Programmable parameters
The doorbell can be signalled on the extensions, when a door intercom adapter is connected in
the telephone system.
This signal can be switched on and off for every extension.
If the door bell is pressed during a telephone conversation you will hear a call waiting signal.
(That is if the call waiting function is activated.)
To switch the doorbell ring on or off
1. Pick up the handset from extension
2. Dial the program code number
19999 .
3. Dial the code number for the desi-
red doorbell ring status according
to the table below. For ex. 503 , to
deactivate the doorbell ring for
extension 23.
4. Replace the handset.
You hear the telephone system’s dial tone.
You hear an acknowledgement signal.
As confirmation you hear an acknowledge-
ment signal.
Extension 3 will not ring when the doorbell
is pressed.
The programming is finished.
Telephone 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 all
Doorbell ring On 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 590
Doorbell ring Off 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 500