2 Operation
2.2 Water contacts
On submerging in water the water contacts switch on Aladin
If you have chosen the option
Water contacts off
set 1
, ->47), Aladin will
turn on with a delay of up to 1 minute into the dive. This will affect functioning
of the computer.
Make sure that the computer is on before starting the dive.
2.3 SmartTRAK
With SmartTRAK you can configure Aladin, transfer dive data to a personal
computer and graphically display the data. To start the communication, turn on
Aladin and place it so that its infrared window is in front of the infrared interface.
If Aladin detects an infrared device within range appears.
Configuring Aladin
To configure Aladin, select "Dive Computer Settings" under "OPTIONS" on
the main menu bar of SmartTRAK after having established communication
between your PC and Aladin. The following window will appear:
When making any changes to the settings via SmartTRAK, you must press the
"Write" icon for the changes to take effect.