you, step by step, through the installation process.
If You do not have an account already, create one and subscribe (legal terms) to service to be able to benefit the features
provided through the app.
3. Register your appliance following the App instructions. For the registration process You will need the Smart Appliance IDentifier
(SAID) number, sticker on the appliance. The SAID is composed by numbers and letters (10 chars ). You can take a note of
your appliance SAID here:
SAID … … … … … … … … … …
• Before starting the installation process turn on your router and verify that the wireless signal of your home router is reaching the
appliance. To verify the Wifi strength signal use a Tablet or Smart-phone connected only to the Wi-Fi router, disable any other
data connections, and place the device close to the appliance. Open any internet web page in a browser and check that it is
downloaded fast correctly. If the internet connection of your home is working correctly but the page is not downloaded, you may
need to install a Wi-Fi extender device (not provided with the appliance).
• If your router supports WPS 2.0 (or gather ) , follow one of the two manual setup procedures to connect your appliance to
router. If your router is not supported by WPS, follow the manual setup procedure .
Follow the instructions on your 6th Sense Live application on your smartphone to connect the appliance to your wifi
Otherwise read the next paragraphs for automatic or manual connection.
This procedure is applicable only if your router supports WPS2.0 (or greater)
1. On your appliance activate the provisioning process by pressing and hold for three seconds the connectivity button (an
acoustical feedback is played). The appliance is being set to a “search” mode for a local network. The Connectivity icon on the
appliance starts blinking fast.
2. On wireless router press the WPS button to establish a connection between the two products. An indicator light on your router
will begin blinking.
3. When the appliance successfully connects to the local router, the wifi icon switches from fast to slow blinking (supported not in
all appliances).
4. The appliance try to connect to Backend system. Connectivity icon becomes steady. If the wifi icon does not stop blinking after
few minutes, then the appliance has failed to find the connections to home network using WPS. Try the procedure again and if
not successful, then use one of the two manual setup instructions.
5. You can abort the WiFi connection procedure by pressing the connectivity button.
This procedure uses the QR Code applied on the WiFi Label and is applicable if Your router does not support WPS.
1. Turn ON your router and make sure the Internet connections is working.
2. On your appliance activate the provisioning process by pressing the connectivity button (one acoustical feedback is played) •
you should see the wifi icon blinking on appliance HMI.
3. Turn ON your smart device (Phone or Tablet) and follow the instruction on the app.
4. The wifi icon on the appliance should stop blinking and turn ON permanently once connected.
5. The setup process is complete.
6. You can abort the WiFi connection procedure by pressing the connectivity button.
This procedure uses the Micro Access Point technology and is applicable if Your router does not support WPS.
1. Before starting the setup procedure please take note of the home wireless network name (SSID), its PASSWORD and the SAID
of appliance. They will be required during the installation process.
2. Turn ON your router and make sure the Internet connections is working.
On your appliance activate the provisioning process by pressing and hold for 5 seconds the connectivity button (two acoustical
feedbacks are played, one after 3 seconds, one after 5 seconds) • you should see the wifi icon blinking on appliance HMI.
4. Turn ON your smart device (Phone or Tablet), access your list of available wireless networks in the setting menu.