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ADG 750
To re view the sec tion on troublesho oting Tip s
will help you to solve some common problems
by yourse lf .
Dear Cu stom er ,
Please carefully read this manual bef oreusing the
dishwasher, itwill help you to use and maintain the
di shw a sher pro perl y.
Pass it on to any subsequent owner of the appliance.
Thi s ma nua l con tai ns se c ti ons on safe ty Instru ct ion s ,
OperatingInstructions,Installation Instructions and
Troubleshoo ti ng Tips , et c.
The manufa ctu rer, f ollowing a pol icy of cons tant
develo pment a nd u pdat ing of the product , may
make modi ficat ions without givi ng prior notice.
Di shw as h er F e at ure s.. ...... .. .. . .. . ... .. .. . ... . ... .. . .. ... 3
A Wate r S oft ener.. .... ...... ....... .. .... ... ... ... .......4 ..
At tentio n before or af ter loadi ng the Dis hwash er
Filtering System.............................................14
Caring for the Dishw asher. .... ................ .........15.
How to usethe 3 in 1 fun ction............................8
B L oad in g the Sa lt into t he S of t en er...... ...... ... . .5
C Fill t he R inse Aid D ispenser. ....... ..... .. .. 5 ..... ...
D Function ofDetergent ................. .... ....6
Loading the upper ........................... ....9Ba sket
Loadingthe Lower ...............................10Basket
Cutlery Basket........................................... ...11
Wash Cycle Table...........................................12
Turning on theAppliance................................13
Change the Programme.............. ................13....
At the End of the Wash Cycle...........................13
Control Panel...................................................3
Keep it to refer to it at a later date.
If you can not solv e the pro blems b y yo urself ,
please ask fo r the help of p rofe ssiona l techn ician s.
Before calling forservice.................................23
Error codes...................................................2 4
Technical in fo rmation.....................................25
Water Connection...........................................22
Plea se ca refully rea d the insta ll at ion inst ruction
....17Aesth etic panel's dimensi ons and instal lati on
Ten sion adjus tmen t of t he door spring .19... .. . .. . .. . ..
Connection of drain hoses................................... ....19
Dishwasher installation steps..........................20
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a
malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce
the risk of anelectric shock by providing a path of
least resistance of electric current. This appliance
is equipped with a cord having an equipment-
grounding conductor and a grounding plug.
The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet
that is installed an d grounded in accordance with
all local codes and ordinances.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock.
Check with a qualified elect rician or service
representative if you are in doubt whether the
appliance is proper ly grounded. D o not modify the
plug provided with the appliance; If it does not fit
the out let. Ha ve a proper outlet installed by a
qualified electrician.
Keep children away from de tergent and rinse a id, k eep
child away from the open door of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked
dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Us e o nly deter gent and rins e addi tiv es
design ed for an aut oma tic d ishwash er.
Ne ver use s oap, laundr y de terg ent, or hand
wa shin g det ergent in your dishwash er. Keep
these produ cts out of the re ach of children.
During installation, the power supply must not
be excessively or dangerously bent or flattened.
Do not tamper with controls.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly in place. Open
the door very carefully if the dishwasher is
operating, there is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects the
door when it is open. The appliance could tip
on or stand on
When lo ad ing it e m s to be w ashed :
1) Locate sharp items so that they arenot likely
to damage the door seal;
2 Warning: Kni ves and other ute nsil s wi th
sha rp p oin ts mus t be loade d i n the bas ket
w ith their poi nts d own or p lace din a
horizontal position.
When us ing you r dishwasher, you should
preve nt pl astic items fro m comin g i nto contac t
wit h the he ating element .(This instru ction i s only
applica ble to machines w ith a vi sual heat ing
ele ment.)
I f the suppl y cord i s d amaged, it must be replace d
by the manu facturer or it s se rvic e ag ent or a
si mi larly qual ifi ed per son i n orde r to avo id a
hazar d.
Pl ease dispos e of pack ing materials properl y.
U se the dishwasher only for its intended function.
Remove the door to the washing compartment when
removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it.
Dishwasher detergentsare strongly alkaline, they
can be e xt re me ly dang erous if s w a l l owe d.Avoi d
contact with skin and eye s an d ke ep children away
from t he dishw ashe r wh en t he d oor is open.
Check that the detergent comparment is empty
aft er compl etio n o f the wash cycle.
Th e appliance is to be connected to the water
mainsusing new hose sets and that old hose-sets
shoul d no t be reu sed.
The maximumnumber of place settings to be
was hed is 9.
The maximumpermissible inlet water pressure is
1Mpa .
The minimum permissibleinlet water pressure is
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
T his appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children with reduced physical, sensory or
ment al capabilities, or lack of experie nce and
knowledge ,unless they have been given supervision
o r instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety .
When using your dishwas he r, fo ll ow the precautions lis t ed below:
Th e door should not be left o pen,
since th is could incr ease the risk of tr ippi ng.
D ispo se o f the dish was her packaging mate rial c orrectly.
All pa ckaging material s ca n be r ecy cled.
Pl ast ic pa rts a re m arked wit h th e s tand ard internat ional abbrevi at ion s:
PE fo r po lyeth ylen e, e .g. sheet wrapping m ater ial
PS for polystyrene, e.g. padding material
PO M polyox ymethylene, e.g. pla stic c lips
PP pol ypr opyl ene, e.g. Sa lt fill er
AB S Acrylo nitri le B utadiene Sty rene, e.g . Co ntro l Panel .
Packaging material couldbedangerous for children!
Fo r di sposing of pa ckage an d the a ppliance ple ase go to a recyc ling cen tre. Ther efor e cu t
off the powersupplycable and make the door closing device unusable.
Cardboard packaging is manufactured from recycled paper and should be disposed in the
w aste p ap er c ollecti on for re cy cling .
By en surin g th is produc t is disp osed of correctl y, you wil l hel p pre vent potent ial n egative
con se que nces for the envi ronm ent a nd human healt h, w hic h could otherw ise be caus ed
by inappropriate waste handling of this product.
Fo r m ore d eta iled informat ion a bout rec ycling of this pro duc t, pl ease con tact your loca l
ci ty off ice and your hou seh old waste dis posal ser vic e.
DISPOSAL : Do not dispose this produ ct as unso rted municip al waste . Collection of such
waste sep arately for special tr eatment is neces sary.
