Over view - P arent unit
1Visual sound indicator
The visual sound indica tor shows the
sound lev el detected by the bab y unit.
• One to three green
lights indicate a moder ate sound lev el
detected b y the baby unit .
• Additional red lights
indicate a higher sound level
detected b y the baby unit (e.g. bab y
crying loudly).
2LCD display
3 Microphone
• Press t o decrease the speaker
• Pr ess repeatedly until the volume
reaches the minimum to turn it off .
• While in a menu, press to scr oll down.
• While in a menu, press to return to
the previous menu.
7 Battery LED
• Light on when the battery is being
• Light flashes when the battery is low
and needs charging.
• Light off when the par ent unit is
running on AC power without batt ery
installed, or the parent unit is running
on battery only .
• Pr ess to increase the speaker volume.
• While in a menu, press to scr oll up.
9 Menu/Select
• P ress to enter the menu.
• While in a menu, press to choose an
item, or save a setting.
10 On/O f f
• Press and hold t o power on, the
screen turns on.
• Press and hold again to power off,
the screen turns off.
• While in a menu, press to return t o
idle screen.
11 T alk
• Press and hold t o talk to the baby unit.
12 Power jack
13 Belt clip
14 Battery compartment cov er
P arent unit icons
P arent unit screen messages
LINKED • The link between
the parent unit and
the baby unit is
LOW BATTERY • The parent unit
uses only the
battery pack and
it needs to be
N O T LIN K E D • The link between
the parent unit and
the baby unit is lost
continuously for
over 10 seconds.
SEARCH I NG • The parent unit is
out of range of the
baby unit, or the
baby unit is out of
TALK • Y ou are using the
parent unit to talk
to your baby.
MUTE • The parent unit
speaker volume is
turned off.
Adjust the sound sensi tivity of the baby unit
Y ou can choose to hear sounds from the baby unit all the time, or to only hear sounds tha t
ex ceed a certain lev el. Use the par ent unit t o adjust the VO X sensitivity o f y our bab y unit to
detect sounds. The higher the sensitivity le vel, the mor e sensitive the bab y unit is in det ecting
sounds that transmits to the parent unit . The VO X sensitivity level is pr eset to HIGHE ST.
If you have turne d on soun d aler t, the pa rent unit b eep s when th e baby unit d etec t sound s.
Highest High Medium Low Lowest
Description (Default se tting)
The parent
unit speaker is
constantly on,
and you will
hear all sounds
backgr ound
noises) fr om
your baby’s
The parent
unit speaker
turns on for
soft babbling
and louder
sounds from
your baby . It
remains quiet
when your
baby sleeps
soundly .
The parent
unit speaker
only turns
on for loud
and louder
sounds from
your baby . It
remains quiet
when your
baby makes
soft sounds.
The parent
unit speaker
only turns
on for crying
and louder
sounds from
your baby . It
remains quiet
when your
baby makes
soft sounds.
The parent
unit speaker
only turns
on for loud
crying or
sounds from
your baby . It
remains quiet
when your
baby makes
soft sounds.
1 . Press when the parent unit is not in use.
2. Press or to scroll to SENSITIVITY , then press .
3. Press or to cho ose the VOX sensit ivit y level.
4. Press to confirm your selection. The scre en dis plays S AV E D a nd you hea r a
confirmati on tone.
• To ente r the VOX L eve l me nu of th e pa rent un it, the b aby un it mu st be t urn ed on .
Sound aler t
If you turn on the sound alert, the par ent unit beeps when the baby unit detects sounds
which had trigger ed the red light of visual sound indicator on the parent unit.
When the sound alert of the par ent unit is turned on, is shown on LCD display . The
sound alert is pr eset to OFF .
1 . Press when the parent unit is not in use.
2. Press or to ch oose SOUND ALER T, the n press . The scre en di splays ON? or
3. Press to confirm your selection. The scre en dis plays S AV E D a nd you hea r a
confirmati on tone.
Sound sensitivity and sound alert
Sta tus icons
Connection status
• displays when strong signal
strength is detected between the
baby unit and the parent unit.
• displays when moderate signal
strength is detected between the
baby unit and the parent unit.
• displays when the w eak signal
strength is detected between the
baby unit and the parent unit.
• flashes when the link between the
baby unit and the parent unit is lost.
ECO mode
• Displays when ECO mode is activ ated.
Glow-on-ceiling starry projector light
• Displays when the projector light of
the baby unit is on.
Sound alert
• Displays when the sound alert of the
parent unit is turned on.
• Flashes when ther e are loud sounds
detected fr om the baby unit.
Vibration alert
• Displays when the vibration alert of the
parent unit is turned on.
• Flashes when ther e are loud sounds
detected fr om the baby unit.
• Displays when the patient unit speaker
volume is turned o ff.
Battery status
• animates when the
battery is charging.
• displays solid when the battery is
fully char ged.
• flashes when the battery is char ged
with AC adaptor , or charging is failed.
• flashes when the battery is in lo w
lev el and needs charging.
