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ʬʮʱʤ )ʸʥʩʠ ʱʮ' 1B ʱʥʧʩʩʬ 3 (ʩʣʫ ʸʸʧʹʬ ʺʠ ʺʬʩʲʰ ʢʤʤʤʸʣ, ʭʩʶʧʥʬ ʡʥʹ ʪʹʮʬ 3 ʺʥʩʰʹ
ʤʸʥʨʸʴʮʨʤ ʺʥʱʩʥʥʬ ʯʶʧʬʤ ʬʲ]-.[
ʸʥʧʡʬ ʪʺʥʸʹʴʠʡ ʺʠ ʤ ʺʥʸʥʨʸʴʮʨʩʥʶʸʤʺʥ ʸʲʩʹ ʢʥʱʬ ʭʠʺʤʡ :
ʣʲ °140 C ʷʬʧʥ ʷʣ ʸʲʩʹʬ .
ʣʲ °170 C ʩʬʢʥ ʷʣ ʸʲʩʹʬ .
ʣʲ °210 C ʬʺʬʥʺʮʥ ʤʡʲ ʸʲʩʹʬ.
ʭʩʮʢʣʡ ʭʩʰʥʩʤ ʺʩʩʶʷʰʥʴ:
ʸʹʠ ʭʩʰʥʩ ʸʦʴʮ ʥʰʹʩ ʤʦ ʸʩʹʫʮʡʭʩʩʬʩʬʹ ʭʩʰʥʩ ʸʦʴʮʥ ʸʩʹʫʮʡ ʤʣʥʡʲʤ ʬʫ ʪʹʮʡ ʣʡʥʲ.
ʭʩʰʥʩʤ ʭʤʮ?
ʭʩʰʥʲʨ ʭʩʷʩʷʬʧ ʭʤ ʭʩʰʥʩʡʲʡʨʡ ʭʩʩʥʶʮʤ ʬʮʹʧ . ʭʩʰʥʩʤʭʩʰʥʲʨ ʯʲʨʮʡ ʥʸʦʲʩ ʩʬʩʬʹ
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ʭʩʰʥʩ ʬʹ ʲʴʹ ʩʬʩʬʹ ʯʲʨʮʡʥʠ ʭʩʮʲʸ ʺʴʥʱ ʸʧʠʬ ʠʥʶʮʬ ʯʺʩʰ ʡʥʧʩʴ ʭʩ, ʭʩʸʤʡ , ʪʥʮʱʡ
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ʸʥʤʨ ʭʩʷʴʱʮ ʭʩʩʬʩʬʹʤ ʭʩʰʥʩʤ ʸʹʠ ʩʲʡʨʥ.
:ʸʲʩʹʬ ʺʸʴʥʹʮ ʺʥʧʬ
ʭʩʰʥʩʤʭʩʰʥʲʨ ʯʲʨʮʡ ʩʬʩʬʹ ʥʸʦʲʩʹʬʤ ʬʲ ʸʥʮʤʸʲʩʹʤ ʬʹ ʤʺʥʠʰʤ ʤʩʶʸʣʩ.
ʨʸʴʡ ,ʭʤ ʥʰʩʨʷʩ ʳʨʹʰ ʤʺʲ ʤʦʹ ʸʲʩʹʡ ʭʩʮʩʩʷʤ ʭʩʮʤ ʩʷʩʷʬʧ ʺʠ , ʲʡʥʰʸʹʴʠʮʹ ʤʮ
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:ʸʲʩʹʤ ʬʲ ʢʥʦʩʮ ʺʲʴʹʤ
ʸʲʩʹʤ ʬʹ ʢʥʦʩʮʡ ʺʲʩʩʱʮ ʺʸʴʥʹʮ ʺʥʧʬ. ʤʲʴʹʤ ʥʬ ʹʩʺʥʹʣʧʺʤʤ ʬʲ
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ʤʷʥʦʧʺʥ ʯʥʩʷʩʰ:
ʺʥʡʩʤʸʮ ʺʥʷʥʸʱʺ ʸʥʶʩʬ ʩʣʫ ʧʺʥʴ ʤʦ ʸʩʹʫʮʩʲʭʩʬʥʣʢ ʭʩʬʢ ʭʲ ʯ.
ʤʩʥʶʸʤ ʤʸʥʨʸʴʮʨʬ ʲʩʢʩ ʸʩʹʫʮʤʹ ʣʲ ʯʩʺʮʤʬ ʠʰ.
ʺʥʸʩʤʦ :ʤʩʩʥʥʫ ʺʰʫʱ .ʸʩʹʫʮʤ ʭʲ ʸʥʲʡ ʺʲʢʬ ʠʬ ʠʰ.