Ba ck Vie w
Front view
Pr ogra m in dicator l ights and bu tton: To sele ct
one of the seven and show the washing program.
3in1 indi cator lig ht / 3in1
function button:To select and show 3in1 .
St art a nd r es et button: To s tart the selected was hing
pr ogra m or r eset th ew ashi ng p rogr am when the
machine is working.
Di spl ay wi ndo w: Prog ram r emai ni ng ti me, delay time,
r unning ind i cator, te mper atu re of w ater, Error c od es, e tc.
Sa lt and ri nse aid w ar ni ng lights: To s ho w
w hen the salt cont ain er or disp ense r n eed to be
Powerindicator light and switch: To turn on/off
and sh ow the p owe r supply.
Dela yed Start Button: To preset the wash ti mer an d de lay
the starti ng tim e up to 24 hours. Ever y press of this button
increase s t he time by 6 0 minutes.
Dishwasher Features
Control Panel
before using it for the first time.
To get the best performance from your di shwasher, read all operating instructions
Main Filter
Deterg ent Dispenser
Cup Shelf
Cutlery Basket
Ri nse Ai d Dispens er
Inlet pipe connector
Drain pipe connector
Low er Bask et
Sp ra yA rm s
Upp er B ask e t
Sa lt Conta iner
11 12
Tray ass
Be fo re using you r dishwashe r for th e first ti me:
Th e water softener must be set manu al ly, using the wa ter hard ness dial.
Th e wat er soften er is des igned to remove min era ls and salts f rom the w ater, which woul d ha ve
a detrimenta l o r adve rse effect on the ope ration of the app liance . The h igher the
content of these mi neral s an d sa lts, the harde r your w ater is. The softe ner shou ld b e
adju sted accordi ng t o the har dness of the water in you r area. Your loca l WaterAuthori ty
can advise you onthehardnessof thewater in your area.
Adjusting Salt Consumption
The dishwas her is de signed t o al low for adjus tment in the am ount of sa lt co nsumed bas ed on the ha rdne ss of
the water used. This is intended to optimise and customise the level o f salt consumption.
1. Unscrew the cap fromthe salt container.
2. T here is a r ing on the con taine r wi th an a rrow o n i t (see fig ure
on theside), if necessary, rotate thering in the anticlockwise
direction fro mth e "- " Setting toward the " +"sign, based on the
hardne sso f the wat er be ing used.
It is recomm end ed t hat adju stme nts should be m ade in
acco rd ance wit h the f oll owin g sch em e:
Contact yo ur local water boar d for inf ormation on the har dness of your wat er suppl y.
mm ol /l
0~1 40~8 0~1.4
14~398~22 1.4~3.9 - 20 50
39~8022~45 3.9~8 Mid 40 25
60 16
Clar ke
Clark: British degree
fH: French degree
DH : Ger man degr ee
dH=1.25 Clarke=1.78 fH=0.178mmol/l
Selector Po sition
Salt consumption
Aut o no my
Pl eas e fol low the st eps bel ow f or a djus tmen t in salt cons umpt ion .
"+ "
"Mid "
the "-" sign and "+" sign
No salt need adde d
45~60 80~107 56~75 8~11
A. Water Softener
A. Set t he wate r sof tener
B. Pour 1 2 li tre of water i nsid e th e sa lt co ntainer a nd then f il l with d ishwash er salt
C. Fi ll t he rinse aid d i sp en s er
D. Fill indetergent
normal fo r a s mall am o unt of water to c ome out of th e sa l t c o n ta ine r.It is
1. The sal t contai ner must only be refil led when the sal t wa rning l ight in the control pan el comes on.
Depend ing on how wel l the salt diss olve s, the salt warnin g light may stil l be on even though the
salt container is filled .
If there is no salt w arni ng light in the con trol p anel (for some Mode ls),you c an e stim ate wh en to f ill
the salt into the so ftener by the cycles t hat the dishwashe r has run.
2. If th ere a re spills of the salt , a soak or a rapid pro gram s hould be ru n to re mov e the excessiv e sa lt.
Always u se the salt intende d f or use with di shwasher.
The sa lt co ntain er is located ben eath the l owe r basket and sh ould be filled as e xplained in the
foll ow ing :
Only use salt spe cif ica lly desi gne d for t he use in dishwash ers! Every other type of
salt no t speci fically de sig ned fo r the u se in a d ishwas her, espe cially table salt, will
damage the w ater sof tener. In case of da ma ges caused b y the use o f unsuitable
salt the ma nuf act ure r does not give any wa rrant y nor is liabl e for a ny damag es caused.
Only fil l wi th s alt just b efore star ting one of the co mp let e washi ngp ro grams.
This wi ll p reve nt any g rains of sa lt or sa lty wate r, w hich ma y have b een spi lled,
remain ing on the bottom of the m achi ne f or any pe riod of time , which may cau se
c o rr os ion.
B. Loading the Salt Into the Softener
C. Fill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
Th e r inse aid i s r elea se d d uri ng t he fin al ri nse to prevent wat er from forming droplets on y o ur dis he s, whic h can leave
spots and strea ks. It also improve s dryi ng by allowing water t o ro ll off the di shes . Your di shwasher is des igned t o
use liqu id rinse aids. The rin se aid dispense r is l ocated inside the do or next to the deter gent di spense r. To fill the
dispenser, open the cap and pour the rinse aidintothe dispenseruntil the level indicator turnscompletely black.
The volume of the rins e aid contai ner is about 110ml.
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Function of Rinse Aid
Rinse aid is aut oma tic ally added d uring the last r inse, ensur ing thor ough rinsi ng, and spo t and streak free dry ing.
Only use branded rinse aid for dishwasher. Never fill the rinse aid dispenser with any other substances
(e.g. Di shwas her cleaning agent, liqu id d eterge nt ). Th is would damag e the app liance .
A Remove the lower basket and then unscrew and remove the cap from thesalt container.
B Before the first wash, fill 1lt. of water in the salt container of your machine.
C Pl ace th e e nd of the fun nel (supp lied) into the ho le and introd uce abou t 1kg of salt .
D Af ter filli ng the co ntainer , scr ew th e cap tigh tly back clo ckwise.
E Usu ally, the salt warni ng light wi ll stop being illumi nat ed with in 2-6 days af te r th e s alt co nt ain er ha s be en fi ll ed wit h
sal t.
