Night vision
Mount the bab y unit on dr y w all ( optional)
Sound sensitivity and sound activ a tion Dim mode
P arent unit icons ( cont’d )
The baby unit has infrared LEDs that
allow you to see your baby clearly at
night or in a dark room. When the baby
unit being vie wed detects low light
levels, the infrared LEDs are switched
on automatically. The images from the
baby unit are in black and white, and
appears on the scr een.
• It is no rma l to se e a sh or t wh ite gl are o n
your p are nt uni t sc ree n as t he b aby uni t is
ad apti ng to t he d ark e nviro nm ent.
• When t he i nfra red LE Ds a re on, t he
ima ge s are i n bl ac k an d whit e. Thi s is
• Depending on the surroundings and
other interfering factors, like lighting,
objects, colours and backgrounds, the
display resolution may vary. Adjust the
baby unit’s angle or place the baby unit at
a higher elevation to prevent glare and a
blurry display.
The parent unit display will dim to c onserve energy after 10 minutes of inactivity, when no
ke ys are pr essed or alerts are r eceived from the baby unit.
10 min inactivity
Press any but ton
• Whe n the s cre e n is di mm ed, a ny keypre ss o r ale r t m ess ag e wil l tri gg er th e sc ree n to ret urn t o the
pre set b rig htne ss l evel. Af ter 10 mi nut es of in ac ti vit y, it will re sum e to di m mo de.
Sound activat ed screen
Whe n soun d ac tivatio n is on, t he pa rent un it scre en s tays off to s ave power when th e baby uni t
detec t s no sou nd . Onc e the b aby unit de tec ts so und s that are l oud er th an th e ch osen so und
sens itiv it y level, th e pare nt unit sc ree n tur ns on au tomat ica lly . I t will th en tu rn of f aga in af ter 5 0
seco nds of n o soun d dete cti on.
Use a pencil t o mark two holes in par allel.
Make sur e they are the same dist ance apart
as the wall mount holes on the baby unit.
• Check for r eception str ength and camera
angle befor e drilling the holes.
Not Included
Y ou will need to purchase the following
items separat ely to mount your baby unit:
2 screws 2 wall plugs
Adjust the camera angle.
Drill two holes in the w all ( 5.5 mm drill bit ). If
you drill the holes into a stud, go t o step 3.
If you drill the holes int o an object other than
a stud, insert the wall plugs into the holes. T ap
gently on the ends with a hammer until the
wall plugs are flush with the wall.
Insert the scr ews into the holes and
tighten the scr ews until only 6 mm o f
the screws ar e exposed.
Align the wall mount holes on the
baby unit with the scr ews on the wall.
Slide the bab y unit down until it locks
into place.
• The types of scr ews and w all plugs y ou need
depend on the composition of the wall.
Adjust the sound sensitivi t y of the bab y unit
You can c ho ose to he ar sou nds f rom the b aby unit co ntinu ous ly ,
or to he ar sou nds t hat excee d a cer ta in level. Y ou ca n use th e
pare nt unit to a djus t the m icro pho ne se nsit ivit y of your b aby
unit. The h ighe r the s ens itivi t y level, th e more se nsi tive the
baby unit i s in dete c ting s ound s that t ransm it to the p are nt unit.
The VOX sensiti vit y level i s prese t to the hi ghe st level.
level Highest High Medium Low Lowest
Description The paren t
unit speaker
is constantly
on, and you
will hear
all sounds
backgr ound
noises) f r om
your baby’s
The parent
unit speaker
turns on
for soft
and louder
sounds from
your baby .
It r emains
quiet when
your baby
soundly .
The parent
unit speaker
turns on
for loud
and louder
sounds from
your baby .
It r emains
quiet when
your baby
makes soft
The parent
unit speaker
turns on
for crying
and louder
sounds from
your baby .
It r emains
quiet when
your baby
makes soft
The parent
unit speaker
turns on
for loud
crying or
sounds from
your baby .
It r emains
quiet when
your baby
makes soft
Cust omer service and product w arranty
The crossed-out wh ee li e bi n sym bo ls o n pr od uc ts a nd b at te ri es , or o n the ir r esp e ct ive pa c kag in g,
ind ic ate s th ey mus t no t be di sp ose d of i n do me sti c was te as t hey c onta in s ubs tan ce s th at ca n be
damaging to the env ironment and human health.
