To ensure you get the most accurate navigation data from the GPS, you should calibrate the compass before
using the device.
You need a satellite fix to calibrate the compass.
1. Take the Cycle Trainer
outside, away from tall trees and buildings.
2. Wait for the GPS to get a satellite fix.
3. Fromthemainmenu,highlightCONFIGURATION,thenpressENTER.
4. HighlightACCESSORIES,thenpressENTER.
5. HighlightSETCOMPASS,thenpressENTER.
6. HighlightCALIBRATION,thenpressENTER.
7. Slowly rotate the Cycle Trainer.
When calibration is complete, the compass displays.
Setting the CompaSS DeClination
Depending on your latitude, the position of magnetic North shifts relative to geographic North. This difference
in position is called declination.
It is strongly recommended that you set the Cycle Trainer to automatically account for declination using the
GPS. It is possible to set a declination value manually, however.
1. FromtheSETCOMPASSscreen,highlightDECLINATION,thenpressENTER.
2. HighlighttheDECLINATIONeld,thenpressENTER.
3. Press or tochooseAUTOorMANUAL,thenpressENTER.
4. IfyouselectMANUAL,presstohighlighttheDegeld,thenpressENTER.
5. Press or tochangenumbers,thenpressENTER.
information from a reliable source, such as a government geographic agency.
When the Speedometer timer is running, several types of information are recorded, and you can view this
recorded data after resetting the timer and saving a ride including:
Custom Pages for a list.
Once you have saved a ride, you can follow the route again and compare your new data with the previous
ones. See TrainingAgainstAPreviousRide for more information.
• Dateofride • Fastestpace
• Starttime • Fastestheartrate
• Totaldistance • Fastestcadence(ifacadencesensorispaired)
• Caloriesburned • Timeforeachlap
• Timeofride • Distanceforeachlap
• Averagespeed • Averagespeedforeachlap
• Averagepace • Averagepaceforeachlap
• Averageheartrate • Caloriesburnedforeachlap
• Averagecadence(ifacadencesensorispaired) • Averageheartrateforeachlap
• Fastestspeed • Rideroute