F Imm ed iately aft er f il lin g t he salt into the sa lt c ontain er, a washing pr ogram s hould be started ( We su ggest to use t he
soak orrapid program). Otherwise the filter system, pump or other important parts of the machinemay be damaged
by salty water. This is out of warranty.
To op en the di spen ser, t urn the c ap to the "ope n" (le ft) arr ow and l ift it o ut.
Po ur the ri nse ai d int o the dis pen ser, be ing car eful n ot to o verfi ll .
Replace the cap by inserting i t aligned w ith "open" arrow and turning it to the closed (righ t) arrow.
Adjusting Rinse Aid Dispenser
The ri nse aid dispe nser ha s six or four setti ng s. Al ways sta rt with the di spens er
set on "4". I f spot s and p oor dryin g are a p rob lem, i ncre ase the amoun t o f r inse
aid disp ensed b y remov in g the d ispe nser l id and rotat ing the d ial to "5". If t he
dishes s til l are no t d rying pr operly o r are s how s pots, adjus t th e dial to the next
highe r lever un til your dish es a re sp ot-f ree. Th e recom mend ed setting is "4".
(Factory value is "4".)
Increase the dose if there are drops of wateror limespots on the dishes after washing.
Reduce it if there are sticky whitis h stains on your dishes orabluish film on glassware or
knife blades.
As t he ri nse aid d imin ishes, th e size o f the black dot
onthe rinse aidlevel indicator changes, as illustrated below.
1 / 4 full - Should refill to eliminate spotting
Em pt y
Adjust lever
When to Refill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
If th ere i s no rinse-aid warnin g ligh t in t he c ont rol p anel, you can estimat e the amount from the colo ur
of t he opti cal l evel ind icator C loca ted ne xt to the cap. When th e rin se-a id c ontai ner is ful l, th e whole
indicato r wil l be dark .As t he rinse -aid di minishes, th esize of the dar k dot de creases. You should neve r let
t he rinse ai d l ev el fall 1 / 4 full.
durin g the nex t w ash. Don' t for get to replac e the cap be fore you clos e dis hwa sher do or.
Clean u p an y rinse aid sp il l ed w hi le durin g filli ng w ith a n ab sorbent cloth to a v oid excessi v e fo am ing
Deterge nt s with its chem ical ingred ients a re ne cessary t o r emove dir t, crus h dirt an d trans port it o ut of the di sh washer.
Most of thecommercial quality detergents are suitable for this p urpose.
D. Function of Detergent
There a r e 3 s orts of deterge nts
1.With phosphate and with chlorine
2.With phosphat e and wit hout chlorine
3.Without phosph ate and without chlo rine
C (Ri nse - Ai d i nd ic ato r)
Amount of Detergent to Use
Proper U se of De terg ent
Use only deterge nt specif icall y m ade for the us ein dish wa shers. Keep your det ergent fr esh and dry.
Don't put powdereddetergent into the dispenser until you're ready to wash dishes.
Dishwash er detergent is co rrosive! Ta ke c are to ke ep i t out of reach of children.
Based ontheir chemical composition, detergentscan be split in two basic types:
The use of normal washingprograms in combinationwith concentrated detergents
redu ces poll ution a nd is g ood for your dish es ; these wash p rog rams ar e specific ally matche d
to t he di rt-di ssol ving pro pe rti es of the enz yme s of the concen t rated de terg ent. For this reas on
normal wash programs in which concentrated detergentsare used canachieve the same
resultsthat can otherwise only be achieved using intensive programs.
Detergent tablets of different brandsdissolve at different speeds. For this reasonsome
dete rgent tablets can not diss olve an d dev elop the ir fu ll cleanin g po wer during short
prog rams. There fore plea se u se l ong program s wh en u sin g de terg ent t ablet s, t o
ensure the com pl ete rem oval of de ter g e n t re si du al s.
Th e disp enser m ust be refille d be fore the star t of e ach was h cy cle f ollowi ng the inst ructi ons
provided in t he w ash cycle ta ble . You r dis hwa sher uses less de terg ent an d rins e aid tha n
Conventional dishwasher. Generally, only one tablespoon of detergent is needed for
a normal wash load. Moreheavily soileditems need more detergent.Always addthe
dete rgen t jus t b e for e star ting the dishwasher, oth erwis e it coul d ge t da mp a nd w il l not
di s sol v e pr ope r ly.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Tablets
Detergent Dispenser
Always add the dete rgent just b efore star ting each wash cycle.
Only use branded detergent aidfor dishwasher.
If the lid is close d: press r ele ase butt on.T he l id will sp ring open.
conventional, alkaline detergents with causticcomponents
l ow alk aline conc ent r at ed d et er ge nt s w ith nat ura l enzymes
Normally new pu lver ised detergent is with out phos pha te. T hus the wate r so ften er fu nction of
phosphate i s not giv en. I n th i s ca se w e recommend t o fi ll s a lt in the sa lt co nta i n er even w he n
the hardness of wate r is o nly 6 d H. If dete rgents w itho ut phosp hate are used in the case of hard wat er
often whi te spots app ear on d ishe s a nd glasses. In this cas e pl ease add more deter gent to reach
better r esu l ts . D ete r gents w ith o ut chl or ine do only bleach a li ttle. Str o ng a nd colo u red s p o t s wi ll no t
be removed com plete ly. I n th is c ase pleas e ch oo se a p rogram with a hi gher tempera ture.
I f you use 3i n1 ta blets in o ther pr ogram s, the appliance wil l not ac hieve a good perfo rmance.
Only the 3in1 fun ction (for the prog ram : int ensi ve/N ormal /E co. ) Can be used wit h 3in 1 table ts.
Fill t he de tergent dispens er w ith detergen t.
Th e mark ing ind icates th e do s ing le vels , a s
i ll us tra ted on t he right:
Th e place of main wash cyc le deterg ent plac ed ,
M IN means approxi mate ly 2 0g o f deter gen t.
Th e pla ce o f pre-wa sh c ycle det erge nt p laced ,
ap proximat ely 5g o f detergen t
Please obser ve th e m anufact urer s do sing and stor age
Recommendations as stated onthe detergent packaging.
Close the lid and press until it locks in place.
I f the dish es a r e he avily soil ed , plac e an a d dit i onal
detergen t do se in the pre-w ash det erg ent c ha mbe r. This deter gent will take effect durin g the pre- wa sh p has e.
