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MIDI Data Tabel <2-2>
MIDI Parameter Change Tabel (CS2x SYSTEM)
Address Maat Data Parameternaam Beschrijving Standaard
(H) (H) (H) waarde (H)
50 00 00 1 00...10 Performance Rcv Ch 1(0)...16(f) 0(1)
01 1 gereserveerd
02 1 gereserveerd
03 1 gereserveerd
04 1 00...11 MIDI Device Number 1(0)...16(f), all(10), off(11), 10 (all)
05 1 gereserveerd
06 1 00...03 Round Module Mode TG300B(0), XG(1), PFM(3) 3(PMF)
07 1 1C...64 Keyboard Transpose -36...+36 (halve tonen) 40 (+0)
08 1 00...05 Keyboard Velocity Curve norm (0), hard (5) 00 (norm)
09 1 00...7F Keyboard FixVelocity off (0), 1, ..127 00 (off)
0a 1 00...0F Keyboard TransChannel 1 (0), ....16(f) 0(1)
0b 1 00...01 MIDI Local off (0), on (2) 1 (on)
0c 1 00...61 MW ControlNumber 0...95 1
0d 1 00...61 FC ControlNumber 0...95 10
0e 1 00...61 FV ControlNumber 0...95 0B
0f 1 00...5F Knob1 ControlNumber 0...95 49
10 1 00...5F Knob2 ControlNumber 0...95 50
11 1 00...5F Knob3 ControlNumber 0...95 48
12 1 00...5F Knob4 ControlNumber 0...95 11
13 1 00...5F Knob5 ControlNumber 0...95 51
14 1 00...5F Knob6 ControlNumber 0...95 4a
15 1 00...5F Knob7 ControlNumber 0...95 47
16 1 00...5F Knob8 ControlNumber 0...95 12
17 1 00...61 Foot Sw Control Number 0...95 40
18 1 00..01 Scene Controller MW(0), FC(1) 0(MW)
19 1 00...03 Scene Mode off(0), S1Sw(1), S2Sw(2), 0(off)
Totale Grootte: 1A
MIDI Data Tabel <2-3>
MIDI Parameter Change Tabel (Current Performance Common)
Address Maat Data Parameternaam Beschrijving Standaard
(H) (H) (H) waarde (H)
60 00 00 1 20...7F Performance Name 1 ASCII Code I
01 1 20...7F Performance Name 2 ASCII Code n
02 1 20...7F Performance Name 3 ASCII Code i
03 1 20...7F Performance Name 4 ASCII Code t
04 1 20...7F Performance Name 5 ASCII Code p
05 1 20...7F Performance Name 6 ASCII Code e
06 1 20...7F Performance Name 7 ASCII Code r
07 1 20...7F Performance Name 8 ASCII Code f
08 1 00...16 Performance Category --, Pf...Sq --(00)
09 1 00...7F Common Volume 0...127 64 (100)
0a 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob1 -64...+63 40 (+0)
0b 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob2 -64...+63 40 (+0)
0c 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob3 -64...+63 40 (+0)
0d 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob4 -64...+63 40 (+0)
0e 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob5 -64...+63 40 (+0)
0f 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob6 -64...+63 40 (+0)
10 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob7 -64...+63 40 (+0)
11 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob8 -64...+63 40 (+0)
12 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob1 -64...+63 40 (+0)
13 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob2 -64...+63 40 (+0)
14 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob3 -64...+63 40 (+0)
15 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob4 -64...+63 40 (+0)
16 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob5 -64...+63 40 (+0)
17 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob6 -64...+63 40 (+0)
18 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob7 -64...+63 40 (+0)
19 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob8 -64...+63 40 (+0)
