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User manual
M A N U E L D ' U T I L I S A T I O N
Timix SU
Timix SU
Contents ..................................................................................................................... 1
Preface........................................................................................................................ 2
1 Your product .................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Accessories ................................................................................................... 3
2 Before use ..................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Intended use ................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Symbols on the wheelchair ........................................................................... 4
2.3 General safety instructions ............................................................................ 4
2.4 Transport ....................................................................................................... 5
2.5 First use and storage .................................................................................... 6
3 Using your wheelchair .................................................................................. 7
3.1 First ride ........................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Driving outdoors ............................................................................................ 7
3.3 Operating console ......................................................................................... 8
3.4 Brake and free-wheel lever ........................................................................... 9
3.5 Moving to/from wheelchair ............................................................................ 9
3.6 Comfort adjustments ................................................................................... 10
3.7 Standing / upright function .......................................................................... 12
3.8 Battery status and charging ........................................................................ 13
3.9 Suspension ................................................................................................. 14
3.10 Anti-tipping (B78) ........................................................................................ 14
4 Maintenance ................................................................................................ 15
4.1 Time of maintenance ................................................................................... 15
4.2 Instructions for maintenance ....................................................................... 15
4.3 Troubleshooting .......................................................................................... 16
4.4 Expected lifespan ........................................................................................ 17
4.5 Reuse .......................................................................................................... 17
4.6 End of use ................................................................................................... 17
5 Technical specifications ............................................................................. 18
Timix SU
Congratulations! You are now owner of a Vermeiren wheelchair!
This wheelchair is made by qualified and committed personnel. It is designed and produced
according to high quality standards, guarded by Vermeiren.
Thank you for your trust in the products of Vermeiren. To support you on the use of this wheelchair
and its operating options, this manual is offered. Please read it carefully; it will help you to get
familiar with the operation, capabilities and limitations of your wheelchair.
If you still have questions after reading this manual, do not hesitate to contact your specialist
dealer. He/she will be glad to help you.
Important note
To ensure your safety and to prolong the lifetime of your product, please take good care of it and
have it checked and serviced on a regular basis.
This manual reflects the latest product developments. Vermeiren has the right to implement
changes to this type of product without any obligation to adapt or replace similar products
previously delivered.
Pictures of the product are used to clarify the instructions in this manual. Details of the depicted
product may deviate from your product.
Information available
On our website http://www.vermeiren.com/ you will always find the most recent version of the
information in this manual. Please consult this website regularly for possible updates.
Visually impaired people can download the electronic version of this manual and have it read out
by means of a text-to-speech software application.
This user manual
For user and specialist dealer
User manual of applied operating console and battery charger.
For user and specialist dealer
Installation instructions
For specialist dealer
Service manual for wheelchairs
For specialist dealer
EC declaration of conformity
Timix SU
Your product
1 Your product
1.1 Accessories
The following accessories are available for the electric wheelchair Timix SU:
Table (B15+B13)
Side supports
1 = Backrest
2 = Adjustable armpads
3 = Armrests
4 = Operator control
5 = Seat
6 = Support wheels
7 = Footplate
8 = Driving wheels (Front wheels)
9 = Knee protector
10 = Anti-tipping
11 = Battery cover
12 = Steering wheels (rear wheels)
13 = Base frame
14 = Identification plate
Timix SU
Before use
2 Before use
2.1 Intended use
In this paragraph a brief description of the intended use of your wheelchair is given. Additionally,
relevant warnings are added to the instructions in the other paragraphs. In this way we would like
to make you aware of the possible misuse that may appear.
Indications and contraindications: This wheelchair is meant to be operated by the user sitting
in the wheelchair. The wheelchair is designed and produced to be a transport aid for persons
with walking difficulties or no walking abilities. You should NOT use this wheelchair if you
suffer from physical or mental impairments that may put you, or other people, in danger when
driving the wheelchair. For this reason, consult your doctor first and make sure that your
specialist dealer is informed about his advice.
This wheelchair is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
This wheelchair is designed and produced solely to transport/transfer one (1) person with a
maximum weight of 130kg. It is not designed for transportation of goods or objects, nor for
any use other than previously described.
Only use accessories and spare parts approved by Vermeiren.
