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User Guide
IRIS Radar
Vaisala Oyj
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Phone: +358 9 8949 1
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© Vaisala 2016
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This product contains software developed
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This product may contain open source
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product and the product items delivered
to you.
Table of Contents
1. About This Document........................................................................................ 7
1.1. Version Information............................................................................................... 7
1.2. Related Documents................................................................................................7
1.3. Documentation Conventions................................................................................8
1.4. Trademarks............................................................................................................. 8
2. IRIS Introduction..................................................................................................9
2.1. IRIS Radar Overview.............................................................................................. 9
2.2. IRIS Users................................................................................................................ 9
2.3. IRIS Tasks...............................................................................................................10
2.4. License Types........................................................................................................10
2.5. IRIS System Set-ups.............................................................................................10
2.6. IRIS Hardware.........................................................................................................11
2.6.1. Workstation......................................................................................................11
2.6.2. Radar Signal Processor...................................................................................11
2.6.3. Radar Control Processor.................................................................................11
2.6.4. IRIS Network Connections............................................................................ 12
2.6.5. Color Printer and Output File Formats........................................................13
2.6.6. Tape Drive and DVD Storage........................................................................ 13
2.7. IRIS Architecture...................................................................................................13
2.7.1. Ingest Process.................................................................................................14
2.7.2. Real Time Display Output Process............................................................... 15
2.7.3. Product Generator Process........................................................................... 15
2.7.4. Product Output Process................................................................................ 15
2.7.5. IRIS Quick Look Windows.............................................................................16
2.7.6. Watchdog Process......................................................................................... 16
2.7.7. Network Process............................................................................................ 16
2.7.8. Server and Client Structure...........................................................................16
2.8. Viewing IRIS Documentation.............................................................................. 17
2.8.1. Printing Online Documentation....................................................................17
3. Starting and Stopping IRIS.............................................................................19
3.1. Logging in to the Host Computer.......................................................................19
3.2. Starting IRIS Client............................................................................................... 19
3.3. Exiting IRIS Client................................................................................................20
3.4. Starting the IRIS Host......................................................................................... 20
3.4.1. Starting IRIS Host from the Operating System......................................... 20
3.4.2. Starting IRIS Host from IRISnet...................................................................20
3.5. Rebooting the IRIS Host.......................................................................................21
3.6. Shutting Down the IRIS Host...............................................................................21
3.6.1. Shutting Down IRIS Host from the Operating System...............................21
3.6.2. Shutting Down IRIS Host from IRISnet........................................................ 21
4. Using IRIS Menus............................................................................................... 23
4.1. IRIS Menus Overview...........................................................................................23
4.2. IRIS Menu Title..................................................................................................... 24
4.3. Accessing IRIS Menus..........................................................................................25
4.4. Entering Information in Menus...........................................................................26
4.5. Viewing the Graphical IRIS Menu.......................................................................27
Table of Contents
5. Managing Servers..............................................................................................29
5.1. Customizing the Server List............................................................................... 29
5.2. Connecting to Servers..........................................................................................31
5.3. Disconnecting Servers......................................................................................... 31
6. Managing Audio Settings...............................................................................33
7. Using the Radar Status Menu....................................................................... 35
7.1. Running Radar from the Radar Status Menu................................................... 35
7.1.1. Control Section..............................................................................................36
7.1.2. Subsystem Status......................................................................................... 40
7.1.3. Antenna and Transmitter Status................................................................. 42
7.2. Mode Switching................................................................................................... 43
7.2.1. Manual Mode Switching............................................................................... 43
7.2.2. RCP Mode Switching.................................................................................... 44
7.2.3. Socket Mode Switching................................................................................44
7.2.4. Status Product Mode Switching..................................................................44
7.2.5. Automatic Mode Switching......................................................................... 44
8. Configuring Radar Tasks................................................................................ 47
8.1. Configuring Tasks................................................................................................ 47
8.2. Antenna and Radar Control............................................................................... 49
8.3. Processor
Configuration..................................................................................... 53
8.4. Data Corrections..................................................................................................58
8.5. Data Quality Thresholding................................................................................. 60
8.5.1. Optimizing Thresholds................................................................................. 64
8.6. Defining the Number of Samples...................................................................... 66
8.7. Exec Tasks.............................................................................................................68
9. Scheduling Radar Tasks..................................................................................69
9.1. Task Scheduling Overview..................................................................................69
9.2. TSC Editor Menu.................................................................................................. 69
9.3. TSC Monitor Menu................................................................................................ 71
9.4. Adding Tasks to a Schedule................................................................................73
9.5. Viewing and Editing Tasks in a Schedule..........................................................73
9.6. Removing Tasks from a Schedule...................................................................... 74
9.7. Scheduling Automatic Tasks.............................................................................. 74
9.8. Scheduling and Running Manual Scan Tasks....................................................75
9.9. Running A Task.................................................................................................... 76
9.10. Stopping a Task....................................................................................................76
9.11. Using Passive IRIS................................................................................................77
10. Products and Display.......................................................................................79
10.1. Configuring Products..........................................................................................79
10.1.1. Configuring RAW products..........................................................................79
10.1.2. Configuring PPI products.............................................................................79
10.2. Scheduling Products........................................................................................... 79
10.3. Viewing Products in Quick Look Window........................................................80
11. Troubleshooting.................................................................................................83
11.1. Error Handling......................................................................................................83
11.2. Viewing the Message List................................................................................... 83
11.3. Reacting to IRIS Messages..................................................................................85
11.4. Making Quick Look Windows Appear...............................................................85
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Appendix A: Task Configuration Examples....................................................87
A.1. Task Configurations.............................................................................................87
A.1.1. SURVEILLANCE.............................................................................................87
A.1.2. VOL_A............................................................................................................ 88
A.1.3. VOL_B............................................................................................................ 89
A.1.4. WIND..............................................................................................................90
A.1.5. SUNCAL and ZDRCAL Tasks.........................................................................91
A.2. Product Configurations and Scheduler.............................................................92
A.2.1. RAW Products............................................................................................... 92
A.2.2. Melting Height Products...............................................................................93
A.2.3. Product Scheduler........................................................................................ 94
Appendix B: IRIS Data Parameters.................................................................... 97
Appendix C: Passive IRIS Features....................................................................99
C.1. Passive IRIS Overview.........................................................................................99
C.2. Task Configuration, Scheduling, and Synchronization................................... 99
Technical Support............................................................................................................ 111
Warranty........................................................................................................................... 111
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 1 IRIS Network Connections...............................................................................12
Figure 2 IRIS Processes.....................................................................................................14
Figure 3 IRIS Menu Title...................................................................................................24
Figure 4 Graphical IRIS Menu Bar..................................................................................27
Figure 5 Customize Server List......................................................................................30
Figure 6 Audio Setup........................................................................................................33
Figure 7 Radar Status Menu........................................................................................... 35
Figure 8 Radar Status Menu Control Section.............................................................37
Figure 9 Site Status...........................................................................................................39
Figure 10 Radar Status Menu Subsystem Status Section........................................ 40
Figure 11 Radar Status Menu Antenna and Transmitter Status Section..............42
Figure 12 Automatic Mode Switch Menu......................................................................45
Figure 13 TASK Configuration Menu.............................................................................. 47
Figure 14 Antenna/Radar Control Pane........................................................................49
Figure 15 Processor Configuration................................................................................. 53
Figure 16 Data Corrections............................................................................................... 58
Figure 17 Data Quality Thresholding.............................................................................60
Figure 18 Threshold Criteria Parameter List Example...............................................63
Figure 19 Exec Tasks...........................................................................................................68
Figure 20 TSC Editor Menu............................................................................................... 70
Figure 21 TSC Monitor Menu.............................................................................................72
Figure 22 Quick Look Window..........................................................................................81
Figure 23 Message List Menu........................................................................................... 83
Figure 24 IRIS Message...................................................................................................... 85
Figure 25 SURVEILLANCE Task Configuration -Dual Polarization.........................88
Figure 26 VOL_A Task Configuration - Dual Polarization........................................ 89
Figure 27 VOL_B Task Configuration - Dual Polarization........................................ 90
Figure 28 WIND Task Configuration................................................................................91
Figure 29 SUNCAL and ZDRCAL Task Configurations.............................................. 92
Figure 30 Melting Height Product Configuration....................................................... 94
Figure 31 Default Product Scheduler.............................................................................95
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
List of Tables
Table 1 Document Versions...............................................................................................7
Table 2 Weather Radar Documentation........................................................................ 7
Table 3 Supported IRIS User Types.................................................................................9
Table 4 Example: CAPPI Picture Product.....................................................................15
Table 5 Default User Names and Passwords...............................................................19
Table 6 Access to IRIS Menus......................................................................................... 23
Table 7 File Menu............................................................................................................... 25
Table 8 Enter Menu Information.................................................................................... 26
Table 9 Ingest Process Statuses.....................................................................................37
Table 10 Radar Subsystem Status Descriptions...........................................................41
Table 11 Transmit Statuses................................................................................................42
Table 12 Safety Parameter Report Examples.............................................................. 43
Table 13 TASK Configuration Menu Description.........................................................48
Table 14 Example Task Names.........................................................................................48
Table 15 Scan Modes.......................................................................................................... 49
Table 16 Polarization Options...........................................................................................52
Table 17 Data types available in Task Configurations................................................53
Table 18 Max Range Limitations......................................................................................56
Table 19 Proc Options.........................................................................................................57
Table 20 Thresholding Concepts...................................................................................... 61
Table 21 Threshold Parameter Levels..............................................................................61
Table 22 Thresholding Rules and Tradeos.................................................................64
Table 23 Recommended Starting Point.........................................................................65
Table 24 Troubleshooting Data Threshold Optimization..........................................65
Table 25 Ray Components Based on Angle Syncing, Major Mode,
and Dual PRF Velocity Folding........................................................................67
Table 26 Task Start and Stop Commands......................................................................72
Table 27 Task Status............................................................................................................ 73
Table 28 24-hour Clock Daily Scheduling Example....................................................75
Table 29 Message List Sections....................................................................................... 84
Table 30 IRIS Data Parameters for Dual Polarization Systems................................ 97
Table 31 IRIS Data Parameters for Single Polarization Systems.............................97
Table 32 Task Schedule Methods...................................................................................100
List of Tables
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
1. About This Document
1.1. Version Information
This manual provides information about using IRIS Radar software.
Table 1 Document Versions
Document Code Description
M211317EN-E This manual. Fifth version. November 2016
M211317EN-D Fourth version. September 2014
M211317EN-C Third version. November 2013
1.2. Related Documents
Table 2 Weather Radar Documentation
Document Code Name
M211315EN IRIS and RDA Software Installation Guide
M211318EN IRIS Programming Guide
M211316EN IRIS and RDA Utilities Guide
M211319EN IRIS Product and Display Guide
M211317EN IRIS Radar User Guide
M211452EN IRIS and RDA Dual Polarization User Guide
M211322EN RVP900 Digital Receiver and Signal Processor User Guide
M211320EN Radar Control Processor RCP8 User Guide
For information on changes made since your current release was installed, download the
latest document versions and check the IRIS and RDA Release Notes from www.vaisala.com.
Vaisala encourages you to send your comments or corrections to helpdesk@vaisala.com
Chapter 1 – About This Document
1.3. Documentation Conventions
Warning alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read and follow
instructions carefully at this point, there is a risk of injury or even death.
Caution warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read and follow
instructions carefully at this point, the product could be damaged or important data
could be lost.
Note highlights important information on using the product.
Tip gives information for using the product more eciently.
Lists tools needed to perform the task.
Indicates that you need to take some notes during the task.
1.4. Trademarks
is a trademark of Vaisala Oyj.
is a trademark of Vaisala Oyj.
