Introduction Connections
Playbac k
Playbac k
(Adv anced)
above, provided that you als o meet all of these co nditions:
a) The modi fi ed wo rk must itself be a so ftwa r e librar y .
b ) Y ou must caus e the fi les modifi ed to ca rry prominent notic es
stating that you cha nged the fi les and the date of any chang e .
c ) Y ou must caus e the whole of the wo rk to be licensed at no
charge to all third partie s under the terms of this Lic ense.
d) If a facility in t he modifi ed Librar y refers to a function or a t able
of data to be supplied by an applicatio n pr ogram t h at use s the
facilit y , other t h an as a n argume nt passed when the facilit y is
invoked, then yo u must make a good fait h effor t to ensure that,
in the event an applicatio n does not supply such functi on or
table, the facili ty still operates, and p erforms w hate ver par t of
its purpose rem a ins mea n ingful.
(F or example, a functi on in a libr ar y to compute square roots
has a purpose t h at is entirely wellde fi ne d ind epend ent of
the applicati on. Therefore, Subsectio n 2d requires that any
applicationsupplied f unction or table use d by this function
must be optio nal : if the applicati on does not supply it, t he
square root functio n must still c ompute square roots. )
The s e requirements ap pl y to the m odifi ed work as a w hole. If
identifi able sectio ns of that work are not derived fro m the L i brar y , and
can be reasonably consider ed independent and separa te works in
them selves, then this Lic ense, and its terms, do not ap ply to those
sectio ns when you distribute them as s epara te works. B ut when you
distribute the sa me sections as par t of a whole which is a work bas ed
on the L i brar y , the distribu tion of the whole m ust be on the terms of
this Lice nse , who se permissions fo r other licensees ex t end to the
entire whole, an d thus to each and every par t regardless of who wrote
Thus , it is not the intent of this sectio n to claim rights or contest your
rights to work wri tten entirely by you; rather , the intent is to exercise
the right to co ntr ol the dist ribution of derivative or collecti v e works
based on the L ibr ar y .
In addition, m er e aggregation of an other work not based o n the
Librar y with the Librar y ( o r with a work based on th e Libr ar y ) on a
volume of a sto r age or distribu tion medium doe s not bring t h e othe r
work unde r the scope of this Lic ense.
3. Y o u ma y opt to apply t he t erm s of the ordinary G NU General
Public Lice nse inst ead of this L i cense to a gi v en copy of the L ibr ar y .
T o do this, you must al t er all the no tices that ref er to this L icense, so
that they refer to the ordinar y GNU G eneral Public Licens e , version
2, instead of to this Lice nse. ( If a newer versi on than version 2 of
the ordinar y GNU Ge neral Public License has app ear ed, the n you
can speci fy that versio n inst ead if you wis h . ) Do n ot make any other
change in these n o tices.
Once t h is change is m a de in a given co p y , it is irreversible for that
copy , so the ordinar y GNU G eneral Public License a p plies to all
subsequent c opies and derivative works made from that c op y .
This opti on is useful when yo u wish to copy part of t he code of the
Librar y into a pr ogram t hat is not a library .
4. Y ou may co p y and distribute the Librar y ( or a por tion or derivative
of it, unde r Section 2) in object cod e or executa b le for m unde r the
terms of S ections 1 and 2 above provided t hat you accompany it w ith
the co mplet e correspo nding machine- r eadable so u rce code, which
must be distribu t ed under t he t erm s of Sections 1 and 2 ab ov e on a
medium cu stomarily used fo r soft ware int erchange.
If distribution of o b ject c ode is made b y of f ering acce ss to copy
from a designated place, the n offering equivalent acce ss to copy
the so u rce code f r om t he same place satisfi es the requirement
to distribute the so ur ce code, even tho ugh third parties are not
com pelled to copy the source alo ng with the object c ode.
5. A pr ogram t h at co ntains no derivative of any porti on of the
Librar y , but is designed to wo rk with the Librar y b y being co mpiled
or linked with i t, is called a "wor k that uses the Librar y" . Su ch a work,
in isolatio n, is not a derivative work of the Librar y , and t herefor e falls
outside th e scope of this License.
However , linking a " work that uses th e Library " with t he Library
creates an executable that is a derivative of the L i brar y ( bec ause it
contains p ortions of t he Library), r ather t h an a " work that uses t he
library " . The executable is th er efore covered by this Licens e. Section
6 states terms for dist ribution of such ex ecut a bles.
