122 PSR-SX900/SX700 – Benutzerhandbuch
V ersion 2, June 1 991
Copyright © 1989, 1 991 Free Sof t ware Foundation, Inc. , 51 Fr anklin Street, Fifth Floor , Boston, MA 021 1 0 -130 1 USA
Everyone is per mitted to copy and distribute verbatim copi es of this l icense doc ument, but chang ing it is no t allowed.
Pre am bl e
The licenses for most software are designed to take awa y your freedom to
share and change it. By contrast, the GNU Genera l Public License is
intended to guarantee your freedom to share and cha nge free software—to
make sure the software is free for all its use rs. This General Pub lic License
applies to most of the Fr ee Software Foundation’s so ftware and to any other
program whose autho rs commit to using i t. ( Some othe r Fr ee Software
Foundation software is covered by the GNU Lesser G eneral Public License
instead.) Y ou ca n apply it to your programs, too .
When we speak o f free software, we are ref errin g to freedom, not pr ice. O ur
General Public Licenses are desi gned to make sure that you have the
free dom to distribu te copi es of fr ee software (and char ge for this service if
you wish), that you receive source cod e or can get it if you want it, tha t you
can chang e the software or use pi eces of it in n ew free progr ams; and that
you know you can do these things.
T o protect your right s, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to
deny you these ri ghts or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restr ictions
translate to cer tain responsi bilities for you if you distr ibute copies of the
software, or if you modify it.
For ex a mple, if you distribute copie s of such a program, whethe r gratis or for
a fee , you must g ive the re cipients all the right s that y ou ha ve . Y ou must
make sure that they , too, r eceive or can get the source code. A nd you must
show them thes e terms so they know their righ ts.
We prot ect your rig hts with t wo steps: (1) copyright the s oftware, and (2) off er
you this licens e which gives you legal per missi on to copy , dis tribute and/or
modify th e sof t ware .
Also, f or each au thor's protection and o urs, we want t o make cer tain that
ev eryone und erstands that there is no warrant y for this free software. If the
sof tware is mo difi ed by s omeone else and passed on, we w ant its r ecipients
to know that what they have is not the or iginal, so that any problems
introduced by others will not reflect on th e origina l authors’ reputation s.
Fina lly , any fr ee progr am is threat ened constantl y by sof t ware pat ents. W e
wish to avoid the danger that redistr ibutors of a free program will individual ly
obtain patent lice nses, in effect making the program proprietar y . T o prevent
this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone’s
free use or not l icensed at al l.
The precise ter ms and cond itions for copying, distribution and modification
fol low.
0. This Li cense appl ies to a ny pr ogram or other w or k which cont ains a
notice plac ed by the copyright ho lder saying it may be distr ibuted under
the terms o f this Genera l Pub lic License. The “Program”, b el ow, refers to
any such program or wor k, and a “wor k based o n the Prog ram” means
either the Progr am or any deri vative work under copyright l aw: tha t is to
say , a work containing th e P rogram or a por tion o f it, either verbatim or
with modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinaft e r ,
translation is included w ithout limitation in the ter m “modificatio n”.) Each
licensee i s addressed as “you”.
Activities other than copying, distribution and modificatio n are not
covered b y this Licen se; the y are outside its s cope. The act of ru nning
the Pr ogram is not restr icted, and the output from the Program is cover ed
only if its contents consti tute a work base d on the Pr ogram (independen t
of having been mad e by running the P rogram). Whether that is tr ue
depends on wh at the Pr ogram does.
1. Y ou may cop y and distribut e verbatim copi es of the P rog ram’s source
code as you receive it, in any m edium, provided that you conspicuous ly
and appropriately publish on ea ch copy an appropria te copyright notice
and disclaime r of warrant y; keep intact all the n otices that refer t o this
License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other
recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Pr ogram.
Y ou may charge a fee f o r the physical act of transferring a co py , and you
may at yo ur option of fer warran ty prot ection in ex change f or a f ee.
2. Y ou may modify your copy or copies of the Pr ogram or any por tion of it,
thus formin g a work bas ed on the Program, and copy and distribute such
modifi cations or work under t he terms of Sec tion 1 abo ve , provide d that
you al so meet all o f these cond itions:
a) Y ou must caus e the modi fied files to carry prominent notice s stating
that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b)Y ou must cause any work that you d istribute or publish, tha t in whole
or in par t contain s or is der ived from the P rogram or any par t th ereof,
to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third par tie s under the
terms of t his Licens e.
c) If the mod ified program normally reads c ommands interactively when
run, you must cause it, whe n star ted runni ng for such interactive use
in the most ordinary way , to print or di splay an announcemen t
including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice th at there is no
warra nty (or else, sa ying that yo u pro vide a wa rranty) and t hat user s
may redistribute the program under these conditio ns, and telling the
user how to view a copy of this Licens e. (Exception: if the P rogram
itself is interactive but does not n orm ally print suc h an announc ement,
your work based on the P rog ram is no t requ ired to p rint an
announce ment.)
These r equirements appl y to the modi fied work as a whole . If identi fiab le
sections of that work are no t derived from the Program, and can be
reasonably considered independ ent and separa te works in thems elves ,
then this L icense, and its ter ms, do not apply to those sections when you
distrib ute th em as separa te w orks. But when y ou distrib ute the same
sections as par t of a who le which is a work based o n the Pr ogram, the
distribution of the whole mus t be on the ter ms of this License, whose
perm issions for other lice nsees extend to the entire whole, and thu s to
each and e very par t reg ardless of who wr ote it.
Thus, it is not t he intent of this section to clai m rights o r contest your
rights to wor k written entirely b y you; rather , the intent is to exer c ise the
right to control the di stribution of d erivative or collective works ba sed on
the P rogram.
In addition, mere aggregation of another wor k not based on the Pr ogram
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution me dium does not br ing the other wor k under the
scope of this License .
3. Y ou may cop y and distribut e the Pr ogram (or a wo rk based on it, un der
Section 2) in object cod e or executable f or m un der the term s of Sectio ns
1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accom pany it w ith the com plet e corr esponding m achine- r eadable
source c ode, which must be distrib uted under the t er ms of Sect ions 1
and 2 above on a medium customarily used for sof tware interchange;
or ,
b)Acco mpany it with a written of fer , valid for at least three years , to give
any thir d par ty , fo r a char ge no mor e than y our cost of ph ysicall y
performing so urce distr ibution, a complete mac hine- readable copy of
the correspon ding source code, to be dis tributed under the terms of
Sections 1 an d 2 abov e on a medium cust omarily used f or sof t ware
interchange; or ,
c) Accompany it with t he informatio n you received as to the off e r to
distri bute corresponding so urce code. ( This alter native is allowed only
for noncommercial distr ibution and only if you received the program in
object code or e xec utab le fo rm with such an of fer , in accord with
Subsecti on b abov e.)
The source code for a work m eans the p ref erred form of the wor k for
making mod ifications to it. F o r an executable work, complete source
code means all the sou rce code for all mod ules it con tains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scr ipts used to control
compilation and installati on of the executable. However , as a special
ex cep tion, the sou rce code distr ibuted need not include anything that is
normally di stribut ed (in either sour ce or binary form) with the majo r
components (compile r , kernel, an d so on) of the operating syst em on
which the ex e cutable runs, un less that component itself ac companies
the ex ecutable.
If distrib ution of ex ecutabl e or object code is made b y off er ing acces s to
copy f rom a designat ed place, then of fering equiv alent access to co py
the sour ce code fr om the same place counts as distribut ion of the so urce
code, e ven though thir d parties are not compell ed to copy the sour ce
along with the objec t code.