About this manual, 0-5
Acknowledgements, 0-2
Air filter, element, servicing, 1-16
Alternator, removal and installation
XV535 models, 8A-16
XV700 through 1100 models. 8B-14
charging, 8A-4
inspection and maintenance. 1 -8
connecting rod. general note. XV700 through 1100 models, 2B-41
connecting rod, inspection and selection
XV535 models. 2A-48
XV700 through 1100 models, 2B-42
main, inspection and selection
XV535 models. 2A-46
XV700 through 1100 models, 2B-40
main and connection rod, general note
XV535 models, 2A-46
XV700 through 1100 models, 2B-41
wheel, inspection and replacement, see Wheel bearings
XV535 models, 7A-1 through 7A-6
XV700 through 1100 models, 7B-1 through 7B-4
caliper, removal, overhaul and installation
XV535 models, 6A-4
XV700 through 1100 models, 6B-7
disc, removal, inspection and installation
XV535 models, 6A-5
XV700 through 1100 models, 6B-9
fluid level, check, 1-8
front master cylinder, removal, inspection and installation
XV535 models, 6A-6
XV700 through 1100 models, 6B-9
front pads, replacement
XV535 models, 6A-2
XV700 through 1100 models, 6B-3
general information
XV535 models, 6A-1
XV700 through 1100 models, 6B-1
hoses and lines, inspection and replacement
XV535 models. 6A-10
XV700 through 1,100 models, 6B-13
light switches, check and replacement
XV535 models, 8A-7
XV700 through 1100 models, 8B-6
master cylinder, removal, overhaul and installation
XV535 models, 6A-6
XV700 through 1100 models, 6B-9
pedal position, check and adjustment, 1-10
rear shoes, replacement
XV535 models, 6A-7
XV700 through 1100 models, 6B-10
system, check, 1-10
system bleeding (all models), 6A-10
XV535 models, 6A-1 through 6A-18
XV700 through 1100 models, 6B-1 through 6B-20
Breaking-in the engine
XV535 models, 2A-59
XV700 through 1100 models, 2B-49
headlight, replacement
XV535 models, 2A-59
XV700 through 1100 models, 2B-49
instrument and warning light, replacement
XV535 models, 8A-8
XV700 through 1100 models, 8B-10
taillight and turn signal, replacement
XV535 models, 8A-6
XV700 through 1100 models, 8B-6
Buying parts, 0-7
choke, removal and installation, 3B-14