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Welcome to the growing group of value cons cious people w ho drive
Toyotas . We are proud of the advanced engineering and quality
const ruct ion of each vehic le we build.
This Owner ’s Manual explains the operation of your new Toyota.
Please r ead it thoroughl y and have all t he occupant s fol low the
instr uctions carefull y. Doi ng so wil l help you enj oy many year s
of saf e and troublef ree mot oring. For impor tant inf ormati on
about this manual and your Toyot a, read the following pages
careful ly.
When i t c omes t o s ervi ce, remember that your Toy ota deal er knows
your vehic le very well and is i nteres ted in your compl ete sat isfac-
tion. Your Toyota deal er wi ll pr ovide quality maintenanc e and any
other ass ist ance y ou may r equire.
Please leave this Owner ’s Manual in this vehicle at the t ime of
resale. The next owner will need thi s inf ormati on al so.
All infor mation and s pecif icat ions in this manual are current at the
time of printi ng. However, becaus e of Toy ota’s policy of c ontinual
product impr ovement, we reser ve the right to make changes at any
time without not ice.
Please not e that this manual appli es to all models and expl ains
all equipment, i ncluding options. Ther efore, you may f ind some
explanations for equi pment not i nstalled on your vehi cle.
All right s reserv ed. This materi al may not be reproduc ed or copied,
in whole or i n part, without the written permis sion of Toyota Motor
Corporat ion.
Important information about this manual
Safety and vehicle damage
Throughout this manual, you will see safet y
and vehic le damage warnings . You must
foll ow these w arnings caref ully to avoid
possi ble i njury or damage.
The t ypes of warnings , what they l ook lik e,
and how they are used in this manual ar e
explai ned as fol lows:
This is a warning against anythi ng
which m ay cause injury t o people i f
the warning is ignored. You are in-
formed about what you must or must
not do i n order t o r educe the ri sk of
injur y to yoursel f and other s.
This i s a warni ng against anyt hing
which may cause damage to t he ve-
hicle or its equipment i f the warning
is i gnored. You are infor med about
what you must or must not do in or-
der to avoid or reduce the ri sk of
damage to your vehicle and i ts equip-
Safety symbol
When you see the safety symbol shown
above, it means: “Do not...”; “Do not do
this” ; or “ Do not let thi s happen”.
Important information about your
Accessories, spare parts and
modification of your Toyota
Both genuine Toy ota and a wide var iety of other spare part s and
acces sor ies for Toyot a vehicles ar e currentl y avail able on the mar ket.
Should i t be determi ned t hat any of t he genuine Toy ota parts or
acces sor ies supplied with the vehic le need t o be replac ed, Toyota
recommends that genuine Toyota part s or access ories , be used to
replac e t hem. Ot her parts or acc essor ies of matchi ng quali ty can
also be used. Toyota cannot accept any liability or guar antee spare
parts and acces sor ies whic h are not genuine Toyot a product s, nor for
replac ement or i nstall ation invol ving s uch parts . In additi on, damage
or perf ormance problems r esult ing fr om the us e of nongenuine
Toyota spar e par ts or ac cess ories may not be c overed under
warrant y.
Installation of an RFtransmitter system
As the ins tallat ion of an RFtransmitter system in your vehicle could
affect electronic systems such as the electronically controlled fuel
pump, electr onic engine control system, antilock brake system, SRS
airbag system and seat belt pretensioner system, be sure to check
with any author ized Toyota dealer or repair er, or anot her duly qual i-
fied and equipped profes sional , for pr ecautionar y measur es or spec ial
inst ruct ions regar ding i nstal lation.
Further i nformat ion regarding fr equency bands, power levels , antenna
posit ions and i nstal lation prov isi ons for the inst allat ion of RFt rans-
mitt ers, is avai lable on request at any authorized Toyota dealer or
repair er, or another duly quali fied and equipped pr ofess ional.
Maintenance schedule
Please r efer to t he separat e “Toyota Ser vic e Booklet ” or “Toy ota War-
ranty Book let” .
Scrapping of your Toyota
The SRS ai rbag and s eat bel t pret ensioner devices in your Toy ota
contai n explos ive c hemicals . If the vehic le is s cr apped wi th the air-
bag and pr etensioner left as they are, this may caus e an ac cident
such as fire. Be sure to have the systems of the SRS airbag and
seat belt pret ensioner remov ed and di sposed of by a qualif ied ser-
vic e s hop or by an authorized Toyota dealer or repair er, or anot her
duly qualified and equipped profess ional, before you di spose of y our
vehic le.
Your vehic le cont ains batter ies and/ or acc umulator s. Do not di scar d
them int o the envi ronment but cooper ate wi th separ ate c ollect ion (Di-
rect ive 2006/66/EC) .
Table of contents
1 Overview of instruments and controls
2 Keys and Doors 11......................................
3 Seats, Seat belts, Steering wheel and Mirrors 23...............
4 Lights and Wipers 61.....................................
5 Gauges, Meters and Service reminder indicators 67.............
6 Engine (ignition) switch, Transmission and Parking brake 79......
7 Air conditioning system 83.................................
8 Other equipment 99......................................
3 STARTING AND DRIVING 123...............................
4 IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY 141..........................
6 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 175.......................
1 Introduction 179.........................................
2 Engine and Chassis 187..................................
3 Electrical components 199.................................
8 SPECIFICATIONS 211......................................
9 INDEX 221................................................
Model code
Check the model code to see what t ype of model your vehi cle is.
The model code appears on t he manufactur er ’s pl ate or label wi th the heading
See “Your Toy ota’s i dentif icat ion” on page 120 in Secti on 2 for t he manufact urer’s
plate or label l ocati on.
D and B: Single tir e—Dyna 100
G and E: Doubl e tir es—Dy na 150
Rear t ires
KDY221, KDY231, KDY251 and KDY261:
Models with 1KDFTV engi ne
Basic code
Cab ty pe
T: Si ngle c ab
P: Doubl e c ab
Section 11
Overview of instruments and controls
D Ins trument panel overview 2.............................
D Instrument cluster overview 6...........................
D Indic ator symbols on the ins trument panel 8..............
1. Side def rost er outl ets
2. Side v ents
3. Inst rument cluster
4. Center vents
5. Inter ior light
6. Glove box
7. Power wi ndow sw itches
8. Parking brake lever
9. Manual t ransmi ssi on gear s hift lever
10. Window lock s witc h
11. Brake fluid reservoir cover
Instrument panel overview
"Lef thand dr ive vehicl es
1. Headlight and turn s ignal switches
2. Wiper and washer s witc hes
3. DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) system
manual r egeneration switch
(If equipped)
4. Emergenc y fl asher switch
5. Air conditioni ng contr ols
6. Rear f og light switc h
7. Auxiliary box
8. Cup holder
9. Headlight beam level control dial
10. Ashtr ay
11. Cigarett e light er
12. Heater idle up s witch
13. Engine s witc h
14. Til t and t elesc opic steering lock
releas e lev er
1. Side def rost er outl ets
2. Glove box
3. Inter ior light
4. Center vents
5. Inst rument cluster
6. Side v ents
7. Brak e flui d res ervoir cover
8. Window lock s witc h
9. Power wi ndow sw itches
10. Manual t ransmi ssi on gear s hift lever
11. Parking brake lev er
"Right hand dri ve vehicles
1. Card hol der
2. Air conditioni ng contr ols
3. Emergenc y fl asher switch
4. Heater idle up s witch
5. Headlight and turn s ignal switches
6. Wiper and washer s witc hes
7. Engine s witc h
8. Til t and t elesc opic steering lock
releas e lev er
9. Cigaret te li ghter
10. Headlight beam level control dial
11. Ashtray
12. Auxiliary box
13. Cup holder
14. Rear f og light switc h
15. DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) system
manual r egeneration switch
(If equipped)
1. Serv ice r eminder indicators and
indic ator lights
2. Speedometer
3. Tri p meter reset k nob
4. Odometer and two tr ip meter s
5. Fuel gauge
6. Engine c oolant temperature gauge
Instrument cluster overview
"Wit hout tachomet er
1. Serv ice r eminder indicators and
indic ator lights
2. Speedometer
3. Tachometer
4. Tri p meter reset k nob
5. Odometer and two tr ip meter s
6. Fuel gauge
7. Engine c oolant temperature gauge
"Wit h tachometer
Brake system warning light
Charging system warning light
Low engi ne oil pr essur e war ning l ight
Low engi ne oil l evel warning li ght
Malfunc tion indic ator lamp
Low f uel l evel warni ng l ight
Antilock brake system warning light
SRS war ning l ight
DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) system indicator
Timing belt repl acement warning light
Fuel filt er warning light
Engine oi l change reminder li ght
Headlight high beam indic ator li ght
Indicator symbols on the instrument panel
Turn si gnal i ndicat or lights
Engine preheating indi cator l ight
The indi cator s mar ked with
are ser vic e r eminder indi cator s. For
details , s ee “Serv ice r eminder i ndicator s and war ning buzz er” on
page 73 in Section 15.
Section 12
Keys and Doors
D Key s 12..............................................
D Side door s 13.........................................
D Power windows 14.....................................
D Tailgate and side gates 16..............................
D Engine ac cess hole c over 17...........................
D Tilt cab 18............................................
D F uel tank cap 21.......................................
These keys work in every lock.
Since the doors c an be loc ked wit hout a
key, you s hould alway s car ry a s pare key
in cas e you ac cident ally lock your key
insi de the vehi cle.
Your key number is shown on the pl ate.
Keep the plate in a safe place such as
your wallet, not in the vehicle.
If you shoul d los e y our keys or i f you
need additi onal key s, dupl icat es can be
made by any authoriz ed Toyot a dealer or
repair er, or anot her dul y qual ifi ed and
equipped profes sional , us ing the k ey num-
We recommend wr iting down the key num-
ber and s toring it i n a safe plac e.
Insert t he key int o the keyhole and t urn
To loc k: Turn the key f orward.
To unloc k: Turn the key bac kward.
Vehicles with a power door loc k sy s-
tem—All the door s lock and unlock s imul-
taneousl y wi th t he dri ver ’s door.
Move the lock button.
To loc k: Push the butt on downward.
To unloc k: Pull t he butt on upward.
If you want to loc k the door fr om the
outsi de, pus h in the butt on befor e clos ing
the door. The out side door handl e must be
held up whi le t he front door is being
clos ed. Be c areful not to l ock your k eys
in t he v ehicl e.
Vehicles with a power door loc k sy s-
tem—All the door s lock and unlock s imul-
taneousl y wi th t he dri ver ’s door.
D Before driving, be sure that the
doors ar e closed.
D If the doors are lef t unlocked whil e
drivi ng, they can be easil y opened
from t he outside i n case of an acci-
Side doors
The windows can be operated with the
switch on each fr ont door.
The power windows wor k when t he engine
switch is in the “ON” position.
Use the swit ch on the driver’s door.
Normal oper ation: The w indow mov es as
long as y ou hol d the sw itch.
To open: Light ly push down t he s witc h.
To c lose: Light ly pull up the swi tch.
Automatic operation: Push the s witch
complet ely down or pull it c ompletel y up,
and then r elease it. The window will full y
open or clos e. To st op t he window part-
way, lightl y move the swi tch in the oppo-
sit e dir ecti on and then releas e i t.
Power windows
Window lock switch
For driver ’s use
For passenger ’s use
Use the swi tch on the passengers door
or the dr iver ’s door that contr ols t he
passenger ’s window.
The window mov es as long as you hold
the switch.
To open: Push down the swit ch.
To cl ose: Pull up the swit ch.
If you push in t he window lock sw itch on
the driv er ’s door, the pass enger ’s wi ndow
cannot be operated.
To avoid death or seri ous in jury, you
must do the foll owing.
D Before you close t he power win-
dows, always make sur e there i s
nobody around the power windows.
You must also m ake sur e the
heads, hands and other parts of t he
bodies of all occupant s are kept
completely inside the vehicle. If
someone’s neck, head or hands get
caught i n a cl osing wi ndow, it
could result in death or ser ious in-
jury. When anyone closes the power
windows, make sure he or she op-
erates the windows safel y.
D When smal l chil dren are in the ve-
hicle, never let t hem use t he power
window swi tches without super vi-
sion. Use the window lock swit ch to
prevent t hem from making unex-
pected use of the swit ches.
D Be sure to remove the key from the
engine swit ch when you leave your
D Never leave anyone ( parti cularly a
small child) alone in your vehicle,
especiall y with the key still in-
serted. Other wise, he/she coul d use
the power wi ndow switches and get
trapped in a window. U nattended
person (par ticular ly a small child)
can be i nvolved in a serious acci-
Tailgate—single cab models
Tailgate—double cab models
Side gates—single cab models
To lower t he t ailgate and side gates,
unlock t he lat ches as shown.
On some model s, the chains will hold the
tail gate i n a str aight open pos iti on.
See “ Luggage s towage prec autions ” on
page 119 in Secti on 2 for prec autions
when loadi ng luggage.
When clos ing the gate, make sure i t is
secur ely lat ched.
If the open tailgate hides the stop/tail
light s, backup li ghts, rear ret ro re-
flect ors, rear fog li ght or rear t urn
signal l ights whi le you are parked,
other r oad users must be warned of
the presence of your vehicle by a
warning tr iangle or other device.
Avoid driving wit h the t ailgate or si de
gates open.
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
Tailgate and side gates
1. To open the engine access hole cov-
er, release t he l atches and rai se t he
Always stow the cup holder i n t he
instr ument panel bef ore opening t he
engine access hole cover. If this is
not done, t he cover will hit the cup
holder and damage i t. (See “Cup hold-
er” on page 102 in Secti on 18for
2. Af ter l ifti ng the cover up, hold it
open wi th t he str ap.
Before c losi ng the engi ne acc ess hole
cover, chec k to s ee that y ou have not
forgot ten any t ools, r ags, etc .
D Make sure t he strap support s the
engine access hole cover securely.
D After cl osing t he cover, make sure
it is securely locked by pulling the
seat cushi on upwar d.
Engine access hole cover
Before t ilt ing the cab, observe the fol-
1. Par k t he v ehicle on a l evel ground.
2. Set the park ing br ake fir mly.
3. Put the tr ansmis sion in neutral .
4. St op the engine.
5. Remov e or secur e all the loos e i tems
in t he v ehicl e.
6. Clos e t he doors .
Make sure t hat no one is around and
in t he cab.
Make sure that there is no interf ering
object on and in fr ont of t he cab.
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
Handle latch lever
Cab l ock
1. Pull the cab lock handle up while
holding the handl e l atch lever up,
and the cab wi ll spring up sli ghtly.
Tilt cab—
(single cab models
—Tilting th e ca b
catc h lev er
Cab stay
lock lever
2. Hold the cab down, pull the saf ety
catch lever out and raise t he cab to
til t f orward. Make sure that the cab
stay l ock l ever l ocks secur ely.
The c ab will automati call y lock when it
tilts fully forward.
When the cab t ilt s f ully forw ard, make
sure t he cab stay lock lever securely
locks and that the cab does not low-
Cab st ay loc k
lever stopper
3. Plug the opening with t he cab stay
lock lever stopper for addit ional se-
curit y.
When ti lti ng the cab, make sur e that
the cab st ay l ock lever stopper has
immobilized the cab stay lock lever.
If it is not immobilized, the cab could
lower and cause death or serious in-
juri es.
1. Pul l the cab stay lock lever st opper
up and ret urn it to the upper hole.
While holding t he cab with the grip,
pull the cab st ay lock lever up t o
unlock, then lower the cab slowly.
Before l owering t he cab, chec k to see t hat
you hav e not f orgotten any t ools, r ags,
When lower ing the cab, make sure
that no one is around the cab.
2. Pr ess down the cab l ock handle
Make sure the cab is securely locked.
Do not dri ve t he vehi cle without l ock-
ing the cab securely. Otherwise, t he
cab may be ti lted unexpectedly, possi-
bly causi ng an accident.
—Lowering the cab
1. To unlock the f uel tank cap, i nsert
the key and turn it counter clockwise.
When refuel ing, t urn off t he engine.
D Do not smoke, cause spar ks or al-
low open flames when ref ueling.
The fumes are flammabl e.
D When openi ng the cap, do not r e-
move the cap quickly. In hot weath-
er, fuel under pressure could cause
injury by spraying out of the filler
neck if t he cap is suddenly r e-
2. To remove the f uel t ank cap, turn
the cap sl owly countercl ockwise,
then pause sl ightly before removing
It i s not unusual to hear a s light s woosh
when t he cap is opened. When installing,
make s ure the tabs in t he cap are proper-
ly ali gned with the c utouts in t he t ank
opening. Then lock the cap by tur ning t he
key clockwise.
D Make sure the cap i s tight ened se-
curely t o prevent f uel spillage in
the event o f an accident .
D Due to the regul ation of fuel t ank
pressure t hat these caps provi de,
Toyota recommends to use a genu-
ine Toyota fuel t ank cap. Another
fuel tank cap of matching quality
can also be used.
Fuel tank cap
Section 13
Seats, Seat belts, Steering wheel and Mirrors
D Seats 24..............................................
D Dr iver ’s seat 24.......................................
D F olding up rear seat 26.................................
D Head r estraints 27.....................................
D Seat belts 28..........................................
D SRS dr iver airbag 38...................................
D C hild restr aint 44......................................
D Tilt and telescopic steer ing wheel 58....................
D O utside rear view mir rors 59............................
While the vehic le is bei ng dr iven, all ve-
hicl e oc cupants s hould have the seatbac k
upright , s it well bac k i n t he seat and pr op-
erly wear t he seat bel ts prov ided.
D Do not drive the vehicl e unless the
occupants are properl y seat ed. Do
not all ow any occupants to si t on
top of a foldeddown seat back, or
in the luggage compartment or car-
go area. I f t he occupants are i m-
properl y seat ed or restr ained by
seat belt s, death or serious i njury
could r esult in the event of emer-
gency br aking, sudden swer ving or
an accident .
D During dri ving, do not allow any
passengers to st and up or move
around bet ween seat s. Other wise,
death or serious inj uries can occur
in the event of emergency braking,
sudden swervi ng or an accident.
Adjust t he dri ver ’s s eat so that the f oot
pedals, steer ing wheel and instrument
panel c ontrol s are wit hin easy r each of
the driver.
D Do not adjust the seat while the
vehicle i s movi ng as the seat may
unexpectedly move and cause the
driver t o lose contr ol of the vehicl e.
D When adjusting the seat, be careful
that the seat does not hit a lug-
D After adjusting the seat position, re-
lease the lever and try sl iding the
seat f orward and backward t o make
sure i t is l ocked in posit ion.
D Make sure the seatback i s securel y
locked by pushing forw ard and r ear-
ward on the t op of t he seatback.
Failur e t o do so will prevent the
seat bel t f rom operati ng proper ly.
D Do not put objects under t he dri v-
er ’s seat. Otherwi se, t he object s
may i nterfer e wit h t he seatlock
mechanism or unexpectedly push
up the seat posi tion adjusting l ever
and the seat may suddenly move,
causing the dri ver to lose control of
the vehicle.
D While adjust ing the seat, do not put
your hands under t he seat or near
the moving parts. Otherwi se, you
may catch and inj ure your hands or
finger s.
Driver ’s seat—
—Seat adjustment precautions
Pull the lever up. Then sli de the seat
to the desi red positi on with sl ight body
pressure and release the lever.
Lean f orward and pull t he l ever up.
Then lean back t o t he desired angle
and r elease t he lever.
Avoid r eclini ng the seatback any
more t han needed. The seat belt pro-
vides maximum p rotecti on i n a front al
or rear collision when the driver is
sitt ing up straight and well back in
the seat. If you ar e r eclined, t he l ap
belt may sli de past your hips and
apply rest raint forces dir ectly to the
abdomen or your neck may contact
the shoulder belt. I n the event of a
frontal collision, the more the seat is
recli ned, t he great er t he risk of death
or ser ious i njury.
Pull the lever for ward.
Repeat this unt il you have a c omfort able
support .
—Adjusting driver ’s seat
1. Swing up the bottom cushion. 2. Hook the strap.
Folding up rear seat
When ret urning t he bott om cushi on to its
origi nal posi tion, hang t he st rap on the
D Any operations shoul d not be made
while the vehicle is moving.
D After raisi ng the bott om cushion,
make sure t o secure it with th e
holding strap.
D When returni ng t he bot tom cushi on
to its ori ginal position, observe the
followi ng precaut ions in order to
prevent death or serious injury in a
collision or sudden stop:
Make sure the bottom cushion is
securely l ocked by t rying t o pull up
the edge of t he bot tom cushi on.
Failur e t o do so will prevent the
seat bel t f rom operati ng proper ly.
Make sure the seat belts are not
twist ed or caught under the bottom
cushion and are ar ranged in t heir
proper positi on and are r eady to
The head rest raint s can be r emoved.
For your safety, always use t he head
restr aints in the locked positi on.
To remove: Pull i t up whi le press ing the
lock r elease butt on.
When an oc cupant si ts on the r ear seat ,
always pul l up the head res trai nt to the
lock pos iti on.
The head r estr aint i s mos t eff ecti ve when
it is c lose to your head. Theref ore, using
a c ushion on the seat back is not recom-
D Use t he head restr aint designed f or
each r espective seat.
D Make sur e t he head restr aint is
locked in posi tion.
D Do not dri ve with the head re-
strai nts r emoved.
Head restraints (rear seats)
Toyota str ongly urges that the dri ver and
passenger s in the vehicle be properly r e-
str ained at all times wit h t he seat belts
provi ded. Failur e to do s o could increas e
the c hance of injur y and/or t he sev erit y of
injur y i n ac cident s.
The seat belts pr ovided f or your v ehic le
are designed f or people of adult s ize,
large enough t o proper ly wear them.
Child. Use a child restraint system ap-
propri ate for the chi ld until the chil d be-
comes large enough to properly wear the
vehic le’s s eat belts . Toyot a rec ommends
you use a child restraint system which
confor ms to t he regulat ion “ ECE No.44”.
See “Chil d rest raint” on page 44 for de-
Single cab models
D If a child is too large for a child re-
straint system, the child should s it in
the seat and mus t be restr ained using
the vehic le’s s eat bel t.
D Without passengers ’ s eat belt s—We
recommend installing the passenger s’
seat belt s on your vehi cle. Ask any
authori zed Toyot a dealer or r epairer, or
another dul y quali fied and equi pped
profes sional , i f pass engers ’ s eat belt s
can be inst alled on your v ehicle. If
inst allati on is possibl e, put the chil d in
the pas senger’s s eat and use the seat
Double c ab models
D With r ear seat belts— If a chi ld i s too
large for a child restraint system, the
chil d s hould sit i n the rear s eat and
must be res trained us ing the v ehicle’s
seat belt. Accordi ng t o ac cident statis-
tic s, the chi ld i s saf er w hen pr operly
rest rained i n the rear seat than in the
front s eat.
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
D Without r ear seat belts —We recom-
mend installing the rear seat belts on
your vehic le. Ask any authori zed
Toyota deal er or repai rer, or anot her
duly qual ified and equipped prof essi on-
al, if rear s eat belts c an be ins talled
on your v ehicl e. If i nstal lation is
possi ble, put t he c hild in the rear seat
and use the s eat bel ts. If i nstal lati on i s
not possi ble, let t he c hild sit in the
front seat and us e the seat belt .
If a c hild mus t s it in the f ront seat , the
seat belt s s hould be wor n proper ly.
Do not all ow the chi ld to st and up or
kneel on eit her r ear or front seats . An
unrest rained child could suffer serious in-
jury or death duri ng emer gency braking or
a collision. Also, do not let the child sit
on your lap. It does not prov ide s uffic ient
Pregnant woman. Toy ota r ecommends the
use of a s eat belt. As k y our doctor for
speci fic rec ommendations . The lap bel t
should be w orn sec urely and as low as
possi ble ov er the hips and not on t he
waist .
Injured person. Toyot a recommends the
use of a seat bel t. Depending on the inju-
ry, fi rst check with your doctor f or speci fic
recommendat ions.
If seat belt r egulati ons exis t in the c ountry
where you res ide, please contact any au-
thori zed Toy ota dealer or repai rer, or
another duly quali fied and equipped pro-
fess ional, for s eat bel t r eplacement or
Seat belts—
—Seat belt precautions
Persons shoul d r ide in t heir seat s
properl y weari ng their seat belt s
whenever t he vehi cle is movi ng.
Otherwi se, they ar e much more l ikely
to suffer serious bodily injury or
death i n the event of sudden braki ng
or a collision.
When using the seat belts, obser ve
the f ollowing:
D Use the belt for only one per son at
a time. Do not use a singl e belt for
two or more people—even chil dren.
D Avoid r eclini ng the seatback any
more than needed. The seat bel ts
provide maxi mum protect ion in a
frontal or rear collision when t he
driver and the fr ont passenger ar e
sitt ing up st raight and well back in
the seats. If you ar e recl ined, t he
lap belt may slide past your hips
and apply restr aint forces dir ectly
to the abdomen or your neck may
contact the shoul der belt . In t he
event of a f rontal collision, the
more the seat i s recl ined, the great-
er the risk of death or serious inju-
D Be careful not t o damage the bel t
webbing or hardware. Take care that
they do not get caught or pi nched
in t he seat or doors.
D Inspect the belt syst em periodically.
Check for cut s, f rayi ng, and l oose
parts. Damaged part s should be r e-
placed. Do not disassemble or
modify t he system.
D Keep t he belts clean and dry. If
they need cleani ng, use a mild soap
soluti on or lukewar m water. Never
use bleach, dye, or abrasive clean-
ers, or al low them t o come into
contact wi th the belts—t hey m ay
severely weaken the belts. (See
“Cleani ng the inter ior” on page 173
in Section 5.)
D Replace the belt assembly (includ-
ing bolt s) if it has been used in a
severe impact. The ent ire assembly
should be r eplaced even if damage
is not obvi ous.
Adjust t he seat as needed ( driver’s seat
only) and sit up st raight and well back
in the seat. To fasten your bel t, pul l it
out of t he retr actor and i nsert the tab
into the buckle.
You will hear a cl ick when t he tab l ocks
into the buckle.
The seat bel t length automatical ly adjus ts
to y our siz e and the seat pos iti on.
The ret ract or wi ll lock the bel t dur ing a
sudden st op or on impact . It als o may
lock i f you lean forwar d too quic kly. A
slow, eas y moti on will al low the belt to
extend, and y ou can move ar ound freely.
If the seat belt c annot be pull ed out of the
retr actor, fir mly pull the bel t and releas e
it. You will t hen be able to smoot hly pull
the bel t out of t he r etrac tor.
D After i nserting t he t ab, make sur e
the tab and buckle ar e locked and
the belt is not twisted.
D Do not i nsert coins, cli ps, etc. in
the buckle as this may prevent you
from pr operly l atching th e t ab and
D If the seat belt does not funct ion
normall y, immediat ely contact any
authori zed Toyota deal er or repair er,
or another duly qualif ied and
equipped professi onal. Do not use
the seat unti l the seat belt is fixed,
because it cannot protect an adult
occupant or your chi ld f rom deat h
or serious injury.
—3point type
Seat belts wit h an adjustabl e shoulder
Adjust the shoulder anchor posit ion to
your si ze.
To rai se: Sli de the anchor up.
To l ower: Push in t he loc k releas e butt on
and s lide the anc hor down.
After adjustment , make sure t he anchor is
lock ed in pos ition.
Always make sure t he shoulder belt
is posit ioned across the center of
your shoulder. The belt shoul d be
kept away fr om your neck, but not
falling off your shoulder. Failure to
do so could reduce the amount of
protect ion in an accident and cause
death or serious injuries in a colli-
Tak e up
Too high
Keep as l ow on
hips as possible
Adjust the position of the lap and
shoulder belt s.
Posit ion t he lap belt as l ow as poss ible
on your hips—not on y our waist , t hen ad-
just it to a snug f it by pulling the s houlder
porti on upward thr ough the lat ch plate.
D Both highpositioned lap belts and
loosefi tti ng belts could cause
death or ser ious inj uries due t o
slidin g under the lap belt dur ing a
collision or other unintended result.
Keep the l ap bel t positioned as low
on hips as possible.
D For your saf ety, do not place t he
shoulder belt under your arm.
To release the belt, pr ess the buckle
release button and allo w the bel t t o
retr act.
If the belt does not ret ract smoothl y, pull
it out and check for k inks or twi sts . Then
make s ure it remains untwi sted as it r e-
Front seat
Rear seat
Sit up st raight and well back in the
seat. To fast en your belt, insert the tab
into the buckle.
You will hear a cl ick when t he tab l ocks
into the buckle.
If the belt is not l ong enough for y ou, hold
the tab at a r ight angle t o the bel t and
pull on t he tab.
—2point type
D After i nserting t he t ab, make sur e
the tab and buckle ar e locked and
the belt is not twisted.
D Do not insert coins, cli ps, etc. in
the buckle as this may prevent you
from pr operly l atching t he t ab and
D If the seat belt does not funct ion
normall y, immediat ely contact any
authori zed Toyota deal er or repair er,
or another duly qualif ied and
equipped professi onal. Do not use
the seat unti l the seat belt is fixed.
It cannot pr otect an adul t occupant
or your child from death or serious
Adjust to
a s nug f it
Keep as l ow on
hips as possible
Too high
Front seat
Too high
Adjust to a
snug fit
Keep as l ow on
hips as possible
Rear seat
Remove excess length of the belt and
adjust the belt posi tion.
To shorten the belt , pull the fr ee end of
the belt.
Posit ion t he lap belt as l ow as poss ible
on your hips—not on y our waist , t hen ad-
just it to a snug fit.
Both hi ghpositi oned and loosefit-
ting lap bel ts coul d cause death or
serious injuries due to sliding under
the lap belt during a collision or oth-
er uni ntended r esult. Keep the lap
belt positioned as low on hips as
To release the belt, pr ess the buckle
release button.
The dri ver ’s seat bel t pr etensioner is
designed to be act ivated in response to
a severe fr ontal impact .
When t he ai rbag s ensor detec ts the shoc k
of a s ever e f rontal im pact, t he dri ver ’s
seat belt is quic kly drawn back i n by the
retr actor s o that the belt snugly res trai ns
the driver.
Collisions occurr ing at cert ain speeds and
angles may caus e the seat bel t preten-
sioner and SRS ai rbag not to oper ate all
This i ndicator comes on when the en-
gine switch is t urned to the “ON” posi-
tion. It goes off after about 6 seconds.
This means the dr iver ’s seat belt pr e-
tensioner is operat ing pr operly.
This warning light system monitors the
airbag sensor ass embly, air bag sens or,
driv er ’s s eat bel t pret ensioner as sembly,
infl ator, i nterc onnecting wiring and power
sourc es. (For detail s, s ee “ Servi ce r emind-
er indic ators and warning buzz er” on page
73 in Section 15. )
—Driver ’s seat belt
The dr iver’s s eat bel t pret ensioner system
mainly consists of the following compo-
nents and t heir l ocati ons are s hown in the
1. SRS warni ng li ght
2. Ai rbag s ensor
3. Dr iver’s seat belt pr etensi oner ass em-
4. Air bag s ensor ass embly
The dri ver’s s eat belt pretensioner i s c on-
trol led by the airbag s ensor ass embly. The
airbag sens or assembly consist s of a s af-
ing s ensor and airbag s ensor.
