clients
support WPA and some support WPA2, you should set up WPA2-PSK or WPA2 (depending on the
type of wireless network login) and select the WPA/WPA-PSK Compatible option in the
Many types of encryption use a key to protect the information in the wireless network. The longer
the key, the stronger the encryption. Every wireless client in the wireless network must have the
same key.
Guest WLAN
Guest WLAN allows you to set up a wireless network where users can access to Internet via the
NBG6616 (Z), but not other networks connected to the Z. In the following figure, a guest user can
access the Internet from the guest wireless network A via Z but not the home or company network
Note: The home or company network N and Guest WLAN network are independent
Note: Only Router mode supports guest WLAN.
Table 29 Types of Encryption for Each Type of Authentication
Weakest No Security WPA
Static WEP
Strongest WPA2-PSK WPA2
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 51 Guest Wireless LAN Network
Guest WLAN Bandwidth
The Guest WLAN Bandwidth function allows you to restrict the maximum bandwidth for the guest
wireless network. Additionally, you can also define bandwidth for your home or office network. An
example is shown next to define maximum bandwidth for your networks (A is Guest WLAN and N is
home or company network.)
Figure 52 Example: Bandwidth for Different Networks
WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) is an industry standard specification, defined by the WiFi Alliance. WPS
allows you to quickly set up a wireless network with strong security, without having to configure
security settings manually. Depending on the devices in your network, you can either press a
button (on the device itself, or in its configuration utility) or enter a PIN (Personal Identification
600 kbps
100 kbps
300 kbps
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Number) in the devices. Then, they connect and set up a secure network by themselves. See how
to set up a secure wireless network using WPS in the Section 8.2 on page 56.
11.2 General Wireless LAN Screen
Use this screen to configure the SSID and wireless security of the wireless LAN.
Note: If you are configuring the NBG6616 from a computer connected to the wireless LAN
and you change the NBG6616’s SSID, channel or security settings, you will lose
your wireless connection when you press Apply to confirm. You must then change
the wireless settings of your computer to match the NBG6616’s new settings.
Click Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G to open the General screen.
Figure 53 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General
The following table describes the general wireless LAN labels in this screen.
Table 30 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General
Wireless LAN Select Enable to activate the 2.4GHz and/or 5GHz wireless LAN. Select Disable to turn it
You can enable or disable both 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless LANs by using the WIFI button
located on the back panel of the NBG6616.
Name (SSID) The SSID (Service Set IDentity) identifies the Service Set with which a wireless client is
associated. Enter a descriptive name (up to 32 printable characters found on a typical
English language keyboard) for the wireless LAN.
Hide SSID Select this check box to hide the SSID in the outgoing beacon frame so a station cannot
obtain the SSID through scanning using a site survey tool.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Channel Selection Set the operating frequency/channel depending on your particular region.
Select a channel from the drop-down list box. The options vary depending on the
frequency band and the country you are in.
Refer to the Connection Wizard chapter for more information on channels. This option is
only available if Auto Channel Selection is disabled.
Auto Channel
Select this check box for the NBG6616 to automatically choose the channel with the least
interference. Deselect this check box if you wish to manually select the channel using the
Channel Selection field.
This displays the channel the NBG6616 is currently using.
Channel Width Select the wireless channel width used by NBG6616.
A standard 20MHz channel offers transfer speeds of up to 144Mbps (2.4GHz) or 217Mbps
(5GHZ) whereas a 40MHz channel uses two standard channels and offers speeds of up to
300Mbps (2.4GHz) or 450Mbps (5GHZ).
Because not all devices support 40 MHz channels, select Auto 20/40MHz to allow the
NBG6616 to adjust the channel bandwidth automatically.
40MHz (channel bonding or dual channel) bonds two adjacent radio channels to increase
throughput. The wireless clients must also support 40 MHz. It is often better to use the 20
MHz setting in a location where the environment hinders the wireless signal.
Select 20MHz if you want to lessen radio interference with other wireless devices in your
neighborhood or the wireless clients do not support channel bonding.
802.11 Mode If you are in the Wireless LAN 2.4G > General screen, you can select from the
802.11b: allows either IEEE 802.11b or IEEE 802.11g compliant WLAN devices to
associate with the NBG6616. In this mode, all wireless devices can only transmit at
the data rates supported by IEEE 802.11b.
802.11g: allows IEEE 802.11g compliant WLAN devices to associate with the Device.
IEEE 802.11b compliant WLAN devices can associate with the NBG6616 only when
they use the short preamble type.
802.11bg: allows either IEEE 802.11b or IEEE 802.11g compliant WLAN devices to
associate with the NBG6616. The NBG6616 adjusts the transmission rate
automatically according to the wireless standard supported by the wireless devices.
802.11n: allows IEEE 802.11n compliant WLAN devices to associate with the
NBG6616. This can increase transmission rates, although IEEE 802.11b or IEEE
802.11g clients will not be able to connect to the NBG6616.
802.11gn: allows either IEEE 802.11g or IEEE 802.11n compliant WLAN devices to
associate with the NBG6616. The transmission rate of your NBG6616 might be
802.11 bgn: allows IEEE802.11b, IEEE802.11g and IEEE802.11n compliant WLAN
devices to associate with the NBG6616. The transmission rate of your NBG6616 might
be reduced.
If you are in the Wireless LAN 5G > General screen, you can select from the following:
802.11a: allows only IEEE 802.11a compliant WLAN devices to associate with the
802.11an: allows both IEEE802.11n and IEEE802.11a compliant WLAN devices to
associate with the NBG6616. The transmission rate of your NBG6616 might be
Table 30 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General (continued)
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
See the rest of this chapter for information on the other labels in this screen.
11.3 Wireless Security
The screen varies depending on what you select in the Security Mode field.
11.3.1 No Security
Select No Security to allow wireless clients to communicate with the access points without any
data encryption.
Note: If you do not enable any wireless security on your NBG6616, your network is
accessible to any wireless networking device that is within range.
Figure 54 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General: No Security
Security Mode Select Static WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA, WPA2-PSK or WPA2 to add security on this
wireless network. The wireless clients which want to associate to this network must have
same wireless security settings as this device. After you select to use a security,
additional options appears in this screen. See Section 11.3 on page 91 for detailed
information on different security modes. Or you can select No Security to allow any
client to associate this network without authentication.
Note: If the WPS function is enabled (default), only No Security and WPA2-PSK are
available in this field.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Table 30 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General (continued)
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
11.3.2 WEP Encryption
WEP encryption scrambles the data transmitted between the wireless stations and the access points
to keep network communications private. It encrypts unicast and multicast communications in a
network. Both the wireless stations and the access points must use the same WEP key.
Your NBG6616 allows you to configure up to four 64-bit or 128-bit WEP keys but only one key can
be enabled at any one time.
Select Static WEP from the Security Mode list.
Table 31 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General: No Security
Security Mode Choose No Security from the drop-down list box.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 55 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General: Static WEP
The following table describes the wireless LAN security labels in this screen.
Table 32 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General: Static WEP
Security Mode Select Static WEP to enable data encryption.
PassPhrase Enter a Passphrase (up to 26 printable characters) and click Generate.
A passphrase functions like a password. In WEP security mode, it is further converted by
the NBG6616 into a complicated string that is referred to as the “key”. This key is
requested from all devices wishing to connect to a wireless network.
WEP Encryption Select 64-bits or 128-bits.
This dictates the length of the security key that the network is going to use.
Select Auto or Shared Key from the drop-down list box.
This field specifies whether the wireless clients have to provide the WEP key to login to
the wireless client. Keep this setting at Auto unless you want to force a key verification
before communication between the wireless client and the NBG6616 occurs.
Select Shared Key to force the clients to provide the WEP key prior to communication.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Select WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK from the Security Mode list.
Figure 56 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General: WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK
ASCII Select this option in order to enter ASCII characters as WEP key.
Hex Select this option in order to enter hexadecimal characters as a WEP key.
The preceding "0x", that identifies a hexadecimal key, is entered automatically.
Key 1 to Key 4 The WEP keys are used to encrypt data. Both the NBG6616 and the wireless stations
must use the same WEP key for data transmission.
If you chose 64-bits, then enter any 5 ASCII characters or 10 hexadecimal characters
("0-9", "A-F").
If you chose 128-bits, then enter 13 ASCII characters or 26 hexadecimal characters ("0-
9", "A-F").
You must configure at least one key, only one key can be activated at any one time. The
default key is key 1.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Table 32 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General: Static WEP (continued)
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
11.3.4 WPA/WPA2
Select WPA or WPA2 from the Security Mode list.
Note: WPA or WPA2 is not available if you enable WPS before you configure WPA or WPA2
in the Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General screen.
Table 33 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General: WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK
Security Mode Select WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK to enable data encryption.
This field appears when you choose WPA2-PSK as the Security Mode.
Check this field to allow wireless devices using WPA-PSK security mode to connect to
your NBG6616.
Pre-Shared Key WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK uses a simple common password for authentication.
Type a pre-shared key from 8 to 63 case-sensitive keyboard characters.
Group Key Update
The Group Key Update Timer is the rate at which the AP sends a new group key out to
all clients.
The default is 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 57 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General: WPA/WPA2
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 34 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General: WPA/WPA2
Security Mode Select WPA or WPA2 to enable data encryption.
WPA Compatible This check box is available only when you select WPA2-PSK or WPA2 in the Security
Mode field.
Select the check box to have both WPA2 and WPA wireless clients be able to
communicate with the NBG6616 even when the NBG6616 is using WPA2-PSK or WPA2.
Group Key Update
The Group Key Update Timer is the rate at which the AP (if using WPA-PSK/
WPA2-PSK key management) or RADIUS server (if using WPA/WPA2 key
management) sends a new group key out to all clients. The re-keying process is the
WPA/WPA2 equivalent of automatically changing the WEP key for an AP and all
stations in a WLAN on a periodic basis. Setting of the Group Key Update Timer is
also supported in WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK mode.
PMK Cache Period This field is available only when you select WPA2.
Specify how often wireless clients have to resend usernames and passwords in order
to stay connected. Enter a time interval between 10 and 999999 minutes.
Note: If wireless client authentication is done using a RADIUS server, the
reauthentication timer on the RADIUS server has priority.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
11.4 More AP Screen
This screen allows you to enable and configure multiple wireless networks and guest wireless
network settings on the NBG6616.
You can configure up to four SSIDs to enable multiple BSSs (Basic Service Sets) on the NBG6616.
This allows you to use one access point to provide several BSSs simultaneously. You can then
assign varying security types to different SSIDs. Wireless clients can use different SSIDs to
associate with the same access point.
Click Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > More AP. The following screen displays.
Pre-Authentication This field is available only when you select WPA2.
Pre-authentication enables fast roaming by allowing the wireless client (already
connecting to an AP) to perform IEEE 802.1x authentication with another AP before
connecting to it. Select Enable to turn on preauthentication in WAP2. Otherwise,
select Disable.
Authentication Server
IP Address Enter the IP address of the external authentication server in dotted decimal notation.
Port Number Enter the port number of the external authentication server.
You need not change this value unless your network administrator instructs you to do
so with additional information.
Shared Secret Enter a password (up to 127 alphanumeric characters) as the key to be shared
between the external authentication server and the NBG6616.
The key must be the same on the external authentication server and your NBG6616.
The key is not sent over the network.
Session Timeout The NBG6616 automatically disconnects a wireless client from the wireless and wired
networks after a period of inactivity. The wireless client needs to send the username
and password again before it can use the wireless and wired networks again. Some
wireless clients may prompt users for a username and password; other clients may
use saved login credentials. In either case, there is usually a short delay while the
wireless client logs in to the wireless network again.
Enter the time in seconds from 0 to 999999.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Table 34 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General: WPA/WPA2 (continued)
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 58 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > More AP
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
11.4.1 More AP Edit
Use this screen to edit an SSID profile. Click the Edit icon next to an SSID in the More AP screen.
The following screen displays.
Figure 59 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > More AP: Edit
Table 35 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > More AP
# This is the index number of each SSID profile.
Status This shows whether the SSID profile is active (a yellow bulb) or not (a gray bulb).
SSID An SSID profile is the set of parameters relating to one of the NBG6616’s BSSs. The SSID
(Service Set IDentifier) identifies the Service Set with which a wireless device is associated.
This field displays the name of the wireless profile on the network. When a wireless client
scans for an AP to associate with, this is the name that is broadcast and seen in the
wireless client utility.
Security This field indicates the security mode of the SSID profile.
Edit Click the Edit icon to configure the SSID profile.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 60 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > More AP: Edit (the last SSID)
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 36 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > More AP: Edit
Active Select this to activate the SSID profile.
Name (SSID) The SSID (Service Set IDentity) identifies the Service Set with which a wireless client is
associated. Enter a descriptive name (up to 32 printable characters found on a typical
English language keyboard) for the wireless LAN.
Hide SSID Select this check box to hide the SSID in the outgoing beacon frame so a station cannot
obtain the SSID through scanning using a site survey tool.
Intra-BSS Traffic A Basic Service Set (BSS) exists when all communications between wireless clients or
between a wireless client and a wired network client go through one access point (AP).
Intra-BSS traffic is traffic between wireless clients in the BSS. When Intra-BSS is enabled,
wireless clients can access the wired network and communicate with each other. When
Intra-BSS is disabled, wireless clients can still access the wired network but cannot
communicate with each other.
WMM QoS Check this to have the NBG6616 automatically give a service a priority level according to
the ToS value in the IP header of packets it sends.
WMM QoS (Wifi MultiMedia Quality of Service) gives high priority to voice and video, which
makes them run more smoothly.
Enable Guest
Select the check box to activate guest wireless LAN. This is available only for the last SSID
on the NBG6616.
Note: Only Router mode supports guest WLAN. AP mode doesn’t support guest WLAN.
IP Address Type an IP address for the devices on the Guest WLAN using this as the gateway IP
IP Subnet
Type the subnet mask for the guest wireless LAN.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
11.5 MAC Filter Screen
The MAC filter screen allows you to configure the NBG6616 to give exclusive access to devices
(Allow) or exclude devices from accessing the NBG6616 (Deny). Every Ethernet device has a
unique MAC (Media Access Control) address. The MAC address is assigned at the factory and
consists of six pairs of hexadecimal characters, for example, 00:A0:C5:00:00:02. You need to know
the MAC address of the devices to configure this screen.
To change your NBG6616’s MAC filter settings, click Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > MAC
Filter. The screen appears as shown.
for Guest
Select this to turn on bandwidth management for the Guest WLAN network.
Enter a number to specify maximum bandwidth the Guest WLAN network can use.
Security Mode Select Static WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA, WPA2-PSK or WPA2 to add security on this
wireless network. The wireless clients which want to associate to this network must have
same wireless security settings as this device. After you select to use a security, additional
options appears in this screen. See Section 11.3 on page 91 for detailed information on
different security modes. Or you can select No Security to allow any client to associate
this network without authentication.
Note: If the WPS function is enabled (default), only No Security and WPA2-PSK are
available in this field.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Table 36 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > More AP: Edit (continued)
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 61 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > MAC Filter
The following table describes the labels in this menu.
Table 37 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > MAC Filter
SSID Select Select the SSID for which you want to configure MAC filtering.
MAC Address
Select to turn on (Enable) or off (Disable) MAC address filtering.
Filter Action Define the filter action for the list of MAC addresses in the MAC Filter Summary table.
Select Allow to permit access to the NBG6616, MAC addresses not listed will be denied
access to the NBG6616.
Select Deny to block access to the NBG6616, MAC addresses not listed will be allowed to
access the NBG6616.
MAC Filter Summary
Set This is the index number of the MAC address.
MAC Address Enter the MAC address of the wireless station that are allowed or denied access to the
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
11.6 Wireless LAN Advanced Screen
Use this screen to allow wireless advanced features, such as the output power, RTS/CTS Threshold
Click Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > Advanced. The screen appears as shown.
Figure 62 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > Advanced
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
11.7 Quality of Service (QoS) Screen
The QoS screen allows you to automatically give a service (such as VoIP and video) a priority level.
Table 38 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > Advanced
Data with its frame size larger than this value will perform the RTS (Request To Send)/
CTS (Clear To Send) handshake.
This field is not configurable and the NBG6616 automatically changes to use the
maximum value if you select 802.11n, 802.11an, 802.11gn or 802.11bgn in the
Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General screen.
The threshold (number of bytes) for the fragmentation boundary for directed messages.
It is the maximum data fragment size that can be sent.
This field is not configurable and the NBG6616 automatically changes to use the
maximum value if you select 802.11n, 802.11an, 802.11gn or 802.11bgn in the
Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > General screen.
Intra-BSS Traffic A Basic Service Set (BSS) exists when all communications between wireless clients or
between a wireless client and a wired network client go through one access point (AP).
Intra-BSS traffic is traffic between wireless clients in the BSS. When Intra-BSS is
enabled, wireless clients can access the wired network and communicate with each other.
When Intra-BSS is disabled, wireless clients can still access the wired network but cannot
communicate with each other.
Tx Power Set the output power of the NBG6616 in this field. If there is a high density of APs in an
area, decrease the output power of the NBG6616 to reduce interference with other APs.
Select one of the following 100%, 90%, 75%, 50%, 25% or 10%.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Click Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > QoS. The following screen appears.
Figure 63 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > QoS
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
11.8 WPS Screen
Use this screen to enable/disable WPS, view or generate a new PIN number and check current WPS
status. To open this screen, click Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > WPS.
Note: With WPS, wireless clients can only connect to the wireless network using the first
SSID on the NBG6616.
Table 39 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > QoS
WMM QoS Select Enable to have the NBG6616 automatically give a service a priority level
according to the ToS value in the IP header of packets it sends. WMM QoS (Wifi
MultiMedia Quality of Service) gives high priority to voice and video, which makes
them run more smoothly.
This field is not configurable and the NBG6616 automatically enables WMM QoS if you
select 802.11n, 802.11an, 802.11gn or 802.11bgn in the Wireless LAN 24G/5G
> General screen.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 64 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > WPS
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 40 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > WPS
WPS Setup
WPS Select Enable to turn on the WPS feature. Otherwise, select Disable.
PIN Code Select Enable and click Apply to allow the PIN Configuration method. If you select
Disable, you cannot create a new PIN number.
PIN Number This is the WPS PIN (Personal Identification Number) of the NBG6616. Enter this PIN in
the configuration utility of the device you want to connect to the NBG6616 using WPS.