All other product or company names that may be mentioned in this publication are trade
names, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
2. IRIS Introduction
2.1. IRIS Radar Overview
IRIS Radar is a weather monitoring, tracking, and forecasting system for Doppler and non-
Doppler weather radar applications.
IRIS Radar provides tools for operating a radar network and distributing radar products.
Advanced Radar Product Generation
Archive and playback of products and raw data
CAPPI, PPI, RHI, vertically integrated liquid, echo tops, cross section, maximum
reflectivity, wind shear, and rainfall accumulation - with full interpolation in polar
Composite products creation using composite images from several radars
Forecaster features such as loop, geographic cursor, storm tracking and forecasting,
and interactive crosssection modes
Interactive manual scanning
Product generation from both realtime and archived data
Manage Radar Network
Advanced radar signal processing and control features
definition with automatic warnings
Comprehensive alignment and calibration
Comprehensive diagnostic and system monitoring
Local and remote radar control
Realtime display for local or networked workstations
2.2. IRIS Users
Table 3 Supported IRIS User Types
User Type Description
Radar operators Define and schedule radar tasks and determine how the radar data is output.
Observers View radar tasks, configurations, and schedules.
Send data through outputs.
View radar products and RAW data.
System managers Install and maintain IRIS software and platforms and manage users. Knowledge of
platform hardware is recommended.
Chapter 2 – IRIS Introduction
2.3. IRIS Tasks
A radar task is a set of operating parameter configurations for the radar antenna,
transmitter, receiver, and signal processing systems. The data acquired during the task are
stored on disk as ingest files, which serve as the data base for radar product generation.
Examples of tasks include:
Surveillance PPI scan at a single elevation angle.
Complete volume scan at multiple elevation angles.
PPI sector scan at either single or multiple elevation angles.
RHI scan at either single or multiple azimuth angles.
Use the TASK
Configuration menu to specify the antenna scanning, as well as other radar
parameters, such as pulse width, PRF, number of samples to average, and the type of data
to process such as Z, V, W, ZDR, RhoHV, or PhiDP).
Use the TASK Scheduler menu to execute tasks. The TASK Scheduler supports hybrid tasks,
made up of multiple sub-tasks.
More Information
Configuring Tasks (page 47)
IRIS Data Parameters (page 97)
Task Scheduling Overview (page 69)
Task Configurations (page 87)
2.4. License Types
IRIS requires at least one of the following licenses:
IRIS Radar runs at the radar site, controls measurement, and packs the measured values
IRIS Analysis typically runs on a separate computer. IRIS Analysis reads the files created
by IRIS Radar and processes the polar volume measurement to
dierent products, and
sends these to displays or archives.
IRIS Display lets the user view IRIS products on Quick Look Window, zoom, create
animations and cross sections, and control other display options.
2.5. IRIS System Set-ups
Location Description
IRIS/Radar Radar site Runs the radar and signal processing hardware, generates ingest files and
raw data for other IRIS sites.
Supports either the basic or full product set.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Set-up Location Description
IRIS/Analysis Central
Receives raw data products from the radar site over the network or from an
archive device, such as a tape or optical disk.
Supports the full product set as well as remote control and monitoring.
IRIS/Display Remote
Receives processed product files or raw data over the network or from an
archive, and uses them for display purposes.
Supports the basic product set as well as remote control and monitoring.
2.6. IRIS Hardware
2.6.1. Workstation
IRIS runs on computers with a Linux operating system.
The workstation can run the IRIS processes and menus and functions as an output device for
IRIS products.
2.6.2. Radar Signal Processor
Radar signal processor (RVP) software triggers radar measurement by producing the trigger
signal for the transmitter using the intermediate frequency digital receiver (IFDR) unit in the
After the IFDR unit has digitized the received echo signal into samples (I and Q data), RVP
processes the data in the radar server computer using computations such as:
Converting the received signal amplitude into calibrated radar reflectivity values.
Doppler processing to
filter out ground clutter and compute radial velocities.
Polarimetric processing to classify the measured hydrometers and to apply attenuation
The end product of the RVP process is a radar ray, where selected radar data from a certain
short time interval is stored as a function of range.
Parameters configure signal processing, such as pulse repetition frequency, range resolution,
and Doppler
filter parameters. You can select these either directly when running RVP as a
standalone or through the IRIS software when IRIS controls the RVP process during
automatic weather radar measurements.
2.6.3. Radar Control Processor
Radar control processor (RCP) software controls and monitors weather radar system sub-
units, including the pedestal, power supply unit, transmitter, receiver, waveguide matrix,
cabinet cooler, dehydrator, and safety interlock system.
The hardware interfaces for the subsystems are the CAN bus, ethernet, I/O connector panel,
serial, and, USB interfaces.
Chapter 2 – IRIS Introduction
Radar Control Processor Software
RCP software steers the radar antenna in the defined measuring direction to read the
azimuth and elevation angles from the angle encoders. The angle values are combined with
the output of the RVP signal processing to display measured radar data as a function of
azimuth, elevation, and time.
RCP software displays status information, such as the status and faults of radar system units
as well as the controls for switching the transmitter radiation on and
2.6.4. IRIS Network Connections
Figure 1 IRIS Network Connections
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
2.6.5. Color Printer and Output File Formats
An optional color printer provides hardcopies of products, prints tape/DVD disk inventories,
and supports other system maintenance and documentation. Color postscript printers are
The output
files can be formatted as IRIS Native, TIFF with optimal compression, BMP, GIF,
JPG, Postscript, or Compressed serial link format.
2.6.6. Tape Drive and DVD Storage
A DVD is used for IRIS installation.
Archive/retrieve is supported on DAT tape, DVD+RW drivers, and large disk archives (LDAs)
on a local or remote hard disk.
2.7. IRIS Architecture
IRIS is made up of processes that convert radar data to output formats for display, printing,
or storing on tape or disk.
Chapter 2 – IRIS Introduction
Ingest Process
Ingest Files
Radar Base
Product Files
Product Output
Color PostScript Hardcopy
Real Time Display
Local or Networked Workstation
for example, dBZ, V, W
Figure 2 IRIS Processes
2.7.1. Ingest Process
The signal processor sends base data to the IRIS Ingest Process.
The Ingest Process controls the signal processor and RCP for the data acquisition. A task is a
set of instructions for performing a scan, such as a single RHI scan or a PPI volume scan at
multiple elevation angles. The antenna scanning, signal processor configuration, PRF, pulse
width, and so on, make up the parameters of the task configuration.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
IRIS executes one task at a time, but up to 8 separately defined tasks can be scheduled to
run at dierent times, and up to 26 tasks can be linked together to form a single hybrid task.
Running the radar comprises defining the task configuration and the task schedule.
IRIS provides menus for performing these operations and allows you to save the results on
disk so that task configurations and schedules can be recalled easily.
IRIS can store many hours of volume scans of raw ingest data, depending on the size of the
disk that is available.
2.7.2. Real Time Display Output Process
The ingest data from the signal processor are split to the real time display output process
which constructs ray-by-ray packets (for example, 1°) that are broadcast over the network
using the UDP socket approach.
Radar scan data can be viewed on:
Networked workstations running the IRIS real time display
Local workstation where the data are collected.
The broadcast approach allows the simultaneous use of multiple-networked real time
displays without burdening the network.
2.7.3. Product Generator Process
files are the starting point for IRIS products. They are the input to the product
generator, which creates representations of the raw data as product
files. See IRIS Product
and Display Guide.
Like tasks, products are configured and scheduled and can be saved to a disk and recalled
later for product generation.
The product generator takes the ingest file for the task, computes the product, then stores
the result in a product file. Results from one product file can be used to compute another
Table 4 Example: CAPPI Picture Product
Product Configuration Defines.... Product Schedule Defines....
Height of the CAPPI surface
Display parameters: maximum range,
parameter, pixel resolution, and default color
Which task provides the ingest file for
computing the CAPPI product
How often IRIS generates the product:
Each time the associated task runs
Only the next time the task runs
Only for selected ingest files
2.7.4. Product Output Process
Product files can be requested by IRIS users or sent automatically to the following output
Chapter 2 – IRIS Introduction
Interactive Quick Look Windows.
Disk files on networked workstations, where the products are available for local display
and manipulation. Many dierent formats are supported.
Tape drives, DVDs, or Large Disk Arrays for data recording (archiving).
Printers for hardcopy.
A Product Output process takes the product file, reformats or compresses it as required by
the device, and transmits it over the appropriate interface. Custom reformatting is available
through IRIS output pipes, which are open source software routines that can be linked to a
network output.
IRIS can record to tape or DVD and retrieve any product
file. This means that retrieved
products are available for display as if they were generated normally. The RAW product
allows ingest
files to be restored so that they are available for future product generation.
2.7.5. IRIS Quick Look Windows
IRIS products can be displayed in many display windows.
2.7.6. Watchdog Process
To make room for new ingest and product files, a watchdog process automatically deletes
files according to their age.
2.7.7. Network Process
IRIS supports working in network environments. For example, the product generation
process can run on a dierent computer on the network to free the primary IRIS host to
control the radar (Radar process) and handle user interactions (Product Output process).
You can remotely control and monitor IRIS on another workstation using tools for accessing
all aspects of the radar control.
The software architecture supports adding new output devices and products for new
2.7.8. Server and Client Structure
IRIS runs in a host/client structure. There is always at least one host running on an IRIS
system, and many clients can connect to it.
This architecture is much more
ecient in terms of bandwidth than exporting a window.
This allows the menus to be responsive if the network speed is limited.
The IRIS server runs the processes, the radar and signal processor, product generator and
output processes. It collects data and creates ingest files as defined by tasks and schedules.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
The IRIS client runs the menus — the user interface for viewing products and managing the
host. The client menus let users define products and tasks, establish schedules, and monitor
the host's activities.
The client runs locally on the user's computer and connects to an IRIS server on the network
or on the same computer.
2.8. Viewing IRIS Documentation
To read IRIS product documentation, use the Adobe
For more information on using the reader, select Help in the reader window.
1. Launch the Manuals Menu by doing one of the following
In an IRIS Menu, select Help > IRIS Help.
In IRISNet, select Manuals > Manuals Menu.
In a terminal window, type: $ manuals &
2. Select a document.
The document is context sensitive. Depending upon where you are in the user interface,
the document opens either to the table of contents or to the chapter describing the
3. Use PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, arrows, links, and search to navigate within documents.
4. Use the Manuals Menu to switch between documents.
2.8.1. Printing Online Documentation
If a postscript printer has been
configured for the system, you can print the online
1. Display the chapter that you want to print.
2. Select File > Print.
3. In the printer dialog window, select the range of pages that you want to print and the
print options.
Chapter 2 – IRIS Introduction
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
3. Starting and Stopping IRIS
3.1. Logging in to the Host Computer
Systems configured at the Vaisala factory have the following default usernames and
Most users log in to IRIS Radar as either observer or radarop. Only use the root
account if you must perform administrative tasks.
Table 5 Default User Names and Passwords
Username Password
1. To log on to the host, enter your user name and password.
After a short pause, the system displays the operating system prompt.
3.2. Starting IRIS Client
IRIS menus can run from the same or a
dierent system than the host, as long as they are
connected to the host over a network connection.
1. Log in to the client system
2. On the command line, type iris&.
The IRIS menu bar appears.
3. Select Connect > <host name>.
Select either the local host or the remote IRIS host.
4. Select Menus and the name of the menu you want to access.
As you work, you can access the menus list from the menu bar or from within each menu.
Chapter 3 – Starting and Stopping IRIS
3.3. Exiting IRIS Client
1. Select Exit > Exit.
3.4. Starting the IRIS Host
IRIS starts automatically on boot-up.