When the driv er ’s s eat belt pret ensioner i s
acti vated, an operat ing nois e may be
heard and a smal l amount of smok elike
gas may be rel eased. This gas is harm-
less and does not i ndicate that a fi re is
occur ring.
Once the driv er ’s seat belt pretens ioner
has been acti vated, the seat belt r etrac tor
remains loc ked.
If the vehicl e is invol ved in multipl e colli-
sions , the pretens ioner wil l acti vate for the
first collision, but will not activate for the
second or subs equent collisions .
Observe the foll owing precautions to
reduce t he risk of injur y in the event
of sudden br aking or an accident.
Failur e to do so may cause deat h or
serious injury.
D If t he pret ensioner has activat ed,
the SRS warning light will come on.
In that case, the seat belt cannot
be used agai n and must be re-
placed at any authoriz ed Toyota
dealer or repai rer, or anot her duly
qualif ied and equipped professi onal.
D Do not modi fy, remove, strike or
open t he seat belt pret ensioner as-
semblies, airbag sensor or sur-
rounding area or wiri ng. Consult
any aut horiz ed Toyota dealer or r e-
pairer, or anot her duly qualif ied and
equipped professi onal about any re-
pair and m odificat ion.
Do not perform any of the f ollowing
changes w ithout consulti ng any autho-
riz ed Toyota dealer or repair er, or
another duly quali fied and equi pped
professi onal. Such changes can inter-
fere wit h proper operation of the
driver’s seat bel t pretensi oner in
some cases.
z Install ation of elect ronic devices
such as an RFtransmi tter, cassette
tape player or compact disc player
z Repairs on or near th e d river’s seat
belt ret ractor assembly
z Modificat ion of the suspension sys-
z Modificati on of the front end struc-
z Attachment of a grille guard (bull
bar, kangaroo bar, et c.), snowplow,
winches or any other equi pment to
the f ront end
z Repairsmadeonornearthefront
end str ucture or console
This driv er ’s seat belt pretens ioner system
has a s ervi ce reminder indicat or to inf orm
the driver of operating problems . If any of
the following condit ions occur s, this
indic ates a malfunct ion of the airbag or
pretens ioner. Contact any author ized
Toyota dealer or repairer, or another duly
qualif ied and equipped profes sional , as
soon as poss ible to serv ice the vehi cle.
D The light does not c ome on when the
engine swi tch i s tur ned t o the “ON”
posit ion or remains on for more than
6 s econds or fl ashes.
D The light comes on or starts flashing
while driving.
D If t he dr iver’s seat belt does not r etrac t
or c annot be pul led out due to a mal-
funct ion or act ivat ion of the rel evant
driv er ’s s eat bel t pretens ioner.
In the following c ases, cont act any autho-
riz ed Toyot a dealer or repairer, or anot her
duly qualif ied and equipped pr ofess ional,
as soon as poss ible:
D The f ront of t he vehicl e (shaded in t he
illustration) was inv olved in an acc ident
that was not sev ere enough to c ause
the dr iver’s seat bel t pr etensi oner to
D The dr iver’s seat belt pret ensioner as-
sembly or surr ounding area is
scr atched, c rack ed, or ot herwis e dama-
The SRS (Supplemental Restrai nt Sys-
tem) airbag is designed to provide fur-
ther protect ion for the dr iver in addi tion
to the primar y safety pr otecti on pr o-
vided b y the seat belt .
In r espons e to a s evere fr ontal impac t,
the SRS airbag works together with the
seat belt to help reduc e i njury by inf lati ng.
The SRS ai rbag helps to reduce injuri es
mainly t o the driv er ’s head or chest
caused by direc tly hit ting the steer ing
Be s ure to wear y our s eat belt properl y.
The dri ver who is too close t o the
steeri ng wheel dur ing ai rbag deploy-
ment can be killed or seriously in-
jured. Toyota strongly recommends
D The driver sit as far back as pos-
sible f rom the steeri ng wheel while
still maintaining control of the ve-
D All vehicle occupant s must be prop-
erly r estrai ned usi ng the avail able
seat bel ts.
SRS driver airbag
This i ndicator comes on when the en-
gine switch is t urned to the “ON” posi-
tion. It goes off after about 6 seconds.
This m eans the SRS air bag is operating
properl y.
This warning light system monitors the
airbag sensor ass embly, air bag sens or,
driv er ’s s eat bel t pret ensioner as sembly,
infl ator, i nterc onnecting wiring and power
sourc es. (For details , see “ Servi ce
reminder indi cator s and war ning buz zer”
on page 73 in Sec tion 15. )
The SRS air bag syst em is designed t o
activat e i n response to a severe frontal
impact within the shaded area between
the arrows in the illustration.
The SRS ai rbag wi ll deploy in the ev ent
of an impact that ex ceeds the set thresh-
old level (the level of for ce corr esponding
to an approx imatel y 2030 km/h [1218
mph] frontal collision with a fixed wall that
does not mov e or def orm).
If the s everi ty of the impac t is bel ow the
above thres hold level , t he SRS ai rbag
may not depl oy.
However, thi s thres hold veloc ity will be
consi derably hi gher if the v ehicl e stri kes
an object , suc h as a park ed vehi cle or
sign pol e, whic h c an move or defor m on
impact , or if it is inv olved in an underr ide
collision (e.g. a collision in which the nose
of the vehi cle “ underri des”, or goes under,
the bed of a truc k, etc .).
It is possible that in some collisions at the
lower z one of air bag sensor detect ion and
acti vati on the SRS air bag and seat belt
pretens ioner wi ll not operat e all t ogether.
For the saf ety of all occupant s, always
wear y our seat belt s properl y.
Collision from the rear
Collision from the side
Vehicle rollover
The SRS airbag i s not designed to in-
flate if the vehicle is involved in a side
or rear collision, if it rolls over, or if
it is involved in a lowspeed front al
Hitti ng a curb,
edge of pav ement
or hard materi al
Falling into or
jumping over
a deep hole
Landing hard or vehic le falling
The SRS airbag may deploy if a serious
impact occur s t o the underside of your
vehicle. Some exampl es are shown i n
the illustration.
The SRS airbag system consists mainly of
the foll owing components , and their loca-
tions are shown in the illustration.
1. SRS warni ng li ght
2. Air bag modul e for dr iver
(air bag and infl ator)
3. Ai rbag s ensor
4. Air bag s ensor ass embly
The ai rbag sensor ass embly cons ist s of a
safi ng s ensor and ai rbag s ensor.
In a sever e front al impac t, the s ensor de-
tects deceleration and the system triggers
the ai rbag i nflator. At this time a chemical
reaction in the inflator quickly fills the air-
bag wit h nont oxic gas to hel p res train
the f orward motion of the driv er.
When t he air bag inf lates , it produc es a
fair ly loud nois e and releas es some
smok e and resi due along wit h nontoxic
gas. This does not i ndicat e a fi re. This
gas is normall y har mless ; however, for
those who have delic ate ski n, i t may
cause a minor s kin ir ritat ion. Be s ure to
wash off any r esidue as s oon as poss ible
to pr event any potent ial sk in irr itati on.
Deployment of the air bag happens in a
frac tion of a s econd, so the airbag must
infl ate wit h consi derable for ce. W hile the
system is designed t o r educe s erious inj u-
ries , it may als o c ause minor burns or
abrasi ons and s welling.
The st eering wheel hub may be hot f or
sever al minutes , but the airbag its elf wil l
not be hot. The ai rbag is designed to
infl ate onl y onc e.
The SRS airbag system is designed
only as a suppl ement to the pr imary
protect ion of the dr iver si de seat bel t
system. The driver can be killed or
seriously injured by the inflating air-
bag i f he/ she does not wear t he avai l-
able seat bel t properl y. Dur ing sudden
braking just before a collision, an un-
restr ained driver can move for ward
into di rect cont act wit h or cl ose prox-
imit y t o the airbag which may then
deploy during the collision. To ensure
maximum protect ion i n an accident,
the driver and all passengers in the
vehicle must wear t heir seat belts
properl y. Wearing a seat belt proper ly
during an accident reduces th e
chances of deat h or seri ous i njury or
being thr own out of t he vehi cle. For
instr uctions and precautions concer n-
ing t he seat belt system, see “Seat
belts on page 28 in this Section.
D Do not put object s or your pets on
or in f ront of t he steeri ng wheel
pad. They might restri ct inf lation or
cause death or ser ious injur y as
they ar e proj ected r earward by th e
force of a deployi ng air bag. Like-
wise, the driver shoul d not hold ob-
jects in his/her arms or on hi s/her
D Do not modif y or remove any wir-
ing. Do not modify, remove, str ike
or open any components such as
the st eering w heel pad, steerin g
wheel, col umn cover or airbag sen-
sor assembly. Doing so may cause
sudden SRS ai rbag infl ation o r dis-
able t he system, which coul d result
in death or serious injury.
Failure to follow these instructions
can result in death or ser ious injury.
Consult any author ized Toyota dealer
or repai rer, or another duly quali fied
and equi pped prof essional, about any
repair s and modi ficati ons.
Do not perform any of the f ollowing
changes without consult ing any
authori zed Toyota dealer or repair er,
or another duly qual ified and
equipped pr ofessional. Such changes
can int erfer e wit h proper operati on of
the SRS air bag syst em i n some cases.
z Install ation of elect ronic devices
such as an RFtransmi tter, cassette
tape player or compact disc player
z Modificati on of the suspension sys-
z Modificati on of the front end str uc-
z Attachment of a grille guard (bull
bar, kangaroo bar, et c.), snowplow,
winches or any other equi pment to
the f ront end
z Repairsmadeonornearthefront
end str ucture, console, st eering col-
umn or steer ing wheel
This SRS airbag system has a service
reminder i ndicator t o inf orm the driv er of
operati ng probl ems. If ei ther of the fol low-
ing conditi ons occurs , this indi cates a mal-
funct ion of the air bag. Contact any autho-
riz ed Toyot a dealer or repairer, or anot her
duly qualif ied and equipped pr ofess ional,
as soon as pos sibl e to s erv ice t he ve-
hicl e.
D The light does not c ome on when the
engine swi tch i s tur ned t o the “ON”
posit ion or remains on for more than
6 s econds or fl ashes.
D The light comes on or starts flashing
while driving.
In the following c ases, cont act any autho-
riz ed Toyot a dealer or repairer, or anot her
duly qualif ied and equipped pr ofess ional,
as soon as poss ible:
D The SRS air bag has been infl ated.
D The f ront of t he vehicl e (shaded in t he
illustration) was inv olved in an acc ident
that was not sev ere enough to c ause
the SRS air bag to inf late.
D The pad sect ion of the steer ing wheel
(shaded in the illustration) is scratc hed,
crac ked, or other wise damaged.
Toyota strongl y urges t he use of chi ld
restr aint systems for children smal l
enough to use them.
If a child is too large for a child restraint
system, the child should sit in the seat
and must be res trai ned using the v ehicl e’s
seat belt. See “ Seat belt s” on page 28 for
detail s.
D For effect ive prot ection in aut omo-
bile accidents and sudden stops, a
child must be pr operly rest rained,
using a seat bel t or chi ld r estraint
system depending on t he age and
size of the child. Hol ding a chi ld in
your arms is not a substitute f or a
child restr aint system. I n an acci-
dent, the chil d can be crushed
against t he windshiel d, or between
you and the vehicle’s interior.
D Single cab model s
Toyota st rongly urges use of a
proper child r estrai nt syst em which
conforms to the si ze of t he child.
Double cab model s
Toyota st rongly urges use of a
proper child r estrai nt syst em which
conforms to the siz e of t he child,
instal led on the rear seat.
According to accident stati stics, t he
child is safer when proper ly
restr ained in the rear seat t han in
the f ront seat .
D Make sure you have complied wi th
all installation instructions provided
by the chi ld rest raint manuf acturer
and that the system i s pr operly se-
cured. If it is not secured proper ly,
it may cause death or serious injury
to the chi ld in the event o f a sud-
den stop, sudden swerve or acci-
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
Child restrain t—
—Child restraint precautions
A child r estraint system for a smal l
child or baby must it self be proper ly
restr ained on the seat wi th eit her t he
lap belt or t he lap port ion of the lap/
shoulder bel t. You must careful ly con-
sult t he manufact urer ’s inst ructi ons
which accompany the child r estraint
To prov ide proper res trai nt, us e a chi ld
restraint system following the manufactur-
er ’s ins truc tions about t he appropri ate age
and siz e of the c hild for the child r estr aint
Toyota rec ommends t hat you use a chi ld
restraint system which conforms to the
regulat ion “ ECE No.44” .
Install the child restraint system correctly
foll owing the ins truc tions prov ided by it s
manufact urer. General direc tions ar e also
provided under the following illus trat ions.
The child restraint system should be
inst alled on t he rear s eat. Ac cordi ng to
acci dent s tati sti cs, the c hild is safer when
properl y rest rained in t he rear s eat than
in t he f ront seat.
When t he chi ld r estrai nt syst em is
not i n use:
D Keep the child r estrai nt system
properl y secured on t he seat even
if it i s not in use. Do not store the
restr aint unsecur ed in the passen-
ger compar tment.
D If it is necessary to detach the
child r estraint system, r emove it
from the vehicl e or st ore it secur ely
in t he luggage compar tment. This
will prevent i t f rom injur ing passen-
gers in the event of a sudden st op,
sudden swerve or accident .
D After installing the child restraint
system, m ake sure it i s secured in
place fol lowing the manuf acturers
instr uctions. If i t is not rest rained
securely, it may cause death or se-
rious injury to the child in the
event of a sudden stop, sudden
swerve or acci dent.
When installing a child restraint system
witha3point seat belt , you will need a
locking clip.
If your child restraint system does not
provi de a lock ing c lip, you can pur chase
the foll owing item fr om any author ized
Toyota dealer or repairer, or another duly
qualif ied and equi pped profes si onal.
Locking clip for child restraint system
(Part No. 7311922010)
—Child restraint system
Child restraint systems are classified into
the fol lowing 5 groups acc ording to the
regulat ion ECE No.44.
Group 0: Up to 10 kg (22 lb. )
(0—9 mont hs)
Group 0
: Upto13kg(28lb.)
(0—2 y ears )
Group I : 9—18 kg (20 to 39 l b.)
(9 mont hs—4 y ears)
Group I I: 15— 25 kg ( 34 to 55 lb.)
(4 y ears— 7 year s)
Group III: 22—36 kg (49 to 79 lb.)
(6 y ears— 12 year s)
In t his owner’s manual, the f ollowing popu-
lar 3 ty pes of chi ld r estr aint secur ed wit h
the s eat belts ar e ex plained.
(A) Baby seat equal to Gr oup 0 and.....
of ECE No.44
(B) Chil d seat equal to Group 0
(C) J unior s eat equal to Gr oup II....
and I II of ECE No.44
When purc hasing, ask t he manufac turer of
the child restraint system which type of
chil d res trai nt i s appr opriat e for your chi ld
and v ehicle.
Referr ing to the fol lowing table, select the
child restraint system which is suitable for
each seati ng pos ition.
Install the child restraint system following
the ins truc tions prov ided by its manufac-
(A) Baby seat
(B) Chil d seat
(C) Junior seat
—Types of child restraint
Provided information in the table shows your child restraint system suitability for various
seati ng posi tions . This table i s appli cable to only E U count ries .
Front seat Rear s eat
Center Outsi de
Up to 10 kg (22 lb. )
(0—9 mont hs)
Up to 13 kg ( 28 lb. )
(0—2 year s)
(9 mont hs—4 year s)
15 to 36 kg
(4—12 year s)
Seating posi tion
Mass groups
Key of letters insert ed in the above tabl e:
U: Suitabl e for “univers al” category child res trai nt system approv ed for the use in thi s
mass group
UF: Suitabl e f or forwardf acing “univer sal” categor y c hild restr aint system appr oved f or
the us e in t his mas s gr oup
L1: Suit able for “TOYOTA BABYSAFE (0 to 13 kg)” approv ed for the us e in t his mass
L2: Suit able for “TOYOTA DUO (without IS OFIX, 9 to 18 kg) ” approved f or the us e in
this mass gr oup
L3: Suit able f or “TOYOTA KID ( 15 to 36 k g)” approved for the use i n this mass group
X: Not suitabl e seat position for chil dren in this mas s gr oup
Other child restraint system which is different from the system mentioned in the tabl e
can be used, but the suitability of the systems must be carefully checked with the child
restraint system manufac turer concerned and t he sel ler of those s eats.
—Child restraint system suitability for various seating positions
The use of any child restrai nt syst em
which is not suitable for this vehicle
would not properl y secure the i nfant
or chil d. Therefor e, they could be
killed or seriously injured.
For fur ther inform ation, s ee “ —Ins tall ation
with 2point t ype seat bel t” on page 48
and “ —Inst allati on wit h 3poi nt type seat
belt” on page 51 in thi s Sec tion.
A child seat must be used in forwar d
facing or rear facing posit ion depend-
ing on the age and size of the child.
When installing, follow the manufactur-
er ’s inst ructi ons about the applicabl e
age and size of the child as wel l as
directions for installing the child re-
strai nt syst em.
—Installa tion with 2point
type seat belt
Do not i nstall a child restr aint syst em
on the front cent er position. Thi s seat
positi on is not designed to hol d a
child rest raint system.
If used i n the f ront cent er posi tion,
depending on it s t ype, t he child re-
strai nt syst em may interf ere with the
proper usage of the drivers and front
passenger ’s seat belts. It may al so
hamper your dr iving.
To ins tall t he chi ld seat:
1. Run t he cent er lap belt through or
around t he chil d s eat f ollowing the
inst ruct ions pr ovided by its manufact ur-
er and inser t t he tab into t he buckl e
taki ng c are not t o twi st the lap belt .
D After i nserting t he t ab, make sur e
the tab and buckle ar e locked and
that the lap belt is not twisted.
D Do not insert coins, cli ps, etc. in
the buckle as this m ay prevent your
child from pr operly l atching t he tab
and buckl e.
D If the seat belt does not funct ion
normall y, i t cannot protect your
child from death or seri ous injur y.
Contact any aut horized Toyot a
dealer or repai rer, or anot her duly
qualif ied and equipped prof essional,
immediat ely. Do not i nstall the chil d
restr aint syst em on the seat until
the seat belt is fixed.
2. Whi le press ing the chi ld seat f irml y
against the seat c ushion and seat back,
tighten the lap belt by pulling its free
end to hold the chi ld s eat sec urely.
Push and pul l the child rest raint sys-
tem i n diff erent di recti ons to be sure
it i s secure. Follow al l t he instal lation
instr uctions provided by its manufac-
To remov e the chi ld s eat:
Press t he buc kle releas e but ton.
A baby seat is used in r earf acing posi-
tion only.
An ELR (Emergenc y Locki ng Retrac tor)
belt requi res a lock ing cli p t o i nstal l a
child restraint system.
—Installa tion with 3point
type seat belt
To ins tall t he baby s eat:
1. Run the lap and shoulder bel t through
or around t he baby seat followi ng the
inst ruct ions pr ovided by its manufact ur-
er and inser t t he tab into t he buckl e
taki ng care not to tw ist t he belt. Keep
slac k out of t he l ap portion of the belt.
Holding t he tab i n that posi tion, r elease
the buc kl e.
2. I nstall a loc king c lip near the t ab of
the lap and shoulder belt by ins erti ng
the lap and s houlder webbing t hrough
the recesses of the locking clip. Buckle
the belt agai n. If t he belt has any
slac k, releas e the buc kle and r einst all
the locking clip.
If your child restraint system does not
provi de a lock ing c lip, you can pur chase
one at any authori zed Toy ota dealer or
repair er, or anot her dul y qual ifi ed and
equipped prof essi onal. ( See “—Chil d re-
straint system” on page 45 for detai ls. )
D After i nserting t he t ab, make sur e
the tab and buckle ar e locked and
that the l ap and shoulder port ions
of t he belt ar e not twi sted.
D Do not i nsert coins, cli ps, etc. in
the buckle as this m ay prevent your
child from pr operly l atching t he tab
and buckle.
D If the seat belt does not funct ion
normall y, it cannot pr otect your
child from death or seri ous injur y.
Contact any aut horized Toyot a
dealer or repai rer, or anot her duly
qualif ied and equipped professi onal,
immediatel y. Do not instal l the child
restr aint syst em on the seat until
the seat belt is fixed.
Push and pul l the child rest raint sys-
tem i n diff erent di recti ons to be sure
it i s secure. Follow al l t he instal lation
instr uctions provided by its manufac-
To remov e t he baby seat :
Press the buckle release but ton and al low
the bel t t o ret ract c ompletely.
Always remove the locki ng clip when
the chil d restr aint syst em is not
A chi ld seat is used i n for wardfacing
or rear faci ng position d epending on
the chil d’s age and si ze. When inst al-
ling, foll ow the manufacturer ’s inst ruc-
tion about t he applicable child’s age
and siz e as well as dir ections for
installing the child restraint system.
An ELR (Emergenc y Locki ng Retrac tor)
belt requi res a lock ing cli p t o i nstal l a
child restraint system.
To ins tall t he chi ld seat:
1. Run the lap and shoulder bel t through
or ar ound t he chi ld s eat f ollowing the
inst ruct ions pr ovided by its manufact ur-
er and inser t t he tab into t he buckl e
taki ng care not to tw ist t he belt. Keep
slac k out of t he l ap portion of the belt.
Holding t he tab i n that posi tion, r elease
the buc kl e.
2. I nstall a loc king c lip near the t ab of
the lap and shoulder belt by ins erti ng
the lap and s houlder webbing t hrough
the recesses of the locking clip. Buckle
the belt agai n. If t he belt has any
slac k, releas e the buc kle and r einst all
the locking clip.
If your child restraint system does not
provi de a lock ing c lip, you can pur chase
one at any authori zed Toy ota dealer or
repair er, or anot her dul y qual ifi ed and
equipped prof essi onal. ( See “—Chil d re-
straint system” on page 45 for detai ls. )
D After i nserting t he t ab, make sur e
the tab and buckle ar e locked and
that the l ap and shoulder port ions
of t he belt ar e not twi sted.
D Do not insert coins, cli ps, etc. in
the buckle as this m ay prevent your
child from pr operly l atching t he tab
and buckle.
D If the seat belt does not funct ion
normall y, it cannot pr otect your
child from death or seri ous injur y.
Contact any aut horized Toyot a
dealer or repai rer, or anot her duly
qualif ied and equipped prof essional,
immediat ely. Do not instal l the child
restr aint syst em on the seat until
the seat belt is fixed.
Push and pul l the child rest raint sys-
tem in different directions to be sure
it i s secure. Follow al l t he instal lation
instr uctions provided by its manufac-
To remov e the chi ld s eat:
Press the buckle release but ton and al low
the bel t t o ret ract c ompletely.
Always remove the locki ng clip when
the chil d restr aint syst em is not
A junior seat is used in forwardf acing
positi on only.
To ins tall t he juni or s eat:
Sit the chi ld on a junior seat. Run the l ap
and shoulder belt t hrough or around t he
junior seat and chil d f ollowing the inst ruc-
tions prov ided by its manuf actur er and in-
sert the tab i nto the buc kle tak ing c are
not t o t wist t he belt .
Make sure the shoul der belt is c orrect ly
acros s t he c hild’s shoulder and that the
lap belt is pos iti oned as l ow as possi ble
on the c hild’s hips. S ee “ Seat belt s” on
page 28 in this Sec tion for det ails.
D Always make sure the shoulder bel t
is posi tioned across the center of
child’s shoulder. The belt should be
kept away fr om child’s neck, but
not f alling off child’s shoulder. Fail-
ure t o do so could reduce t he
amount of pr otecti on in an accident
and cause death or serious injuri es
in a collision.
D Both highpositi oned lap belts and
loosefi tti ng belt s could cause seri-
ous injuries due to sliding under
the lap belt during a collision or
other uni ntended r esult. Keep the
lap bel t positi oned as low on a
child’s hips as possibl e.
D For child’s safety, do not place the
shoulder belt under chil d’s ar m.
D After i nserting t he t ab, make sur e
the tab and buckle ar e locked and
that the l ap and shoulder port ions
of the belt are not twisted.
D Do not insert coins, cli ps, etc. in
the buckle as this m ay prevent your
child from pr operly l atching t he tab
and buckl e.
D If the seat belt does not funct ion
normall y, it cannot pr otect your
child from death or seri ous injur y.
Contact any aut horized Toyot a
dealer or repai rer, or anot her duly
qualif ied and equipped prof essional,
immediat ely. Do not instal l the child
restr aint syst em on the seat until
the seat belt is fixed.
To remov e t he juni or s eat:
Press the buckle release but ton and al low
the bel t to r etrac t.
To adjust the st eering wheel posi tion,
pull up the lock release l ever. Then tilt
the steeri ng wheel to th e desir ed angle,
push or pull it t o the desired steeri ng
column lengt h and push down the l ock
release lever.
D Do not adjust the st eering wheel
while the vehicle is moving. Doing
so may cause the d river t o mi shan-
dle the vehicle and an accident may
occur resulti ng in deat h or serious
D After adjusting the steering wheel,
try moving it up and down or for-
ward and r earward to make sur e it
is l ocked in posit ion.
Tilt and telescopic steering
Adjust t he mi rror so that you can j ust
see the side of your vehicle in the mir-
Do not adjust the mirror while the
vehicle is moving. Doing so may
cause t he d river to mishandle the ve-
hicle and an acci dent may occur re-
sulti ng in death or seri ous inj uries.
Type A
Type B
The rear vi ew mirr ors can be folded
backward for par king i n compact areas.
To fold t he rear vi ew mirr or, pus h back-
Do not dri ve wit h the mi rrors fol ded
backward. Bot h the dr iver and pas-
senger side r ear view mirr ors must
be ext ended and proper ly adj usted
before drivi ng.
Outside rear view mirrors— —Folding rear view mirrors
Section 14
Lights and Wipers
D Headlights and turn signals 62..........................
D Headlight beam lev el control 63.........................
D Emer gency flasher s 64.................................
D Rear fog light 64.......................................
D Inter ior light 65........................................
D Winds hield wipers and washer 65.......................
To turn on the following lights: Twist
the headl ight/ turn signal lever knob.
Posit ion 1—Fr ont positi on, tail , l icens e
plate and i nstr ument panel l ights
Posit ion 2—Headl ights and all of the
However, on some models, al l the lights
above al so turn on w hen the engi ne is
star ted with the headli ght s witc h off .
With the headli ght beam level cont rol
swit ch—Adj ust the headlight beam lev el
before tur ning on the headl ights . ( See
“Headli ght beam lev el c ontrol ” on page 63
in this Section.)
Light reminder buz zer
A buzz er will r emind you to turn the lights
off when the dr iver’s door is opened if t he
engine swi tch is turned t o t he “LOCK”
posit ion wi th the headl ight swi tch on.
To prevent the batter y from being dis-
charged, do not leave the lights on
for a long period when the engine is
not r unning.
HighLow beams—For high beams, tur n
the headli ghts on and push t he lev er away
from you ( posit ion 1) . Pul l t he lever to-
ward y ou ( positi on 2) for l ow beams.
The headl ight hi gh beam indic ator light
(blue l ight) on t he i nstr ument panel will
tell y ou that the high beams are on.
Flashing the high beam headli ghts
(posi tion 3)—Pul l the lev er all the way
back. The high beam headli ghts tur n off
when y ou rel ease t he lev er.
You can flas h the high beam headl ights
with the knob turned to “OFF”.
Headlights and turn signals
To signal a tur n, push t he headli ght/
turn si gnal lever up or down to posit ion
The engine swit ch mus t be in the “ON”
posit ion.
The lev er automatic ally retur ns after y ou
make a turn, but y ou may have to return
it by hand af ter you change lanes .
To signal a lane change, move the lev er
up or down t o the pr essur e point (posit ion
2) and hold it .
If t he turn s ignal i ndicator l ights (gr een
light s) on the ins trument panel flas h fast er
than normal , a front or r ear tur n signal
bulb i s burned out. See “Replac ing li ght
bulbs” on page 205 in Sect ion 7 3.
To adjust the headli ght beam level, turn
the dial.
The following list shows examples of prop-
er dial setti ngs. For l oading conditions oth-
er t han those lis ted, adj ust the dial pos i-
tion s o that t he beam level i s the same
as t he one obtai ned acc ording to the l ist
when only t he driv er is in the v ehicl e. The
higher t he number of the dial position, the
lower the headlight beam lev el.
Always k eep the headli ght beam at the
proper lev el, or y our headl ights may
dazzl e ot her r oad us ers.
Loading condi tion and di al posi tion
No luggage l oading ( driver only) 0
Driv er + f ull luggage loading 3
Headlight beam level control
To t urn on the emergency f lashers,
push the swit ch.
All the turn signal li ghts will fl ash. To tur n
them off, push the sw itc h once again.
Turn on the emer gency fl ashers to warn
other dri vers i f y our vehic le mus t be
stopped where it might be a t raffic hazard.
Always pull as f ar off the road as possible.
The t urn s ignal li ght s witc h wi ll not work
when the emer gency fl ashers are operat-
To prevent the batter y from being dis-
charged, do not leave t he swi tch on
longer than necessar y when t he en-
gine i s not runni ng.
To turn on the rear fog light, push the
switch. It will come on when the head-
lights are turned on.
The r ear fog light wi ll go off automatic ally
when all ot her l ights ar e tur ned off .
After t he headli ght s witc h is t urned off,
the rear f og li ght does not come on even
if you turn on the headl ight swi tch again.
To tur n on the r ear fog li ght, pus h the
swit ch again under the condit ion st ated
Emergency flashers Rear fog light
Rear (double cab models)
To t urn on the int erior light , slide the
The interior light s witc h has t he following
posit ions:
On—Keeps the light on all the ti me.
Off—Turns t he li ght off .
Door—Turns the l ight on when the dr iver’s
door i s opened. The li ght goes off when
the dr iver’s door is c losed.
Type A
Type B
To tur n on the windshi eld wiper s, move
the lever to the desir ed sett ing.
The engine swit ch mus t be in the “ON”
posit ion.
Type A
Lever position
Speed set ting
Posit ion 1 Slow
Posit ion 2 Fast
For a singl e sweep of t he windshi eld push
the l ever up and r elease it.
Interior light Windshield wipers and washer
Type B
Lever position
Speed set ting
Posit ion 1 Intermittent
Posit ion 2 Slow
Posit ion 3 Fast
To squirt washer f luid, push the button
on th e end of t he lever.
If t he winds hield w ipers ar e off, they wil l
operate a couple of ti mes after the washer
squir ts.
For ins truc tions on adding was her flui d,
see “ Adding was her fl uid” on page 204 in
Secti on 73.
In freez ing w eather, warm the windshi eld
with the defrost er before usi ng t he washer.
This will hel p prev ent t he was her fl uid
from fr eezing on your winds hield, whic h
can block your vision.
Do not operat e the wiper s if the wind-
shield is dry. It may scr atch the
Section 15
Gauges, Meters and Service reminder indicators
D F uel gauge 68.........................................
D Engine c oolant temperature gauge 68...................
D Tachometer 69........................................
D O dometer and two trip meters 70........................
D Oil maintenance management system 70................
D Ser vice reminder indic ators and warning buzz er 73.......
The gauge i ndicates the approxi mate
quantit y of fuel remai ning i n the tank
when the engine switch is on.
Nearly f ull—Needle at “F”
Nearly empt y—Needle at “E”
It is a good i dea to k eep the t ank ov er
1/4 f ull.
