Specifications ar e subject to change withou t notic e.
© 202 2 V Tech Tele co mu nic at io ns Ltd .
All rights reserved. 05/22. BC8313_UK_QSG_ V6
Using the Soo ther
Pr ojection Light
Classical music
Soothing sound
The pro jec tio n light i s loc ated on to p
of the So othe r , of feri ng 6 se lec tab le
pat ter ns for your b aby . Th e sel ec ted
pat ter n will b e proje cte d on th e cei ling
at an an gle.
T urn o n or tu rn off t he p roje ctio n
• Press th e Film pro jec tion O n/Off key
to turn on o r turn of f t he proj ec tio n.
Adjust the proj ection angle
• Tilt t he proj ec tio n light le ns m anu ally
to tr y out d if ferent a ngle s the n pic k
the on e whic h suit s your b aby the be st.
• Adju st your So othe r’s p ositio n with
the pro jec tio n light to h elp so othe
your baby to sle ep. Fo r optim al
performance, place the Soother in an
upright position.
Magic K ey
Sev eral functions can be performed using the Magic key located
on the top of the Soother .
Star t or sto p the Soother
• When inactive, tap the Magic k ey
to start and r esume the Soother to its
pre vious settings.
• When active, tap the Magic k ey to
stop the Soother .
Change y our fav orite mode
• T ap the Magic k ey twice t o go to the
next f avorit e mode.
Adjust the night light brightness
With the night ligh t, the Soother can illuminate a soft
hue to calm your baby in a dark room. Y ou can control
the brightness lev el of the glow directly fr om the
Soother and adjust the nigh t light c olour remot ely in
MyV T ech S oot her A pp.
• T ap and hold the Magic k ey to adjust the night
light brightness le vel.
Audio Pla yer
A selection of audio conten t comes in handy , including soothing sounds,
lull abie s, c lass ic mu sic an d stori es . All so und s come p re-sto red in t he So othe r .
Play or stop the a udio
• Press to pl ay sounds , mus ic or s torie s and p ress ag ain to s top pl aying.
Change the audio mode
• Press and hold to sel ec t bet we en 4 dif fe rent m ode s in th e followin g
• Soothing sound
• Lu ll a by
• Classical music
• Stor y te lli ng
Skip a n aud io
• Press to sk ip th e curre nt song
and pla y the ne x t one.
Adjust the v olume
• Press + or - to in cre ase o r
dec rea se the vol ume.
• Bewar e of the speaker v olume. For ear prot ection, the maximum volume is set to Le vel
6 by default (Lev el 1 - the lowest to Lev el 10 - the highest). If you wan t to se t the volume
level higher than Level 6, y ou can adjust it in MyVT ech Soother App.
Whe n an a ud io is p layi ng, t wo l et te rs b efo re the c ol on wi ll be s hown o n th e dig ital
dis pl ay . It r epr ese nt s the a ud io mo de yo u are cu rre ntly i n an d the t rac k cu rre ntly p layi ng .
• stands f or Lulla by mode.
• stands f or Classical music mode.
• stands f or Stor y te lli ng m od e.
• stands f or Soothing s ound mode.
Audio str eaming fr om your mobile device
The Soot her can function as a Bluetoo th
Spe aker af te r pai ring w ith a mo bil e device
with B lueto oth, all owing your own m usic to
be pl ayed throug h the So othe r .
Conne cti ng your Bl ueto oth device w ith th e
Soother using Bluetoo th audio
T o use a B lue tooth en abl ed m obil e device
with your S oothe r , you mu st fir st p air an d
conn ec t your Bl uetooth m obi le devi ce with
the So othe r . B efore you be gin, m ake sure t hat
your Blu etooth e nab led m obi le devi ce is not
conn ec ted to any othe r Bl uetooth d evice.
T emper atur e and Time
Onc e the So othe r is tur ned o n, th e room te mpe rature i s detec te d autom atica lly .
The me asu reme nt is sh own on th e digita l dis play
alter nately w ith the c lo ck . Th e Sooth er c loc k
will sy nc hroni se with your m obi le devi ce af ter
The fol lowing i tems c an be a dju sted f rom the
MyV T ech S oot her A pp.
• T em pe rature form at
• 12-hour o r 24-ho ur tim e form at
• T em pe rature an d tim e rotation inte r val 12: 00
12 F 86
Aut o-off Timer
On the Soother
• Press and hold the B lu etooth pa irin g key f or 5 se cond s to
ente r Bl ueto oth pa iri ng m od e.
On your devi ce
• Set your mo bil e device to d iscoverabl e mod e before p airi ng .
• Place you mo bil e device n ear t he So othe r duri ng the w hol e pai ring p roces s.
• Sel ec t “V T ech S ooth er ” unde r the device lis t.
• Af ter t he S ooth er e nter s Bl ueto oth pa irin g mo de, th e word will co ntin ue to
flash on the di gital displa y.
Whil e the So othe r is pl aying a sto r y , lul laby ,
cla ssic al mu sic o r soothi ng sou nds , the au to- off
time r feat ure he lps you auto matic ally s top th e
proje ct ion, l ight an d soun ds fro m playin g af ter
30, 60, 1 20, 18 0 or 240 mi nutes .