The PIN is not necessary when you use WPS push-button method.
Click Generate to generate a new PIN number.
WPS Status
Status This displays Configured when the NBG6616 has connected to a wireless network using
WPS or when WPS Enable is selected and wireless or wireless security settings have
been changed. The current wireless and wireless security settings also appear in the
This displays Unconfigured if WPS is disabled and there are no wireless or wireless
security changes on the NBG6616 or you click Release Configuration to remove the
configured wireless and wireless security settings.
This button is only available when the WPS status displays Configured.
Click this button to remove all configured wireless and wireless security settings for WPS
connections on the NBG6616.
802.11 Mode This is the 802.11 mode used. Only compliant WLAN devices can associate with the
SSID This is the name of the wireless network (the NBG6616’s first SSID).
Security This is the type of wireless security employed by the network.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
11.9 WPS Station Screen
Use this screen when you want to add a wireless station using WPS. To open this screen, click
Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > WPS Station tab.
Note: After you click Push Button on this screen, you have to press a similar button in
the wireless station utility within 2 minutes. To add the second wireless station, you
have to press these buttons on both device and the wireless station again after the
first 2 minutes.
Figure 65 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > WPS Station
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
11.10 Scheduling Screen
Use this screen to set the times your wireless LAN is turned on and off. Wireless LAN scheduling is
disabled by default. The wireless LAN can be scheduled to turn on or off on certain days and at
certain times. To open this screen, click Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > Scheduling tab.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Table 40 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > WPS (continued)
Table 41 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > WPS Station
Push Button Use this button when you use the PBC (Push Button Configuration) method to configure
wireless stations’s wireless settings.
Click this to start WPS-aware wireless station scanning and the wireless security
information synchronization.
Or input station’s
PIN number
Use this button when you use the PIN Configuration method to configure wireless
station’s wireless settings.
Type the same PIN number generated in the wireless station’s utility. Then click Start to
associate to each other and perform the wireless security information synchronization.
Chapter 11 Wireless LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 66 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > Scheduling
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 42 Network > Wireless LAN 2.4G/5G > Scheduling
Wireless LAN Scheduling
Wireless LAN
Select Enable to activate the wireless LAN scheduling feature. Select Disable to turn it
WLAN Status Select On or Off to specify whether the Wireless LAN is turned on or off. This field works
in conjunction with the Day and For the following times fields.
Day Select Everyday or the specific days to turn the Wireless LAN on or off. If you select
Everyday you can not select any specific days. This field works in conjunction with the
For the following times field.
For the following
times (24-Hour
Select a begin time using the first set of hour and minute (min) drop down boxes and
select an end time using the second set of hour and minute (min) drop down boxes. If
you have chosen On earlier for the WLAN Status the Wireless LAN will turn on between
the two times you enter in these fields. If you have chosen Off earlier for the WLAN
Status the Wireless LAN will turn off between the two times you enter in these fields.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
12.1 Overview
This chapter describes how to configure LAN settings.
A Local Area Network (LAN) is a shared communication system to which many computers are
attached. A LAN is a computer network limited to the immediate area, usually the same building or
floor of a building.
Figure 67 LAN Example
The LAN screens can help you configure a manage IP address, and partition your physical network
into logical networks.
12.2 What You Can Do
•Use the IP screen to change the IP address for your NBG6616 (Section 12.4 on page 108).
•Use the IP Alias screen to have the NBG6616 apply IP alias to create LAN subnets (Section 12.5
on page 109).
•Use the IPv6 LAN screen to configure the IPv6 address for your NBG6616 on the LAN (Section
12.6 on page 110).
12.3 What You Need To Know
The actual physical connection determines whether the NBG6616 ports are LAN or WAN ports.
There are two separate IP networks, one inside the LAN network and the other outside the WAN
network as shown next.
Chapter 12 LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 68 LAN and WAN IP Addresses
The LAN parameters of the NBG6616 are preset in the factory with the following values:
IP address of with subnet mask of (24 bits)
DHCP server enabled with 32 client IP addresses starting from
These parameters should work for the majority of installations. If your ISP gives you explicit DNS
server address(es), read the embedded Web Configurator help regarding what fields need to be
12.3.1 IP Alias
IP alias allows you to partition a physical network into different logical networks over the same
Ethernet interface. The NBG6616 supports three logical LAN interfaces via its single physical
Ethernet interface with the NBG6616 itself as the gateway for each LAN network.
12.4 LAN IP Screen
Use this screen to change the IP address for your NBG6616. Click Network > LAN > IP.
Figure 69 Network > LAN > IP
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 43 Network > LAN > IP
IP Address Type the IP address of your NBG6616 in dotted decimal notation.
Chapter 12 LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
12.5 IP Alias Screen
Use this screen to have the NBG6616 apply IP alias to create LAN subnets. Click LAN IP Alias.
Figure 70 Network > LAN > IP Alias
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
IP Subnet Mask The subnet mask specifies the network number portion of an IP address. Your NBG6616
will automatically calculate the subnet mask based on the IP address that you assign.
Unless you are implementing subnetting, use the subnet mask computed by the
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 43 Network > LAN > IP (continued)
Table 44 Network > LAN > IP Alias
IP Alias 1, 2 Check this to enable IP alias to configure another LAN network for the NBG6616.
IP Address Type the IP alias address of your NBG6616 in dotted decimal notation.
IP Subnet Mask The subnet mask specifies the network number portion of an IP address. Your NBG6616
will automatically calculate the subnet mask based on the IP address that you assign.
Unless you are implementing subnetting, use the subnet mask computed by the
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Chapter 12 LAN
NBG6616 User’s Guide
12.6 IPv6 LAN Screen
Use this screen to configure the IPv6 address for your NBG6616 on the LAN. Click Network > LAN
> IPv6 LAN.
Figure 71 Network > LAN > IPv6 LAN
The following table describes the labels on this screen.
Table 45 Network > LAN > IPv6 LAN
Enable DHCPv6-PD Select this option to use DHCPv6 prefix delegation. The NBG6616 will obtain an IPv6
prefix from the ISP or a connected uplink router for the LAN.
Static IP Address Select this option to manually enter an IPv6 address if you want to use a static IP
LAN IPv6 Address Enter the IPv6 address for the NBG6616 on the LAN.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes with the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
DHCP Server
13.1 Overview
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, RFC 2131 and RFC 2132) allows individual clients to
obtain TCP/IP configuration at start-up from a server. You can configure the NBG6616’s LAN as a
DHCP server or disable it. When configured as a server, the NBG6616 provides the TCP/IP
configuration for the clients. If DHCP service is disabled, you must have another DHCP server on
your LAN, or else the computer must be manually configured.
13.1.1 What You Can Do
•Use the General screen to enable the DHCP server (Section 13.2 on page 111).
•Use the Advanced screen to assign IP addresses on the LAN to specific individual computers
based on their MAC Addresses (Section 13.3 on page 112).
•Use the Client List screen to view the current DHCP client information (Section 13.4 on page
13.1.2 What You Need To Know
The following terms and concepts may help as you read through this chapter.
MAC Addresses
Every Ethernet device has a unique MAC (Media Access Control) address. The MAC address is
assigned at the factory and consists of six pairs of hexadecimal characters, for example,
00:A0:C5:00:00:02. Find out the MAC addresses of your network devices if you intend to add them
to the DHCP Client List screen.
IP Pool Setup
The NBG6616 is pre-configured with a pool of 32 IP addresses starting from to This configuration leaves 31 IP addresses (excluding the NBG6616 itself) in the
lower range ( to for other server computers, for instance, servers for
mail, FTP, TFTP, web, etc., that you may have.
13.2 DHCP Server General Screen
The NBG6616 has built-in DHCP server capability that assigns IP addresses to systems that support
DHCP client capability. Use this screen to enable the DHCP server. Click Network > DHCP Server.
The following screen displays.
Chapter 13 DHCP Server
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 72 Network > DHCP Server > General
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
13.3 DHCP Server Advanced Screen
This screen allows you to assign IP addresses on the LAN to specific individual computers based on
their MAC addresses. You can also use this screen to configure the DNS server information that the
NBG6616 sends to the DHCP clients.
To change your NBG6616’s static DHCP settings, click Network > DHCP Server > Advanced. The
following screen displays.
Table 46 Network > DHCP Server > General
DHCP Server Select Enable to activate DHCP for LAN.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, RFC 2131 and RFC 2132) allows
individual clients (computers) to obtain TCP/IP configuration at startup from a server.
Enable the DHCP server unless your ISP instructs you to do otherwise. Select Disable
to stop the NBG6616 acting as a DHCP server. When configured as a server, the
NBG6616 provides TCP/IP configuration for the clients. If not, DHCP service is
disabled and you must have another DHCP server on your LAN, or else the computers
must be manually configured. When set as a server, fill in the following four fields.
IP Pool Starting
This field specifies the first of the contiguous addresses in the IP address pool for LAN.
Pool Size This field specifies the size, or count of the IP address pool for LAN.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Chapter 13 DHCP Server
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 73 Network > DHCP Server > Advanced
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 47 Network > DHCP Server > Advanced
Static DHCP Table
# This is the index number of the static IP table entry (row).
MAC Address Type the MAC address (with colons) of a computer on your LAN.
IP Address Type the LAN IP address of a computer on your LAN.
DNS Server
DNS Servers
Assigned by DHCP
The NBG6616 passes a DNS (Domain Name System) server IP address (in the order you
specify here) to the DHCP clients. The NBG6616 only passes this information to the LAN
DHCP clients when you enable DHCP Server. When you disable DHCP Server, DHCP
service is disabled and you must have another DHCP sever on your LAN, or else the
computers must have their DNS server addresses manually configured.
Chapter 13 DHCP Server
NBG6616 User’s Guide
13.4 DHCP Client List Screen
The DHCP table shows current DHCP client information (including IP Address, Host Name and MAC
Address) of network clients using the NBG6616’s DHCP servers.
Configure this screen to always assign an IP address to a MAC address (and host name). Click
Network > DHCP Server > Client List.
Note: You can also view a read-only client list by clicking Monitor > DHCP Server.
Figure 74 Network > DHCP Server > Client List
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
First DNS Server
Second DNS Server
Third DNS Server
Select Obtained From ISP if your ISP dynamically assigns DNS server information
(and the NBG6616's WAN IP address). The field to the right displays the (read-only)
DNS server IP address that the ISP assigns.
Select User-Defined if you have the IP address of a DNS server. Enter the DNS server's
IP address in the field to the right.
Select DNS Relay to have the NBG6616 act as a DNS proxy. The NBG6616's LAN IP
address displays in the field to the right (read-only). The NBG6616 tells the DHCP
clients on the LAN that the NBG6616 itself is the DNS server. When a computer on the
LAN sends a DNS query to the NBG6616, the NBG6616 forwards the query to the
NBG6616's system DNS server (configured in the WAN screen) and relays the response
back to the computer. You can only select DNS Relay for one of the three servers; if
you select DNS Relay for a second or third DNS server, that choice changes to None
after you click Apply.
Select None if you do not want to configure DNS servers. If you do not configure a DNS
server, you must know the IP address of a computer in order to access it.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 47 Network > DHCP Server > Advanced (continued)
Table 48 Network > DHCP Server > Client List
# This is the index number of the host computer.
Status This field displays whether the connection to the host computer is up (a yellow bulb) or
down (a gray bulb).
Host Name This field displays the computer host name.
IP Address This field displays the IP address relative to the # field listed above.
Chapter 13 DHCP Server
NBG6616 User’s Guide
MAC Address This field shows the MAC address of the computer with the name in the Host Name field.
Every Ethernet device has a unique MAC (Media Access Control) address which uniquely
identifies a device. The MAC address is assigned at the factory and consists of six pairs of
hexadecimal characters, for example, 00:A0:C5:00:00:02.
Reserve Select this if you want to reserve the IP address for this specific MAC address.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Table 48 Network > DHCP Server > Client List (continued)
NBG6616 User’s Guide
14.1 Overview
NAT (Network Address Translation - NAT, RFC 1631) is the translation of the IP address of a host in
a packet. For example, the source address of an outgoing packet, used within one network is
changed to a different IP address known within another network.
The figure below is a simple illustration of a NAT network. You want to assign ports 21-25 to one
FTP, Telnet and SMTP server (A in the example), port 80 to another (B in the example) and assign
a default server IP address of to a third (C in the example).
You assign the LAN IP addresses to the devices (A to D) connected to your NBG6616. The ISP
assigns the WAN IP address. The NAT network appears as a single host on the Internet. All traffic
coming from A to D going out to the Internet use the IP address of the NBG6616, which is
Figure 75 NAT Example
Note: You must create a firewall rule in addition to setting up NAT, to allow traffic from
the WAN to be forwarded through the NBG6616.
14.1.1 What You Can Do
•Use the General screen to enable NAT (Section 14.2 on page 117).
•Use the Port Forwarding screen to set a default server and change your NBG6616’s port
forwarding settings to forward incoming service requests to the server(s) on your local network
(Section 14.3 on page 117).
IP address
assigned by ISP
FTP, Telnet, SNMP
Port 80
Ports 21 to 25
Chapter 14 NAT
NBG6616 User’s Guide
•Use the Port Trigger screen to change your NBG6616’s trigger port settings (Section 14.5.3 on
page 122).
14.2 General
Use this screen to enable NAT and set a default server. Click Network > NAT to open the General
Figure 76 Network > NAT > General
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
14.3 Port Forwarding Screen
Use this screen to forward incoming service requests to the server(s) on your local network and set
a default server. You may enter a single port number or a range of port numbers to be forwarded,
and the local IP address of the desired server. The port number identifies a service; for example,
web service is on port 80 and FTP on port 21. In some cases, such as for unknown services or
where one server can support more than one service (for example both FTP and web service), it
might be better to specify a range of port numbers.
In addition to the servers for specified services, NAT supports a default server. A service request
that does not have a server explicitly designated for it is forwarded to the default server. If the
default is not defined, the service request is simply discarded.
Note: Many residential broadband ISP accounts do not allow you to run any server
processes (such as a Web or FTP server) from your location. Your ISP may
periodically check for servers and may suspend your account if it discovers any
active services at your location. If you are unsure, refer to your ISP.
Table 49 Network > NAT > General
Network Address
Translation (NAT)
Network Address Translation (NAT) allows the translation of an Internet protocol
address used within one network (for example a private IP address used in a local
network) to a different IP address known within another network (for example a public
IP address used on the Internet).
Select Enable to activate NAT. Select Disable to turn it off.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Chapter 14 NAT
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Port forwarding allows you to define the local servers to which the incoming services will be
forwarded. To change your NBG6616’s port forwarding settings, click Network > NAT > Port
Forwarding. The screen appears as shown.
Note: If you do not assign a Default Server, the NBG6616 discards all packets received
for ports that are not specified in this screen or remote management.
Refer to Appendix C on page 224 for port numbers commonly used for particular services.
Figure 77 Network > NAT > Port Forwarding
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 50 Network > NAT > Port Forwarding
Default Server Setup
Default Server In addition to the servers for specified services, NAT supports a default server. A default
server receives packets from ports that are not specified in the Port Forwarding
screen. You can decide whether you want to use the default server or specify a server
Select this to use the default server.
Change to Server Select this and manually enter the server’s IP address.
Service Name Select a pre-defined service from the drop-down list box. The pre-defined service port
number(s) and protocol will be displayed in the port forwarding summary table.
Otherwise, select User define to manually enter the port number(s) and select the IP
Service Protocol Select the transport layer protocol supported by this virtual server. Choices are TCP,
If you have chosen a pre-defined service in the Service Name field, the protocol will be
configured automatically.
Server IP Address Enter the inside IP address of the virtual server here and click Add to add it in the port
forwarding summary table.
# This is the number of an individual port forwarding server entry.
Chapter 14 NAT
NBG6616 User’s Guide
14.3.1 Port Forwarding Edit Screen
This screen lets you edit a port forwarding rule. Click a rule’s Edit icon in the Port Forwarding
screen to open the following screen.
Figure 78 Network > NAT > Port Forwarding Edit
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Status This icon is turned on when the rule is enabled.
Name This field displays a name to identify this rule.
Protocol This is the transport layer protocol used for the service.
Port This field displays the port number(s).
Server IP Address This field displays the inside IP address of the server.
Modify Click the Edit icon to open the edit screen where you can modify an existing rule.
Click the Delete icon to remove a rule.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 50 Network > NAT > Port Forwarding (continued)
Table 51 Network > NAT > Port Forwarding Edit
Port Forwarding Select Enable to turn on this rule and the requested service can be forwarded to the host
with a specified internal IP address.
Select Disable to disallow forwarding of these ports to an inside server without having to
delete the entry.
Service Name Select User define and type a name (of up to 31 printable characters) to identify this rule
in the first field next to Service Name. Otherwise, select a predefined service in the
second field next to Service Name. The predefined service name and port number(s) will
display in the Service Name and Port fields.
Protocol Select the transport layer protocol supported by this virtual server. Choices are TCP, UDP,
If you have chosen a pre-defined service in the Service Name field, the protocol will be
configured automatically.
Port Type a port number(s) to define the service to be forwarded to the specified server.
To specify a range of ports, enter a hyphen (-) between the first port and the last port,
such as 10-.
Chapter 14 NAT
NBG6616 User’s Guide
14.4 Port Trigger Screen
To change your NBG6616’s trigger port settings, click Network > NAT > Port Trigger. The screen
appears as shown.
Note: Only one LAN computer can use a trigger port (range) at a time.
Figure 79 Network > NAT > Port Trigger
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Server IP
Type the IP address of the server on your LAN that receives packets from the port(s)
specified in the Port field.
Back Click Back to return to the previous screen.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 51 Network > NAT > Port Forwarding Edit (continued)
Table 52 Network > NAT > Port Trigger
# This is the rule index number (read-only).
Name Type a unique name (up to 15 characters) for identification purposes. All characters are
permitted - including spaces.
Chapter 14 NAT
NBG6616 User’s Guide
14.5 Technical Reference
The following section contains additional technical information about the NBG6616 features
described in this chapter.
14.5.1 NATPort Forwarding: Services and Port Numbers
A port forwarding set is a list of inside (behind NAT on the LAN) servers, for example, web or FTP,
that you can make accessible to the outside world even though NAT makes your whole inside
network appear as a single machine to the outside world.