The needle moves when br aking, ac celer-
ating or maki ng t urns. Thi s is caus ed by
the m ovement of the fuel in the tank .
If the fuel level approaches “ E” or t he low
fuel l evel warning l ight c omes on, fill the
fuel tank as s oon as pos sibl e.
On incli nes or curv es, due to the move-
ment of f uel in t he tank , the f uel gauge
needle may fluct uate or the low f uel level
warning li ght may c ome on earli er than
On some models—
If the f uel tank is complet ely empty, the
malfunc tion i ndicator lamp c omes on. Fi ll
the f uel t ank immediat ely.
The indicat or lamp goes off after driv ing
sever al t imes. If the i ndicator lamp does
not go off, cont act any author ized Toyota
dealer or repai rer, or another duly quali-
fied and equi pped profes sional , as soon
as poss ible.
The gauge indicates the engi ne coolant
temperat ure when t he engine switch is
on. The engine oper ating temperat ure
will vary with changes in weather and
engine l oad.
If the needle moves int o the r ed z one,
your engi ne is too hot. If y our vehi cle
overheat s, st op y our v ehic le and allow t he
engine t o c ool.
Your vehi cle may ov erheat duri ng s evere
operati ng condi tions , s uch as:
D Driving up a long hil l on a hot day.
D Reducing speed or stopping after high
speed driv ing.
D Idling for a long period wit h t he ai r
condit ioning on i n s topandgo traff ic .
D Towingatrailer.
z Do not remove the thermost at in
the engine cool ing system as this
may cause the engine to overheat .
The t hermostat is designed to con-
trol the flow of coolant t o keep the
temperat ure of the engine withi n
the speci fied operat ing r ange.
z Do not continue dri ving with an
overheated engine. See “ If your ve-
hicle over heats” on page 148 in
Section 4.
Fuel gauge
Engine coolant temperature
The tachomet er indi cates engine speed
in thousands of rpm (revol utions per
minute) . Use i t while drivi ng t o select
correct shift point s and to prevent en-
gine l ugging and overrevving.
Do not let the indi cator needle get
into the red zone. Thi s may cause
severe engi ne damage.
For better fuel economy, keep the needl e
within the ec onomy (green) z one. Driv ing
with the engine running too fast c auses
exces siv e engine wear and poor fuel
This meter di splays the odometer and
two tri p met ers.
1. Odomet er—Shows the t otal dis tance
the v ehic le has been dri ven.
2. Two trip meter s—Show two di fferent
dist ances independent ly driv en s ince
the l ast ti me eac h t rip meter was set
to zero.
You c an use one t rip met er t o calc ulate
the fuel economy and t he other t o
measure the distance on eac h trip. All
tri p met er data i s cancel led i f the elec-
tri cal power sour ce i s disc onnected.
3. Trip meter reset k nob—Resets the two
tri p meter s t o zer o, and al so c hange
the m eter dis play.
To change the meter di splay, quick ly
push and releas e t he k nob. The meter
displ ay changes in the or der fr om t he
odometer to tr ip meter A to tri p meter
B, then bac k t o t he odometer each
time you push.
To reset the trip meter A to zero, dis-
play t he meter A reading, then push
and hold t he knob until the meter is
set to zero. The same process can be
applied for res etting the tri p met er B.
The oil mai ntenance management sys-
tem (OMMS) is designed t o inf orm you,
by means of a light, of t he t ime to
change the engine oil and oil fil ter.
Change the engine oil and oil f ilter i n
either of the fol lowing cases :
D When t he engine oi l change reminder
light is lit.
D When the system is repai red.
D When t he engine oi l change reminder
light does not come on even if t wo
years have passed since t he engine
oil was changed.
D When t he engine oi l change reminder
light does not come on even if you
have dri ven over 30000 km (18000
miles) since the engine oil was
The light ing tim ing wil l change acc ording
to t he dr ivi ng condi tion.
Because engi ne oi l deteri orates over
time, there are cases when it is neces-
sary to change t he engi ne oi l before
the engi ne oil change r eminder light
comes on. In t hese cases, change the
engine oil and oil fil ter accordi ng to the
maintenance schedul e. (For engine oi l
maintenance int ervals, see the separate
“Toyot a Servi ce Bookl et” or “Toyota
Warr anty Bookl et”.)
Odometer and two trip
Oil maintenance management
This light comes on when the engi ne
swit ch is turned to t he “ON” pos iti on. It
goes out af ter about 3 seconds . This i ndi-
cates that the system is functioning nor-
mally. I f the light illuminates f or 3 seconds
and then f lashes for about 12 seconds ,
this indic ates that the time t o change the
engine oi l i s approac hing.
If this light stays on this warns you to
change the engine oil and oil filter us-
ing appr opriate replacements at your
earli est convenience. For mor e informa-
tion about oil gr ade and viscosit y, see
“Checking the engine oi l level ” on page
188 in Secti on 72.
After changing t he engine oi l and oi l fil ter,
be sure to reset the system, so that the
light goes out. (For i nstr ucti ons on reset-
ting the system, see “RESETTING THE
SYSTEM” on page 72 in t his Sec tion. )
The system must also be reset if an en-
gine oil and oi l filter change is perform ed
before t he light comes on. I f you do not
reset the system, it cannot infor m you of
the corr ect ti me to change the engine oil
and oil f ilt er.
If any of the following occurs, the
system may not be functi oning normal-
ly. Have the vehi cle checked at any
authori zed Toyota dealer or repairer, or
another duly qualifi ed and equipped
professi onal.
D When the engine sw itch is tur ned t o
the “ON” posit ion, t he light does not
come on.
D The light fl ashes.
D After changing t he engine oil and oil
fil ter, even t hough the system has been
reset , the light does not go out, or
comes on again s oon.
After changi ng the engine oil and oil
fil ter, be sur e to r eset the syst em.
(For i nstruct ions on r esetting the sys-
on page 72 in t his Section. ) If you do
not reset the system, it cannot inf orm
you of t he cor rect time to change the
engine oil and oil f ilter.
After an engi ne oil and oil fi lter
change, per form the foll owing pr oce-
dure t o r eset t he system.
1. Set the odometer and two tri p meter s
displ ay t o tri p meter A with the engine
swit ch “ON” and t urn the engine s witc h
to t he “LOCK” pos ition.
2. Turn the engi ne s witc h to t he “ ON”
posit ion whi le pushi ng the t rip meter
reset k nob. At t his time, do not st art
the engine and k eep pushing t he reset
3. Releas e the reset k nob more than one
second af ter the t rip met er displ ays
“000000”. The system is reset.
For the l ocations of odometer and two t rip
meters and t rip meter r eset knob and the
procedur e about tri p meter A setting, see
“Odometer and two tr ip meters” on page
The system must also be reset if engi ne
oil and oi l fi lter ar e changed before the
light c omes on.
If the engine oil change reminder light
remains on after perf orming the above
procedur e, repeat the proc edure agai n.
Reset the syst em onl y aft er an engine
oil and oil fil ter change. I f you reset
the syst em at any other time, it can-
not inform you of the correct time to
change the engine oil and oil fil ter.
If the indicator or
buzzer c omes on...
Do this .
If park ing br ake is off, s top i mmediatel y and cont act
any authori zed Toy ota dealer or repai rer, or another
duly quali fied and equi pped prof essi onal.
Stop immediatel y and c ontact any author ized Toyot a
dealer or repair er, or another duly qual ifi ed and
equipped profes sional .
Stop and c heck.
Add engi ne oil .
Take vehic le to any authorized Toyot a deal er or
repair er, or another duly quali fied and equipped
profes sional .
Fill up tank.
Take vehic le to any authorized Toyot a deal er or
repair er, or another duly quali fied and equipped
profes sional .
Take vehic le to any authorized Toyot a deal er or
repair er, or another duly quali fied and equipped
profes sional , i mmediately.
Perfor m r egenerati on.
Take vehic le to any authorized Toyot a deal er or
repair er, or another duly quali fied and equipped
profes sional .
Drain water.
Service reminder indicators and warning buzzers
If the indicator or
buzzer c omes on...
Do this .
Change t he engine oil and oil fi lter.
Light r eminder
Turn off li ghts.
(a) Br ake System Warning Li ght
This light comes on in the following cases
when the engine s witch is in the “ ON”
posit ion.
D When the parking br ake is applied...
D When the brake f luid l evel is l ow.. .
It is dangerous to cont inue dr iving
normall y when the brake flui d level is
D When vacuum is low...
Have your vehicl e checked at any
authori zed Toyota dealer or repairer, or
another duly qualifi ed and equipped
professi onal, i n the f ollowing case:
D The light does not come on even if the
parki ng brak e is applied w hen the en-
gine s witc h is i n the “ON” pos iti on.
If the light does not turn off even
after the parking br ake i s released
while t he engine is running, immedi-
ately stop your vehi cle at a saf e
place and contact any authori zed
Toyota dealer or r epairer, or another
duly qualif ied and equipped prof essio-
nal. In this case, the brakes may not
work properl y and your stoppi ng
distance wil l become l onger. Depress
the brake pedal f irmly and bri ng the
vehicle t o an immedi ate stop.
(b) Charging System Warning Light
This warning light comes on when the
engine swit ch is t urned to the “ON” posi-
tion, and goes off when the engi ne is
star ted.
When there are problems in t he charging
system while the engi ne is r unning, the
warning light c omes on.
When t he charg ing system warnin g
light comes on whil e t he engine is
running, mal functions such as the en-
gine drive b elt being broken may have
occurred. If the war ning l ight comes
on, immediately stop the vehicle in a
safe place and contact any aut horized
Toyota deal er or r epairer, or another
duly qualifi ed and equipped profes-
(c) Low Engine Oil Pressur e Warning
This light warns that the engine oil pres-
sure is too low.
If it flickers or stays on while you are
driv ing, pull off t he road to a s afe plac e
and st op the engine immedi ately. Call any
authori zed Toy ota deal er or repair er, or
another duly quali fied and equipped pro-
fess ional, f or as sis tance.
The l ight may occas ionally flic ker when
the engine is idl ing or it may c ome on
brief ly af ter a hard st op. There is no
cause for c oncern if it t hen goes out when
the engi ne is acceler ated sli ghtly.
The light may come on when t he oil lev el
is ex tremel y low. It i s not desi gned t o
indicate low oil level, and the oil level
must be chec ked using the level dipstick .
Do not drive the vehicle with the
warning light on—even for one block.
It may r uin t he engine.
(d) Low Engine Oil Level Warning Li ght
This l ight war ns that the engine oi l lev el
is too low. Add oil as s oon as poss ible.
(For ins truc tions , see “ Check ing the en-
gine oil level ” on page 188 in Secti on
While dri ving on st eep inc lines or rough
roads whi ch caus es t he vehic le to s ub-
stant ially sway or on cur ves , this l ight
may come on due to the movement of
engine oi l i n t he engine.
In normal conditi ons, due t o engine oil
consumpt ion, t his l ight may c ome on ear li-
er than the speci fied ser vic e interv al of
the sc heduled maint enance. This is be-
cause the engine oil is consumed to the
low level wit hin the sc heduled maint e-
nance inter val and does not indic ate a
problem. ( For det ailed infor mation, see
“Fact s about engine oil cons umption” on
page 115 in Sect ion 2.)
Continued engine operation wit h low
engine oi l wi ll damage t he engine.
(e) Mal function Indi cator Lamp
This lamp comes on in the following
a. On s ome model s: The f uel tank is
complet ely empty. (See “ Fuel gauge”
on page 68 in this Secti on for instr uc-
b. Ther e i s a pr oblem somewher e in the
engine el ectr ical system, electronic en-
gine control system or engi ne emis sion
control system.
If it comes on while you are driving in
case b, have your vehi cle check ed/re-
paired by any authoriz ed Toyot a dealer or
repair er, or anot her dul y qual ifi ed and
equipped prof essi onal, as soon as pos-
sibl e.
If engine speed does not inc rease when
the acc elerator pedal is depress ed, ther e
may be a probl em somewhere i n the elec-
troni c engine c ontrol system. Stop the ve-
hicl e and contac t any authoriz ed Toyot a
dealer or repai rer, or another duly quali-
fied and equi pped prof essi onal, or take
your vehi cle car efully, sinc e the v ehicl e
perfor mance wil l be lower t han normal, to
any author ized Toy ota dealer or r epairer,
or anot her dul y qualif ied and equi pped
profes sional , as s oon as pos sibl e.
Even if the abnor mality in t he electr onic
engine control system is corrected during
low s peed dr iving, the system may not
recov er unti l the engine is stopped and
the engine s witc h is tur ned to the “ ACC”
or “ LOCK” posit ion.
The lamp flas hes when the engine emis-
sion control system is not functioning cor-
rect ly. If the engine is r un for mor e t han
50 hours wit h the lamp flashing, t he sys-
tem wi ll aut omatic ally reduc e engine per-
formanc e unt il t he mal funct ion is c or-
rect ed.
(f) Low Fuel Level Warning Light
This li ght c omes on when the fuel l evel
in the tank becomes nearly empty. Fill up
the t ank as soon as poss ible.
On incli nes or curv es, due to the move-
ment of fuel in the tank, the low fuel level
warning li ght may c ome on earli er than
(g) “ABS” Warning Light
The l ight c omes on when the engine
swit ch is turned to t he “ON” pos iti on. If
the antilock brake system works properly,
the l ight tur ns off af ter a few s econds.
Thereafter, if the system malfunctions, the
light c omes on again.
When the “ ABS” warni ng light is on ( and
the brake system warning light is off), the
antilock brake system does not oper ate,
but the brake system still operat es c on-
venti onally.
When the “ ABS” warni ng light is on ( and
the brake system warning light is off), the
antilock brake system does not operate
so that the wheel s could lock up during
a s udden braki ng or braki ng on s lipper y
road surf aces.
If either of th e f ollowing condit ions oc-
curs, t his indicates a malfunct ion some-
where in the components monit ored by
the warning li ght syst em. Contact any
authori zed Toyota dealer or repairer, or
another duly qualifi ed and equipped
professi onal, as soon as possible t o
service the vehicl e.
D The light does not c ome on when the
engine swi tch i s tur ned t o the “ON”
posit ion, or the light r emains on.
D The light comes on while you are driv-
A warning light t urning on briefl y duri ng
operati on does not indi cate a pr oblem.
(h) SRS Warning Light
This li ght will come on when the engine
switch is turned to the “ON” position.
After about 6 seconds, t he li ght will go
off. This means the systems of the air-
bag and driver ’s seat belt pretensioner
are oper ating proper ly.
This warning light system monitors the
airbag sensor ass embly, air bag sens or,
driv er ’s s eat bel t pret ensioner as sembly,
infl ator, i nterc onnecting wiring and power
If ei ther of the followi ng condi tions oc curs ,
this indi cates a mal functi on s omewhere i n
the part s monit ored by t he warning l ight
system. Contact any authorized Toyota
dealer or repai rer, or another duly quali-
fied and equi pped profes sional , as soon
as poss ible to s erv ice the vehi cle.
D The light does not c ome on when the
engine swi tch i s tur ned t o the “ON”
posit ion or remains on for more than
6 s econds or fl ashes.
D The light comes on or starts flashing
while driving.
(i) DPF (Diesel Particul ate F ilter ) Sys-
tem Indicat or Li ght
If the depos it buil ds up i n the fil ter, t he
indic ator light on the instr ument c lust er
will c ome on when t he engine s witch is
turned on. The depos it buil t up in t he fil ter
needs t o be regenerat ed. For det ails , see
“DPF system” on page 110 i n Secti on 2.
If y ou do not perf orm regener ation and
conti nue t o dr ive for a while with t he i ndi-
cator li ght on, the l ight will begin to flash.
Continuing t o dr ive with t he l ight
flashi ng wil l cause the m alfuncti on in-
dicator light to come on. In this
event, damage may be caused to the
vehicle or an accident may occur. If
the mal functi on indicat or light comes
on, have your vehicl e checked by any
authori zed Toyot a dealer or repai rer,
or another duly qualified and
equipped pr ofessional i mmediately.
(j) Timin g Belt Replacement Warning
This li ght will come on ever y ti me when
the tri p amount gets between 140000 k m
and 150000 k m in k ilometer reading or
90000 mi les in mi le r eading to indic ate
that the tim ing belt should be replac ed.
When i t comes on, hav e the belt replaced
and t he war ning light r eset by any autho-
riz ed Toyot a dealer or repairer, or anot her
duly qualif ied and equipped pr ofess ional.
Continued driving without having the
belt repl aced will resul t in a broken
belt and engi ne damage.
(k) Fuel Filter Warning Light
The li ght warns you that t he amount of
accumul ated water in the f uel fi lter has
reached the spec ifi ed lev el.
If it c omes on, drai n the water immediate-
ly. (See page 192 i n Sect ion 72for
inst ruct ions for how to drain the water.)
Never drive the vehicle with t he warn-
ing l ight on. Conti nued dr iving with
water accumulated i n the fuel f ilter
will damage the fuel injecti on pump.
(l) Engine Oil Change Reminder Light
This li ght comes on t o remind you to
change the engine oi l and oil f ilt er.
If t he light comes on, change the engine
oil and oi l f ilter at y our earl iest c onve-
nience. For det ailed i nformati on, see “Oi l
maintenanc e management system” on
page 70 in this Sec tion.
(m) Light Reminder Buz zer
This buz zer wi ll sound if t he driver’s door
is opened while the engine swit ch is
turned t o the “LOCK” posit ion wi th the
headlight s witc h on. Removing the key wil l
not stop the buzzer as long as the head-
light switch is on.
INDICATORS (except t he low fuel level
warning light)
1. Appl y t he park ing brake.
2. Turn the engi ne swit ch to the “ACC”
posit ion.
The SRS warning light should come on.
It goes off aft er about 6 sec onds.
3. Turn the engi ne s witc h to t he “ ON”
posit ion, but do not s tart t he engi ne.
All t he ser vice reminder indic ators ex-
cept t he SRS warni ng li ght should
come on. The “ABS” war ning l ight goes
off after a few seconds. The engine oil
change remi nder l ight goes off after
about 5 s econds.
If any s ervi ce reminder indi cator or war n-
ing buz zer does not funct ion as des cri bed
above, have it c hecked by any author ized
Toyota dealer or repairer, or another duly
qualif ied and equipped profes sional , as
soon as poss ible.
Section 16
Engine (ignition) switch, Transmission and Parking
D Engine ( ignition) switch 80.............................
D Manual trans mission 81................................
D Parking brake 82......................................
“START” —Start er motor on. The key
will return to the “ON” position when
For st arting t ips, s ee page 123 in Sect ion
“ON”— Engine on and al l accessories
on. Before starting, glow plugs on and
engine pr eheated.
This is t he normal dr iving posi tion.
“ACC”— Accessories such as the radi o
operate, but the engine is of f.
“LOCK”— Engine is off and the steeri ng
wheel is locked. The key can be re-
moved only at thi s positi on.
You must push in the k ey to tur n t he key
from “ACC” t o the “LOCK” posi tion.
When st arting t he engi ne, t he k ey may
seem st uck at the “LOCK” posi tion. To
free it, fi rst be sure the key is pushed all
the way i n, and then r ock the st eering
wheel slight ly whil e tur ning t he k ey gently.
It is not a malf uncti on if the needles on
all meters and gauges move slight ly when
the engine swi tch is turned t o the “ACC”,
“ON” or “START” pos iti on.
Never remove t he key when the ve-
hicle is moving, as this will lock the
steeri ng wheel and r esult i n loss of
steeri ng contr ol.
Do not l eave t he engine switch i n t he
“ON” posi tion if the engine is not
running. The batter y wil l di scharge.
Engine (ignition) switch
The shift patter n is convent ional as
shown above.
On some models , the buzz er wil l sound
when y ou s hift the gear into “ R” (rev erse) .
Press the c lutc h pedal down full y while
shif ting, and t hen r elease it s lowly. Do not
rest your foot on the pedal while dri ving,
because it will cause clut ch t rouble. Do
not use t he cl utch t o hold t he vehi cle
when stopped on an uphil l grade—us e t he
parki ng brak e.
Upshif ting too soon or downshif ting too
late will caus e lugging, and pos sibl y ping-
ing. Regularl y revvi ng t he engine t o maxi-
mum s peed in each gear wi ll c ause ex-
cess ive engine wear and high fuel
consumpt ion.
Maximum allowable speeds
To get on a highway or to pass sl ower
traffic, maximum acceleration may be nec-
essar y. Mak e s ure you observ e t he foll ow-
ing max imum allowable speeds in each
Dyna 100
gear km/h (mph)
1 28 ( 17)
2 53 ( 33)
3 90 ( 56)
4 127 ( 79)
Dyna 150
gear km/h (mph)
1 28 ( 17)
2 52 ( 32)
3 84 ( 52)
4 121 ( 75)
Do not downshift if you are going
faster t han t he m aximum allowabl e
speed f or t he next lower gear.
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
Good driving practice
D If it is di ffic ult to shi ft into r evers e, put
the tr ansmis sion in neut ral, r elease t he
clut ch pedal momentarily, and then try
D When towing a trail er, in or der to main-
tain engine br aking effic iency, do not
use fif th gear.
Be caref ul when downshifti ng on a
slipper y surf ace. Abr upt shif ting
could cause t he vehicle to skid or
z Do not use any gear s other than
fir st gear when star ting off and
moving forward. Doi ng so may dam-
age the clut ch.
z Make sur e t he vehicl e is compl etely
stopped befor e shifti ng into rever se.
Manual transmission
When parking, f irml y apply the parking
brake t o avoi d inadver tent creeping.
To set: Pull up the lever. For bett er hold-
ing power, firs t depres s the brak e pedal
and hold i t while setti ng t he park ing
To r elease: Pull up the l ever s light ly (1) ,
press the l ock releas e butt on (2), and low-
er (3).
To remi nd y ou that the park ing br ake is
set, t he park ing br ake remi nder l ight in
the inst rument panel remains on unti l you
releas e the park ing brake.
Before drivi ng, be sur e the par king
brake is full y rel eased and the park-
ing brake reminder light is off.
Parking brake
Section 17
Air conditioning system
D Contr ols 84...........................................
D Air flow selector settings 88............................
D O perating tips 89......................................
D Side v ents 91.........................................
D Rear heater system 92.................................
D Heater idle up switch 93................................
D Air conditioning filters 93...............................
1. Air intake s elect or
2. Air flow sel ector
3. Temperatur e sel ector
4. Fan speed selector
5. “A/C” button (on some models)
"Lef thand dr ive vehicl es
1. Air flow sel ector
2. Air intake s elect or
3. “A/C” button (on some models)
4. Fan speed selector
5. Temperatur e sel ector
"Right hand dri ve vehicles
Fan speed selector
Move the lever to adjust the fan speed—
to the right to increase, to the left to
decreas e.
Temperat ure sel ector
Move t he lev er t o adjust the tempera-
ture—to the right to warm, to the left to
Electr ic heat er
The electric heater is designed to help
warm the air when the engine cool ant
temperat ure is low. To t urn the el ectric
heater on, set the temperature selector
lever to the right end posit ion.
The engi ne mus t be running. The electri c
heater will automat ical ly turn off w hen the
engine i s warmed up.
The el ectr ic heater may not be turned on
when the engine c oolant temperat ure is
high ev en i f t he lev er is set at the r ight
end pos ition.
Air fl ow select or
Move the lever to select the vents used
for air flow.
1. Panel —Air flows mainly from the
inst rument panel vents .
2. Bilevel— Air f lows from both the fl oor
vents and the ins trument panel v ents.
3. Floor —Air flows mainly from the floor
vents .
4. Floor /Windshiel d—Air flows mainly
from the fl oor vents and windshi eld
vents .
5. Windshi eld—Air flows mainly from the
windshi eld v ents.
For details about air flow sel ector s ettings ,
see “ Air f low s elector s etti ngs” descr ibed
Air int ake select or
Move the lever to select the air source.
1. Reci rculate— Recir culates the air ins ide
the v ehic le.
2. Fr esh—Draws out side air i nto the sy s-
“A/C” but ton (on some models)
To turn the air c onditi oning on, press the
“A/C” button. The “A/ C” button i ndicat or
will c ome on. To tur n the air conditioning
off, pres s the button again.
Air flow selector settings
D To c ool off y our Toyot a after it has
been par ked in the hot sun, drive with
the w indows open f or a few minutes .
This vents the hot air, allowi ng the air
condit ioning to cool t he interi or m ore
quick ly.
D Make sure the air intake grilles in front
of the windshi eld are not block ed (by
leaves or s now, f or example) .
D Keep the ar ea under the f ront seats
clear t o al low air t o cir culat e thr ough-
out t he v ehicl e.
D On c old days, set the fan speed t o
high for a minut e t o help c lear the
intak e duc ts of snow or mois ture. This
can reduc e the amount of f ogging on
the wi ndows.
D When driv ing on dus ty roads, c lose all
windows. If dust thr own up by the v e-
hicl e is s til l drawn int o the vehic le aft er
clos ing the windows, i t is recommended
that the air intake selector be set to
FRESH and the f an s peed s elect or to
any sett ing ex cept “OFF” .
D If following another vehic le on a dusty
road, or driv ing in w indy and dus ty
condit ions, it is rec ommended that the
air i ntake selec tor be tempor arily s et t o
RECIRCULATE, which will clos e off t he
outsi de pass age and pr event outs ide
air and dust fr om ent ering the v ehicl e
D During use, var ious odor s f rom ins ide
and outs ide the vehic le may enter i nto
and accumul ate in the air c onditi oning
system. This may then cause odor to
be emit ted f rom the vents .
D To r educe potential odors f rom occur-
It is r ecommended that t he air condi-
tioning system be set to outside air
mode pr ior to turni ng the vehi cle off.
To pr event the wi ndshield from fog-
ging up, do not select the windshield
air out lets dur ing cool air oper ation
in extr emely humid weather. The dif-
ference bet ween the t emperature of
the outsi de air and that of t he wind-
shield can cause the out er surface of
the windshi eld to fog up, blocki ng
your vi sion.
To prevent bat tery dischar ge, do not
leave the ai r conditioni ng system on
longer than necessar y when t he en-
gine i s stopped.
For bes t res ults, s et contr ols to:
Fan speed—Any s etti ng exc ept “ OFF”
Temperat ure—To w ar d s WARM
(red zone)
Air intake— FRESH (out side air )
Air flow—FLOOR
Air conditi oning—OFF
D For quic k heating, set the t emperatur e
selec tor lever to the right end pos ition
and s elect r ecir culat ed air mode for a
few mi nutes. To keep the windows fr om
fogging af ter the v ehic le int erior has
been warm ed, s elect f resh air mode.
D Press t he “A/C” butt on on for dehumidi-
fied heating.
D Choose floor/ windshi eld air fl ow to heat
the vehic le interior whi le defrost ing t he
windshi eld.
Operatin g t ips
Air conditi oning
For bes t res ults, s et contr ols to:
Fan speed—Any s etti ng exc ept “ OFF”
Temperat ure—To w ar d s COLD
(blue zone)
Air intake— FRESH (out side air )
Air flow—PANEL
Air conditi oning—ON
D For quick cool ing, mov e the air i ntake
selec tor to rec irc ulate for a few mi n-
Vent ilati on
For bes t res ults, s et contr ols to:
Fan speed—Any s etti ng exc ept “ OFF”
Temperat ure—To w ar d s COLD
(blue zone)
Air intake— FRESH (out side air )
Air flow—PANEL
Air conditi oning—OFF
The ins ide of t he winds hield
For bes t res ults, s et contr ols to:
Fan speed—Any s etti ng exc ept “ OFF”
Temperat ure—To w ar d s WARM (red
zone) to heat; COLD
(blue zone) t o cool
Air intake— FRESH (out side air )
Air conditi oning—ON
D On humid day s, do not bl ow c old air
on the winds hield— the differ ence be-
tween the outside and inside tempera-
tures c ould m ake t he foggi ng wor se.
The outs ide of the w indshiel d
For bes t res ults, s et contr ols to:
Fan speed—Any s etti ng exc ept “ OFF”
Temperat ure—To w ar d s WARM
(red zone)
Air intake— FRESH (out side air )
D To heat t he v ehicle interi or whi le de-
fros ting the winds hield, choos e
floor /winds hield air fl ow.
If ai r f low cont rol i s not sat isfac tory, c heck
the s ide v ents . The side vents m ay be
opened or c losed as shown.
Side vents
1. Fan speed sel ector
Turn the knob to adjust the fan s peed—to
the “HI ” to inc rease, t o the “ OFF” to de-
creas e.
2. Temperatur e select or
Move t he lev er t o adjust the tempera-
ture—m ove it up for hi gher temper ature,
down for l ower t emperatur e.
Rear heater system
Push the swi tch to i ncrease engine
speed. Push the switch once again to
return the engine to the normal idle
Use the heat er idl e up swit ch to boost the
heating eff ect i n ex tremely cold condit ions
when the vehi cle is not mov ing.
When t he engi ne c oolant is hot ( normal
operati ng temper ature), t he system may
not oper ate.
Outside filter
Inside filter
There are bot h i nside and outsi de air
conditioning filter. The filters are on the
passenger ’s side. Refer to the illustra-
tions above.
The f ilt ers may become clogged after
long use. If t he operating ef fici ency of
the heater becomes poor, or if the w in-
dows begin to fog up easily, the fil ters
may need to be cl eaned.
Heater idle up switch Air conditioning filters—
: Upper clips
: Lower clips
1. Bef ore cleaning the air condi tioning
Remove the front grille bolt with a
Phillipshead screwdr iver. Then, re-
move the clips at the lower part of
the front grille first, and at the up-
per part next, and take of f the front
To remove the front grille without
damaging it, pull it strai ght as shown
in the illustrations.
Cleaning the outside filter
2. Clean the filt er, which is above the
passenger ’s side headli ght, with a
soft brush or cloth.
After c leaning the fil ter, replac e t he front
1. Bef ore cleaning the air condi tioning
Remove the bolt and clip, and then
remove t he l ower cover lo cated near
the f loor on the passenger ’s side.
Cle aning the inside filter
Removing the cov er cli p
Installing the cover clip
2. Remove the bolt s and set the washer
tank asi de on the floor.
Be car eful not to spil l the washer
flui d. It may cause a mal function on
the el ectri cal component s.
3. Pull out the filter.
After washing with a mild detergent,
rinse and dr y.
After cleaning the fi lter, replac e in rever se
order of remov al.
The air condi tioning fi lter should be
instal led pr operly. The use of air con-
diti oning syst em wit h t he fil ter re-
moved may cause det eriorat ed dust-
proof performance and t hen affect
overall air condit ioning syst em per for-
Section 18
Other equipment
D Cigar ette lighter and ashtrays 100.......................
D Stor age precautions 101...............................
D G love box 101.........................................
D Cup holder 102........................................
D Aux iliary box 102......................................
D Center console box 103................................
D Car d holder 104.......................................
D F loor mat 104.........................................
Cigarette l ighter and front ashtray
Rear ashtray
To use t he ci garette l ighter, press it i n.
After it finishes heating up, it automati-
cally pops out r eady for use.
If the engi ne is not r unning, the engine
swit ch mus t be in the “ACC” posi tion.
Do not hold t he cigar ette l ighter pr essed
Use a Toy ota genui ne cigaret te li ghter or
equival ent f or r eplacement .
To use the ashtr ay, pull it out .