Fill in Detergent
You fi nd i nformatio n abou t the amount o f de terg ent for th esi ngle program me on t he last page .
Pl eas e a ware , tha t acc ord ing t o the lev el so iling and the spec ific har dnes s of water d iffer ence sare possib le.
Pleaseobserve the manufacturer's recommendations on the detergent packaging.
When using 3i n1 combination / com pact D etergents ,p leas e pa y att ention to make sure th at
the size of the combi nation deterg ents fits to the dispe nser so th at c ombin ation
deterge nts c an b e ea sily put i nto the di spense r, and the dispen ser would no t be broken.
Your dish was her h as a 3in1 fu nctio n w hich needs no salt and rin se aid bu t a 3 In1 tabl et.
This dishwas her com eswit h a 3in 1 ta blet co nt ainer as an accessor y.
1. The figure below shows how to hangthe 3in1 tablet container on the upper basket.
2. Rot ate t he up per spray er an d change the locat ion of the conta iner to en sure the uppe r sp rayer is no t
obstructed by the 3in 1 tablet container. Refer tothe figurebelow for reference.
3. Put the 3in1 tablet intothe container ,then start the 3in1 program.
How To Use The 3IN1 Function
For be st perfo rma nce oft he dishwa sher, f oll ow the se loadi ng guideline s. Featur es and
appea rance of bask ets and cut ler y basket s ma y va ry from yo ur mod el.
Attention before or after Loading the Dishwasher B askets
Scr ape off an y la rge amou nts of le ftover foo d. Soft en r emnants of b urnt food in p ans .
It is not ne cessar y t o rinse the dis hes under ru nning wat er.
Plac e o bjects in the di shw asher in foll owing way:
1.Item s su ch as cups , glasses, pot s/pans, et c. a re faced downw ards.
2.Curved i tems, or ones w ith r ecesses, sho uld be l oaded as lant so that wate r can r un off.
3.All utensils are stacked securely and can not tip over.
4.All uten sils are pl ace d i n the wa y t ha t the spray ar ms can rotat e fr eely dur ing w ashi ng.
Very sma ll items shou ld not be washed in the dishw ash er as they coul d easily fal l ou t of t he b aske ts.
Upper wheels
Lower wheels
Adjusting the Upper Basket
Th e height o f the up per bask et can be adj usted in order to creat e mo re spa ce for lar ge u te nsils
both for the upper/lower basket.The height of the upper basket can be adjusted byplacing the
wheels on di fferen t height of the r ails. Long item s, ser ving cu tlery, salad serve rs and kn ives
should be pl aced on the shel f so that they d o not o bstr uct t he rot ati on of the s pray arms.
Th e shelf ca n be fo ld ed back or be remove d w hen not requ ired f or us e.
Bowl M Bowl L() ()
Dessert plate
Cup s
(Eg g )
Gravy ladle
Loading the Upper Rack
The u p per r ac k is des i g n ed to hol d m ore del icate a nd light er d is hw are s uc h as glasses, coffe e
and tea cup and sauc ers, as well as pl ates , sm all bowls and sha llow pa ns (a s lo ng as t he y are
not too dirty) .
Po sition the dishes and cookw are so t hat t hey do not get move d by the spray of wate r.
Loading the Lower Basket
Werecommend thatyouplace largeitems which are most difficultto cleanintothe lower basket:
pots, pans, lids,serving dishes and bowls, asshown in the figureto the right.
I t is pr efe rabl e to plac e ser ving dis hes and li ds on t he side of the rac ks in ord er to avo id blocking
Pots, serving bowls, etc. must always be placed top down.
D eep pot s sh ould be s lant ed to allo w w ater to f low out.
Th e b otto m b asket feature f old down tin e ro ws so th at la rge r or m ore pots and p ans c an be loaded .
1. Cutlery basket
2. Dessert plates
3. Soup plates
4. Dinner plates
5. Oval platter
6. Saucer
Cutlery Basket
Fo r washing in th e d ishwasher the fol lowi ng cutler y/di shes
Cutle ry with wood en, horn china or
mothe r-of-pe arl h andl es
Plas tic items t hat are not h eat resis tan t
Older c utlery with glued parts t hat are not
temperature resistant
Bonded cutlery items or dishes
Pewte r or cooper it ems
Crystal glass
Steel i te ms su bject to rust ing
Wooden platters
Items made from synthetic fibres
Do not p ut i n i tems that are d irty of cig arette ash, c andle wax, lacq uer or paint .
If you b uy new dishes pl ease mak e sure that they ar e suitab le for dishwa shers.
Some types of g lass es c an beco me
dull aftera large number of washes
Si l ver a nd a lum inum pa rt s have a
tendenc y t o discolou r du ring was hin g
Glazed pattern s m a y f ad e i f machin e
was he d fr equently
Pleas e do no t over lo ad yo u r di shw a s he r. Th er e is on l y s pac e for 9 standard d i s he s. D o not
us e d ish that is no t suit abl e fo r dish wa shers . Th is i s importa nt for good r esu lts and for
reasonableenergy consume.
B efore lo adin g the dishes , you sh ould:
Removelarge left-over
S ofte n re mnants of bu rnt food in pa ns
Dishes andcutlery mustnotimpedethe rotation of thespray arms
Lo ad holl ow i tems suc h as cup s, gl ass es, pans etc . with the ope ning do wnwards s ot hat
w ater cannot coll ect i n the con tain er or a deep b ase
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Loading cutlery and dishes
When loading the dishes and cutlery, please note:
Cutlery shoul d be placed in t he cutler y ba ske t with th e h andles at t he bottom. If the rack has side b askets , the
spoons shoul d be loade d s eparat ely into the ap propri ate sl ots , es pecially l on g ute nsils sho uld be pl aced in t he
horizont al posi tion at th e fr on t of the u ppe r basket a s show n in the pi cture.
Alwa ys l oad sh arp u tensils w ith t he s harp
poin t dow n!
1 2 3456 7
1. Tea spoons
2. Dessert spoons
3. Soup spoons
4. Forks
5. Knives
6. Serving forks
7. Serving spoons
Do not l eave any item e x tend thro ugh bot tom .
Knives and other utensils with sharp points
must be loaded i n th e ba sket with the ir po ints
dow n o r plac ed i n an hor izon t al p osit ion.
It is dangerous to open thedoor when washing, because the hot water may be scalded to you.
