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CD-Player für Kinder
4 Chapter 1 Symbol explanation
4 Chapter 2 Intended use
5 Chapter 3 Safety instructions
7 Chapter 4 Delivery contents
7 Chapter 5 Technical Data
8 Chapter 6 The device
10 Chapter 7 Power supply
12 Chapter 8 General operating instructions
12 On/O
12 Volume
12 CD playback
12 Selection of a specic track
13 Fast forward and rewind
13 Playback mode
13 Repeat a single track
13 Repeat all tracks
14 Program playback
14 Karaoke function
15 Public announcements
16 Chapter 9 Maintenance and cleaning
17 Chapter 10 Disposal
18 Chapter 11 Service
Dear Customer,
Thank you for purchasing this quality product. This instruction manual will give you a
general idea how this product operates as well as providing you with information on
cleaning and safety instructions.
Please take your time to read and follow all safety and operating instructions in this
manual carefully in order to maintain this products condition and ensure safe operati-
on. Keep this manual and pass it with the product when distributed.
Should you have any additional questions or should any suggestions arise, please
contact a specialized dealer or our service team for further information.
We look forward to recommending us to others and hope you enjoy using this device.
Your X4-TECH Team
All company and product names mentioned in this document are registered
trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved. We assume no liability for
damage occurred as a result of improper use or damage from failure to comply with
the safety instructions found in this manual, improper operation or handling. Under
such circumstances, all claims under warranty will become void. We assume no liability
for consequential damage!
A declaration of CE conformity has been created for this product. Certication has
been documented and entrusted to the manufacturer.
General warning sign, urges to attention and regarding general risks. It is used in
conjunction with warning instructions or other symbols when non-observance
can lead to harm of people or devices.
2. Intended use
The X4-TECH BobbyJoey CD is designed to play audio-CDs in indoor environments.
With the two included microphones the voices of your children can be amplied and
output through the speakers – together with the music played.
Any other utilization as above is forbidden and can harm the product and result in risks
like short circuit, re, electric shock etc. The product must not be modied or altered. It
is essential to follow all safety instructions. Please read this instruction manual careful-
ly and keep it safe for later enquiries.
Chapter 1-2 Symbol explanation / Intended use4
Symbol explanation
Chapter 3 Safety instructions 5
The following safety and danger references/notices serve not only the protec-
tion of the product, but also the protection of your safety and health. Please
read all following instructions carefully.
• Avoidhighvolumestoprotectyourandyourchildren’shearing.Highvolumesmay
• Thisdevicecontainssmallpartsandcableswhichcanbeswallowed.Thedeviceis
not suitable for children under 3 years.
• NEVERletanyone,especiallychildren,putobjectsintotheholes,slotsoropenings
of this device. This may lead into death due to electric shock. The device must only
be opened by a qualied service technican.
• Bewareofsmallpiecesandbatteries–donotswallowthem.Theycanbehazardous
to your health and lead into suocation. Make sure to keep small parts and batteries
out of reach of children.
• Neverleavepackagingmateriallyingaroundunsupervised–thiscanbecomea
hazardous toy for children and/or pets and lead to serious injuries, e.g. suocation.
• Theventilationsystemmustbeclearofobjectsatalltimes.Donotobstructtheven-
tilation of this device. Make sure that no curtains, newspapers, furniture or any other
types of objects are blocking the ventilation system of this device. Overheating may
lead into serious damage of the device and reduce its performance and lifespan.
• Donotexposethedevicetodirectsunlight.Makesurethatthedeviceisnotexpo-
sed to direct heat sources such as heaters or open re.
• Contactaservicetechnicianifthereisanyreasontobelievethattheoperation
or safety of the device has been impaired. Please adhere to the additional safety
information found in the individual chapters of this instruction manual. Should
you be in doubt of the correct operation of this device or questions arise that are
not explained within this manual, please contact our technical hotline or a service
technician for further information.
