Intended use
Measuringand displayingelectric parametersin therange ofexcess voltagecate-
gory III (up to max. 600Vagainst ground potential, pursuantto EN 61010-1) andall
lower categories.
- Measuring direct voltages up to max. 600 V (CAT II)
- Measuring alternating voltages up to max. 600 V (CAT II)
- Measuring currents of up to max. 1000 A
- Measuring direct currents of up to max. 1000 A (VC-531 only)
- Frequency measuring up to 10 kHz
- Capacity measuring up to 4000 µF
- Measuring resistance values of up to 60 MOhm.
- Continuity check (< 70 Ohm acoustic)
- Diode test
The device may only be operated with the specified batteries.
Themeasuringinstrument mustnotbe operatedwhenitisopen, i.e.withan open
battery compartment or when the battery compartment cover is missing. Measuring
in damp rooms or under unfavourable ambient conditions is not admissible.
For safety reasons, when measuring only use measuring cables or accessories
which are adjusted to the specifications of the measuring device.
Unfavourable ambient conditions are:
- Wet conditions or high air humidity
- Dust and flammable gases, vapours or solvent,
- Thunderstorms or similar conditions such as strong electrostatic fields etc.
Anyuseotherthanthatdescribed abovewill damagethe product and mayinvolve
otherrisks, such as short-circuit, fire, electricshock, etc. Do not change or modify
any part of theproduct!
Please read the operating instructions carefully and keep them for later reference.
Please read the operating instructions thoroughly andkeep the operatinginstruc-
tions for further reference.