Product name and model: SOLID FUEL HEATER
ANDORRA F 9489 *) ANDORRA Plus ceramic F 9489 6 *)
ANDORRA II F 9489 7 *) ANDORRA Plus soapstone F 9489 6 *)
ANDORRA Exclusive F 9489 O *) ANDORRA Extra ceramic F 9489 6 *)
ANDORRA II Exclusive F 9489 8 *) ANDORRA Extra soapstone F 9489 6 *)
ANDORRA Standard ceramic F 9489 6 *) ANDORRA Special ceramic F 9489 E *)
ANDORRA Standard soapstone F 9489 6 *)
Serial number: *) Quality class *)
Standards: STN 06 1201, EN 13240, STN 73 4201,STN 73 4210, STN 92 0300
Date of production, seal and signature of technical inspection: *)
Sales point seal, purchase date, signature: *)
* Put corresponding seals, fill in, or cross out if not applicable.
The warranty certificate is invalid without data marked with *)!
The product was repaired under guarantee: Seal and signature of repair shop:
from:……… ..............................................
from:……… ..............................................
from:……… ..............................................
THORMA Výroba, k.s.
SK – 986 01 Fiľakovo
tel/fax: 00421/47/4511537
The manufacturer recommends disposing the different parts of the packaging as follows:
- take the plastic stripe and the cardboard to a collecting point,
- wooden parts can be burnt.
Once the service life of the product has expired the manufacturer recommends disposing it at a collection point, and the
vermiculitte blocks and ceramic parts at a waste deposit.