• Whenusingamainsadaptor(notincluded)onlyusetherecommendedtype:6V/
Safety instructions
• Weassumenoliabilityforpersonalorpropertydamageresultingfromthefailureto
comply with the safety instructions, improper operation and handling. Under such
circumstances, all claims under warranty will become void.
• Forsafetyandlicensingreasons(CE)anyunauthorizedmodicationsand/orchan-
ges of the device are prohibited and will void the warranty and all warranty claims.
• Followallsafetyinstructionsintherespectivechaptersofthisinstructionmanual.
• Ifthereisanydoubtinthesafetyofthisdevice(e.g.becauseofdamagetothe
should not be used until the damage has been properly removed.
• Theinternaltransformerisnotatoy.
• Thedevicemustnotbeconnectedtomorethanonepowersupply.
Chapter 3 Safety instructions
Chapter 4-5 Delivery contents / Technical Data 7
• X4-TECHBobbyJoeyCD
• Instructionmanual
5. Technical Data
PowerSupply 4x1,5VTypeC-Batteries(Baby)
Dimensions 265x225x100mm(WxHxD)
Weight approx.1000g(withbatterysinserted)
Delivery contents
Chapter 6 The device8
The device
Chapter 6 The device 9
1 LED display
Programmed playback is running
Grip for sopening the CD door
4 CD-Door
5 ON/OFF for microphone
6 Microphone
7 Battery compartment
8 - MIC VOL +
Microphone volume
Playback or pause mode
To the previous track
11 F. SKIP
To the next track
Stop playback
Repeat modes
16 DC 6V 5W
On and o / Volume control
a. Battery operation
Open the battery compartment by loosen the screw on the cover and remove the
the polarity markings inside the battery compartment.
• Nevermixoldandnewbatteries.
  • Nevermixrechargeablebatterieswithothertypesofbatteries.
  • Nevermixdierenttypesofbatteries.
  • Alwaysremoveusedbatteries.
  • Non-rechargeablebatteriesmustnotberecharged.
  • Batterieshavetoberemovedbeforecharging.
  • Batterieshavetobechargedunderadultsupervisiononly.
  • Thesupplyterminalsmustnotbeshort-circuited.
  • Nevermixdierenttypesofbatteries.
b. Operation with AC/DC power adaptor
the voltage on the label corresponds to the voltage in your household.
• Onlyuseacommonpoweradaptorwith6V/600mA.
• ConnectthepoweradaptorwiththeDC6Vjack(see6.16).
• Whenthedeviceispoweredviaapoweradaptor,thebatterieswillbedisconnected
• Powersuppliesareavailableinspecializedshops.
• Onlyusethedevicewiththerecommendedtransformer.
Chapter 7 Power supply10
Power supply
This device may only be connected to a 6 V, 5W AC/DC adaptor with negative
pole at the inner conductor of the plug. The usage of other kinds of power
adaptors may damage the device.
Make sure the power supply plugs polarity corresponds with the input jacks
on the device.
Chapter 7 Power supply 11
until it snaps. The display will turn o.
wise to lower the volume.
CD playback
1. SwitchtheunitonbyturningtheOFF.VOL-knob(see6.17)clockwise.
2. OpentheCDdoor(see6.4)byliftingtherecessOPEN(see6.3).PlaceaCDonthe
center spindle with the cover side faced up and close the CD door.
3. OntheLEDdisplay(see6.1)theindication„--„willbeshownforafewseconds.
Afterwards, the total number of tracks will be displayed.
4. PressPLAY/PAUSE(see6.9)tostarttheplayback.Thetracknumberis
5. AdjustthevolumebyrotatingtheOFF.VOL-knob(see6.17)toasuitablelistening
6. Tointerrupttheplaybacktemporarily(pause),pressPLAY/PAUSE(see6.9).Pressing
7. PressSTOP(see6.12)tostoptheplaybackoftheCD.
Selection of a specic track
or previous track.
Chapter 8 General operating instructions12
General operating
1. Selectthetrackintheplayback,stoporpausemodewithB.SKIP(see6.10)orF.SKIP
2. PressingbrieyonF.SKIP(see6.11)youcanskiptothenexttrack.Pressingthisbut-
ton repeatedly, you can skip several tracks until the desired track number is shown
on the display.
