Pour régler la langue, l’heure et la date.
Retour température Confort à 19°C, Eco à 15,5°C
et programmation interne initiale.
Permet de baisser la température de consigne de -1°C
à -2°C lors des périodes de pointes tarifaires D. Ces
périodes vous sont signalées par l’envoi d’un message
radio privé en fonction du système installé.
Max temp.
Access contr.
To adjust the setpoint temperature to the
temperature recorded in the room if you notice a
difference after several hours' heating.
The calibration value is between -3° C below and +3°
C above the set temperature.
E.g.: if the room T° = 18°C and the set T° = 20°C,
select -2.0°.
Function config
T° calibration
Sound To activate or deactivate the key sound.
To limit access to the commands.
You may choose total access, access to temperature
only or no access. In this last case, the unit's commands
are no longer accessible.
Language To select the language.
To record a maximum setpoint temperature which
may not be exceeded (between 22°C and 30°C, set by
default at 28°C).
PIN code
To activate the saving of an Expert Menu personal
access code or not.
Once activated, the Expert Menu access is coded.
You may note your personal code here
To deactivate it, go back to the Expert Menu, enter
your personal code and go back to Parameters =>
Restrictions => PIN code.
Window det. To activate or deactivate the Window Open function