Check that power is applied to the radar and all IRIS devices. While this is not essential to
starting IRIS, it must be done at some point.
When IRIS starts up, it tries to execute default operating tasks.
If there is a danger to personnel from radiation, set your radar console switch in the
Local position so that IRIS cannot take control.
You can also
configure a mode named DEFAULT that does not start the radar antenna
and transmitter. See 7.1. Running Radar from the Radar Status Menu (page 35).
3.4.1. Starting IRIS Host from the Operating System
1. In the operating system prompt, type:
CentOS7: sudo systemctl start iris
RHEL6/CentOS6: siris or sudo service iris start
The IRIS startup process starts. Startup messages are logged in the siris_out log
The IRIS startup process checks the configuration of the setup files. If an error is
detected, it is signaled.
For information on resolving errors, see IRIS and RDA Utilities Guide.
When start-up is complete, the operating system prompt reappears, and IRIS is ready to use.
If you have trouble with your system, check the siris_out startup messages.
3.4.2. Starting IRIS Host from IRISnet
You can start the IRIS Host remotely or locally using the IRISnet utility.
1. On a host computer command line, type: $ irisnet &.
2. Double-click the icon for starting IRIS (a green
trac light).
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
3.5. Rebooting the IRIS Host
The host computer usually runs 24 hours/day. If it is turned o, or if there is a power failure,
the system manger or an operator designed by the system manager must boot the system.
Most systems, and unattended systems, are
configured to reboot automatically when the
power is turned on. This can take several minutes to complete. If your system should reboot
automatically but does not, check the BIOS configuration.
Never switch o a running LINUX computer from the power switch.
1. If you are logged in as radarop or observer, logout.
2. Login as root.
3. Unmount tapes and
floppies, if necessary.
4. Shut the computer safely down by typing: # shutdown -h now
3.6. Shutting Down the IRIS Host
Shutting down IRIS host must be done as radarop. Typically, IRIS is stopped only for
maintenance reasons, such as before halting or rebooting the computer.
You can stop the IRIS Host remotely or locally using the IRISNet utility (See IRIS and RDA
Utilities Guide.
3.6.1. Shutting Down IRIS Host from the Operating System
1. In the operating system prompt, type:
CentOS7: qiris
RHEL6/CentOS6: sudo service iris stop
IRIS goes through a shutdown procedure to leave the radar and antenna in a safe, non-
operating state. IRIS clients are disconnected.
3.6.2. Shutting Down IRIS Host from IRISnet
1. Double-click the icon of a host computer.
2. Double-click the icon for quit IRIS, qiris (a red
trac light).
IRIS goes through a shutdown procedure to leave the radar and antenna in a safe, non-
operating state. IRIS clients are disconnected.
Chapter 3 – Starting and Stopping IRIS
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
4. Using IRIS Menus
4.1. IRIS Menus Overview
IRIS menus provide tools for defining how IRIS collects, processes, and displays radar data.
Multiple users can access the menus. The most recently save configuration is stored.
IRIS does not warn you if other users are editing task configurations or if the
radar is being controlled by other users.
Access rights define who can view or edit a menu. For example, an observer may view the
TSC Monitor menu to see which tasks are currently scheduled, but cannot modify tasks.
Table 6 Access to IRIS Menus
Menu Users Description
Archive Menu
Control the IRIS tape, DVD, or LDA operations, including
recording and retrieving.
Display archive logs that list the contents of a device.
radarop and Observers
List the ingest files on a disk, manually delete files, or set
the Keep flag so files are not deleted by the Watchdog
IRIS Menu Bar All Users Select other menus and exit IRIS.
Messages All Users View logged error and status messages.
Overlay Menu All Users Choose which overlay to use when viewing data from a
radar site.
All Users Specify product configuration.
Select the task used for product generation and the
type of product.
All Users Show what products are available on disk and select
products for transmission to workstations.
Operators can transmit products and overlays to a
workstation, printer, or tape/DVD.
radarop and Observers
Schedule which products to run.
Operators Configure map projections which are required when
compositing multiple radars.
Chapter 4 – Using IRIS Menus
Menu Users Description
Quick Look
All Users Provide easy access to IRIS data for forecasting
Radar Status
radarop and Observers
Monitor and control hardware components and IRIS
All Users View the PPI or RHI radar scan in real time.
All Users Configure radar and signal processing tasks, such as a
volume scan.
TSC Editor Operators Create task schedules to be executed from the TSC
Monitor menu
TSC Monitor Operators Schedule task execution. Schedules may be repetitive
(for example, every 15 minutes), or a single execution.
1) Observers can only view menu contents.
4.2. IRIS Menu Title
Figure 3 IRIS Menu Title
IRIS menu titles contain the name of the server to which IRIS is connected, the name of the
menu, and the name of a
configuration file that has been loaded in the menu.
If you have not loaded any
configuration files, the DEFAULT configuration file loads.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
4.3. Accessing IRIS Menus
1. Select Menus and choose a menu from the list.
2. Within each menu, select File to perform common operations.
Table 7 File Menu
Menu Option Description
Load (Menus with live
data such as Overlay)
Show a list of configuration files you can load in the menu.
Save as Save your configuration under the same name or under a new name that
you specify.
Delete Delete the configuration file that is currently loaded in the menu.
Print Select one of the following options:
Print > to Printer sends the output to the Postscript or color printer
specified in the Printer Setup menu.
Print > to File sends the output to a file in your default home
directory. The
file name consists of a three-letter abbreviation of the
menu name, the current date and time, and the .xwd
file extension.
Print > Setup lets you configure the printer on your system.
Close Return to the IRIS menu bar.
Chapter 4 – Using IRIS Menus
3. Select Update Now to sync the information when many IRIS menus are running at the
same time.
4. Select Reset Size to reset the menu to its default size.
4.4. Entering Information in Menus
Table 8 Enter Menu Information
Mode Description
Text fields Enter the text, such as the name of a configuration file or a numeric value, in the field or
select the button next to the field to show a list of valid values.
Lists Select one or more list items:
Left-click the mouse over a single entry.
Click and drag the mouse over a group of entries.
Press CTRL and left-click the mouse to select a single entry without deselecting
previous entries. Do this to select a group of entries that are not next to each other in
the list.
Press CTRL and click and drag the mouse to selects a group of entries without
deselecting previous selections. Do this to select multiple blocks of entries.
Left-click the mouse to toggle these buttons on (the button appears to be pushed in) or o.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
4.5. Viewing the Graphical IRIS Menu
Figure 4 Graphical IRIS Menu Bar
1. To toggle the graphical menu on or o, select Tools > Display IRIS Image.
Chapter 4 – Using IRIS Menus
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
5. Managing Servers
5.1. Customizing the Server List
IRIS client menus run locally on your workstation. You can connect these menus to your local
IRIS server or IRIS servers on other computers where IRIS is running.
When you run the IRIS menus for the
first time, you must define the list of IRIS servers that
you want to be able to access.
The server that is running on your local workstation, localhost, is listed by default.
Chapter 5 – Managing Servers
5. Select OK to add the server to the list.
The server list is stored on disk so that the entries you make in one session are available
in the next.
6. Select Apply to save your changes.
5.2. Connecting to Servers
To activate IRIS menus, you must be connected to a server running an IRIS host. You can
connect to only one server at a time.
If you are an IRIS observer, you can connect a host and view menus but cannot change
menus that control the radar or network operation.
1. In the menu bar, select Connect and pull down the list of available servers.
The list contains the names of the servers that you added in 5.1. Customizing the Server
List (page 29).
2. Select a server from the list.
The IRIS menu bar title changes, displaying the class of use (either OPERATOR or
OBSERVER) and the name of the server node.
5.3. Disconnecting Servers
1. Select Connect > Disconnect.
Chapter 5 – Managing Servers
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
6. Managing Audio Settings
Figure 6 Audio Setup
1. Select Tools > Audio Setup.
Configure speech options in the Speech panel.
a. Select or deselect Enable to enable or disable all speech originating from your local
Define the sound output settings
Select Local to output to the sound card in your workstation.
Select Remote to the specified PC using the specified port number.
For remote output, enter the Hostname of the workstation.
For remote output, enter the Port Number. The recommended value is 30731.
c. Select Test to send the test string on the menu as a spoken output.
d. Use the slider to control audio volume.
Chapter 6 – Managing Audio Settings
3. Configure sound options in the Sound panel.
a. Under Hardware, if you have a sound card, select Sound Card.
If you do not have a sound card, select Bell.
b. Under Alarm, select Continuous or Timed alarm.
For timed alarm, select the time (in seconds) for how long beep, honk, or other
sound you want to hear.
a. For Alarm File, select the .wav
file you want to hear when IRIS gives an alarm
The loudspeaker icon plays a sample to help you choose. The alarm messages are
tagged in the message summary menu with an s (spoken).
The options are available only if you have a sound card.
b. For Msg File, select the .wav
file you want to hear when IRIS gives a non-alarm
4. Select Save.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
7. Using the Radar Status Menu
7.1. Running Radar from the Radar Status
Figure 7 Radar Status Menu
The Radar Status menu provides tools for running,
configuring, controlling, and monitoring
an IRIS radar or analysis system.
Because it involves real-time processes, the Radar Status menu is a radarop menu.
Anyone may view the menu.
configuration is automatically loaded when IRIS first starts. You must
configure it to be either a non-operating state or the desired working state. In most cases,
Vaisala recommends the latter.
On most radars, with DEFAULT mode configured as the desired working state, IRIS runs
the scheduled tasks automatically and there is no need to perform the following steps.
Chapter 7 – Using the Radar Status Menu
Figure 8 Radar Status Menu Control Section
Set the DEFAULT IRIS configuration so Radiate and Servo Power are o if
there is a possible hazard to personnel when IRIS starts.
TASK Schedule
Determines which task schedule is run. Select the button to show a list of available task
Ingest Process
Provides control and status for the software that runs the radar system and creates ingest
files. Toggle this button to start or stop radar operation.
In the Setup utility, you can
define whether RCP or signal processing (DSP) is reset when
ingest process starts up. By default resetting both is enabled.
Resetting RCP is a convenient way to reset after a shutdown. This also causes the RCP
reset output line to toggle, which may be configured to reset other equipment at the
radar site.
When the signal processor resets, it takes a noise sample before resuming data
collection. This is a convenient way to force a noise sample.
The text area to the right of the toggle button shows the ingest process status.
Table 9 Ingest Process Statuses
Status Description
Running The current task is running normally.
Idle No task is running, but the radar process is ready to run tasks. Either tasks have not been
scheduled, or it is not time for a scheduled task to run.
Stopped The ingest process is o.
Chapter 7 – Using the Radar Status Menu
Controls the transmitter radiate with the following options:
Auto — For normal operation. IRIS turns the transmitter radiate on and o
automatically. For example, if there is no task to be run for five minutes or more, IRIS
temporarily turns the radiation
On — The transmitter radiate is on at all times during IRIS operation. This is the
recommended setting for magnetron radars.
O — The transmitter radiate is o at all times during IRIS operation. A warning
message is generated if you run a task with Radiate turned o.
Transmitter radiate status is reported as either On or O. See 7.1.3. Antenna and Transmitter
Status (page 42).
Transmitter (T/R) Power
Controls power to the transmitter cabinet. The status is either On or O. When power is
o, the sensors for some of the Antenna/Transmitter status items do not function
Servo Power
Turns the antenna servo drive power on and
o. The status is either On or O.
Product Schedule
Determines which products are generated. Select the button to show a list of available
product schedules. In most cases, DEFAULT is the only product schedule.
Product Generator
Toggles Product Generator process on and o. The status is shown as Idle, On, or O.