Please read all technical details and limits of your wheelchair in chapter 5.
The warranty on this product is based on normal use and maintenance as described in this
manual. Damage to your product caused by improper use or lack of maintenance will cause
the warranty to lapse.
2.2 Symbols on the wheelchair
Maximum weight of the user in kg
Indoor/outdoor use (battery charger excluded)
Indoor use only (battery charger)
Maximum safe slope in ° (degrees).
Maximum speed
Type designation
Risk of entrapment
2.3 General safety instructions
Risk of injuries and/or damage
Please read and follow the instructions in this manual. Otherwise you may get injured or your
wheelchair may get damaged.
Keep the following general warnings in mind during use:
Timix SU
Before use
Do not use your wheelchair if you are under influence of alcohol, medicines or other
substances that may influence your driving abilities.
Be aware that some parts of your wheelchair may get very hot or cold due to ambient
temperature, solar radiation, heating devices or due to the motor drive during the ride. Be
careful when touching. Wear protective clothing if the weather is cold. After a ride, wait until
the wheelchair/motor has cooled down.
Before switching the wheelchair on, be aware of the environment/situation in which you are
located. Adjust your speed to this before driving off. We advise you to use the slowest speed
setting to drive indoors. For outdoor driving you can adjust the speed to a suitable speed at
which you feel comfortable and safe.
ALWAYS keep in mind that your wheelchair may stop suddenly due to a discharged battery
or a protection that prevents your wheelchair from further damage. Also check the possible
causes mentioned in § 4.3. Use your safety belt to prevent injuries.
Your wheelchair has been tested for electromagnetic compatibility and complies with the
standard, see chapter 5. Nevertheless, sources of electromagnetic fields may influence the
driving performance of your wheelchair, such as the fields of mobile phones, power
generators or high-power energy sources. On the other hand, the electronics of your
wheelchair can affect other electronic appliances too, such as alarm systems of shops and
automatic doors. We therefore advise you to check your wheelchair regularly for damage
and wear, since these may enlarge the interference (see also chapter 4).
Only drive on flat surfaces where both driving wheels touch the ground and where there is
sufficient contact to operate the wheelchair safely.
Alterations or substitutions should not be made to the wheelchair securement points or to
structural and frame parts or components without consulting the wheelchair manufacturer.
Make sure that your hands, clothes, belts, buckles or jewellery don’t get caught by wheels
or other moving parts during use.
Be aware that your wheelchair may interfere with some types of anti-theft systems, depending on
the settings used. This may cause the shop's alarm to go off.
In case a serious incident has occurred involving your product, notify Vermeiren or your specialist
dealer as well as the competent authority in your country.
2.4 Transport
Risk of damage
Take action to protect the wheelchair from being damaged during transport.
2.4.1 Moving out of the way
Use the operating console to drive the wheelchair to its destination.
Otherwise, put the wheelchair in free-wheel mode (see §3.4) and use the push bar to move it.
2.4.2 Transport by aircraft
Since the wheelchair is equipped with non-spillable AGM batteries, it is possible to transport the
wheelchair (as a whole) by aircraft. Consult your airline for the correct handling procedures before
booking your flight. Before handing your wheelchair over to the airport personnel, disconnect the
battery from the wheelchair, see installation manual.
2.4.3 Transport by vehicle, as luggage
Risk of injuries
Do NOT use your wheelchair as seat in a vehicle, see the following symbol.
Never use the same safety belt for passenger and wheelchair.
Timix SU
Before use
The best way to transport your electric wheelchair in the car is to drive it by using ramps. If you
are not experienced to drive the electric wheelchair using ramps, you can put the wheelchair in
neutral mode and push the wheelchair in the car using ramps. If necessary, disassemble the
1. As the wheelchair user, transfer to a car seat, see §3.5.
2. Remove all moveable parts prior to transport.
3. Store moveable parts safely behind the passenger seat or in the luggage compartment.
4. Drive or push the electric wheelchair in the car using ramps, or lift the wheelchair in the car
with the help of 2 persons by grasping the fixed parts of the frames.
5. Attach the solid parts of the frame securely to the vehicle (see illustration).
6. Place the wheelchair in drive mode (engaging the parking brakes) and check that the
operating console is switched off.