Use the Port Forwarding screen to forward incoming service requests to the server(s) on your
local network. You may enter a single port number or a range of port numbers to be forwarded, and
the local IP address of the desired server. The port number identifies a service; for example, web
service is on port 80 and FTP on port 21. In some cases, such as for unknown services or where one
server can support more than one service (for example both FTP and web service), it might be
better to specify a range of port numbers.
In addition to the servers for specified services, NAT supports a default server. A service request
that does not have a server explicitly designated for it is forwarded to the default server. If the
default is not defined, the service request is simply discarded.
Note: Many residential broadband ISP accounts do not allow you to run any server
processes (such as a Web or FTP server) from your location. Your ISP may
periodically check for servers and may suspend your account if it discovers any
active services at your location. If you are unsure, refer to your ISP.
14.5.2 NAT Port Forwarding Example
Let's say you want to assign ports 21-25 to one FTP, Telnet and SMTP server (A in the example),
port 80 to another (B in the example) and assign a default server IP address of to a
third (C in the example). You assign the LAN IP addresses and the ISP assigns the WAN IP address.
The NAT network appears as a single host on the Internet.
Incoming Incoming is a port (or a range of ports) that a server on the WAN uses when it sends out
a particular service. The NBG6616 forwards the traffic with this port (or range of ports) to
the client computer on the LAN that requested the service.
Port Type a port number or the starting port number in a range of port numbers.
End Port Type a port number or the ending port number in a range of port numbers.
Trigger The trigger port is a port (or a range of ports) that causes (or triggers) the NBG6616 to
record the IP address of the LAN computer that sent the traffic to a server on the WAN.
Port Type a port number or the starting port number in a range of port numbers.
End Port Type a port number or the ending port number in a range of port numbers.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 52 Network > NAT > Port Trigger (continued)
Chapter 14 NAT
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 80 Multiple Servers Behind NAT Example
14.5.3 Trigger Port Forwarding
Some services use a dedicated range of ports on the client side and a dedicated range of ports on
the server side. With regular port forwarding you set a forwarding port in NAT to forward a service
(coming in from the server on the WAN) to the IP address of a computer on the client side (LAN).
The problem is that port forwarding only forwards a service to a single LAN IP address. In order to
use the same service on a different LAN computer, you have to manually replace the LAN
computer's IP address in the forwarding port with another LAN computer's IP address.
Trigger port forwarding solves this problem by allowing computers on the LAN to dynamically take
turns using the service. The NBG6616 records the IP address of a LAN computer that sends traffic
to the WAN to request a service with a specific port number and protocol (a "trigger" port). When
the NBG6616's WAN port receives a response with a specific port number and protocol ("incoming"
port), the NBG6616 forwards the traffic to the LAN IP address of the computer that sent the
request. After that computers connection for that service closes, another computer on the LAN can
use the service in the same manner. This way you do not need to configure a new IP address each
time you want a different LAN computer to use the application.
14.5.4 Trigger Port Forwarding Example
The following is an example of trigger port forwarding.
Figure 81 Trigger Port Forwarding Process: Example
1 Jane requests a file from the Real Audio server (port 7070).
Jane’s computer
Real Audio Server
Port 7070
Chapter 14 NAT
NBG6616 User’s Guide
2 Port 7070 is a “trigger” port and causes the NBG6616 to record Jane’s computer IP address. The
NBG6616 associates Jane's computer IP address with the "incoming" port range of 6970-7170.
3 The Real Audio server responds using a port number ranging between 6970-7170.
4 The NBG6616 forwards the traffic to Jane’s computer IP address.
5 Only Jane can connect to the Real Audio server until the connection is closed or times out. The
NBG6616 times out in three minutes with UDP (User Datagram Protocol), or two hours with TCP/IP
(Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).
14.5.5 Two Points To Remember About Trigger Ports
1 Trigger events only happen on data that is coming from inside the NBG6616 and going to the
2 If an application needs a continuous data stream, that port (range) will be tied up so that another
computer on the LAN can’t trigger it.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
15.1 Overview
DDNS services let you use a domain name with a dynamic IP address.
15.1.1 What You Need To Know
The following terms and concepts may help as you read through this chapter.
What is DDNS?
Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS) services let you use a fixed domain name with a dynamic
IP address. Users can always use the same domain name instead of a different dynamic IP address
that changes each time to connect to the NBG6616 or a server in your network.
Note: The NBG6616 must have a public global IP address and you should have your
registered DDNS account information on hand.
15.2 General
To change your NBG6616’s DDNS, click Network > DDNS. The screen appears as shown.
Figure 82 Dynamic DNS
Chapter 15 DDNS
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 53 Dynamic DNS
Dynamic DNS Select Enable to use dynamic DNS. Select Disable to turn this feature off.
Service Provider Select the name of your Dynamic DNS service provider.
Host Name Enter a host names in the field provided. You can specify up to two host names in the
field separated by a comma (",").
Username Enter your user name.
Password Enter the password assigned to you.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Static Route
16.1 Overview
This chapter shows you how to configure static routes for your NBG6616.
The NBG6616 usually uses the default gateway to route outbound traffic from computers on the
LAN to the Internet. To have the NBG6616 send data to devices not reachable through the default
gateway, use static routes.
For example, the next figure shows a computer (A) connected to the NBG6616’s LAN interface. The
NBG6616 routes most traffic from A to the Internet through the NBG6616’s default gateway (R1).
You create one static route to connect to services offered by your ISP behind router R2. You create
another static route to communicate with a separate network behind a router R3 connected to the
Figure 83 Example of Static Routing Topology
16.2 IP Static Route Screen
Click Network > Static Route to open the Static Route screen.
Chapter 16 Static Route
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 84 Network > Static Route
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
16.2.1 Add/Edit Static Route
Click the Add Static Route button or a rule’s Edit icon in the Static Route screen. Use this screen
to configure the required information for a static route.
Figure 85 Network > Static Route: Add/Edit
Table 54 Network > Static Route
Add Static Route Click this to create a new rule.
# This is the number of an individual static route.
Status This field indicates whether the rule is active (yellow bulb) or not (gray bulb).
Name This field displays a name to identify this rule.
Destination This parameter specifies the IP network address of the final destination. Routing is always
based on network number.
Gateway This is the IP address of the gateway. The gateway is a router or switch on the same
network segment as the device's LAN or WAN port. The gateway helps forward packets to
their destinations.
Subnet Mask This parameter specifies the IP network subnet mask of the final destination.
Modify Click the Edit icon to open a screen where you can modify an existing rule.
Click the Delete icon to remove a rule from the NBG6616.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Chapter 16 Static Route
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 55 Network > Static Route: Add/Edit
Static Route Select to enable or disable this rule.
Route Name Type a name to identify this rule. You can use up to 31 printable English keyboard
characters, including spaces.
Destination IP
This parameter specifies the IP network address of the final destination. Routing is always
based on network number. If you need to specify a route to a single host, use a subnet
mask of in the subnet mask field to force the network number to be
identical to the host ID.
IP Subnet Mask Enter the IP subnet mask here.
Gateway IP
Enter the IP address of the next-hop gateway. The gateway is a router or switch on the
same segment as your NBG6616's interface(s). The gateway helps forward packets to
their destinations.
Back Click Back to return to the previous screen without saving.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to set every field in this screen to its last-saved value.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
17.1 Overview
Use these screens to enable and configure the firewall that protects your NBG6616 and your LAN
from unwanted or malicious traffic.
Enable the firewall to protect your LAN computers from attacks by hackers on the Internet and
control access between the LAN and WAN. By default the firewall:
allows traffic that originates from your LAN computers to go to all of the networks.
blocks traffic that originates on the other networks from going to the LAN.
The following figure illustrates the default firewall action. User A can initiate an IM (Instant
Messaging) session from the LAN to the WAN (1). Return traffic for this session is also allowed (2).
However other traffic initiated from the WAN is blocked (3 and 4).
Figure 86 Default Firewall Action
17.1.1 What You Can Do
•Use the General screen to enable or disable the NBG6616’s firewall (Section 17.2 on page 130).
•Use the Services screen enable service blocking, enter/delete/modify the services you want to
block and the date/time you want to block them (Section 17.3 on page 131).
17.1.2 What You Need To Know
The following terms and concepts may help as you read through this chapter.
Chapter 17 Firewall
NBG6616 User’s Guide
About the NBG6616 Firewall
The NBG6616’s firewall feature physically separates the LAN and the WAN and acts as a secure
gateway for all data passing between the networks.
It is a stateful inspection firewall and is designed to protect against Denial of Service attacks when
activated (click the General tab under Firewall and then click the Enable Firewall check box).
The NBG6616's purpose is to allow a private Local Area Network (LAN) to be securely connected to
the Internet. The NBG6616 can be used to prevent theft, destruction and modification of data, as
well as log events, which may be important to the security of your network.
The NBG6616 is installed between the LAN and a broadband modem connecting to the Internet.
This allows it to act as a secure gateway for all data passing between the Internet and the LAN.
The NBG6616 has one Ethernet WAN port and four Ethernet LAN ports, which are used to physically
separate the network into two areas.The WAN (Wide Area Network) port attaches to the broadband
(cable or DSL) modem to the Internet.
The LAN (Local Area Network) port attaches to a network of computers, which needs security from
the outside world. These computers will have access to Internet services such as e-mail, FTP and
the World Wide Web. However, "inbound access" is not allowed (by default) unless the remote host
is authorized to use a specific service.
Guidelines For Enhancing Security With Your Firewall
1 Change the default password via Web Configurator.
2 Think about access control before you connect to the network in any way, including attaching a
modem to the port.
3 Limit who can access your router.
4 Don't enable any local service (such as NTP) that you don't use. Any enabled service could present
a potential security risk. A determined hacker might be able to find creative ways to misuse the
enabled services to access the firewall or the network.
5 For local services that are enabled, protect against misuse. Protect by configuring the services to
communicate only with specific peers, and protect by configuring rules to block packets for the
services at specific interfaces.
6 Protect against IP spoofing by making sure the firewall is active.
7 Keep the firewall in a secured (locked) room.
17.2 General Screen
Use this screen to enable or disable the NBG6616’s firewall, and set up firewall logs. Click Security
> Firewall to open the General screen.
Chapter 17 Firewall
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 87 Security > Firewall > General l
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
17.3 Services Screen
If an outside user attempts to probe an unsupported port on your NBG6616, an ICMP response
packet is automatically returned. This allows the outside user to know the NBG6616 exists. Use this
screen to prevent the ICMP response packet from being sent. This keeps outsiders from discovering
your NBG6616 when unsupported ports are probed.
You can also use this screen to enable service blocking, enter/delete/modify the services you want
to block and the date/time you want to block them.
Click Security > Firewall > Services. The screen appears as shown next.
Table 56 Security > Firewall > General
Enable Firewall Select this check box to activate the firewall. The NBG6616 performs access control and
protects against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks when the firewall is activated.
Apply Click Apply to save the settings.
Cancel Click Cancel to start configuring this screen again.
Chapter 17 Firewall
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 88 Security > Firewall > Services l
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 57 Security > Firewall > Services
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol is a message control and error-reporting protocol
between a host server and a gateway to the Internet. ICMP uses Internet Protocol (IP)
datagrams, but the messages are processed by the TCP/IP software and directly apparent
to the application user.
Respond to Ping
The NBG6616 will not respond to any incoming Ping requests when Disable is selected.
Select LAN to reply to incoming LAN Ping requests. Select WAN to reply to incoming WAN
Ping requests. Otherwise select LAN&WAN to reply to all incoming LAN and WAN Ping
Apply Click Apply to save the settings.
Enable Firewall Rule
Enable Firewall
Select this check box to activate the firewall rules that you define (see Add Firewall Rule
Apply Click Apply to save the settings.
Add Firewall Rule
Service Name Enter a name that identifies or describes the firewall rule.
MAC Address Enter the MAC address of the computer for which the firewall rule applies.
Dest IP Address Enter the IP address of the computer to which traffic for the application or service is
The NBG6616 applies the firewall rule to traffic initiating from this computer.
Chapter 17 Firewall
NBG6616 User’s Guide
See Appendix C on page 224 for commonly used services and port numbers.
Source IP Address Enter the IP address of the computer that initializes traffic for the application or service.
The NBG6616 applies the firewall rule to traffic initiating from this computer.
Protocol Select the protocol (TCP, UDP or ICMP) used to transport the packets for which you want
to apply the firewall rule.
Dest Port Range Enter the port number/range of the destination that define the traffic type, for example
TCP port 80 defines web traffic.
Source Port
Enter the port number/range of the source that define the traffic type, for example TCP
port 80 defines web traffic.
Add Rule Click Add to save the firewall rule.
Firewall Rule
# This is your firewall rule number. The ordering of your rules is important as rules are
applied in turn.
Service Name This is a name that identifies or describes the firewall rule.
MAC address This is the MAC address of the computer for which the firewall rule applies.
Dest IP This is the IP address of the computer to which traffic for the application or service is
Source IP This is the IP address of the computer from which traffic for the application or service is
Protocol This is the protocol (TCP, UDP or ICMP) used to transport the packets for which you want
to apply the firewall rule.
Dest Port Range This is the port number/range of the destination that define the traffic type, for example
TCP port 80 defines web traffic.
Source Port
This is the port number/range of the source that define the traffic type, for example TCP
port 80 defines web traffic.
Action DROP - Traffic matching the conditions of the firewall rule are stopped.
Delete Click Delete to remove the firewall rule.
Cancel Click Cancel to start configuring this screen again.
Table 57 Security > Firewall > Services (continued)
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Content Filtering
18.1 Overview
This chapter shows you how to configure content filtering. Content filtering is the ability to block
certain web features.
18.2 Content Filter
Use this screen to restrict web features, and designate a trusted computer. Click Security >
Content Filter to open the Content Filter screen.
Figure 89 Security > Content Filter
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 58 Security > Content Filter
Trusted IP Setup To enable this feature, type an IP address of any one of the computers in your network
that you want to have as a trusted computer. This allows the trusted computer to have
full access to all features that are configured to be blocked by content filtering.
Leave this field blank to have no trusted computers.
Restrict Web
Select the box(es) to restrict a feature. When you download a page containing a
restricted feature, that part of the web page will appear blank or grayed out.
ActiveX A tool for building dynamic and active Web pages and distributed object applications.
When you visit an ActiveX Web site, ActiveX controls are downloaded to your browser,
where they remain in case you visit the site again.
Java A programming language and development environment for building downloadable Web
components or Internet and intranet business applications of all kinds.
Cookies Used by Web servers to track usage and provide service based on ID.
Chapter 18 Content Filtering
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Web Proxy A server that acts as an intermediary between a user and the Internet to provide
security, administrative control, and caching service. When a proxy server is located on
the WAN it is possible for LAN users to circumvent content filtering by pointing to this
proxy server.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh
Table 58 Security > Content Filter (continued)
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Parental Control
19.1 Overview
Parental controls allow you to block specific URLs. You can also define time periods and days during
which the NBG6616 performs parental control on a specific user.
19.1.1 What You Need To Know
The following terms and concepts may help as you read through this chapter.
Keyword Blocking URL Checking
The NBG6616 checks the URL’s domain name (or IP address) and file path separately when
performing keyword blocking.
The URL’s domain name or IP address is the characters that come before the first slash in the URL.
For example, with the URL www.zyxel.com.tw/news/pressroom.php
, the domain name is
The file path is the characters that come after the first slash in the URL. For example, with the URL
, the file path is news/pressroom.php.
Since the NBG6616 checks the URL’s domain name (or IP address) and file path separately, it will
not find items that go across the two. For example, with the URL www.zyxel.com.tw/news/
pressroom.php, the NBG6616 would find “tw” in the domain name (www.zyxel.com.tw). It would
also find “news” in the file path (news/pressroom.php
) but it would not find “tw/news”.
19.2 Parental Control Screen
Use this screen to enable parental control, view the parental control rules and schedules.
Click Configuration > Security > Parental Control to open the following screen.
Chapter 19 Parental Control
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 90 Security > Parental Control
The following table describes the fields in this screen.
19.2.1 Add/Edit a Parental Control Rule
Click Add new rules in the Parental Control screen to add a new rule or click the Edit icon next
to an existing rule to edit it. Use this screen to configure a restricted access schedule and/or URL
filtering settings to block the users on your network from accessing certain web sites.
Table 59 Security > Parental Control
Select Enable to activate parental control.
Add new rules Click this if you want to configure a new parental control rule.
# This shows the index number of the rule.
Status This indicates whether the rule is active or not.
A yellow bulb signifies that this rule is active. A gray bulb signifies that this rule is not active.
Rule Name This shows the name of the rule.
Home Network
User (MAC)
This shows the MAC address of the LAN user’s computer to which this rule applies.
Internet Access
This shows the day(s) and time on which parental control is enabled.
This shows whether the network service is configured. If not, None will be shown.
This shows whether the website block is configured. If not, None will be shown.
Modify Click the Edit icon to go to the screen where you can edit the rule.
Click the Delete icon to delete an existing rule.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to restore your previously saved settings.
Chapter 19 Parental Control
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 91 Security > Parental Control: Add/Edit new rules
The following table describes the fields in this screen.
Table 60 Security > Parental Control: Add/Edit new rules
Active Select the checkbox to activate this parental control rule.
Control Profile
Enter a descriptive name for the rule.
Chapter 19 Parental Control
NBG6616 User’s Guide
19.2.2 Add/Edit a Service
Click Add new service in the Parental Control > Add/Edit new rules screen to add a new
entry or click the Edit icon next to an existing entry to edit it. Use this screen to configure a service
Figure 92 Security > Parental Control > Add/Edit new rules > Add/Edit new service
Home Network
Select the LAN user that you want to apply this rule to from the drop-down list box. If you
select Custom, enter the LAN user’s MAC address. If you select All, the rule applies to all
LAN users.
Internet Access Schedule
Day Select check boxes for the days that you want the NBG6616 to perform parental control.
Time Drag the time bar to define the time that the LAN user is allowed access.
Network Service
Service Setting
If you select Block, the NBG6616 prohibits the users from using the services listed below.
If you select Allow, the NBG6616 blocks all services except ones listed below.
Add new
Click this to show a screen in which you can add a new service rule. You can configure the
Service Name, Protocol, and Port of the new rule.
# This shows the index number of the rule. Select the checkbox next to the rule to activate it.
Service Name This shows the name of the service.
Protocol:Port This shows the protocol and the port of the service.