Wash Cycle Table
Meaning: need to fill rinse into the Rinse-Aid Dispenser.
*En50242: This program is the test cycle, the rinse-aid dispenser
set ti ng i s re com m ende d to be set to posi tion 6 .
In tensive
EN 50242
Fo r no rmall y soiled lo ads,
such as , plates,glasses
and lig htly soile d pans .
St andard dai ly cycle.
For the heaviest soiled loads,
such as pots, pans, casserole
dishes and di shes that have
been sitting with dried food
on them for a w hile.
Ashorter wash f or lig htly
soiled load s t hat do n ot
need drying.
Pre -wash
For lightl y so iled loa ds,
such as glasses , crysta l and
fine china.
Pre-was h 50
Wash (60 )
Rinse (70 )
Pr e- w ash
Was h (4 0 )
Rinse (70 )
Wash (50 )
Rinse (60 )
Was h (4 0 )
Rinse (45 )
0. 81
13. 0
Ec o.
Forlightly soiled loads,such
as pl ates,glas ses,bowls and
ligh tly so iled pan s.
Pre -wash
Wash (45 )
Rinse (60 )
Fo r dis hes that nee d to be
rinsed and dried only.
Sani rinse
Wash(45 )
Rinse (70 )
To rinse dishes that you
pl an to wa sh la ter th at d ay.
Ec o.
In tens i ve
3i n1
3i n1
For normally soiled loads,
such as , plates, glasses
and lightly soiled pans.
standard dailycycle.
For lightly soiled loads,such
as pl ates,g la sses,b ow ls and
lightlysoiled pans.
F o r the heaviest s o iled loa ds,
such as pots,pans,casserole
dishes and dishes that have
been sitting with dried food
on them for a while.
Pre- wa sh 6 0
Wash (70 )
Rinse (70 )
Pre- wa sh
Wash (50 )
Rinse (70 )
Pre-w ash
Wash (45 )
Rinse (70 )
14 8
12 8 0.8
15. 1
12. 7
12. 7
3i n1
3in 1
It is dan gerou s to open the do or w hen was hi ng , be c a use the hot wate r ma y scald y ou .
W h en t he wor ki n g cy cle h as fini s hed, t he bu z zer of t he d i s hwa she r will s o u nd f or 8 sec o n d s , th en s t op. Tu r n o ff
t he a ppliance usi ng th e O N/ OFF butto n, shut o ff the water s upp ly and open t he door of the di shw ashe r.
Wait for a few min utes bef ore unlo ading th edis hwa she r t o a void handlin g th e dishes and utensils wh ile th ey
are s till h ot and more suscept ible to break age. The y wi ll al so d ry better.
Switch Off the Dishwasher
The pro gram has en ded , o nly if there appear s a 0 i n t he digital disp lay (remaining prog ram time).
1.Switch off the dishwa sher by pressin g t he ON/OFF but to n.
2.Turnoff the water tap!
Open the door carefully.
Hot dishes ar e sensitive to knocks. The dishes shou ld ther ef ore b e a llowed to cool down arou nd 15 minutes
before removing from the appliance.
Open the dish washer's door, l eave it ajar and wai t a f ew minutes befor e r emoving the dis hes. In this way they
will be cooler an d t he drying will be improved.
Unloading the dishwasher
It is normal that the di shw ashe r is wet in sid e.
Empty th e l ower basket first and the n the up per o ne. This will avoi d water dripp ing fro m the uppe r Bas ket onto
the dis hes in the low er on e.
Turning On theAppliance
Change the Program...
Forgot to Add a Dish?
will working after 10 seconds.continue
I f you ope n the doo r , the mach ine will pause. When you cl ose th e d oor , t he machineduring a wash cycle
Start ing a cycle wash
Draw out the lower and upp er baske t, lo ad t he dishes and push them bac k.
It iscommendedtoloadthelowerbasketfirst,thentheupperone(seethe sectionentitled
Loa di ng th e Di s hwa she r ).
Pour in th e de tergen t (see the secti on e ntitled Salt , De terg ent a nd Rins eA id ).
In sert the plug into the soc ket. The power su pply is 2 20 -2 40 VAC /50 HZ, t he spec ifica tion of the
s ocket i s 10A 25 0VAC . M ake sure that the water su pply is turne d on to full pressu re.
Close the door, pre ss t he ON/O FF butto n, and the ON/OFF li ght will tu rn on. Press th e prog ram
b utton to sele ct a desired wash cycle, A fter 3 seconds, the machi ne will work.
Premi se:
Acycle that is u nd erway can onl y be m odi fied if it has only be en ru nning for a sho rt
time . Otherwis e, t he d etergent may ha ve a lread y b een relea sed, and th e a pplianc e m ay
have alread y drai ned t he w ash water. If this is th e ca se , the detergen t dispense r mu st
be ref ill ed (s ee the sect ion enti tled " Loa ding the D et er gent " ).
When you press the start/reset button more than3 seconds, you can cancel the running
programme andselect other programmes (see the sectionentitled " Starting a wash cycle. . . " ).
When you select I nten sive/N orm al/E co.Progra mmes, yo u ca n s elect th e 3i n1 fu nction.
A forgotten dish ca n be added at any time before the detergent cup opens.
Load the forgotten dishes.
Close t he door, the dishwasher will start running agai n
after 10 seconds.
After the spray arm s stop working,you can ope n t he door
comp letely.
Open the door a little to stop the washing.
The f ilter pre vent s lar ger remn ant s of food or ot her objects f rom get ting inside th e pu m.
The residues may block the filter, in this case they must be removed.
The filter system consi sts of a coarse filter,a flat (Main f ilter)
A n d a mi cro filter( F i ne fi lte r ) .
Food and soil particles trapped inthisfilter are pulverized by a
specia l jet on the l ower spr ay arm an d w ashe d d own t o d rain .
Larg er it ems, such as pie ce s o f bone s or gla s s, t ha t c oul d blo ck
the drain are trappedin the coarse filter.To remove the items
caugh t by the filter, ge ntly sque eze the tap on the top of this
filter and lift out.
Thisfilter holds soil and food residues in the sumpareaand
preventsit from being redeposit on the dishes during wash cycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Fine filter
Filtering System
Filter assembly
The filter efficiently
For b est p erf orm ance and re sults, the f ilte r mu st b e cle aned re gular ly. t his reaso n, it i s a goo dide a to
r emo ve th e la rger food par ticl es tr app ed in the filter aft er e ach was h cyc le b y rin sing t he sem icirc ular filte r an d
c up unde r ru nnin gwat er. To remo ve th e fil ter device , p ull th e c up ha ndle in the upwa rd d irect ion.
re mo ves f ood part icle s fro m th e wa sh w ater, all owin g it t o be rec ycle d d uring the cycl e.