2.5 First use and storage
Risk of battery damage
Never completely discharge the battery.
Do not interrupt the charging cycle; only disconnect the battery charger when the battery is
fully charged.
Make sure that your wheelchair is stored dry to prevent mould from growing and the upholstery
from being damaged.
Check the technical details for storage, see chapter 5.
Ensure that the battery has been fully charged before using your wheelchair, ask your dealer if
this has already been done or not. To charge, follow the charging instructions in §3.8.
Timix SU
Using your wheelchair
3 Using your wheelchair
Risk of injuries
First read previous chapters and inform yourself about the intended use. Do NOT use your
wheelchair unless you have read and fully understood all instructions.
Also read the instructions in the operator console manual and battery charger manual!
In case of doubts or questions, do not hesitate to contact your local specialist dealer, your care
provider or technical adviser to help you with this.
3.1 First ride
Risk of injuries and damage
Always keep the swing range of footrest and operating console in mind to prevent bystanders
from being injured or objects from being damaged.
Always unplug the battery charger from the wheelchair before starting to drive.
Make sure that you are familiar with the operation of your wheelchair before using it in
crowded and possibly dangerous places. First exercise at a specious, open area with
little bystanders.
Investigate the effects of shifting the centre of gravity on the behaviour of the wheelchair,
for example on up or down gradients, on laterally sloping ground, or when overcoming
obstacles. Obtain support from an attendant.
The surface of the controller gets slightly warm during use.
While driving backwards, the speed is reduced.
1. Make sure that:
the wheelchair is on a flat surface;
the battery is fully charged, see §3.8;
The motor is coupled, see § 3.4;
the tyres have the correct tyre pressure, see § 4.2.1;
the wheelchair is adapted to your needs and comfort, see §3.6;
you have the proper sitting position, see § 3.5.
2. Follow the instructions in the operating console manual.
3. Switch on your wheelchair.
4. Turn the speed control to the lowest speed setting.
5. Exercise how to drive and make adjustments to the wheelchair.
6. If you feel confident enough, you can try to drive at higher speed.
7. Now try to turn, in forward and backward direction. Repeat this a few times.
8. Make sure that your wheelchair stands stable, when ending the ride.
9. Switch off your wheelchair.
3.2 Driving outdoors
Risk of accident - Adjust your driving behaviour and speed.
Take the local road traffic law into consideration; it may differ per country. This counts for driving
on pavements, unpaved roads or paved roadways.
Do not drive on roads with heavy traffic.
Take the weather conditions into consideration. Avoid driving by moist weather, extreme heat,
snow, black ice, freezing temperatures; see technical specifications in chapter 5.
The wheelchair is not suitable to drive on public roads at poor visibility (darkness, mist, twilight).
Make sure that you are well visible, also during daylight hours, for example by using fluorescent
Timix SU
Using your wheelchair
Be aware of other road users to whom your wheelchair may be an obstacle. Pay special
attention during turning and reversing. If you are not acquainted with how to drive backwards,
first practice in an open area. Indicate the direction you are intending to go before turning.
Try to drive straight in small passages to prevent getting trapped.
Keep the braking distance in mind. Be aware that the braking distance depends on speed,
surface, weather conditions, slope and weight of the user.
3.2.1 Cope with slopes, kerbs, obstacles or ramps
Risk of injuries by unexpected movement
Use a restraining safety belt to secure yourself sitting in the wheelchair.
Pay attention if the road is sandy, has soft ground, holes or gaps that may cause entrapment
of the wheels and/or decreasing of the traction of the driving wheels.
Do NOT drive on slopes, obstacles, steps or kerbs larger than the size described in the
technical specifications in chapter 5.
Always approach a kerb from the front.
Do not put your wheelchair in free-wheel mode on a slope. The wheelchair may start moving,
causing injuries to you or bystanders.
Do not use your wheelchair on an escalator or stairs.
Only use ramps approved by Vermeiren and do not exceed their maximum load.
Risk of damage
Always park your electric wheelchair on horizontal flat surfaces and on sites that are easily
If necessary, take a short run-up to speed up the wheelchair to mount a slope, obstacle, kerb
or ramp. Prevent that you or your wheelchair has to cope with a large recoil.