Modify Click the Edit icon to go to the screen where you can edit the rule.
Click the Delete icon to delete an existing rule.
Blocked Site/
URL Keyword
Click Add to show a screen to enter the website URL or URL keyword to which the NBG6616
blocks access. Click Delete to remove it.
Apply Click Apply to save your settings back to the NBG6616.
Back Click Back to return to the previous screen.
Table 60 Security > Parental Control: Add/Edit new rules (continued)
Chapter 19 Parental Control
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The following table describes the fields in this screen.
19.3 Technical Reference
The following section contains additional technical information about the NBG6616 features
described in this chapter.
19.3.1 Customizing Keyword Blocking URL Checking
You can use commands to set how much of a website’s URL the content filter is to check for
keyword blocking. See the appendices for information on how to access and use the command
Domain Name or IP Address URL Checking
By default, the NBG6616 checks the URL’s domain name or IP address when performing keyword
This means that the NBG6616 checks the characters that come before the first slash in the URL.
For example, with the URL www.zyxel.com.tw/news/pressroom.php
, content filtering only searches
for keywords within www.zyxel.com.tw
Full Path URL Checking
Full path URL checking has the NBG6616 check the characters that come before the last slash in the
For example, with the URL www.zyxel.com.tw/news/pressroom.php
, full path URL checking
searches for keywords within www.zyxel.com.tw/news/
Use the ip urlfilter customize actionFlags 6 [disable | enable] command to extend (or
not extend) the keyword blocking search to include the URL's full path.
Table 61 Security > Parental Control > Add/Edit new rules > Add/Edit new service
Service Name Select the name of the service. Otherwise, select UserDefined and manually specify the
protocol and the port of the service.
Protocol Select the transport layer protocol used for the service. Choices are TCP, UDP, or TCP/
If you have chosen a pre-defined service in the Service Name field, this field will not be
Port Enter the port of the service.
If you have chosen a pre-defined service in the Service Name field, this field will not be
Apply Click Apply to save your settings with the NBG6616.
Back Click Back to return to the previous screen.
Chapter 19 Parental Control
NBG6616 User’s Guide
File Name URL Checking
Filename URL checking has the NBG6616 check all of the characters in the URL.
For example, filename URL checking searches for keywords within the URL www.zyxel.com.tw/
Use the ip urlfilter customize actionFlags 8 [disable | enable] command to extend (or
not extend) the keyword blocking search to include the URL's complete filename.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
IPv6 Firewall
20.1 Overview
This chapter shows you how to enable and create IPv6 firewall rules to block unwanted IPv6 traffic.
20.2 IPv6 Firewall Screen
Click Configuration > Security > IPv6 Firewall. The Service screen appears as shown.
Figure 93 Configuration > Security > IPv6 Firewall
Chapter 20 IPv6 Firewall
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 62 Configuration > Security > IPv6 Firewall
ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICMPv6 or ICMP for IPv6) is defined in RFC
4443. ICMPv6 has a preceding Next Header value of 58, which is different from the
value used to identify ICMP for IPv4. ICMPv6 is an integral part of IPv6. IPv6 nodes use
ICMPv6 to report errors encountered in packet processing and perform other diagnostic
functions, such as "ping".
Respond to Ping on The NBG6616 will not respond to any incoming Ping requests when Disable is selected.
Select LAN to reply to incoming LAN Ping requests. Select WAN to reply to incoming
WAN Ping requests. Otherwise select LAN&WAN to reply to all incoming LAN and WAN
Ping requests.
Apply Click Apply to save the settings.
Enable Firewall Rule
Enable Firewall Rule Select this check box to activate the firewall rules that you define (see Add Firewall
Rule below).
Apply Click Apply to save the settings.
Add Firewall Rule
Service Name Enter a name that identifies or describes the firewall rule.
MAC Address Enter the MAC address of the computer for which the firewall rule applies.
Dest_IP_Address Enter the IPv6 address of the computer to which traffic for the application or service is
The NBG6616 applies the firewall rule to traffic destined for this computer.
Source_IP_Address Enter the IPv6 address of the computer that initializes traffic for the application or
The NBG6616 applies the firewall rule to traffic initiating from this computer.
Protocol Select the protocol (TCP, UDP or ICMP) used to transport the packets for which you
want to apply the firewall rule.
Dest Port Range Enter the port number/range of the destination that defines the traffic type, for
example TCP port 80 defines web traffic.
Source Port Range Enter the port number/range of the source that defines the traffic type, for example
TCP port 80 defines web traffic.
Add Rule Click Add Rule to save the firewall rule.
Firewall Rule
# This is your firewall rule number. The ordering of your rules is important as rules are
applied in turn.
ServiceName This is a name that identifies or describes the firewall rule.
MACaddress This is the MAC address of the computer for which the firewall rule applies.
DestIP This is the IP address of the computer to which traffic for the application or service is
SourceIP This is the IP address of the computer to which traffic for the application or service is
Protocol This is the protocol (TCP, UDP or ICMP) used to transport the packets for which you
want to apply the firewall rule.
DestPortRange This is the port number/range of the destination that defines the traffic type, for
example TCP port 80 defines web traffic.
SourcePortRange This is the port number/range of the source that defines the traffic type, for example
TCP port 80 defines web traffic.
Action DROP - Traffic matching the conditions of the firewall rule is stopped.
Chapter 20 IPv6 Firewall
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Delete Click Delete to remove the firewall rule.
Cancel Click Cancel to restore your previously saved settings.
Table 62 Configuration > Security > IPv6 Firewall (continued)
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Bandwidth Management
21.1 Overview
This chapter contains information about configuring bandwidth management and editing rules.
ZyXEL’s Bandwidth Management allows you to specify bandwidth management rules based on an
In the figure below, uplink traffic goes from the LAN device (A) to the WAN device (B). Bandwidth
management is applied before sending the packets out to the WAN. Downlink traffic comes back
from the WAN device (B) to the LAN device (A). Bandwidth management is applied before sending
the traffic out to LAN.
Figure 94 Bandwidth Management Example
You can allocate specific amounts of bandwidth capacity (bandwidth budgets) to individual
applications (like VoIP, Web, FTP, and E-mail for example).
21.2 What You Can Do
•Use the General screen to enable bandwidth management and assign bandwidth values (Section
21.4 on page 146).
•Use the Advanced screen to configure bandwidth managements rule for the pre-defined services
and applications (Section 21.5 on page 146).
-> FTP
-> Chat, Email
Chapter 21 Bandwidth Management
NBG6616 User’s Guide
21.3 What You Need To Know
The sum of the bandwidth allotments that apply to the WAN interface (LAN to WAN, WLAN to WAN)
must be less than or equal to the Upstream Bandwidth that you configure in the Bandwidth
Management Advanced screen (Section 21.5 on page 146).
The sum of the bandwidth allotments that apply to the LAN interface (WAN to LAN, WAN to WLAN)
must be less than or equal to the Downstream Bandwidth that you configure in the Bandwidth
Management Advanced screen Section 21.5 on page 146.
21.4 General Screen
Use this screen to have the NBG6616 apply bandwidth management.
Click Management > Bandwidth MGMT to open the bandwidth management General screen.
Figure 95 Management > Bandwidth Management > General
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
21.5 Advanced Screen
Use this screen to configure bandwidth management rules for the pre-defined services or
You can also use this screen to configure bandwidth management rule for other services or
applications that are not on the pre-defined list of NBG6616. Additionally, you can define the source
and destination IP addresses and port for a service or application.
Table 63 Management > Bandwidth Management > General
Enable Bandwidth
This field allows you to have NBG6616 apply bandwidth management.
Enable bandwidth management to give traffic that matches a bandwidth rule priority
over traffic that does not match a bandwidth rule.
Enabling bandwidth management also allows you to control the maximum or minimum
amounts of bandwidth that can be used by traffic that matches a bandwidth rule.
Apply Click Apply to save your customized settings.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Chapter 21 Bandwidth Management
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Note: The two tables shown in this screen can be configured and applied at the same
Click Management > Bandwidth MGMT > Advanced to open the bandwidth management
Advanced screen.
Figure 96 Management > Bandwidth Management > Advanced
Chapter 21 Bandwidth Management
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
21.5.1 Rule Configuration: Application Rule Configuration
If you want to edit a bandwidth management rule for a pre-defined service or application, click the
Edit icon in the Application List table of the Advanced screen. The following screen displays.
Table 64 Management > Bandwidth Management > Advanced
Management Bandwidth
Specify the total amount of bandwidth that you want to dedicate to uplink traffic. The
recommendation is to set this to match the actual upstream data rate.
This is traffic from LAN/WLAN to WAN.
Specify the total amount of bandwidth that you want to dedicate to downlink traffic. The
recommendation is to set this to match the actual downstream data rate.
This is traffic from WAN to LAN/WLAN.
Application List Use this table to allocate specific amounts of bandwidth based on a pre-defined service.
# This is the number of an individual bandwidth management rule.
Priority Select a priority from the drop down list box. Choose High, Mid or Low.
High - Select this for voice traffic or video that is especially sensitive to jitter (jitter is
the variations in delay).
Mid - Select this for "excellent effort" or better than best effort and would include
important business traffic that can tolerate some delay.
Low - Select this for non-critical "background" traffic such as bulk transfers that are
allowed but that should not affect other applications and users.
Category This is the category where a service belongs.
Service This is the name of the service.
Select the check box to have the NBG6616 apply this bandwidth management rule.
Click the Edit icon to open the Rule Configuration screen where you can modify the
Use this table to allocate specific amounts of bandwidth to specific applications or services
you specify.
# This is the number of an individual bandwidth management rule.
Enable Select this check box to have the NBG6616 apply this bandwidth management rule.
Direction Select To LAN&WLAN to apply bandwidth management to traffic from WAN to LAN and
Select To WAN to apply bandwidth management to traffic from LAN/WLAN to WAN.
Service Name Enter a descriptive name for the bandwidth management rule.
Category This is the category where a service belongs.
Modify Click the Edit icon to open the Rule Configuration screen. Modify an existing rule or
create a new rule in the Rule Configuration screen. See Section 21.5.2 on page 149 for
more information.
Click the Remove icon to delete a rule.
Apply Click Apply to save your customized settings.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Chapter 21 Bandwidth Management
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 97 Bandwidth Management Rule Configuration: Application List
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
21.5.2 Rule Configuration: User Defined Service Rule Configuration
If you want to edit a bandwidth management rule for other applications or services, click the Edit
icon in the User-defined Service table of the Advanced screen. The following screen displays.
Table 65 Bandwidth Management Rule Configuration: Application List
# This is the number of an individual bandwidth management rule.
Enable Select an interface’s check box to enable bandwidth management on that interface.
Direction These read-only labels represent the physical interfaces. Bandwidth management applies
to all traffic flowing out of the router through the interface, regardless of the traffic’s
Traffic redirect or IP alias may cause LAN-to-LAN traffic to pass through the NBG6616
and be managed by bandwidth management.
Bandwidth Select Maximum Bandwidth or Minimum Bandwidth and specify the maximum or
minimum bandwidth allowed for the rule in kilobits per second.
Destination Port This is the port number of the destination that define the traffic type, for example TCP
port 80 defines web traffic.
See Appendix C on page 224 for some common services and port numbers.
Source Port This is the port number of the source that define the traffic type, for example TCP port 80
defines web traffic.
See Appendix C on page 224 for some common services and port numbers.
Protocol This is the protocol (TCP, UDP or user-defined) used for the service.
Apply Click Apply to save your customized settings.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.
Chapter 21 Bandwidth Management
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 98 Bandwidth Management Rule Configuration: User-defined Service
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
See Appendix C on page 224 for commonly used services and port numbers.
Table 66 Bandwidth Management Rule Configuration: User-defined Service
BW Budget Select Maximum Bandwidth or Minimum Bandwidth and specify the maximum
or minimum bandwidth allowed for the rule in kilobits per second.
Destination Address
Enter the starting IP address of the destination computer.
The NBG6616 applies bandwidth management to the service or application that is
entering this computer.
Destination Address End Enter the ending IP address of the destination computer.
The NBG6616 applies bandwidth management to the service or application that is
entering this computer.
Destination Port This is the port number of the destination that define the traffic type, for example
TCP port 80 defines web traffic.
Source Address Start Enter the starting IP address of the computer that initializes traffic for the
application or service.
The NBG6616 applies bandwidth management to traffic initiating from this
Source Address End Enter the ending IP address of the computer that initializes traffic for the
application or service.
The NBG6616 applies bandwidth management to traffic initiating from this
Source Port This is the port number of the source that define the traffic type, for example TCP
port 80 defines web traffic.
Protocol Select the protocol (TCP, UDP, BOTH) for which the bandwidth management rule
If you select BOTH, enter the protocol for which the bandwidth management rule
applies. For example, ICMP for ping traffic.
Apply Click Apply to save your customized settings.
Cancel Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.
Chapter 21 Bandwidth Management
NBG6616 User’s Guide
21.5.3 Predefined Bandwidth Management Services
The following is a description of some services that you can select and to which you can apply
media bandwidth management in the Management > Bandwidth MGMT > Advanced screen.
Table 67 Media Bandwidth Management Setup: Services
FTP File Transfer Program enables fast transfer of files, including large files that may not be
possible by e-mail.
WWW The World Wide Web (WWW) is an Internet system to distribute graphical, hyper-linked
information, based on Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - a client/server protocol for
the World Wide Web. The Web is not synonymous with the Internet; rather, it is just one
service on the Internet. Other services on the Internet include Internet Relay Chat and
Newsgroups. The Web is accessed through use of a browser.
E-Mail Electronic mail consists of messages sent through a computer network to specific groups
or individuals. Here are some default ports for e-mail:
POP3 - port 110
IMAP - port 143
SMTP - port 25
HTTP - port 80
VoIP (SIP) Sending voice signals over the Internet is called Voice over IP or VoIP. Session Initiated
Protocol (SIP) is an internationally recognized standard for implementing VoIP. SIP is an
application-layer control (signaling) protocol that handles the setting up, altering and
tearing down of voice and multimedia sessions over the Internet.
SIP is transported primarily over UDP but can also be transported over TCP.
BitTorrent BitTorrent is a free P2P (peer-to-peer) sharing tool allowing you to distribute large
software and media files. BitTorrent requires you to search for a file with a searching
engine yourself. It distributes files by corporation and trading, that is, the client
downloads the file in small pieces and share the pieces with other peers to get other half
of the file.
Gaming Online gaming services lets you play multiplayer games on the Internet via broadband
technology. As of this writing, your NBG6616 supports Xbox, Playstation, Battlenet and
MSN Game Zone.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Remote Management
22.1 Overview
This chapter provides information on the Remote Management screens.
Remote Management allows you to manage your NBG6616 from a remote location through the
following interfaces:
•LAN and WAN
•LAN only
•WAN only
Note: The NBG6616 is managed using the Web Configurator.
22.2 What You Can Do in this Chapter
•Use the WWW screen to define the interface/s from which the NBG6616 can be managed
remotely using the web and specify a secure client that can manage the NBG6616 (Section 22.4
on page 153).
•Use the Telnet screen to define the interface/s from which the NBG6616 can be managed
remotely using Telnet service and specify a secure client that can manage the NBG6616 (Section
22.5 on page 154).
•Use the Wake On LAN screen to enable Wake on LAN and remotely turn on a device on the local
network (Section 22.6 on page 154).
22.3 What You Need to Know
Remote management over LAN or WAN will not work when:
1 The IP address in the Secured Client IP Address field (Section 22.4 on page 153) does not match
the client IP address. If it does not match, the NBG6616 will disconnect the session immediately.
2 There is already another remote management session. You may only have one remote
management session running at one time.
3 There is a firewall rule that blocks it.
Chapter 22 Remote Management
NBG6616 User’s Guide
22.3.1 Remote Management and NAT
When NAT is enabled:
Use the NBG6616’s WAN IP address when configuring from the WAN.
Use the NBG6616’s LAN IP address when configuring from the LAN.
22.3.2 System Timeout
There is a default system management idle timeout of five minutes (three hundred seconds). The
NBG6616 automatically logs you out if the management session remains idle for longer than this
timeout period. The management session does not time out when a statistics screen is polling. You
can change the timeout period in the Maintenance > General screen
22.4 WWW Screen
To change your NBG6616’s remote management settings, click Management > Remote MGMT >
Figure 99 Management > Remote Management > WWW
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 68 Management > Remote Management > WWW
Port You may change the server port number for a service if needed, however you must
use the same port number in order to use that service for remote management.
Access Status Select the interface(s) through which a computer may access the NBG6616 using
this service.
Secured Client IP
Select All to allow all computes to access the NBG6616.
Otherwise, check Selected and specify the IP address of the computer that can
access the NBG6616.
Apply Click Apply to save your customized settings.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Chapter 22 Remote Management
NBG6616 User’s Guide
22.5 Telnet Screen
To change your NBG6616’s remote management settings, click Management > Remote MGMT >
Telnet to open the Telnet screen.
Figure 100 Management > Remote MGMT > Telnet
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
22.6 Wake On LAN Screen
Wake On LAN (WoL) allows you to remotely turn on a device on the network, such as a computer,
storage device or media server. To use this feature the remote hardware (for example the network
adapter on a computer) must support Wake On LAN using the “Magic Packet” method.
You need to know the MAC address of the remote device. It may be on a label on the device.
Table 69 Management > Remote MGMT > Telnet
Port You may change the server port number for a service if needed, however you must
use the same port number in order to use that service for remote management.
Access Status Select the interface(s) through which a computer may access the NBG6616 using
this service.
Secured Client IP
Select All to allow all computes to access the NBG6616.
Otherwise, check Selected and specify the IP address of the computer that can
access the NBG6616.
Apply Click Apply to save your customized settings.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Chapter 22 Remote Management
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Use this screen to remotely turn on a device on the network. Click the Management > Remote
MGMT > Wake On LAN to open the following screen.
Figure 101 Management > Remote MGMT > Wake On LAN
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 70 Management > Remote MGMT > Wake On LAN
Wake On LAN over WAN
Enable WOL over WAN Select this option to have the NBG6616 forward a WoL “Magic Packet” to all
devices on the LAN if the packet comes from the WAN or remote network and
uses the port number specified in the Port field. A LAN device whose hardware
supports Wake on LAN then will be powered on if it is turned off previously.
Port Type a port number from which a WoL packet is forwarded to the LAN.