• No battery icon displays when there is
no battery installed.
opera tions
opera tions (C ont’d )
Vibrat ion aler t
Y ou can turn on the vibration alert so that the par ent unit vibrat es when the bab y unit
detects sounds which had triggered the red light of visual sound indica tor on the parent
When the vibration alert of the paren t unit is turned on, is shown on L CD display . The
vibration alert is pr eset t o OFF .
1 . Press when the parent unit is not in use.
2. Press or to ch oose VIBE ALERT, then p ress . The scre en dis plays ON? or
3. Press to confirm your selection. Th e scree n disp lays S AV E D and you h ear a
confirmati on tone.
• E ach t ime yo u set th e vib ratio n ale r t to ON , the p are nt uni t vib rates b rie fly af ter you p res s SE LECT .
Adjust the speak er volume for bab y unit
Y ou can adjust the baby unit’ s speaker volume fr om VOLUME 1 to VOLUME 5 , using the
parent unit.
T o adjust the baby unit’s speaker v olume using the paren t unit:
1 . Press when the parent unit is not in use.
2. Press or to ch oose BAB Y VOL UME, the n press .
3. Press or to ch oose your de sired volu me level, th en pres s . The s cree n
displays S AV E D and y ou hear a con firmation tone.
Night light
The baby monitor has the night light f or you t o sooth and comfort y our bab y at nigh t.
Y ou can turn on or off the night light on the bab y unit using the parent unit. Y ou can also
turn on or o ff the night light with the baby unit manually .
T o turn on or off the night light using the parent unit:
1 . Press when the parent unit is not in use.
2. Press again to choose N IG HT LIG HT. The scre en di splays ON? or O FF?.
3. Press to confirm your selection. The scre en dis plays S AV E D a nd you hea r a
confirmati on tone.
Lu l la by
The baby monitor has five lullabies for y ou to comf ort y our bab y . Y ou can pla y or stop
lullabies on the bab y unit b y con trolling remo tely with the par ent unit.
1 . Press when the parent unit is not in use.
2. Press or to ch oose LU LL ABY, th en pres s .
3. Press or to ch oose a lull aby , or choo se PL A Y ALL, th en pres s . The s cree n
displays P L AY or STO P.
4. Press to confirm your selection. The scre en di splays S AV E D a nd you hea r a
confirmati on tone.
• I f you ch oos e a lull aby , th e sel ec ted l ulla by will b e pl ayed rep eate dly fo r ab out 20 m inu tes .
• I f P L AY A L L is s ele cte d, th e five lu lla bie s will b e playe d one af te r the ot he r , unt il all of t he m are
play ed.
• W he n the l ulla by is pl ayin g, the p are nt uni t dis plays t he na me of th e sel ec ted l ull aby , or P L AY A L L on
the idle screen.
T empera ture
Y our baby uni t monitor s the te mperat ure of your baby ’s room with it s bui lt -in
temp erature se nsor. If the detec ted tem peratu re is out of the p reset te mperat ure range,
the p arent unit w ill dis play an ale r t mess age.
Set tempera ture format:
Y ou can choose to displa y the temperatur e in F ahrenheit (oF) or C elsius (o C).
1 . Press when the parent unit is not in use.
2. Press or to scro ll to TEMP ERA TURE, then pre ss .
3. Press or to cho ose F O R M AT , the n press . The sc reen di splays FA HRENHEIT?
4. Press to confirm your selection, The scre en di splays S AV E D a nd you hea r a
confirmati on tone.
Set tempera ture range:
Y ou can set the desired room temperatur e alert range. The minimum tempera ture can be
set betw een 52 o F (10o C) and 69 o F (20 o C). The maximum t emperature c an be set between
70 o F (21 o C) and 86 oF (30 o C).
T o set minimum tempera ture
1 . Press when the parent unit is not in use.
2. Press or to scro ll to TEMP ERA TURE, then pre ss .
3. Press or to cho ose MINIMUM , then p ress .
4. Press or to ch oose the d esire d mini mum tem peratu re.
5. Press to confirm your selection, The sc reen d ispl ays SAV E D . Y ou he ar a
confirmati on tone.
T o set maximum tempera ture
1 . Press when the parent unit is not in use.
2. Press or to scro ll to TEMP ERA TURE, then pre ss .
3. Press or to cho ose MA XIMUM , the n press .
4. Press or to ch oose the d esire d max imum tem peratu re.
5. Press to confirm your selection, The sc reen d ispl ays SAV E D . Y ou he ar a
confirmati on tone.
Set tempera ture alert tone
Y ou can turn on the temperatur e alert tone so that the par ent unit will emit an alert tone if
the detected temperatur e is out of r ange.
1 . Press when the parent unit is not in use.
2. Press or to scro ll to TEMP ERA TURE, then pre ss .
3. Press or to ch oose A L E R T O N /O F F , then pre ss . Th e scree n disp lays ON? or
4. Press to confirm your selection, The scre en di splays S AV E D . Y ou hear a
confirmati on tone.