Make sure that the wheelchair does not touch the ground or ramp due to the inclination of the
Be aware that the braking distance on downhill slopes can be significantly larger than on level
Start your drive according to the instructions in §3.1, step 1.
To move the wheelchair up or down stairs/steps, use lifting equipment or a ramp. If these
are not available, it can be lifted manually by at least two persons, grasping the frame firmly
with both hands. Do not use the backrest, footplate(s), armrests, or wheels to grasp the
To cope with obstacles or inclinations:
1. Adjust the wheelchair to its most stable position, see § 3.5.
2. Drive as slow as possible to cope with the obstacle or inclination.
3.3 Operating console
Risk of injuries or damage
Be aware that the stability decreases when the wheelchair is adjusted from sitting-straight to
inclined position.
Make sure there is enough space around the wheelchair to operate backrest and seat.
How to use the operating console is described in a specific user manual, enclosed with the
delivery of your wheelchair. If this manual is missing, contact your specialist dealer
When you stop on a slope, the brake will work automatically to prevent the wheelchair from
running forward or backward.
Timix SU
Using your wheelchair
Put the joystick in the neutral (central) position before pressing the on/off button, otherwise
the electronics will be blocked. To release this block, switch the operating console off and
on again.
Technical protections
The operating console enables you to control all driving components and motors to adjust your
body position. For your own safety, and to prevent that the wheelchair gets damaged, movements
are monitored by the electronics. This may result in block of movement, speed decrease or
complete stop. Consult the user manual of the operating console for more information.
To avoid accidental battery run down, your wheelchair is equipped with an automatic power
shutdown system. This system switches off the operating console automatically when it is not
operated for a while. If this occurs, simply switch your console back on.
3.4 Brake and free-wheel lever
Risk of injuries or damage
Only operate the free-wheel lever when your wheelchair is turned OFF. An attendant should
operate the free-wheel lever. NEVER operate it from sitting position.
Do not use the free-wheel mode on slopes and inclinations, see symbol on motor:
Make sure that the free-wheel lever is in its braking position BEFORE switching the
wheelchair ON. Electromagnetic brakes do NOT function if the wheelchair is in free-wheel
mode. This is indicated on the operating console. Driving is not possible.
Your wheelchair is equipped with electromagnetic brakes. The working of the brakes depends on
the position of the free-wheel lever (1).
The EM brakes function automatically, only if free-wheel lever (1) is in braking position. In this
situation, the brakes start braking if:
the wheelchair is OFF;
the wheelchair is ON and the joystick is released.
Releasing the joystick makes the wheelchair stop gently and activates the brakes.
Operation of free-wheel lever:
Turn levers to the “Neutral” symbol to put the
wheelchair in free-wheel mode. The motor is
now disconnected. The wheelchair can be
moved manually.
Turn levers to the “Drive” symbol to connect
the motor to the drive. This should be done
before starting the wheelchair.
3.5 Moving to/from wheelchair
Risk of injuries or damage
In case you cannot perform the transfer in a safe manner, ask someone to assist you.
Do not stand on the footplate(s) during transfer into or out of the wheelchair.
Timix SU
Using your wheelchair
1. Position the wheelchair as close as possible to you when sitting in your chair, couch, seat or
2. Apply the brakes by turning the free-wheel lever to braking position, see § 3.4.
3. Use the operating console to move the backrest and seat to sitting position, see user manual
of the console.
4. Fold the footplate(s) upwards to prevent standing on them and fold away the knee support.
5. If necessary, swing away one armrest upwards/to the back to make room, see §3.6.2.
6. Transfer to/from the wheelchair using the strength of your arms or with the help of attendant(s)
or lifting equipment.
Sitting in the wheelchair
1. Sit down on the seat with your lower back against the backrest.
2. Turn the footplate(s) down and put your feet on the footplates. Turn the knee support into
3. Swing down the armrest, if applicable.
4. Make sure that your upper legs are horizontal and that your feet are in a comfortable position.
Adjust if necessary.
