password), just as you log in to the tolino partner’s website.
When you log in, your eReader is automatically linked to your customer account.
Then you can access your previously purchased books at any time and even
buy books from the shop directly with your tolino eReader.
Your login details remain protected! They are only transferred in encrypted form
and are not stored on the eReader. Third parties can neither use nor read out
your access details.
More information on data privacy is available in 13. Data privacy and security
Please note: If you buy your tolino eReader from a tolino retailer, it will be pre-
set to that retailer's shop. If you later switch to a different book retailer, you can
combine the libraries from both shops using the 5.1.3 Library link.
7.3 Customers without a customer account
If you don't yet have a customer account, please go to the website of the tolino
partner where you bought your tolino eReader and create a free customer
account there.
Then please use the login details for this site (username and password) to
register your tolino eReader. For some tolino partners, it is also possible to
register directly using your eReader.