Wake On LAN
Wake MAC Address Enter the MAC Address of the device on the network that will be turned on.
A MAC address consists of six hexadecimal character pairs.
Start Click this to have the NBG6616 generate a WoL packet and forward it to turn
the specified device on.
A screen pops up displaying MAC address error if you input the MAC address
Apply Click Apply to save the setting to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP)
23.1 Overview
This chapter introduces the UPnP feature in the web configurator.
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a distributed, open networking standard that uses TCP/IP for
simple peer-to-peer network connectivity between devices. A UPnP device can dynamically join a
network, obtain an IP address, convey its capabilities and learn about other devices on the network.
In turn, a device can leave a network smoothly and automatically when it is no longer in use.
23.2 What You Need to Know
UPnP hardware is identified as an icon in the Network Connections folder (Windows XP). Each UPnP
compatible device installed on your network will appear as a separate icon. Selecting the icon of a
UPnP device will allow you to access the information and properties of that device.
23.2.1 NAT Traversal
UPnP NAT traversal automates the process of allowing an application to operate through NAT. UPnP
network devices can automatically configure network addressing, announce their presence in the
network to other UPnP devices and enable exchange of simple product and service descriptions.
NAT traversal allows the following:
Dynamic port mapping
Learning public IP addresses
Assigning lease times to mappings
Windows Messenger is an example of an application that supports NAT traversal and UPnP.
See the NAT chapter for more information on NAT.
23.2.2 Cautions with UPnP
The automated nature of NAT traversal applications in establishing their own services and opening
firewall ports may present network security issues. Network information and configuration may also
be obtained and modified by users in some network environments.
When a UPnP device joins a network, it announces its presence with a multicast message. For
security reasons, the NBG6616 allows multicast messages on the LAN only.
Chapter 23 Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP)
NBG6616 User’s Guide
All UPnP-enabled devices may communicate freely with each other without additional configuration.
Disable UPnP if this is not your intention.
23.3 UPnP Screen
Use this screen to enable UPnP on your NBG6616.
Click Management > UPnP to display the screen shown next.
Figure 102 Management > UPnP
The following table describes the fields in this screen.
23.4 Technical Reference
The sections show examples of using UPnP.
23.4.1 Using UPnP in Windows XP Example
This section shows you how to use the UPnP feature in Windows XP. You must already have UPnP
installed in Windows XP and UPnP activated on the NBG6616.
Make sure the computer is connected to a LAN port of the NBG6616. Turn on your computer and
the NBG6616. Auto-discover Your UPnP-enabled Network Device
1 Click start and Control Panel. Double-click Network Connections. An icon displays under
Internet Gateway.
2 Right-click the icon and select Properties.
Table 71 Management > UPnP
UPnP Select Enable to activate UPnP. Be aware that anyone could use a UPnP application to
open the web configurator's login screen without entering the NBG6616's IP address
(although you must still enter the password to access the web configurator).
Apply Click Apply to save the setting to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to return to the previously saved settings.
Chapter 23 Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP)
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 103 Network Connections
3 In the Internet Connection Properties window, click Settings to see the port mappings there
were automatically created.
Figure 104 Internet Connection Properties
4 You may edit or delete the port mappings or click Add to manually add port mappings.
Figure 105 Internet Connection Properties: Advanced Settings
Chapter 23 Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP)
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 106 Internet Connection Properties: Advanced Settings: Add
Note: When the UPnP-enabled device is disconnected from your computer, all port
mappings will be deleted automatically.
5 Select Show icon in notification area when connected option and click OK. An icon displays in
the system tray.
Figure 107 System Tray Icon
6 Double-click on the icon to display your current Internet connection status.
Figure 108 Internet Connection Status
23.4.2 Web Configurator Easy Access
With UPnP, you can access the web-based configurator on the NBG6616 without finding out the IP
address of the NBG6616 first. This comes helpful if you do not know the IP address of the
Follow the steps below to access the web configurator.
1 Click Start and then Control Panel.
2 Double-click Network Connections.
Chapter 23 Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP)
NBG6616 User’s Guide
3 Select My Network Places under Other Places.
Figure 109 Network Connections
4 An icon with the description for each UPnP-enabled device displays under Local Network.
5 Right-click on the icon for your NBG6616 and select Invoke. The web configurator login screen
Figure 110 Network Connections: My Network Places
6 Right-click on the icon for your NBG6616 and select Properties. A properties window displays with
basic information about the NBG6616.
Chapter 23 Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP)
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 111 Network Connections: My Network Places: Properties: Example
NBG6616 User’s Guide
USB Media Sharing
24.1 Overview
This chapter describes how to configure the media sharing settings on the NBG6616.
Note: The read and write performance may be affected by amount of file-sharing traffic
on your network, type of connected USB device and your USB version (1.1 or 2.0).
Media Server
You can set up your NBG6616 to act as a media server to provide media (like video) to DLNA-
compliant players, such as Windows Media Player, ZyXEL DMAs (Digital Media Adapters), Xboxes or
PS3s. The media server and clients must have IP addresses in the same subnet.
The NBG6616 media server enables you to:
Publish all folders for everyone to play media files in the USB storage device connected to the
Use hardware-based media clients like the DMA-2500 to play the files.
Note: Anyone on your network can play the media files in the published folders. No user
name and password nor other form of security is required.
The following figure is an overview of the NBG6616’s media server feature. DLNA devices A and B
can access and play files on a USB device (C) which is connected to the NBG6616 (D).
Figure 112 Media Server Overview
Chapter 24 USB Media Sharing
NBG6616 User’s Guide
File-Sharing Server
You can also share files on a USB memory stick or hard drive connected to your NBG6616 with
users on your network.
The following figure is an overview of the NBG6616’s file-sharing server feature. Computers A and
B can access files on a USB device (C) which is connected to the NBG6616 (D).
Figure 113 File Sharing Overview
24.2 What You Can Do
•Use the DLNA screen to use the NBG6616 as a media server and allow DLNA-compliant devices
to play media files stored in the attached USB device (Section 24.5 on page 165).
•Use the SAMBA screen to enable file-sharing via the NBG6616 using Windows Explorer or the
workgroup name. This screen also allow you to configure the workgroup name and create user
accounts (Section 24.6 on page 165).
•Use the FTP screen to allow file sharing via the NBG6616 using FTP and create user accounts
(Section 24.7 on page 167).
24.3 What You Need To Know
The Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) is a group of personal computer and electronics
companies that works to make products compatible in a home network. DLNA clients play files
stored on DLNA servers. The NBG6616 can function as a DLNA-compliant media server and stream
files to DLNA-compliant media clients without any configuration.
Chapter 24 USB Media Sharing
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Workgroup name
This is the name given to a set of computers that are connected on a network and share resources
such as a printer or files. Windows automatically assigns the workgroup name when you set up a
File Systems
A file system is a way of storing and organizing files on your hard drive and storage device. Often
different operating systems such as Windows or Linux have different file systems. The file-sharing
feature on your NBG6616 supports New Technology File System (NTFS), File Allocation Table (FAT)
and FAT32 file systems.
Common Internet File System (CIFS) is a standard protocol supported by most operating systems
in order to share files across the network.
CIFS runs over TCP/IP but uses the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol found in Microsoft
Windows for file and printer access; therefore, CIFS will allow all applications, not just Web
browsers, to open and share files across the Internet.
The NBG6616 uses Common Internet File System (CIFS) protocol for its file sharing functions. CIFS
compatible computers can access the USB file storage devices connected to the NBG6616. CIFS
protocol is supported on Microsoft Windows, Linux Samba and other operating systems (refer to
your systems specifications for CIFS compatibility).
SMB is a client-server protocol used by Microsoft Windows systems for sharing files, printers, and
so on.
Samba is a free SMB server that runs on most Unix and Unix-like systems. It provides an
implementation of an SMB client and server for use with non-Microsoft operating systems.
File Transfer Protocol
This is a method of transferring data from one computer to another over a network such as the
24.4 Before You Begin
Make sure the NBG6616 is connected to your network and turned on.
1 Connect the USB device to one of the NBG6616’s USB ports.
2 The NBG6616 detects the USB device and makes its contents available for browsing. If you are
connecting a USB hard drive that comes with an external power supply, make sure it is connected
to an appropriate power source that is on.
Chapter 24 USB Media Sharing
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Note: If your USB device cannot be detected by the NBG6616, see the troubleshooting
for suggestions.
24.5 DLNA Screen
Use this screen to have the NBG6616 act as a DLNA-compliant media server that lets DLNA-
compliant media clients on your network play video, music, and photos from the NBG6616 (without
having to copy them to another computer). Click Management > USB Media Sharing > DLNA.
Figure 114 Management > USB Media Sharing > DLNA
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
24.6 SAMBA Screen
Use this screen to set up file-sharing via the NBG6616 using Windows Explorer or the workgroup
name. You can also configure the workgroup name and create file-sharing user accounts. Click
Management > USB Media Sharing > SAMBA.
Table 72 Management > USB Media Sharing > DLNA
Enable DLNA Select this to have the NBG6616 function as a DLNA-compliant media server.
USB1/2 Select the media type that you want to share on the USB device connected to the
NBG6616’s USB port.
Rescan Click this button to have the NBG6616 scan the media files on the connected USB device
and do indexing of the file list again so that DLNA clients can find the new files if any.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Chapter 24 USB Media Sharing
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 115 Management > USB Media Sharing > SAMBA
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 73 Management > USB Media Sharing > SAMBA
Enable SAMBA Select this to enable file sharing through the NBG6616 using Windows Explorer or by
browsing to your work group.
Name Specify the name to identify the NBG6616 in a work group.
Work Group You can add the NBG6616 to an existing or a new workgroup on your network. Enter the
name of the workgroup which your NBG6616 automatically joins. You can set the
NBG6616’s workgroup name to be exactly the same as the workgroup name to which
your computer belongs to.
Note: The NBG6616 will not be able to join the workgroup if your local area network has
restrictions set up that do not allow devices to join a workgroup. In this case, contact
your network administrator.
Description Enter the description of the NBG6616 in a work group.
USB1/2 Specify the user’s access rights to the USB storage device which is connected to the
NBG6616’s USB port.
Read & Write - The user has read and write rights, meaning that the user can create
and edit the files on the connected USB device.
Read - The user has read rights only and can not create or edit the files on the
connected USB device.
User Accounts Before you can share files you need a user account. Configure the following fields to set
up a file-sharing account.
# This is the index number of the user account.
Chapter 24 USB Media Sharing
NBG6616 User’s Guide
24.7 FTP Screen
Use this screen to set up file sharing via the NBG6616 using FTP and create user accounts. Click
Management > USB Media Sharing > FTP.
Figure 116 Management > USB Media Sharing > FTP
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Enable This field displays whether a user account is activated or not. Select the check box to
enable the account. Clear the check box to disable the account.
User Name Enter a user name that will be allowed to access the shared files. You can enter up to 20
characters. Only letters and numbers allowed.
Password Enter the password used to access the shared files. You can enter up to 20 characters.
Only letters and numbers are allowed. The password is case sensitive.
USB1/2 Select the USB port(s) of the NBG6616. The configured user can access the files on the
USB device(s) connected to the selected USB port(s) only.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 73 Management > USB Media Sharing > SAMBA (continued)
Table 74 Management > USB Media Sharing > FTP
Enable FTP Select this to enable the FTP server on the NBG6616 for file sharing using FTP.
Port You may change the server port number for FTP if needed, however you must use the
same port number in order to use that service for file sharing.
User Accounts Before you can share files you need a user account. Configure the following fields to set
up a file-sharing account.
# This is the index number of the user account.
Chapter 24 USB Media Sharing
NBG6616 User’s Guide
24.8 Example of Accessing Your Shared Files From a
You can use Windows Explorer or FTP to access the USB storage devices connected to the
This example shows you how to use Microsoft’s Windows XP to browse your shared files. Refer to
your operating system’s documentation for how to browse your file structure.
24.8.1 Use Windows Explorer to Share Files
You should have enabled file sharing and create a user account (Bob/1234 for example) with read
and write access to USB 1 in the USB Media Sharing > SAMBA screen.
Open Windows Explorer to access the connected USB device using either Windows Explorer browser
or by browsing to your workgroup.
Enable This field displays whether a user account is activated or not. Select the check box to
enable the account. Clear the check box to disable the account.
User Name Enter a user name that will be allowed to access the shared files. You can enter up to 20
characters. Only letters and numbers allowed.
Password Enter the password used to access the shared files. You can enter up to 20 characters.
Only letters and numbers are allowed. The password is case sensitive.
USB1/2 Specify the user’s access rights to the USB storage device which is connected to the
NBG6616’s USB port.
Read & Write - The user has read and write rights, meaning that the user can create
and edit the files on the connected USB device.
Read - The user has read rights only and can not create or edit the files on the
connected USB device.
None - The user cannot access the files on the USB device(s) connected to the USB
Enter the maximum bandwidth (in Kbps) allowed for incoming FTP traffic.
Enter the maximum bandwidth (in Kbps) allowed for outgoing FTP traffic.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 74 Management > USB Media Sharing > FTP (continued)
Chapter 24 USB Media Sharing
NBG6616 User’s Guide
1 In Windows Explorer’s Address bar type a double backslash “\\” followed by the IP address of the
NBG6616 (the default IP address of the NBG6616 in router mode is and press
[ENTER]. A screen asking for password authentication appears. Type the user name and password
(Bob and 1234 in this example) and click OK.
Note: Once you log into the shared folder via your NBG6616, you do not have to relogin
unless you restart your computer.
Chapter 24 USB Media Sharing
NBG6616 User’s Guide
2 You can also use the workgroup name to access files by browsing to the workgroup folder using the
folder tree on the left side of the screen. It is located under My Network Places. In this example
the workgroup name is the default “Workgroup”.
24.8.2 Use FTP to Share Files
You can use FTP to access the USB storage devices connected to the NBG6616. In this example, we
use the web browser to share files via FTP from the LAN. The way or screen you log into the FTP
server (on the NBG6616) varies depending on your FTP client. See your FTP client documentation
for more information.
You should have enabled file sharing and create a user account (Bob/1234 for example) with read
and write access to USB 1 in the USB Media Sharing > FTP screen.
1 In your web browser’s address or URL bar type “ftp://” followed by the IP address of the NBG6616
(the default LAN IP address of the NBG6616 in router mode is and click Go or press
Chapter 24 USB Media Sharing
NBG6616 User’s Guide
2 A screen asking for password authentication appears. Enter the user name and password (you
configured in the USB Media Sharing > FTP screen) and click Log On.
3 The screen changes and shows you the folder for the USB storage device connected to your
NBG6616. Double-click the folder to display the contents in it.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
25.1 Overview
This chapter provides information on the Maintenance screens.
25.2 What You Can Do
•Use the General screen to set the timeout period of the management session (Section 25.3 on
page 172).
•Use the Password screen to change your NBG6616’s system password (Section 25.4 on page
•Use the Time screen to change your NBG6616’s time and date (Section 25.5 on page 174).
•Use the Firmware Upgrade screen to upload firmware to your NBG6616 (Section 25.6 on page
•Use the Backup/Restore screen to view information related to factory defaults, backup
configuration, and restoring configuration (Section 25.8 on page 178).
•Use the Restart screen to reboot the NBG6616 without turning the power off (Section 25.8 on
page 178).
•Use the Language screen to change the language for the Web Configurator (Section 25.9 on
page 178).
•Use the Sys OP Mode screen to select how you want to use your NBG6616 (Section 25.11 on
page 180).
25.3 General Screen
Use this screen to set the management session timeout period. Click Maintenance > General.
The following screen displays.
Figure 117 Maintenance > General
Chapter 25 Maintenance
NBG6616 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
25.4 Password Screen
It is strongly recommended that you change your NBG6616's password.
If you forget your NBG6616's password (or IP address), you will need to reset the device. See
Section 25.8 on page 178 for details.
Click Maintenance > Password. The screen appears as shown.
Figure 118 Maintenance > Password
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 75 Maintenance > General
System Name System Name is a unique name to identify the NBG6616 in an Ethernet network.
Domain Name Enter the domain name you want to give to the NBG6616.
Inactivity Timer
Type how many minutes a management session can be left idle before the session times
out. The default is 5 minutes. After it times out you have to log in with your password
again. Very long idle timeouts may have security risks. A value of "0" means a
management session never times out, no matter how long it has been left idle (not
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 76 Maintenance > Password
Password Setup Change your NBG6616’s password (recommended) using the fields as shown.
Old Password Type the default password or the existing password you use to access the system in
this field.
New Password Type your new system password (up to 30 characters). Note that as you type a
password, the screen displays an asterisk (*) for each character you type.
Retype to Confirm Type the new password again in this field.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Chapter 25 Maintenance
NBG6616 User’s Guide
25.5 Time Setting Screen
Use this screen to configure the NBG6616’s time based on your local time zone. To change your
NBG6616’s time and date, click Maintenance > Time. The screen appears as shown.
Figure 119 Maintenance > Time
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 77 Maintenance > Time
Current Time and Date
Current Time This field displays the time of your NBG6616.
Each time you reload this page, the NBG6616 synchronizes the time with the time
Current Date This field displays the date of your NBG6616.
Each time you reload this page, the NBG6616 synchronizes the date with the time
Current Time and Date
Manual Select this radio button to enter the time and date manually. If you configure a new
time and date, Time Zone and Daylight Saving at the same time, the new time and date
you entered has priority and the Time Zone and Daylight Saving settings do not affect
New Time
This field displays the last updated time from the time server or the last time
configured manually.
When you select Manual, enter the new time in this field and then click Apply.
Chapter 25 Maintenance
NBG6616 User’s Guide
25.6 Firmware Upgrade Screen
Find firmware at www.zyxel.com in a file that uses the version number and project code with a
“*.bin” extension, e.g., “V1.00(AARO.0).bin”. The upload process uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer
Protocol) and may take up to two minutes. After a successful upload, the system will reboot.
New Date
This field displays the last updated date from the time server or the last date configured
When you select Manual, enter the new date in this field and then click Apply.
Get from Time
Select this radio button to have the NBG6616 get the time and date from the time
server you specified below.
User Defined Time
Server Address
Select User Defined Time Server Address and enter the IP address or URL (up to 20
extended ASCII characters in length) of your time server. Check with your ISP/network
administrator if you are unsure of this information.