1a 1 00...7F Knob1 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
1b 1 00...7F Knob2 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
1c 1 00...7F Knob3 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
1d 1 00...7F Knob4 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
1e 1 00...7F Knob5 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
1f 1 00...7F Knob6 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
20 1 00...7F Knob7 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
21 1 00...7F Knob8 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
22 2 00...03 Knob8 Parameter1 MSB layer1(0)...4(3) 00 (layer1)
00...1D Knob8 Parameter1 LSB off(0), 1...29 00 (off)
24 2 00...03 Knob8 Parameter2 MSB layer1(0)...4(3) 00 (layer2)
00...1D Knob8 Parameter2 LSB off(0), 1...29 00 (off)
26 2 00...03 Knob8 Parameter3 MSB layer1(0)...4(3) 00 (layer3)
00...10 Knob8 Parameter3 LSB off(0), 1...29 00 (off)
28 2 00...03 Knob8 Parameter4 MSB layer1(0)...4(3) 00 (layer4)
00...10 Knob8 Parameter4 LSB off(0), 1...29 00 (off)
2a 1 20...60 Knob8 Sensitivity1 -32...+32 40 (+0)
2b 1 20...60 Knob8 Sensitivity2 -32...+32 40 (+0)
2c 1 20...60 Knob8 Sensitivity3 -32...+32 40 (+0)
2d 1 20...60 Knob8 Sensitivity4 -32...+32 40 (+0)
2e 1 00...1D Knob4 Parameter off(0), 1...29 00 (off)
2f 2 00...01 Arpeggiator Tempo MSB 0 (MIDI), 40(1)..240(201) 00 56 (140)
00...7F Arpeggiator Tempo LSB
31 1 00..17 Arpeggiator Type 0 (Up1Oct)..., 39(special17) 09 (UpDnB1Oct)
32 1 00...09 Arpeggiator Subdivide 0 (3/8)...9(1/32). 07 (1/16)
33 1 00...01 Arpeggiator On/Off 0 (off),/1(on)/2(hold) 00 (off, split on)
bit2-split on/off
Totale Grootte: 34
Address Maat Data Parameternaam Beschrijving Standaard
(H) (H) (H) waarde (H)
60 00 40 2 00..7F Reverb Type MSB Zie Effect Type Lijst 01(= HALL1)
00..7F Reverb Type LSB 00 : basistype 00 (basis)
42 2 00..7F Chorus Type MSB Zie Effect Type Lijst 41(= Chorus1)
00..7F Chorus Type LSB 00 : basistype 00 (basis)
44 2 00..7F Vari. Type MSB Zie Effect Type Lijst 05(= Delay L, C, R)
00..7F Vari. Type LSB 00 : basistype 00 (basis)
46 2 00..7F Vari. Param 1 MSB Zie Effect Parameterlijst hangt af van variationtype
00..7F Vari. Param 1 LSB
48 2 00..7F Vari. Param 2 MSB
00..7F Vari. Param 2 LSB
4a 2 00..7F Vari. Param 3 MSB
00..7F Vari. Param 3 LSB
4c 2 00..7F Vari. Param 4 MSB
00..7F Vari. Param 4 LSB
4e 2 00..7F Vari. Param 5 MSB
00..7F Vari. Param 5 LSB
50 2 00..7F Vari. Param 10 MSB
00..7F Vari. Param 10 LSB
52 1 40 gereserveerd 64 40
53 2 00..7F FC Vari. Cntrl Depth -64...+63 40(+0)
54 1 00...7F Send Chorus To Reverb 0...127 0
55 1 00...7F Vari on layer Rev Send 0...127 28 (40)
56 1 00...7F Vari on layer Cho Send 0...127 0
Totale Grootte: 17
Address Maat Data Parameternaam Beschrijving Standaard
(H) (H) (H) waarde (H)
60 00 60 1 00..7F MW Filter Control -64...+63 40(+0)
61 1 00...7F MW LFO Pmod Depth 0...127 0A (10)
62 1 00...7F MW LFO Fmod Depth 0...127 0
63 1 28...38 Bend Pitch Control -24...+24 (halve tonen) 42 (+2 halve tonen)
64 1 00...7F FC Filter Control -64...+63 40 (+0)
65 1 00 gereserveerd 0 00
66 1 00...7F FC LFO Fmod Depth 0...127 0
67 1 00...0F Portamento Switch h0 (L1)...h3(L4), off(0), 0(off)
68 1 00...0F Portamento Time 0...127 0
Totale Grootte: 09
MIDI Data Tabel <2-4>
MIDI Parameter Change Tabel (Current Performance Layer)
