130 G enos Gebruikershandleiding
V ersion 2.1, F ebruary 1 999
Copyri ght © 1991, 1 999 F ree Software Foundati on, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor , Boston, M A 021 1 0-130 1 USA
Everyone is per mitt ed to copy and distribute v erba tim copie s of this licens e documen t, but changing it is not a llowed.
[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.
It also counts as th e successor of the GNU Librar y Public License, version 2, hence the version numbe r 2.1 .]
Prea m ble
The lice nses for most soft ware are designed to take aw ay your freedom to
share and cha nge it. By contrast , the GNU General Public Licenses are
intended to gua rantee your freedom to share and chan ge free software— to
make sure the soft ware is free f or all its users.
This lice nse, the Lesser General Public License, a pplies to some sp ecially
design ated sof t ware packages—t ypically l ibraries—of the Fr ee Software
Foundation an d other au thors who d ecide to use it. Y ou can use it too, b ut
we suggest you first think c arefully ab out whethe r this li cense or t he
ordinar y Gene ral P ublic L icense is th e better strategy to use in any
particu lar ca se, based on the ex planat ions belo w .
When we speak of free soft ware, we are r eferring to freedom of use, not
price. Our Ge neral Public Licenses are d esigned to make sure th at you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this
ser vice if you wish); that you receive source co de or can get it if yo u want it;
that you can chang e the soft ware and use pieces of it in new free programs;
and that you are informe d that you c an do thes e things.
T o protect your rights, we need to make restriction s that forbid distributors to
deny you thes e rights or to as k you to surrender these rights. These
restrictions translat e to certain responsibilities for y ou if you distrib ute copies
of the librar y or if you modify it.
F or e xam ple , if y ou dis tri but e co pies of the li bra r y , whethe r gr atis o r f or a
fee , you must give the recipien ts all the rights that we ga ve you. Y ou mus t
make sure that they , too , receive or can get the source code. If you link other
code with the libra r y , you mu st provide complete obje ct files t o the
recipients, so that they can relink them with the library a f ter making chang es
to the librar y and recompiling it. And you must show them these ter ms so
they know their rights.
We protect your rights with a t wo-step method : (1) we c opyr igh t the librar y ,
and (2) we off er you this l icense, which gives you legal per mission to copy ,
distribute and/or mod ify the l ibrar y .
T o p rot ect ea ch distributor , we want to make it very cle ar that th ere is no
warrant y for the free librar y . Also, if the librar y is m odified by someone e lse
and passe d on, the recipients sho uld know tha t what t hey hav e is not the
original ver sion, so tha t the original author’s reputation will not be af fect ed
by problems that mi ght be i ntroduced by othe rs.
Finally , soft ware patents pose a co nstant threat to the e xistence of any free
program. We wish to make sure that a c ompany can not eff ectively restrict
the us ers of a free program by obtainin g a restrictive license from a patent
holder. Theref ore, we insist that a ny patent license obtaine d for a ver sion of
the librar y must be consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this
Most GN U software, includi ng some li braries, is covered by the ordinar y
GNU General Pub lic License. This license, the GNU Lesse r General P ublic
License, a pplies to cer tain d esignated libra ries, and is qui te diff e rent from
the ordinar y G eneral Public Licens e. We use this li cense for cer tain libraries
in order to pe rmit l inking those lib raries into non-free p rograms.
When a program is l inked with a librar y , w hether stat ically or using a shared
librar y , the co mbinat ion of the t wo is legally speaki ng a com bined wor k, a
derivative of the original l ibrar y . The ordinar y General Public License
therefore perm its such li nking only if the entire combi nation fits i ts criter ia of
fr eedom . The Le sser Gener al P ub lic Licens e permits mor e lax c ri ter ia f or
linking o ther code with the lib rary .
We call this license the “Lesser” G eneral P ublic License because it do es
Less to protect the user ’ s freedom than t he ordinar y Ge neral Public License.
It also provides other free so f t ware dev elopers Le ss of an ad vantage over
competi ng non-free p rograms. These dis advantages are the reason we u se
the ordinar y Gen eral Pub lic Lice nse for many libraries. Howev er, the Lesser
license p rovides advantages in c er tain special circumstances.