5. Make sure that your arms are bent and are resting comfortably on the arm pads. Adjust if
Adjusting to stable position
For transport purposes and when you need to negotiate obstacles, the wheelchair must be
adjusted to maximise its stability:
Seat in horizontal position
Backrest upright
Armrests in bottom position
Footplate folded up or adjusted to a higher position to prevent touching the obstacle
Operating console turned inwards
3.6 Comfort adjustments
Risk of injuries or damage
The following comfort adjustments can be done by the attendant or caretaker. All other
adjustments are done by your specialist dealer according to the installation instructions, see
Make sure that your fingers, clothes, buckles don’t get trapped during adjustment.
3.6.1 Operating control
The operator console has a swivel system and can be turned
horizontally to the left/right.
Grab the control support (2) below the operator console and
move it left/right to the desired position.
Timix SU
Using your wheelchair
3.6.2 Armrests
The armrests can be turned backwards (up) to make it easier to
transfer to/from the seat.
1. Push lever (3) of the toothed clamp (4) slowly down. The arm
rest is unlocked (in bottom position).
2. Turn the armrest up/backwards to its end position.
3. Pull lever (3) up to close the toothed clamp. The armrest is
locked in end position.
The same procedure is used to change the angle of the
1. Repeat previous step 1.
2. Next, hold the armrest in the desired position, while
locking it with the lever (3).
3. Repeat this for the second armrest.
4. Make sure that both armrests have the same angle.
5. Make sure that both armrests are firmly secured.
3.6.3 Arm pads
The arm pads (5) can be adjusted in height (stepless, 30 mm) and angle (steps of 7,5°):
1. Turn the star knob (6) a few turns anticlockwise. To
adjust the angle, turn it four turns minimally.
2. Pull/push the arm pad lightly to adjust the height.
3. Hold the arm pad at the desired angle.
4. Turn the star knob clockwise until it is finger-tight.
5. Repeat this for the second arm pad.
6. Make sure that both arm pads are firmly secured.
3.6.4 Chest belt
Risk of injury
Attach the chest belt in such a way that the upper body is pressed against the back section, so
that the upper body cannot move involuntarily.
The chest belt should not restrain the user's arms.
As using the chest belt can restrict breathing, the patient must agree to the use of the chest
A chest belt is attached to the upper part of the back frame to
secure the user during the standing/upright function. Place the
chest belt straps on top of one another and press them tightly. The
chest belt is made secure by an adhesive system.
Timix SU
Using your wheelchair
3.6.5 Backrest height
To adjust the height of the backrest (stepless, range
of 110 mm):
1. Loosen the 4 star knobs (7).
2. Slide the backrest up/down until the desired
3. Retighten the star knobs. Make sure that the
backrest is well secured.
Optional side pelots are not compatible with the lower
position of the backrest.
3.7 Standing / upright function
Risk of injury
The standing/upright function may only be used when someone is supervising.
The standing/upright function may not be used unless the chest belt and knee protector have
been secured. The manufacturer accepts no liability for use of the standing/upright function
without the chest belt and knee protector.
The standing/upright function may only be used if all four of the wheelchair's wheels are in
contact with a level surface (and while being used on the two support wheels).
Make sure that no objects, persons or body parts are inside the movement range of the upright
Ensure that the steering cables do not get caught during the upright function, as this could
damage the product.
Driving should only take place in the seated position. The drive program should not be used
during the standing / upright function. Reduced drive should be deployed only for altering
position during the standing / upright function.
Only loosen the chest belt and the knee protector again when the wheelchair has been returned
to the seated position.
Timix SU has been programmed with some added constraints to ensure your safety:
Driving at full speed is only possible when the leg rests are positioned at an angle of
more than 6°. To prevent damage to the leg rests or support wheels, the speed is
automatically lowered when the leg rests are positioned at a lower angle.
Adjusting to the standing/upright position is only possible when the leg rests/backrest
are adjusted to standard seating position. In case the backrest has been inclined, or the
leg rests have been lowered, the seat can only be raised until it forms an angle of 180°
with the leg rests/backrest to prevent injury.
It is not possible to raise the leg rests when the seat has been raised (in preparation for
the standing/upright position).
Timix SU
Using your wheelchair
Follow this sequence when using the standing/upright function:
1. Adjust to the position you want.
2. Ensure that the wheelchair is stable. If
necessary, move it to the position you want.
