10 Specifications
Label information
List of labels
Vehicle Emission Control Information.
Your Volvo is designed to meet all appli-
cable emission standards, as evidenced
by the certification label on the underside
of the hood. For further information regar-
ding these regulations, please consult
your Volvo retailer.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
The VIN plate is located on the top left
surface of the dashboard. The Vehicle
Identification Number (VIN) should always
be quoted in all correspondence concern-
ing your vehicle with the retailer and when
ordering parts.
Tire inflation pressures. This label indi-
cates the correct inflation pressures for
the tires that were on the vehicle when it
left the factory.
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Stand-
ards (FMVSS) specifications (USA) and
Ministry of Transport (CMVSS) stand-
ards (Canada). Your Volvo is designed to
meet all applicable safety standards, as
evidenced by the certification label on the
driver's side B-pillar (the structural mem-
ber at the side of the vehicle, at the rear
of the driver's door opening). This label
also includes codes for paint color, etc.
For further information regarding these
regulations, please consult your Volvo
retailer. U.S. models have the upper
decal; Canadian models have the lower