For e xample, on rare occa sions, there may be a special n eed to encourag e
the widest p ossible use of a ce rtai n librar y , so that it beco mes a de-facto
standard. T o achieve this, non-free p rograms must be al lowed to use the
librar y . A m ore frequent case is that a free librar y doe s the same job as
widely u sed non-f ree libraries. In thi s case, there is li t tle to gain by limiting
the free lib rary to free so ftware only , so we use t he Lesser G eneral Public
In other cases, per mi ssion to use a pa r ticular librar y in n on-free programs
enables a greater numbe r of people to use a large bo dy of free software. For
example, per mission to use the GNU C Librar y in non -free programs
enables m any more people to us e the whol e GNU op erating system, as well
as its variant, th e GNU/Li nux operating syst em.
Althoug h the L esser Gen eral Pub lic License is Less protective of the users ’
freedom, i t does en sure that the u ser of a program that is linked with the
Libr ary has th e fr eedom and th e wher ew itha l t o run that pro gra m using a
modified version o f the Librar y .
The precise terms and conditio ns for copying , distri bution and mod ification
follow . Pay close att entio n to the diff erence bet ween a “ work ba sed on the
libr ary” and a “w ork that uses the l ibrary” . Th e fo rmer co ntain s cod e der iv ed
from the librar y , wh ereas the latter must be combined with the librar y in
ord er t o run.
This License Agreement app lies to any softwa re library o r other
program whic h contains a notice pl aced by the co pyright holder or
other a uthorized par t y saying it may be distributed under t he ter ms of
this L esser Gene ral P ublic Licens e (also called “th is License”). Each
licen see i s addr ess ed as “y ou”.
A “librar y ” means a collecti on of software fun ctions an d/or data
prepared so as to be conveniently linked with applicat ion programs
(which use some of those fun ctions a nd data) to form e xecutables.
The “L ibrar y”, below , refers t o any such soft ware library or wor k which
has been distributed under these terms. A “wor k based on th e Librar y”
means e ither th e Librar y or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say , a work contai ning the L ibrar y or a po r tion of it, eith er
ve rbati m or w ith m odif ica tions and/o r tra nslat ed s tra ightf or war dly i nto
another langua ge. (Hereinafter , translation is include d without lim itation
in the term “modification ”.)
“Source co de ” for a wor k means the preferred form of t he wor k for
making m odifications to it. For a librar y , complete source code m eans
all t he sour ce code f or all mod ules i t cont ains , plu s any associ at ed
interface definition files, plus th e scripts used to control compi lation an d
installation of the librar y .
Activities o ther th an copying , di stribution and mod ification are not
covered by this Licen se; they are outside its scope. The act of r unning
a program usi ng the L ibrary is not restricted, and output from su ch a
program is covered only if its contents constitute a wor k based on the
Librar y (i ndepend ent of the use of the Libra ry in a tool for writing i t).
Whether that is tr ue dep ends on w hat the L ibrar y does a nd what the
program that u ses the Librar y does.
Y ou m a y copy and d istribute v erbat im copies of the Libra ry’s complete
source co de as you receive it, in any medium , provided that you
consp icuousl y and appropriatel y publish on each copy an a ppropriate
copyright notice and discla imer of warrant y; keep intact all the notices
that ref er to this L icense an d to the absen ce of a ny warranty; and
distribute a copy of this Lice nse alo ng with the L ibrary .
Y ou m a y charge a fee for the physical act of t ransferring a copy , an d
you may at your op tion off er warran ty protection in ex chang e for a fee.
Y ou m a y mod ify your copy or cop ies of the L ibrar y or any po r tion of i t,
thus form ing a wor k based o n the Lib rary , and copy and di stribute such
modifications or work un der the term s of Section 1 ab ove, provided that
you also me et al l of the se cond ition s:
The mo dified work must itself be a software librar y .
Y ou must cau se the files modified to carr y prominen t notices stating
that you changed th e files and the da te of any chang e.
Y ou must cau se the who le of the wor k to be licensed at no charge to
all third pa rt ies unde r the ter ms of t his Licens e.