An RVP signal processing mode based on based on Fast Fourier Transform. See also
PPP (page 104).
Hybrid task
A group of up to 3 tasks with the same scan type which are scheduled together and
used together to make products. This allows flexibility of volume scanning schemes.
Interactive Radar Information System. A suite of software tools for configuring,
calibrating, and operating a complete weather radar system.
Ingest file
A disk file of raw polar coordinate data that is collected during the execution of a
TASK. Ingest files are used for subsequent product generation. See also RAW product
(page 105).
Specific Dierential Phase Shift. The range derivative of the dierential phase (PhiDP)
expressed in degrees per km. It is nearly linearly proportional to the rainfall rate.
MAX product
Shows the horizontal projection and the E-W and N-S vertical projections (in display
side panels) of the maximum reflectivity in a user defined layer.
Melting Level Height Detection
Manual scan
IRIS task scan mode in which data is recorded while the antenna is controlled
manually or via a separate program. Feedback is provided by the real time display.
Melting Layer
Melting layer or ML (height). Altitude at which falling snow starts to melt. This forms
the top of the Bright Band. Also called the 0°C height.
NDOP product
Dual-Doppler velocity product. Combines the velocity measurements from 2 or more
radars to get the wind direction and speed.
National Severe Storms Laboratory, Oklahoma, USA
PPI Full
IRIS scan geometry during which the antenna scans continuously in PPI mode without
stopping between elevation angles.
PPI Sector
IRIS scan geometry where the radar scans in PPI mode between two azimuths.
PPI product
Plan Position Indicator. This is the classic radar scan geometry where the elevation
angle is held constant and the antenna is scanned in azimuth. The resulting display is a
two-dimensional image (looking down) at a constant elevation angle.
Poly-Pulse Pair. An RVP signal processing mode based on pulse pair correlations. See
also FFT (page 104)
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E