When f inished wit h your cigar ette, thor-
oughly extingui sh it i n the ashtray to pre-
vent other c igarett e but ts fr om c atchi ng
fire. After using the ashtray, close the lid
To remove t he as htray, pr ess down on the
lock s pring plat e and pull out.
To reduce the chance o f injur y i n
case of an accident or sudden stop
while driving, always completely close
the ashtray aft er use.
Cigarette lighter and ashtrays
Do not l eave gl asses, light ers or
spray cans in the stor age spaces, as
this may cause the foll owing when
cabin t emperatur e becomes hi gh:
D Glasses may be defor med by heat
or cracked i f they come i nto con-
tact with other stored items.
D Lighter s or spray cans may ex-
plode. I f t hey come i nto contact
with other stored items, the lighter
may cat ch f ire or the spray can
may release gas, causing a fir e haz-
To open t he glove box door, pull the
Keep t he glove box closed whi le dr iv-
ing. I n the event of sudden braki ng or
sudden swerving, an accident may oc-
cur due to an occupant being str uck
by the open glove box or the i tems
stored insi de.
Storage precautions Glove box
The cup holder is desi gned for hol ding
cups or dri nkcans secur ely.
To use the cup holder, pull it out c om-
pletel y.
D Do not place anything else other
than cups or drinkcans in the cup
holder, as such it ems may be
thrown about in the compar tment
and possibly inj ure people in the
vehicle during sudden braki ng or i n
an accident. If possi ble, cover hot
drinks to prevent bur ns.
D To r educe the chance of inj ury in
case of an accident or sudden st op
while drivi ng, keep the cup hol der
closed when it i s not in use.
Lefthand dri ve vehicl es only—
Always stow the cup holder i n t he
instr ument panel bef ore opening t he
engine access hole cover. If this is
not done, t he cover will hit the cup
holder and damage it .
To use the box, pull on the handle.
To reduce the chance o f injur y i n
case of an accident or a sudden st op,
always keep t he auxiliary box closed
while driving.
Cup hold er Auxilia ry bo x
Lefthand drive vehicles
Righthand drive vehicles
To use the center consol e box:
Lefthand drive vehicl es—Pull the lock
release lever (1) up and l ower the cen-
ter seatback. Raise the console box li d
while pressing the lock rel ease lever
Righthand drive vehicles—Pull the lock
release lever up and l ower the center
To avoid deat h or ser ious i njury:
D Do not sit on the seatback tabl e.
D Always keep the console box closed
while driving.
Center console box
The car d holder i s designed for holding
cards, ti ckets, etc.
Inser t any car d that fi ts the hol der and
that is at l east 78.0 mm (3.1 in. ) l ong.
Use only f loor mats designed specif ical-
ly for vehicles of the same model and
model year as your vehicl e.
Place the floor mat, ensuring that i t does
not i nterf ere w ith pedals.
Card holder Floor mat
Observe the foll owing precaut ions.
Failur e to do so may cause t he driv-
er ’s floor mat to slip, possibly i nter-
fering wit h the pedals whil e drivi ng.
An unexpect edly hi gh speed may re-
sult or i t may become dif ficult to
stop the vehicle, leading to a serious
When installing the driver’s floor mat:
D Do not use f loor mats designed f or
other models or diff erent model
year vehi cles, even i f t hey are
Toyota Genuine floor mats.
D Only use floor mats designed for
the driver’s seat.
D Do not use two or more f loor mats
on t op of each other.
D Do not place the f loor mat bot tom
side up or upsidedown.
Before driving:
D Ensure that t he f loor mat has been
placed cor rectl y.
D With the engi ne stopped and t he
shift lever in neut ral, full y depress
each pedal t o the fl oor to make
sure it does not interfere with the
floor mat.
Section 2
D Br eakin period 108...................................
D F uel 108..............................................
D O peration in foreign countries 110.......................
D DPF system 110.......................................
D Engine ex haust cautions 11 4...........................
D F acts about engine oil consumption 115.................
D Brake system 116.....................................
D Br ake pad wear indicators 119..........................
D Luggage s towage precautions 119......................
D Limitedslip differential 120.............................
D Your Toy ota’s identific ation 120.........................
D Sus pension and chass is 122............................
Drive gently and avoid hi gh speeds.
Your v ehic le does not need an elabor ate
breakin. But following a few s imple tips
for the firs t 1000 km ( 600 miles ) can add
to the futur e ec onomy and l ong l ife of
your vehi cle:
D Av oid full t hrott le acc elerati on when
star ting and dr ivi ng.
D Av oid r acing the engine.
D Tr y to avoi d hard stops dur ing the firs t
300 k m (200 mil es).
D Do not driv e slowl y wi th the manual
trans miss ion in a high gear.
D Do not dr ive for a long time at any
singl e speed, ei ther fas t or s low.
D Do not t ow a trai ler dur ing t he firs t 800
km (500 miles).
Selecti ng t he pr oper fuel i s essenti al
for sati sfactory engine perf ormance.
Engine damage caused by use of improp-
er f uels i s not cov ered under Toy ota’s new
vehic le w arrant y.
z Do not use impr oper fuel s. If im-
proper f uels are used the engine
will be damaged.
z Do not use a fuel that contai ns
more than 50 ppm of sul fur. Use of
such a high sulfur fuel may damage
the engine.
z EU area: FAME (Fatt y Aci d Methyl
Ester) f uel sold under names such
as “B30” or “ B100” and fuel
containing a large amount of FAME
should not be used. The use of
these fuels will damage the ve-
hicle’s fuel syst em. In case of any
doubt, ask any author ized Toyota
dealer or r epairer, or another duly
qualif ied and equi pped pr ofessional .
z Except EU area: FAME (Fatt y Acid
Methyl Ester) fuel sold under names
such as “B30” or “ B100” and fuel
containing a large amount of FAME
should not be used. Your vehicle
can use diesel mixed wi th 5% max
biodiesel FAME (B5) . The use of
fuel wi th more than 5% FAME con-
tent (B5) will damage the vehicle’s
fuel system. You must ensure that
refueling is carried out only from a
source wher e fuel specifi cation and
qualit y can be guar anteed. I n case
of any doubt, ask any aut horized
Toyota dealer or repairer, or anoth-
er dul y qualif ied and equi pped pro-
fessional .
Breakin period Fuel
Use only diesel f uel.
EU ar ea:
Your vehic le mus t us e only dies el fuel
confor ming to European st andard
Except EU area:
Your vehic le mus t us e only dies el fuel
that c ontains 50 ppm or l ess of sul fur
and has a c etane number of 48 or
Select cetane number 48 or hi gher.
Use of f uel wit h a cet ane number l ower
than stat ed wi ll caus e persi stent heav y
knock ing. If s evere, thi s w ill l ead t o en-
gine damage.
If your engine knocks...
If you det ect heavy knoc king even when
using the recommended fuel, or if y ou
hear s teady knock ing whil e holding a
steady s peed on lev el roads, c onsult any
authori zed Toy ota deal er or repair er, or
another duly quali fied and equipped pro-
fess ional.
However, occ asionall y, you may not ice
light knoc king for a s hort t ime while accel-
erating or driving up hills. This is normal
and ther e i s no need for conc ern.
L (gal ., I mp. gal .)
Fuel t ank c apacity
KDY221 60 ( 15.9, 13.2)
80 ( 21.1, 17.6)
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
If you plan to drive your Toyot a in
another country...
First, comply with the v ehicle r egistr ation
Second, confirm the availability of the cor-
rect f uel.
The DPF (Diesel Parti culate Filt er) sys-
tem is d esigned to reduce t he deposit
in diesel engi ne exhaust gases by trap-
ping the deposit in the fil ter. The sys-
tem per forms aut omatic r egeneration t o
burn off the deposit t rapped in the fil-
Regenerati on
Regenerati on i s perfor med as neces sary
in ac cor dance wi th driv ing c onditi ons.
System character isti cs
The DPF system has the following charac-
D Idle s peed inc reases duri ng regenera-
D The s mell of the exhaus t gas diff ers
from that of a c onventional dies el ve-
hicl e.
Operation in foreign
DPF system
DPF system indicator light
If the DPF system indicator light comes
on, the deposi t built up in t he filt er needs
to be regener ated. To regener ate t he filter,
the fol lowing dri ving m ethods ar e recom-
D Driving c ontinuous ly (for example, dri v-
ing at appr oximat ely 60 k m/h [36 mph]
for approx imatel y 20 mi nutes) .
D Av oiding short trips , or by dr ivi ng con-
tinuous ly ( leavi ng t he engi ne running
for long periods of t ime).
D Perform manual regenerat ion. (with t he
DPF system manual regenerati on
The DPF indic ator light will ex tinguis h
when regenerat ion is c omplete. However,
if thi s driv ing cannot be c arri ed out, or if
the li ght does not ext inguish even after
driv ing, hav e the vehi cle i nspect ed by any
authori zed Toy ota deal er or repair er, or
another duly quali fied and equipped pro-
fess ional immediat ely.
When driv ing, pay suffic ient att ention to
weather, road condit ion, terrai n and traffi c
condit ions, and dr iv e accor ding to t raffic
If the DPF system indicator light flashes
perfor m the fol lowing operati ons:
: The deposi t built up in the filter needs
to be regenerated.
Without the DPF syst em manual regen-
erati on switch— Have the vehicle in-
spect ed by any authori zed Toy ota dealer
or repai rer, or another duly qual ifi ed and
equipped pr ofess ional immediat ely.
With the DPF system manual regener a-
tion swit ch—Perfor m manual regener ation
or have the v ehicle i nspect ed by any au-
thori zed Toy ota dealer or repai rer, or
another duly quali fied and equipped pro-
fess ional immediatel y. If regenerat ion is
not perfor med and y ou c ontinue to drive
for a whi le, the malfunct ion i ndicat or li ght
will c ome on. When the malfunc tion i ndi-
cator c omes on, manual regenerati on c an-
not be perf ormed.
Under t he fol lowing dri ving conditi ons, t he
DPF system indicator light may come on
earli er t han normal .
D When only dr iving at l ow s peeds ( for
example 20 k m/h [12 mph] or below).
D If t he engine is turned on and off fre-
quently ( for exampl e, the engine is not
left running for more t han 10 mi nutes
at a ti me).
: Differ s in ac cordanc e with weather,
driv ing c ondition, etc.
For t he manual regener ation procedure,
refer to the fol lowing i nstr ucti ons.
Manual regeneration switch
With the DPF system manual regener a-
tion switch—
To start manual r egenerati on:
1. St op the vehicle in a safe place with
the engi ne runni ng.
Make s ure t hat t here ar e no f lammable
materi als near the exhaus t pi pe.
2. Shif t the transmi ssion into neutral
and apply the parki ng brake.
3. Push t he manual regener ation
The DPF system indicator light and the
indic ator light on the swit ch will c hange
from solid or rapid flashing to slow flash-
ing. The engi ne idle s peed will increas e.
In 15 to 40
minutes , manual r egeneration
will be completed and the lights will go
off. The engine idle s peed will be reduc ed.
: Differ s in ac cor dance with t he out side
temperat ure.
Do not depres s t he ac celer ator or clut ch
pedal after press ing the DPF system
manual regenerat ion s witch. Doing so will
stop manual regenerat ion. I f manual r e-
generati on is stopped, perfor m manual re-
generati on again as soon as pos sible.
If the engi ne and exhaust system are hot,
such as aft er driv ing, manual regener ation
will take less time.
D Be careful not t o touch the hot ex-
haust syst em and stay away from
exhaust gases. During regener ation,
the exhaust gases become hot ter
than usual. Never l eave f lammable
items near the exhaust system.
D Do not dr ive, i dle or park your ve-
hicle over anything that might burn
easily such as grass, leaves, paper
or r ags.
To pr event damage t o the syst em and
a f ire hazar d, observe the following
precauti ons:
z Use only diesel fuel.
z Do not dri ve for long per iods of
time while t he D PF system i ndicator
light is fl ashing.
z Do not use fuel other than t he spe-
cifi ed type.
z Do not use engi ne oi l other than
the r ecommended type.
z Do not modify the exhaust pipe.
z Operating the vehicle when the en-
gine oil cont ains a signifi cant
amount of diesel f uel may result i n
damage to the engi ne. If a signifi-
cant amount of f uel is present ,
change the oil as soon as possi ble.
z Do not drive with an extremely low
fuel level; running out of fuel could
cause the engine t o misf ire, creat-
ing an excessi ve l oad on t he cat a-
lytic converter.
z Do not pull or pushst art your ve-
z Do not turn off the engi ne swi tch
while the vehicle is moving.
z Keep your engi ne swi tch i n good
running or der. Malf unctions in the
engine electri cal syst em or fuel sys-
tem could cause an extremely high
catalyt ic conver ter temper ature.
z If the engine becomes difficult to
start or stall s frequently, take your
vehicle in for a checkup to any
authori zed Toyota dealer or repair er,
or another duly qualif ied and
equipped pr ofessional .
z To ensur e t hat the catalyti c conver t-
er and the entir e emission contr ol
system operate proper ly, your ve-
hicle must recei ve the peri odic i n-
spections required by the Toyota
Maintenance Schedule. For sched-
uled mai ntenance inf ormati on, refer
to the “Toyota Service Booklet” or
“Toyota Warrant y Booklet ”.
D Exhaust gases include harmf ul car-
bon monoxi de (CO) that is colorless
and odorl ess. Inhaling exhaust
gases may lead to deat h or a seri-
ous healt h haz ard.
D The exhaust should be checked
occasionall y. If ther e i s a hole or
crack caused by corrosion, damage
to a j oint or abnormal exhaust
noise, be sure to have the vehi cle
inspected and repai red by any
authori zed Toyota deal er or repair er,
or another duly qualif ied and
equipped pr ofessional. Failur e to do
so may allow exhaust gases t o
enter t he vehicle, r esulti ng in deat h
or a ser ious heal th hazar d.
D If t he vehicle i s in a poorl y vent i-
lated area, turn the engine off. In a
closed area, such as a garage, ex-
haust gases may coll ect and ent er
the vehi cle. Thi s may lead to death
or a seri ous healt h haz ard.
D Do not remain for a long time in a
parked vehicle wit h the engine run-
ning. If it is unavoidable, however,
do so only in an unconfi ned area
and adjust t he heating or cooli ng
system to force outside air into t he
D If the smell of exhaust i s noti ced
inside the vehi cle, open the win-
dows. Lar ge amounts of exhaust in
the vehicle can cause driver drowsi-
ness and an accident, result ing in
death or a seri ous heal th haz ard.
Have the vehicle inspected by any
authori zed Toyota deal er or repair er,
or another duly qualif ied and
equipped pro fessional immediatel y.
D Do not l eave the engine running in
an area wit h snow buil dup, or
where it is snowing. I f snowbanks
build up around the vehicle while
the engi ne i s runni ng, exhaust
gases may coll ect and ent er t he ve-
hicle. This may lead to death or a
serious healt h hazar d.
D When t aking a nap in the vehicle,
always tur n t he engi ne of f. Ot her-
wise, you may accidental ly move
the shif t lever or depr ess the accel-
erator pedal, which could cause an
accident or fire due t o engi ne over-
heating. Additionally, if the vehicle
is parked in a poorly ventilated
area, exhaust gases may col lect and
enter the vehi cle, leading to deat h
or a seri ous healt h haz ard.
D Toyota does not recommend occu-
pying the rear cargo ar ea when it
is fitted with a slidei n camper,
camper shell or other type cover
while the engine is runni ng. This
caution applies to bot h drivi ng and
stopped or parked sit uations wit h
the engine running. Parti cular car e
should be taken to prevent exhaust
gases from enter ing camper bodies,
trai lers or other enclosures on or
around your vehi cle. If exhaust
fumes are det ected, open all win-
dows and thoroughl y vent ilate the
Engine exhaust cautions
Engine oil has the pri mary f uncti ons of
lubri cati ng and c ooling t he insi de of t he
engine, and pl ays a major rol e i n mai n-
taini ng the engine in proper work ing order.
It is normal that an engine should con-
sume some engine oil dur ing normal
engine oper ation. The causes of oil
consumption in a normal engine are as
D Oil is used to lubri cate pis tons, pist on
rings and cy linder s. A thin fi lm of oil
is left on t he cy linder wall when a pis-
ton mov es downwar ds in the cy linder.
High negati ve pr essur e generat ed when
the vehicl e is deceler ating suc ks some
of thi s oil into the c ombustion c hamber.
This oil as well as some part of the oi l
fil m left on the cy linder wal l is burned
by the high temper ature c ombusti on
gases during the combust ion proc ess.
D Oil i s also used to l ubricat e t he stems
of the intak e val ves. Some of this oil
is s ucked i nto the combusti on c hamber
together wit h the int ake ai r and is
burned along wi th the f uel. High tem-
peratur e ex haust gas es also bur n the
oil used to l ubric ate the ex haust valve
The amount of engine oil consumed de-
pends on the viscosit y of t he oil , the
quality of the oil and the condi tions t he
vehicle is driven under.
More oil is consumed by highspeed driv-
ing and fr equent ac celer ation and decel-
erati on.
A new engine c onsumes more oi l, s ince
its pist ons, piston rings and cy linder walls
have not become condit ioned.
Oil consumption: Max. 1.0 L per 1000
km (1.1 qt. /600 miles, 0.9 Imp. qt./ 600
When judging t he amount of oil con-
sumption, note that the oil may become
diluted and make it difficult to judge
the true level accur ately.
As an ex ample, if a v ehicl e i s used for
repeated s hort t rips , and c onsumes a nor-
mal amount of oi l, t he dipst ick may not
show any drop in the oil level at al l, even
after 1000 k m (600 miles) or mor e. This
is because the oi l i s gradually becoming
diluted with fuel or moisture, making it
appear that the oil level has not c hanged.
The diluti ng ingredient s evapor ate out
when the vehi cle is then driven at high
speeds, as on an ex press way, making it
appear that oil is exces siv ely c onsumed
after dr ivi ng at high speeds .
One of t he most i mportant points in pr op-
er vehi cle maint enance is to k eep the en-
gine oil at t he optimum level so t hat oil
funct ion will not be impai red. Therefor e, it
is ess ential t hat the oil lev el be chec ked
regular ly. Toy ota recommends that the oil
level be checked every time you refuel
the v ehic le.
Failur e to check the oi l l evel r egularly
could l ead to serious engine trouble
due to insufficient oil.
For detail ed informat ion on oil level c heck,
see “Check ing t he engine oil lev el” on
page 188 in Secti on 72.
Facts about engine oil
The tandem master cyl inder brake system
is a hydraulic system with two separat e
subsystems. If either subsystem should
fail, the ot her will still work . Howev er, the
pedal wi ll be har der to pr ess, and your
stoppi ng dis tanc e wil l inc rease. Al so, the
brake system warning light may come on.
Do not drive your vehicle with only a
single brake system. Have your
brakes f ixed immediat ely.
The brake boos ter us es engine v acuum to
poweras sis t the brak es. If t he engi ne
should quit whil e you are driving, y ou can
pedal press ure. There is enough res erved
vacuum for one or t wo stops —but no
D Do not pump the brake pedal if the
engine stal ls. Each push on the
pedal uses up your r eserved vacu-
D Even if the power assist is com-
pletel y lost , t he brakes will stil l
work. But you wi ll have to push t he
pedal hard, much harder than nor-
mal. And your braking distance wi ll
(wit h “ABS” war ning l ight)
The antil ock brake system i s desi gned
to hel p pr event l ockup of the wheels
during a sudden braking or braking on
slipper y road sur faces. This assists in
providing directional stability and steer-
ing per form ance of t he vehicl e under
these circumst ances.
Effect ive way to press the ABS br ake
When t he antilock brake system func-
tion is in acti on, y ou m ay f eel the brak e
pedal pulsat ing and hear a noise. In thi s
sit uation, to let the antilock brake sys-
tem work for y ou, just hold the br ake
pedal down more f irmly. Do not pump
the brake in a pani c s top. This wi ll re-
sult i n reduc ed br aking perf ormance.
The antilock brake system becomes op-
erati ve aft er the v ehic le has acc elerat ed
to a speed in exc ess of approx imately 10
km/h ( 6 mph). I t s tops oper ating when t he
vehic le decel erates to a speed below
approxi mately 5 km /h ( 3 mph).
Depress ing the br ake pedal on s lipper y
road sur faces such as on a manhole c ov-
er, a s teel plate at a c onstr ucti on si te,
joint s in a br idge, etc . on a rai ny day
tends to ac tiv ate the anti lock brake sys-
You may hear a cli ck or mot or sound fr om
the ar ea ar ound the front axl e for a f ew
seconds when t he engine is st arted or just
after the vehic le begins to move. This
means that the antilock brake system is
in the s elfcheck mode, and does not indi-
cate a malfunc tion.
Brake system
When the antilock brake syst em is ac-
tivat ed, the followi ng condit ions may
occur. They do not indi cate a malfunc-
tion of the system:
D You may hear t he anti lock brake sys-
tem operati ng and feel t he br ake pedal
pulsat ing and the vibr ations of t he ve-
hicl e body and st eering wheel . You
may also hear the motor sound f rom
the ar ea around the f ront axl e even
after t he vehi cle is s topped.
D At the end of the antilock brake sys-
tem ac tivat ion, t he brake pedal may
Do not overestimat e the antilock
brake system: Alt hough the ant ilock
brake syst em assi sts i n provi ding ve-
hicle control, it is still important to
drive with all due care and maintain
a moder ate speed and safe dist ance
from the vehi cle i n front of you, be-
cause there ar e lim its to t he vehicl e
stability and effectiveness of steering
wheel operat ion even with the anti
lock br ake syst em on.
If tir e grip perfor mance exceeds its
capability, or if hydroplaning occurs
during high speed driving in the rain,
the antilock brake system does not
provide vehicle control.
Antil ock brake system is not de-
signed to shorten the stopping dis-
tance: Always dr ive at moder ate
speed and mai ntain a saf e dist ance
from the vehicle i n f ront of you.
Compared wit h vehicles without an
antilock brake system, your vehi cle
may r equire a longer stoppi ng di s-
tance i n the fol lowing cases:
D Driving on r ough, gravel or snow
covered roads.
D Driving with tire chains installed.
D Drivi ng over the steps such as the
joints on the road.
D Driving on roads where the road
surface i s pitt ed or has ot her dif fer-
ences in surf ace height .
Instal l al l t ires of speci fied siz e at
appropri ate pr essure: The ant ilock
brake syst em detects vehicle speeds
using t he speed sensors f or r espec-
tive wheels’ t urning speeds. The use
of tires other t han specified may fail
to detect the accurat e t urning speed
result ing in a l onger stoppi ng dis-
“ABS” warni ng li ght
The l ight c omes on when the engine
swit ch is turned to t he “ON” pos iti on. If
the antilock brake system works properly,
the l ight tur ns off af ter a few s econds.
Thereafter, if the system malfunctions, the
light c omes on again.
When the “ ABS” warni ng light is on ( and
the brake system warning light is off), the
antilock brake system does not oper ate,
but the brake system still operat es c on-
venti onally.
When the “ ABS” warni ng light is on ( and
the brake system warning light is off), the
antilock brake system does not operate
so that the wheel s could lock up during
a s udden braki ng or braki ng on s lipper y
road surf aces.
If either of th e f ollowing condit ions oc-
curs, t his indicates a malfunct ion some-
where in the components monit ored by
the warning li ght syst em. Contact any
authori zed Toyota dealer or repairer, or
another duly qualifi ed and equipped
professi onal, as soon as possible t o
service the vehicl e.
D The light does not c ome on when the
engine swi tch i s tur ned t o the “ON”
posit ion, or the light r emains on.
D The light comes on while you are driv-
A warning light t urning on briefl y duri ng
operati on does not indi cate a pr oblem.
The br ake pad wear i ndicators on your
disc br akes give a w arning noi se when
the brake pads are worn t o where re-
placement is requir ed.
If you hear a s quealing or s crapi ng nois e
while dr ivi ng, have t he brak e pads
check ed and replac ed by your nearest au-
thori zed Toy ota dealer or repai rer, or
another duly quali fied and equipped pro-
fess ional, immedi ately.
Avoid c ontinuous driv ing wit h t he warning
Continuous driv ing wit hout r eplaci ng the
brake pads will cause expensi ve r otor
damage and inc reas ing brak e pedal effor t
to get t he s ame st opping di stanc e.
When stowing cargo and luggage in or on
the v ehicl e, obs erve the fol lowing:
D Put car go and luggage in the r ear deck
when at al l pos sible. Be sure al l it ems
are secur ed i n plac e.
D Be car eful to keep the v ehic le bal-
anced. Locat ing the weight as far for-
ward as pos sibl e helps maintai n bal-
D For bett er f uel ec onomy, do not c arry
unneeded weight .
D Never all ow anyone to ri de in t he
luggage compar tment. It i s not de-
signed for passengers. They should
ride i n their seats wit h their seat
belts pr operly fast ened. Other wise,
they are much mor e likely to suff er
death or serious bodily injury, in
the event of sudden braki ng or a
D Do not dri ve wi th objects left on
top of the instrument panel . They
may interfere with the driver’s field
of view. Or they m ay move during
sharp vehicle acceler ation or turn-
ing, and impair the driver ’s contr ol
of the vehi cle. In an acci dent they
may inj ure t he vehicl e occupants.
Brake pad wear indicators Luggage stowage precautions
Some Toyot as ar e equipped wit h a limit-
edsl ip di fferent ial. I f one rear wheel be-
gins to spin, t he limited sli p differ ential is
designed to aid tr acti on by automat icall y
trans mitti ng dri ving force to t he ot her r ear
wheel. I f you ar e not s ure whether your
vehic le i s equi pped wit h one, you can ask
any author ized Toy ota dealer or r epairer,
or anot her dul y qualif ied and equi pped
profes sional .
Do not start or run the engi ne while
your vehi cle is supported by a jack.
The vehicl e could be dri ven of f t he
jack and could pose a danger or r e-
sult in death or serious injury.
Use only a spar e ti re of the same
size, constructi on and load capacity
as the ori ginal t ires on your Toyota
because damage to th e l imitedslip
differ ential could possi bly occur with
another ti re t ype.
The vehi cle i dentifi cation number (VIN)
is the l egal i dentif ier f or your vehicle.
This number i s stamped front right
This i s the pr imary i dentifi cation number
for your Toyot a. It i s used in r egister ing
the owner ship of your v ehicl e.
Limitedslip differe ntial
Your Toyota’s identification—
—Ve hicle identifica tion
Type A (lefthand drive vehicles)
Type A (righthand drive vehicles)
Type B
Type C (lefthand drive vehicles)
Type C (righthand drive vehicles)
The v ehicl e ident ifi cation number ( VIN) is
also on the manufactur er ’s plate or label .
The engine number i s stamped on t he
engine bl ock as shown.
Do not modify the suspension/chassi s
with lift ki ts, spacer s, spr ings, et c. It
can cause dangerous handl ing charac-
teri stics, result ing in l oss of contr ol.
—Engine number Suspension and chassis
Section 3
D Befor e starting the engine 124..........................
D How to s tart the engine 124.............................
D Pr ecautions for turning off an engine
with turbocharger 126..................................
D Pr etrip safety check 126..............................
D Tips for driving in various conditions 127.................
D D riving in the rain 128..................................
D Winter driving tips 129.................................
D Trailer towing 130......................................
D How to s ave fuel and make your vehic le last longer 138...
1. Chec k t he area ar ound the vehicl e be-
fore enter ing i t.
2. Adj ust s eat posi tion, seatbac k angle,
steer ing w heel angl e and length.
3. Adj ust the insi de and outs ide r ear vi ew
4. Clos e al l door s.
5. Fas ten s eat belts .
1. Apply the park ing br ake fir mly.
2. Turn off unnec ess ary light s and acces-
3. Pr ess the c lutc h pedal to the fl oor and
shif t the trans miss ion int o neutr al. Hol d
the cl utch pedal to t he floor unt il t he
engine i s star ted.
Before starting the engine
How to start the engine—
(a) Before cranking
Before s tarti ng the engine, be s ure to f ol-
low the i nstr ucti ons in “(a) B efore cr ank-
Normal star ting procedure
1. Turn the key to “ON” and ver ify that
the engine preheati ng indic ator l ight
has come on. Keep the key i n t hat
posit ion unt il the li ght goes off .
2. Wi th your foot off the acc elerat or ped-
al, crank t he engi ne by t urning the k ey
to “ START”. Release it when the en-
gine s tart s.
Engine s hould be warmed up by driv ing,
not in idle. For warming up, drive with
smoot hly tur ning engine unti l engine cool-
ant t emperatur e is wi thin normal range.
If the engine stalls...
Simply res tart it, us ing the c orrec t proce-
dure giv en above, depending on the en-
gine t emperatur e.
If the engine will not star t...
See “ If your vehi cle wil l not st art” on page
142 in Section 4.
z Do not cr ank for more than 30 se-
conds at a time. Thi s may overheat
the st arter and wir ing systems.
z Do not race a cold engine.
z If the engine becomes difficult to
start or stal ls frequentl y, have the
engine checked immedi ately.
(b) Starting the engine
After highspeed or extended driv ing that
requir es a heavy engine l oad, the engine
should be allowed t o i dle, as shown i n t he
chart bef ore turni ng it off .
Driving condi tion and required idli ng
Normal ci ty dri ving
Idling ti me—Not neces sary
Highs peed dri ving
About 80 k m/h ( 50 mph)
Idli ng ti me—About 20 s econds
About 100 k m/h ( 62 mph)
Idli ng ti me—About 1 mi nute
Steep mountain slopes or conti nued
driv ing abov e 100 km/ h ( 62 mph)
Idli ng ti me—About 2 mi nute
Do not turn t he engine off immediat e-
ly after a heavy load has been placed
on the engi ne in or der t o pr event en-
gine damage.
It is a good idea to do a safety c heck
before star ting out on a tri p. A few min-
utes of chec king c an help ensur e safe and
pleasant driving. Just a basic familiarity
with y our vehi cle is required and a car eful
eye! Or, if you woul d lik e, any authoriz ed
Toyota dealer or repairer, or another duly
qualif ied and equipped profes sional , wil l
be pl eased to make this check for y ou at
a nominal c ost.
If you make thi s check in an encl osed
garage, make sure there is adequate
ventil ation. Engine exhaust is poison-
Outside the vehicle
Tires ( spare i ncluded). Check the pres-
sure with a gauge and look caref ully for
cuts , damage, or ex cess ive wear.
Wheel nuts. Make sure no nuts are mis-
sing or loos e.
Fluid leaks. Af ter the v ehicl e has been
parked for a whil e, check underneath for
leaki ng fuel , oi l, water, or flui d.
Lights. Mak e sure the headl ights, s top
light s, t ail light s, t urn signals and other
light s are al l work ing. Chec k t he headlight
Batter y and cables. Al l the batter y c ells
should be filled to the pr oper level wit h
distilled water. Look for c orroded or loose
termi nals and a crack ed case. Check t he
cables for good c onditi on and c onnecti ons.
Inside the vehicle
Jack and wheel nut wr ench. Make sure
you have your jac k and wheel nut wr ench.
Seat bel ts. Check t hat the buck les lock
secur ely. Mak e sur e the bel ts ar e not
worn or f rayed.
Precautions for turning off
an engine with turbocharger
Pretrip safety check
Instr uments and controls. Especially
make sure the s ervic e r eminder i ndicator s,
inst rument lights , and defroster are work-
Brakes. Make s ure t he pedal has enough
clear ance.