3. PressingbrieyonB.SKIP(see6.10)youwillreturntothebeginningofthecurrent
4. Toskipbackmultipletracks,pressB.SKIP(see6.10)repeatedly.
Fast forward and rewind
within the current track. The volume will be muted during this operation.
Playback mode
1. BypressingREPEAT(see6.14)theplaybackmodecanbetoggled.Theindicationof
the adjusted playback mode takes place with the decimal point following the rst
digit on the display.
2. Tocanceltheplaybackmode,pressrepeatedlyREPEAT(see6.14),untilthedecimal
point following the rst digit on the display disappears.
Repeat a single track
decimal point following the rst digit is ashing.
Repeat all tracks
decimal point following the rst digit lights up permanent.
Chapter 8 General operating instructions 13
Program playback
1. PressPROGRAM(see6.13)oncewhileinplaybackorstopmode.„00“onthedisplay
2. SelectthedesiredtrackwithB.SKIP(see6.10)orF.SKIP(see6.11).
3. StorethetrackwithPROGRAM(see6.13).Theprogramnumberwillbeincreasedby
one and shown on the display for a short period of time.
4. Repeatsteps2and3toprogramupto20tracks.
5. PressPLAY/PAUSE(see6.9)tostarttheplaybackofthetracksintheprogrammed
6. StoptheprogrammedplaybackbypressingSTOP(see6.12).
7. Instopmode,pressPROGRAM(see6.13)andPLAY/PAUSE(see6.9)afterwards,to
continue the programmed playback.
8. AfterpressingPROGRAM(see6.13)whileinstopmode,youcanchecktheprogram-
9. Delete the programmed sequence by opening the CD door or turning o the CD
Karaoke function
The device is equipped with two coequal microphones.
1. TurnthedeviceonbyrotatingtheOFF.VOL-knobclockwise.
2. Place a CD on the center spindle with the cover faced up and close the CD door
3. PressPLAY/PAUSE(see6.9)tostarttheplayback.
4. SlidetheON/OFFbutton(see6.5)onthemicrophonetotheONposition.
5. Adjustthemicrophonevolumebyrotatingthe–MICVOL+knob(see6.8)toa
suitable listening level.
Chapter 8 General operating instructions14
6. NowyoucanstartsingingintothemicrophonetogetherwiththemusicfromCD.
Public announcements
ed by the device.
1. JustturnthedeviceonbytheOFF.VOL-knobwithoutaninsertedCD.
2. SlidetheON/OFF-button(see6.5)onthemicrophonetotheONposition.
3. Adjustthemicrophonevolumebyrotatingthe–MICVOL+knob(see6.8)toa
suitable listening level.
4. Nowyoucanstartsingingortalkingintothemicrophone.
Chapter 8 General operating instructions 15
Chapter 9 Maintenance and cleaning16
Dear customer!
Please note that electrical and electronic devices must
never be disposed of in regular household waste!
Customer are legally obligated an responsible for the proper disposal of
electronic an electrical devices by returning them to collections sites
designated for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment waste
after the useful lifetime of a device has come to an end. For more informati-
on concerning collection sites and correct disposal, please contract your
local authority or waste management company. The presence of the above
symbol on a device, on its packaging or within the instruction manual
indicates that this item must not be disposed of the normal unsorted
municipal waste.
In doing so, you are fullling all recycling and disposal obligations and are
optimizing and contributing to a better environment. These disposal
regulations apply to battery/rechargeable battery disposal as well. Most
batteries contain hazardous chemicals which can containment the environ-
ment and human health, if they are discarded in ordinary household waste.
According to legislation, batteries are to be returned to the place of
purchase, disposed of at designated recycling areas or disposal sites.
Dear customer!
Do not throw batteries and rechargeable
batteries into household waste!
Consumers are legally obligated to return used and
rechargeable batteries, whether they contain harmful
substances* or not, to designated recycling areas,
disposal sites, or stores where batteries / rechargeable
batteries can be bought. By doing so, you are fullling
all legal battery recycling and disposal obligations and
are contributing to a better environment.