Whe n a " work that uses th e Library " use s material fro m a head er
fi le t h at is par t of the Librar y , the o b ject c ode for the work may be a
derivative work of the L ibr ar y ev en tho ugh the source code is not .
Whethe r this is true is especially signifi cant if t he work can be linked
witho ut the Librar y , or if th e work is itself a librar y . T he threshold for
this to be true is n ot pr ecisel y defi ned by law .
If such an object fi le uses o nly numerical parameter s , data
structure layouts a n d acces sors, and small macros a nd small inline
functio ns ( ten lines or les s in leng th ), then t he use of the object fi le
is unrestricted, regardless of wheth er it is legally a derivative work.
(E x ecutable s co ntaining this object code plus p ortions of th e Library
will still fall under S ection 6.)
Oth erwise, if the wo rk is a derivative of the Library, you may
distribute the obje ct code for the wor k under t he t erm s of Section
6. A n y executables co ntaining that work also fall unde r Section 6,
whethe r or not they are linked directly with the Librar y itself.
6. As an exception to the S ections above, you may also co mbine
or link a " work that uses th e Library " with t he Library to produce a
work co ntaining portio ns of the Library , and distribu t e that work un der
terms of you r choic e , provided that t he t erm s permit modi fi cation
of the wor k for th e customer's own use a nd r everse engine ering for
debugging such modifi cations.
Y ou must give promine n t notice w ith each copy of the work that t h e
Librar y is used in it and that the L ibr ar y and its use are covered by
this Lice nse. Y ou must suppl y a copy of this L icense. If the work
during execution displays copyright notices, yo u must include the
copyright notic e for th e Library am ong them, as well as a reference
directing the user to t he copy of this License. A lso, you must do one
of these things:
a) Accompany the work with the complete corr esponding
machine -readable source code fo r the Library including
whatever changes were use d in the wo rk ( which must be
distributed under S ections 1 and 2 ab ov e ); and, if the wo rk
is an e xecutable linked with the Library , with the complet e
machine -readable "wo rk that uses the Librar y", as object code
and/o r sou r ce code, s o that th e user can modif y the Librar y
and the n relink to produce a m odifi ed executable containing
the modifi ed Librar y . (It is und erstood that th e user who
changes th e contents of defi nitions fi les in th e Library will not
neces sarily be able to reco mpile the application to u se the
modifi ed defi nitions. )
b ) Use a suitable s har ed librar y mechanism for link ing with
the Librar y . A sui table mechanism is o n e that (1 ) uses at
run time a c op y of the librar y already present on the us er' s
comp ut er system, rather t han copying library fun c tio n s into
the executable, and (2) will operate properly w ith a modifi ed
version of th e libr ar y , if the us er installs one, as long as the
modifi ed version is inter face- compatible wit h the versi on that
the work was made with.
c ) Acco mpany the work with a w r it ten offer , valid for at least
three years, to give the s ame user the materials speci fi ed in
Subse c tio n 6a , above, for a charge no more than th e cost of
per f orming this distribu ti on.
d) If distribution of the wo rk is made by offering access to co p y
from a designated place, of fer equivalent acces s to copy the
above specifi ed materials fro m the s ame place.
e ) Verify that t he user has already received a copy of the se
materials or that yo u ha ve already sent this us er a copy .
For a n executable, the required for m of the "work t hat uses the
Librar y" must include any data an d utility programs ne e ded fo r
reproducing the executable fro m it. H owe ver , as a special exception,
the materials to be distributed ne ed not include anything t h at is
norm ally distributed (in either source or binar y form ) with t he major
com ponents ( compil er , kernel, and s o on) of the operating system on
which the e xec utable runs, unless tha t component itself accompani es
the ex ecutable.
It may happen that this requireme n t cont r adicts the license
restrictions of othe r pr oprietar y libraries that do not no rmally
accom p any the o perating syst em. S uch a contradiction me ans you
cann ot use both them an d the Library tog e the r in an executabl e that
you dist r ibu te.
7 . Y ou may place librar y facilities that are a work base d on the
Librar y side-by- side in a singl e librar y together with othe r libr ar y
facilities not covered by this Licens e , and distribute such a co mbined
library, pr ovided that t he separate distribution of the work bas e d on
the Librar y and of the other librar y facilities is other wise permit ted,
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