Hi There!
Submitted on 8-5-2021 at 00:17 in forum TomTom GO 5200 Report abuse
See how I managed to get your attention? Wouldn't it be amazing if you could get in front of millions of targeted people with your own product or service...just like I just did (wink)
Contact 50k targeted leads for 5 cents each [$2,500]
Contact 100k targeted leads for 4 cents each [$4,000]
Contact 250k targeted leads for 3 cents each [$7,500]
Contact 500k targeted leads for 2 cents each [$10,000]
Contact 1 Million targeted leads for 1.5 cents each [$15,000]
Let me know if this interests you by replying with the type of product and/or service that you are interested in promoting.
We will only accept you as a client if we believe our method would work well for you.
Do you know someone who knows the answer? Share a link to this answer by email, Twitter or Facebook.