3. Switch off the drive electronics.
4. Deploy the knee protector (or have it deployed
for you).
5. Check that the feet are resting flat on the
6. Deploy the chest belt (or have it deployed for
7. Check whether the armrests are in a good
8. Switch on the drive electronics and select the
adjust function for the upright function.
9. Pull the joystick backwards or push it forwards
to carry out the relevant function.
Bear in mind that, when the upright function is in use,
the wheelchair rests on the support wheels beneath
the footplate. The front wheels lift approx. 10 mm
from the ground. To change direction, the wheelchair
is then moved using the support wheels and the rear
wheels. There is only limited drive functionality.
3.8 Battery status and charging
Risk of injuries and damage due to fire
Only use the battery charger delivered with the wheelchair. The use of any other charger may
be dangerous (fire hazard).
The battery charger is only intended to charge the batteries delivered with the wheelchair, not
to charge any other batteries.
Do not adapt any of the delivered parts, like cables, plugs or battery charger. Never open or
change the battery or the connection points.
Protect the battery and battery charger against flames, high and low temperatures (see chapter
5), moisture, sunshine, severe shocks (for example dropping). Do NOT use the battery if this
has been the case.
Charge the battery with the battery charger, indoors, in a well-ventilated area, out of children's
First read the user instruction of the applied battery charger before charging the wheelchair’s
battery. For more information, contact your specialist dealer or consult our website
Risk of damage
Battery self-discharge and the quiescent current of the connected users will drain the battery
charge slowly. The battery may be irreversibly damaged if the battery is fully discharged.
Therefore, make sure that the battery is charged on time (see manual of operating console).
Read the storage and maintenance instructions in chapter 4 and technical details in chapter 5.
Only disconnect the battery charger when the battery is fully charged.
Do not charge batteries below 0°C. Move the battery to a warmer place and start charging.
Keep the connection point for the battery charger free of dust and other contamination.
Timix SU
Using your wheelchair
In case of any problems whereby the battery cannot be charged according to following
instructions, please contact your specialist dealer.
For instructions on how to change the batteries, see the installation manual.
For all information on battery status indication, please read the manual of the operating
It is recommended to unplug the battery charger from the mains when not in use. This is to
prevent unnecessary energy consumption.
To charge the battery:
1. FIRST connect the battery charger to a 230V AC power socket. Use the battery charger
directly, without extension cord, on the power supply (without time switch).
2. Plug the adapter in the charging point of the operating console.
3. Wait until the battery is fully charged. Consult the battery charger manual for more information.
4. Disconnect the battery charger.
5. Remove the battery charger from the socket, let it cool down and store it in the charger pocket.
3.9 Suspension
The strength of the spring can be adjusted to
enhance your comfort. This spring is located on
the back of the electrical wheelchair, behind the
battery cover.
If you turn the adjuster to the left, the range of
the spring lengthens and the suspension becomes
If you turn the adjuster to the right, the range of
the spring shortens and the suspension becomes
3.10 Anti-tipping (B78)
Risk of injury
Check that the anti-tipping is working before driving with the electric wheelchair.
For your safety, your electric wheelchair is equipped with an anti-tipping
that works with a suspension system. When crossing small obstacles
(no higher than 70 mm), this system tips back a little, yet overtipping is
prevented by a stopping mechanism. Do not remove the anti-tipping
device as your wheelchair will no longer be secured against accidentally
tipping over.
Timix SU
4 Maintenance
4.1 Time of maintenance
Risk of injuries and damage
Repairs and replacements may only be undertaken by trained persons and only genuine
replacement parts of Vermeiren should be used (see the maintenance manual).
The last page of this manual contains a registration form for the specialist dealer to record
each service.
The service frequency depends on the frequency and intensity of use. Contact your dealer to
agree to a common timetable for inspection/maintenance/repair.
Read the user instructions of the applied battery charger regarding maintenance.
For the maintenance manual, refer to the Vermeiren website: www.vermeiren.com.
Before each use
Inspect the following points:
All parts: present and undamaged or worn.
All parts: clean, see § 4.2.2.
Wheels, seat, calf rests, arm rests, footplate and headrest (if applied): well secured.