Set default
Use this f eature t o restor e to the def ault settings. Rest oring the default settings on one
parent unit will also r eset the shar ed settings for V OX sensitivity lev el of the o ther par ent
1 . Press when the parent unit is not in use.
2. Press or to ch oose RESET, then pre ss . Th e scree n disp lays CONFIRM?.
3. Press to confirm. The scre en dis plays S AV E D . Y o u hea r a confirm ation ton e.
- OR-
Press to exit the m enu . The curre nt set ting re main s unc hange d.
Cust omer service and product w arranty
The crossed-out whe el ie bin s ym bol s on pro duc ts a nd b at teri es, o r on th eir r esp ec tive pa cka gin g,
ind ica tes th ey mus t not b e dis pose d of in d ome sti c waste a s they c onta in sub stan ces t hat c an be
damaging to the environmen t and human health.
The c he mic al sy mbo ls Hg , Cd or Pb, wh ere m arke d, in dic ate th at the b at ter y co ntai ns mo re
tha n the s pe cifi ed val ue of m ercu r y (Hg), ca dmi um (Cd) o r lea d (Pn) set ou t in Ba tt er y Di rec tive
(2 00 6/ 6 6/EC ).
The s oli d bar i ndi cate s that t he pr odu ct wa s pla ced o n the m arke t aft er 13 th Au gus t, 200 5.
He lp prot ect t he e nviro nme nt by dis pos ing of yo ur pro duc t or b at teri es re spo nsi bly.
Disposal of ba tteries and product
Please ret ain this booklet with your sales receipt as pr oof of the date of purchase.
Customer Servic e
Please call our C onsumer Services Department on 03306 780149 (from UK) or
+44 3306 780149 ( outside UK) and a service represen tative will be happ y t o help you.
Declara tion of Conformity
This product is in tended for use within Eur ope and UK.
This equipment complies with the essential requir ements to EU’s Radio E quipment Dir ective
(2014/53/EU) and the UK’s Radio R egulations 2017 on radio syst ems and telecommunication
VT ech T elecommunications L td. hereby declares tha t this A udio Baby M onitor DM1212 is
in compliance with the essential requir ements and other r elevant provisions of EU’s Radio
Equipment Directive (2014/53/EU) and UK’ s Radio Equipment R egulations 2017 .
The Declaration of Conformity for the DM1212 is available from
http:/ /www. vtech.com/ rtte-directiv e.
To keep this product working well and looking good, follow these guidelines:
• Avoid placing it near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical noise (for example, motors or
fluorescent lamps).
• DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.
• Avoid dropping the product or treating it roughly.
• Clean with a soft damp cloth.
• DO NOT immerse the parent unit and the baby unit in water and do not clean them under running water .
• DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.
• Make sure the baby unit and parent unit are dry before you connect them to the mains again.
General product care
When you are not going to use the baby monitor for some time, store the parent unit, the baby unit and the
adaptors in a cool and dry place.
St ora ge
Adul t super vision
• Thi s audi o baby m onito r sho uld be f or use by a dult s onl y .
• Do not p lac e the b aby unit i nsi de th e cot or pl aypen .
• T o en sure you r chil dre n’s safet y , do n ot all ow the m to touc h or pl ay with th e baby m onito r and it s
acce ssor ies . THI S IS NOT A TO Y .
The B ackground Noise sound file was created b y Car oline Ford, and is used under the Creativ e Commons license.
The S tream Noise sound file was created b y Car oline Ford, and is used under the Creativ e Commons license.
The Crick ets At Night sound file w as created b y Mike K oenig, and is used under the C reative C ommons license.
The H eart Beat sound file was cr eated by Zarabadeu, and is used under the Creativ e Commons license.
This warranty is valid for the UK and Ireland only. For products purchased outside
the UK and Ireland , please contact your local distributor or place of purchase.
Thank you for choosing this quality product from VTech.
1.The product detailed above is covered by a one year warranty from the date of purchase,
against any defects in materials or workmanship.
2.The product may be returned to the place of purchase. Alternatively the product can be
returned to VT ech Electronics Europe Plc (see address below), with proof of purchase,
without proof of purchase no replacement will be provided.
3.VT ech Electronics Europe Plc will examine the product and if it is found to be defective
due to faulty materials or workmanship, will replace the product at their discretion.
4.If the product covered by this warranty is damaged due to misuse, modification or
unauthoriz ed repair, or because of faulty batteries, battery discharge or incorrect
electrical connections, then this warranty becomes void.
5.This warranty is personal to the original purchaser and is not transferable.
6.Breakages to the LCD screen are not covered by the warranty.
7.Products returned to VT ech Electronics Europe Plc , should be sent to the address shown
below and packed carefully to avoid damage in transit . Please do not include batteries or
adaptors . Please include details of the fault together with your name and address,
contact phone number and/or email address.
8.To keep an online record of your warranty, please register your product online at
VT ech Electronics Europe Plc , c/o XPO Logistics, Warehouse 350, Cat & Fiddle Lane,
West Hallam, DE7 6HE
Visit www.vtech.co.uk/clubvtech/login
to register your VT ech product
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