Spare fuses. Make sure you have spare
fuses . They shoul d cover all the amperage
rati ngs des ignated on the fuse box li d.
In t he engine compart ment
Coolant level. Make sur e the coolant lev-
el is cor rect . (See page 190 in Section
72 f or inst ruct ions. )
Wiring. Look for damaged, loos e, or dis-
connect ed wi res.
Fuel li nes. Check the l ines f or leak s or
loose connec tions .
Exhaust system. If you noti ce any
change in t he s ound of the exhaus t or
smell exhaust fumes, have t he caus e lo-
cated and cor rect ed immediat ely. (See
“Engine ex haust c autions” on page 114 i n
Secti on 2.)
Engine oi l level. St op the engi ne and
check t he dips tick wi th t he v ehicl e park ed
on a lev el spot. (See page 188 in Section
72 f or inst ruct ions. )
Instr uments. Make sure the speedometer
and gauges ar e work ing.
Brakes. In a s afe place, c heck that t he
brakes do not pull to one si de when ap-
Anything unusual? Look f or loos e par ts
and leak s. Lis ten for abnormal nois es.
If everything looks O. K., set your mind at
ease and enjoy your tri p!
D Always slow down in gusty c ross winds.
This will allow you much better control.
D Drive s lowly onto curbs and, if pos-
sibl e, at a r ight angle. Avoid dri ving
onto high, s harpedged obj ects and
other road hazar ds. Fail ure to do so
can lead to severe tire damage such
as a t ire burst .
Driv e s lowly when pas sing over bumps
or t ravelling on a bumpy road. Other-
wise, the impac t c ould c ause sev ere
damage to the ti res and/or wheels .
D When parking on a hill, turn the front
wheels unt il t hey t ouch the cur b so
that the vehicl e will not roll. Apply the
parki ng brak e, and pl ace the transmi s-
sion in f irs t or rev erse. If neces sary,
block t he wheels .
D Was hing your vehic le or dr ivi ng through
deep water may get the brak es wet. To
see whether they are wet, chec k t hat
there is no traffi c near you, and t hen
press the pedal l ightly. If y ou do not
feel a normal braking force, the br akes
are pr obably wet. To dr y them, drive
the v ehicl e caut iousl y while lightl y
press ing the br ake pedal with t he par k-
ing br ake applied. I f t hey sti ll do not
work saf ely, pull to the si de of the road
and c all any aut horiz ed Toyot a dealer
or r epairer, or another duly qualif ied
and equipped prof essi onal, f or as sis-
D Before driving off, make sure the
parking br ake is fully released and
the parking brake r eminder light is
D Do not l eave your vehi cle unat-
tended while the engine is running.
D Do not rest your foot on the brake
pedal w hile dr iving. It can cause
dangerous over heating, needl ess
wear, and poor fuel economy.
Tips for driving in various
D To drive down a long or steep hill,
reduce your speed and downshi ft.
Remember, if you ride the br akes
excessively, they may overheat and
not wor k proper ly.
D Be caref ul when acceler ating, up-
shift ing, downshift ing or braki ng on
a sl ippery surf ace. Sudden accel era-
tion or engine br aking could cause
the vehi cle t o skid or spin.
D Do not conti nue normal drivi ng
when t he brakes are wet. If they ar e
wet, your vehicle will require a
longer st opping distance, and i t
may pul l t o one si de when t he
brakes are applied. Also, the par k-
ing brake will not hold the vehicle
z Do not depress the accelerator and
brake pedals at the same t ime dur-
ing drivi ng, as t his may r estrai n
driving tor que.
z Do not use the accelerator pedal or
depress the accel erator and brake
pedals at the same time t o hold t he
vehicle on a hill.
Drivi ng on a sli ppery r oad sur face
Driv e car efully when it is r aining, bec ause
visibility will be reduced, the windows may
become foggedup, and t he road wil l be
sli ppery.
D Drive c arefull y when it start s to rai n,
because the road s urfac e wi ll be espe-
cial ly sl ippery.
D Refrain f rom hi gh speeds when dr iving
on an expr essw ay in t he rain, becaus e
there may be a lay er of water between
the t ires and the r oad surf ace,
prevent ing the st eering and brakes
from operat ing properl y.
D Sudden braking, acceler ation and
steeri ng w hen dr iving on a slippery
road sur face may cause tir e sl ip-
page and reduce your ability to
control the vehicle, resulting in an
D Sudden changes in engi ne speed,
such as sudden engine b raking,
may cause t he vehi cle to skid, re-
sulti ng in an accident.
D After driving t hrough a puddle,
light ly depress the brake pedal t o
make sure that the brakes are func-
tioni ng proper ly. Wet br ake pads
may pr event t he br akes fr om func-
tioni ng pr operly. If the brakes on
only one side are wet and not func-
tioni ng properl y, st eering cont rol
may be aff ected, resulti ng in an ac-
Drivin g in the rain
When encount ering fl ooded r oads
Do not driv e on a road that has f looded
after heavy r ain etc . Doi ng so may cause
seri ous damage to the vehi cle.
Drivi ng on a flooded road may cause
the engine t o stall as well as cause
serious vehicle malfuncti ons such as
shorts in electr ical components and
engine damage from water immersi on.
In t he event t hat you dr ive on a
flooded r oad and the vehicl e is
flooded, be sur e to have any autho-
riz ed Toyota dealer or repair er, or
another duly quali fied and equi pped
professi onal check brake funct ion,
changes i n q uantity and quality of oil
and flui d used for the engine, trans-
mission, diff erential , etc. and lubricant
conditi on for the pr opeller shaft, bear-
ings and suspension j oints ( where
possible) and the function of all joints
and bear ings.
Make sur e your coolant is pr operly pro-
tected against f reezi ng.
Only use “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant”
or simi lar high quality et hylene gly col
based nonsilicate, nonami ne, nonnitr ite,
and nonbor ate c oolant with longlife
hybri d or ganic aci d technol ogy. ( Coolant
with longlif e hybrid or ganic aci d
technol ogy is a c ombinati on of l ow
phosphates and organi c acids .)
See “Check ing the engi ne coolant level”
on page 190 in Section 72 for detail s of
coolant t ype s elec tion.
“Toyot a Super Long Li fe Coolant ” is a mix-
ture of 50% coolant and 50% deioni zed
water. Thi s c oolant provides prot ection
down to about 35_C(31_F) .
Do not use plain water alone.
Check the condi tion of the battery and
Cold temperatures reduc e t he capacity of
any batt ery, s o i t must be in top s hape
to prov ide enough power for winter s tart-
ing. Section 73 tel ls you how t o v isual ly
inspec t the battery. A ny aut horiz ed Toy ota
dealer or repai rer, or another duly quali-
fied and equipped profes sional , wi ll be
pleased to chec k the level of c harge.
Make sure the engine oil vi scosity is
suitabl e for t he cold weather.
See page 188 in Section 7 2forrecom-
mended visc osit y. Leav ing a heav y sum-
mer oi l i n your vehic le dur ing wint er
months may c ause harder starti ng. If you
are not s ure about which oil to use, c all
any author ized Toy ota dealer or r epairer,
or anot her dul y qualif ied and equi pped
profes sional —who will be pleased to help.
Winter driving tips
Keep th e door locks from f reezing.
Squirt lock de icer or gl ycer ine i nto the
lock s to keep them from fr eezing. To open
a froz en loc k, try heating the k ey befor e
inserting it.
Use a washer fluid contai ning an anti-
freez e solut ion.
This product i s av ailable at any authori zed
Toyota dealer or r epairer and mos t auto
parts s tores or another quali fied prof essi o-
nal. Follow the manufact urer ’s dir ecti ons
for how muc h to mix wi th wat er.
Do not use engine anti freez e or any
other substitut e because i t may dam-
age your vehicle’s paint.
Do not use your par king brake when
there is a possibility it could freeze.
When par king, put t he transmi ssi on int o
fir st or rev erse and bloc k the fr ont
wheels. Do not use the par king brake, or
snow or water acc umulated in and around
the par king brake mechanism may freeze,
making it har d to rel ease.
Keep ice and snow f rom accumulati ng
under t he fender s.
Ice and snow built up under your f enders
can make steer ing di ffic ult. D uring bad
winter driv ing, stop and c heck under the
fenders oc cas ionally.
Depending on wher e you are drivi ng,
we recommend you car ry some emer-
gency equipment .
Some of the things you mi ght put in the
vehic le are t ire chai ns, wi ndow scraper,
bag of sand or s alt, fl ares, s mall shovel ,
jumper cabl es, etc.
Your v ehicl e is designed pri maril y as a
passenger andl oadcar ryi ngv ehicl e.Tow-
ing a tr ailer wi ll have an advers e eff ect on
handling, perform ance, br aking, durability
and dri ving ec onomy ( fuel c onsumption,
etc. ). Your safety and satis fact ion depend
on the pr oper use of c orrec t equipment
and c autious driv ing habits . For your saf e-
ty and the safety of others, you must not
overl oad your vehic le or tr ailer. Ask your
local author ized Toyot a deal er or repair er,
or anot her dul y qualif ied and equi pped
profes sional , for furt her details bef ore tow-
ing, as there are additi onal legal r equire-
ments in some count ries.
Before towi ng, confi rm the t owing capac ity,
gross vehic le m ass (GVM), maximum per-
miss ible ax le capac ity (MPAC) and draw-
bar load. They are l isted on page 214 in
Secti on 8.
When towing a tr ailer, obs erve the f ollow-
D The tot al tr ailer w eight ( trail er weight
plus its c argo load) is wit hin the towing
capaci ty.
D When the total tr ailer weight is gr eater
than the vehic le weight, w e rec ommend
the use of a friction stabilizer (sway
contr ol dev ice) .
D When the total tr ailer wei ght i s ov er
2000 k g ( 4409 lb.) , a fric tion st abilizer
(sway c ontrol dev ice) i s r equired.
Tra iler to wing
Total trail er weight Drawbar l oad
D The t railer c argo l oad should be dis tri b-
uted so that t he drawbar load is more
than 25 k g (55.1 lb.) and more than
4% of the t owing capac ity. However,
the drawbar load mus t not exceed the
weight spec ifi ed on page 214 in Sec-
tion 8.
D The sum weight of the tot al cur b mas s,
driv er, pas sengers , c argo, towing hitch
and drawbar load mus t not ex ceed
gross v ehicl e mas s.
D The l oad on t he rear axl e mus t not
exceed t he maxi mum permis sibl e rear
axle capac ity.
Towing c apacity has been test ed at sea
level . I f you have to go t o a high moun-
tain area, keep in mind t hat the engine
power and t owing capac ity wil l decreas e.
Manufact urer’s label or pl ate
Gross vehi cle mas s
Maximum permiss ible rear
axle capacit y
D The total t railer weight must not
exceed the towi ng capacity speci-
fied on page 214 i n Section 8. Ex-
ceeding t his w eight is dangerous.
D Tr ailer hitch assemblies have dif fer-
ent weight capaci ties establ ished by
the hi tch manufactur er. Even t hough
the vehi cle may be physicall y capa-
ble of towing a higher weight, the
operator must determi ne the maxi-
mum weight rating of the part icular
hitch assembl y and never exceed
the maximum weight r ating speci-
fied for the trailerhitch. Exceeding
the maximum weight rat ing set by
the t rail er hi tch manufactur er can
cause an accident resul ting i n seri-
ous injuries.
D The sum weight of the tot al curb
mass, dr iver, passengers, cargo,
towing hit ch, and dr awbar load
must not exceed the gr oss vehicl e
mass. Exceeding this weight is dan-
D The l oad on the r ear axle must not
exceed the maximum permissi ble
rear axle capacity. Exceedi ng thi s
weight is dangerous.
Toyota recommends us ing a Toy ota genu-
ine hitc h and brac ket . Anot her hitc h and
brack et of matc hing quality can also be
Inst allati on posi tions f or t owing hitc h
brack ets and towing hit ch bal l over hang:
KDY221 and KDY231 model s
mm (in. )
A 375 (14. 8)
B 400 (15. 7)
C 210 (8. 3)
D 190 (7. 5)
E 220 (8. 7)
F 260 (10.2)
H 285 ( 11.2)
I 355 (14. 0)
J 1170 ( 46.1)
376 ( 14.8)
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
KDY221 and KDY231 m odels
KDY251 models
mm (in. )
A 375 (14. 8)
B 400 (15. 7)
C 200 (7. 9)
D 185 (7. 3)
E 215 (8. 5)
F 235 (9.3)
G 255 (10. 0)
H 360 (14.2)
I 195 (7. 7)
J 275 (10. 8)
K 330 (13. 0)
L 495 (19. 5)
M 1670 ( 65.7)
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
KDY251 m odels
KDY261 models
mm (in. )
A 375 (14. 8)
B 400 (15. 7)
C 370 (14.6)
D 540 (21.3)
E 170 (6. 7)
F 200 (7.9)
G 220 (8.7)
H 240 (9.4)
I 400 (15. 7)
J 365 (14. 4)
K 535 (21. 1)
L 615 (24.2)
M 670 ( 26.4)
N 835 (32.9)
O 2010 (79. 1)
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
KDY261 m odels
Toyota recommends us ing a Toy ota genu-
ine brac ket. Another br acket of matc hing
qualit y c an al so be used.
D Ensure that your vehi cle’s t ires are
properl y inflat ed. See page 193 in Sec-
tion 72 and page 218 i n Sec tion 8 f or
D The tr ailer tires should be i nflated to
the pres sure r ecommended by the tr ail-
er manufactur er in respect to the total
trai ler weight .
D Check for correct operation of the turn
signal s and stop lights each t ime y ou
hitc h up. Dir ect spli cing may damage
your vehicle’s electrical system and
cause a malfunc tion of your l ights .
D Toyot a recommends that y ou do not
tow a trai ler wit h a new v ehicl e or a
vehic le with any new power train c om-
ponent (engine, t ransmi ssi on, diff eren-
tial , wheel bear ing, etc .) for t he f irs t
800 k m (500 mil es) of dri ving.
D If you tow a tr ailer, your v ehicle will
requir e more fr equent mai ntenance due
to t he addi tional load.
D Retighten all fi xing bolt s of t he towing
ball and brack et aft er appr oximat ely
1000 km (600 mil es) of tr ailer dri ving.
D Be sure not to exc eed desi gnated max-
imum l oad for the bal l coupl ing of the
towing brack et. Pleas e remember that
the ball coupling load will increase the
load on the vehicl e. Maximum permis si-
ble rear ax le capacity mus t not be ex-
D Make sure the trailer cargo is securely
loaded s o t hat i t c annot shif t.
D If t he tr affic behi nd the tr ailer cannot
be seen properl y wit h the standar d rear
view mirr ors, addit ional outside mirror s
will be necessar y. Both outs ide mirrors
must be fitted on folding arms and ad-
just ed to giv e a good rear v iew at all
Your vehicle will handle differently
when towing a trailer. In order to avoid
accident, death or serious inj ury, keep
the f ollowing in mind when towi ng:
D Before s tart ing out, chec k operation of
the l ights and all vehic let rail er connec-
tions . Aft er dri ving a s hort dis tance,
stop and r echec k the l ights and con-
necti ons. Before ac tuall y towing a t rail-
er, pr actic e turni ng, st opping and back-
ing with a trailer in an area away from
traff ic unti l y ou l earn t he feel .
D Because stoppi ng distanc e may be in-
creas ed, vehic letov ehicl e di stanc e
should be incr eased when towing a
trai ler. For each 10 km/ h (6 mph) of
speed, allow at l east one v ehicle and
trai ler length between you and the ve-
hicl e ahead. Avoid s udden br aking as
you may skid, resulting in jackknifing
and loss of c ontrol . This is especi ally
true on wet or s lipper y s urfac es.
D Av oid jer ky star ts or s udden accel era-
tion. Prev ent ex ces siv e c lutc h sl ippage
by k eeping engine r pm low and not
raci ng the engine. Always start out in
fir st gear.
D Av oid jer ky s teeri ng and s harp tur ns.
The tr ailer coul d hit your vehic le i n a
tight tur n. Slow down bef ore maki ng a
turn to av oid the nec essi ty of sudden
braki ng.
D Backing with a trailer is difficult and
requir es pr actic e. Gr ip t he bott om of
the steer ing wheel and move your hand
to the l eft to move the t rail er to t he
left . Mov e your hand to the right to
move the tr ailer t o the right. (This pro-
cedure is generall y oppos ite to that
when backi ng without a t railer.) Als o,
just tur n the steer ing wheel a litt le at
a time, avoidi ng s harp or prol onged
turni ng. Have someone guide you when
backi ng t o r educe the ri sk of an acc i-
D Remember that when mak ing a tur n,
the trai ler wheels will be clos er t han
the vehicle wheels to the inside of the
turn. Therefore, compensate f or this by
making a l arger t han normal turni ng
radius wi th y our v ehicl e.
D Crosswi nds and rough roads wil l ad-
vers ely affec t handli ng of your vehic le
and t railer, caus ing sway. Pay at tention
to the rear from time to time to pre-
pare yours elf f or being pas sed by lar ge
truc ks or bus es, whi ch may c ause y our
vehic le and t railer to sway. I f sw aying
happens, fir mly grip the s teeri ng wheel
and reduc e speed immediat ely but
graduall y. Nev er inc rease speed. If i t is
necess ary t o r educe speed, brake
slowl y. Steer s trai ght ahead. If you
make no ext reme cor rect ion with t he
steer ing or br akes, the v ehicle and
trailer will stabilize.
D Be caref ul when pas sing ot her ve-
hicl es. Pass ing requir es cons iderable
dist ance. Af ter pas sing a vehi cle, do
not f orget the length of your trail er and
be sure you hav e plenty of room be-
fore changi ng lanes .
D To maintai n engine br aking effic iency,
when us ing engine braking, do not use
fif th gear.
D Because of the added load of the trail-
er, your vehicle’s engine may overheat
on hot days (at temper atures over
30_C[85_F]) when going up a long or
steep grade wit h a tr ailer. If the engine
coolant temperat ure gauge indicat es
overheat ing, pull off the road and stop
in a saf e spot . Refer to “ If y our v ehicl e
overheat s” on page 148 in Secti on 4.
D Always plac e wheel blocks under both
the v ehicl e and t rail er wheels when
parki ng. Appl y the parki ng br ake fir mly.
Put the t ransmi ssi on i n fi rst or rev erse.
Avoid parking on a sl ope wi th a trailer,
but if it cannot be avoided, do so onl y
after per forming the fol lowing:
1. Appl y t he brak es and hol d.
2. Hav e s omeone plac e w heel bl ocks un-
der both t he vehic le and tr ailer wheels.
3. When the w heel bloc ks are i n pl ace,
releas e y our brak es s lowly unt il the
block s absorb the load.
4. Apply the park ing br ake fir mly.
5. Shi ft into f irs t or revers e and tur n off
the engi ne.
When res tart ing out after parki ng on a
1. Wi th the c lutc h pedal depres sed, s tart
the engi ne.
2. Shi ft into gear.
3. Rel ease t he park ing brak e and s lowly
pull or back away fr om the wheel
blocks. Stop and apply your br akes.
4. Hav e someone ret rieve the blocks.
D Observe the legal maximum speeds
for trai ler towing.
D Slow down and downshi ft befor e
descending st eep or long downhill
grades. Do not make sudden down-
shift s whil e descending st eep or
long downhi ll grades.
D Avoid hol ding the brake pedal down
too long or t oo frequent ly. Thi s
could cause the br akes to overheat
and resul t in reduced braking ef fi-
Improv ing fuel economy is easy —jus t tak e
it easy. It wi ll help make your v ehicl e last
longer, t oo. Here ar e some specif ic t ips
on how to save money on both fuel and
repair s:
D Keep your ti res infl ated at t he cor-
rect pressur e. Under inflat ion caus es
tir e wear and wast es fuel. See page
193 in Section 72 for i nstr uctions .
D Do not car ry unneeded weight i n
your vehicl e. Ex cess weight puts a
heavier load on the engine, c ausing
greater f uel c onsumpti on.
D Avoid l engthy warmup i dling. Once
the engine is runni ng s moothl y, begi n
driv ing—but gentl y. Remember, howev-
er, t hat on cold wi nter days this may
take a lit tle longer.
D Accelerate slowly and smoothly.
Avoid jac krabbi t st arts . Get into high
gear as quick ly as pos sible.
D Avoid l ong engine idling. I f you have
a l ong wait and y ou are not in t raffic ,
it is bett er to t urn off the engine and
star t agai n l ater.
D Avoi d engine l ugging or overrev-
ving. Us e a gear pos ition suitabl e for
the r oad on whic h you are tr avell ing.
D Avoi d continuous speedi ng up and
slowing down. Stopandgo dr ivi ng
wastes f uel.
D Avoi d unnecessary st opping and
braking. Maintai n a s teady pace. Try
to time t he tr affic signal s s o you only
need to st op as lit tle as pos sibl e or
take advant age of thr ough s treet s to
avoid traff ic li ghts. Keep a proper di s-
tance f rom other vehic les to avoid sud-
den br aking. This wi ll also r educe wear
on y our br akes.
D Avoi d heavy traf fic or t raffi c j ams
whenever possi ble.
D Do not rest your foot on the cl utch
or brake pedal. This c auses prematur e
wear, ov erheating and poor fuel ec ono-
How to save fuel and make
your vehicle last longer
D Maintain a moderate speed on high-
ways. The fas ter you dri ve, t he gr eater
the fuel consumpti on. By r educing your
speed, you wil l cut down on f uel con-
sumpti on.
D Keep the front wheels in proper
alignment. Avoid hitt ing t he cur b and
slow down on rough r oads. Impr oper
alignment not only caus es f aster ti re
wear but also puts an extra l oad on
the engine, which, in turn, wast es fuel.
D Keep the bot tom of your vehi cle f ree
from mud, etc. Thi s not only l ess ens
weight but als o hel ps prevent c orro-
D Keep your vehi cle t unedup and in
top shape. A di rty air cl eaner, c arbure-
tor out of adjust ment, improper valve
clear ance, dirt y plugs, dirty oi l and
grease, brak es not adj usted, et c. all
lower engine performanc e and c ontri b-
ute to poor fuel ec onomy. For longer
lif e of all part s and lower operati ng
cost s, k eep all m aintenanc e work on
schedul e, and i f you often dri ve under
sever e condi tions , s ee that your v ehicl e
recei ves more fr equent mai ntenance.
Never turn off the engine to coast
down hills. Your power steering and
brake booster will not f unction with-
out the engine runni ng. Al so, the
emission contr ol syst em oper ates
properl y onl y when the engine is run-
Section 4
D If y our vehicle will not star t 142..........................
D If y our engine stalls while dr iving 147....................
D If y ou cannot increase engine s peed 147.................
D If y our vehicle overheats 148...........................
D If y ou have a flat tire 149...............................
D If y our vehicle becomes s tuck 162.......................
D If y our vehicle needs to be towed 163....................
D If y ou lose your keys 166...............................
D If y our vehicle has to be stopped in an emergenc y 167....
Before making these checks, make sure
you have f ollowed the cor rect s tart ing pro-
cedure given in “How to start the engine”
on page 124 in Section 3 and t hat you
have suffi cient f uel.
If t he engine is not turni ng over or is
turni ng over too slowl y—
1. Chec k t hat t he batt ery ter minals are
tight and cl ean.
2. If the battery terminals are O.K., switch
on the int erior l ight.
3. I f t he li ght i s out, di m or goes out
when the s tart er is c rank ed, the batt ery
is disc harged. You may try jump start-
ing. See “( c) Jump st arting” on page
143 for f urther i nstr ucti ons.
If the light is O.K., but the engine s til l wil l
not star t, it needs adjust ment or repai r.
Call any aut horiz ed Toyot a dealer or re-
pairer, or another duly qualif ied and
equipped pr ofess ional.
Do not pull or pushst art t he ve-
hicle. It may damage t he vehi cle or
cause a collision when the engine
start s. Al so, t he cat alytic converter
may overheat and become a fir e haz-
If t he engine t urns over at its normal
speed but wil l not st art—
1. I f you are s tart ing the engine t hat has
died fr om an empty tank , y ou may
have needed t o bleed t he f uel system
before cr anking t he engine. See “( b)
Bleeding the fuel system” on page 142
for fur ther ins truc tions.
2. If the fuel system is O.K., but the
engine st ill will not s tart , i t needs ad-
just ment or r epair. Call any aut horiz ed
Toyota deal er or repai rer, or anot her
duly qual ified and equipped prof essi on-
al, for ass ist ance.
If you r un out of fuel and t he engine
dies, the engine may not rest art aft er
refuel ing. In such case, operate t he
primi ng pump until you feel more r esis-
If yo ur v ehicle will no t sta rt—
(a) Simple checks
(b) Bleeding the fuel system
To avoid serious i njury and damage t o
your vehicle which might result from
batter y explosi on, acid bur ns, electr ical
burns, or damaged electr onic compo-
nents, t hese i nstruct ions must be fol-
lowed precisel y.
If you are unsure about how to foll ow thi s
procedur e, we s trongl y rec ommend t hat
you seek the help of a c ompetent me-
chanic or t owing s ervi ce.
D Batter ies cont ain sulf uric aci d
which is poisonous and cor rosive.
Wear protect ive safety gl asses when
jump starting, and avoid spilling
acid on your skin, clot hing, or ve-
D If you should accidental ly get acid
on your self or in your eyes, remove
any contami nated clot hing and f lush
the affected area with water imme-
diatel y. Then get immediat e medical
attent ion. If possi ble, cont inue t o
apply water with a sponge or cloth
while en route to t he medical off ice.
D The gas normall y produced by a
battery will explode if a flame or
spark i s brought near. Use only
standardi zed jumper cables and do
not smoke or l ight a match whi le
jump st arting.
The batter y used for boosti ng must
be 12 V. Do not jump star t unless you
are sure that the booster battery is
correct .
1. I f y our vehi cle is equipped wi th the
battery cover, remove it.
2. I f t he booster bat tery is ins talled in
another vehicl e, mak e sure the vehi cles
are not touc hing. Turn off all unneces-
sary l ights and acc ess ories .
When boos ting, use t he batt ery of
matchi ng or higher qual ity. Any other
battery may be difficult to jump start
If j ump s tarti ng is diff icul t, c harge the
batter y f or s everal mi nutes.
3. I f t he engine i n the v ehicl e wit h the
booster batter y is not runni ng, st art i t
and let it run for a f ew mi nutes. During
jump s tarti ng, run the engine at about
2000 r pm with the accel erator pedal
light ly depres sed.
(c) Jump starting
(“+” mark)
Positive terminal
(“+” m ark)
Discharged battery
Jumper cable
Negative termi nal
4. Mak e the c able connec tions in t he or-
der a, b, c , d.
a. Connec t t he clamp of t he posi tiv e
(red) jumper cable to the pos iti ve (+)
termi nal on the dis charged batt ery.
b. Connect t he c lamp at the ot her end
of the pos iti ve ( red) j umper c able to
the posi tiv e (+) t erminal on the boost er
c. Connec t the c lamp of the negativ e
(blac k) jumper c able to the negat ive ()
termi nal on the boost er batter y.
d. Connect t he c lamp at the ot her end
of the negative (bl ack) jumper cable t o
a solid, stati onary, unpaint ed, met allic
point of the vehic le wi th t he dis charged
The recommended connecti ng point is
shown in the following illustration:
"Type A
Jumper cable
(“+” mark)
Booster battery
(“+” m ark)
Negative termi nal
4. Make t he cable connect ions i n the or-
der a, b, c, d.
a. Connec t t he clamp of t he posi tiv e
(red) jumper cable to the pos iti ve (+)
termi nal on the dis charged batt ery.
b. Connect t he c lamp at the ot her end
of the pos iti ve ( red) j umper c able to
the posi tiv e (+) t erminal on the boost er
c. Connec t the c lamp of the negativ e
(blac k) jumper c able to the negat ive ()
termi nal on the boost er batter y.
d. Connect t he c lamp at the ot her end
of the negative (bl ack) jumper cable t o
a solid, stati onary, unpaint ed, met allic
point of the vehic le wi th t he dis charged
The recommended connecti ng point is
shown in the following illustration:
"Type B
Connecting point
Do not c onnect the cabl e to or near
any part t hat moves when the engi ne
is cr anked.
When making the connecti ons, to
avoid death or serious injury, do not
lean over the batt ery or accidental ly
let t he jumper cables or clamps touch
anything except the cor rect batter y
termi nals or t he ground.
5. Char ge t he di schar ged batt ery with the
jumper c able c onnected f or approxi-
mately 5 mi nutes. At this t ime, r un the
engine in the v ehic le wi th the booster
batter y at about 2000 rpm with t he ac-
celer ator pedal light ly depres sed.
6. St art your engi ne in the nor mal way.
After st arti ng, run it at about 2000 rpm
for sev eral minut es with the ac celer ator
pedal l ightl y depr ess ed.
7. Car efully disc onnect t he cables in the
exact r evers e or der: the negativ e c able
and then the posi tiv e c able.
8. I f y our vehi cle is equipped wi th the
battery cover, install it.
If the caus e of your batter y disc harging is
not apparent (for example, li ghts left on),
you s hould hav e it checked at any autho-
riz ed Toyot a dealer or repairer, or anot her
duly qualif ied and equipped pr ofess ional.
If the fi rst start attempt i s not success-
Check that t he c lamp on the j umper
cables ar e t ight. Rechar ge the dis charged
batter y with the jumper c ables c onnected
for sev eral minutes and restar t y our en-
gine i n the normal way.
If t he another at tempt i s not suc cess ful,
the batt ery may be depl eted. Hav e it ch-
ecked at any author ized Toyot a dealer or
repair er, or anot her dul y qual ifi ed and
equipped pr ofess ional.
If your engi ne st alls whi le dr ivi ng...
1. Reduc e your speed graduall y, keepi ng
a st raight line. Move cauti ously off the
road to a s afe pl ace.
2. Turn on y our emergency f lasher s.
3. Try s tart ing t he engine again.
If t he engi ne will not star t, s ee “ If y our
vehic le w ill not st art” on page 142.
If the engine is not running, the pow-
er assist for t he brakes and st eering
will not wor k so st eering and braki ng
will be much har der t han usual.
If engine speed does not inc rease when
the acc elerator pedal is depress ed, ther e
may be a probl em somewhere i n the elec-
troni c engine c ontrol system. Stop the ve-
hicl e and contac t any authoriz ed Toyot a
dealer or repai rer, or another duly quali-
fied and equi pped prof essi onal, or take
your vehi cle car efully, sinc e the v ehicl e
perfor mance wil l be lower t han normal, to
any author ized Toy ota dealer or r epairer,
or anot her dul y qualif ied and equi pped
profes sional , as s oon as pos sibl e.
Even if the abnor mality in t he electr onic
engine control system is corrected during
low s peed dr iving, the system may not
recov er unti l the engine is stopped and
the engine s witc h is tur ned to the “ ACC”
or “ LOCK” posit ion.
If yo ur e ngine stalls while
drivin g
If you cannot increase engine
If your engi ne coolant temper ature
gauge i ndicates overheating, if you ex-
perience a l oss of power, or i f you hear
a loud knocki ng or pinging noi se, the
engine has probabl y overheat ed. You
should f ollow thi s procedur e...
