Table of contents
12 Specifications
Type designations................................... 437
Dimensions............................................. 439
Weights................................................... 440
Towing capacity and towball load.......... 441
Engine specifications.............................. 443
Engine oil - adverse driving conditions... 444
Engine oil - grade and volume................ 445
Coolant - grade and volume................... 447
Transmission fluid - grade and volume... 448
Brake fluid - grade and volume............... 449
Washer fluid - quality and volume.......... 449
Fuel tank - volume.................................. 450
Air conditioning, fluid - volume and
grade....................................................... 451
Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions... 452
Tyres - approved tyre pressures............. 456
Electrical system..................................... 458
Starter battery - specification................. 459
Type approval - remote control key sys-
tem.......................................................... 460
Type approval - radar system................. 460
Type approval - Bluetooth
.................... 462
Licenses.................................................. 470
Symbols in the display............................ 472
13 Alphabetical Index
Alphabetical Index.................................. 476