CaliBrating the Barometer
The barometer can be used instead of the GPS to calculate your elevation based on air pressure.
pressure for your location. Obtain the sea level pressure from your governmental weather bureau or another
reliable source.
1. Fromthemainmenu,highlightCONFIGURATION,thenpressENTER.
2. HighlightACCESSORIES,thenpressENTER.
3. HighlightBAROSETTING,thenpressENTER.
4. HighlighttheCALIBRATIONeld,thenpressENTER.
5. HighlightMANUAL,thenpressENTER.
6. HighlighttheS.L.PRESSUREeld,thenpressENTER.
7. Press or tochangenumbers,thenpressENTER.
Your current altitude, based on the sea level pressure you entered, displays.
WAAS/EGNOS is a network of ground stations that monitor satellite data to augment the accuracy of
navigation data. The GPS on the Cycle Trainer uses WAAS/EGNOS technology to provide navigational
about 15 meters.
Getting a satellite fix can take longer when WAAS/EGNOS is enabled. You can turn the WAAS/EGNOS feature
off to shorten the time required to acquire satellite fixes, but at a potential reduction of accuracy.
You can also turn off the GPS entirely. You may want to do this to conserve battery life during periods when
you are not recording rides.
1. Fromthemainmenu,highlightCONFIGURATION,thenpressENTER.
2. HighlightGPSSETTING,thenpressENTER.
3. HighlighttheWAAS/EGNOSeld,thenpressENTER.
4. HighlightONorOFF,thenpressENTER.
5. HighlighttheGPSeld,thenpressENTER.
6. HighlightONorOFF,thenpressENTER.
vieWing gpS inFormation
You can view the strength of the GPS satellite fix. The more solid bars appear on the left side, the stronger the
There is also a message at the top of the screen that summarizes the strength of the fix:
• 3DFIXED:TheGPScanaccuratelyreportmapcoordinatesandelevation.
• 2DFIXED:TheGPScanaccuratelyreportmapcoordinates,butnotelevation.
• WEAKSIGNL:TheGPShasax,buttheaccuracyisnotreliable.
• RECEIVING:TheGPSisattemptingtoacquireax.
To view the GPS signal information:
1. Fromthemainmenu,highlightCONFIGURATION,thenpressENTER.
2. HighlightGPSSETTING,thenpressENTER.
3. HighlightGPSINFO,thenpressENTER.