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ˍG䀘䙰 㝜⓸⪰ ♤⡯䚌᷀ 㡔㫴䚌ὤ 㠸䚨SG䀘䙰⪰ ♤⪬ 㡔⫠ 㟝ὤ⪰ 㜨䑄 㠸㜄
⋇㙸 㨰㐡㐐㝘UG䀘䙰⮈㢨䀘㢌 㤸㠄㢨 䁐㥬㢼⏈ ┍㙼 㣄┍㡰⦐ 䀘䙰㜄 㤵䚝䚐
㝜⓸⦐ 㡔㫴䚨 㩁⏼␘U
ˍG䀘䙰⮈㢨䀘⪰ ㇠㟝䚌㫴 㙾ᶤ⇌ 㡔⫠㟝ὤᴴ ⽸㛨㢼㡸 ᷱ㟤 㥐䖼㢌 㤸㠄㡸 ῰㨰
ˍ ㇠㟝 ␘㐐 䚐ⶼ 䀘䙰⪰ 㻈㻐䚌㐘 ᷱ㟤SG㤸㠄㡸 ῰㨰㐔 㥐䖼㢨 㐑㡸 ⚀ᾀ㫴
XW⺸ᴸ ὤ␘⥘ 㨰㐡㐐㝘U
ˍ 䀘䙰㡔⫠㟝ὤ⪰ 㤸㣄⤼㢬㫴㜄 ≗㛨㉐ 䀘䙰⪰ ␘㐐 ⒤㟬 㢼㏩⏼␘U
a ㇼ⦐ 䀘䙰⮈㢨䀘㜄㉐ 䀘䙰⪰ 㻈㻐䚌㐐ὤ 㥐䖼㡸 㻝⺸䢼 㐑䢼㫴 㙾㡰⮨S
䈥䆠㙼㢌 Ɒ㢨 ∼ⱨ ⡜ᶤ㠀㥬 ᴴ㜨═ ㍌㫑ὤ⦐ 㢬䚨 䞈ㇵ㡸 㢹㡸 㢼㡰⏼
㢌䚌㐐ὤ ⵈ⣁⏼␘U
ˍ GvVvG㤸㠄ⶸ䏰㡸 ⌸⪨⮨ ⾜ᴸㇽ 䖐㐐☥㢨 䁐㫴Ḕ 䀘䙰 ⮈㢨䀘ᴴ 㣅┍䚌ὤ 㐐㣅
ˍ GvVvG㤸㠄ⶸ䏰㡸 ⇨⫠⮨ 㥐䖼㢨 㥉㫴䚝⏼␘U
ˍG㥐䖼㢌 㤸㠄䂈☐⪰ ⾰㐡㐐㝘U
ˍG䀘䙰 ⺸⬄㡸 㥐ᶤ䚌ὤ 㠸䚨 䀘䙰⮈㢨䀘㜄㉐ 䙸䉤 䝴⒈OiP ⺸⫠㐐䁐 㨰㐐Ḕ
䙸䉤㝴 䀘䙰 ⺸⬄㡸 㥐ᶤ䚨 㨰㐡㐐㝘UOἬ⫰ ]G¥G^PU
ˍG㥐䖼㢨 ⡜ᶤ㟬 ㉬㷍䚌㫴 ⫼㐡㐐㝘U
ˍGⱰὤᴴ 㢼⏈ ⺴☐⤠㟨 ❄⏈ ㏘䔤㫴⦐ ㉬㷍䚌㐡㐐㝘U
ˍG㥐䖼㡸 Ɒ㜄 ␨Ἤᶤ⇌ 䢄⪨⏈ Ɒ㜄 ▄㫴 ⫼㐡㐐㝘U
ˍG䙸䉤 䝴⒈⏈ 㐑ὤ㉬㷍ὤ㜄㉐ ㉬㷍㢨 ᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘U
ˍ ⟐ 㢨 㥐␴⦐ ␟䢼⓸⦑ ⺸⫠╌⏈ 䙸䉤䝴⒈⪰ 㝠ⵈ⪨᷀ ␘㐐 ↰㟤㐡㐐㝘UG
⤻᷀䚌⥘⮨ 䙸䉤 䝴⒈⪰ ㇨㬑 ⍀⤠ 㛅㯱㡸 Ḕ⪨᷀ ␘㢀 ㋄㣕㢨⪰ ⇨⫠㐡㐐
Ɒ⚀ 㥐ᶤ䚌ὤ
ˍG[W 㥉⓸ ㇠㟝䚌㐔 Ɒ⚀㥐ᶤ⪰ 䚌㐐⮨ ⒈㟥 㥐䖼㡸 㝘⣌ ㇠㟝䚌㐘 㢼㏩
GGG␘㢀Ḱ ᵍ㢨 Ɒ⚀⪰ 㥐ᶤ䚔 㢼㏩⏼␘U
GGGTGY䀩㢌 Ɒ㜄 䢠㉑䚐 Ɒ⚀㥐ᶤ㥐 U
ˍGⱰ䈥䆠OkP Ɒ㡸 ⺴㛨㨰㐐Ḕ 䀘䙰⮈㢨䀘⪰ 䀘䙰⺸⬄ 㛺㢨 㣅┍㐐䇘㐡㐐㝘U
ˍG䀘䙰 㡔⫠㟝ὤ⪰ ᴴ㏘⤼㢬㫴㜄㉐ ㇠㟝䚌㫴 ⫼㐡㐐㝘U
