How to prepare the record player for operation
Fitting the tone arm head
Fit the tone arm head 1 on the tone arm tube 3 as
1 3
Secure the tone arm head to the tone arm by turning
the locking ring 2 clockwise while holding the tone
arm head horizontal.
Fitting the counterweight
The counterweight 2 is screwed onto the tone arm as
1 2
Balancing the tone arm
If the pick-up cartridge is fitted with a removable
stylus cover, remove it. Take care not to touch the
stylus tip with your fingers.
Lift the tone arm off the tone arm rest.
Turn the counterweight 2 clockwise or anti-clockwise
until the tone arm balances more or less horizontally
of its own accord.
When adjusting the horizontal balance "0" setting take
care that the pick-up stylus does not come into contact
with the turntable mat or any other objects.