1. Pul l saf ely off the road, s top t he v e-
hicl e, and tur n on your emergency
flas hers. Put t he t ransmi ssion in neu-
tral and apply the parki ng brak e. Turn
off the air c onditioni ng if it is being
2. If coolant or steam is boiling out of the
radiat or or res ervoi r, st op the engine.
Wait until the s team s ubsides before
opening the engine acces s hole c over
or tilt ing the c ab. If there is no coolant
or s team boiling over, leav e the engine
running and mak e sure t he elec tri c
cooli ng f an is operat ing. If i t is not ,
turn the engine swi tch off.
To help avoid seri ous inj ury, keep the
engine access hole cover closed or
the cab lowered until there is no
steam. Escaping steam or coolant i s
a sign of ver y high pressur e.
3. Vis ually c heck to s ee if t he engine
driv e bel t (f an bel t) is br oken or loose.
Look for obv ious cool ant leaks from t he
radiat or, hos es, and under the v ehicl e.
However, note that water draining f rom
the air condi tioning is normal if it has
been us ed.
When t he engine i s running, keep
hands and cl othing away fr om the
moving f an and engine dr ive bel ts.
4. I f t he engi ne dri ve belt i s br oken or the
coolant is leaki ng, stop the engi ne i m-
mediatel y. Cal l any aut horiz ed Toyota
dealer or repair er, or anot her duly qual-
ifi ed and equi pped profes sional , f or as-
sis tance.
5. I f the engine drive belt is O. K. and
there ar e no obvious leaks , you may
help the engine cool down more quick ly
by running it at about 1500 rpm for a
few mi nutes with the ac celer ator pedal
light ly depres sed.
6. Chec k the c oolant r eserv oir. I f it is dry,
add coolant to the r eserv oir while t he
engine is running. Fill i t about hal f f ull.
For the c oolant ty pe, see “Cool ant t ype
selec tion” on page 191 in Secti on 72.
Do not at tempt to r emove the radiator
cap when the engi ne and radiator are
hot. Ser ious inj ury could r esult fr om
scalding hot flui d and steam blown
out under pr essure.
7. Af ter the engine coolant temper ature
has cooled t o nor mal, again c heck the
coolant level in t he reserv oir. If neces-
sary, br ing i t up to half f ull agai n.
Serious c oolant los s i ndicat es a leak i n
the system. You should have it
check ed as soon as pos sibl e at any
authori zed Toyot a dealer or r epairer, or
another dul y quali fied and equi pped
profes sional .
If your vehicle overheats
1. Reduc e your speed graduall y, keepi ng
a st raight line. Move cauti ously off t he
road t o a safe pl ace wel l away fr om
the traff ic. Avoid st opping on the center
divi der of a highway. Par k on a level
spot wit h fi rm gr ound.
2. St op the engine and turn on your
emergency f lasher s.
3. Fi rmly set the parking br ake and put
the t ransmi ssion in rev erse.
4. Hav e every one get out of t he v ehicl e
5. Read the fol lowing inst ruct ions thor-
When j acking, be sure to observe the
following to reduce the possibility of
death or serious inj ury:
D Follow jacki ng inst ructi ons.
D Do not put any part of your body
under the vehicle supported by the
jack. Otherw ise, death or serious
injury may occur.
D Do not start or run t he engine whi le
your vehi cle i s support ed by t he
D Stop the vehicle on a level fi rm
ground, fi rmly set the par king br ake
and put the t ransmission in r everse.
Block the wheel diagonall y opposite
to the one being changed if neces-
D Make sur e to set the jack properl y
in t he jack point . Rai sing t he ve-
hicle w ith j ack im properly posi-
tioned wi ll damage the vehi cle or
may allow the vehicle to fall off the
jack and cause death or serious i n-
D Never get under the vehicle when
the vehicle is supported by t he jack
D Use the jack only f or l ift ing your
vehicle during wheel changing.
D Do not raise the vehicle with some-
one in the vehicle.
D When raising the vehicle, do not
place any objects on t op of or un-
derneath the jack.
D Raise the vehi cle only high enough
to r emove and change t he ti re.
Do not cont inue driving wit h a de-
flat ed tir e. Dri ving even a short dis-
tance can damage a t ire and wheel
beyond repai r.
If yo u h ave a flat tire—
Single cab models
with single back
bench seat
Single cab models
with spli t back bench
Double cab m odels
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
—Required tools and spare
1. Get the requi red t ools
Single cab model s:
With si ngle back bench seat —Pull
the seat back lock r elease st rap and
fold down t he seat back.
With spli t back bench seat—Pul l
the seatback lock release lever and
strap, then fo ld down both seat-
Double cab models:
Fold up the r ear seat . (For instruc-
tions, see “ Folding up rear seat”
on page 26 i n Secti on 13. )
1. Jack
2. Tool bag
3. J ack handle end
4. W heel nut wrench handle
To prepare yours elf f or an emergenc y, you
should familiari ze your self with the us e of
the jack, each of the tools and their stor-
age loc ations .
To remov e the jack, turn t he jack joint by
To remove: Turn the joint in direction 1
until the jac k is fr ee.
To s tore: Turn the j oint in dir ection 2 until
the jac k is firml y s ecured t o prev ent it
fly ing f orward during a collis ion or sudden
braki ng.
To remov e t he spar e ti re:
Remove t he jack handle, t he jack handle
extens ion and the j ack handle end fr om
the tool bag and ass emble by foll owing
these st eps.
1. Loos en t he s crew using a screwdr iver.
2. Put a j ack handle, jack handl e ext en-
sion and jack handle end together as
shown in the illustration.
1 J ack handle end
2 J ack handle extens ion
3 J ack handle
When c onnecting a jack handle extens ion
with jack handle end, use a Phillipshead
scr ewdriv er or jack handl e to tighten t he
bolt on the joint as shown in the illustra-
Make sure that the bolt f its int o the hollow
depress ion of the joint when you tight en
the bolt.
Tighten the j oint secur ely. Ot herwise,
the extensi on may come off and i t
may damage the paint or vehicl e
Single cab m odels
Double cab m odels
3. I nsert the j ack handle end int o the low-
ering s crew and turn i t counter cloc k-
wise with the handle. Make sur e t he
handle r emains firm ly fitt ed onto t he
jack handl e ex tension.
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
With singl e rear ti res
With double rear tires
4. Af ter the tir e is lower ed compl etely to
the ground, remov e the holding brack-
When s tori ng the ti re:
1. Put the t ire i n place wi th the outer s ide
of t he wheel f acing up.
2. I nstall t he holdi ng br acket .
3. Sec ure the tire. When rewindi ng the
chain, take c are that the ti re goes
str aight up without c atchi ng on any oth-
er par t and that the chai n is not
twis ted, to prev ent i t from f lying f or-
ward during a collision or s udden br ak-
After fixing t he tir e in pl ace, make
sure that the tire is fixed securel y by
pushing it . If the handl e is not f as-
tened tightl y enough, or if t he chain
is twisted, the vibration caused by
drivin g can cause the tire to become
loose and fal l of f.
2. Block the wheel diagonal ly opposi te
the flat tire to keep the vehicl e f rom
rolling when it is jacked up.
When bl ocki ng the wheel, place a wheel
block fr om t he fr ont for the front wheels
or f rom the rear for t he rear wheel s.
—Blocking the wheel
3. Remove the bol ts by t urning them
countercl ockwise wi th an open end
wrench. Remove the wheel or nament.
Take due care i n handling the orna-
ment to avoid unexpect ed serious i n-
Your vehi cle m ay have any of the abov e
wheel nut s.
1. Ri ghthand t hread nut (no mark s)
2. Lef thand thread nut (i dentifi ed by
punch mar ks on each nut)
—Removing wheel ornament —Loosening wheel nuts
Front tires and single rear tires
Double rear tire (right)
Double rear tire (left)
4. Loosen all the wheel nuts.
Always loos en the wheel nuts befor e rai s-
ing t he v ehicl e.
Models wit h doubl e r ear ti res—Us e t he
large end of t he wheel nut wrenc h t o loos-
en the wheel nuts .
Front ti res, s ingle rear ti res and doubl e
rear tire (right):
Turn the wheel nut s counter cloc kwis e to
loosen. To get maximum l everage, fit t he
wrench to the nut so t hat t he handl e is
on t he ri ght side, as s hown above. Grab
the wr ench near the end of the handl e
and pul l up on the handl e. Be car eful that
the w rench does not sl ip off t he nut.
Double r ear tir e (l eft) :
Turn t he wheel nuts cloc kwis e to l oosen.
To get max imum lev erage, fit the wrench
to t he nut so t hat t he handl e point s to the
front of the v ehicl e. Gr ab t he wrenc h near
the end of the handle and pull up on the
handle. Be caref ul that t he wrench does
not s lip off the nut.
Do not remove the nut s y et—jus t unsc rew
them about onehalf t urn.
Never use oi l or grease on t he bolts
or nuts. The nuts may l oose and t he
wheels may f all off , which could cau-
se a serious accident .
5. Posi tion the jack at the correct jack
point as shown.
Make sure the jac k is posi tioned on a
level and sol id pl ace.
6. Af ter maki ng sure t hat no one i s in
the vehicl e, rai se it high enough so
that t he spar e tir e can be inst alled.
Remove the wheel nuts and the tire.
Remember you w ill need more gr ound
clear ance when put ting on t he spare ti re
than when remov ing t he fl at t ire.
To rais e the v ehic le, i nsert t he jack handle
end int o the jack ( it is a l oose fit) and
turn i t c lock wise w ith t he handle, maki ng
sure that t he handl e remains f irml y fi tted
onto t he jac k handl e ext ension. As the
jack t ouches the vehi cle and begins t o lif t,
doublec heck t hat it is properl y posi tioned.
Never get under the vehi cle when the
vehicle i s suppor ted by the jack
—Positioning the jack —Raising your vehicle
Leftside wheel
Righthand t hreadLefthand t hread
Rightside wheel
7. Remove the stop bolts, change ti res,
reinst all the st op bol ts and t ighten
Skip this step to t he next unless the inner
rear ti re i s flat .
Use the s mall end of the wheel nut
wrench t o loos en the s top bolt s. Note that
both the stop bolts and the wheel nut s on
the r ight and left s ide of t he vehic le have
differ ent t hreads .
Lift the fl at t ire st raight off and put it
Roll the s pare wheel int o pos iti on and
align the holes in t he wheel with the bol ts.
Then lif t up the wheel and get at least the
top bol t star ted thr ough it s hole. W iggle
the tir e and pres s it bac k over the ot her
bolts .
Reinst all t he stop bol ts and t ighten each
bolt a lit tle at a time in the order shown.
Repeat the process unti l all the bol ts are
tight .
Use only the wheel nut wrench to ti ghten
the bol ts. Do not us e ot her t ools or any
additi onal l everage other t han y our hands,
such as a hammer, pipe or your foot.
Make s ure t he wrenc h is s ecur ely en-
gaged ov er t he bolt .
Before put ting on wheels, remove any cor-
rosi on on the mounti ng surf aces wi th a
wire brus h or suc h.
Never use oi l or grease on t he bolts
or nut s. Doi ng so may l ead t o over-
tight ening the nuts and damaging t he
bolts. The nuts may loose and t he
wheels may f all off , which could cau-
se a ser ious accident. If there is oil
or gr ease on any bol t or nut, clean
—Replacing inner rear wheel
(vehicles with double rear
8. I nstall the tir e and all the w heel nut s
finger ti ght.
Vehi cles with double rear tires —When
installing outer rear wheels, make sure the
stop bolt s ar e s ecurel y tight ened.
Roll the s pare wheel int o pos iti on and
align the holes in t he wheel with the bol ts.
Then lif t up the wheel and get at least the
top bol t star ted thr ough it s hole. W iggle
the tir e and pres s it bac k over the ot her
bolts .
Reinst all the wheel nut s (t apered end in-
ward) and tight en t hem as muc h as y ou
can by hand. Pr ess back on the ti re and
see if you can ti ghten t hem more.
Before put ting on wheels, remove any cor-
rosi on on the mounti ng surf aces wi th a
wire brush or such. Instal lation of wheels
without good metal tometal cont act at the
mounting sur face can caus e wheel nut s to
loosen, and ev entuall y cause a wheel to
come off w hile dr ivi ng.
Never use oi l or gr ease on the bolts
or nut s. Doi ng so may l ead t o over-
tight ening the nuts and damaging the
bolts. The nuts may loose and the
wheels may f all off , which could cau-
se a ser ious accident. If there is oil
or gr ease on any bol t or nut, clean
—Installin g wh eel
Be sure to i nstall the wheel nut s with
the tapered end faci ng i nward. Instal-
ling the nuts wit h t he tapered end
facing outward can cause wheel to
break and eventual ly cause a wheel to
come off whi le dr iving, which could
lead t o an accident r esulti ng in deat h
or ser ious i njury.
9. Lower the vehicle compl etely and
tight en the wheel nuts.
To lower the vehic le, turn the j ack handle
extens ion c ounterc loc kwis e with the han-
dle, maki ng sure the handle remains fir mly
fit ted ont o the jac k handle extens ion.
Tighten eac h nut a litt le at a time i n the
order shown. Repeat the process unti l all
the nut s are tight .
Use only the wheel nut wrench to ti ghten
the nut s. Do not use other tool s or any
additi onal l everage other t han y our hands,
such as a hammer, pipe or your foot.
Make s ure t he wrenc h is s ecur ely en-
gaged ov er t he nut.
—Lowering your vehicle
D When l owering the vehicl e, make
sure all port ions of your body and
all other persons ar ound will not be
injured as the vehicle is lowered t o
the gr ound.
D Have the w heel nuts tightened with
torque wrench to the following
torques, as soon as possibl e aft er
changing wheels. Ot herwise, the
nuts may l oosen and the wheels
may fal l of f, which could cause a
serious accident .
DYNA 100
135 N·m ( 13.8 kgf ·m, 100 f t·lbf )
DYNA 150
365 N·m ( 37.2 kgf ·m, 269 f t·lbf )
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
10. Rein stall the wheel ornament .
To reins tall the wheel or nament, ti ghten
the bolts by t urning them c lock wise with
the openend wr ench.
Take due care in handli ng the orna-
ment to avoid unexpect ed serious i n-
—Rein stalling wheel
11. Check the air pr essure of t he re-
placed t ire.
Adjust the air pressure to the specification
designat ed on page 218 in Sec tion 8. I f
the pressure is lower, drive slowly to the
nearest servi ce s tati on and fi ll t o the cor-
rect pressure.
Do not f orget to reins tall the ti re inflati on
valv e c ap as di rt and moi stur e c ould get
into the val ve c ore and poss ibly c ause ai r
leakage. I f t he cap is mis sing, have a new
one put on as soon as poss ible.
12. Rest ow all the tool s, jack and f lat
tir e securely.
Front and s ingle rear t ires —
As s oon af ter changing wheels as pos-
sibl e, tighten the wheel nuts to the tor que
speci fied on page 218 i n Section 8 wit h
a tor que wrenc h. Hav e a tec hnici an repair
the flat tire.
Double r ear tir es—
As s oon af ter changing wheels as pos-
sibl e, ti ghten the stop bol ts and wheel
nuts to t he torque s pecif ied on page 218
in Sect ion 8 wit h a tor que wrench. Hav e
a tec hnic ian r epair the flat t ire.
This i s the same proc edure for c hanging
or rotat ing y our tir es.
Before dr iving, make sur e all the
tools, j ack and fl at t ire are securely
in pl ace in their stor age locat ion to
reduce the possibility of death or se-
rious inj ury duri ng sudden braki ng,
sudden swervi ng or an accident.
If your vehi cle becomes stuck in snow,
mud, sand, etc., t hen you may att empt
to r ock the vehicle free by movi ng it
forwar d and backward.
Do not att empt to r ock the vehicl e
free by moving it forwar d and back-
ward i f people or obj ects ar e any-
where near t he vehicle. Duri ng the
rocking operation the vehicle may
suddenly move forward or backward
as it becomes unst uck, causing injury
or damage to near by peopl e or ob-
If you rock your vehicl e, observe the
foll owing precaut ions to prevent dam-
age t o the t ransmissi on and ot her
z Do not race the engine and avoid
spinning the wheels.
z If your vehicle remains stuck after
rocking the vehicle several t imes,
consider ot her w ays such as tow-
—After changing wheels
If your vehicle becomes
(a) Towing with wheel li ft type truck—
—From front
—From rear
(b) Using flat bed truc k
If t owing is necessary, we r ecommend
you to have it done by any aut horiz ed
Toyota dealer or r epairer, or quali fied
professi onal, such as a commercial tow
truck servi ce. In consult ation wit h th em,
have your vehicl e to wed using either (a)
or (b).
Only when you cannot recei ve a towi ng
service fr om any author ized Toyota
dealer or repai rer, or quali fied pr ofes-
sional, such as a commercial tow truck
service, tow your vehicle car efull y in
accordance with the instr uctions given
in “—Emergency towi ng” on page 164
in this Section.
Proper equipment wi ll help ensur e that
your vehic le i s not damaged while bei ng
towed. Commerci al operat ors are general ly
aware of the s tate/pr ovinc ial and local
laws pert aining t o towi ng.
Your v ehicl e can be damaged if it is
towed incorr ectl y. Although most operators
know t he cor rect procedure, it is poss ible
to make a m istak e. To avoi d damage t o
your vehicl e, mak e sur e the followi ng pre-
cauti ons are obs erved. If neces sar y, s how
this page to the tow tr uck dri ver.
Use a safety chain system for all towing,
and abide by t he stat e/prov inci al and local
laws. The wheels and axle on the gr ound
must be in good c ondition. I f they ar e
damaged, us e a towing doll y.
(a) Towing with wheel lift type truck
From front— We rec ommend using a t ow-
ing dolly under t he rear wheels. If you do
not us e a towing dolly, r elease the park ing
brake and put t he t ransmi ssi on i n neut ral.
From rear —Place the engine switc h in t he
“ACC” posi tion.
z When l ift ing wheels, t ake care to
ensure adequat e ground clearance
for towing at the opposi te end of
the r aised vehi cle. Otherwise, the
bumper and/ or under body of the
towed vehicle wil l be damaged dur-
ing t owing.
z Do not tow with the key r emoved or
in the “LOCK” posi tion, as the
steeri ng lock mechanism is not
strong enough t o hold the f ront
wheels st raight whil e towing.
(b) Using flat bed tr uck
If your vehicle needs to be
(c) Towing with sling type
(c) Towing with sling type truck
Do not tow with sl ing t ype truck, ei-
ther fr om the front or rear. This may
cause body damage.
Rear (type A)
Rear (type B)
—Emergency towing
If t owing is necessary, we r ecommend
you to have it done by any aut horiz ed
Toyota dealer or r epairer, or quali fied
professi onal, such as a commercial tow
truck servi ce.
If towi ng service is not available in an
emergency, your vehi cle may be tempo-
rari ly towed by a cable or chain se-
cured to one of the fol lowing parts:
Front: Fr ont emer gency towi ng hook
Rear: Rear emergency towi ng eyel et
Use extreme caut ion when t owing the
Only use specified t owing hook or
eyelet; otherwise your vehicl e may be
A driv er must be in the vehi cle t o steer
it and oper ate the br akes .
Towing in this manner may be done only
on hardsur faced roads f or a s hort dis-
tance and at low speeds . Als o, t he
wheels, axles , dr ive t rain, st eering and
brakes mus t all be i n good condit ion.
Use extreme cauti on when towing the
vehicle. Avoi d sudden start s or errat-
ic drivi ng maneuver s which would
place excessive st ress on the emer-
gency towing hook or eyelet and t ow-
ing cable or chain. The hook or eye-
let and towing cable or chain may
break and cause serious inj ury or
Use onl y a cable or chai n specif ically
intended for use in towing vehicles.
Securely fasten the cabl e or chain to
the t owing hook or eyelet pr ovided.
Before t owing, release t he par king br ake
and put the trans miss ion in neutral . The
engine swi tch mus t be in “ACC” ( engine
off) or “ON” ( engine r unning) posi tion.
If the engine is not running, the pow-
er assist for t he brakes and st eering
will not wor k so st eering and braki ng
will be much har der t han usual.
D Before emergency towi ng, chec k that
the hook or ey elet is not brok en or
damaged and that the inst allat ion bolts
are not l oose.
D Fasten the towi ng cable or chain s e-
curel y to t he hook or ey elet.
D Do not j erk t he hook or ey elet. Apply
steady and even for ce.
D To avoid damaging the hook or eyelet ,
do not pull from the si de or at a vert i-
cal angle. Al ways pull st raight ahead.
You can purchase a new key at any
authori zed Toyota dealer or repairer, or
another duly qualifi ed and equipped
professi onal, if you can gi ve them the
key number.
See t he suggesti on given in “ Keys ” on
page 12 in Secti on 12.
If your k ey is loc ked in the v ehic le and
you cannot get a duplicat e, many autho-
riz ed Toyot a dealer s, repair ers or ot her
duly quali fied and equipped prof essi onals
can st ill open t he door for y ou, using thei r
speci al tools . If y ou must br eak a window
to get i n, we suggest br eaking the si de
window becaus e it is the l east expensi ve
to replac e. Be ext remely c autious to avoi d
cuts from the glass.
—Emergency towing hook or
eyelet precautions
If you lose your keys
Only i n an emergency, such as if it
becomes impossi ble t o st op the vehi cle
in the normal way, stop the vehicle us-
ing t he fol lowing procedure:
1. St eadily step on the brake pedal wit h
both feet and f irml y depress i t. Do not
pump t he brake pedal r epeatedly as
this wil l increas e the eff ort requir ed t o
slow the vehi cle.
2. Shi ft the shif t l ever to neutr al.
If the shi ft lever is shift ed to neutr al:
3. Af ter slowing down, st op t he vehic le in
a s afe pl ace by the road.
4. St op the engine.
If the shift l ever cannot be shi fted to
neutral :
3. Keep depr essi ng the br ake pedal wit h
both feet t o r educe vehic le s peed as
much as possibl e.
4. Stop the engine by turni ng the engi ne
swit ch to the “ACC” pos ition.
5. St op t he vehi cle in a saf e plac e by the
If t he engine has to be t urned off
while driving:
D Power assist f or the brakes and
steeri ng wheel will be lost , making
the brake pedal harder t o depress
and the steering wheel heavier t o
turn. Decelerat e as much as pos-
sible before turning off the engine.
D Never attempt t o remove the key, as
doing so wi ll l ock t he steeri ng
If yo ur v ehicle has to be
stopped in an emergency
Section 5
D Pr otecting your Toyota from cor rosion 170...............
D Washing and waxing your Toy ota 171....................
D Cleaning the interior 173...............................
Toyota, t hrough the diligent researc h, de-
sign and use of the most adv anced
technol ogy avai lable, hel ps pr event cor ro-
sion and provi des y ou with the fines t qual-
ity vehi cle c onstr ucti on. Now, i t is up to
you. Proper care of your Toyota can help
ensure longterm cor ros ion pr eventi on.
The most common causes of corrosion
to your vehi cle ar e:
D The acc umulation of road salt, dir t and
moisture in hardtoreac h areas under
the v ehic le.
D Chipping of paint, or under coati ng
caused by minor acc idents or by
stones and grav el.
Care is especially important if you live
in parti cular areas or operate your ve-
hicle under cer tain envir onmental condi-
D Road salt or dust contr ol chemic als w ill
accelerate corrosion, as will the pres-
ence of salt in t he air near t he sea
coast or i n areas of i ndustr ial pollut ion.
D High humi dity acc elerates c orros ion es-
pecial ly when t emperatur es range jus t
above the freez ing poi nt.
D Wetness or dampness t o cer tain part s
of your vehic le for an ext ended per iod
of time, m ay c ause cor rosi on even
though other part s of the v ehicl e may
be dr y.
D High ambient temperatur es c an cause
corr osion t o those components of the
vehic le whic h do not dry quick ly due t o
lack of pr oper v entil ation.
The above signi fies the nec ess ity t o keep
your v ehicle, parti cular ly the unders ide, as
clean as possi ble and t o r epair any dam-
age to paint or protec tiv e coat ings as
soon as poss ible.
To help prevent cor rosion on your
Toyota, follow t hese guideli nes:
Wash your vehicl e fr equently. It is, of
cours e, neces sar y to k eep your vehic le
clean by regular washi ng, but to prev ent
corr osion, t he f ollowing point s should be
observ ed:
D If you dr ive on salt ed roads in the
winter or if y ou live near the oc ean,
you s hould hos e off t he underc arri age
at least once a month to mini mize cor-
rosi on.
D High press ure wat er or steam is effec-
tiv e f or cleaning the v ehicl e’s under side
and wheel housings. Pay par tic ular
attent ion t o t hese areas as i t is di ffic ult
to see all the m ud and dirt. It wi ll do
more harm than good to si mply wet the
mud and debris without remov ing. The
lower edge of door s, roc ker panel s and
frame members hav e drai n holes whic h
should not be allowed t o c log with dir t
as trapped water in thes e areas can
cause c orros ion.
D Was h the under side of the vehi cle thor-
oughly when winter i s ov er.
See “ Washi ng and waxing your Toy ota” on
page 171 for mor e ti ps.
Check the condit ion of your vehicle’s
paint and trim. If you find any chips or
scr atches in the paint , touch t hem up im-
mediatel y to prev ent c orros ion from s tart-
ing. If the c hips or s crat ches hav e gone
through the bare metal , have a qualifi ed
body shop make the repair.
Check the i nteri or of your vehi cle. Wa-
ter and dir t c an ac cumulat e under t he
floor mats and could c ause c orros ion. Oc-
casi onally c heck under the mats to make
sure the area is dry. Be particularly care-
ful when trans porting chemic als, c leans-
ers, fertilizers, salt, etc.; these should be
trans ported in pr oper c ontainer s. If a s pill
or leak shoul d oc cur, i mmediatel y clean
and dr y t he area.
Protecting your Toyota from
Use mud shields on your wheels. If you
driv e on s alted or grav el r oads, mud
shiel ds help pr otect your v ehicl e. Fullsize
shiel ds, whi ch come as near to t he ground
as possi ble, are the best. We recommend
that t he f itt ings and t he area wher e t he
shields are installed be treated to resist
corr osion. Your aut horiz ed Toy ota dealer
or repai rer, or another duly qual ifi ed and
equipped pr ofess ional, wi ll be happy to
assis t in supply ing and ins talling the
shiel ds if they are rec ommended for y our
Keep your vehicle in a well vent ilat ed
garage or a r oofed place. Do not par k
your vehicle in a damp, poorly venti-
lated gar age. If y ou wash your v ehicl e in
the garage, or if y ou driv e i t cov ered with
water or snow, y our garage may be so
damp as to cause c orros ion. Even if your
garage is heated, a wet vehi cle can c or-
rode if the vent ilati on is poor.
Washing your Toyot a
Keep your vehicl e clean by regul ar
The f ollowi ng c ases may caus e weaknes s
to the paint or cor rosi on to the body and
parts . Wash y our vehi cle as s oon as pos-
sibl e.
D When driv ing in a c oastal ar ea
D When driving on a road spr inkl ed with
antif reeze
D When expos ed to coal tar, tr ee sap,
bird droppi ngs and carc ass of an ins ect
D When drivi ng in areas where there is
a l ot of smoke, soot , dust , iron dust or
chemic al s ubstanc es
D When the vehi cle becomes r emarkabl y
dirt y wi th dus t and mud
Handwashing your Toyota
Work in the shade and wait unti l t he
vehicle body i s not hot to the touch.
D When cleaning under f loor or chas-
sis, be car eful not to i njure your
D Exhaust gases cause th e exhaust
pipe to become quite hot. When
washing the vehicle, be car eful not
to touch the pipe until it has cooled
suffi ciently, as to uching a hot ex-
haust p ipe can cause bur ns.
1. Ri nse off loose dirt with a hose. Re-
move any mud or road s alt from t he
undersi de of the vehi cle or i n the
wheel wel ls.
2. Wash with a mild carwash s oap,
mixed acc ording to the manufac turer ’s
inst ruct ions. Use a sof t c otton mit t and
keep it wet by dipping it frequent ly i nto
the was h water. Do not rub har d—let
the s oap and water remov e t he dir t.
Washing and waxing your
Exter ior l ights: Wash c arefull y. Do not us e
organic s ubstanc es or s crub them with a
hard brush. Thi s may damage the sur-
faces of t he li ghts.
Road t ar: Remove with tur pentine or
cleaner s t hat are marked s afe for painted
surf aces.
3. Ri nse thor oughly—dr ied soap c an
cause str eaking. In hot weat her you
may need to rinse each s ecti on ri ght
after you wash it.
4. To prevent water s pots, dry the vehi cle
using a clean soft cott on towel. Do not
rub or press hard— you might sc ratc h
the pai nt.
z Do not use or ganic substances
(gasoli ne, ker osene, benz ine or
strong solvent s), which m ay be tox-
ic or cause damage.
z Do not scrub any part of t he ve-
hicle w ith a hard br ush, whi ch may
cause damage.
Waxing your Toyot a
Polishing and waxi ng is recommended
to maintain the original beauty of your
Toyota’s finish.
Apply wax onc e a month or if the vehi cle
surf ace does not repel water wel l.
1. Alway s wash and dr y the v ehicl e be-
fore y ou begin waxing, ev en if y ou are
using a c ombined cleaner and wax.
2. Us e a good qual ity pol ish and wax . If
the finish has bec ome ex tremely weath-
ered, use a carcleani ng polis h, fol-
lowed by a s eparate wax . C arefull y fol-
low the manufac turer’s ins truct ions and
precaut ions. Be s ure t o polis h and wax
the chrome tr im as well as the pai nt.
Exter ior light s: Do not apply wax on the
surf aces of the li ghts. Wax may caus e
damage to t he lenses. If you ac cident ally
put wax on t he light surf aces, wi pe or
wash it off.
3. Wax t he vehi cle again when water
does not bead but remains on t he sur-
face in lar ge patc hes.
D Do not spl ash or spill liquid in the
vehicle. Doing so may cause electri-
cal component s etc. t o malf unction
or cat ch f ire.
D When cleani ng the int erior (espe-
cially instrument panel), do not use
polish wax or polish cleaner. The
instr ument panel m ay refl ect of f the
windshield, obst ructing the drivers
view and leadi ng t o an acci dent,
result ing in death or ser ious inj ury.
z Do not wash t he vehicle floor with
water, or al low water t o get ont o
the f loor when cleaning t he vehicle
inter ior or exter ior. Water m ay get
into audio components or other
electr ical component s above or un-
der the f loor carpet (or mat) and
cause a mal function; and it may
cause body corrosi on.
z When cl eaning the i nteri or, do not
use pol ish wax or polish cleaner.
The instrument panel’s or other in-
teri or par t’s painted surf ace may be
Vinyl i nteri or
The vinyl uphol stery may be easi ly
cleaned wit h a mild soap or det ergent
and wat er.
Firs t vac uum over the uphols tery to r e-
move l oose dir t. Then, usi ng a s ponge or
soft c loth, appl y the soap s olution to the
vinyl. After allowing it to soak in for a few
minutes to l oosen the dir t, r emove the dirt
and wipe off the soap with a clean damp
clot h. If all the dir t do not come off, re-
peat the procedure. Commercial foaming
type v inyl cleaners ar e also avai lable
which wor k well. Follow the manuf acturer’s
Do not use solvent, thinner, gasol ine
or wi ndow cleaner on the int erior.