The reingest process takes a RAW product
file and makes ingest files, which can be
processed to make products. The reingest process can be activated either:
Automatically, whenever a RAW product is restored from tape.
Automatically, whenever a RAW product is received over the network.
The reingest process can be toggled on or o. The status is displayed as Idle, Running, or
If your system is licensed to receive product output from the Nordic Radar Network System
(NORDRAD), you can turn NORDRAD on and o.
The field shows the status of the receive process as Idle, Running, or Stopped.
Select to open the Message Summary menu.
The Message
field shows the number of messages after IRIS startup.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Site Status
Gets information from Status products that are either received over the network or made
These are made automatically at each radar site on a
fixed schedule (for example, every 10
minutes) as set in the setup/product utility. See IRIS and RDA Utilities Guide.
The Status product can then be sent automatically over the network through the Product
Output Menu. For example in a radar network, each radar may send routine status products
to a central maintenance facility.
Select the button next to the
field to show a list of all sites and their status.
Figure 9 Site Status
Output Schedule
Indicates the mode of the product output menu. Select the button to show a list of available
output modes.
For example, you may have 2 parallel network connections to the radar site (main and
backup network) and in DEFAULT mode products are sent through the main network, while
in BACKUP mode they are sent through the backup network.
Product Output
Controls whether products can be output to display devices or tape. This is a convenient
way of stopping all output to all users if a problem develops.
Network Receiver
If your system is
configured to receive product output from another IRIS host or
workstation, this field shows the status of the receive process, as Idle, Running, or Stopped.
Chapter 7 – Using the Radar Status Menu
The field also displays the number of IRIS systems to which you are connected. If the
number is 0, you are not currently connected. The other computer may not be running IRIS
or the connection may be broken. You can toggle this field on and o to attempt to
reestablish a broken connection. Check with your system manager if you are uncertain.
IRIS Webview
If your system is running IRIS Focus server, you must enable the IRIS Webview option.
When enabled, this field shows the status of the server process, as Idle, Running, or
Mode Switch
Select this button to enable automatic
reconfiguration. That is, IRIS automatically changes
the configuration in response to a warning product.
Use the Automatic Mode Switch menu to define the warning products to check and the
configurations to load in the event of a warning.
IRIS input process can be polling directories looking for arriving
files. This is configured from
the Input section on setup. The inputs switch turns the inputs on/o.
7.1.2. Subsystem Status
The Radar Status > Subsystem Status pane displays the status of the subsystem devices
connected to IRIS. The contents vary depending upon the system set-up.
Figure 10 Radar Status Menu Subsystem Status Section
Use the setup utility to
configure the devices listed under Subsystem Status.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Depending on the device, the status is obtained from self-tests invoked when the radar
process starts and from watchdog process that monitor the device during normal
Status information displayed with the status message NA (not available) indicate that a
device has not been installed.
Table 10 Radar Subsystem Status Descriptions
Device Type
Device Status Running Status Additional Information
(Radar Control
Fault (yellow
Error (red background)
N/A If the status is OK,
indicates if RCP is
controlled by:
Computer - RCP is
controlled by the
computer, but IRIS
does not actively
control it. For
example, if the
ingest process is
idle and waiting
for the next task to
If RCP overall status is
Fault or Error:
Dead Ang (no
antenna angle
(Doppler Signal
Idle - DSP is OK but
(Quick Look Window)
N/A - Device is
configured in Setup but
is not initiated.
NoIRIS - Used for TDWR
Idle - device is OK but
Init - device is initializing
The alias name of the
device as configured in
the Setup utility Output
Networkx Node Name
(Network Output)
1) x indicates the number of the output device as configured in the Setup utility Output section.
Chapter 7 – Using the Radar Status Menu
7.1.3. Antenna and Transmitter Status
The Radar Status > Antenna and Transmitter Status pane shows the status for the antenna,
transmitter and BITE systems, including antenna position and velocity.
Figure 11 Radar Status Menu Antenna and Transmitter Status Section
Azimuth and Elevation Position and Velocity
The azimuth and elevation values show the antenna position and velocity (in RPM).
For the velocity, clockwise and upward motion are positive values, while counterclockwise
and downward motion are negative values.
Table 11 Transmit Statuses
Status Description
O The transmitter is o.
Not Ready The transmitter is warming up.
Standby The transmitter is ready to transmit, but has not been set to radiate using the Radiate
Radiate The transmitter is radiating.
Safety Parameters
The safety parameters display the status of safety and monitoring parameters reported by
the built-in test equipment. The report contents depend on the installation.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Table 12 Safety Parameter Report Examples
Safety Parameter Description
Air Flow Shows whether the cooling air flow in the transmitter is Normal or Fault.
Interlock Shows the status of the safety interlock circuit. For example on a high voltage cabinet
door, the status is either Normal (door closed) or Fault (door open).
Magnetron Shows the magnetron current as Normal or Fault.
Waveguide Shows the waveguide pressure as Normal or Fault.
BITE Shows OK or Fault for the optional BITE unit.
For information on faults, see the Bitex section in IRIS and RDA Utilities Guide.
Fault Alarms Sent to IRISnet
The red or yellow fault indicator in IRISnet shows the state of the Radar Status Menu on a
A red
field in Radar Status menu causes a cross indicator to the IRISnet icon. The cross is red
for critical alarms, and yellow for non-critical alarms.
The Site Status
field of Radar Status Menu is not indicated in IRISnet.
Since Site Status shows other sites, it would be confusing if a fault in Site A causes an
IRISnet Red X on site B just because site B was receiving status products from A.
If a local fault causes the site status to go red, that fault is indicated elsewhere in the
Radar Status Menu.
You can set some faults to be critical or non-critical. For example:
Radar, Product Generator, or Output Processes turned–o (buttons at the top). These
are always critical.
DSP or RCP communication error (sub-system status
fields). These are always critical.
Antenna/Transmitter Status: BITE (configurable in BITEX to be null, critical or non–
Antenna/Transmitter Status: Air Flow, Waveguide, Interlock, Magnetron
in setup/rcp to be critical or non–critical).
7.2. Mode Switching
7.2.1. Manual Mode Switching
1. To switch modes manually, do one of the following:
Select File > Change RST and select the new mode.
Load a new
configuration in the Radar Status menu.
Chapter 7 – Using the Radar Status Menu
7.2.2. RCP Mode Switching
In RCP mode switching, RCP controls the system mode. This mode is only applicable to a
radar system.
Mode switching is normally used for switching between redundant systems due to fault
When RCP mode switching is enabled in IRIS, socket mode switching and status product
mode switching are unavailable. RCP can choose one of the following:
Force the mode to switch. This disables all other choices, so manual mode switching
and automatic mode switching are disabled.
Enable the other choices. In RCP mode switching, the Automatic Modes Switching
button is controlled by the RCP.
For more information, see the appendix on dual radar systems in Radar Control
Processor RCP8 User Guide.
7.2.3. Socket Mode Switching
In socket mode switching, modes are supplied by a socket message. Use this mode to:
Switch modes based on input from another software system
Trigger mode switch based on a Bitex status (in this case the input is an IRIS message).
In socket mode switching, RCP can do one of the following:
Force the mode to switch. This disables all other choices, so manual mode switching
and automatic mode switching are disabled.
Enable the other choices.
In socket mode switching, the Automatic Mode Switching button is controlled by the
This mode is only available when RCP mode switching is disabled.
7.2.4. Status Product Mode Switching
Status product mode switching allows a system to slave its configuration to a master system
based on the status products from that master.
Each time a status product arrives from that other system, the mode is forced to match.
This is used as part of a passive IRIS system, or to slave a RPG computer to a RDA computer
in redundant systems.
You can change modes through manual mode switching or automatic mode switching.
7.2.5. Automatic Mode Switching
In automatic mode switching, mode transitions can be controlled by warning products.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
This is used to change modes based on weather. Between times, you can change modes
You can define up to 16 situations in which the IRIS configuration is automatically switched.
For example, you may want to switch configurations automatically when a wind shear is
Because configurations can also be switched when a warning is absent, you can define the
conditions under which to automatically switch back to a default
configuration. A series of
warning products can be chained together, triggering a series of actions, each requiring a
dierent configuration.
1. To enable or disable automatic mode switching, select Radar Status > Mode Switch.
Mode Switch is unavailable if RCP mode switching or socket mode switching are enabled. Defining a Series of Automatic Mode Switches
Figure 12 Automatic Mode Switch Menu
1. Select Radar Status > Mode > Auto Mode.
Chapter 7 – Using the Radar Status Menu
2. Enter the information in the fields:
Minimum Switch Time— Minutes that must pass before the configuration can switch
Warn Product— Enter the name of a warning product directly into this field, or select a
product from the list of products. When this warning is encountered (or when it is
absent) the IRIS configuration switches automatically.
Alert— Set to Yes if the configuration should switch when the warning is encountered.
Set to No if the
configuration should switch when the warning is absent.
New IRIS Config— Name of a configuration directly into the field, or pop up a list of
configurations to choose from. This configuration is loaded in the Radar Status menu
when the warning condition is met.
3. Select Apply to add the definition to the list;
Select Clear to start again.
4. Repeat Steps 2 - 3 for up to 16 warnings.
5. To discard your
definitions, select File > Reload.
This loads the most recently saved definitions.
6. Select File > Save. Changing or Deleting a Definition
1. In the Automatic Mode Switch menu, select a definition from the list.
The warning and
configuration names are displayed in the fields above the list.
2. To change the definition, enter a new warning product or configuration name if you
3. To delete a
definition, set the Alert field to "- - -" .
4. Select Apply.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
8. Configuring Radar Tasks
8.1. Configuring Tasks
Use the TASK Configuration menu to create or modify radar tasks.
Figure 13 TASK Configuration Menu
Chapter 8 – Configuring Radar Tasks
Table 13 TASK Configuration Menu Description
Menu Pane Description
Antenna/Radar Control Sets up radar and antenna operations.
See 8.2. Antenna and Radar Control (page 49).
Processor Configuration Sets up the output data, ranges and averaging used by the signal
See 8.3. Processor Configuration (page 53).
Data Correction Determines corrections made from output data.
See 8.4. Data Corrections (page 58).
Data Quality Thresholding Sets up the threshold levels and criteria for real time data quality
See 8.5. Data Quality Thresholding (page 60).
1. To create a new task, select Menus > Task Configuration.
2. Enter a task name and description.
a. Select a name that summarizes the task. Task names may contain up to 12
characters, no spaces are allowed. Use an underscore instead of a space.
You can
define hybrid tasks with up to 26 subtasks. For hybrid tasks the task
configuration file names for these must end in _A, _B and _C to denote the first,
second, and third sub-tasks.
b. Enter a brief task description (less than 65 characters).
Table 14 Example Task Names
Example Task Description
PPI_VOL A volume scan.
RHI_230 An RHI at azimuth 230.
SURV_500 A 500 km surveillance scan.
PPI_A First subtask of a hybrid task.
3. Configure the task using the options in the menu.
4. To edit the configuration of a task, do one of the following select File > Open.
The TASK Configuration menu opens showing the task configuration for this task.
For unscheduled tasks, more than one copy of a task can be in use at any time.
Note that:
If a task is scheduled, it cannot be
Only one user can edit a particular task at a time.
5. Select File > Save As to save the task
6. Use TASK Scheduler to schedule and execute the task.
See 9.1. Task Scheduling Overview (page 69).
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
More Information
IRIS Tasks (page 10)
8.2. Antenna and Radar Control
Figure 14 Antenna/Radar Control Pane
Use the Task
Configuration > Antenna/Radar Control pane to set up radar and antenna
operations for controlling tasks and products.
Scan Mode
Use Scan Mode to select the following modes.