T he dish was her mus t ne ver be used wi thout t he filter s.
Imp ro per r epl ace ment of the f ilter may reduce the perform anc e lev el of the applian ce
and damage dishes and utensils.
St ep 1 Turn the filter in ant i-clockwis e d irection,
t hen lift it u p.
St ep 2 lift the Main filte r up
Step 3 lift theFine filter up
When following this proced ure from step1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed;
when following it from Step 3 to Step 1, the filter system will be installed.
Th e cont ro l panel can be clea ned by using a lig htly dampen ed c loth.
Aft er cl eaning, m ake sure to dry it thoroug hly.
For t he e xteri or, use a g ood appli ance po li s h wax .
Never use sharp object s, scouri ng pads o r h arsh clean ers on a ny part of the dis hwa sher.
Protect Again st Freezing
1.Cut off the electrical power to the dishwasher.
2.Turn off the wat er suppl y and dis connec t th e wat er inlet pipe from the wate r valve.
3.Drain thewater from the inlet pipe andwater valve. (Use a pan to catch the water)
4.Reconnect the water i nl et pi pe to the wate r valve.
5.Remove the filter at the bott om o f the tub and use a spong e t o soak up water in the sump.
pl ease take frost protect ion meas ures on t he dishw asher in wint er. Ev ery fter wa shing c ycles,
pl ease operate as follow s
time a
Caring for the Dishwasher
- Inspect t he filter s fo r blo ckin ga fter e ver y tim e t he dishwa sher has been us ed.
- By unscrew ing t he coar se fi lter, you can remove t he filter syst em . Re mov ean y foo d r emna nts and
clean thefilters under runningwater.
Cleaning the Filter
Cleaning The Door
To c le an th e co a rs e f ilter and t he f i ne f i l t e r, use a c l ean i n g bru sh. Re as sem ble the filt er p arts as s hown i n th e f i gur es
on th e last pa ge and r eins ert t he enti re ass emb ly in the dishwa sher, pos itio ning i t i n i ts seat and pressing dow nw ar ds .
The entire filter assembly should be cleaned once a week.
When cleaning the filters, don't knock on them. Otherwise, the filters could be
contorted and theperformance ofthe dishwashercould be decreased.
To cle an the e dge around t he d oor, you sho uld use only a soft wa rm, d amp clot h.
To avoi d pene trat ion o f wa ter into the door lock and el ectr ica l componen ts, d o not
use a spray cle aner of any ki nd.
Never use a spray c leaner t o cl ean t he d oor panel as it may dam age the door loc k
and electrical components.
Abr asive agent sor some paper towels s hou ld not b e u sed because of th eris k of
sc r a t c hi ng or le av in g s pots on th e st ainles s stee l s urf a ce.
Cleaning the Spray Arms
It is necessary to clean th e sp ra y a rms regular ly in orde r to
remove the accum ulation of scale from the hard wat er
and thus pre vent blocki ng of spr ay arm jets and bear ings.
We Suggest to poke the b locked spray ar m j ets wit h a nee dle
to ensure good w ashing effect .
I f you r dish wa she r ca nnot w or k be cau s e of t he ic e, p l e a se cont a ct p ro fe ss io nal s erv ic e p er so ns.
Itis recommend that yourun a washcycle with the
dish washer empt y an d the n r emove the plu gfro m the
socket, turn o ff t he wa ter supp ly and le ave the door of
t he a pp l ian c e sl ig htl y open. T h is wil l help the doo r
seals to last longer andprevent odours from forming
within theappliance.
If the app lian ce must be mo ved, t ry to keep it in the
vertical position. If absolutely necessary, itcan be
positi oned on its back.
dishwasher is foo d th at remains tr appe din the seals .
Periodic clea ning with a damp sponge wi ll p reve nt t his
f r o m occu rr in g.
Aft er ever y wash, turn off t he water supp ly t o the
applia nce and leav e th e door slight ly op en so th at
m oisture and odour s a re n ot trapped in side.
Befo re cleani ng or performi ng ma inten ance, always
remove the plug from the socket.
Toclean the exterior andrubberparts ofthedishwasher,
do not use solventsor abrasivecleaning products.
O nly use a cloth w ith warm soapy wat e r.
To re m ov e spots o r st ains from the sur f ace of the
interior, use a cloth da mp ened with water a na little
v inega r, o r a c lean ing pro duct mad e s pecifical ly fo r
After Every Wash
Remove the Plug
No Solvents or Abrasive Cleaning
Mov ing t he Appl ianc e
When not in Use for aLongTime
The installation of the pipes
and electrical equipments
should be done by professionals.
Electrical Shock Hazard
D isc o nn ec t elec t ri cal p ower bef or e
in st al ling d ishw a she r.
electrical shock.
The installation position of dishwasher should be near the existing inlet and drain hoses
and power cord.
One side of the cabinet sink should be chosen to facilitate the connection of drain hoses of
the dishwasher.
Installation preparation
Note: please check the accompanying installation accessories(hook for aesthetic panel
Please carefully read the installation instruction.
Illustrations of cabinetdimensionsand installationposition of the dishwasher
Prepar ations shou ld b e m ade before moving the dish was her to t he installat ion place.
C hoo se a plac e ne ar th e si nk to faci litat e t he installa tion of i nl et and drain hoses (s ee f igure 1).
If dishwas her is install ed a t the cor ner o f the cab inet , th ere sh oul d be som e sp ace (i llustrat ed in figu re 2)
w hen the door is o pened.
Door of
Minimum space of 50mm
90 °
90 °
450 mm
Space between cabinet
bottom and floor
Electrical, drain and
water supply line
Minimum space when
the door is opened
Cabinet dimensions
The aesthetic wooden panel
could be processed according to the figure 3
The aesthetic panel should
be processed in accordance
with the illustrated dimensions
Aesthetic panel's dimensions and installation
Less than 5mm
bet ween t he top
of dishwasher and
cabinet and the
outer door aligned
to cabinet.
The length of the panel should be within
the range of 5 37--587mm, not more
than 58 7m m.
