MOXF6/MOXF8 Owner’s Ma nual
A message from the MOXF6/MOXF8 Development Tea m ... 6
Accessories ................ ................... ..................... ................... 7
Using the M OXF6/MOXF8 Ma nuals .......................... ............ 7
MOXF6/MO XF8 Main Featur es ............ ..................... ............ 8
Control and Functions 10
Top Pane l ........... ..................... ..................... ................... ....1 0
Rear Pane l.................. ................... ..................... ................. 16
Setting Up 17
Power supply ................................ ................................. ...... 17
Connecting speake rs or headphones .......... .................. ...... 17
Powering up the system .................. ..................... ............... 17
Auto Power Of f function... ..................... ..................... .......... 18
Adjusting the volume and the brightness o f the display ...... 18
Starting u p ............. ..................... ..................... .................. ..1 9
Selecting pr ograms.......... ................... ..................... ............ 19
Playing the Dem o Songs ......................... ..................... ....... 19
Resetting User M emory to the initial factory settin gs ........ .. 20
Basic Operation 21
Moving the curso r ....... ................... ..................... ................. 21
Changing ( editing) paramete r values . .......... ..................... ..21
Functions and Sub-Functi ons ............. ..................... ............ 21
Inputting a number directly ......... ..................... .................. ..21
Naming (inp utting characters) .............. ..................... .......... 22
Selecting a not e type ..... ..................... ..................... ............ 22
Note (Key) and Velocity settings ................ ....................... .. 22
Quick Guide 23
Modes ............ ..................... .................. ..................... .......... 23
Basic Instru ctions ....... ..................... ..................... ............... 24
Playing the ke yboard in the Voice mode ............. ................25
Selecting a Pres et Voice ............... ......................... ................... 25
Using the Category Sea rch function ............... .......................... 26
Grouping your most-used Voices togeth er—
Favorite Category ...................... ......................... ....................... 26
Using the Arpeggio func tion .................... ............................ ..... 2 7
Turning the Ar peggio On/Off ................ ............................ .. 27
Changing the Arpeggio type .................... .......................... 27
Keyboard Octave /Transpose setting ....... ............................ ..... 2 7
Changing the to nal qualities of the Vo ice ........................ ......... 28
Editing a Voice ....................... ............................ ....................... 28
Enhancing the s ound with Effects ............... ............................ .. 29
Changing the Arpeggio Type assignment ...... .......................... 31
Creating a new Perfo rmance by using your favori te Voice
(Performan ce Creator)..... ..................... ..................... .......... 31
Layer—Playing diffe rent Voices together .... ......................... ..... 3 1
Split—Playing two diffe rent Voices with your left and
right hands ...................... ............................ ............................ .. 3 2
Drum Assign—Lay ering a drum Part with the cu rrent Voice.... . 33
Changing the dru m pattern (Arpeggio Type)......... ................... 33
Playing the ke yboard in the Performance Mode....... ........... 34
Selecting a Perfor mance ................. ............................ .............. 34
Changing the ti mbre of the Voice ................. ............................ 35
Recording i n the Performan ce mode ..................... ............. 36
Song and Pattern .......... ............................ ............................ .... 36
Recording the melody and Arpeggio playback to the Song .... 3 6
Recording Arpe ggio playback to a Pa ttern ..... ......................... 3 7
Connecting a microphone or audi o equipment ..... .............. 38
Playing the keyboar d along with the sound input from
the A/D INPUT [L]/[R] jacks ..... ............................ ..................... 3 8
Playing the keyboar d along with Vocoder ......................... ....... 39
Creating an original Song ...... ..................... ..................... ... 4 0
Song playback ........... ............................ ............................ ....... 41
Creating a Drum part via Step Recording.......................... ....... 41
Creating a bass part via Realt ime Recording . ...................... .... 43
Creating a synthe sizer part by using Arpeggio ........................ 44
Correcting wrong notes............ ........................ ......................... 4 5
Completing the Son g by editing the Mixing ................ .............. 45
Storing the created So ng .......................... ............................ .... 46
Creating an original Patte rn . ..................... .................. ........ 47
Listening to th e Demo Patterns ............................... .................. 4 7
Creating a Pattern (Section A) by u sing Arpeggio.................... 4 7
Creating anot her Pattern (Section B) by
using already r ecorded data............................ ......................... 4 8
Creating a Pattern Chain for converti ng to a Song ................... 4 9
Connecting external MIDI inst ruments...... ..................... ..... 51
Using a Connected Computer .............. .................... .......... 53
Connecting to a computer ....... ........................ ......................... 5 3
Creating a Song with a compu ter ............. ......................... ....... 54
Remote-control ling the software from t he MOXF6/MOXF8
(Remote mode) .......... ............................ ............................ ....... 55
Using the MOXF6/MOXF8 Edito r ........ ............................ ........... 57
Using as a M aster Keyboard ................. ..................... ........ 57
Registering the Edited Voic e/Performance/Song/Pattern ......... 57
Making settings for use as a master keyboard .... ..................... 5 8
Making Glob al System Settin gs (Utility Mode )......... ........... 58
Setting the de fault mode when turning the power on ............... 5 8
Reversing the L CD status .................. ......................... .............. 59
Click (metronome) settings ....................... ............................ .... 59
Effect settings a pplied to the signal input fr om
the A/D INPUT jack ........... ............................ ............................ 59
Master Effect/Mas ter EQ settings in the Voice mode ......... ....... 59
Transmitting C ontrol Change messages usi ng
the Foot Switch ........... ........................ ............................ ........... 59
Saving/Load ing Data (File Mode) ..... ..................... ............. 60
Saving the se ttings to a USB flash memory device .................. 60
Loading the set tings from a USB flash memo ry device ............ 60
Precautions when u sing the USB [TO DEVICE] terminal ... ....... 61
Appendix 62
Shift Funct ion List ..... ..................... ..................... ................ 62
Display Message s................ ..................... ..................... ..... 63
Troubleshootin g ..... .................. .................... ................. ...... 65
Installing Op tional Hardware ..................... ..................... ..... 70
Available devices ..................... ........................ ......................... 7 0
Installation loc ations ........................ ............................ .............. 70
Installatio n Precautions ............... ......................... ..................... 7 0
Installing Optio nal Hardware FL512M/FL1024M............ ........... 71
Removing the Modu le ....... ............................ ............................ 72
Specificat ions.......... ..................... ..................... .................. 73
Index ............... ..................... ..................... .................. ........ 74
Cont ents