Battery status: charge the battery when necessary, see §3.8.
Operating console, battery, power module, motors, battery charger, lights and relevant
cables: no damage such as wires that have become frayed, broken or exposed.
Condition of wheels/tyres, see § 4.2.1.
Condition of frame parts: no deformation, instability, weakness or loose connections.
Seat, backrest, arm pads, calf pads and head rest (if applied): no excessive wear (like
dented spots, damage or tears).
Contact your specialist dealer for possible repairs or part replacements.
Every month
If your wheelchair is stored for a longer period, you still need to charge the batteries every month.
It is also possible to keep the battery charger connected to the battery and the mains during this
period. For more information, see §3.8.
Yearly or more often
Have your wheelchair inspected and serviced by your specialist dealer, at least once a year, or
more often. The minimum maintenance frequency depends on use and should therefore be
commonly agreed upon with your specialist dealer.
If stored
Make sure that your wheelchair is stored in a dry environment to prevent mould from growing, or
the upholstery from being damaged.
4.2 Instructions for maintenance
4.2.1 Wheels and tyres
Proper working of the brakes depends on the state of the tyres, that can change due to wear
and contamination (water, oil, mud, …).
Keep your wheels free of wires, hair, sand and fibres.
Check the profile of the tyres. If the tread depth is less than 1 mm, the tyres need to be
replaced. Contact your specialist dealer for this matter.
Inflate the pneumatic tyres to the correct pressure (see pressure indication on the tyres).
For instructions on how to change the tyres, see the installation manual.
Timix SU
4.2.2 Cleaning
Risk of damage by moisture
Keep the operating console clean and protect it from water and rain.
Never use a hose or high-pressure cleaner to clean the wheelchair.
Wipe all rigid parts of the wheelchair with a damp cloth (not drenched). If necessary, use a mild
soap, suitable for varnishes and synthetics.
The upholstery can be cleaned with lukewarm water and a mild soap. Do not use abrasive
cleaning agents to clean.
Keep the ventilation openings of the battery charger clean and free of accumulated dust. Blow
away the dust and clean the battery charger enclosure with a slightly moistened cloth, if required.
4.2.3 Disinfection
Risk of damage
Disinfections may only be undertaken by trained persons. Consult your specialist dealer.
4.3 Troubleshooting
Even if you use your wheelchair properly, a technical problem may occur despite this.
In this case, contact your local specialist dealer.
Risk of injuries and damage to the wheelchair
NEVER attempt to repair your wheelchair yourself.
For failures in the operating console you need to contact your specialist dealer.
He/She will decide if the console needs to be reprogrammed.
In case of failure, a fault code is displayed on the operating console.
For an overview of all fault codes on the operating console, please read the manual of the
operating console.
The following symptoms may indicate a serious problem. Therefore, always contact your
specialist dealer if you spot any of the following deviations:
Strange sound;
Frayed/damaged wiring harnesses;
Cracked or broken connectors;
Uneven tread wear at one of the tyres;
Jerky movements;
Wheelchair deflects to one side;
Damaged or broken wheel assemblies;
Wheelchair does not switch on (blown fuse);
Wheelchair is powered but does not move, see 4.3.1.
4.3.1 Overload protection
To protect the motor against overload, the motor is automatically cut off in the following situations:
driving up or down slopes that exceed the maximum gradient indicated in chapter 5.
the nominal load exceeds its upper limit.
To use the wheelchair again: place joystick in neutral, remove the overload and wait until the
motor has cooled down.
Timix SU
4.4 Expected lifespan
The average lifespan of your wheelchair is 5 years. Depending on the frequency of use, driving
circumstances and maintenance, the lifespan of your wheelchair will increase or decrease.
4.5 Reuse
Before each reuse, have the wheelchair disinfected, inspected and serviced according to the
instructions in §4.1 and §4.2.
4.6 End of use
At end of life, you need to dispose of your wheelchair according to the local environmental
legislation. The best way to do so, is to disassemble the wheelchair to facilitate the transport of
recyclable parts.
Timix SU
Technical specifications
5 Technical specifications
The technical details below are only valid for this wheelchair, at standard settings and optimal
ambient conditions. Take these details into account during use.