(Unit: mm)
Make a furniture door according to the diagram
and no t to e xceed 4 kg .
Installation of aesthetic panel
【】Figure 4a
2 Instal l the h ook on the aesthetic wooden panel and put the hook into the slot of the outer door of
dishw asher(see figure 4a).After positioning of the panel , fix the panel o nto t he outer doo r by
screws and bolts(See figure 4b) .
Installation of aesthetic
wooden panel
Outer door of
Aesthetic panel
Hook for aesthetic panel
ST4.5 screw
Spacer for aesthetic panel
ST4.5 screw
Hook for aesthetic panel
Note:Ensure that the screws
bein g u sed are n ot too long t o
go th ro ugh t he furn itu re doo r.
Do not p ut a dd itiona l s cr ew s
throu gh t he dishw ash er door
into the furniture.
1. t ake away th e co ver
2. pin up the screw surely
3. get back the cover
Tension adjustment
of the door spring
Tension adjustment of the door spring
Connection of drain hoses
Th e do or spr ing s ar e set at the f act ory to the prop er t ens ion f or th e o ute r door. If a est heti c
wooden panel are installed, you will have to adjust the door spring tension. Rotate the
adjusting screw to drive the adjustor to strain or relax the steel cable(see figure 5).
D oo r sp ri ng te n sio n i s c orr ect when
the door remains horizontal in the
fully opened position yet rises
Insert the drain hose into a drain pipe with a minimum diameter of 4cm, or let it
runintothesink,makingsuretoavoidbendingorcrimpingit.Usethespe ial
plastic support that comes with the appliance (figure 6). The free and of the hose
mus t be at a hei ght b etwee n 400 a nd 1000 mm an d must not be i mmers ed in water
to avoid the back flow of it.ATTENTION: The special plastic hose support must be
solidly fastened to the wall to prevent the drain hose from moving and allowing water
to spill outside the drain.
Drain pipe connection
【】Figure 7
Dishwasher installation steps
1 Install the furniture door to the outer door of the dishwasher using the brackets provided. Refer
to the template for positioning of the brackets.
2 Adjust the tension of the door springs by using an Allen key turning in a clockwise motion to
tighten the left and right door springs. Failure to do this could cause damage to your dishwasher
(Il lustr atio n 2) .
3 Connect the inlet hose to the cold water supply .
4 Connect the drain hose. Refer to diagram.(Figure 6)
5 Connect the power cord.
6 Affix the condensation strip under the work surface of cabinet. Please ensure the condensation
strip is flush with edge of work surface.
7 Place the dishwasher into position.
8 Level the dishwasher. The rear feet can be adjusted from the front of the dishwasher by turning
the screws on the left and right hand side of the cabinet (Illustration 5A). To adjust the front feet,
use a wrench and turn the front feet until the dishwasher is level (Illustration 5B).
9The dishwasher must be secured in place. There are two ways to do this:
A. Normal work surface-secure to the work surface by using two woodscrews ensuring the
dishwasher weight is not being hit by the s urface (Illustration 6).
B. Marble or granite work top-secure the bracket to the side panel of the dishwasher and secure
the dishwasher to the furniture housing. Put the rubber cap over the screw (Illustration 7).
Di shwa she r mus t be l evel for proper dish ra ck operation and wash per form ance.
Place level on door and rack track inside the tub as shown to check that the
dishwasher is level.
level the dishwasher by adjusting the four leveling legs individually.
When level the dishwasher, please pay attention not to let the dishwasher tip over.
Ill ustrat ion of feet adjustm ent
【】Figure 8
Check level
side to side
to Back
The maximum adjustment
height of the feet is 60 mm.
This appl iance m ust b e ea rt hed. In the eve nt
of a malfu nc tion or brea kdown, ea rthi ng wi ll
reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a
path of least resistance for the electric current.
This appliance is equippedwith a cord havingan
equipment-earthing conductor and an earthing
plug . The plug must b e plu gge d in to an ap propr iate
outlet thatis installed and earthed in accordance
with all local standards and requirements.
I mpr oper con nec ti on of th e equ ip me nt -
gro und ing con duc tor ca n re sul t i n th e risk
of an electric sho ck. C he ck wi th a qu alifi ed
electrician or service re presentative if you
are i n d oubt wh ether the app li an ce is
pro perl y g rou nded . Do no t mod if y th e plug
for the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed
by a qual ified electrici an.
Ensur e the volt age and freq uen cy of the po we r bein g corres ponds to
thos e o n the rating pl at e. Only inser t the plug int o an ele ctric al so cket which i s e arthed
prop erl y. If the elect rical socket to which th e applianc e mus t be connect ed is not
appr opriate f or the plug , rep lace th e so cket, ra ther than using a ada ptors or the like a s
they co uld cause ov erheati ng and burns .
Plea se look at the ra ting lab el to kno w t he rat ing v olta ge a nd conn ect the dishw ash er to the app ropr iate pow er supp ly.
Use the requ ired fuse 10 amp , tim e delay fuse or c ircui t br eake r rec ommended and prov ide separa te ci rcuit s erving
only this appl ianc e.
For personal safety:
In order t o avoid th at there is more water staying in the i nlet hose,
please close the hyd rant after using.(For the models : no s afet y inlet hose.)
Positioning the Appliance
How to Drain Excess Water From Hoses
If the si nk is 1000 hi gher fr om t he floor, the exces s wa ter i n h oses cannot b e dr ai ned di re ctl y
into the sink. It will be necessary to d rain excess water from hoses into a bowl or suitable
conta iner th at is he ld outside and lower t han the sink.
Water Outlet
Connect the water drain hose. Thedrain hose must be correctly fitted to avoid water leaks.
En sure tha t th e wat er i nl et hose i sno t ki nked or s quashed .
The following things should be checked before starting the dishwasher.
Syphon Connection
Th e was te conn ectio nmust be a t a h eight of betw een 50 c m ( minimum ) a nd 10 0cm (m aximum )
fromthe bottom of thedish. The water drain hose should be fixed by a hose clip.
Start of Dishwasher
The content of this manual is very helpful to the users.
After installation, please make sure to keep this manual.
Extension Hose
If you need a dr ain hose exte nsi on, make sure to use a simila r dra in ho se.
It must be n o lon ge r than 4 metre s; o therwise the cleanin g e ff ect o f t he dishwa she r cou ld b e re duce d.