Table 15 Scan Modes
Scan Mode Description
PPI Full The antenna scans continuously in azimuth without stopping during the
For PPI scans, IRIS holds the elevation constant and scans in azimuth.
PPI Sector The antenna starts and stops at azimuth boundaries that you specify.
Manual You control the antenna while the real time display shows live weather
Manual scans are used for interactive real time applications, observation of
tornado, or microburst signatures.
RHI The antenna scans in elevation at a specified azimuth.
For RHI scans, IRIS holds the azimuth constant and scans in elevation
between specified limits.
Exec Execute any shell command. See 8.7. Exec Tasks (page 68).
Azimuth and Elevation for PPI and RHI Scans
For PPI Sector and RHI scans, you must specify start and stop limits for the swept antenna
coordinate, and a list of discrete angles for the unswept coordinate.
There is a duality between the PPI and RHI scans in that the lists and limits that apply in one
case can be carried over to the other case by reversing the roles of azimuth and elevation.
Chapter 8 – Configuring Radar Tasks
Elevation for PPI Full and PPI Sector Scans
To set up the antenna elevation limits for a PPI Sector and PPI Full scans, enter the list of
elevation angles to be used on successive sweeps:
1. Select Elevation button to show a window containing up to 40 elevation angles and
make your selections.
2. Select Apply > Exit. (Select Clear to start over.)
When you
finish editing, the menu entry shows the number of specified tilt angles and the
minimum and maximum angles.
Azimuth for PPI Full Scans
For PPI Full scans, the Azimuth
field shows Full Circle. The antenna scanning is continuous
in azimuth.
Azimuth and Elevation for PPI Sector Scans
When a PPI Sector scan runs, the antenna scans back and forth between the azimuth limits
at a rate that achieves the requested azimuthal resolution between each processed ray. The
first sweep of the scan is performed using the first elevation angle from the elevation list; the
second sweep using the second angle, and so on.
To set up the antenna azimuth limits for a PPI Sector scan, enter the start and stop angles, in
the Azimuth field, type the limits to the nearest whole or 1/10°. The following table shows an
example of how the sector is defined clockwise from the first limit to the second limit.
Azimuth First
Azimuth Second
90. 270° Scans the southern half of the radar circle.
270.0° 90. Scans the northern half of the radar circle.
Azimuth and Elevation for RHI Scans
For RHI scans, the set-up procedure is similar to PPI Sector, except that you:
Enter the start and stop limits in the Elevation field.
Enter the angle list in the Azimuth field.
The elevation limits for RHI scans are constrained by the limits specified in the setup utility.
See IRIS and RDA Utilities Guide.
Azimuth and Elevation for Manual Scans
For manual scans, the Elevation and Azimuth
fields show NA because the antenna is
controlled interactively.
The resolution is the required spacing between successive data rays in the scanned
You can select a resolution from a menu or type the value in the field.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Resolution for PPI Full and PPI Sector Scans
For PPIs, specifying 1.0° resolution means that for every degree of azimuth there is a new set
of samples of, for example, the reflectivity at all ranges. The range is limit 0.352 .... 2.000.
During PPI scanning, antenna and signal processing are coordinated so that data are
collected at the specified resolution interval. Sampling is the nearest N*(Resolution) starting
with 0°.
For example, if the resolution is 1.0, rays of data are collected at 0, 1, 2, ... degrees. If the scan
speed is set to Auto, the PPI antenna scan rate is adjusted automatically to scan as rapidly
as possible to achieve the requested resolution.
The Radar Status shows the achieved scan rate.
Resolution for RHI Scans
In RHI scans, the elevation angular velocity used for the scan is not constant. A fixed velocity
results in too much time being spent at high elevation angles where only the initial 20 km
(or so) of the ray contains useful data. Also, too little height resolution would be obtained
for low elevation angles and far ranges. To compensate, the elevation velocity for RHI scans
is a function of the elevation angle itself — the velocity increases as the angle increases.
For RHI scans, IRIS picks and displays the closest Resolution between 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8.
The selected resolution represents the desired angular ray spacing at 0° elevation. This
generally corresponds to a small elevation velocity near 0°, but by the time the antenna
reaches its zenith the elevation velocity is approximately 10 times greater. The RHI velocity
algorithm attempts to maintain constant distance spacing along the maximum range and
height boundaries of the scan to produce a properly
filled data presentation.
Resolution for Manual Scans
For manual scans, IRIS picks and displays the closest Resolution among 90, 180, 270, and
360, either continuous or non-continuous.
If you plan to use manual scanning, you must pre-configure scans for the situation. Specify
the number of rays of data that you want stored (up to 1024 angles or rays) and how long
IRIS should continue to collect data, as follows:
Continuous The manual scan continues indefinitely until it is halted manually in the task
scheduler. New rays overwrite the old ones on disk such that the maximum
number of rays is fixed at the requested number.
In most cases, use this option so the task does not stop in the middle of the
Non-Continuous The manual scan stops automatically after collecting a defined number of rays.
For more information, see 9.8. Scheduling and Running Manual Scan Tasks (page 75).
Chapter 8 – Configuring Radar Tasks
Scan Speed
Value Description
Auto IRIS automatically calculates the scan speed of the antenna to match the sampling
to the requested resolution.
Recommended for PPI and RHI scans. Type Auto or 0 .
Numerical value
Enter the scan speed in degrees per second. Note that 6°/sec is 1 RPM, 12°/sec is 2
RPM, and so on.
When testing a task, observe the actual scan rate in the Radar Status Menu.
If you are in the Auto mode, you can tune the scan rate by changing the fields in the radar
status menu and then retesting. For example, to increase the scan rate in Auto mode, you
Increase the PRF
Decrease the number of Samples
Decrease the scan Resolution
For more information, see the setup/ingest utility in the IRIS and RDA Utilities Guide.
Pulse Width
Some systems support multiple pulse widths.
Select the pulse width in microseconds (for example 1.0 μsec). IRIS picks the closest
available value.
Most systems support one or more of 0.50, 1.00, 2.00, and 5.00 μsec.
The PRF is automatically reduced to the maximum permissible value if the new choice
exceeds the duty cycle limit of the transmitter.
field is available for dual polarization systems. The following table shows the
polarization options.
Table 16 Polarization Options
Option Description
H, V Fixed H or V polarization.
When the polarization is fixed, you specify which polarization to
use for sampling. Typically, horizontal is selected because of the
slightly greater returned power from meteorological targets.
For a standard radar at fixed horizontal polarization, the field
appears as N/A.
H+V Simultaneous transmit/receive in dual pol.
Alt Alternating, not available on Vaisala radars.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Ship Velocity Correction
If this feature is enabled in the setup utility, this enables or disables a radial velocity
correction to account for moving radar platforms.
The velocity correction used in IRIS allows for
dierent types of ship motion sensing:
Inertial Navigation Unit (INU)
Gyro System with GPS
See C.1. Passive IRIS Overview (page 99).
8.3. Processor Configuration
Figure 15 Processor Configuration
The Task Configuration > Processor Configuration pane provides tools for setting up the
output data, ranges, and averaging used by the signal processor.
Select Data to define the types of data output sent by the signal processor and stored in the
ingest files.
Data shows data appropriate for you system. You can only select data types appropriate for
you task’s configuration. You can also select whether to record in 8-bit or 16-bit format.
The number parameters you select aects to the size of your Ingest and Raw product files.
When you exit the menu, your choices are displayed in the field.
See RVP900 Digital Receiver and Signal Processor User Guide.
Table 17 Data types available in Task
T Total reflectivity (not clutter corrected)
If T is the only selection, the signal processor operates in the intensity-only processing mode
without performing any Doppler processing. This allows more range bins to be processed
because of the lower processing diculty.
Chapter 8 – Configuring Radar Tasks
Te Total reflectivity (not clutter corrected) with enhanced reflectivity
Z Reflectivity (clutter corrected)
Ze Reflectivity (clutter corrected) with enhanced reflectivity
Vel Doppler mean velocity
Width Doppler spectrum width
SQI Signal Quality Index
ZDR Dierential reflectivity
KDP Specific dierential phase
PhiDP Dierential phase
RhoHV Cross channel correlation coecient
Tv Total reflectivity in vertical channel
Zv Reflectivity in vertical channel
Depolarization Ratio
Cross channel correlation coecient, when transmitting only one
Average phase dierence between the co- and cross-polar channels for a dual channel
polarization radar operating in fixed or switching mode.
1) H and V notation indicates the transmit polarization.
T&Z are
Choose how T and Z are handled:
Calibrated radar
reflectivity factors
Most common
Measured signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
Used for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes and for radar antennae with non-
standard beam patterns. Note that when SNR units are selected, the clutter correction
is applied to Z but not to T.
Specify how many pulses are averaged (from 2 ... 256, continuously selectable) to obtain the
final estimates of the radar parameters for each ray in Samples.
IRIS requires approximately 40 samples for acceptable averages and reliable clutter
In general, the number of samples should be as large as possible, however, the more
samples there are, the slower the antenna scan speed must be.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Filter Dop
Use the Filter Dop to specify a clutter filter type.
There are 8
filters available, including no filter: Specify an integer between 0 ... 7, where
0 is no filter. Typically this is done so that filter 1 is the least aggressive and filter 7 is the
most aggressive.
Selecting a clutter
filter depends on the scan rate, antenna beam width and the operational
objectives. In general, the narrower the
filter the better, since a broad clutter filter has a
greater adverse eect on the weather echoes. The narrower filter is also less aggressive.
Some experimenting with the best combination of clutter
filters and thresholds is usually
required. See 8.5.1. Optimizing Thresholds (page 64).
To determine which filters best reduce the eects of clutter while doing the least damage to
the weather, try
dierent clutter filters on a rainy day and compare Z and T (the corrected
and uncorrected reflectivity) on the real time display.
When optimizing the Doppler
filter, do not use the CSR threshold as the Z threshold
The best way to determine the appropriate filter is to use the Ascope utility to measure the
actual width of clutter Doppler spectra as a function of the scan rate, which can be
controlled through the Antenna utility). For more information, see IRIS and RDA Utilities
For more information on
configuring clutter filters, see RVP900 Digital Receiver and Signal
Processor User Guide.
Start Range
Start Range specifies the required range of the first data bin to the nearest 1/10 km.
Usually this is set to 0.0 so that sampling starts at the closest possible range. However, when
2 tasks are used to define a sampled volume, it is sometimes useful to have:
One task sample an inner range at a high PRF.
One task sample an outer range at a low PRF.
Bin Spacing
Bin Spacing
specifies the desired range resolution of the data.
Type the value to the nearest meter or choose from a list of values.
IRIS picks and displays the allowable bin spacing that is closest to your choice. This depends
on the processor, with a typical value of 125 meters.
See IRIS and RDA Utilities Guide and TTY Non-Volatile Setups in RVP900 Digital Receiver
and Signal Processor User Guide.
Range Averaging, Input Bins, and Output Bins
Range averaging means that the data obtained at the output bins is obtained by averaging
2 ... 16 input bins.
Chapter 8 – Configuring Radar Tasks
The menu choices for range averaging are:
None— No range averaging. The Input Bins and Output Bins fields are identical.
No range averaging is performed, and single-point sampling is done for each of the
output bins.
25— Range averaging over 2 ... 5 bins. For example:
2 bins: IRIS doubles the number of input bins by placing new bins halfway between
each of the output bins, then averages the 2 bins together to obtain each of the
output bins.
3 bins: IRIS creates 3 times as many input bins as output bins. Data at each output
bin is the result of averaging 3 equally spaced input bins.
The total number of input bins is limited by your processor. If you specify a range
average that results in greater than the processor limits, IRIS reduces the maximum
range to be consistent with the limit.
Max Range
Max Range
defines the maximum range (km) of data collection.
