I would also have liked a printed manual to be included or at least as a low cost option. Since the radio will often be used mobile or in the field,
the ability to have a quick resource will be missed. The last batch of Uniden scanners had manuals that you could tuck in your back pocket or in
your glove box, this would have been ideal for this radio. Perhaps an enterprising individual will produce a manual like this.
Which Radio Do I Want to Buy?
Once you decide you want to buy a new scanner it is time to decide which one to get. Assuming that you want a high-end handheld digital
scanner you have to decide then which one, the GRE/RadioShack (just called the GRE from here on out) or the BCT15X.
The GRE is better if these are most important to you:
* You prefer a radio with better audio.
* If you don't want or need the extra features of the BCT15X
* If you are not bothered by excessive strong-signal interference.
* If you need higher sensitivity.
You will want the BCT15X if these are more important:
* You prefer a more solidly built radio.
* You prefer a larger and more detailed display.
* If you want the amazing feature-set of the BCT15X
* You prefer the Banks/Systems/Groups method of programming.
* You need or want the GPS features.
* You will use the radio in a high interference area.
* You want to have a lot of channels available all the time.
* When fire tone-out capability is important.
* You monitor a large networked system with multiple sites.
Recommended Accessories
When people invest $250 for a scanner, they probably want to protect it, get some accessories to go with it or otherwise add to the experience.
Scanner Master (http://www.scannermaster.com) has a full line of scanner accessories such as cases, antennas, cables, power adaptors and
references to make your scanner more enjoyable.
Probably the most important accessory will be a copy of the ARCXT software, available in both Pro and Basic versions which are available at
www.scannermaster.com. If you're going to program this scanner on your own, or even if you have Scanner Master or a friend do the
programming for you, it's a great benefit to back up a copy of the programming to your PC. Furthermore, once you've backed it up, you might
also want a copy that you can tweak and add to over time as you get more familiar with the scanner and scanning. Then you can tailor the
programming just for your tastes. The software is easy to use and extremely powerful and it will help you understand all that the radio can do.
Many of the accessories for the other Uniden DMA scanners will work for the BCT15X as well. Here are a few that you might be interested in:
No Serial Port on your computer? Using a Mac to program your radio? You need a USB cable to program the radio. The USB-1 cable allows
you to program the radio directly from a USB port, available on all computers from the last 10 years. Drivers are available for a free download
for Windows 98 thru Vista. Mac Users with Windows (via BootCamp, Paralells, Fusion, etc.) can also use this cable.
Lose your AC adapter/charger? Want a second one to keep for travel? Use an adapter from Scanner Master.
Want to use the BCT15X in the car? You can use the Uniden RH-96 with the scanner and have an easier time at accessing the controls.
You can also buy an assortment of remote speakers (amplified or not), headphones, antennas and more. Just go to
http://www.scannermaster.com/Accessories_s/3.htm and chose what you want.