The P o wer Selector allows you to set the correct
Operation pow er level for the type of food being cooked. There are
six settings:
Press the Door Release button to open the oven door .
When the ov en door is open the ov en will be switched $
off. Push the door securely shut to operate the oven.
The Control Panel has two controls:
The Timer sets the desired cooking time . The maximum
setting is 30 minutes. At the end of the cooking period $
the timer will set itself to ‘0’, and switch the oven off. The
bell will ring and the ov en light will extinguish.
$Min: (17% pow er). Soften ice cream, k eep food warm, etc .
$ Defr ost: (40% power). Use for defrost ing froz en food.
$ M. Low: (48% pow er). Use this for melting butter , etc .
$Mid: (66% pow er). Use this for stews, etc .
$M. High: (85% pow er). Use this for r ice, fish, etc .
$Max: (100% pow er). For cooking, boiling water , etc .
Using Y our Micro wa ve Oven
Mak e sure that the turntable and support ring are in
the ov en and are securely in place .
Mak e sure that the timer is set to the ‘0’ position.
Place your food in a suitable containe r . Open the
door and pla ce the f ood on the turnta ble. Make sure
the container does not ov erhang the turntable and
that ther e is a mple clear ance betw een the conta iner
and the sides and back of the oven interio r .
Switch the ov en on at the mains.
Set the Po wer selector to the requir ed power level.
Now set the cooking time accor ding to your recipe.
(T o set a time of less than 2 minutes, turn the knob to
‘5’ and then turn it back to the requir ed setting).
The ov en will start and the oven light will come on.
Y ou ca n st op the o pera tion at an y ti me by ope ning th e
ov en doo r . Clos ing the door wil l re- start the ov en.
When the set pro gram time has finished:
The timer will set itself to ‘0’ and the oven will switch
off. The bell will ring indicating cooking has stopped.
Lea ve the f ood to stand for a minute or tw o before
opening the door and r emoving the food . Y our r ecipe
will indicate the appr opriate waiting time . As the
container ma y be hot, use oven gloves if needed.
Note: If you end the cooking befor e the set time
period has elapsed, you must r eturn the timer to ‘0’
to pre vent the oven running when empty .
Intr oduction Unpacking the Micr owa v e Oven
In the box you should find:
Thank you for purchasing this TESCO micro wa ve oven.
Please make sur e you read all the instructions and the $The microwa ve oven.
safety notes carefull y and that you familiarise yourself with $Glass turntable and rotating suppor t ring.
the features and operation of your oven befor e use. If any items ar e missing or damaged, contact your nearest
IMPOR T ANT NO TE. This micr owa ve is for normal T esco store for assistance . Retain the packaging so you can
household use only . It is unsuitable for commercial use. transport the appliance safely at a later date .
P age 3 P age 4
Suitable and unsuitable containers:
How micro wa ve ovens work
Generally speaking, cooking containers made from
Micro wa ve o vens w ork by producing high fr equency porcelain, glass and plastic can be penetrated by
energy which agitates the water molecules in the food microwa ves. Ue heat resistant containers suitable for
which rub together causing heat. This heat cooks the food. microwa ve oven use, otherwise there is a risk of shrinking,
The micro wa ve power output of your oven is 700 watts. deforming or burning. Metal containers, or containers
Micro wa ve cooking is very efficient; food cooks quicker ha ving metal decoration or trim are not suitable.
than conventional methods. Micr owav e cooking can also Some basic guidelines are given below:
help preserve the minerals and vitamins in many foods.
Because the temperatur e in a micro wa ve oven is relatively
cool (unlike a normal oven) you hav e to remember that
the food can be extremely hot. Alwa ys take precautions
when handling containers.
Operation of the microwa ve oven can cause interfer ence T esco stores stock a wide range of microwa ve containers
to your radio, TV , or similar equipment. and wraps designed for microwa ve ovens.
When there is interference, it may be reduced or ! Plastic films should not touch food as they may gas, melt
eliminated by taking the following measures: or break down when hot and contaminate food.
1. Clean the door and sealing surface of the oven. W ax pap er , ov en coo kin g b ags, par chm en t pap er and whi te
2. Reorient the receiving antenna of the radio or micr owa v e pa pe r to w el s ar e safe for micr ow a ve use.
television. W ooden objects ma y catch fire - so av oid their use.
3. Relocate the micr owa ve oven with respect to the Aluminium foil should not be used unless the recipe
receiv er . specifically requires its use . An y metal ske wers, ties, etc .
4. Mov e the micro wa ve oven awa y from the receiver . should be remov ed from food before cooking.
5. Plug the micro wa ve oven into a different outlet so that Av oid cont ai ner s whi ch na rr ow at t he top as thes e ma y
the microwa ve oven and receiv er are on differ ent caus e the cont ents to eru pt when re mo v ed fr om the o v en.
branch circuits.
Heatproof plastic Ordinary plastic
Micro wa veable film
Metal Grilles
Metal containers
Heat-resistant glass Ordinary glass
Y our Micr owa ve Ov en
When cooking with your micro wav e ov en:
$ Only use utensils that are suitable for use in microwa ve
ov ens.
$When heating f ood in plastic or paper containers, k eep
Pl ea se fo ll o w all the pr ec aut io ns lis ted bel o w for saf ety an ey e on the oven due to the possibility of ignition.
an d to re du ce the ris k of in ju r y or el ec tr ica l sho ck.
$If you use plastic film when re-heating or cooking food
$Read all the instructions and r etain them. use only film designed for microwa ve ov ens and ensure
$that the film does not touch the food. If necessary , prick
the film all over to allow steam to escape .
$Do not heat oil for fr ying, or try to fr y food in the
micro wa ve oven. The oil could catch fir e.