The values are no longer applicable if your wheelchair has been modified, damaged, or is severely
worn. Be aware that the driving performance is influenced by ambient temperature, humidity,
slopes (driving up/down), type of surface and battery status.
Table 1: Technical specifications
Electric wheelchair, Class B
Timix SU
Maximum occupant mass
130 kg
Effective seat width
400 mm
450 mm
Overall width (depends on the width of the
armrests: minimum)
635 mm
670 mm
Dimensions Minimum
Dimensions Maximum
Max. speed (limited in standing position)
6 km/h
10 km/h
14 km/h
Continuous driving distance range*
Approx. 63 km
Approx. 40 km
Approx. 39 km
Overall length (with footplate lowered, not
folded up)
1260 mm
Overall height (sitting position)
1120 mm
Overall height (standing position)
1590 mm
Folded / dismantled length (footrests
Not applicable
Folded / dismantled width
Not applicable
Folded / dismantled height
Not applicable
Total mass
160,30 kg
Mass of heaviest part (that can be
dismantled or removed)
Not applicable
Masses of parts that can be dismantled or
Not applicable
Maximum safe slope
Obstacle climbing
100 mm
Ground clearance
80 mm
Seat plane angle
Effective seat depth
395 mm
470 mm
Thickness seat cushion
70 mm
Seat surface height at front edge (without
seat cushion)
540 mm
Backrest angle
11° - 3
Backrest height
510 - 620 mm
Distance between footplate and seat
365 mm
465 mm
Angle between seat and leg footplate
Angle between footplate and leg footplate
Timix SU
Technical specifications
Electric wheelchair, Class B
Timix SU
Maximum occupant mass
130 kg
Distance between arm pad and seat
242 mm
350 mm
Front location of armrest structure
508 mm
557 mm
Armrest Angle
26° / 101° (folded away)
Height leg rests to top of seat (measured in
the middle of the cushion)
155 mm
210 mm
Height footplate to knee support (measured
in the middle of the cushion; length
footplate minimum position)
400 mm
460 mm
Depth knee support and leg rests
60 mm
120 mm
Driving motors
2 x 220W +
electromagnetic braking system
2 x 350W +
electromagnetic braking system
(10km/h, 14km/h)
2 x 12V AGM / 80 Ah / 20 hr
Blow fuse
150 AMP
Degree of protection
Minimum turning diameter
Approx. 1320 mm
Reversing width
1300 mm
Diameter Rear wheels (number)
230 x 70 mm air (2)
Tyre pressure, rear wheels **
Max. 3,5 bar
Diameter front wheels (number)
Racing: 350 x 70 mm air (2)
Block profile: 342 x 70 mm air (2)
Tyre pressure, front wheels **
Max. 3,5 bar
Noise level
< 65 dB (A)
Strength tests according to
ISO 7176-8
Tests of power and control system
according to
ISO 7176-14
Ignitability of upholstery according to
EMC compliance
ISO 7176-21
Storage and use temperature
+5 °C to +41 °C
Operating temperature of the electronics
-10°C to +40°C
Storage and use humidity
We reserve the right to introduce technical changes. Measurement tolerance ± 15 mm / 1,5 kg / 1,5°.
* The theoretical driving distance will be reduced if the wheelchair is used frequently on slopes, rough
ground or to climb curbs.
**Since different tyres may be used, please note the correct operating pressure of the tyres you use.
Service registration form
Service registration form
This product (name): ……………………………………..
was inspected (I), serviced (S), repaired (R) or disinfected (D):
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
By (stamp):
Kind of work: I / S / R / D
Vermeiren GROUP
Vermeirenplein 1 / 15
2920 Kalmthout
website: www.vermeiren.com
Instructions for specialist dealer
This instruction manual is part and parcel of the product and must accompany
every product sold.
All rights reserved, including translation.
User manual - Timix SU_EN_W201429_A5_2023-03_G
Basic UDI: 5415174 122127Timix SU PT
Version: G, 2023-03

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Vermeiren Timix SU - 2023 User Manual - German - 24 pages

Vermeiren Timix SU - 2023 User Manual - Dutch - 24 pages

Vermeiren Timix SU - 2023 User Manual - French - 24 pages

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