Seat bel ts
The seat belts may be cleaned with
mild soap and water or with lukewarm
Use a cloth or sponge. As y ou are cl ean-
ing, chec k the bel ts for exces siv e wear,
fray ing, or cut s.
z Do not use dye or bleach on the
belts—i t may weaken them.
z Do not use the belts unti l they be-
come dry.
The windows may be cleaned with any
household w indow cl eaner.
Clean ing t he in terior
Air conditioni ng cont rol panel, audio
panel, instr ument panel, console panel,
door swi tch panels, and swi tches
Use a soft damp cl oth f or cl eaning.
Soak a c lean soft cl oth i n water or luk e-
warm water then light ly wipe off dirt .
z Do not use organic substances (sol-
vents, ker osene, al cohol, gasol ine,
etc.) or al kaline or aci dic sol utions.
These chemicals can cause discol-
oring, stai ning or peeli ng of the
z If you use cleaners or polishing
agents, make sure their i ngredients
do not include t he subst ances men-
tioned above.
z If you use a l iquid car freshener, do
not spill the li quid onto the ve-
hicle’s inter ior surfaces. It may con-
tain the ingredi ents menti oned
above. Immediat ely clean any spill
using the method menti oned above.
If you have any questi ons about t he
cleaning of your Toyota, any authori zed
Toyota deal er or repair er, or another
duly qual ifi ed and equipped prof ession-
al, w ill be pleased to answer them.
Section 6
D Maintenanc e facts 176.................................
D Does your vehic le need repairing? 177..................
Regular maint enance is essential .
We urge you to protec t your new vehic le
by hav ing your Toyot a s ervi ced ac cordi ng
to the maint enance schedul e giv en in the
separat e booklet . Regular maintenanc e will
D Good fuel economy
D Long vehic le l ife
D Driving enjoy ment
D Safety
D Reliability
D War ranty c over age
D Compliance with government regula-
Your Toyota has been designed for ec o-
nomical driv ing and ec onomical mainte-
nance. Many former ly requir ed mainte-
nance i tems are no l onger r equired or ar e
not required as often. To make sure y our
vehic le runs at peak eff ici ency, follow t he
maintenanc e sc hedule.
For ful l detai ls of your mai ntenance
schedule, r ead the separate “Toyota
Service Booklet” or “Toyota Warranty
Booklet” .
Where to go f or service?
In or der t o maint ain y our vehicl e in t he
highest pos sibl e condit ion, Toyot a recom-
mends that all repairs and s ervi ce opera-
tions are car ried out by authoriz ed Toy ota
dealers or r epairer s or ot her duly qualif ied
and equipped profes sional s. For r epairs
and s erv ices cover ed by y our war ranty,
please v isit an authoriz ed Toy ota dealer or
repair er, who will us e genuine Toy ota
parts in r epairi ng any diffic ulties you m ay
encounter. There can also be advantages
to utilizing authoriz ed Toy ota dealers or
repair ers for nonwarr anty r epairs and
serv ices , as due to their speci aliz ation of
worki ng with Toyot a vehicl es, member s of
the Toy ota network wi ll be abl e to expert ly
assi st y ou wi th any diffi cult ies you may
Your Toyot a dealer or r epairer, or another
duly quali fied and equipped prof ess ional
serv ice departm ent will perfor m all of the
schedul ed mai ntenance on your vehic le—
reli ably and ec onomical ly.
What about doityour self mai ntenance?
Many of the mai ntenance i tems ar e easy
to do y oursel f i f you have a litt le mechani-
cal ability and a few basic automotive
tools . Si mple inst ructi ons for how t o per-
form them ar e pres ented on page 179 in
Secti on 7.
Maintenance facts
Note, howev er, t hat s ome maintenanc e
tasks require special t ools and skills.
These ar e best perfor med by qual ified
techni cians . Ev en if y ou’re an experienc ed
doity ourself mechanic , we r ecommend
that r epairs and maint enance be con-
ducted by an authorized Toyota dealer or
repair er, or anot her dul y qual ifi ed and
equipped prof essi onal. Any authori zed
Toyota dealer or r epairer wil l keep a
recor d of maintenanc e, which could be
useful s hould you ever requir e Warranty
Servi ce. Should you choos e t o select a
qualif ied and equipped prof ess ional ot her
than an author ized Toy ota r epairer to
serv ice or maint ain y our v ehicl e, we
recommend t hat you r equest t hat a r ecord
of maint enance be kept.
The servi ce inter val f or scheduled mai n-
tenance is determi ned by the odometer
reading or ti me int erval, whichever
comes fi rst, shown in the schedule.
Rubber hoses (for cooling and heat er
system, brake system and fuel system)
should be inspect ed by a qualif ied tech-
nician in accor dance wi th t he Toyota
maintenance schedule.
They are par tic ularly import ant maint e-
nance i tems. Have any deteri orated or
damaged hos es repl aced i mmediately.
Note t hat r ubber hos es wi ll deter iorate
with age, resulting in swelling, chafing or
Be on the al ert for changes i n perf or-
mance, s ounds, and v isual ti poffs that
indic ate s ervi ce i s needed. Some impor-
tant cl ues ar e as fol lows:
D Engine mis sing, st umbling, or pingi ng
D Appreciable los s of power
D Strange engi ne nois es
D A leak under the vehic le (However, wa-
ter dri pping f rom t he air condi tioning
after us e is nor mal.)
D Change i n exhaus t s ound (This may
indic ate a danger ous carbon monoxi de
leak. D rive wi th the windows open and
have the exhaust system checked im-
D Flatlook ing tire; exc essi ve tire squeal
when c ornering; unev en t ire wear
D Vehic le pulls t o one side when drivi ng
str aight on a lev el r oad
D Strange noises r elated t o suspensi on
D Loss of br ake effec tiv eness ; spongy
feeli ng brake or c lutc h pedal; pedal al-
most touches floor ; vehic le pull s to one
side when br aking
D Engine coolant temperature c ontinual ly
higher than normal
If you notic e any of t hese clues , take your
vehic le to any authoriz ed Toyota dealer or
repair er, or anot her dul y qual ifi ed and
equipped prof essi onal, as soon as pos-
sibl e. It pr obably needs adj ustment or re-
Do not cont inue drivi ng wit h the ve-
hicle unchecked. It could result i n se-
rious vehicl e damage and possi bly se-
rious injur y.
Does your vehicle need
Section 71
D Engine c ompartment overview 180......................
D Batter y locations 182..................................
D F use locations 182.....................................
D Doityour self serv ice precautions 185..................
Front of vehic le
1. Engine c oolant reservoi r
2. Engine oil filler cap
3. Engine oi l lev el di psti ck
4. Radiator
5. Inter cooler
6. Elect ric cooling f an
7. Condenser
Engine compartment overview
"Lef thand dr ive vehicl es
Front of vehic le
1. Engine c oolant reservoi r
2. Engine oil filler cap
3. Engine oi l lev el di psti ck
4. Radiator
5. Inter cooler
6. Elect ric cooling f an
7. Condenser
"Right hand dri ve vehicles
Single cab m odels
Double cab m odels
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
Single cab m odels
Battery locations Fuse locations
Double cab models
Left side of the vehicle
(single cab models
: See “Model code” on page v i in the beginning of this manual if y ou ar e not sur e of
your vehicle model.
Left side of the vehicle
(double cab m odels
Spare fuses
Instrument panel
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
If you per form maintenance by yourself,
be sure to fol low t he correct procedure
given i n t his Sect ion.
You should be aware t hat improper or in-
complet e serv ici ng may res ult in operat ing
problems .
This Sec tion gi ves i nstr ucti ons only f or
those items that ar e r elati vely easy for an
owner t o perf orm. As expl ained in Sec tion
6, there are st ill a number of items that
must be done by a qual ifi ed t echnic ian
with spec ial tools .
Utmost c are should be tak en when work-
ing on y our vehic le t o prev ent ac cident al
injur y. Here are a few prec autions that
you shoul d be espec ially c areful to ob-
D When the engine is r unning, keep
hands, cl othing, and tools away
from the moving fan and engine
drive bel ts. ( Removing rings,
watches, and t ies i s advisabl e.)
D Right after drivi ng, t he engi ne
compartment —the engine, radi ator,
exhaust mani fold and power steer-
ing fl uid reser voir, etc.—wi ll be hot.
So be caref ul not to touch them.
Oil and f luids may also be hot.
D If the engine is hot, do not remove
the radi ator cap or loosen the d rain
plugs t o prevent bur ning yoursel f.
D Do not l eave anything that may
burn easily, such as paper or rags,
in t he engine compart ment.
D Do not smoke, cause spar ks or al-
low open fl ames around fuel or the
battery. Their fumes are flammable.
D Be extremel y cautious when work-
ing on the batt ery. It contains poi-
sonous and cor rosive sulf uric acid.
D Do not get under your vehi cle wi th
just t he body jack supporti ng it . Al-
ways use automoti ve jack stands or
other solid support s.
D Be sure that the engine switch i s
off i f you work near the el ectri c
cooling fans. With the engi ne
switch on, t he electri c cooling f ans
will automat ically start to run i f t he
engine coolant temper ature is high
and/or the air condit ioning is on.
D Use eye protecti on whenever you
work on or under your vehi cle
where you may be exposed to flying
or falling material, fluid spray, etc.
D Used engine oi l contains potent iall y
harmful contaminant s which may
cause skin disor ders such as in-
flammat ion or skin cancer, so care
should be taken t o avoid prolonged
and repeat ed contact with it. To re-
move used engine oi l f rom your
skin, wash t horoughly wi th soap
and wat er.
D Do not leave used oi l wi thin t he
reach of chi ldren.
D Dispose of used oil and f ilter onl y
in a safe and acceptable manner.
Do not dispose of used oil and fil-
ter in househol d tr ash, in sewers or
onto the ground. Call your dealer or
a service stat ion for inf ormati on
concerning recycl ing or di sposal.
D Take care when filling the brake and
clutch flui d r eservoirs b ecause
brake fluid can harm your hands or
eyes. I f fluid gets on your hands or
in your eyes, fl ush the affected area
with cl ean water immedi ately. If you
stil l feel uncomf ortabl e with your
hands or eyes, go to the doctor.
Doityourself service
z Remember that bat tery cables car ry
high curr ents. Be caref ul of acci-
dentall y causing a shor t ci rcuit .
z Add only “Toyota Super Long Life
Coolant” or simil ar high quali ty eth-
ylene gl ycol based nonsil icate,
nonamine, nonnitr ite, and nonbo-
rate coolant wi th l onglife hybrid
organic aci d technol ogy to f ill the
radiat or. “Toyota Super Long Lif e
Coolant” is a m ixture of 50% cool-
ant and 50% deioniz ed wat er.
z If you spill some of the coolant, be
sure t o wash it off wit h wat er to
prevent it from damaging the parts
or pai nt.
z Do not overfill power steeri ng flui d,
or t he power steering could be
z If you spill brake fluid, be sur e t o
wash it off with water t o prevent i t
from damaging the part s or paint.
z Do not dr ive wi th the air cleaner
fil ter removed, or excessive engine
wear coul d r esult.
z Be car eful not to scratch the gl ass
surface with the wiper f rame.
z When closing t he engine access
hole cover or lower ing the cab,
check to see that you have not for-
gotten any t ools, rags, etc.
Section 72
Engine and Chassis
D Chec king the engine oil level 188........................
D Chec king the engine coolant level 190...................
D Chec king the radiator, condens er and intercooler 192.....
D Dr aining fuel filter water 192............................
D Chec king tire inflation press ure 193.....................
D Chec king and replacing tires 194........................
D Rotating tir es 195......................................
D Ins talling snow tires and c hains 196.....................
D Replac ing wheels 197..................................
Low level Full level
Add oil O.K. Too full
With the engi ne at operat ing temper a-
ture and t urned off, check the oil level
on t he dipst ick.
1. To get a c orrec t r eading, the vehic le
should be on l evel ground. Af ter warm-
ing up t he engine and turn ing i t off,
wait more than five minutes for the oil
to drai n back int o the bot tom of the
2. Pul l the dipsti ck out, hold a rag under
the end and wipe i t c lean.
3. Reinsert the dipstick—push it in as far
as i t wil l go, or the r eading wil l not be
4. Pul l the di psti ck out and look at the oil
level whil e holdi ng a r ag under the
Be careful not to dr op engine oi l on
the vehi cle component s.
If the oil l evel is below or only slightl y
above the l ow level, add engine oil of
the same type as alr eady i n the engi ne.
Remove the oil filler cap and add engine
oil in smal l quantities at a ti me, checking
the dipstick. We recommend that you use
a funnel when adding oil .
The appr oxim ate quantity of oil needed to
rais e the l evel bet ween low and f ull on the
dipst ick is indi cated as follows :
For the engi ne oil capac ity, see “ Servi ce
speci fic ations ” on page 216 in Secti on 8.
When the level reaches withi n the corr ect
range, install t he filler cap handti ght.
z Be car eful not to spil l engine oil on
the vehi cle component s.
z Avoid overfilling, or the engine
could be damaged.
z Check the oil level on the di pstick
once again aft er addi ng the oil .
Checking the engine oil level
“Toyot a Genuine Motor Oil” is us ed in
your Toy ota vehic le. Toy ota recommends
the use of approved “Toy ota Genui ne
Motor Oil” . Another motor oil of matching
qualit y c an also be used.
Oil grade:
Using engine oil oth er than ACEA C2
may damage the catalyt ic conver ter.
Recommended v isc osity ( SAE):
Temperat ure range antici pated before
next oil change
SAE 0W30 is filled into your Toyota
vehicle at manufact uring, and the best
choice for good fuel economy and good
start ing i n cold weather.
Oil viscosity (0W30 is explained her e as
an ex ample):
The0Win0W30 indi cates the c haract er-
ist ic of the oil which all ows c old st artabi l-
ity. Oi ls with a lower v alue befor e the W
allow for easier star ting of the engine in
cold weather.
The30in0W30 indicates the viscosity
charac teri sti c of the oil when the oi l is at
high temper ature. An oi l wi th a hi gher vi s-
cosi ty (one with a higher v alue) may be
better s uited if the vehic le is operated at
high speeds, or under extr eme l oad condi-
tions .
To ensure exc ellent lubric ation per for-
mance for your engi ne, Toy ota recom-
mends the use of “Toy ota Genuine Motor
Oil” , whi ch has been spec ifi cally test ed
and approv ed for all Toyot a engines .
Please c ontact any aut horiz ed Toy ota
dealer or repair er for furt her detai ls about
“Toyot a G enuine Motor Oil”. Ot her mot or
oils of mat ching qualit y al so be us ed.
Look at the seethrough coolant reser-
voir when the engine is cold. The cool-
ant level i s satisfact ory if it i s bet ween
the “ FULL” and “ LOW” lines on the
reservoi r. If the level is l ow, add the
coolant. ( For the coolant t ype, see
“Coolant type sel ection” descri bed be-
The coolant level i n the r eserv oir will v ary
with engine temper ature. However, if the
level i s on or below the “LOW ” line, add
coolant . Bri ng the l evel up to the “FULL”
If t he c oolant l evel dr ops wi thin a shor t
time after r eplenishi ng, t here may be a
leak in the system. Visually check the
radiat or, hoses , radiat or c ap and drain
cock and water pump.
If you can fi nd no l eak, have any autho-
riz ed Toyot a dealer or repairer, or anot her
duly qualif ied and equipped pr ofess ional,
test the cap pres sure and c heck f or leaks
in the cooling system.
To prevent burning yoursel f, do not
remove t he radi ator cap when the en-
gine i s hot.
Checking the engine coolant
Coolant type selecti on
Use of improper c oolants may damage
your engine cool ing system.
Only use “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant”
or simi lar high quality et hylene gly col
based nonsilicate, nonami ne, nonnitr ite,
and nonbor ate c oolant with longlife
hybri d or ganic aci d technol ogy. ( Coolant
with longlif e hybrid or ganic aci d
technol ogy is a c ombinati on of l ow
phosphates and organi c acids .)
“Toyot a Super Long Li fe Coolant ” is a mix-
ture of 50% coolant and 50% deioni zed
water. Thi s c oolant provides prot ection
down to about 35_C(31_F) .
Do not use plain water alone.
Toyota rec ommends “Toyot a Super Long
Life Coolant”, whic h has been t ested to
ensure that it wil l not c ause corr osion nor
resul t i n malf uncti on of y our engine
coolant system with proper usage. “Toyot a
Super Long Lif e Coolant” is formul ated
with longlif e hybrid or ganic aci d
technol ogy and has been spec ifi cally
designed t o avoid engine c ooling system
malfunc tion on Toy ota vehic les.
Please c ontact any aut horiz ed Toy ota
dealer or repai rer for f urther detai ls.
If any of the abov e par ts ar e extr emely
dirt y or you are not s ure of t heir c ondi-
tion, tak e your vehi cle to any authori zed
Toyota dealer or repairer, or another duly
qualif ied and equipped prof essi onal.
To prevent burning yourself, be care-
ful not t o touch t he radiat or, con-
denser and inter cooler when the en-
gine i s hot.
To pr event damage to the radi ator,
condenser and intercooler, do not per-
When the fuel filter warning light
comes on, the water in t he fuel filt er
must be drai ned immedi ately.
Place a small tray under the drain plug to
catch the water.
1. Turn the dr ain pl ug about 2—21/ 2
turns , as s hown abov e. ( Loosening
more t han this will cause water oozing
from around the drai n plug. )
2. Oper ate t he pri ming pump until f uel be-
gins to run out.
After drai ning, reti ghten the drai n plug. Do
not us e a tool .
Checking the radiator,
condenser and intercooler
Draining fuel filter water
Keep your ti re inflati on pr essures at the
proper level .
The recommended col d tire inflation pres-
sures and ti re siz es are giv en on page
218 in Section 8.
You should chec k the tir e inf lati on pres-
sure every two week s, or at least once a
month. And do not for get t he spar e!
Incorrect tire inflation pressure may waste
fuel, reduce the c omfort of drivi ng, reduc e
tir e life and mak e your vehicl e less safe
to dr ive.
If a tire f requently needs refilling, have it
check ed by any aut horiz ed Toyota deal er
or repai rer, or another duly qual ifi ed and
equipped pr ofess ional.
The followi ng i nstruct ions for checking
tir e i nflat ion pr essure should be ob-
D The pressure shoul d be checked only
when th e ti res ar e cold. If your ve-
hicl e has been park ed for at l east 3
hours and has not been dri ven for
more t han 1.5 k m or 1 mile since, y ou
will get an accurate cold tire inflation
press ure reading.
D Always use a ti re pressur e gauge.
The appear ance of a ti re can be mis-
leading. Besides , tire i nflat ion pr ess ur-
es t hat ar e even j ust a few pounds off
can degrade ride and handl ing.
D Do not bleed or reduce t ire i nflati on
pressure aft er dr iving. It i s nor mal for
the tir e inflat ion press ure to be hi gher
after dr ivi ng.
D Be sur e to rei nstall the ti re valve
caps. W ithout the valve caps , dir t or
moist ure could get into the v alve c ore
and c ause air l eakage. If the c aps
have been lost, hav e new ones put on
as soon as poss ible.
Keep your ti res proper ly i nflated.
Otherwi se, the fol lowing condi tions
may occur and cause an accident re-
sulti ng in death or seri ous inj uries.
Low t ire pressure (under inflat ion)—
D Excessive wear
D Uneven wear
D Poor handl ing
D Possibility of blowouts from an
overheated ti re
D Poor seal ing of the t ire bead
D Wheel deform ation and/or ti re sepa-
D A greater possibility of tire damage
from road hazar ds
High t ire pressur e (over inflat ion)—
D Poor handl ing
D Excessive wear
D Uneven wear
D A greater possibility of tire damage
from road hazar ds
Checking tire inflation
Treadwear indicat or
Check t he t ire’s tr ead for treadwear in-
dicator s. I f t he indicat ors show, r eplace
the tir es. The locatio n of treadwear in-
dicator s is shown by the “TWI” or D
marks, et c., m olded on t he sidewal l of
each t ire.
The tir es on y our Toy ota have buil tin
treadwear i ndicator s to hel p you know
when the ti res need r eplacement . When
the tread depth wears to 1.6 mm (0.06
in.) or less , t he indi cators wil l appear. I f
you can s ee the indic ators i n two or more
adjacent grooves , the tire s hould be r e-
placed. The lower the t read, the higher
the r isk of s kiddi ng.
The effect iveness of snow ti res is lost
if the tread wears down below 4 mm
(0.16 in.).
If you have tire damage such as cuts,
split s, cr acks deep enough to expose
the fabri c, or bulges indicat ing internal
damage, t he ti re shoul d be replaced.
If a ti re of ten goes f lat or c annot be prop-
erly repai red due to the si ze or l ocation
of a cut or other damage, it s hould be
replac ed. I f you ar e not sure, c onsult with
any author ized Toy ota dealer or r epairer,
or anot her dul y qualif ied and equi pped
profes sional .
If air l oss occur s while drivi ng, do not
conti nue dr ivi ng. Drivi ng ev en a short dis-
tance can damage a ti re beyond repair.
Any t ires which are over 6 years old
must be checked by a qual ified techni-
cian even if damage is not obvious.
Tir es det erior ate wit h age ev en if they
have never or sel dom been used.
This appl ies al so to the spar e tir e and
tires stored for future use.
When repl acing a ti re, use a t ire of the
same siz e and construct ion, and the
same or great er load capacity as t he
originally installed tires.
Using any ot her si ze or ty pe of tire may
seri ously affect handli ng, r ide, speedome-
ter/ odometer cali brati on, ground clear ance,
and cl earance between t he body and t ires
or snow chains .
Observe the foll owing instr uctions.
Otherwi se, an accident may occur re-
sulti ng in death or seri ous inj uries.
D Do not mix radial, bias belted, or
biasply t ires on your vehicle, as
this may cause dangerous handli ng
character isti cs r esulti ng i n loss of
control .
D Do not use tir es other than the
manufactur er ’s r ecommended siz e,
as thi s may cause dangerous han-
dling character istics resul ting in
loss of cont rol.
D Do not mix t ires of different makes,
models or tr ead pat terns, and do
not mix t ires of r emarkably dif ferent
treadwear. This may cause danger-
ous handling char acteri stics resul t-
ing i n loss of contr ol.
Checking and replacing tires
Never use secondhand t ires on your
Using t ires whose previ ous hist ory i s un-
known is a risk.
Toyota recommends all f our tires, or at
least both f ront or r ear ti res be r e-
placed at a ti me as a set .
See “If you have a fl at tir e” on page 149
in Sec tion 4 for ti re c hange pr ocedure.
When a ti re is r eplaced, the wheel
should al ways be balanced.
An unbalanced wheel may aff ect vehic le
handling and t ire life. W heels c an get out
of bal ance w ith regular us e and s hould
theref ore be balanc ed oc casi onally.
When repl acing a t ubeless tir e, the air
valve should al so be replaced with a
new one.
With singl e rear ti res
With double rear tires
To equali ze ti re wear and help ext end
tir e lif e, Toyota recommends that you
rotat e your t ires approxim ately every
10000 km (6000 miles) . However, the
most appropriate timi ng for ti re rot ation
may var y accor ding to your drivi ng hab-
its and r oad surf ace condit ions.
See “If you have a fl at tir e” on page 149
in Sec tion 4 for ti re c hange pr ocedure.
When r otating t ires , c heck f or unev en
wear and damage. Abnormal wear is usu-
ally c aused by inc orrec t tire pr essur e, im-
proper wheel ali gnment, outof balanc e
wheels, or s evere brak ing.
Rotating tires
Snow tires or chai ns are recommended
when dri ving on snow or ice.
On wet or dr y roads, conv entional ti res
provi de bett er trac tion than snow ti res.
If you need snow ti res, select tires of
the same si ze, construct ion and l oad
capacity as t he ori ginally instal led t ires.
Do not use t ires other than those men-
tioned above. Do not install s tudded t ires
without f irs t chec king loc al regul ations for
possi ble r estr ict ions.
Do not use snow t ires other than the
manufactur er ’s recommended siz e, as
this may cause dangerous handling
character isti cs r esulti ng i n loss of
control . Otherw ise, an accident may
occur resul ting i n deat h or ser ious
Snow tires should be install ed on al l
Installing snow tires on t he rear wheels
only c an lead t o an ex cess ive differenc e
in road grip capability between the fr ont
and rear tires which c ould c ause los s of
vehic le c ontrol .
When s tori ng remov ed ti res, you should
stor e them i n a cool dry pl ace.
In case of radial tir es, mark t he direction
of r otation and be sure to inst all t hem in
the s ame di recti on when replac ing.
D Do not drive with the snow ti res
incorr ectly inf lated.
D Observe permissibl e maximum
speed for your snow tir es and th e
legal speed limit.
Use the ti re chai ns of corr ect si ze.
Regulations regar ding the use of t ire
chains var y accord ing t o l ocation or
type of road, so alw ays check the local
regulations before installing chains.
If the wrong combination of tire and
chain is used, t he chains coul d dam-
age the vehicl e body.
Instal l the chai ns on the rear t ires as
tight ly as possi ble. Do not use tir e
chains on the front tires. For vehi cles
with dual r ear wheel s, install the chains
either on the outer rear t ires o r all four
rear tires. Retighten chains aft er drivi ng
0.5—1.0 km (1/ 4—1/2 mile) .
When installing chains on your tires, care-
full y follow the ins truc tions of the chain
manufact urer.
If wheel cov ers ar e used, they will be
scr atched by the c hain band, s o remov e
the cov ers before putti ng on the chains .
Installin g sn ow tire s an d
D Do not exceed 50 km/h (30 mph) or
the chain manuf acturers r ecom-
mended speed l imit , whichever is
D Drive carefully avoiding bumps,
holes, and sharp turns, whi ch may
cause the vehicl e to bounce.
D Avoid sharp tur ns or lockedwheel
braking as use of chains may ad-
versely aff ect vehi cle handl ing.
D When driving with chains installed,
be sure t o dri ve caref ully. Slow
down before enter ing curves to
avoid losing control of the vehicl e.
Otherwi se an acci dent may occur.
If you have wheel damage such as
bending, cracks or heavy corrosi on, the
wheel shoul d be replaced.
If y ou fail to replac e a damaged wheel,
the tir e m ay sli p off the wheel or c ause
loss of handl ing c ontrol .
When replaci ng wheels, care should be
taken t o ensure t hat t he wheels are re-
placed by ones with the same load ca-
pacity, diameter, rim width, and inset
(singl e wheel s) or offset (dual wheels).
Correc t replacement wheels ar e available
at any author ized Toyot a dealer or r epair-
er, or another duly qualif ied and equipped
profes sional .
: C onventi onally r eferr ed to as “off set” .
A wheel of a di fferent si ze or ty pe may
advers ely affect handling, wheel and bear-
ing lif e, brake cool ing, speedometer /odom-
eter calibration, stopping ability, headlight
aim, bumper height, vehicle gr ound cl ear-
ance, and ti re or snow chain c learanc e t o
the body and chas sis .
Replacement wit h us ed wheel s is not rec-
ommended as they may hav e been sub-
ject ed to r ough tr eatment or high mil eage
and c ould fail w ithout warning. Also, bent
wheels whic h hav e been s traight ened may
have str uctur al damage and ther efore
should not be used. Nev er use an i nner
tube in a leak ing wheel whic h is des igned
for a t ubeless t ire.
Replacing wheels
Observe the foll owing instr uctions.
Otherwi se, an accident may occur re-
sulti ng in death or seri ous inj uries.
D Do not use wheels other t han t he
manufactur er ’s r ecommended siz e,
as thi s may cause dangerous han-
dling character istics resul ting in
loss of cont rol.
D When installing the wheel nuts, be
sure t o inst all t hem wit h the ta-
pered ends facing inward. See
“—Installing wheel” on page 159 in
Section 4.
DOITYOURSELF MAINTENANCE: El ectri cal c omponents
Section 73
Electrical components
D Chec king battery condition 200.........................
D Batter y recharging pr ecautions 202.....................
D Chec king and replacing fuses 203.......................
D Adding was her fluid 204................................
D Replac ing light bulbs 205...............................
DOITYOURSELF MAINTENANCE: Electri cal component s
The batter y pr oduces flammabl e and
explosive hydrogen gas.
D Do not cause a spark from the bat-
tery with tools.
D Do not smoke or light a match near
the battery.
The elect rolyte contains poisonous
and corr osive sulfur ic aci d.
D Avoid contact with eyes, skin or
D Never ingest elect rolyte.
D Wear protect ive safety gl asses when
working near the battery.
D Keep chil dren away fr om the bat-
D If electro lyte get s in your eyes,
flush your eyes wit h clean water
immediatel y and get immediat e
medical at tention. If possi ble, con-
tinue to apply water with a sponge
or cl oth whi le en route t o the medi-
cal of fice.
D If elect rolyt e get s on your skin,
thoroughl y wash the contact area. If
you f eel pain or burning, get medi-
cal at tenti on immedi ately.
D If elect rolyte gets on your clot hes,
there is a possibility of its soaking
through to your skin, so immedi ate-
ly take off the exposed cl othing and
foll ow the pr ocedure above, if nec-
D If you accident ally swallow el ectro-
lyte, dri nk a lar ge quant ity of water
or milk. Get emergency medical
attent ion immedi ately.
The electricity stored in the battery will
disc harge graduall y even when the v ehicl e
is not in use, due to natur al di sc harge
and t he dr aining effects of c ert ain elec tr i-
cal appli ances. If t he vehic le is left for a
long time, the bat tery may dis charge, and
the engine may be unable to star t. (The
batter y rec harges automati cally during
driv ing.)
Some models—
The meanings of each caut ion symbol
on the top of the battery are as fol-
No sm oking, no naked
flames , no s parks
Shield eyes
Keep away from
Battery acid
Note oper ating
Explos ive gas
Checking battery condition—
DOITYOURSELF MAINTENANCE: El ectri cal c omponents
On some models, before checking the
batter y, remove t he bat tery cover.
Check the battery for corroded or loose
termi nal connect ions, cracks, or loose
holddown clamp.
a. I f the battery is c orr oded, wash it off
with a solut ion of warm water and bak-
ing s oda. Coat the outs ide of the t ermi-
nals wi th greas e to prev ent f urther cor-
rosi on.
b. I f the t erminal c onnecti ons ar e loose,
tight en their c lamp nuts —but do not
overt ighten.
c. Tight en t he holddown c lamp only
enough to keep t he batt ery f irml y in
place. Overt ightening may damage the
battery case.
z Be sur e the engi ne and all accesso-
ries are off before performing main-
z When checking the b attery, remove
the gr ound cable f rom t he negative
terminal (“ mark) first and rein-
stall i t l ast.
z Be careful not to cause a short ci r-
cuit with tool s.
z Take car e no sol ution gets into the
batter y when washi ng it .
Upper l ine
Lower line
The fl uid ( electrol yte) level must be be-
tween the upper and lo wer l ines.
When check ing the fl uid level , look at al l
six c ells , not j ust one or two.
If t he level is lower t han the lower l ine,
add distilled water. (See “ADDING
DISTILLED WATER” on page 202.)
—Checking battery exterior —Checking battery fluid
DOITYOURSELF MAINTENANCE: Electri cal component s
Low O.K.
1. Remov e the vent pl ugs.
2. Add distilled wat er to cells needing
flui d.
If the si de of your batter y is covered,
check the water level by looking down
directly abov e the cell as illustrated
3. Ret ighten the v ent plugs s ecurely.
Do not overfi ll the cells. Excess elec-
trol yte could squirt out of the batter y
during heavy charging, causing corro-
sion or damage.
