Introduction Connections
above, provided that you als o meet all of these co nditions:
a) The modi fi ed work mu st itself be a sof tware librar y .
b ) You must cause the fi les modifi ed to carry pro minent notices
stating that you cha nged the fi les and the date of any change.
c ) Y ou mu st cause the whol e of the work to be licensed at n o
charge to all third partie s under the terms of this Li cense.
d) If a facility in t he modifi ed Librar y ref ers to a functi on or a table
of data to be supplied by an applicatio n pr ogram that us es the
facilit y , other than as a n ar gument pas sed when the facilit y is
invoked, then yo u must make a good fait h effor t to ensure that,
in the event an applicatio n does not supply such functi on or
table, the facili ty still operates, and p erform s whatever par t of
its purpose rem ains meaningful.
(F or example, a function in a librar y to compu t e square roots
has a purpose t hat is entir ely welldefi ned ind ependent of
the applicati on. Therefore, Subsectio n 2 d requires that any
applicationsupplied f unction or table use d by this function
must be optio nal : if the applicatio n does not supply it, the
square root functio n must still compute square roots. )
The se r equirements apply to t he modifi ed work as a w hole. If
identifi able se ctions of that work are not de riv ed from the L ibr ar y , and
can be reasonably consider ed independent and separ ate works in
them selves, then this Lic ense, and its terms, do not a pply to those
sectio ns when you distribute the m as separate works. But w hen you
distribute the sa me sections as par t of a whole which is a wor k based
on the L i brary, the distribution of the w hole must be on the ter ms of
this Lice nse , whos e permissions fo r other licensees ex t end to the
entire whole, an d thus to each and every par t regardless of who wrote
Thus , it is not the intent of this sectio n to claim rights or contest your
rights to work wri tten entirely by you; rather , the intent is to exercise
the right to co ntr ol the distribu tion of derivative or collective wor k s
based on the L ibr ar y .
In addition, m er e aggregation of anoth er work not based on t he
Librar y with the Librar y ( or wi th a work based on the Librar y ) on a
volume of a sto r age or distributi on medium does n ot bring the other
work unde r the scope of this Lic ense.
3. Y ou may opt to apply th e t erms of the o r dinary G NU Gen er al
Public Lice nse inst ead of this Lice nse to a giv en copy of the L i brary.
T o do t h is, you must alter all t he notices that refer to this Lice nse , so
that they refer to the ordinar y GNU G eneral Public Licens e , version
2, instead of to this Lice nse. ( If a newer versio n than version 2 of
the ordinar y GNU G eneral Public License has a p peared, then yo u
can speci fy that versio n inst ead if you wish.) Do not make any other
change in these n o tices.
Once t h is change is made in a given c op y , it is irreversible for t hat
copy , s o the ordinar y GNU G eneral Public License a p plies to all
subsequent c opies and derivative works made from th at copy .
This opti on is useful when yo u wish to copy part of t he code of the
Librar y into a pr ogram that is n ot a libr ar y .
4. Y o u ma y copy and distribute the L i brary (or a por tion or derivative
of it, unde r Section 2) in object co de or e xecutable fo rm under the
terms of S ections 1 and 2 above provided t hat you accompa n y it with
the co mplet e corresponding m achine-readable s our ce code, which
must be distribu t ed under the ter ms of Sections 1 an d 2 abov e on a
medium cu stomarily used fo r soft ware interchange.
If distribution of o b ject cod e is made by offering acce ss to copy
from a designated place, the n offering equivalent acce ss to copy
the so ur ce code fro m the sa me place satisfi es the requirement
to distribute the so ur ce code, even thou gh thir d partie s ar e not
com pelled to copy the source al ong with the obje ct code.
5. A pr ogram that c ontains no derivative of any por tion of the
Librar y , but is designed to work w ith the Library by being co mpiled
or linked with i t, is called a "wor k that uses the Librar y". Such a work,
in isolatio n, is not a derivative work of the Librar y , and the r efore falls
outside th e scope of this License.
However , linking a "wo rk that uses the L i brar y" with the Librar y
creates an executable that is a derivative of the L ibr ar y ( because it
contains p ortio ns of the Library), r ather tha n a "wo rk that uses the
library " . T he e xecutable is th er efore covered by this License. S ection
6 states terms for dist ribution of such ex ecutable s.