Address Maat Data Parameternaam Beschrijving Standaard
(H) (H) (H) waarde (H)
60 0L 00 1 00...7F Voice Bank Nr MSB 0...127 00
01 1 00...7F Voice Bank Nr LSB 0...127 00
02 1 00...7F Voice Number 0...128 00
03 1 00...7F Play Mode mono(0), poly(1) 1(poly)
04 1 28...58 Note Shift -24...+24(halve tonen) 40(+0)
05 2 00...FF Detune -12.6...+12.7(Hz) 00 (+0.0Hz)
1e bit3...0>>bit7...4 00
07 1 00...7F Volume 0...127 64(100)
08 1 00...7F Velocity Sense Depth 0...127 40(64)
09 1 00...7F Velocity Sense Offset -64...+63 40(+0)
0a 1 00...7F Pan random(0), L63...C...R63 40(C)
0b 1 00...7F Note Limit Low C-2...G8 000(C-2)
0c 1 00...7F Note Limit High C-2...G8 7F(G8)
0d 1 00...7F Chorus Send 0...127 00
0e 1 00...7F Reverb Send 0...127 28(40)
0f 1 00...7F Variation Send off(0),on(1...127) 7F (on)
10 1 00...7F LFO Key Sync FreeRun0, Retrigger(1),-(2) 2(-)
12 1 01...7F Filter Cutoff Freq -64...+63 40(+0)
13 1 01...7F Filter Resonance -64...+63 40(+0)
14 1 01...7F Amp. EG Attack Time -64...+63 40(+0)
15 1 01...7F Amp. EG Release Time -64...+63 40(+0)
16 1 00...03 Receive Note (Mute) off(0), on(1) 1(on)
17 1 00...7F Pitch EG Initial Level -64...+63 40(+0)
18 1 01...7F Pitch EG Attack Time -64...+63 40(+0)
19 1 01..7F Pitch EG Release Time -64...+63 40(+0)
1a 1 00...7F Pitch EG Release Level -64...+63 40(+0)
1b 1 01...7F Velocity Limit Low 1...127 01
1c 1 01...7F Velocity Limit High 1...127 7F(127)
1d 1 00...7F Amp. EG Sustain Level -64...+63 40(+0)
1e 1 01...7F LFO Speed -64...+63 40(+0)
1f 1 00...7F LFO Wave 0....3(saw, tri, S&H,--) 3(--)
20 1 21...5F LFO AMod Depth -31...+31` 40(+0)
21 1 01...7F LFO PMod Depth -64...+63 40(+0)
22 1 00...7F LFO FModu Depth -15...+15 40(+0)
23 1 01...7F Filter EG Attack Time -64...+63 40(+0)
24 1 01...7F Filter EG Decay Time -64...+63 40(+0)
25 1 00...7F Filter EG Sus Level -64...+63 40(+0)
26 1 01...7F Filter EG Release Time -64...+63 40(+0)
27 1 00...7F Pitch EG Attack Level -64...+63 40(+0)
28 1 01...7F Pitch EG Decay Time -64...+63 40(+0)
29 1 00...7F EQ Bass Gain -12...+12(db) 0x40
2A 1 00...7F EQ Treble Gain -12...+12 (db) 0x40
2B 1 04...28 EQ Bass Frequentie 32...2.0KHz 0C
2C 1 1C..3A EQ Trebel Frequentie 500...16.0KHz 36
Totale Grootte: 2D
1= 1 ;Layer1
2 ;Layer2
3 ;Layer3
4 ;Layer4
MIDI Data Tabel <2-5>
MIDI Parameter Change Tabel (User Performance Common)
Address Maat Data Parameternaam Beschrijving Standaard
(H) (H) (H) waarde (H)
7# pp 00 1 20...7F Performance Name 1 ASCII Code I
01 1 20...7F Performance Name 2 ASCII Code n
02 1 20...7F Performance Name 3 ASCII Code i
03 1 20...7F Performance Name 4 ASCII Code t
04 1 20...7F Performance Name 5 ASCII Code p
05 1 20...7F Performance Name 6 ASCII Code e
06 1 20...7F Performance Name 7 ASCII Code r
07 1 20...7F Performance Name 8 ASCII Code f
08 1 00...16 Performance Category --, Pf...Sq --(00)
09 1 00...7F Common Volume 0...127 64 (100)
0a 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob1 -64...+63 40 (+0)
0b 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob2 -64...+63 40 (+0)
0c 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob3 -64...+63 40 (+0)
0d 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob4 -64...+63 40 (+0)
0e 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob5 -64...+63 40 (+0)
0f 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob6 -64...+63 40 (+0)