If fields such as the PRF, Range Averaging, or Bin Spacing change, IRIS attempts to fill in
range bins to the full unambiguous range. If this is successful, Max Range equals the
unambiguous range.
In most cases, Vaisala recommends that you keep the Max Range less than Unambiguous
Max Range turns red if it exceeds the Unambiguous Range. A Max Range that exceeds the
unambiguous range is allowed for users using their own major processing mode. It is also
useful to allow the Max Range to exceed the unambiguous range by 1 range bin to make the
Max Range an even value, for example 150 km instead of 149.9 km. In other cases data that
exceeds the unambiguous range is nulled.
The following limitation may cause Max Range to be less than the Unambiguous Range:
Table 18 Max Range Limitations
Total Number of Range
Limited to 4200.
Unambiguous Range
The display-only Unambiguous Range is the maximum range for first trip echoes —
the maximum range from which an echo can be received before the next pulse is issued. It is
aected if the PRF is changed.
Playback determines the noise
floor and calibration level used by the RVP when playing
recorded time series data. The options are:
RVP current noise floor and calibration level
Values recorded in the time series
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
The Playback value has no eect on the noise floor and calibration level of the RVP during
normal operation.
Velocity Unfolding
For Doppler systems, velocity unfolding (Velocity Unfold) determines whether dual PRF
control and processing are performed. The options are:
None— Single PRF operation with no velocity unfolding.
3:2— Dual PRF with ratio of 3:2. This provides 2X velocity unfolding as compared to the
unambiguous velocity for the larger PRF.
4:3— Dual PRF with ratio of 4:3. This provides 3X velocity unfolding as compared to the
unambiguous velocity for the larger PRF.
5:4— Dual PRF with ratio of 5:4. This provides 4X velocity unfolding as compared to the
unambiguous velocity for the larger PRF.
See RVP900 Digital Receiver and Signal Processor User Guide.
High PRF and Low PRF
Specify High PRF and Low PRF by entering a value to the nearest whole Hz, or by choosing
from a list of values.
The computed Low PRF is displayed in the adjacent column (display only).
The maximum and minimum values depend on the duty cycle limit of the transmitter for the
selected pulse width.
If you enter a PRF that exceeds of these limits, IRIS inserts the limited value.
Unambiguous Velocity
The display-only unambiguous velocity (Unamb Vel) changes when you change High PRF or
Velocity Unfold.
Processor Mode
Proc Mode determines the processor mode. The options are:
Table 19 Proc Options
Mode Description
PPP Pulse pair processing.
FFT Fast Fourier transform.
RPHASE Random phase.
DPRT–1 Dual PRT mode 1.
DPRT–2 Dual PRT mode 2.
BATCH Batch Mode Processing.
Chapter 8 – Configuring Radar Tasks
Mode Description
Phase Code
Phase Code
The transmission phase of a Magnetron transmitter is always Random.
For Klystron and TWT
amplifier transmitters, the transmission phase may be controlled
using a phase shifter. This field allows the signal processor to specify the phase of each
Fixed is the legacy mode for Klystron and TWT
amplifier transmitters. Random allows a
Klystron or TWT amplifier to mimic the pulse phase of a Magnetron, which is useful for
second trip echo cancellation. SZ 8/64 is a predetermined phase code algorithm which
mitigates range ambiguities and allows for better recovery of weak
first trip spectral
moment estimates which have been contaminated by stronger second trip estimates.
Attenuation Correction
To enable attenuation correction for dual polarization, select DP Attn Cor Z ZDR.
You need a valid dual polarization license code to use the dual polarization attenuation
correction function. See IRIS and RDA Dual Polarization User Guide.
8.4. Data Corrections
Figure 16 Data Corrections
Clutter Map Z
When no Doppler filtering is available, you can use clutter mapping to remove clutter.
1. Make a volume scan in a weather situation without any precipitation to represent
typical clutter in your images.
2. Tag this product as Clutter Map in the Ingest Summary menu, and turn it on in the task
It modifies the Z data to remove any signal weaker than the clutter scan.
Alternatively, to remove clutter from the RAIN1 products, tag a RAIN1 product as
clutter map.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Target Detect Zc
Target Detect Zc computes Zc with uniform weather removed. Any input signal of more
than 2 range bins in a row is smoothed and then only peaks are passed. The goal is to pick
out targets against a weather background.
Only use Target Detect Zc for target tracking.
Beam Blockage Zc
Because of obstructions to the radar horizon (towers, buildings, mountains) the radar beam
can be partially or totally obstructed.
Use Beam Blockage Zc to use the Ingest process to compute Zc by correcting the measured
Z values for partial beam blockage.
Beam Blockage Zc can make corrections up to 10 dB. Larger corrections (for example,
more than 90% of the beam power lost) are not practical.
To use beam blockage, you must configure the beam_block.conf file in the IRIS
configuration directory (/usr/sigmet/config) .
For example, configure the file for each elevation angle used in the volume scan:
Azimuth angle span
Range at which the blockage starts
Blockage in dB up to 10 dB
Elevation angle tolerance
For more information on the
file format, see the example beam_block.conf file shipped
with your system.
These feature works best when dynamic angle synchronization is used so that the azimuth
rays are collected over the same angle span every time (or example, for 1° resolution, the
angle spans would be 0.5 ...1.5, 1.5 ... 2.5, and so on).
The blockage correction is based on the assumption that part of the beam is blocked, and
part continues on to reflect from weather targets. Thus all signal returns beyond the
blockage have a lower power than the correct value. To correct for this, IRIS adds the
appropriate constant to all range bins beyond the blockage. There is no correction to handle
complete beam blockage. Up to 2 beam blockages are supported in each direction.
Unfold Vc
Use VVP unfolding to unfold Doppler speeds in individual range bins, when the value is
compared to a reference VVP product.
Unfolding for IRIS-corrected velocity, Vc, is especially important for NDOP (Multiple
Doppler) product. For more information, see IRIS Product and Display Guide.
Chapter 8 – Configuring Radar Tasks
You must create a reference VVP product with a product name UNFOLD to perform this
Attenuation Zc
Attenuation Zc computes a Zc by correcting for the intervening attenuation.
In the Ingest setups, set a Z attenuation constant and exponent, maximum Z for correction
and maximum cumulative correction. For each task, decide if you want to use the
attenuation correction.
Values are suggested for X- and C-bands. Vaisala does not recommend the attenuation
option for S-band.
If multiple corrections are turned on for Zc, the order of operations is:
1. Beam blockage
2. Intervening attenuation
3. Target detection
Remove Fallspeed in Vc
Radial winds are assumed to be caused by the horizontal winds only. The fallspeed of the
hydrometeors (of order 1 m/s for snow to 10 m/s for rain) can make a
significant contribution
to the radial velocity.
To estimate and remove this eect, the water phase (snow or rain) of hydrometeors must be
known. If you use this correction, add the height of the melting level to the setup
information. This correction is mainly used when making the NDOP product.
See SRI product in the IRIS Product and Display Guide for information on setting the melting
level dynamically.
Storm Relative Vel Vc
Removes the storm motion from the radial velocities. The source of the storm motion is an
IRIS FCAST product, which you must
configure with a product name STORM.
8.5. Data Quality Thresholding
Figure 17 Data Quality Thresholding
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
The signal processor performs thresholding to ensure clean displays, promote ecient
execution and transmission of the products, and reduce the amount of tape and disk space
required to hold compressed data and product archives.
Table 20 Thresholding Concepts
Concept Description
Threshold IRIS edits data in real time to remove range bins with weak signal power,
unreliable estimates of Doppler parameters, or polarimetric parameters that
suggest echo is of undesired origin, for example not precipitation.
Parameters Each threshold parameter has its own user-defined threshold level. See the
following table.
Threshold Criteria The parameter to use as the criterion.
For example, the Z values could be discarded when the log receiver signal is weak.
Likewise, V values could also be discarded when the log receiver signal is weak. In
both cases, LOG is the threshold criterion for thresholding Z and V.
Threshold Levels Acceptable levels for the signal.
Using the same example, the threshold level for the LOG may be set at 1 dB above
noise. In this case, the velocity and reflectivity are discarded if the LOG receiver
power does not meet or exceed 1 dB above noise. This is done on a bin-by-bin
For each range bin, the values of the threshold parameters are computed and
compared with the
user-defined threshold levels. The result is either a "pass" or
"fail" for each threshold parameter.
Table 21 Threshold Parameter Levels
Parameter Threshold Level
LOG Level (dB)
The receiver signal-to-noise ratio.
The average LOG channel power (dB) at each range bin is compared to the LOG
threshold level (typically 1 dB). A LOG level of 0 dB represents the noise floor.
If the measured LOG power at a bin is greater than the threshold, the range bin is
"passed" for LOG.
SQI Threshold
Doppler channel signal quality index (SQI).
A measure of the coherence or Doppler power of the linear channel. The SQI is
0 ... 1, where 0 corresponds to a signal that is "white noise" (no coherent power)
and 1 corresponds to a signal that is a perfect point Doppler target (all power is
An SQI greater than approximately 0.4 is required to measure mean velocity and
spectrum width.
If the measured SQI at a bin is greater than the threshold, then the range bin is
"passed" for SQI.
Chapter 8 – Configuring Radar Tasks
Parameter Threshold Level
CSR Threshold
Doppler channel clutter-to-signal (CSR) ratio.
The CSR compares the ground clutter power to the meteorological signal power in
the Doppler channel. The CSR is calculated for each range bin and compared to
the user-defined threshold, typically set to 20 ... 40 dB depending on the
coherence of the transmitter/receiver system.
If the measured CSR at a range bin is less than the threshold level, then the bin is
"passed" for CSR.
SIG Level
A measure of the power from weather targets, excluding noise.
Refers to the weather signal power. That is, the signal to noise ratio corrected for
clutter. This is typically set to about 10 dB, and used to threshold widths. This is
because the spectrum width cannot be measured from a very weak signal.
If the measured SIG at a range bin is greater than the threshold level, then the bin
is "passed" for SIG.
PMI Threshold
Polarimetric meteo index (PMI), available at polarimetric radars operating in the
mode of H+V transmission.
Describes the consistency of the data with the hypothesis of precipitation (the
default preference). The estimate is obtained from the ratio of the rule strengths
of the HydroClass pre-classifier class Meteo to the maximum rule strengths of
the alternative hypotheses Bio Scatter and Ground Clutter /
Anomalous Propagation.
As default, the ratio is transformed into a score function that lies smoothly
between 0 and 1, where 0 corresponds to a signal that is unlikely Meteo (low
Meteo rule strength) while 1 corresponds to a signal that is likely the preferred
class Meteo.
The value 0.45 is the threshold where the
pre-classifier declares the bin
DB_HCLASS data to Meteo, in the default HydroClass
1) Available in all Doppler processing modes.
Threshold Levels and Criteria
The threshold criterion controls whether a particular type of data (T, Z, V W, and Dual Pol)
should be accepted for each range bin by defining which thresholds to apply to each of
these output parameters.
For example, the reflectivity is usually set so that the Z values (and T) is accepted if the LOG
test passes. As a further constraint, you can accept the corrected
reflectivity values (Z) only
if both the LOG and CSR tests pass. This assures not only that the signal is strong enough for
a good estimate, but that the ground clutter is not so strong that the estimate is unreliable.
To set the threshold levels, position the cursor on the appropriate level field and type the
value or move the slider within the scale until the desired value is displayed in the
To change the threshold criteria, enter a value in the field or select an option for each
parameter from a list of choices.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Figure 18 Threshold Criteria Parameter List Example
All Pass means that any value is accepted, and thresholding values are ignored.
Polarimetric variables are treated identically to Dual Pol.
Select Defaults to reset thresholding to the default values.