Time Zone Setup
Time Zone Choose the time zone of your location. This will set the time difference between your
time zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Daylight Savings Daylight saving is a period from late spring to early fall when many countries set their
clocks ahead of normal local time by one hour to give more daytime light in the
Select this option if you use Daylight Saving Time.
Start Date Configure the day and time when Daylight Saving Time starts if you selected Daylight
Savings. The at field uses the 24 hour format. Here are a couple of examples:
Daylight Saving Time starts in most parts of the United States on the second Sunday of
March. Each time zone in the United States starts using Daylight Saving Time at 2 A.M.
local time. So in the United States you would select Second, Sunday, March and
select 2 in the at field.
Daylight Saving Time starts in the European Union on the last Sunday of March. All of
the time zones in the European Union start using Daylight Saving Time at the same
moment (1 A.M. GMT or UTC). So in the European Union you would select Last,
Sunday, March. The time you select in the at field depends on your time zone. In
Germany for instance, you would select 2 because Germany's time zone is one hour
ahead of GMT or UTC (GMT+1).
End Date Configure the day and time when Daylight Saving Time ends if you selected Daylight
Savings. The at field uses the 24 hour format. Here are a couple of examples:
Daylight Saving Time ends in the United States on the first Sunday of November. Each
time zone in the United States stops using Daylight Saving Time at 2 A.M. local time.
So in the United States you would select First, Sunday, November and select 2 in the
at field.
Daylight Saving Time ends in the European Union on the last Sunday of October. All of
the time zones in the European Union stop using Daylight Saving Time at the same
moment (1 A.M. GMT or UTC). So in the European Union you would select Last,
Sunday, October. The time you select in the at field depends on your time zone. In
Germany for instance, you would select 2 because Germany's time zone is one hour
ahead of GMT or UTC (GMT+1).
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG6616.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 77 Maintenance > Time (continued)
Chapter 25 Maintenance
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Click Maintenance > Firmware Upgrade. Follow the instructions in this screen to upload
firmware to your NBG6616.
Figure 120 Maintenance > Firmware Upgrade
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Note: Do not turn off the NBG6616 while firmware upload is in progress!
After you see the Firmware Upload In Process screen, wait two minutes before logging into the
NBG6616 again.
The NBG6616 automatically restarts in this time causing a temporary network disconnect. In some
operating systems, you may see the following icon on your desktop.
Figure 121 Network Temporarily Disconnected
After two minutes, log in again and check your new firmware version in the Status screen.
If the upload was not successful, an error message appears. Click Return to go back to the
Firmware Upgrade screen.
Table 78 Maintenance > Firmware Upgrade
File Path Type in the location of the file you want to upload in this field or click Browse... to find it.
Browse... Click Browse... to find the .bin file you want to upload. Remember that you must
decompress compressed (.zip) files before you can upload them.
Upload Click Upload to begin the upload process. This process may take up to two minutes.
Check for Latest
Firmware Now
Click this to check for the latest updated firmware.
Chapter 25 Maintenance
NBG6616 User’s Guide
25.7 Configuration Backup/Restore Screen
Backup configuration allows you to back up (save) the NBG6616’s current configuration to a file on
your computer. Once your NBG6616 is configured and functioning properly, it is highly
recommended that you back up your configuration file before making configuration changes. The
backup configuration file will be useful in case you need to return to your previous settings.
Restore configuration allows you to upload a new or previously saved configuration file from your
computer to your NBG6616.
Click Maintenance > Backup/Restore. Information related to factory defaults, backup
configuration, and restoring configuration appears as shown next.
Figure 122 Maintenance > Backup/Restore
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 79 Maintenance > Backup/Restore
Backup Click Backup to save the NBG6616’s current configuration to your computer.
File Path Type in the location of the file you want to upload in this field or click Browse... to find it.
Browse... Click Browse... to find the file you want to upload. Remember that you must decompress
compressed (.ZIP) files before you can upload them.
Chapter 25 Maintenance
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Note: If you uploaded the default configuration file you may need to change the IP
address of your computer to be in the same subnet as that of the default NBG6616
IP address ( See Appendix B on page 198 for details on how to set up
your computer’s IP address.
25.8 Restart Screen
System restart allows you to reboot the NBG6616 without turning the power off.
Click Maintenance > Restart to open the following screen.
Figure 123 Maintenance > Restart
Click Restart to have the NBG6616 reboot. This does not affect the NBG6616's configuration.
25.9 Language Screen
Use this screen to change the language for the Web Configurator.
Select the language you prefer and click Apply. The Web Configurator language changes after a
while without restarting the NBG6616.
Upload Click Upload to begin the upload process.
Note: Do not turn off the NBG6616 while configuration file upload is in progress.
After you see a “configuration upload successful” screen, you must then wait one minute
before logging into the NBG6616 again. The NBG6616 automatically restarts in this time
causing a temporary network disconnect.
If you see an error screen, click Back to return to the Backup/Restore screen.
Reset Pressing the Reset button in this section clears all user-entered configuration information
and returns the NBG6616 to its factory defaults.
You can also press the RESET button on the rear panel to reset the factory defaults of your
NBG6616. Refer to the chapter about introducing the Web Configurator for more
information on the RESET button.
Table 79 Maintenance > Backup/Restore (continued)
Chapter 25 Maintenance
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 124 Maintenance > Language
25.10 System Operation Mode Overview
The Sys OP Mode (System Operation Mode) function lets you configure your NBG6616 as a router
or access point. You can choose between Router Mode, and Access Point Mode depending on
your network topology and the features you require from your device.
The following describes the device modes available in your NBG6616.
A router connects your local network with another network, such as the Internet. The router has
two IP addresses, the LAN IP address and the WAN IP address.
Figure 125 LAN and WAN IP Addresses in Router Mode
Access Point
An access point enabled all ethernet ports to be bridged together and be in the same subnet. To
connect to the Internet, another device, such as a router, is required.
Chapter 25 Maintenance
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 126 Access Point Mode
25.11 Sys OP Mode Screen
Use this screen to select how you want to use your NBG6616.
Figure 127 Maintenance > Sys OP Mode
The following table describes the labels in the General screen.
Table 80 Maintenance > Sys OP Mode
Configuration Mode
Router Mode Select Router Mode if your device routes traffic between a local network and
another network such as the Internet. This mode offers services such as a firewall
or bandwidth management.
You can configure the IP address settings on your WAN port. Contact your ISP or
system administrator for more information on appropriate settings.
Chapter 25 Maintenance
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Note: If you select the incorrect system operation Mode you may not be able to connect
to the Internet.
Access Point Mode Select Access Point Mode if your device bridges traffic between clients on the
same network.
•In Access Point Mode, all Ethernet ports have the same IP address.
All ports on the rear panel of the device are LAN ports, including the port
labeled WAN. There is no WAN port.
The DHCP server on your device is disabled.
Router functions (such as NAT, bandwidth management, remote management,
firewall and so on) are not available when the NBG6616 is in Access Point
The IP address of the device on the local network is set to
Apply Click Apply to save your settings.
Cancel Click Cancel to return your settings to the default (Router).
Table 80 Maintenance > Sys OP Mode (continued)
NBG6616 User’s Guide
26.1 Overview
This chapter offers some suggestions to solve problems you might encounter. The potential
problems are divided into the following categories.
Power, Hardware Connections, and LEDs
NBG6616 Access and Login
Internet Access
Resetting the NBG6616 to Its Factory Defaults
Wireless Connections
USB Device Problems
26.2 Power, Hardware Connections, and LEDs
The NBG6616 does not turn on. None of the LEDs turn on.
1 Make sure you are using the power adaptor or cord included with the NBG6616.
2 Make sure the power adaptor or cord is connected to the NBG6616 and plugged in to an appropriate
power source. Make sure the power source is turned on.
3 Disconnect and re-connect the power adaptor or cord to the NBG6616.
4 If the problem continues, contact the vendor.
One of the LEDs does not behave as expected.
1 Make sure you understand the normal behavior of the LED. See Section 1.7 on page 14.
2 Check the hardware connections. See the Quick Start Guide.
3 Inspect your cables for damage. Contact the vendor to replace any damaged cables.
4 Disconnect and re-connect the power adaptor to the NBG6616.
Chapter 26 Troubleshooting
NBG6616 User’s Guide
5 If the problem continues, contact the vendor.
26.3 NBG6616 Access and Login
I don’t know the IP address of my NBG6616.
1 The default IP address of the NBG6616 in Router Mode is The default IP address of
the NBG6616 in Access Point Mode is
2 If you changed the IP address and have forgotten it, you might get the IP address of the NBG6616
in Router Mode by looking up the IP address of the default gateway for your computer. To do this
in most Windows computers, click Start > Run, enter cmd, and then enter ipconfig. The IP
address of the Default Gateway might be the IP address of the NBG6616 (it depends on the
network), so enter this IP address in your Internet browser.
3 If your NBG6616 in Access Point Mode is a DHCP client, you can find your IP address from the
DHCP server. This information is only available from the DHCP server which allocates IP addresses
on your network. Find this information directly from the DHCP server or contact your system
administrator for more information.
4 Reset your NBG6616 to change all settings back to their default. This means your current settings
are lost. See Section 26.5 on page 186 in the Troubleshooting for information on resetting your
I forgot the password.
1 The default password is 1234.
2 If this does not work, you have to reset the device to its factory defaults. See Section 26.5 on page
I cannot see or access the Login screen in the Web Configurator.
1 Make sure you are using the correct IP address.
The default IP address of the NBG6616 in Router Mode is The default IP
address of the NBG6616 in Access Point Mode is
If you changed the IP address (Section 12.4 on page 108), use the new IP address.
If you changed the IP address and have forgotten it, see the troubleshooting suggestions for I
don’t know the IP address of my NBG6616.
Chapter 26 Troubleshooting
NBG6616 User’s Guide
2 Check the hardware connections, and make sure the LEDs are behaving as expected. See the Quick
Start Guide.
3 Make sure your Internet browser does not block pop-up windows and has JavaScript and Java
enabled. See Appendix A on page 189.
4 Make sure your computer is in the same subnet as the NBG6616. (If you know that there are
routers between your computer and the NBG6616, skip this step.)
If there is a DHCP server on your network, make sure your computer is using a dynamic IP
address. See Section 12.4 on page 108.
If there is no DHCP server on your network, make sure your computer’s IP address is in the
same subnet as the NBG6616. See Section 12.4 on page 108.
5 Reset the device to its factory defaults, and try to access the NBG6616 with the default IP address.
See Section 1.5 on page 13.
6 If the problem continues, contact the network administrator or vendor, or try one of the advanced
Advanced Suggestions
Try to access the NBG6616 using another service, such as Telnet. If you can access the
NBG6616, check the remote management settings and firewall rules to find out why the
NBG6616 does not respond to HTTP.
If your computer is connected to the WAN port or is connected wirelessly, use a computer that is
connected to a LAN/ETHERNET port.
I can see the Login screen, but I cannot log in to the NBG6616.
1 Make sure you have entered the password correctly. The default password is 1234. This field is
case-sensitive, so make sure [Caps Lock] is not on.
2 This can happen when you fail to log out properly from your last session. Try logging in again after
5 minutes.
3 Disconnect and re-connect the power adaptor or cord to the NBG6616.
4 If this does not work, you have to reset the device to its factory defaults. See Section 26.5 on page
26.4 Internet Access
I cannot access the Internet.
Chapter 26 Troubleshooting
NBG6616 User’s Guide
1 Check the hardware connections, and make sure the LEDs are behaving as expected. See the Quick
Start Guide.
2 Go to Maintenance > Sys OP Mode. Check your System Operation Mode setting.
If the NBG6616 is in Router Mode, make sure the WAN port is connected to a broadband
modem or router with Internet access. Your computer and the NBG6616 should be in the same
If the NBG6616 is in Access Point Mode, make sure the WAN port is connected to a
broadband modem or router with Internet access and your computer is set to obtain an
dynamic IP address.
3 If the NBG6616 is in Router Mode, make sure you entered your ISP account information correctly
in the wizard or the WAN screen. These fields are case-sensitive, so make sure [Caps Lock] is not
4 If you are trying to access the Internet wirelessly, make sure the wireless settings in the wireless
client are the same as the settings in the AP.
5 Disconnect all the cables from your device, and follow the directions in the Quick Start Guide again.
6 If the problem continues, contact your ISP.
I cannot access the Internet anymore. I had access to the Internet (with the NBG6616), but
my Internet connection is not available anymore.
1 Check the hardware connections, and make sure the LEDs are behaving as expected. See the Quick
Start Guide and Section 1.7 on page 14.
2 Reboot the NBG6616.
3 If the problem continues, contact your ISP.
The Internet connection is slow or intermittent.
1 There might be a lot of traffic on the network. Look at the LEDs, and check Section 1.7 on page 14.
If the NBG6616 is sending or receiving a lot of information, try closing some programs that use the
Internet, especially peer-to-peer applications.
2 Check the signal strength. If the signal strength is low, try moving the NBG6616 closer to the AP if
possible, and look around to see if there are any devices that might be interfering with the wireless
network (for example, microwaves, other wireless networks, and so on).
3 Reboot the NBG6616.
4 If the problem continues, contact the network administrator or vendor, or try one of the advanced
Advanced Suggestion
Chapter 26 Troubleshooting
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Check the settings for QoS. If it is disabled, you might consider activating it.
26.5 Resetting the NBG6616 to Its Factory Defaults
If you reset the NBG6616, you lose all of the changes you have made. The NBG6616 re-loads its
default settings, and the password resets to 1234. You have to make all of your changes again.
You will lose all of your changes when you push the RESET button.
To reset the NBG6616:
1 Make sure the power LED is on.
2 Press the RESET button for one to four seconds to restart/reboot the NBG6616.
3 Press the RESET button for longer than five seconds to set the NBG6616 back to its factory-default
If the NBG6616 restarts automatically, wait for the NBG6616 to finish restarting, and log in to the
Web Configurator. The password is “1234”.
If the NBG6616 does not restart automatically, disconnect and reconnect the NBG6616’s power.
Then, follow the directions above again.
26.6 Wireless Connections
I cannot access the NBG6616 or ping any computer from the WLAN.
1 Make sure the wireless LAN is enabled on the NBG6616.
2 Make sure the wireless adapter on your computer is working properly.
3 Make sure the wireless adapter installed on your computer is IEEE 802.11 compatible and supports
the same wireless standard as the NBG6616.
4 Make sure your computer (with a wireless adapter installed) is within the transmission range of the
5 Check that both the NBG6616 and the wireless adapter on your computer are using the same
wireless and wireless security settings.
6 Make sure traffic between the WLAN and the LAN is not blocked by the firewall on the NBG6616.
Chapter 26 Troubleshooting
NBG6616 User’s Guide
7 Make sure you allow the NBG6616 to be remotely accessed through the WLAN interface. Check
your remote management settings.
See the chapter on Wireless LAN in the User’s Guide for more information.
I set up URL keyword blocking, but I can still access a website that should be blocked.
Make sure that you enable parental control in the Parental Control screen, set up rules and turn
on the rules. Make sure that the keywords that you type are listed in the rule’s Keyword List.
If a keyword that is listed in the Keyword List is not blocked when it is found in a URL, customize
the keyword blocking using commands. See the Customizing Keyword Blocking URL Checking
section in the Parental Control chapter.
I cannot access the Web Configurator after I switched to AP mode.
When you change from router mode to AP mode, your computer must have an IP address in the
range between “” and “”.
Refer to Appendix B on page 198 for instructions on how to change your computer’s IP address.
What factors may cause intermittent or unstabled wireless connection? How can I solve this
The following factors may cause interference:
Obstacles: walls, ceilings, furniture, and so on.
Building Materials: metal doors, aluminum studs.
Electrical devices: microwaves, monitors, electric motors, cordless phones, and other wireless
To optimize the speed and quality of your wireless connection, you can:
Move your wireless device closer to the AP if the signal strength is low.
Reduce wireless interference that may be caused by other wireless networks or surrounding
wireless electronics such as cordless phones.
Place the AP where there are minimum obstacles (such as walls and ceilings) between the AP and
the wireless client.
Reduce the number of wireless clients connecting to the same AP simultaneously, or add
additional APs if necessary.
Try closing some programs that use the Internet, especially peer-to-peer applications. If the
wireless client is sending or receiving a lot of information, it may have too many programs open
that use the Internet.
Chapter 26 Troubleshooting
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Position the antennas for best reception. If the AP is placed on a table or floor, point the antennas
upwards. If the AP is placed at a high position, point the antennas downwards. Try pointing the
antennas in different directions and check which provides the strongest signal to the wireless
26.7 USB Device Problems
I cannot access or see a USB device that is connected to the NBG6616.
1 Disconnect the problematic USB device, then reconnect it to the NBG6616.
2 Ensure that the USB device has power.
3 Check your cable connections.
4 Restart the NBG6616 by disconnecting the power and then reconnecting it.
5 If the USB device requires a special driver, install the driver from the installation disc that came
with the device. After driver installation, reconnect the USB device to the NBG6616 and try to
connect to it again with your computer.
6 If the problem persists, contact your vendor.
What kind of USB devices do the NBG6616 support?
1 It is strongly recommended to use version 2.0 or lower USB storage devices (such as memory
sticks, USB hard drives) and/or USB devices. Other USB products are not guaranteed to function
properly with the NBG6616.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java
In order to use the web configurator you need to allow:
Web browser pop-up windows from your device.
JavaScript (enabled by default).
Java permissions (enabled by default).
Note: The screens used below belong to Internet Explorer version 6, 7 and 8. Screens for
other Internet Explorer versions may vary.
Internet Explorer Pop-up Blockers
You may have to disable pop-up blocking to log into your device.
Either disable pop-up blocking (enabled by default in Windows XP SP (Service Pack) 2) or allow
pop-up blocking and create an exception for your device’s IP address.
Disable Pop-up Blockers
1 In Internet Explorer, select Tools, Pop-up Blocker and then select Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.
Figure 128 Pop-up Blocker
You can also check if pop-up blocking is disabled in the Pop-up Blocker section in the Privacy tab.
1 In Internet Explorer, select Tools, Internet Options, Privacy.
2 Clear the Block pop-ups check box in the Pop-up Blocker section of the screen. This disables any
web pop-up blockers you may have enabled.
Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 129 Internet Options: Privacy
3 Click Apply to save this setting.
Enable Pop-up Blockers with Exceptions
Alternatively, if you only want to allow pop-up windows from your device, see the following steps.