During recharging, the battery is pr o-
ducing hydr ogen gas.
Therefor e, bef ore r echar ging:
1. I f r echargi ng wit h the batter y i nstall ed
on the vehicl e, be sure to disc onnect
the gr ound c able.
2. Be sure the power swit ch on the re-
charger is off when connec ting the
charger c ables to the batter y and when
disc onnecti ng them.
Always charge the battery in an un-
confined area. Do not char ge t he bat-
tery in a garage or closed room
where ther e is not suf fici ent ventil a-
Never rechar ge the batt ery whi le the
engine i s r unning. Also, be sur e all
accessories are tur ned off .
Battery recharging
DOITYOURSELF MAINTENANCE: El ectri cal c omponents
Type A
Good Blown
Type B
Good Blown
Type C
Good Blown
Instrument panel
If t he headlight s or other el ectri cal
components do not work, check the
fuses. I f any of t he fuses are bl own,
they must be repl aced.
See “ Fuse locat ions” on page 182 in Sec-
tion 71 for l ocati ons of t he fus es.
Turn the engine swit ch and inoperative
component off. Pull the suspected f use
strai ght out and check i t.
Determi ne whic h fus e may be caus ing the
problem. The l id of the fuse box shows
the name of the circ uit for eac h fuse. See
page 219 in Section 8 f or t he funct ions
controlled by each circuit.
Ty pe A f uses can be pulled out by the
pullout tool. The loc ation of the pullout
tool is shown in the illustration.
If you ar e not sur e whether the fuse has
blown, t ry r eplacing t he suspec ted fus e
with one t hat y ou k now is good.
If the f use has blown, push a new fuse
into the clip.
Only ins tall a fus e with the amperage rat-
ing des ignated on the fuse box li d.
If you do not hav e a spare fuse, in an
emergency y ou can pull out the “ CIG”,
“DOME” or “A/C” fuse, whi ch may be dis-
pensable for normal dri ving, and us e it if
its amper age rat ing is the same.
Checking and replacing fuses
DOITYOURSELF MAINTENANCE: Electri cal component s
If y ou cannot us e one of the s ame amper-
age, us e one that is lower, but as c lose
to the rat ing as pos sibl e. If the amper age
is lower t han that s pecif ied, t he f use
might blow out again but this does not
indic ate any thing wrong. Be sur e t o get
the correc t fuse as soon as possibl e and
return the substitute to its original clip.
It i s a good idea t o purc hase a set of
spare fus es and keep them in your ve-
hicl e for emer gencies .
If a new fuse immediatel y blows out , ther e
is a problem with the electrical system.
Have any authoriz ed Toy ota dealer or re-
pairer, or another duly qualif ied and
equipped profes sional , cor rect i t as soon
as poss ible.
Never use a fuse with a hi gher am-
perage r ating, or any other object, in
place of a fuse. This may cause ex-
tensive damage and possibl y a f ire.
If washer fl uid does not come out, the
washer fl uid tank may be empt y. To
check t he w asher fluid level, si mply
look at t he t ransparent tank. I f t he level
is l ow, add w asher f luid.
You may us e plain water as washer fluid.
However, in c old areas where temper a-
tures range below the freezi ng point, use
washer flui d cont aining ant ifr eeze. Thi s
product is av ailable at your Toyot a dealer
or repairer and most auto parts stores or
another dul y quali fied profess ional. F ollow
the manufac turer’s di rect ions f or how
much t o mix wi th water.
Do not use engi ne ant ifreez e or any
other substitut e because i t may dam-
age your vehicle’s paint.
Adding washer fluid
DOITYOURSELF MAINTENANCE: El ectri cal c omponents
The following illustrations show how to
gain ac cess to t he bulbs . W hen repl acing
a bulb, make sur e the engine swit ch and
light swi tch ar e off. Us e bulbs wi th the
wattage rat ings given in the tabl e.
D To pr event bur ning your self, do not
replace the light bulbs whil e t hey
are hot .
D Halogen bul bs have pressur ized gas
inside and r equire special handling.
They can bur st or shat ter if
scratched or dropped. Hol d a bulb
only by it s plastic or metal case.
Do not touch the glass par t of a
bulb w ith bare hands.
Only use a bul b of the li sted t ype.
The ins ide of t he lens of ex teri or l ights
such as headli ghts may t emporaril y f og up
when the lens bec omes wet in the rain or
in a c ar was h. This is not a pr oblem
because t he f ogging is caus ed by t he
temperat ure di fference between the out side
and inside of the l ens, just lik e the
windshi eld fogs up in t he rain. However, if
there i s a large dr op of water on the
insi de of the lens, or if there is water
pooled ins ide the light , contac t any
authori zed Toy ota deal er or repair er, or
another duly qualifi ed and equi pped
profes sional .
Light bul bs
W Type
Headlight s 60/55 A
Front posi tion light s 21/5 B
Front tur n si gnal l ights 21 B
Side t urn s ignal li ghts 21 B
Rear t urn signal l ights 21 B
Stop/t ail lights 21/5 B
Backup li ghts 21 B
Rear f og li ght 21 B
Licens e plat e l ights 10 B
Inter ior light 10 C
A: H4 hal ogen bulbs
B: Singl e end bulbs
C: Double end bulbs
Replacing light bulbs—
DOITYOURSELF MAINTENANCE: Electri cal component s
1. Singl e cab models: Til t t he cab. ( See
“Tilt cab” on page 18 in Section 12
for details.)
Unplug t he connector.
If the connec tor is t ight, wiggl e it .
2. Remove the rubber cover.
DOITYOURSELF MAINTENANCE: El ectri cal c omponents
3. Release t he bul b retaini ng spring
and remove the bulb. I nstall a new
bulb and the bulb ret aining spri ng.
To inst all a bulb, align the tabs of the
bulb w ith the cutout s of t he mount ing
4. In stall the rubber cover with the
“TOP” mark upwar d, and f it it se-
curely on the boss. Plug in the con-
Make sure the rubber c over fi ts sec urely
on the bul b base and the mounting body.
Aiming is not nec ess ary after repl acing
the bulb. When aiming adjus tment is nec-
essar y, contac t any author ized Toyota
dealer or repai rer, or another duly quali-
fied and equi pped prof ess ional.
DOITYOURSELF MAINTENANCE: Electri cal component s
Use a Phillipshead screwdriver.
a: Front turn signal light
b: Front position light
Front of
vehicl e
Use a Phillipshead screwdriver.
—Front turn signal and front
positio n lig hts
—Side turn signal lights
DOITYOURSELF MAINTENANCE: El ectri cal c omponents
Use a Phillipshead screwdriver.
a: Rear turn signal light
b: Stop/tail light
c: Backup light
Use a Phillipshead screwdriver.
a: Rear turn signal light
b: Stop/tail light
c: Backup light
—Rear turn signal, stop/tail
and backup lights (type A)
—Rear turn signal, stop/tail
and backup lights (type B)
DOITYOURSELF MAINTENANCE: Electri cal component s
Use a Phillipshead screwdriver. Use a Phillipshead screwdriver.
—Rear fog light —License plate lights
Section 8
D Dimens ions 212.......................................
D Weights 214...........................................
D Engine 215............................................
D F uel 215..............................................
D Ser vice spec ifications 216..............................
D Tires 218.............................................
D F uses 219............................................
mm (in. )
Overal l lengt h Overal l widt h Overal l height
KDY221RTBMDYW 4430 (174. 4) 1695 (66. 7) 1975 ( 77.8)
KDY221RTBMDYW3 4345 ( 171.1) 1695 ( 66.7)
1965 ( 77.4)
2050 ( 80.7)
KDY221LTBMDYW 4430 ( 174.4) 1695 ( 66.7) 1975 ( 77.8)
KDY221LTBMDYW3 4345 (171.1) 1695 (66. 7)
1965 ( 77.4)
2050 ( 80.7)
KDY231RTBMGYW3 4590 (180. 7) 1900 ( 74.8)
1975 ( 77.8)
2060 ( 81.1)
KDY231LTBMGYW3 4590 ( 180.7) 1900 ( 74.8)
1975 ( 77.8)
2060 ( 81.1)
KDY231LPBMEYW3 4590 (180.7) 1900 (74. 8)
2000 ( 78.7)
2150 ( 84.6)
KDY231LPSMBYW 4690 ( 184.6) 1695 ( 66.7) 1985 ( 78.1)
KDY231LPSMBYW3 4590 (180.7) 1695 (66. 7)
1995 ( 78.5)
2140 ( 84.3)
KDY251RTBMGYW3 5905 (232. 5) 1900 ( 74.8)
1975 ( 77.8)
2060 ( 81.1)
KDY251LTBMGYW3 5905 ( 232.5) 1900 ( 74.8)
1975 ( 77.8)
2060 ( 81.1)
KDY251LPBMEYW3 5905 (232.5) 1900 (74. 8)
2000 ( 78.7)
2140 ( 84.3)
KDY261LTBMGYW3 6475 ( 254.9) 1900 ( 74.8)
1975 ( 77.8)
2060 ( 81.1)
KDY261LPBMEYW3 6475 (254.9) 1900 (74. 8)
2000 ( 78.7)
2140 ( 84.3)
mm (in. )
Wheel bas e Front tread Rear t read
KDY221RTBMDYW 2300 (90.6) 1435 (56. 5) 1365 (53.7)
KDY221RTBMDYW3 2300 (90.6) 1435 (56. 5) 1365 (53. 7)
KDY221LTBMDYW 2300 (90.6) 1435 (56. 5) 1365 (53. 7)
KDY221LTBMDYW3 2300 ( 90.6) 1435 ( 56.5) 1365 ( 53.7)
KDY231RTBMGYW3 2545 (100. 2) 1435 ( 56.5) 1500 (59. 1)
KDY231LTBMGYW3 2545 ( 100.2) 1435 ( 56.5) 1500 ( 59.1)
KDY231LPBMEYW3 2545 (100.2) 1435 (56. 5) 1500 (59.1)
KDY231LPSMBYW 2545 ( 100.2) 1435 ( 56.5) 1365 (53. 7)
KDY231LPSMBYW3 2545 (100.2) 1435 (56. 5) 1365 (53.7)
KDY251RTBMGYW3 3350 (131. 9) 1435 ( 56.5) 1500 (59. 1)
KDY251LTBMGYW3 3350 ( 131.9) 1435 ( 56.5) 1500 ( 59.1)
KDY251LPBMEYW3 3350 (131.9) 1435 (56. 5) 1500 (59.1)
KDY261LTBMGYW3 3750 ( 147.6) 1435 ( 56.5) 1500 ( 59.1)
KDY261LPBMEYW3 3750 (147.6) 1435 (56. 5) 1500 (59.1)
: The model code appears on the manufac turer’s plat e or label wit h the headi ng “MOD-
See “Your Toyota’s identi fic ation” on page 120 i n Sect ion 2 f or t he manufact urer’s
plate or label l ocati on.
: Hi gh roof models
kg (lb.)
Gross Vehic le
Maximum Permissible Axle
Capacity (MPAC)
Mass (G
Front Rear
Single c ab
3000 ( 6614)
Double c ab
3210 ( 7077)
Dyna 150
3500 ( 7716) 1800 (3968) 2550 (5622)
kg (lb.)
Towing capac ity
With brake Without brake
Dyna 100
110 ( 243) 2000 ( 4409) 750 (1653)
Dyna 150
115 ( 254) 2200 ( 4850) 750 (1653)
: See “Model code” on page v i in the beginning of this manual if y ou ar e not sur e of
your vehicle model.
Ty pe:
4 c ylinder in l ine, 4 cycle, diesel (with
turboc harger)
Bore and stroke, mm (in.):
96.0 × 103.0 (3. 78 × 4.06)
Displacement, cm
(cu. in.):
2982 ( 182.0)
Fuel t ype:
EU ar ea:
Diesel fuel c onformi ng to European
standar d EN590
Except EU area:
Diesel f uel that contai ns 50 ppm or
less of sulf ur and has a c etane num-
ber of 48 or higher
Fuel t ank capac ity, L ( gal., I mp. gal .):
Fuel t ank c apacity
KDY221 60 ( 15.9, 13.2)
80 ( 21.1, 17.6)
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
Engine Fuel
Valv e clear ance ( engine c old), mm (in.):
Intak e 0.20—0.30 (0. 008—0.012)
Exhaust 0.35—0.45 (0. 014—0.018)
Oil capacity (drain and refill—referenc e
L (qt., Imp. qt.):
With filter 7.0 ( 7.4, 6.2)
Without filt er 6.8 ( 7.2, 6.0)
: The engine oil capaci ty is a r eferenc e
quantit y to be used when ex changing.
Warm up and turn off the engine, wai t
more than 5 minut es, and chec k t he oil
level on the dips tic k.
“Toyot a Genuine Motor Oil” is us ed in
your Toy ota vehic le. Toy ota recommends
the use of approved “Toy ota Genui ne
Motor Oil” . Another motor oil of matching
qualit y c an also be used.
Oil grade:
Using engine oil oth er than ACEA C2
may damage the catalyt ic conver ter.
Recommended v isc osity ( SAE):
Temperat ure range antici pated before
next oil change
Please c ontact any aut horiz ed Toy ota
dealer or repai rer, or another duly quali-
fied and equipped pr ofess ional, for f urther
detail s.
Total capacity, L (qt., Imp. qt. ):
With front and rear heaters
11.5 (12. 2, 10. 1)
With front heat er 10.7 ( 11.3, 9.4)
Coolant type:
Your Toyota vehicle is filled with “Toyota
Super Long Life Coolant ” at the fact ory.
In or der to av oid t echnic al probl ems,
only use “Toy ota Super Long Life
Coolant” or si milar high qualit y et hylene
glyc ol based nonsilicate, nonamine,
nonnit rite, and nonborate coolant wi th
longli fe hybr id organi c aci d technol ogy.
(Coolant wit h longl ife hybri d or ganic
acid technology is a combinat ion of l ow
phosphates and organic acids. )
Do not use plai n water alone.
Please c ontact any authori zed Toy ota
dealer or repairer, or another dul y quali-
fied and equipped pr ofes sional, f or f ur-
ther detai ls.
Specif ic gravity reading at 20_C(68_F):
1.250—1.290 Fully charged
1.160—1.200 Half c harged
1.060—1.100 Disc harged
Charging rates:
Quick charge 15 A max .
Slow c harge 5 A max .
Pedal f ree play, mm (in. ):
5—18 ( 0.2—0.7)
Fluid ty pe:
SAE J 1703 or FMVSS No. 116 DOT 3
Service specifications
Oil c apacit y, L (qt., Imp. qt. ):
Dyna 100
2.6 ( 2.7, 2.3)
Dyna 150
2.4 ( 2.5, 2.1)
Oil type:
Gear oi l API GL4orGL5
Recommended oi l v isc osity :
SAE 75W90
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
Oil c apacit y, L (qt., Imp. qt. ):
Dyna 100
2.30 ( 2.43, 2.02)
Dyna 150
3.45 ( 3.65, 3.04)
Your Toyota vehicle is filled with “Toyota
Genuine Diff erential Gear Oil ” at the
fact ory. Toyota r ecommends t he use of
approved “Toyot a Genuine Mot or Oi l”.
Another motor oil of matching qualit y can
also be used.
Oil type:
Standard differ ential
Hypoid gear oil API GL5
Limit ed sl ip di fferent ial
Hypoid gear oil LSD API GL5
Recommended oi l v isc osity :
Above 18_C(0_F)
SAE 90
Below 18_C(0_F)
SAE 80W or 80W90
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
Please c ontact any aut horiz ed Toy ota
dealer or repai rer, or another duly quali-
fied and equipped pr ofess ional, for f urther
detail s.
Wheel bearings :
Lithi um bas e wheel bear ing grease,
NLGI No. 2
Ball joints:
Molybdenumdisul fide lit hium base chas-
sis gr ease, NLGI No.1 or No. 2
Propell er s hafts :
Lithium base c hassi s greas e, NLGI No.2
Minimum pedal clear ance when depres sed
with the forc e of 490 N (50 k gf, 110 lbf )
with t he engine r unning, mm (in.):
Dyna 100
59 ( 2.3)
Dyna 150
51 ( 2.0)
Pedal f ree play, mm (in. ):
1—6 ( 0.04—0.24)
Parki ng brak e adjust ment when pulled wi th
the f orce of 245 N (25 kgf, 55 lbf):
Dyna 100
4—6 clicks
Dyna 150
6—8 clicks
Fluid ty pe:
SAE J 1703 or FMVSS No. 116 DOT 3
: See “Model code” on page vi in t he
beginning of this manual if you are not
sure of your vehicle model.
Wheel free play :
Less than 40 mm (1. 6 in. )
Power steering fluid type:
Automatic trans missi on fl uid DEXRONrII
or III
Tire siz e and cold tire i nflati on pressure:
Dyna 100
Tire size
Tire inflation pressure
kPa (kgf/cm
or bar, psi)
195/70R15C 450 (4.50, 65)
Dyna 150
Tire size
Tire inflation pressure
kPa (kgf/cm
or bar, psi)
Front Rear
450 ( 4.50, 65) 350 (3.50, 51)
Wheel nut torque, N·m (kgf·m, ft·lbf):
Dyna 100
135 ( 13.8, 100)
Dyna 150
365 ( 37.2, 269)
NOTE: For a c omplete informat ion on tir es (e.g. replac ing tires or replac ing w heels), s ee
“Check ing t ire i nflat ion pres sure” thr ough “Replaci ng wheels ”, pages 193 through
197, i n Sect ion 72.
: See “Model code” on page v i in the beginning of this manual if y ou ar e not sur e of
your vehicle model.
Tir e s
Instrument panel
Left side of the vehicle
Fuses (t ype A)
1. CIG 15 A: Cigaret te l ighter
2. DOOR 30 A: Power door lock system
3. I G1NO.2 10 A: Gauges and met ers,
serv ice reminder indi cator s and warni ng
buzzer, back up light s, back buz zer
4. WI P 30 A: Winds hield wipers and
5. A/C 10 A: Air condi tioning system
6.IG110A:Backup l ights , back buzzer
7. TRN 10 A: Turn signal li ghts, emergen-
cy fl ashers
8. ECUIG 10 A: Antilock brake system
9. RRFOG 10 A: Rear f og li ght
10. OBD 10 A: Onboard diagnos is system
11. DOME 10 A: I nteri or l ights
12. ECUB10A:Headl ights , t ail light s
13. TAIL 15 A: Tai l l ights , front pos iti on
light s, lic ense pl ate lights , instr ument
panel l ights , r ear fog light
14. HLP LL 10 A (vehicle wi th daytime
running l ight system): Lefthand
headlight (l ow beam)
15. HLP RL 10 A (vehicle with daytime
running light syst em): Right hand
headlight (l ow beam)
16. HLP LH 10 A (vehicle with daytime
running light system) or HLP LH 15
A (vehi cle wi thout daytime running
light system) : Lef thand headl ight
(high beam)
17. HLP RH 10 A ( vehicle with daytim e
running l ight system) or HLP RH 15
A (vehi cle wi thout daytime running
light syst em): Right hand headlight
(high beam)
18. HORN 10 A: Hor ns
19. HAZ 10 A: Emer gency fl ashers
20. STOP 10 A: Stop light s
21. ST 10 A: Starting system
22.IG210A:SRS airbag system
23.A/CNO.210A:Ai r conditi oning sys-
24. SPARE 10 A: Spare fuse
25. SPARE 15 A: Spare fuse
26. SPARE 20 A: Spare fuse
27. SPARE 30 A: Spare fuse
28. FOG 15A: Fog l ight
29. F/HTR 30 A: Front heater
30. EFI1 10 A: Engine control system
31. ALTS10A:Charging system, charg-
ing system warning light
32.AM210A:Engine swi tch
33. A/F 15A: A/F
34. ECD 25 A: Engine control system
35. EFAN 30 A: Elec tri c c ooling fan
36. EDU 20A: EDU
Fuse (t ype B)
37. POWER 30 A : Power wi ndow, power
door lock system
38. PTC1 50 A: PTC heater
39. PTC2 50 A: PTC heater
40.AM130A:Engi ne s witch, “CIG”, “AIR
BAG” and “GAUGE” f uses
41. HEAD 40 A: Headl ights
42. MAIN1 30 A: “HAZ”, “HORN”, “STOP
and “ECU B” f uses
43. ABS 50 A: Ant ilock brake system
44. HTR 40 A: Air c onditi oning system
45. PMAIN 30A: Electri c c ooling f an
46. PCOOL RR HTR 40A: Air conditi oning
47.ABS230A:Antilock brake system
Fuse (t ype C)
48.MAIN350A:“TRN”, “ECUIG”, “IG1”,
“A/C”, “WIP” and “DOOR” fuses
49.MAIN250A:“OBD”, “TAIL”, “DOME”,
“RRFOG” and “POWER” fus es
50. ALT 140 A: Charging system
51. GLOW 80 A: Engine glow system
52. ST 60 A: Starting system
Section 9
Adding washer fluid 204..................
Adjust ment
Driv er ’s seat 25.......................
Seat belt 28...........................
Air bl eeding 142.........................
Air c onditioni ng fil ter 93..................
Air c onditioni ng system 84...............
Airbag 38...............................
Antilock brake system
warning l ight 73.......................
Antit heft s teeri ng column loc k 80........
Appearance c are
Cleaning the i nteri or 173...............
Protec ting y our Toyot a from
corr osion 170.......................
Washi ng and waxing 171...............
Auxiliary box 102........................
Access 182...........................
Checki ng batter y condi tion 200.........
Gas caut ion 200.......................
Handling s afety 200...................
Rechargi ng precaut ions 202............
Winter driv ing tips 129.................
Before s tart ing the engine 124............
Brake pad wear indicat ors 119............
Brake system 116.......................
Brake system warning light 73............
Pad wear indi cator s 119................
Parki ng 82............................
Breakin ti ps 108........................
Carbon monoxi de caution 114............
Card holder 104.........................
Center c onsole box 103..................
Charging system warning light 73.........
Checki ng and replac ing fus es 203........
Checki ng the engine oi l level 188.........
Checki ng the radi ator, c ondenser and
inter cooler 192........................
Child restraint
Child restraint system 45...............
Inst allat ion 48,51......................
Precaut ions 44........................
Types of child restraint system 46.......
Cigaret te light er and asht rays 100........
Cleaning the i nteri or 173.................
Cold weather
Operati on 129.........................
Checki ng the condens er 192...........
Control s, Ins trument panel 2,6...........
Cooling system
Coolant l evel 190......................
Engine over heating 148................
Radiator and reserv oir 190.............
Radiator cap 148......................
Winter driv ing tips 129.................
Corros ion prev ention 170................
Cup holder 102..........................
Diesel particulate filter system 110........
Differ ential, Limited sl ip 120..............
Dimmer s witch, Headlight 62.............
Direc tional s ignals 62....................
Doityour self maintenance
Servi ce prec autions 185...............
Does your vehic le need repair ing? 177....
Side doors 13.........................
DPF system 110.........................
Driv er ’s seat 25.........................
Driving tips 124........................
Manual tr ansmiss ion 81................
Driving in the rain 128....................
Driving tips
Driving in the rain 128..................
Driv ing tips in vari ous condi tions 127....
Driv ing with a manual
trans miss ion 81.....................
Economic al driv ing 138................
Good driving practice 81...............
Pretrip safety check 126..............
Winter driv ing tips 129.................
Breakin 108..........................
Economic al driv ing
Saving money on both fuel and
repair s 138..........................
Electrical system
Access to the battery 182..............
Batter y 200,202.......................
Fuse loc ations 182....................
Fuses 203............................
Emergency flasher switc h 64.............
Emergency, I n case of
Bleeding t he fuel system 142...........
Blown fus e 203........................
Emergency flasher switc h 64...........
Flat t ire 149...........................
If y ou cannot i ncreas e engine
speed 147..........................
If y ou lose y our key s 166...............
If y our engine s talls while
driv ing 147..........................
If y our vehi cle bec omes st uck 162......
If y our vehi cle has to be stopped i n
an emergency 167...................
If y our vehi cle needs to be
towed 163...........................
If y our vehi cle wi ll not s tart 142.........
Jump st arting 143.....................
Overheat ing 148.......................
Towing 163............................
Acces s hole c over 17..................
Before s tart ing the engine 124..........
Checki ng the cool ant lev el 190.........
Engine compar tment 180...............
Exhaust gas caut ion 114...............
Identi ficat ion number 122..............
Oil c onsumption 115...................
Oil lev el 188...........................
Overheat ing 148.......................
Start ing proc edure 124.................
Turni ng off an engine wit h
turboc harger 126....................
Engine cool ant
Temperatur e gauge 68.................
Winter driv ing tips 129.................
Engine cool ant temperat ure gauge 68.....
Engine oil
Oil mai ntenance management
system 70..........................
Winter driv ing tips 129.................
Engine oil c hange reminder light 73.......
Engine swi tch 80........................
Exhaust gas caut ion 114.................
Facts about engine oil
consumpt ion 115......................
Flasher, Headlight 62....................
Flat ti re
After changing wheels 162.............
If y ou have a fl at tir e 149...............
Installing wheel 159....................
Jack point 157.........................
Jack ing prec autions 149...............
Jack ing up 157........................
Loosening wheel nuts 155..............
Lowering v ehicl e 160..................
Reinstalling wheel or nament 161........
Removing wheel ornament 155.........
Replaci ng inner rear wheel 158.........
Wheel bloc k 154.......................
Floor mat 104...........................
Fluid lev el
Washer fluid 204......................
Fog light switc h, Rear 64.................
Foreign c ountri es, Oper ation in 110.......
Bleeding t he fuel system 142...........
Draini ng fuel fi lter wat er 192............
Fuel economy 138.....................
Gauge 68.............................
Operati on in forei gn countr ies 110......
Tank cap 21...........................
Fuel fi lter
Draini ng fuel fi lter wat er 192............
Fuel fi lter war ning light 73................
Fuel inf ormati on 108.....................
Fuse box 203..........................
Fuse loc ations 182......................
Engine cool ant temperat ure 68.........
Fuel 68...............................
Glove box 101...........................
Good driving practice 81.................
Hazard switch 64........................
Head rest raints 27.......................
Headlight beam level c ontrol dial 63.......
Headlight switc h 62......................
Heater i dle up swi tch 93..................
High speed oper ation
During br eakin 108...................
How to st art t he engine 124...............
Identi fic ation
Engine 122............................
Vehi cle 120...........................
Ignit ion swi tch 80........................
Indic ator s ymbols 8.....................
Inst rument panel
Cigaret te light er and asht rays 100......
Fuel gauge 68.........................
Indic ator s ymbols 8....................
Odometer 70..........................
Tachometer 69........................
Trip meter 70..........................
Inst rument panel ov erv iew 2,6...........
Inter cooler
Checki ng the int ercooler 192...........
Locati on 150..........................
Jump st arting 143.......................
Keys 12,166............................
Light bul bs
Backup light s 209....................
Front pos ition l ights 208................
Front t urn si gnal light s 208.............
Headlight s 206........................
Licens e plate l ights 210................
Rear fog l ight 210......................
Rear tur n signal lights 209..............
Side tur n signal l ights 208..............
Stop/t ail li ghts 209.....................
Light bul bs, Repl acing 205...............
Light r eminder buzz er 73.................
Light, Interi or
Inter ior li ght 65........................
Limit ed slip di fferent ial 120...............
Side doors 13.........................
Side gate 16..........................
Steeri ng column 80....................
Tailgat e 16............................
Low brake f luid l evel war ning light 73......
Low engine oil level war ning light 73......
Low engine oil pressur e
warning l ight 73.......................
Low fuel l evel war ning li ght 73............
Low vac uum warning li ght 73.............
Luggage stowage pr ecauti ons 119........
Maintenanc e
Doityour self maintenance 185........
Does your vehic le need
repair ing? 177.......................
Maintenanc e fact s 176.................
Where to go f or ser vic e 176............
Malfunc tion indi cator l amp 73............
Manual regener ation swi tch,
Diesel particulate filter system 110......
Manual trans miss ion
Driv ing with a manual
trans miss ion 81.....................
Shift pattern 81........................
Maximum al lowable speed
Manual tr ansmiss ion 81................
Folding r ear view 59...................
Outsi de rear v iew 59...................
New vehic le break in 108................
Odometer 70............................
Consumpti on 115......................
Oil mai ntenance management
system 70..........................
Viscos ity and grade 188................
Oil c onsumption 115.....................
OMMS 70...............................
Operati on in forei gn countr ies 110........
Overheat ing, Engine 148.................
Overheat ing, Engine c oolant 68..........
Overv iew
Engine compar tment 180...............
Parking brake
Operati on 82..........................
Reminder li ght 82.....................
Parki ng brake remi nder light 73...........
Polis hing 171...........................
Power window s witc hes 14...............
Pretrip safety check 126................
Precaut ions f or tur ning off an engine
with t urbocharger 126..................
Preloader (seat bel t pret ensioner) 35.....
Pretens ioner
(seat belt pret ensioner ) 35.............
Protec ting y our Toyot a from
corr osion 170.........................
Checki ng the radi ator 192..............
Coolant, Engine 190...................
Rear fog l ight sw itch 64..................
Rear heater system 92...................
Rear seat 26............................
Rear vi ew mirror s
Folding 59............................
Outside 59............................
Safety check, Pret rip 126...............
Seat belt s
Cleaning 173..........................
Fasteni ng 28..........................
Seat belt precauti ons 28...............
Seat belt pretensi oner 35..............
Seats 24................................
Servi ce and maint enance 176............
Servi ce remi nder indic ator 73............
Side door l ocks 13.......................
Side doors 13...........................
Side gate 16............................
Side vent s 91...........................
Spare fus e 203..........................
Spare ti re 150...........................
Specif icat ions 212.......................
SRS driv er airbag 38....................
SRS warning l ight 73....................
Start ing
Cold weather 124......................
Engine 124............................
Jump st arting 143.....................
Steeri ng
Adjust ing st eering wheel 58............
Storage pr ecauti ons 101.................
Suspensi on and chass is 122.............
Emergency flasher 64.................
Engine 80.............................
Headlight, dimmer and
turn s ignal 62.......................
Heater i dle up 93......................
Ignit ion 80............................
Rear fog l ight 64.......................
Winds hield wiper and washer 65........
Tachometer 69..........................
Tailgat e 16..............................
Telesc opic s teeri ng wheel 58.............
Tilt cab 18..............................
Til t steer ing wheel 58....................
Timing bel t replac ement
warning l ight 73.......................
Changing 149.........................
Checki ng and replac ing 194............
Flat t ire 149...........................
Infl ation pres sur e 193,218..............
Replaci ng wheels 197..................
Rotating tires 195......................
Size 218..............................
Snow tir es and chai ns 196..............
Spare 150............................
Tools 150...............................
Tow i ng
Emergency towing 164.................
Emergency towing hook or
eyelet precauti ons 166...............
If y our vehi cle needs to be
towed 163...........................
Trai ler 130............................
Trai ler towi ng 130.......................
Trip meter 70............................
Turn s ignals 62..........................
Vehi cle i dentifi cati on number 120.........
Warning buzzer 73......................
Warni ng light 73.........................
Washer fluid
Adding washer fluid 204................
Washi ng and waxing 171.................
Replaci ng wheels 197..................
Winds hield wiper and
washer switch 65......................
Winter driv ing tips 129...................

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