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7.2 Logo / Page title Settings
The webcamXP Overlay and Logo Settings tab is shown below:
You may specify the following options:
• Display Logo (max 160x60, BMP): Check this box if you want webcamXP to display a logo in the
upper left-hand corner of your cameras’ images. By default, webcamXP displays the webcamXP logo
on camera images.
• Import…: Click this button to import a custom logo (see the Display Logo… option above). Once
clicked, you will be presented with an Open dialog box. Navigate to and select your logo file. Click the
Open button. Note: for the logo to appear on your cameras’ images, make sure the Display Logo
checkbox is checked.
• Live Page title: Enter into these textboxes the title (and subtitle) you wish to use for your HTML
page when HTTP Broadcasting. Users who navigate to your computer will see this title and subtitle as
an identifying mark.