1 The dishwasher is level and fixed properly
2 The inlet valve is open
3 There is a leakage at the connections of the conducts
4 The wires are tightly connected
5 The power is switched on
6 The inlet and drain hoses are knotted
7 All packing materials and printings should be taken out from the dishwasher
Connect the cold water supply hose to a t hreaded 3/4(inch) connector a nd make s ure
tha t it is fas tened tigh tly i n place .
If the water pipes are new or have not been used for an extended period of time, letthe
water run to make sure that the water is clear. This p recaution is needed to avoid the
risk of the water inlet to be blocked and damage the appliance.
Thewater supply to the appliance can also be connected to the household hot water
line(such as, central system, heating system),as long as it does not exceed a
temperature of 60 C. In this case, the w ash cycletimewill be shortened by about 15
minutes and the washefficiency slightly reduced.
The connection must be made to the hot water line following the same procedures as
described in the section for the connection to the cold wat er line.
Positi on the app lianc e i n the desired location. The bac k sh ould rest ag ain st the wall behind i t, an dthe sid es,
along the adj acent c abin ets or wall s. The dis hwa sher is equipp ed w ith wate r supply and drai n ho ses that can
be positioned ei ther to the right or the left sides to facilitate pro per installation.
Fuse bl own, or th e
circuit breaker acted
Replace fuse or reset circuit breaker. Remove any other
appliances shar ing the same circuit with the dishwasher
Spil led rin se-aid
Always wipe up rinse-aid spills immediately.
Hard water minerals
Th e affected items are
not corrosion resistant.
The lid of the softer
is loose
knocking against
an item in a basket
Items of crockery
are loose in the
wash cabine t
This may be caused
by on-s ite installation
or the cross-section of
the piping.
A programme was not
run after dishwasher
salt was added.
Traces of salt have
got ten into the wash cycle .
To clean the interior, use a da mp sponge with
dishwasher detergent and wear rubber gloves.
Never use any other cleaner than dishwa sher
detergent for the risk of foaming or su ds.
Always run the quick wash prog ramm e .
without any crockery in the dishwasher and
without selecting th e Turbo function (if pr es ent),
after adding dishwasher salt.
Chec k the lip .Ensure the fix is fine.
Interrupt the pr og ramme, and rearra nge the items
which ar e obstructing the sp ay arm.r
Interrupt the pr og ramme,
and rearrange the items of croc kery .
This has no influence on the dishwasher function.
if in doubt, contact a suitably qualified plumber.
Detergent with
colourant was used
Make sure that the detergent is the one w ithou t
Improper detergent
Make su re the dishwasher is turned on and the door is
closed securely.
Check that the water supply is connected properly and
the water is turned on.
Make sure to close the door properly and latch it.
Make sure the power cord is properly plugged into the
wa ll socket.
Power supply is not
turned on
Error code:E1;
Water pressure is low
Door of dishwasher
not properly closed.
Kink in drain hose
Filt er clogged
Kitchen sink clogged
Check d rain hose.
Check coarse the filter
(see section title d )" Cleaning The Filter "
Check the kitchen sink to make sure it is draining well.
If the problem is the kitch en sink not draining ,you may
need a plumber rather than a serviceman for dishwashers.
Use only the special dishwasher detergent to avoid
suds. If this occurs, open the dishwasher and let suds
evaporate. Add 1 gallon of cold water to the tub. Close
and latch the dishwasher, then Start the "soak" wash
cycle to drain out the water . Repeat if necessary.
Before Calling for Service
problem s
Gen eral
problem s
The dishes were not
loaded correctly .
See notes in " Load ing the Dishwasher Baskets ".
Select a more intens ive programme.
See" Wash Cycle Table ."
Use more detergent, or change your detergent.
Rearrange the item s so that the sp ay can rotate freely.r
Clean and/or fit the filter combination correctly.
Clean the sp ay arm jets. See "Cleaning the Spray
Use less detergent if you have soft water and select
a shortest cycle to wash the glassware and to get
them clean.
Use a m ild abrasive cleaner t o eliminate th ose marks.
Re-loading the dishes properly.
Load the dishwasher as suggested in the directions.
Increase the amount of rinse-aid/refill the rinse-aid
Do not e mpty your dishwasher immedi ately after
washing. Open the door slightly so that the steam can
escape. Begin unloading the dishwasher only o n ce t
he dishes are barely war m to the touch. Empty the low
basket first. This prevents water form dropping off
dishes in the upper basket.
In short program the washing temperature is lower.
This also lowers cleaning performance. Choose
a program with a long washing time.
Water dra in age is more difficult wit h these items.
Cutlery or dishe s of this t ype are n ot s uitable for
washing in the dishwasher.
The programme was
not powerful enough.
Not enough detergent
was dispensed.
Items a re blocking
the path of spray arms.
The filter combination
cabinet is not clean or
is not correctly fitted.
This may cause
the sp ay arm jets
to get blocked.
Combination of soft
water and too much
Aluminum ut ensils
have rubbed against
Dishes block
detergent cups.
Improper loading
Too little rinse-aid
Dishes are removed
too soon
Wrong program
has bee n selected
Use of cutlery with
a low-quality coatin g
Error Codes
Tap is not opened, or water intake is restricted,or water pressure
is t oo low.
Malfunctio n of temperat ure sensor or of heating ele ment.
Too much i nlet w ater.
Short circuit or break of temperature sensor
Open circuit or break of temperature sensor
Long er inlet time.
Longer heat ing time,
but not reaching required temperature
Ove rfil led .
Failure of te mperature s ensor
Failure of te mperature s ensor
When some malfunctions co me on, the app li an c e will di s play err or c od es to warn you:
If ov erflow occur s, turn off the main water supp ly before calling a service.
If there is water in the base pan be cause of an overfill or small leak,
the water should be removed befor e r estarting the dis hwash er.
Uns a ti s
was hin g
res u lt
Uns a ti s
dry i ng
res u lt
Height : 820mm(adjustable+60mm)
Width : 445mm
Depth : 540mm
Voltage connected Load : see rating label
Water pressure: 0.04-1.0MPa
Hot water connection : max 60
Power supply: see rating label
Capacity: 9 Place settings

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Others manual(s) of Whirlpool adg 750 ix

Whirlpool adg 750 ix User Manual - German - 28 pages

Whirlpool adg 750 ix User Manual - Dutch - 27 pages

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