ʺʥʬʷ ʹʡʥʩʥ ʳʴʧʰ ʤʦ ʪʠʹ ʸʲʩʹ ,ʲʬ ʯʺʩʰʺʩʡʨʩʮʤ ʤʸʥʶʡ ʡʥʶʩ.
ʸʩʹʫʮʡ ʭʩʹʮʺʹʮʹ ʺʥʰʥʹʠʸʤ ʭʩʮʲʴʡ ,ʸʲʩʹʤ ʬʹ ʭʩʰʨʷ ʭʩʲʨʷ ʬʲ ʯʮʠʺʤʬ ʵʬʮʥʮ.
ʸʲʩʹ ʺʶʥʥʷ ʭʩʣʩʸʴʮ ,ʺʥʴʫʤ ʯʩʡ ʬʠ ʤʺʥʠ ʭʩʱʩʰʫʮʥ .ʭʩʹʸʥʹʡ ʭʩʬʩʧʺʮ) . ʸʥʩʠ2 .(
ʺʥʣʧʠ ʺʥʩʰʹ ʪʹʮʬ ʤʦ ʡʶʮʡ ʸʩʹʫʮʤ ʺʠ ʭʩʷʩʦʧʮ , ʺʶʥʥʷ ʬʹ ʷʬʧ ʬʫ ʬʲ ʤʠʬʤ ʪʫʥ
ʸʲʩʹʤ) . ʸʥʩʠ3 .(
ʳʥʶʸ ʩʬʢ ʨʷʴʠ ʺʸʩʶʩʬ , ʬʹ ʭʣʥʷʤ ʲʨʷʤ ʬʹ ʯʥʸʧʠʤ ʬʢʤ ʩʡʢ ʬʲ ʺʥʴʫʤ ʺʠ ʧʩʰʤʬ ʪʩʸʶ
ʸʲʩʹʤ) . ʸʥʩʠ4 ,5(
ʷʤʡʥʮ ʩʬʢ ʨʷʴʠ ʬʡʷʺʩʹ ʭʩʶʥʸ ʭʠ ,ʲʥʶʩʡʤ ʩʸʧʠ ʸʲʩʹʡ ʺʲʢʬ ʠʬ ʠʰ.
ʸʺʥʩ ʪʸ ʨʷʴʠ ʺʬʡʷʬ ,ʺʥʲʡʶʠʡ ʺʥʶʥʥʷʤ ʺʠ ʧʥʺʴʬ ʪʩʸʶ , ʩʣʫ ʸʲʩʹʤ ʺʠ ʹʩʸʡʤʬ ʥʠ
ʥʧʴʰ ʺʠ ʬʩʣʢʤʬ.
ʯʥʩʷʩʰ ʤʷʥʦʧʺʥ:
ʸʹʠ ʣʲ ʺʥʫʧʬ ʹʩ ʯʫʮ ʸʧʠʬʥ ʬʮʹʧʤʮ ʷʺʥʰʮʥ ʩʥʡʫ ʸʩʹʫʮʤ ʩʫ ʠʣʥʥ ʩʥʷʩʰ ʬʫ ʺʬʩʧʺʡ
ʸʸʷʺʩ ʸʩʹʫʮʤ.
ʬ ʺʩʬʨʮ ʥʠ ʺʩʬʨʮ ʺʥʲʶʮʠʡ ʺʥʷʰʬ ʯʺʩʰ ʸʩʹʫʮʤ ʺʠʧʤ ,ʭʩʮ ʭʸʦʡ ʠʬ ʭʬʥʲʬ ʪʠ .
ʭʺʥʷʰʬʥ ʭʩʸʺʥʰʤ ʭʩʸʦʩʡʠʤ ʺʠ ʸʩʱʤʬ ʹʩ ʳʱʥʰʡʥ.
ʩʮʮ ʭʩʸʮʥʧ ʥʠ ʩʥʷʩʰ ʬʦʥʰ ʭʥʹʡ ʹʮʺʹʤʬ ʯʩʠʸʩʹʫʮʤ ʯʥʩʷʩʰʬ ʭʩʱ
ʸʩʹʫʮʤ ʭʠʥʺ ʺʥʩʧʰʤʬ ʣʥʧʩʠʤ ʩʴʥʸʩʠʤ 2004/108/EC ,
2009/125 / EC, 2006/95/ EC ʺʰʷʺʥ EC ʱʮ' 1275/2008.
00060661 int_lugu2015 03/07/2015 11.40 Pagina 66

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