Make sure batteries are completely discharged before
*) marked with Cd = Cadmium Hg = mercuric Pb = lead
Cleaning the device
Pull the power plug before cleaning the device. Wipe the enclosure periodically with a
ply is used, the device must be disconnected from the power outlet before cleaning.
Handling CDs
Do not touch the playback side of discs. Hold by the edges without
touching the recording surface, so that nger prints do not come in
toring CDs
exposed to direct sunlight.
Cleaning CDs
Finger prints and dust found on a CD may be the reason for a poor sound quality.
Before playing a CD, carefully wipe o nger prints and dust with a clean cloth. Please
clean with an inwards to outwards motion.
Maintenance and cleaning
Chapter 10 Disposal 17
Dear customer!
Please note that electrical and electronic devices must
never be disposed of in regular household waste!
Customer are legally obligated an responsible for the proper disposal of
electronic an electrical devices by returning them to collections sites
designated for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment waste
after the useful lifetime of a device has come to an end. For more informati-
on concerning collection sites and correct disposal, please contract your
local authority or waste management company. The presence of the above
symbol on a device, on its packaging or within the instruction manual
indicates that this item must not be disposed of the normal unsorted
municipal waste.
In doing so, you are fullling all recycling and disposal obligations and are
optimizing and contributing to a better environment. These disposal
regulations apply to battery/rechargeable battery disposal as well. Most
batteries contain hazardous chemicals which can containment the environ-
ment and human health, if they are discarded in ordinary household waste.
According to legislation, batteries are to be returned to the place of
purchase, disposed of at designated recycling areas or disposal sites.
Dear customer!
Do not throw batteries and rechargeable
batteries into household waste!
Consumers are legally obligated to return used and
rechargeable batteries, whether they contain harmful
substances* or not, to designated recycling areas,
disposal sites, or stores where batteries / rechargeable
batteries can be bought. By doing so, you are fullling
all legal battery recycling and disposal obligations and
are contributing to a better environment.
Make sure batteries are completely discharged before
*) marked with Cd = Cadmium Hg = mercuric Pb = lead
Dear customer!
Please note that electrical and electronic devices must
never be disposed of in regular household waste!
Customer are legally obligated an responsible for the proper disposal of
electronic an electrical devices by returning them to collections sites
designated for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment waste
after the useful lifetime of a device has come to an end. For more informati-
on concerning collection sites and correct disposal, please contract your
local authority or waste management company. The presence of the above
symbol on a device, on its packaging or within the instruction manual
indicates that this item must not be disposed of the normal unsorted
municipal waste.
In doing so, you are fullling all recycling and disposal obligations and are
optimizing and contributing to a better environment. These disposal
regulations apply to battery/rechargeable battery disposal as well. Most
batteries contain hazardous chemicals which can containment the environ-
ment and human health, if they are discarded in ordinary household waste.
According to legislation, batteries are to be returned to the place of
purchase, disposed of at designated recycling areas or disposal sites.
Dear customer!
Do not throw batteries and rechargeable
batteries into household waste!
Consumers are legally obligated to return used and
rechargeable batteries, whether they contain harmful
substances* or not, to designated recycling areas,
disposal sites, or stores where batteries / rechargeable
batteries can be bought. By doing so, you are fullling
all legal battery recycling and disposal obligations and
are contributing to a better environment.
Make sure batteries are completely discharged before
*) marked with Cd = Cadmium Hg = mercuric Pb = lead
9 10
For any enquiries please contact your local dealer or our service department.
Service address: First Flash GmbH
The content of this instruction manual can be changed without former notice. X4-TECH
assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in
this instruction manual.
Importeur: lived non food GmbH
Theodor-Heuss-Straße 3
D-38122 Braunschweig
Internet: www.lived-non-food.de
E-Mail: info@lived-non-food.de
Chapte r 11 Service18

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X4-Tech Bobby Joey CD User Manual - German - 20 pages

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