Whe n a "wo rk that uses the L ibr ar y" uses material fro m a header
fi le that is par t of the Librar y , the object c ode for the work m a y be a
derivative work of the L ibr ar y e ven though the s ource code is not.
Whethe r this is true is especially signifi cant if the wo rk can be linked
witho ut the Librar y , or if the wor k is itself a library. The thresho ld for
this to be true is n ot pr ecisely de fi n ed b y law .
If such an object fi le uses onl y numeric a l parameters, dat a
structure layouts a n d access ors, and small macros and s mall inline
functio ns ( ten line s or less in length) , then th e use of the object fi le
is unrestricted, regardless of wheth er it is legally a derivative work.
(E x e cutables cont aining this object code plus por tions of the L ibr ar y
will still fall under S ection 6.)
Oth erwise, if the wo rk is a derivative of the Librar y , you may
distribute the obje ct code for the wor k under th e t erms of S ection
6. A n y ex ecutable s containing that work als o fall under Sectio n 6,
whethe r or not they are linked directly with the Librar y itself.
6. As an exception to the S ections above, you may also co mbine
or link a " work that uses th e Library " with th e Library to produce a
work co ntaining porti ons of the Library, and distribute that wor k under
terms of you r choice, provided th at the terms permit m odifi cation
of the wor k for the cu stomer's own use and reverse en gineering for
debugging such modifi cations.
Y ou m ust give pr omine n t notice with e a ch copy of the wor k that the
Librar y is used in it and that the L ibr ar y and its use are covered by
this Lice nse. Y ou must supply a co p y of this License. If t he work
during execution displays copyright notices, yo u must include the
copyright notic e for the L ibr ar y among the m, as well as a r eference
directing the user to t he copy of this License. A lso, you must do one
of these things:
a) Accompany the work with the complet e corr esponding
machine -readable source cod e for the Librar y including
whatever changes were use d in the work (which must b e
distributed under S ections 1 and 2 ab ov e ); and, i f the work
is an e xec utable link ed with the Library , with the complete
machine -readable "wo rk that uses the Librar y", as object code
and/o r source co de , so that th e user can modif y the Librar y
and the n relink to produce a mo difi ed e xecutable containing
the modifi ed Librar y . (It is understo od that the user w ho
changes th e contents of defi nitions fi les in th e Library will not
neces sarily be able to reco mpile the applicatio n to use the
modifi ed defi nitions. )
b ) U se a suitable shared library m echanism for linking wi th
the Librar y . A suita b le mechanis m is one that ( 1 ) uses at
run time a c op y of the librar y alr eady present on t he user's
comp ut er system, rather tha n copying librar y functions into
the executable, and (2) will operate properly w ith a modifi ed
version of th e libr ary, if the user installs one, as lo ng as the
modifi ed version is inter f ace -com p atible with th e v ersion t hat
the work was made with.
c ) Accompa n y the work w ith a written of fer , valid for at least
three years, to give the s ame user the materials speci fi ed in
Subse c tion 6 a, above, for a charge no more tha n the cost of
per f orming this distributio n .
d) If distribution of the wo rk is made by offering access to c op y
from a designated place, of fer equivalent acces s to copy the
above specifi ed materials from the sa me place.
e ) V erif y that the user has already recei v ed a copy of these
materials or that yo u ha ve already sent this user a c op y .
For a n executable, the required form of t he "work that u ses the
Librar y" must include any data a n d utilit y programs needed for
reproducing the executable fro m it. However , as a special exception,
the materials to be distributed ne ed not include anything t hat is
norm ally distributed (in either source or binar y form ) with the m ajor
com ponents ( compiler, k ernel, and so o n ) of the op er ating system on
which the e xecutable runs, un less that component itself accompanies
the ex ecutable.
It may happen that this requireme n t contradicts the lice nse
restrictions of othe r pr oprietar y libraries that do not nor mally
accom pany the operating system. Such a c ontradiction means yo u
cann ot use both them an d the Library to gether in an executable that
you dist ribute.
7 . Y ou may place librar y facilities that are a work based o n the
Librar y side-by- side in a single libr ar y together with other librar y
facilities not covered by this Licens e , and distribute such a co mbined
library, pr ovided that the s epara te distribution of th e work based on
the Librar y and of the other librar y facilities is other wise permit ted,
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