06 Maintenance and specifications
Label information
List of labels
Model plate. Vehicle Identification Num-
ber (VIN). Codes for color and upholstery,
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
(FMVSS) specifications (USA) and Min-
istry of Transport (CMVSS) standards
(Canada). Your Volvo is designed to meet
all applicable safety standards, as evi-
denced by the certification label on the
driver's side B-pillar (the structural mem-
ber at the side of the vehicle, at the rear of
the driver's door opening). For further infor-
mation regarding these regulations, please
consult your Volvo retailer.
Loads and Tire Pressures. The appear-
ance of the decal will vary, depending on
the market for which the vehicle is
intended. See the information beginning on
page 258.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). The
VIN plate is located on the top left surface
of the dashboard. The Vehicle Identifica-
tion Number (VIN) should always be quo-
ted in all correspondence concerning your
vehicle with the retailer and when ordering
Vehicle Emission Control Information.
Your Volvo is designed to meet all appli-
cable emission standards, as evidenced by
the certification label on the underside of
the hood. For further information regarding
these regulations, please consult your
Volvo retailer.