ˍG㥐䖼㡸 ㇠㟝 㩅㢰 ⚀㜄⏈ 㣄⫠⪰ ⛔⇌㫴 ⫼㐡㐐㝘U
ˍGᴴ㥉㟝 㢨㞬㢌 ␘㢀Ḱ ᵍ㡴 㟝⓸⦐ ㇠㟝 ╌㛼㡸 ᷱ㟤⏈ 䖼㫼 ⸨㫑 䝐䈑㡸 ⵏ㡰
TGᴴ᷀SG㇠ⱨ㐘 ␘⪬ 㜵㛹㤵㢬 䞌ᷱ
TG⋁㣙 㐐㉘
TG䝬䊈SG⯜䊈 ὤ䇴 ㍍ⵉ㐐㉘ ⇨㜄㉐ Ḕᵑ 㥅␴㟝
TG㢀㐑㥄 ⤼㏘䋔⣅ O㙸㾜 㤴≵㐑㇠ 䝉䈐 㥐ḩP
ˍG䀘䙰⪰ ⇨⫠ὤ 㐐㣅䚐 䀘䙰 ⮈㢨䀘㜄㉐ 㡔⫠㟝ὤ⪰ ᷱ㟤SG㤼␴⦐ ᴴ㜨䑄
㋄㡸 ␴㫴 ⫼㐡㐐㝘UG㣅┍ 㩅㜄 ᴴ㜨䑄㢨 ⬘㟤 ⡜ᶤ㟤⮤ 䞈ㇵ㡸 㢹㡸 㢼㏩
ˍG 㥐䖼㡴 ᴴ㥉㟝㡰⦐⬀ ㇠㟝䚔 㢼⓸⦑ ㉘᷸╌㛼㏩⏼␘UG㙼⇨⪰ ♤⪨㫴
ᴴ㥉㟝 㢨㞬㢌 㟝⓸⦐ ㇠㟝䚌㜴㡸 ᷱ㟤㜄⏈ 䖼㫼 ⸨㫑 䝐䈑㡸 ⵏ㡰㐘
㷌㢀 㥐䖼㡸 ㇠㟝䚌ὤ 㤸㜄
ˍG㷌㢀 ㇠㟝䚌ὤ 㤸㜄 䀘䙰⺸⬄㡸 ≗㫴 㙾㡴 ㇵ䈐㜄㉐ Ɒ䈥䆠㜄 㵜ᴴ㟨
Xs ≗㛨 㥐䖼㡸 䚐ⶼ 㣅┍㐐䇘㐡㐐㝘U
ˍG㥐䖼㜄 䖐㐐═ 㤸㚉Ḱ 㢰㾌䚌⏈ 㤸㚉㜄 䀘䙰⮈㢨䀘⪰ 㜤ᷤ䚌㐡㐐㝘U
䀘䙰 ⬀☘ὤ
OἬ⫰ XT\ 㵬Ḕ䚌㐡㐐㝘UP
ˍGⱰ䈥䆠㜄 㵜ᴴ㟨 Ɒ㡸 㵸㠀㨰㐔 SGⱰ䈥䆠⪰ ␘㐐 㣄⫠㜄 㣙㵝䚌㜠 㨰㐡
ˍG䙸䉤 䝴⒈㜄 uU[G䆠ὤ㢌 㦹㢨 䙸䉤⇌ 㜵Ạ 䙸䉤⪰ ㇠㟝䚨 㨰㐡㐐㝘U
ˍG 䈥䆠 ㍌㠸 䖐㐐ὤ㜄 䖐㐐═ 㺐␴⣽⸨␘ ⬂㢨 ≗㫴 ⫼㐡㐐㝘U
ˍG䀘䙰 ⮈㢨䀘⪰ 㣅┍䚌ὤ 㤸㜄 䙸䉤 䝴⒈ ⟐ 㡸 ␟㙸㉐ ⡜ᶤ㟨 Ɒ㢨 䖐⮨㡰⦐
≌㾔 㠸䜌㡸 ⵝ㫴䚌㐡㐐㝘U
ˍG䀘䙰㡔⫠㟝ὤ⪰ ᴴ㜨䑄㜄 ⋇㙸 㨰㐡㐐㝘U
ˍ 䀘䙰⮈㢨䀘⏈ ⌸㍌ⵝ㫴㣙㾌ᴴ 㢼㛨㉐ 䀘䙰⪰ 㻈㻐䚌⏈ 㩅㜄⓸ 㡔⫠㟝ὤ⪰
⾰⇨㛨 䀘䙰⪰ ♤⢰⇨㐘 㢼㏩⏼␘UGἬ⤠⇌ 㡔⫠㟝ὤ⪰ ⾰㐔 ∼ⱨ 㝘⣟┍㙼
㥐㣄⫠㜄 ▄㫴 㙾㡰⮨ 䀘䙰 䙸䉤㜄 Ɒ㢨 㜡⪌䚔 㢼㡰⏼ 䀘䙰⪰ ♤⢰⇨㐔 䟸㜄
ⵈ⦐ 㠸㾌㜄 ⋇㡰㐡㐐㝘U
ˍG䀘䙰 㻈㻐㢨 ↑⇌⮨ 䙸䉤㙼㢌 ⇜㡴 Ɒ㢨 㡔⫠㟝ὤ⦐ ⯜▄ ⛜㛨㫼 㢼⓸⦑
X⺸ᴸ ὤ␘⥘ 㨰㐡㐐㝘UG㡔⫠㟝ὤ㢌 ⟐ 㡸 ␟㡴 ㇵ䈐⦐SG䀘䙰⪰ 䀩㜄 ♤⢰ 㨰㐡

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