Table of contents
Polishing and waxing.............................. 411
Water and dirt-repellent coating............. 412
Rustproofing........................................... 413
Cleaning the interior................................ 413
Paint damage.......................................... 414
11 Specifications
Type designations................................... 417
Dimensions............................................. 420
Weights................................................... 421
Towing capacity and towball load.......... 422
Engine specifications.............................. 424
Engine oil - adverse driving conditions... 426
Engine oil - grade and volume................ 427
Coolant - grade and volume................... 429
Transmission fluid - grade and volume... 430
Brake fluid - grade and volume............... 432
Power steering fluid - grade.................... 432
Fuel tank - volume.................................. 433
Specifications for air conditioning.......... 434
Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions... 435
Tyres - approved tyre pressures............. 439
12 Alphabetical Index
Alphabetical Index.................................. 442