Copy WorkCentre
User Guide 81
• 100% / 100% will keep your output image the same size as your original. This option is
useful if you are programming a complex job and want to cancel any reduce or enlarge
settings without cancelling other settings you have made.
• Auto Independent X-Y% automatically fits the image of your original onto the paper you
have selected. The reduction or enlargement may not be proportional, the device will
distort the image so that it will fit onto the paper.
• To center the output on the page, check the Auto Center checkbox. To work effectively the
output should be smaller than the selected output media.
Note: If you have not yet selected a paper size you will be prompted to select a size when you
select the Auto Independant X-Y% option.
Note: You must specify a paper tray before using this option.
9. Select the OK button.
10. Enter the number of prints required using the numeric keypad on the control panel.
11. Press the Start button on the control panel to scan the original.
12. Remove the original from the document feeder or document glass when scanning has
completed. The job enters the job list ready for processing.
13. Press the Job Status button on the device control panel to view the job list and check the status
of the job.
14. If your job remains held in the Active Jobs list, the device needs you to supply additional
resources, such as paper or staples before it can complete the job. To find out what resources
are needed, select the job and then select the Details button. Once the resources are available
the job will print.
More Information
Reducing or Enlarging Copies by Proportional %
Using a User ID to Log In at the Device
Using Internet Services to find System Administrator Contact Details
Viewing the Progress and Details of a Job using the Job Status Menu
Setting the Paper Supply for Copies
Setting the Paper Supply for Copies
When you press the Start button to make a copy, the device scans your originals and temporarily
stores the images. It then prints the images based on the selections made.
If Authentication or Accounting has been enabled on your device you may have to enter login
details to access the Copy features.
Use the Paper Supply options to select a specific paper tray for your job, or to allow the device to
Auto Select a tray.
Auto Select automatically selects the appropriate paper size for each original based on the size of
the original and any reduce or enlarge programming you have chosen. Alternatively, you can select
a paper tray that contains the size and type of paper you require.