Set auto-off timer
• T oggle to sele ct t ime r optio ns OFF, 30
minutes, 60 minut es, 120 minutes, 180
minutes or 240 minutes.
• Stop press ing to star t th e countd own.
• Toggle ba ck to OF F to stop c ou ntd own .
Bluetooth pairing
Cust omer service and product w arranty
The crossed-out wh ee li e bin s ym bo ls o n pro du c ts a nd b at te rie s, o r on t he ir
res pe ct ive p ac kag in g, in di cat es t hat t hey mu st n ot b e dis po se d of wit h do me sti c
was te as t hey co ntai n su bst an ces t hat c an b e da ma gi ng to t he e nvi ron me nt an d
human health.
The c he m ica l sy mb ol s Hg , Cd or Pb, w he re ma rke d, i ndi ca te th at th e bat t er y
cont ain s mo re th an t he s pe ci fie d val ue of m er cur y (Hg), ca dm ium (C d) or l ea d
(Pn) set ou t in B at te r y D ire c tive ( 20 06/66/EC) .
The s ol id b ar in di cat es th at t he pr od uc t was p la ce d on th e m arke t af te r 13 th
August, 20 05.
He lp pr otec t t he e nvir onm e nt by dis po sin g of you r pro du ct o r ba t te rie s
responsibly .
Disposal of ba tteries and product
Please ret ain this booklet with your sales receip t as proof of the date of pur chase.
Customer Servic e
Please call our C onsumer Services Department on 03306 780149 (fr om UK) or
+44 3306 780149 ( outside UK) and a service repr esentative will be happ y to help you.
Declara tion of Conformity
This product is in tended for use within the UK.
This equipment complies with the essential requiremen ts of the EU Radio Equipment
Directiv e (2014/53/EU) and the UK Radio Regulations 2017 on Radio S ystems and
T elecommunication E quipment.
VT ech T elecommunications Ltd. her eby declar es that this V -Hush Pro Soothing Sleep
T rainer BC8313 complies with the essential requirements and o ther relev ant pr ovisions
the EU Radio Equipment Directive (2014/53/EU) and UK Radio E quipment Regulations
2017 .
The Declaration of Conformity f or the BC8313 is available fr om
http:/ /www. vtech.com/rtt e-directiv e.
To keep this product working well and looking good, please follow these guidelines:
• Avoid placing the Soother near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical
noise (for example, motors or fluorescent lamps).
• DO NOT expose the Soother to direct sunlight or moisture.
• Avoid dropping the product or treating it roughly.
• DO NOT immerse the Soother in water and do not clean it under running water .
• DO NOT use solvents, cleaning spray s or liquid cleaners.
• Clean with a soft damp cloth.
• Make sure the product is dry before you connect them to the mains again.
General product care
When you are not intending to use the Soother for some time, store the product and the
adaptor in a cool and dry place.
St ora ge
Adul t super vision
• This product sh oul d be fo r use by a dul ts o nly.
• D o not p lac e the product i ns ide t he c ot or pl aype n .
• To ensure yo ur ch il dre n’s safe t y , d o not a llow t he m to touc h or p lay wi th th e product or
acce sso ri es . THI S IS N OT A T OY .
The B ackground N oise sound file w as created b y Caroline F ord, and is used under the Cr eative
Commons license.
The S tream Noise sound file was cr eated by Caroline For d, and is used under the Crea tive Commons
The Crick ets At Night sound file was cr eated by Mik e Koenig, and is used under the Creativ e Commons
The H eart Beat sound file was crea ted by Zarabadeu, and is used under the Cr eative Commons license.
This warranty is valid for the UK and Ireland only. For products purchased outside
the UK and Ireland , please contact your local distributor or place of purchase.
Thank you for choosing this quality product from VTech.
1.The product detailed above is covered by a one year warranty from the date of purchase,
against any defects in materials or workmanship.
2.The product may be returned to the place of purchase. Alternatively the product can be
returned to VT ech Electronics Europe Plc (see address below), with proof of purchase,
without proof of purchase no replacement will be provided.
3.VT ech Electronics Europe Plc will examine the product and if it is found to be defective
due to faulty materials or workmanship, will replace the product at their discretion.
4.If the product covered by this warranty is damaged due to misuse, modification or
unauthoriz ed repair, or because of faulty batteries, battery discharge or incorrect
electrical connections, then this warranty becomes void.
5.This warranty is personal to the original purchaser and is not transferable.
6.Breakages to the LCD screen are not covered by the warranty.
7.Products returned to VT ech Electronics Europe Plc , should be sent to the address shown
below and packed carefully to avoid damage in transit . Please do not include batteries or
adaptors . Please include details of the fault together with your name and address,
contact phone number and/or email address.
8.To keep an online record of your warranty, please register your product online at
VT ech Electronics Europe Plc , c/o XPO Logistics, Warehouse 350, Cat & Fiddle Lane,
West Hallam, DE7 6HE
Visit www.vtech.co.uk/clubvtech/login
to register your VT ech product
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