Point Clutter Filter
Point Clutter is a target that has strong total power in one or two successive range bins but
is bordered on either side in by bins of significantly lower power. Meteorological targets
rarely appear this way, but aircraft and ships do.
The Point Clutter Filter is eective in removing small, strong targets having some velocity
causing standard clutter suppression to not work as well.
The Point Clutter Filter is applied in the signal processor using the autocorrelation data (T
, R
, and R
) after the Doppler spectrum clutter filtering. A range bin is flagged as
containing clutter if its total power (T
) exceeds that of its neighboring range bins by more
than a
specified detection threshold (in dB). The neighboring range bins may be configured
to be up to 3 bins away from the central bin. This is used with small bin resolutions, such as
25 meters, as some point targets appears in more than one successive range bin. When a
range bin is flagged, the averages of the autocorrelation values from its neighbors are
assigned to the
flagged range bin. In this way point clutter can eectively be removed from
data, even when contained in valid meteorological data.
Select PntCtl to toggle on or o the Point Clutter suppression feature of the signal
processor. The number in the toggle selects how far away the neighboring range bin should
be along the radial for the comparison.
The Thresh field defines the detection threshold (0 ... 20 dB).
Chapter 8 – Configuring Radar Tasks
Speckle Filters
A speckle is a range bin that has valid data but is bordered on either side in range by bins
with invalid data (empty bins). Meteorological targets rarely appear this way, but towers,
aircraft and "lucky noise" do.
IRIS provides buttons for enabling or disabling the 2 D Speckle and 1 D Speckle speckle
IRIS includes separate 1 D Speckle filters:
Z - LOG channel parameters (for Z, T and ZDR)
V - Linear channel parameters (for V and W)
Vaisala recommends toggling
o the speckle filters initially and adjusting the number of
samples so that there are only a few speckles on the real time display. After the adjustments,
you can toggle on the speckle filters for a cleaner display.
If increasing the number of samples would make the task too slow, you can also adjust the
LOG or SQI threshold level for Z/V until only few speckles remain.
8.5.1. Optimizing Thresholds
When defining thresholds for your system, you must experiment to obtain the best
combinations for your application to understand the rules and their tradeos.
Table 22 Thresholding Rules and
Rule Tradeos
Use large numbers of samples (>50).
The more samples, the better the estimates of all
The antenna must scan more slowly when the
number of samples is larger and a slow scan rate may
be inconsistent with operational objectives.
A scan rate of 1 ... 3 RPM is typical for good
estimation, but the slower the better.
See 8.6.
Defining the Number of Samples
(page 66).
Use a high PRF.
Doppler estimates tend to be better when the PRF is
The larger the PRF, the shorter the unambiguous
Do not use a clutter filter that is broader than
necessary to remove the ground clutter.
The required filter width depends on the selected
scan rate.
Use the Ascope utility to observe the width of
Doppler spectra at close range to estimate the
required width of the clutter filter.
To simulate IRIS operation, you can use the Antenna
utility to scan the antenna while the Ascope runs. For
more information.
See IRIS and RDA Utilities Guide.
A clutter filter that is too broad can damage weather
information without improving the clutter
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
To find the right threshold values for your system, check data from dierent weather
situations (clutter only, rain, snow, convective or widespread precipitation) and verify the
situations from independent sources of weather information. Consider making special
monitoring products such as low elevation PPIs with color scale down to -20 dBZ, and
RAINN products over a long period.
The following table suggests a starting point.
Table 23 Recommended Starting Point
Parameter Threshold Starting Point
Dual Pol LOG
Speckle filters on
Table 24 Troubleshooting Data Threshold Optimization
If you have this problem... ..try first to change this threshold
Mountains Filter Dop bigger or CSR smaller
Underestimation of rain over mountains CSR bigger
Doppler snake (no echo at side wind) Filter Dop smaller
Noise at all elevations Log bigger
Dots at low elevations Speckle filter on
Second trip echoes SQI bigger
Vanishing strong showers SQI smaller
Chapter 8 – Configuring Radar Tasks
8.6. Defining the Number of Samples
Defining the number of samples means balancing 2 factors: the more samples you have, the
better the Doppler speed estimate and clutter filters work. However, taking many samples
means you cannot move your antennas quickly.
Maximum Number of Samples
You can calculate the maximum number of samples as follows:
Number of pulses in per ray
Number pulses you send per second
How long the sector is scanned for a single ray
Number of degrees the antenna moves per second
IRIS helps you determine the parameters in this equation, and then determines which
parameter it should adjust in each case.
Number of Samples Per Ray
A ray is a collection of pulses (samples) integrated in a single data output from the signal
The RVP signal processor provides several parameters to
define what samples are included
in a ray. The key parameters that determine the number of samples in a ray are Angle
Syncing, Major Mode, and Dual PRF Velocity Unfolding.
The following table shows what constitutes a ray based on the setting of the 3 parameters.
In terms of this discussion, the operation of RPHASE mode is equivalent to FFT mode
Manual tasks are always done with angle syncing
o, regardless of the IRIS setting for
angle syncing.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Table 25 Ray Components Based on Angle Syncing, Major Mode, and Dual PRF Velocity Folding
Ray Description
A ray of data is output by the signal processor every RESOLUTION
degrees of antenna motion.
Each ray consists of the integration of all pulses during the previous
RESOLUTION degree of antenna motion. All radials are RESOLUTION
degrees wide.
The pulses selected for integration are centered on the position (N *
RESOLUTION); where N is the number of this radial. If RESOLUTION =
1.0°, the rays are centered on integer values with ray starting and ending
values on 0.5° boundaries.
The setting of SAMPLES is ignored.
A ray of data is output by the signal processor every RESOLUTION
degrees of antenna motion.
Each ray consists of SAMPLES number of pulses. This implies that the
width of each radial is not necessarily equal to RESOLUTION. A ray may
be wider or narrower depending on the setting of SAMPLES.
The pulses selected for integration are centered on the position (N *
RESOLUTION); where N is the number of this radial.
A ray of data is output by the signal processor every RESOLUTION
degrees of antenna motion.
The low PRF rays consist of SAMPLES number of pulses, unless there
are fewer SAMPLES than pulses available during the previous
RESOLUTION degrees of antenna motion. If there are fewer number of
pulses available, the ray consists of the integration of all pulses during
the previous RESOLUTION degrees of antenna motion.
The number of pulses integrated in the PRF rays consists of SAMPLES
multiplied by the DUAL PRF RATIO. This implies that the width of a
ray may be narrower than RESOLUTION, but never wider.
The pulses selected for integration are centered on the position (N *
RESOLUTION); where N is the number of this radial.
A ray of data is output by the signal processor every SAMPLES number
of pulses consisting of the integration of all of these pulses. IRIS reads
all rays.
For manual tasks, all rays are stored.
For non-manual tasks, the rays with the best angular fit are stored every
RESOLUTION degrees of antenna motion. If rays are too infrequent to
fit every slot in the scan, some slots have missing rays. If rays are made
too frequently to
fit every slot, the extra rays are discarded.
In the DUAL PRF case, rays made at the low PRF are longer in time
(and usually in angular distance) then the rays made at the high PRF.
Chapter 8 – Configuring Radar Tasks
Ray Description
A ray of data is output by the signal processor at the CPU limit of the
signal processor consisting of the integration of SAMPLES number of
Rays may be partially overlapping. Thus one ray may share many of the
same samples with the previous ray. This sharing iterates among all rays.
IRIS reads all rays.
For manual tasks, all rays are stored. For non-manual tasks, the rays
with the best angular
fit are stored every RESOLUTION degrees of
antenna motion.
If rays are too infrequent to fit every slot in the scan, some slots have
missing rays. If rays are made too frequently to
fit every slot, the extra
rays are discarded.
A ray of data is output by the signal processor every SAMPLES number
of pulses consisting of the integration of all of these pulses. IRIS reads
all rays.
For manual tasks, all rays are stored. For non–manual tasks, the rays
with the best angular fit are stored every RESOLUTION degrees of
antenna motion.
If rays are too infrequent to fit every slot in the scan, some slots have
missing rays. If rays are made too frequently to
fit every slot, the extra
rays are discarded.
Rays made at the low PRF are longer in time (and usually in angular
distance) then the rays made at the high PRF.
8.7. Exec Tasks
Figure 19 Exec Tasks
Use Exec Tasks to execute an arbitrary shell command scheduled by the task scheduler
The signal processor is released from use before this runs. This allows the command to
include programs which use the signal processor, such as zauto.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
7. To control when a scheduled task runs, select the Start, Stop, or Repeat fields.
IRIS can schedule tasks to run at a specific time, or as soon as possible regardless of the
clock time.
See 9.7. Scheduling Automatic Tasks (page 74).
Use the tool above the list to change the times (hours, minutes, or seconds).
The time is based on a 24-hour clock and are either UTC or local based on a the
system set-up.
Select None to clear the time selection.
None for Repeat time means that it runs continuously without pausing.
For hybrid tasks, the B and C parts are left blank because a hybrid task is treated as a
single task for scheduling purposes.
8. To view the estimated time required to run a task, run the task at least once and select
Menus > TSC Monitor.
This is helpful in creating new schedules. For example, if the run time is 00:05:30, do
not schedule the task should to run more frequently than every 5 1/2 minutes.
9. Set scan priorities and resolve schedule
conflicts with the Mandatory and Skip options:
Set Mandatory to yes to allow the task to interrupt a non-mandatory task when its
scheduled time arrives.
Set Skip to yes to let the IRIS skip the task if the radar is busy with another task
when its scheduled time arrives. The task can run late by up to 60 seconds before it
is skipped.
For hybrid task, the B and C parts are left blank because a hybrid task is treated as a
single task for scheduling purposes.
For more information on managing task priority, see 9.7. Scheduling Automatic Tasks
(page 74).
10. For dual IRIS systems that operate 2
dierent transmitter/receivers through the same
antenna, select Dual Flip
For example, when one of the systems finishes the scan, it gives up control of the radar
to the other system. In this way, the 2 systems, perhaps operating at 2
wavelengths, can take turns so that one system runs a task and then the other system
runs a task.
For example, setting the Dual Flip
flag to Yes on system A allows system B to run a task
after A has completed its task. If system B does not start a task within 3 seconds, then
system A is free to resume its tasks.
11. When you save the currently running
configuration, the change takes eect
9.3. TSC Monitor Menu
The TSC Monitor contains a list of the tasks that make up the schedule, with indications of
the currently running mode and tools for starting and stopping tasks.
Chapter 9 – Scheduling Radar Tasks
Figure 21 TSC Monitor Menu
1. Select Menus > TSC Monitor.
2. To change to a
dierent task schedule, select File > Change TSC.
A list of previously configured task schedules appears. Select an item on the list to
change the TSC mode to that
3. To start or stop tasks, place the cursor over the Command select a command.
Table 26 Task Start and Stop Commands
Command Description
Go (Schedule) Runs the task according to schedule.
Regularly scheduled tasks are typically used for routine IRIS operations. You can
create, test, save and recall schedules for dierent modes of operation.
Go (ASAP) Runs the task immediately, depending on the priority of other tasks. Use this for
interactive operation
STOP (When Done) Stops a task as soon as it finishes running.
STOP (Right Now) Stops a task immediately, even if the task is incomplete.
Stops a task immediately and then reschedules it.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
4. To check the status of a task, check the Command column.
Table 27 Task Status
Status Description
Idle Task has not been activated by the Go command.
Scheduled Task has been activated by the Go command, but it is not the task's turn to run.
Running Task is currently running.
ASAP Task is scheduled to run as soon as possible. This is the status after issuing a Go
Now command
For hybrid tasks, the B and C part show only the message Running when the task is
running. Otherwise, this
field is blank.