$Liquids and other foods must not be heated in sealed
$W ARNING: If the door or door seals ar e damaged, the containers since they are liable to explod .
ov en must not be operated until it has been r epaired by a
competent person.
$ W ARNING: It is hazardous for any one other than a
competent person to carry out an y ser vice or repair $
operation that involv es the removal of a cov er which
gives protection against exposur e to microwa ve energy; ev en after
$Do not u se the mi cr owa v e o v en with a dama ged co rd or micro wa ve heating has ende
plu g or afte r the ap plian ce has mal fun ct ion ed or is $
dam aged. Seek expe rt ass ist an ce.
$$The contents of feeding botties and baby food jars shall
be stirred or shak en and the temperature check ed
befor e consumption, in order to av oid burns.
$Micro wa ve heating of beverages can r esult in dela yed
eruptive boiling, therefor e care must be taken when
$Do not immerse the body of the microwa ve ov en or the
handling the container .
electrical cord or plug in water or liquids.
$Do not pl ac e th e mi cr owa v e o v en on or near a hot gas or
ele ctric burn er .
$Use the appliance on a stable heat-r esistant surface.
$Nev er lea ve the microwa ve ov en unattended when it is
operational. $
$Mak e sure that the power cable does not touch an y hot
surface or overhang a table edge. $Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition could
$Do not use the microwa ve oven outdoors. lead to deterioration of the surface that could adversely
$affect the life of the appliance and possibly result in a
hazardous situation.
$Do not obst ruc t th e v en til at ion slo ts o r pl ace o bj ect s on
top of the ov en. $ If smoke is obser ved, switch off or unplug the appliance
and keep the door closed in order to stifle any flames.
$D o no t u s e at t a c h m e n t s or ac c e s s o r i e s no t
recommended by the manufacturer .
$ W ARNING: Only allow children to use the oven
without super vision when adequate instructions hav e
been given so that the child is able to use the ov en in a
safe way and understands the hazards of improper use.
$Do not use the microwa ve oven for any purpose not
expressl y specified in this manual.
$There are no user ser viceable parts in y our microwa ve
ov en. Unauthorised dismantling or servicing will v oid the
product warranty .
$This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced ph ysical, sensory or
mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, Electrical Information
unless they have been given super vision or instruction Befor e using this appliance ensure that the voltage of your
concerning use of the appliances by a person r esponsible electricity supply is the same as that indicated on the rating
for their safety . plate at the rear of the appliance .
$Children should be super vised to ensure that they do THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE EAR THED .
not pla y with the appliance . The disconnect device for this appliance is the mains plug.
The mains plug must not be obstructed in any wa y and must
remain readily removeable from the mains supply .
Befor e use check that the voltage stated on the rating
plate on the r ear of y our microwa ve o ven corr esponds
to your mains v oltage. Use your microwa ve oven only to heat food.
The mains socket must be well ear thed. Do not plug the
ov en into a mains adaptor into which other units are
e If cover ed
containers are used, the covers should be loose . Move
such containers to and from the ov en with car e as food
ma y splash and the lid may fall.
Eggs in their shells (whether raw or cook ed), fruits in
thick skins and nuts in their shells should not be heated
in the micr owa ve as they ma y explode
Items such as potatoes and chestnuts must be peeled or
pierced thoroughly before cooking.
Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs only .
Allow the appliance to cool before cleaning.
: Do not operate the microwa ve oven empty .
This could cause damage to the oven.
Food can burn if over cooked. If you are unsure about
how long to cook a food for , start with a short cooking
time, and check the food r egularly . If there ar e
micro wa ving instructions supplied with the f ood alwa ys
follow the instructions fully .
Clean the inside of your micr owav e regularl y and
remo ve any food deposits.
Unplug the oven when not in use and before cleaning.
$Meat and meat products should not be fully cooked
from ra w in a micro wa ve ov en. Ra w meat ma y be
partially cook ed in a micr owa ve ov en but the final
cooking process must be carried out by conv entional
Heat-insulation (o ven) glov es should be used when cooking processes, (i.e boiling, roasting, fr ying, grilling
remo ving a hot container fr om the oven. etc) using a conventional cooker .
$Whe n def r os tin g r a w me at and me at pr oduc ts in a
mic ro wa ve o v en ensu r e the item is full y def r osted and
the n imm ediat el y co ok the me at u sin g con ven tio na l
coo king pr oces ses.
$Alwa ys clean the oven cavity thoroughly after par tially
cooking or defrosting raw meat.
Safety Guide
Po wer Selector
Pr eliminaries
Choose a flat stable w ork surface a wa y fr om sour ces of
cold, heat and damp. For
Installing the T urntable
$Set the timer to ‘0’.
good ventilation, the rear and $ Plug the oven into the wall socket.
the left side should hav e a clearance of at least 7.5 cm $Pull the door handle to open the door .
from the wall, the right side should be open and the fr ee
$There is a spindle inside the base of the oven. Place
distance abov e the top should be at least 30 cm.
the T urntable Suppor t Ring in the recess in the oven
and drop it gently onto this spindle thr ough the
locating hole in the base.
$There is a flat machined on the internal spindle to
hold the ring secure while the oven is operating..
Rotate the ring slightly back and forth until it drops
securel y into place over the spindle.
$Place the turntable on the suppor t ring with the
smooth side uppermost and check that it is central to
and properl y suppor ted by the ring.
$Close the door .
Alw ays operate your microw ave o ven with the
turntable assembly properly installed.
Y our Micr owa ve Ov en and Its Components
Door Release
MMB09 Micr owa ve Ov en User GuideMMB09 Micr owa ve Ov en User Guide MMB09 Micr owa ve Ov en User Guide
Control Panel
Viewing Window T urntable Support Ring
Door Locking
T urntable