1 In Internet Explorer, select Tools, Internet Options and then the Privacy tab.
2 Select Settings…to open the Pop-up Blocker Settings screen.
Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 130 Internet Options: Privacy
3 Type the IP address of your device (the web page that you do not want to have blocked) with the
prefix “http://”. For example,
4 Click Add to move the IP address to the list of Allowed sites.
Figure 131 Pop-up Blocker Settings
Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions
NBG6616 User’s Guide
5 Click Close to return to the Privacy screen.
6 Click Apply to save this setting.
If pages of the web configurator do not display properly in Internet Explorer, check that JavaScript
are allowed.
1 In Internet Explorer, click Tools, Internet Options and then the Security tab.
Figure 132 Internet Options: Security
2 Click the Custom Level... button.
3 Scroll down to Scripting.
4 Under Active scripting make sure that Enable is selected (the default).
5 Under Scripting of Java applets make sure that Enable is selected (the default).
6 Click OK to close the window.
Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 133 Security Settings - Java Scripting
Java Permissions
1 From Internet Explorer, click Tools, Internet Options and then the Security tab.
2 Click the Custom Level... button.
3 Scroll down to Microsoft VM.
4 Under Java permissions make sure that a safety level is selected.
5 Click OK to close the window.
Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 134 Security Settings - Java
JAVA (Sun)
1 From Internet Explorer, click Tools, Internet Options and then the Advanced tab.
2 Make sure that Use Java 2 for <applet> under Java (Sun) is selected.
3 Click OK to close the window.
Figure 135 Java (Sun)
Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Firefox 2.0 screens are used here. Screens for other versions may vary slightly. The steps
below apply to Mozilla Firefox 3.0 as well.
You can enable Java, Javascript and pop-ups in one screen. Click Tools, then click Options in the
screen that appears.
Figure 136 Mozilla Firefox: TOOLS > Options
Click Content to show the screen below. Select the check boxes as shown in the following screen.
Figure 137 Mozilla Firefox Content Security
Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Opera 10 screens are used here. Screens for other versions may vary slightly.
Allowing Pop-Ups
From Opera, click Tools, then Preferences. In the General tab, go to Choose how you prefer
to handle pop-ups and select Open all pop-ups.
Figure 138 Opera: Allowing Pop-Ups
Enabling Java
From Opera, click Tools, then Preferences. In the Advanced tab, select Content from the left-
side menu. Select the check boxes as shown in the following screen.
Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 139 Opera: Enabling Java
To customize JavaScript behavior in the Opera browser, click JavaScript Options.
Figure 140 Opera: JavaScript Options
Select the items you want Opera’s JavaScript to apply.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Setting Up Your Computers IP Address
Note: Your specific NBG6616 may not support all of the operating systems described in
this appendix. See the product specifications for more information about which
operating systems are supported.
This appendix shows you how to configure the IP settings on your computer in order for it to be
able to communicate with the other devices on your network. Windows Vista/XP/2000, Mac OS 9/
OS X, and all versions of UNIX/LINUX include the software components you need to use TCP/IP on
your computer.
If you manually assign IP information instead of using a dynamic IP, make sure that your network’s
computers have IP addresses that place them in the same subnet.
In this appendix, you can set up an IP address for:
Windows XP/NT/2000 on page 198
Windows Vista on page 201
Windows 7 on page 204
Mac OS X: 10.3 and 10.4 on page 208
Mac OS X: 10.5 and 10.6 on page 211
Linux: Ubuntu 8 (GNOME) on page 214
Linux: openSUSE 10.3 (KDE) on page 218
Windows XP/NT/2000
The following example uses the default Windows XP display theme but can also apply to Windows
2000 and Windows NT.
1 Click Start > Control Panel.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
2 In the Control Panel, click the Network Connections icon.
3 Right-click Local Area Connection and then select Properties.
4 On the General tab, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then click Properties.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
5 The Internet Protocol TCP/IP Properties window opens.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
6 Select Obtain an IP address automatically if your network administrator or ISP assigns your IP
address dynamically.
Select Use the following IP Address and fill in the IP address, Subnet mask, and Default
gateway fields if you have a static IP address that was assigned to you by your network
administrator or ISP. You may also have to enter a Preferred DNS server and an Alternate DNS
server, if that information was provided.
7 Click OK to close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window.
8 Click OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties window.
Verifying Settings
1 Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
2 In the Command Prompt window, type "ipconfig" and then press [ENTER].
You can also go to Start > Control Panel > Network Connections, right-click a network
connection, click Status and then click the Support tab to view your IP address and connection
Windows Vista
This section shows screens from Windows Vista Professional.
1 Click Start > Control Panel.
2 In the Control Panel, click the Network and Internet icon.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
3 Click the Network and Sharing Center icon.
4 Click Manage network connections.
5 Right-click Local Area Connection and then select Properties.
Note: During this procedure, click Continue whenever Windows displays a screen saying
that it needs your permission to continue.
6 Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then select Properties.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
7 The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties window opens.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
8 Select Obtain an IP address automatically if your network administrator or ISP assigns your IP
address dynamically.
Select Use the following IP Address and fill in the IP address, Subnet mask, and Default
gateway fields if you have a static IP address that was assigned to you by your network
administrator or ISP. You may also have to enter a Preferred DNS server and an Alternate DNS
server, if that information was provided.Click Advanced.
9 Click OK to close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window.
10 Click OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties window.
Verifying Settings
1 Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
2 In the Command Prompt window, type "ipconfig" and then press [ENTER].
You can also go to Start > Control Panel > Network Connections, right-click a network
connection, click Status and then click the Support tab to view your IP address and connection
Windows 7
This section shows screens from Windows 7 Enterprise.
1 Click Start > Control Panel.
2 In the Control Panel, click View network status and tasks under the Network and Internet
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
3 Click Change adapter settings.
4 Double click Local Area Connection and then select Properties.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Note: During this procedure, click Continue whenever Windows displays a screen saying
that it needs your permission to continue.
5 Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then select Properties.
6 The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties window opens.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
7 Select Obtain an IP address automatically if your network administrator or ISP assigns your IP
address dynamically.
Select Use the following IP Address and fill in the IP address, Subnet mask, and Default
gateway fields if you have a static IP address that was assigned to you by your network
administrator or ISP. You may also have to enter a Preferred DNS server and an Alternate DNS
server, if that information was provided. Click Advanced if you want to configure advanced
settings for IP, DNS and WINS.
8 Click OK to close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window.
9 Click OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties window.
Verifying Settings
1 Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
2 In the Command Prompt window, type "ipconfig" and then press [ENTER].
3 The IP settings are displayed as follows.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Mac OS X: 10.3 and 10.4
The screens in this section are from Mac OS X 10.4 but can also apply to 10.3.
1 Click Apple > System Preferences.
2 In the System Preferences window, click the Network icon.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
3 When the Network preferences pane opens, select Built-in Ethernet from the network
connection type list, and then click Configure.
4 For dynamically assigned settings, select Using DHCP from the Configure IPv4 list in the TCP/IP
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
5 For statically assigned settings, do the following:
•From the Configure IPv4 list, select Manually.
•In the IP Address field, type your IP address.
•In the Subnet Mask field, type your subnet mask.
•In the Router field, type the IP address of your device.
6 Click Apply Now and close the window.
Verifying Settings
Check your TCP/IP properties by clicking Applications > Utilities > Network Utilities, and then
selecting the appropriate Network Interface from the Info tab.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 141 Mac OS X 10.4: Network Utility
Mac OS X: 10.5 and 10.6
The screens in this section are from Mac OS X 10.5 but can also apply to 10.6.
1 Click Apple > System Preferences.
2 In System Preferences, click the Network icon.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
3 When the Network preferences pane opens, select Ethernet from the list of available connection
4 From the Configure list, select Using DHCP for dynamically assigned settings.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
5 For statically assigned settings, do the following:
•From the Configure list, select Manually.
•In the IP Address field, enter your IP address.
•In the Subnet Mask field, enter your subnet mask.
•In the Router field, enter the IP address of your NBG6616.
6 Click Apply and close the window.
Verifying Settings
Check your TCP/IP properties by clicking Applications > Utilities > Network Utilities, and then
selecting the appropriate Network interface from the Info tab.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 142 Mac OS X 10.5: Network Utility
Linux: Ubuntu 8 (GNOME)
This section shows you how to configure your computer’s TCP/IP settings in the GNU Object Model
Environment (GNOME) using the Ubuntu 8 Linux distribution. The procedure, screens and file
locations may vary depending on your specific distribution, release version, and individual
configuration. The following screens use the default Ubuntu 8 installation.
Note: Make sure you are logged in as the root administrator.
Follow the steps below to configure your computer IP address in GNOME:
1 Click System > Administration > Network.
2 When the Network Settings window opens, click Unlock to open the Authenticate window. (By
default, the Unlock button is greyed out until clicked.) You cannot make changes to your
configuration unless you first enter your admin password.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
3 In the Authenticate window, enter your admin account name and password then click the
Authenticate button.
4 In the Network Settings window, select the connection that you want to configure, then click
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
5 The Properties dialog box opens.
•In the Configuration list, select Automatic Configuration (DHCP) if you have a dynamic IP
•In the Configuration list, select Static IP address if you have a static IP address. Fill in the
IP address, Subnet mask, and Gateway address fields.
6 Click OK to save the changes and close the Properties dialog box and return to the Network
Settings screen.
7 If you know your DNS server IP address(es), click the DNS tab in the Network Settings window
and then enter the DNS server information in the fields provided.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
8 Click the Close button to apply the changes.
Verifying Settings
Check your TCP/IP properties by clicking System > Administration > Network Tools, and then
selecting the appropriate Network device from the Devices tab. The Interface Statistics
column shows data if your connection is working properly.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 143 Ubuntu 8: Network Tools
Linux: openSUSE 10.3 (KDE)
This section shows you how to configure your computer’s TCP/IP settings in the K Desktop
Environment (KDE) using the openSUSE 10.3 Linux distribution. The procedure, screens and file
locations may vary depending on your specific distribution, release version, and individual
configuration. The following screens use the default openSUSE 10.3 installation.
Note: Make sure you are logged in as the root administrator.
Follow the steps below to configure your computer IP address in the KDE:
1 Click K Menu > Computer > Administrator Settings (YaST).
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
2 When the Run as Root - KDE su dialog opens, enter the admin password and click OK.
3 When the YaST Control Center window opens, select Network Devices and then click the
Network Card icon.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
4 When the Network Settings window opens, click the Overview tab, select the appropriate
connection Name from the list, and then click the Configure button.
5 When the Network Card Setup window opens, click the Address tab
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 144 openSUSE 10.3: Network Card Setup
6 Select Dynamic Address (DHCP) if you have a dynamic IP address.
Select Statically assigned IP Address if you have a static IP address. Fill in the IP address,
Subnet mask, and Hostname fields.
7 Click Next to save the changes and close the Network Card Setup window.
8 If you know your DNS server IP address(es), click the Hostname/DNS tab in Network Settings
and then enter the DNS server information in the fields provided.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
9 Click Finish to save your settings and close the window.
Verifying Settings
Click the KNetwork Manager icon on the Task bar to check your TCP/IP properties. From the
Options sub-menu, select Show Connection Information.
Figure 145 openSUSE 10.3: KNetwork Manager
When the Connection Status - KNetwork Manager window opens, click the Statistics tab to
see if your connection is working properly.
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Figure 146 openSUSE: Connection Status - KNetwork Manager
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Common Services
The following table lists some commonly-used services and their associated protocols and port
numbers. For a comprehensive list of port numbers, ICMP type/code numbers and services, visit
the IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority) web site.
Name: This is a short, descriptive name for the service. You can use this one or create a
different one, if you like.
Protocol: This is the type of IP protocol used by the service. If this is TCP/UDP, then the service
uses the same port number with TCP and UDP. If this is USER-DEFINED, the Port(s) is the IP
protocol number, not the port number.
Port(s): This value depends on the Protocol. Please refer to RFC 1700 for further information
about port numbers.
•If the Protocol is TCP, UDP, or TCP/UDP, this is the IP port number.
•If the Protocol is USER, this is the IP protocol number.
Description: This is a brief explanation of the applications that use this service or the situations
in which this service is used.
Table 81 Commonly Used Services
User-Defined 51 The IPSEC AH (Authentication Header) tunneling
protocol uses this service.
AIM/New-ICQ TCP 5190 AOLs Internet Messenger service. It is also used as
a listening port by ICQ.
AUTH TCP 113 Authentication protocol used by some servers.
BGP TCP 179 Border Gateway Protocol.
A popular videoconferencing solution from White
Pines Software.
DNS TCP/UDP 53 Domain Name Server, a service that matches web
names (for example www.zyxel.com
) to IP
User-Defined 50 The IPSEC ESP (Encapsulation Security Protocol)
tunneling protocol uses this service.
FINGER TCP 79 Finger is a UNIX or Internet related command that
can be used to find out if a user is logged on.
File Transfer Program, a program to enable fast
transfer of files, including large files that may not
be possible by e-mail.
H.323 TCP 1720 NetMeeting uses this protocol.
HTTP TCP 80 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol - a client/server
protocol for the world wide web.
Appendix C Common Services
NBG6616 User’s Guide
HTTPS TCP 443 HTTPS is a secured http session often used in e-
ICMP User-Defined 1 Internet Control Message Protocol is often used for
diagnostic or routing purposes.
ICQ UDP 4000 This is a popular Internet chat program.
IGMP (MULTICAST) User-Defined 2 Internet Group Management Protocol is used when
sending packets to a specific group of hosts.
IKE UDP 500 The Internet Key Exchange algorithm is used for
key distribution and management.
IRC TCP/UDP 6667 This is another popular Internet chat program.
MSN Messenger TCP 1863 Microsoft Networks’ messenger service uses this
NEW-ICQ TCP 5190 An Internet chat program.
NEWS TCP 144 A protocol for news groups.
NFS UDP 2049 Network File System - NFS is a client/server
distributed file service that provides transparent file
sharing for network environments.
NNTP TCP 119 Network News Transport Protocol is the delivery
mechanism for the USENET newsgroup service.
PING User-Defined 1 Packet INternet Groper is a protocol that sends out
ICMP echo requests to test whether or not a remote
host is reachable.
POP3 TCP 110 Post Office Protocol version 3 lets a client computer
get e-mail from a POP3 server through a temporary
connection (TCP/IP or other).
PPTP TCP 1723 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol enables secure
transfer of data over public networks. This is the
control channel.
User-Defined 47 PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) enables
secure transfer of data over public networks. This is
the data channel.
RCMD TCP 512 Remote Command Service.
REAL_AUDIO TCP 7070 A streaming audio service that enables real time
sound over the web.
REXEC TCP 514 Remote Execution Daemon.
RLOGIN TCP 513 Remote Login.
RTELNET TCP 107 Remote Telnet.
RTSP TCP/UDP 554 The Real Time Streaming (media control) Protocol
(RTSP) is a remote control for multimedia on the
SFTP TCP 115 Simple File Transfer Protocol.
SMTP TCP 25 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the message-
exchange standard for the Internet. SMTP enables
you to move messages from one e-mail server to
SNMP TCP/UDP 161 Simple Network Management Program.
SNMP-TRAPS TCP/UDP 162 Traps for use with the SNMP (RFC:1215).
Table 81 Commonly Used Services (continued)
Appendix C Common Services
NBG6616 User’s Guide
SQL-NET TCP 1521 Structured Query Language is an interface to
access data on many different types of database
systems, including mainframes, midrange systems,
UNIX systems and network servers.
SSH TCP/UDP 22 Secure Shell Remote Login Program.
STRM WORKS UDP 1558 Stream Works Protocol.
SYSLOG UDP 514 Syslog allows you to send system logs to a UNIX
TACACS UDP 49 Login Host Protocol used for (Terminal Access
Controller Access Control System).
TELNET TCP 23 Telnet is the login and terminal emulation protocol
common on the Internet and in UNIX environments.
It operates over TCP/IP networks. Its primary
function is to allow users to log into remote host
TFTP UDP 69 Trivial File Transfer Protocol is an Internet file
transfer protocol similar to FTP, but uses the UDP
(User Datagram Protocol) rather than TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol).
VDOLIVE TCP 7000 Another videoconferencing solution.
Table 81 Commonly Used Services (continued)
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Legal Information
Copyright © 2014 by ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any part or as a whole, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into
any language, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, photocopying, manual, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Published by ZyXEL Communications Corporation. All rights reserved.
ZyXEL does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any products, or software described herein. Neither does it
convey any license under its patent rights nor the patent rights of others. ZyXEL further reserves the right to make changes in any
products described herein without notice. This publication is subject to change without notice.
Trademarks mentioned in this publication are used for identification purposes only and may be properties of their respective owners.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Interference Statement
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This device generates, uses,
and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this device does cause harmful interference to radio/television reception, which can be determined by turning the device off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
1 Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
2 Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
3 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
4 Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority
to operate this equipment.
The device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
This device may not cause harmful interference.
This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operations.
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Operations in the 5.15-
5.25GHz band are restricted to indoor usage only.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
IEEE 802.11b, 802.11g or 802.11n (20MHz) operation of this product in the U.S.A. is firmware-limited to channels 1 through 11. IEEE
802.11n (40MHz) operation of this product in the U.S.A. is firmware-limited to channels 3 through 9.
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be
installed and operated with minimum distance 21 cm between the radiator & your body.
Industry Canada Statement
This device complies with RSS-210 of the Industry Canada Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may
not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Ce dispositif est conforme à la norme CNR-210 d'Industrie Canada applicable aux appareils radio exempts de licence. Son fonctionnement
est sujet aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) le dispositif ne doit pas produire de brouillage préjudiciable, et (2) ce dispositif doit accepter
tout brouillage reçu, y compris un brouillage susceptible de provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable.
(i) the device for operation in the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor use to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-
channel mobile satellite systems;
(ii) high-power radars are allocated as primary users (i.e. priority users) of the bands 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and that these
radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.
(i) les dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande 5150-5250 MHz sont réservés uniquement pour une utilisation à l’intérieur afin de réduire les
risques de brouillage préjudiciable aux systèmes de satellites mobiles utilisant les mêmes canaux;
Appendix D Legal Information
NBG6616 User’s Guide
(ii) De plus, les utilisateurs devraient aussi être avisés que les utilisateurs de radars de haute puissance sont désignés utilisateurs
principaux (c.-à-d., qu’ils ont la priorité) pour les bandes 5250-5350 MHz et 5650-5850 MHz et que ces radars pourraient causer du
brouillage et/ou des dommages aux dispositifs LAN-EL.
Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed
and operated with minimum distance 21cm between the radiator & your body.
Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations:
Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements IC établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Cet
équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de 21cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps.
IC Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific
operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.
注意 !
依據 低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法
第十二條 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用
第十四條 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現
5.25 - 5.35 GHz 頻帶內操作之無線資訊傳輸設備,限於室內使用。
電磁波曝露量 MPE 標準值 1mW/cm2,本產品使用時建議應距離人體 21 cm。
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Viewing Certifications
Go to http://www.zyxel.com to view this products documentation and certifications.
ZyXEL Limited Warranty
ZyXEL warrants to the original end user (purchaser) that this product is free from any defects in material or workmanship for a specific
period (the Warranty Period) from the date of purchase. The Warranty Period varies by region. Check with your vendor and/or the
authorized ZyXEL local distributor for details about the Warranty Period of this product. During the warranty period, and upon proof of
purchase, should the product have indications of failure due to faulty workmanship and/or materials, ZyXEL will, at its discretion, repair or
replace the defective products or components without charge for either parts or labor, and to whatever extent it shall deem necessary to
restore the product or components to proper operating condition. Any replacement will consist of a new or re-manufactured functionally
equivalent product of equal or higher value, and will be solely at the discretion of ZyXEL. This warranty shall not apply if the product has
been modified, misused, tampered with, damaged by an act of God, or subjected to abnormal working conditions.
Repair or replacement, as provided under this warranty, is the exclusive remedy of the purchaser. This warranty is in lieu of all other
warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use or purpose. ZyXEL shall in
no event be held liable for indirect or consequential damages of any kind to the purchaser.
To obtain the services of this warranty, contact your vendor. You may also refer to the warranty policy for the region in which you bought
the device at http://www.zyxel.com/web/support_warranty_info.php.
Register your product online to receive e-mail notices of firmware upgrades and information at www.zyxel.com for global products, or at
www.us.zyxel.com for North American products.
Open Source Licenses
This product contains in part some free software distributed under GPL license terms and/or GPL like licenses. Open source licenses are
provided with the firmware package. You can download the latest firmware at www.zyxel.com. To obtain the source code covered under
those Licenses, please contact support@zyxel.com.tw to get it.
Regulatory Information
European Union
The following information applies if you use the product within the European Union.
Appendix D Legal Information
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Declaration of Conformity with Regard to EU Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE Directive)
Compliance Information for 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wireless Products Relevant to the EU and Other Countries Following the EU Directive 1999/5/EC
(R&TTE Directive)
National Restrictions
This product may be used in all EU countries (and other countries following the EU directive 1999/5/EC) without any limitation except for
the countries mentioned below:
Ce produit peut être utilisé dans tous les pays de l’UE (et dans tous les pays ayant transposés la directive 1999/5/CE) sans aucune
limitation, excepté pour les pays mentionnés ci-dessous:
Questo prodotto è utilizzabile in tutte i paesi EU (ed in tutti gli altri paesi che seguono le direttive EU 1999/5/EC) senza nessuna
limitazione, eccetto per i paesii menzionati di seguito:
[Czech] ZyXEL tímto prohlašuje, že tento zařízení je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními
směrnice 1999/5/EC.
[Danish] Undertegnede ZyXEL erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr udstyr overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante
krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
[German] Hiermit erklärt ZyXEL, dass sich das Gerät Ausstattung in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen
und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EU befindet.
[Estonian] Käesolevaga kinnitab ZyXEL seadme seadmed vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist
tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele.
English Hereby, ZyXEL declares that this equipment is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
[Spanish] Por medio de la presente ZyXEL declara que el equipo cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras
disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
[French] Par la présente ZyXEL déclare que l'appareil équipements est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres
dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/EC.
[Italian] Con la presente ZyXEL dichiara che questo attrezzatura è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni
pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.
[Latvian] Ar šo ZyXEL deklarē, ka iekārtas atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem
[Lithuanian] Šiuo ZyXEL deklaruoja, kad šis įranga atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.
[Dutch] Hierbij verklaart ZyXEL dat het toestel uitrusting in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere
relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EC.
[Maltese] Hawnhekk, ZyXEL, jiddikjara li dan tagħmir jikkonforma mal-
ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li
hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC.
[Hungarian] Alulírott, ZyXEL nyilatkozom, hogy a berendezés megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EK
irányelv egyéb elõírásainak.
[Polish] Niniejszym ZyXEL oświadcza, że sprzęt jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostałymi stosownymi
postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.
[Portuguese] ZyXEL declara que este equipamento está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva
[Slovenian] ZyXEL izjavlja, da je ta oprema v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/EC.
[Slovak] ZyXEL týmto vyhlasuje, že zariadenia spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/EC.
[Finnish] ZyXEL vakuuttaa täten että laitteet tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien
direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.
[Swedish] Härmed intygar ZyXEL att denna utrustning står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga
relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EC.
[Bulgarian] С настоящото ZyXEL декларира, че това оборудване е в съответствие със съществените изисквания и другите
приложими разпоредбите на Директива 1999/5/ЕC.
[Icelandic] Hér með lýsir, ZyXEL því yfir að þessi búnaður er í samræmi við grunnkröfur og önnur viðeigandi ákvæði tilskipunar
[Norwegian] Erklærer herved ZyXEL at dette utstyret er I samsvar med de grunnleggende kravene og andre relevante
bestemmelser I direktiv 1999/5/EF.
[Romanian] Prin prezenta, ZyXEL declară că acest echipament este în conformitate cu cerinţele esenţiale şi alte prevederi
relevante ale Directivei 1999/5/EC.
Appendix D Legal Information
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Das Produkt kann in allen EU Staaten ohne Einschränkungen eingesetzt werden (sowie in anderen Staaten die der EU Direktive 1995/5/CE
folgen) mit Außnahme der folgenden aufgeführten Staaten:
In the majority of the EU and other European countries, the 2, 4- and 5-GHz bands have been made available for the use of wireless local
area networks (LANs). Later in this document you will find an overview of countries inwhich additional restrictions or requirements or both
are applicable.
The requirements for any country may evolve. ZyXEL recommends that you check with the local authorities for the latest status of their
national regulations for both the 2,4- and 5-GHz wireless LANs.
The following countries have restrictions and/or requirements in addition to those given in the table labeled “Overview of Regulatory
Requirements for Wireless LANs”:.
The Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) must be notified of any outdoor wireless link having a range
exceeding 300 meters. Please check http://www.bipt.be for more details.
Draadloze verbindingen voor buitengebruik en met een reikwijdte van meer dan 300 meter dienen aangemeld te worden bij het Belgisch
Instituut voor postdiensten en telecommunicatie (BIPT). Zie http://www.bipt.be voor meer gegevens.
Les liaisons sans fil pour une utilisation en extérieur d’une distance supérieure à 300 mètres doivent être notifiées à l’Institut Belge des
services Postaux et des Télécommunications (IBPT). Visitez http://www.ibpt.be pour de plus amples détails.
In Denmark, the band 5150 - 5350 MHz is also allowed for outdoor usage.
I Danmark må frekvensbåndet 5150 - 5350 også anvendes udendørs.
This product meets the National Radio Interface and the requirements specified in the National Frequency Allocation Table for Italy. Unless
this wireless LAN product is operating within the boundaries of the owner's property, its use requires a “general authorization.” Please
check http://www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/ for more details.
Questo prodotto è conforme alla specifiche di Interfaccia Radio Nazionali e rispetta il Piano Nazionale di ripartizione delle frequenze in
Italia. Se non viene installato all 'interno del proprio fondo, l'utilizzo di prodotti Wireless LAN richiede una “Autorizzazione Generale”.
Consultare http://www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/ per maggiori dettagli.
The outdoor usage of the 2.4 GHz band requires an authorization from the Electronic Communications Office. Please check http://
www.esd.lv for more details.
2.4 GHz frekvenèu joslas izmantoðanai ârpus telpâm nepiecieðama atïauja no Elektronisko sakaru direkcijas. Vairâk informâcijas: http://www.esd.lv.
1. Although Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are not EU member states, the EU Directive 1999/5/EC has also been implemented in
those countries.
2. The regulatory limits for maximum output power are specified in EIRP. The EIRP level (in dBm) of a device can be calculated by adding
the gain of the antenna used(specified in dBi) to the output power available at the connector (specified in dBm).
Overview of Regulatory Requirements for Wireless LANs
Frequency Band (MHz) Max Power Level
Indoor ONLY Indoor and Outdoor
2400-2483.5 100 V
5150-5350 200 V
5470-5725 1000 V
Appendix D Legal Information
NBG6616 User’s Guide
List of national codes
Safety Warnings
Do NOT use this product near water, for example, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.
Do NOT expose your device to dampness, dust or corrosive liquids.
Do NOT store things on the device.
Do NOT install, use, or service this device during a thunderstorm. There is a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
Connect ONLY suitable accessories to the device.
Do NOT open the device or unit. Opening or removing covers can expose you to dangerous high voltage points or other risks. ONLY
qualified service personnel should service or disassemble this device. Please contact your vendor for further information.
Make sure to connect the cables to the correct ports.
Place connecting cables carefully so that no one will step on them or stumble over them.
Always disconnect all cables from this device before servicing or disassembling.
Use ONLY an appropriate power adaptor or cord for your device.
Connect the power adaptor or cord to the right supply voltage (for example, 110V AC in North America or 230V AC in Europe).
Do NOT allow anything to rest on the power adaptor or cord and do NOT place the product where anyone can walk on the power
adaptor or cord.
Do NOT use the device if the power adaptor or cord is damaged as it might cause electrocution.
If the power adaptor or cord is damaged, remove it from the power outlet.
Do NOT attempt to repair the power adaptor or cord. Contact your local vendor to order a new one.
Do not use the device outside, and make sure all the connections are indoors. There is a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
Do NOT obstruct the device ventilation slots, as insufficient airflow may harm your device.
Antenna Warning! This device meets ETSI and FCC certification requirements when using the included antenna(s). Only use the
included antenna(s).
If you wall mount your device, make sure that no electrical lines, gas or water pipes will be damaged.
Your product is marked with this symbol, which is known as the WEEE mark. WEEE stands for Waste Electronics and
Electrical Equipment. It means that used electrical and electronic products should not be mixed with general waste. Used
electrical and electronic equipment should be treated separately.
Austria AT Malta MT
Belgium BE Netherlands NL
Cyprus CY Poland PL
Czech Republic CR Portugal PT
Denmark DK Slovakia SK
Estonia EE Slovenia SI
Finland FI Spain ES
France FR Sweden SE
Germany DE United Kingdom GB
Greece GR Iceland IS
Hungary HU Liechtenstein LI
Ireland IE Norway NO
Italy IT Switzerland CH
Latvia LV Bulgaria BG
Lithuania LT Romania RO
Luxembourg LU Turkey TR
NBG6616 User’s Guide
Customer Support
In the event of problems that cannot be solved by using this manual, you should contact your
vendor. If you cannot contact your vendor, then contact a ZyXEL office for the region in which you
bought the device.
Regional websites are listed below.
See also http://www.zyxel.com/about_zyxel/zyxel_worldwide.shtml
Please have the following information ready when you contact an office.
Required Information
Product model and serial number.
Warranty Information.
Date that you received your device.
Brief description of the problem and the steps you took to solve it.
Corporate Headquarters (Worldwide)
ZyXEL Communications Corporation
ZyXEL Communications (Shanghai) Corp.
ZyXEL Communications (Beijing) Corp.
ZyXEL Communications (Tianjin) Corp.
ZyXEL Technology India Pvt Ltd
•ZyXEL Kazakhstan
Appendix E Customer Support
NBG6616 User’s Guide
ZyXEL Korea Corp.
ZyXEL Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
ZyXEL Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.
ZyXEL Philippines
ZyXEL Singapore Pte Ltd.
ZyXEL Communications Corporation
ZyXEL Thailand Co., Ltd
ZyXEL Communications Corporation-Vietnam Office
ZyXEL Deutschland GmbH
Appendix E Customer Support
NBG6616 User’s Guide
ZyXEL Communications B.V.
•ZyXEL България
ZyXEL Communications Czech s.r.o
ZyXEL Communications A/S
•ZyXEL Estonia
ZyXEL Communications
•ZyXEL France
ZyXEL Deutschland GmbH
ZyXEL Hungary & SEE
•ZyXEL Latvia
Appendix E Customer Support
NBG6616 User’s Guide
ZyXEL Lithuania
•ZyXEL Benelux
ZyXEL Communications
ZyXEL Communications Poland
•ZyXEL Romania
ZyXEL Russia
ZyXEL Communications Czech s.r.o. organizacna zlozka
•ZyXEL Spain
ZyXEL Communications
•Studerus AG
Appendix E Customer Support
NBG6616 User’s Guide
•ZyXEL Turkey A.S.
ZyXEL Communications UK Ltd.
•ZyXEL Ukraine
Latin America
ZyXEL Communication Corporation
ZyXEL Communication Corporation
Middle East
ZyXEL Communication Corporation
Middle East
ZyXEL Communication Corporation
North America
ZyXEL Communications, Inc. - North America Headquarters
Appendix E Customer Support
NBG6616 User’s Guide
ZyXEL Communications Corporation
South Africa
Nology (Pty) Ltd.
NBG6616 User’s Guide
ActiveX 134
Address Assignment 75
AP 12
AP Mode
menu 53
status screen 51
AP+Bridge 12
Bandwidth management
overview 145
priority 147
services 151
BitTorrent 151
Bridge/Repeater 12
certifications 227
notices 228
viewing 228
Channel 44, 52
channel 85
CIFS 164
Common Internet File System, see CIFS
restore 177
contact information 232
content filtering
by keyword (in URL) 136
Cookies 134
copyright 227
CPU usage 45, 52
customer support 232
Daylight saving 175
DDNS 124
see also Dynamic DNS
service providers 124, 142
DHCP 70, 111
DHCP server
see also Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHCP server 108, 111
Digital Living Network Alliance 163
disclaimer 227
DLNA 162, 163
indexing 165
overview 162
rescan 165
DLNA-compliant client 163
DNS 113
DNS Server 75
DNS server 113
related 2
Domain Name System 113
Domain Name System. See DNS.
duplex setting 45, 53
Dynamic DNS 124
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 111
DynDNS 124, 142
DynDNS see also DDNS 124, 142
encryption 86
and local (user) database 87
key 87
WPA compatible 87
NBG6616 User’s Guide
FCC interference statement 227
file sharing 163
access right 166, 168
bandwidth 168
example 168
FTP 167
overview 163
Samba 165
user account 166, 167
Windows Explorer 165
work group 165
File Transfer Program 151
guidelines 130
ICMP packets 131
stateful inspection 129
Firmware upload 175
file extension
using HTTP
firmware version 44, 52
FTP. see also File Transfer Program 151
General wireless LAN screen 89
Guest WLAN 87
Guest WLAN Bandwidth 88
Quick Start 2
HTTP 151
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 151
see also Internet Group Multicast Protocol
IGMP version 76
Internet Group Multicast Protocol 76
IP Address 108, 109, 118
IP alias 108
IP Pool 112
Java 134
LAN 107
IP pool setup 111
LAN overview 107
LAN setup 107
Language 178
Link type 45, 53
local (user) database 86
and encryption 87
Local Area Network 107
MAC 100
MAC address 75, 86
cloning 75
MAC address filter 86
MAC address filtering 100
MAC filter 100
managing the device
good habits 13
using the web configurator. See web configurator.
using the WPS. See WPS.
Media access control 100
media client 162
media file 162, 165
type 165
media server 162
NBG6616 User’s Guide
overview 162
meida file play 162
Memory usage 45, 53
mode 12
Multicast 76
NAT 116, 117
overview 116
port forwarding 121
see also Network Address Translation
server sets 121
NAT Traversal 156
Navigation Panel 45, 53
navigation panel 45, 53
Network Address Translation 116, 117
operating mode 12
other documentation 2
P2P 151
peer-to-peer 151
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet 79
Pool Size 112
Port forwarding 118, 121
default server 117, 121
example 121
local server 118
port numbers
port speed 45, 53
PPPoE 79
dial-up connection
product registration 228
Quality of Service (QoS) 102
Quick Start Guide 2
RADIUS server 86
product 228
related documentation 2
Remote management
and NAT 153
limitations 152
system timeout 153
Reset button 13
Reset the device 13
Restore configuration 177
Roaming 102
Router Mode
status screen 42
RTS/CTS Threshold 85, 102
Samba 164
Scheduling 105
Server Message Block, see SMB
Service and port numbers 133, 150
Service Set 39, 89, 99
Service Set IDentification 39, 89, 99
Service Set IDentity. See SSID.
Session Initiated Protocol 151
SIP 151
SMB 164
SSID 39, 44, 52, 85, 89, 99
stateful inspection firewall 129
Static DHCP 112
Static Route 126
Status 42
Subnet Mask 109
NBG6616 User’s Guide
DHCP table 70
Packet statistics 71
Wireless station status 72
System General Setup 172
System restart 178
TCP/IP configuration 111
Time setting 174
trademarks 227
trigger port 122
Trigger port forwarding 122
example 122
process 122
Universal Plug and Play 156
Application 156
Security issues 156
UPnP 156
USB media sharing 162
user authentication 86
local (user) database 86
RADIUS server 86
User Name 125
VoIP 151
Wake On LAN 154
WAN (Wide Area Network) 74
WAN MAC address 75
warranty 228
note 228
Web Configurator
how to access 17
Overview 17
web configurator 12
Web Proxy 135
WEP Encryption 93, 95
WEP encryption 92
WEP key 92
windows media player 162
Wireless association list 72
wireless channel 186
wireless LAN 186
wireless LAN scheduling 105
Wireless network
basic guidelines 85
channel 85
encryption 86
example 84
MAC address filter 86
overview 84
security 85
Wireless security 85
overview 85
type 85
wireless security 186
Wireless tutorial 56
Wizard setup 20
WLAN button 13
WoL 154
work group 164
name 164
Windows 164
World Wide Web 151
WPA compatible 87
WPS 12
WWW 151
Xbox Live 151

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