The c he m ica l sy mb ol s Hg , Cd or Pb, w he re ma rke d, i nd ica te th at th e bat ter y c onta in s mo re th an t he
spe c ifie d va lu e of me rcu r y (Hg), c ad mi um (Cd ) or le a d (Pn) set ou t in B at te r y D ire c tive ( 20 06/66/EC) .
The s ol id b ar in di cat es t hat t he p rod uc t was p la ce d on t he m ark et af te r 1 3th A ugu st, 2 00 5.
He lp pr otec t t he e nvir on me nt by dis po si ng of you r pro du c t or b at te rie s re sp on sib ly.
Disposal of ba tteries and product
Please ret ain this booklet with y our sales receipt as proof of the date of purchase.
Customer Servic e
Please visit www t o contact our Customer Services Departmen t.
Declara tion of Conformity
This product is in tended for use within E urope and UK.
This equipment complies with the essential requiremen ts to EU’s Radio E quipment Directive
(2014/53/EU) and the UK’s Radio R egulations 2017 on radio systems and t elecommunication
VT ech T elecommunications Ltd. her eby declares that this Video Baby M onitor VM3263 is
in compliance with the essential r equirements and o ther r elevant pro visions of EU’s Radio
Equipment Directiv e (2014/53/EU) and UK’s Radio E quipment Regula tions 2017 .
The Declaration of Conformity f or the VM3263 is available from
Manufactur er: VT ech T elecommunications Ltd.
23/F ., T ai Ping Industrial Centre, Block 1, 57 Ting Kok R oad, T ai Po, Hong K ong.
Importer: VT ech Electronics E urope Plc.
Napier C ourt, Abingdon Science P ark, Abingdon, Ox on, OX14 3YT .
To keep this product working well and looking good, follow these guidelines:
• Avoid placing it near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical noise (for example, motors or
fluorescent lamps).
• DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.
• Avoid dropping the product or treating it roughly.
• Clean with a soft damp cloth.
• DO NOT immerse the parent unit and the baby unit in water and do not clean them under running wa ter .
• DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.
• Make sure the baby unit and parent unit are dry before you connect them to the mains again.
General product care
When you are not going to use the baby monitor for some time, store the parent unit, the baby unit and the
adaptors in a cool, dry place.
St orage
Adul t supervision
• This b aby mo nito r sh oul d be fo r us e by adu lts o nl y .
• Do not p lac e the b aby u nit i nsi de t he cot o r pl aype n.
• T o en sur e your c hil dre n’s saf et y , do not a ll ow the m to tou ch o r pl ay with t he b aby mo nito r an d it s
acce sso ri es . THI S IS N OT A T OY .
This warranty is valid for the UK and Ireland only. For products purchased outside
the UK and Ireland , please contact your local distributor or place of purchase.
Thank you for choosing this quality product from VTech.
1.The product detailed above is covered by a one year warranty from the date of purchase,
against any defects in materials or workmanship.
2.The product may be returned to the place of purchase. Alternatively the product can be
returned to VT ech Electronics Europe Plc (see address below), with proof of purchase,
without proof of purchase no replacement will be provided.
3.VT ech Electronics Europe Plc will examine the product and if it is found to be defective
due to faulty materials or workmanship, will replace the product at their discretion.
4.If the product covered by this warranty is damaged due to misuse, modification or
unauthoriz ed repair, or because of faulty batteries, battery discharge or incorrect
electrical connections, then this warranty becomes void.
5.This warranty is personal to the original purchaser and is not transferable.
6.Breakages to the LCD screen are not covered by the warranty.
7.Products returned to VT ech Electronics Europe Plc , should be sent to the address shown
below and packed carefully to avoid damage in transit . Please do not include batteries or
adaptors . Please include details of the fault together with your name and address,
contact phone number and/or email address.
8.To keep an online record of your warranty, please register your product online at
VT ech Electronics Europe Plc , c/o XPO Logistics, Warehouse 350, Cat & Fiddle Lane,
West Hallam, DE7 6HE
to register your VT ech product
By joining the VT ech Club you can also enter competitions,
find out about news and events, seek expert advice for parents
and let your kids play fun learning games and activities.
W arning icons and messages
Bat te r y low at
Parent Unit
The battery is em pt y and
needs to be recharged.
Ope ratio n is in pro gres s.
T emperature
too high
The tem pe rature
detec te d by the baby
unit is h ighe r tha n the
max imum te mp erature
aler t set ting .
T emperature
too l ow
The tem pe rature
detec te d by the baby uni t
is lower th an th e mini mum
temp eratu re ale r t set ti ng.