5. To check how long the task took to run, see Run Time.
9.4. Adding Tasks to a Schedule
You can add up to 8 tasks to a schedule.
When scheduling, hybrid tasks are treated as a single task. When one part of the task is
added into a schedule, all the other parts are also added.
1. Select the line in the schedule that you want to put the new task after.
2. Do one of the following:
Select Add.
Right-click the ID or TASK
field and select Add.
3. Select a task from the list.
IRIS adds the task to the schedule,
filling in the information for the selected task.
9.5. Viewing and Editing Tasks in a
1. Select Menus > TSC Editor.
2. Select the task from the list, and select Edit.
3. Make your changes.
4. Save your changes.
Chapter 9 – Scheduling Radar Tasks
For interactive manual scans, use the Real time display and the Antenna utility to have
interactive control and feedback. IRIS does not take a noise sample before running a manual
scan. For more information, see IRIS and RDA Utilities Guide.
1. Add the task to the schedule:
In most cases, use a manual scan task on an ad hoc basis.
To prevent the manual scan task from interfering with regularly scheduled tasks:
Set Stop to None so the scan can work at any time of day.
Set Repeat to None.
Set Mandatory to Non-mandatory, so it does not interfere with mandatory scans
such as a regularly scheduled volume scan.
Set Skip to Yes so that if it is preempted, it does not run.
Set State to Idle so it does not start automatically.
For information on
configuring a manual scan, see 8.2. Antenna and Radar Control
(page 49).
2. To run the scan, select one of the following:
TSC Monitor > Go Schedule
TSC Monitor > Go ASAP
Go Schedule and Go ASAP delay the start of the task according to the Repeat settings.
If Repeat is set to None, the commands have the same
3. If the TASK configuration is set to Continuous, stop the task with the Halt command.
In most cases, set the task configuration to Continuous, especially for interactive scans
with the real time display and the Antenna utility.
If the task
configuration is set to Non-Continuous, the task stops automatically after it
has collected the prescribed number of data rays (up to 720).
9.9. Running A Task
1. In the TSC Monitor menu, select, the task you want to run.
2. Place the cursor over Command and select either:
Go (Schedule)
Runs the task according to schedule.
The task status changes from Idle to either Scheduled or Running.
Runs the task immediately, depending on the priority of other tasks. Use this for
interactive operation
The status changes to ASAP, indicating that the task is scheduled to run as soon as
possible. The task runs once, and then the status changes to Scheduled and is
added to the schedule.
9.10. Stopping a Task
1. In the TSC Monitor menu, select the task you want to stop.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
2. Place the cursor over Command and select either:
STOP (When Done)
Stops a task as soon as it finishes running.
STOP (Right Now)
Stops a task immediately, even if the task is incomplete.
If the task is not running, that is, its status is Scheduled, the commands behave the same
If you select Stop (Right Now), data may be lost.CAUTION!
9.11. Using Passive IRIS
The task scheduler supports running in either active or passive data acquisition modes. The
Setup utility
configuration (setup/ingest/scanning) determines whether your system
functions as:
Active only
No user configuration required.
Passive only
No user
configuration required.
You must load the task schedule with the tasks corresponding to the active system. All
tasks must be set as Scheduled.
Active/passive (selectable)
You can select active or passive operation.
Most systems use active data acquisition where IRIS controls the antenna scanning. In some
installations, an external system controls the antenna and IRIS, in passive mode, acquires the
data by listening to what the radar is doing and synchronizing to the external control.
1. To check if your system uses active or passive data acquisition, select TSC Monitor
The menu bar shows one of the following:
Active (selectable)
Chapter 9 – Scheduling Radar Tasks
10. Products and Display
10.1. Configuring Products
In IRIS Radar, you typically configure RAW and PPI product types.
A RAW file contains all the information collected during a measurement task. It is
compressed so it can be sent over the network to IRIS Analysis.
A PPI shows data from one elevation, all azimuths. You can use it at the radar site for quality
You can also
configure products such as WARN and FCAST. See IRIS Product and Display
10.1.1. Configuring RAW products
1. Select Menu > Product Configuration.
2. Select Type > RAW.
3. Select the button next to the task name, and select a task from list.
4. To copy the product
files over a slow network connection, select Make sweep-by-
sweep? > On
5. Select File > Save as and give a name for the RAW
10.1.2. Configuring PPI products
1. On the IRIS menu, select Menu > Product Configuration .
2. Select Type > PPI.
3. Select the button next to TASK name, and select a task from the list.
4. Select the button next to Data:Display, and select a parameter to be displayed,
typically Z for
5. Enter Maximum Range (km) and elevation angle which suit the task you have selected.
You can see task information in upper part of the menu.
6. Select File > Save as and give a name for the PPI
10.2. Scheduling Products
1. Select Menu > Product Scheduler.
A list of available product types appears.
2. On
first line of the menu, select the button next to Add For and select the code for your
local radar.
Chapter 10 – Products and Display
3. In the list of product headers, left-click RAW Product.
4. From the menu, select the name of the RAW product you just configured.
5. In the Request column, right-click the product and select All, Next, or Stop.
Select All to get this product for all the future tasks of the given task name.
For new products, by default this is Stop.
6. Repeat step 3-step 5 for the other RAW and PPI products.
7. Select File > Save and give a name for the product scheduler.
8. To make products from old data:
a. In the Next-Data-Time column, right-click the time stamp.
b. Select Next > Product > Time buttons to go back in time.
10.3. Viewing Products in Quick Look
In your workstation, you can view products in the Quick Look Window.
You can
configure many display windows an IRIS system with the Setup utility.
You can send products to the display from either the Product Output Menu according to a
product output schedule or from the Quick Look Window.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Figure 22 Quick Look Window
1. To select a site from all the sites
configured at General Setup, select Site.
Select the site that corresponds to your local radar.
2. To displays a list of available products, select Product.
a. Typically at the radar site, you only have PPI products. To display PPI products,
select a PPI from the list.
If the list shows N/A, no products are available on the disk for the radar site you have
b. To display other products, select PPI to see all the available product types and then
select the product.
c. To display ingest data, in the upper right pane, select Live and a task name.
RAW products cannot be displayed.
3. To display times for which there are images for the product name you have selected,
select Time (clock symbol).
4. Use the slide bar to browse older and newer images.
Chapter 10 – Products and Display
11. Troubleshooting
11.1. Error Handling
When running IRIS, you may encounter errors, for example, mistakes that you make, such as
trying to enter an IRIS menu before connecting to a server, or errors in the IRIS software.
When possible, IRIS tells you how to
fix user errors. If you encounter software errors are
more dicult to fix, contact Vaisala for assistance. Provide as much background information
as possible.
When an error occurs, IRIS takes the following actions:
Displays a pop-up message indicating the cause of the error and possible fixes.
Adds the message to the Message List, including information about the cause of the
Include this information if you report the error to Vaisala. The list spans IRIS sessions.
11.2. Viewing the Message List
Figure 23 Message List Menu
Chapter 11 – Troubleshooting
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Appendix A. Task
Configuration Examples
A.1. Task Configurations
You can customize and add to the default task configurations.
Note the following guidelines when creating or modifying tasks:
1. As it is not possible to get the best velocity and reflectivity data at the same time,
default tasks are divided as follows:
Long-range surveillance with coarse spatial resolution for detecting weak echoes
Medium-range polarimetric volume with good spatial resolution for high quality
reflectivity and polarimetric data (VOL_A and VOL_B tasks).
Short-range volume with good spatial resolution for high quality velocity data
(WIND task).
2. To maximize signal processing data quality, all tasks use 2-byte data in the radar server
By default, all RAW products are truncated into a 1-byte form for transmission. If the
bandwidth allows, use 2-byte data in RAW products.
3. After installing and calibrating the radar system or if you change the default task
processing parameters, you must adjust the quality threshold values.
For example, if you increase the number of samples, enter a slightly decreased LOG
value to improve measurement sensitivity.
4. The tasks use Doppler
filter number 4, which is a Gaussian adaptive (GMAP) filter with
a 0.4 m/s width.
Depending on the clutter conditions, test a weaker
filter (number 3 or smaller) or a
filter (number 5 or greater) to find the optimal filter for your radar site. All the
tasks use a CSR threshold of 40 dB.
Depending on the clutter conditions, you can test a stronger value (less than 40 dB).
finalizing the setting, measure with real weather to verify that the weather
echoes near zero velocity do not vanish (Doppler snake).
5. Dual pol.: To
benefit from the enhanced sensitivity of the polarimetric signal processing,
use the Ze data moment to generate echo products.
More Information
IRIS Tasks (page 10)
The SURVEILLANCE task is optimized for long-distance detection of precipitation echo. It
uses the longest available pulse width of the weather radar system.
Appendix A – Task Configuration Examples
Dual polarization systems use the enhanced reflectivity Ze along with a large number of
processed samples to significantly improve the sensitivity when compared with single
polarization systems. Samples are collected from a large contributing area using a wider
azimuthal spacing of the radar rays (2°) and a range averaging over several consecutive
range bins.
The default configuration has a maximum range of 450 km. Use it in warm climates. In
cooler climates, lower the maximum range to, for example, 350 km in summer or 250 km in
winter. Shorter ranges allow for higher pulse repetition frequencies (within the range) and
more pulses can be
configured within the constant run time.
The LOG threshold is optimized for tropical conditions with a clear margin of noise
uncertainty, even in conditions of extreme rain. In cooler climates, with a calibrated radar,
the LOG threshold can be as low as 1.2 dB.
The following
figure shows the task configuration details for a dual polarization system. Blue
circles indicate items with
dierent values in single polarization systems.
Azimuth Resolution 1.00°
Polarization Horiz
Samples 35
DP Attn Cor Z ZDR disabled
Range Avg/Smt
Proc Mode FFT
Measured data moments T, Z, Vel, Width, SQI
Figure 25 SURVEILLANCE Task Configuration -Dual Polarization
A.1.2. VOL_A
The VOL_A task is the lower part of the hybrid volume scan VOL_A and VOL_B. It is
optimized for precipitation observations and measurements within a range of 250 km. Use a
single pulse repetition frequency mode for the maximum quality of Z and dual polarization
Dual polarization systems use the enhanced reflectivity Ze to improve sensitivity. The Z data
fields are quality-controlled for maximum rejection of non-meteorological echo. The Z data
presents the true fields of precipitation. The combined observations of KDP and Z are used
in quantitative rainfall estimates.
In dicult conditions with moving clutter, sea clutter, and interference, you can raise the PMI
threshold to as high as 0.55. Try a higher SQI value with some loss of precipitation in the
melting layer and in strong convection.
The following
figure shows the configuration details of the task for a dual polarization
system. Blue circles indicate items with dierent values in single polarization systems.
IRIS User Guide M211317EN-E
Figure 26 VOL_A Task Configuration - Dual Polarization
Polarization Horiz
DP Attn Cor Z ZDR disabled
Proc Mode FFT
Measured data moments T, Z, Vel, Width, SQI
A.1.3. VOL_B
The VOL_B task fills the higher elevations of the hybrid volume providing observations of
standard and dual polarization moments for volume products, such as CAPPI.
The task uses high pulse repetition frequency and delivers high quality radial winds in the
range of +/- 16 m/s. Due to a high pulse repetition frequency, high elevations, and the
modest ranges in use, narrow precipitation spectra are possible. The quality of standard and
dual- polarization moments is good. The hybrid volume data of VOL_B
oer inputs for a
variety of meteorological products.
At higher elevation angles:
The system is less likely to detect second trip echoes or non-meteorological targets and
thus, SQI and PMI thresholding is not used for Z data fields by default, unlike in VOL_A.
Appendix A – Task Configuration Examples

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