10 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob7 -64...+63 40 (+0)
11 1 00...7F Scene1For Knob8 -64...+63 40 (+0)
12 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob1 -64...+63 40 (+0)
13 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob2 -64...+63 40 (+0)
14 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob3 -64...+63 40 (+0)
15 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob4 -64...+63 40 (+0)
16 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob5 -64...+63 40 (+0)
17 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob6 -64...+63 40 (+0)
18 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob7 -64...+63 40 (+0)
19 1 00...7F Scene2For Knob8 -64...+63 40 (+0)
1a 1 00...7F Knob1 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
1b 1 00...7F Knob2 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
1c 1 00...7F Knob3 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
1d 1 00...7F Knob4 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
1e 1 00...7F Knob5 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
1f 1 00...7F Knob6 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
20 1 00...7F Knob7 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
21 1 00...7F Knob8 Value -64...+63 40 (+0)
22 2 00...03 Knob8 Parameter1 MSB layer1(0)...4(3) 00 (layer1)
00...1D Knob8 Parameter1 LSB off(0), 1...29 00 (off)
24 2 00...03 Knob8 Parameter2 MSB layer1(0)...4(3) 00 (layer2)
00...1D Knob8 Parameter2 LSB off(0), 1...29 00 (off)
26 2 00...03 Knob8 Parameter3 MSB layer1(0)...4(3) 00 (layer3)
00...10 Knob8 Parameter3 LSB off(0), 1...29 00 (off)
28 2 00...03 Knob8 Parameter4 MSB layer1(0)...4(3) 00 (layer4)
00...10 Knob8 Parameter4 LSB off(0), 1...29 00 (off)
2a 1 20...60 Knob8 Sensitivity1 -32...+32 40 (+0)
2b 1 20...60 Knob8 Sensitivity2 -32...+32 40 (+0)
2c 1 20...60 Knob8 Sensitivity3 -32...+32 40 (+0)
2d 1 20...60 Knob8 Sensitivity4 -32...+32 40 (+0)
2e 1 00...1D Knob4 Parameter off(0), 1...29 00 (off)
2f 2 00...01 Arpeggiator Tempo MSB 0 (MIDI), 40(1)..240(201) 00 56 (140)
00...7F Arpeggiator Tempo LSB
31 1 00..17 Arpeggiator Type 0 (Up1Oct)..., 39(special17) 09 (UpDnB1Oct)
32 1 00...09 Arpeggiator Subdivide 0 (3/8)...9(1/32). 07 (1/16)
33 1 00...01 Arpeggiator On/Off 0 (off),/1(on)/2(hold) 00 (off, split on)
bit2-split on/off
Totale Grootte: 34
Address Maat Data Parameternaam Beschrijving Standaard
(H) (H) (H) waarde (H)
7# pp 40 2 00..7F Reverb Type MSB Zie Effect Type Lijst 01(= HALL1)
00..7F Reverb Type LSB 00 : basistype 00 (basis)
42 2 00..7F Chorus Type MSB Zie Effect Type Lijst 41(= Chorus1)
00..7F Chorus Type LSB 00 : basistype 00 (basis)
44 2 00..7F Vari. Type MSB Zie Effect Type Lijst 05(= Delay L, C, R)
00..7F Vari. Type LSB 00 : basistype 00 (basis)
46 2 00..7F Vari. Param 1 MSB Zie Effect Parameterlijst hangt af van variationtype
00..7F Vari. Param 1 LSB
48 2 00..7F Vari. Param 2 MSB
00..7F Vari. Param 2 LSB
4a 2 00..7F Vari. Param 3 MSB
00..7F Vari. Param 3 LSB
4c 2 00..7F Vari. Param 4 MSB
00..7F Vari. Param 4 LSB
4e 2 00..7F Vari. Param 5 MSB
00..7F Vari. Param 5 LSB
50 2 00..7F Vari. Param 10 MSB
00..7F Vari. Param 10 LSB
52 1 40 gereserveerd 64 40
MIDI Data Formaat

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