No Lin k to
Camer a
The pare nt unit i s
searc hin g for ba by unit or
the lin k bet we en th e baby
unit an d the p are nt unit
has been lost.
The p arent un it is
conn ec ted to AC power .
LINK • On when t he pa rent un it is
linke d to the b aby unit.
• Flashe s whe n the l ink to th e
baby unit b ein g viewe d is
lo st.
• On whe n th e pare nt unit i s
conn ec ted to AC power , o r
the b at ter y is c ha rgin g.
• Flashe s whe n the p are nt
unit b at ter y i s low and
needs charging.
• Of f whe n the p are nt unit
is disc onn ec ted fro m AC
p o w e r.
P arent Unit Indication L ights
Main menu icons
menu Sub-menu
• Sel ec t bet we en t wo lul lab ies o r
t wo sound s to play or s top.
Lullaby volume
• Ad jus ts th e baby uni t
spe aker volu me wh en
playi ng a lul laby .
Night Lig ht
Adaptive night light
• T urn on/ off t he nig ht light ’s
abil it y to autom atic ally a dju st
its b rightn ess b ase d on
surroundi ng light ing conditions.
Night light timer
• Se t the ti mer to t urn th e night
light o ff.
Night light colour
• Se le ct o ne of the e ight ni ght
light colours.
Nig ht lig ht On/Off
• T urn on/ off the night light .
Below are the questions most frequently asked about the baby monitor.
Why does the
baby monitor
not r espond
T ry the following (in the order listed) f or common cur e:
1. Disconnect the power to the baby unit and the parent unit.
2 . Wait a few sec on ds before connecting power back to the baby unit and the parent unit.
3. Turn on the baby unit and the parent unit.
4. Wait for the parent unit to synchronis e with the baby unit. Allow up to one minute
for this to take place.
Why doesn’t the bab y
unit and paren t unit
power -on light illumi-
nate when the units are
switched on?
Perhaps the parent unit is not c onnected to the po wer . Insert the adaptor plug into
the parent unit and insert the adap tor in a wall socket. Then, press and hold POWER to
switch on the par ent unit to establish connection with the baby unit.
Perhaps the baby unit is not connected t o the power . Insert the adaptor plug into
the baby unit and insert the adaptor in a wall sock et. The bab y unit will switch on and
establish a connection with the parent unit.
Why doesn’t m y par ent
unit charge while con-
nected to AC power?
Make sur e the power is not controlled b y a electronic wall switch.
The battery may be degraded thr ough extended use or defective. See W arranty for
repair /replacement.
Why is my screen in
black and white?
The screen is in black and white during night-time or in a dark room when the night
vision featur e is activated. This is normal.
Why do I get glar e or
blurry displa y on m y
screen when viewing my
baby at night?
During night-time or in a dark room, the surr oundings and other interf ering factors,
like lighting, objects, colours and back grounds may a ffect the image quality on your
parent unit screen. Adjust the baby unit angle or place the bab y unit at a higher level to
prev ent glare and a blurry display .
Why does the baby
monitor pr oduce a
feedback noise?
The parent unit and baby unit may be t oo close to each other .
• Move the parent unit away from the baby unit until the noise stops; OR
• Turn down the v olume of your paren t unit.
Why does the paren t
unit beep?
The baby unit may be out o f range. Mo ve the parent unit closer to the bab y unit (but
not less than 1m ).
The parent unit may not have enough char ge for the parent unit to perf orm normally .
Charge the ba ttery in the parent unit until the batt ery ic on becomes solid .
The tempera ture of y our baby’s r oom may be too high or too low .
Why does the paren t
unit react t oo quickly to
other sounds ?
The baby unit also picks up other sounds than those o f your baby . Adjust the VOX
sensitivity le vel t o a lower level or lower the par ent unit speak er volume.
Why don’t I hear a
sound/Why can’t I hear
my baby cry?
The parent unit speaker volume may be too low. See A djust parent unit speak er
volume to incr ease the volume.
Y ou may hav e set a low VOX sensitivity level. See Adjust the sound sensitivity of the
baby unit to set to a higher level.
Why can’t I establish a
connection? Wh y is the
connection lost e very now
and then? Wh y are there
sound interruptions ?
The baby unit may be out o f range. Mo ve the parent unit closer to the bab y unit (but
not less than 1m ).
Other electr onic products and wireless pr oducts may cause interfer ence with y our
baby monitor. Try installing your baby monitor as far aw ay from these de vices as pos-
Fre quentl y asked questions