User manual WheelzAhead
TRACK> 109 User manual WheelzAhead
When do I put on the parking brakes?
You should always secure the parking brakes in the following cases:
• Whenyouaresittingdownontherollator
• Whenyouaregettingoutoftherollator
• Inaliftoronawheelchairlift
• Whenstoppingonanunevensurface
How do I adjust the brakes?
This is essentially the same process as adjusting the brakes of a bicycle. On the
cable. By turning the screw at the end, you can adjust the braking cable, tighter
or looser. Should you have any doubts about the tension of the braking cable or
about general brake functioning, please cease using the rollator until you have
consulted a professional.
What should I consider when reaching for item in front of, next to
or behind the rollator?
The main thing to take into account is never to shift the center of balance too
much when reaching for items; this may tip over the rollator. Always pay attention
to the following:
• Placetherollatorascloselyaspossibletowhatitisyouwanttopickup
• Makesurethecastorwheelsareaimedforwardandsecured
• Puttherollatoronitsparkingbrakes
How do I get up and down stairs?
Do not attempt to go up or down stairs while leaning on the rollator. Fold up the
rollator and carry it up or down. Neither attempt to use the rollator on an escalator.
Any other tips?
• Ifyouleavetherollatoroutinthesunforsometime,themetalparts
may heat up considerably
• Brightand/orreectiveclothingwillmuchincreaseyourvisibilityintrafc
• Becarefulwithreandburningcigarettes