Connecting and Setting up VoiceOne - MIDI
Signal Flow
MIDI Setup:
• Connect the MIDI Out of your MIDI controller
or sequencer to the MIDI In of VoiceOne.
• You can set different MIDI channels to
receive for the main MIDI section, for MIDI
pitch shifting, and for MIDI pitch correction.
You may also send the MIDI pitch output on
its own channel as well. See the MIDI/Util
section later in the manual.
• Be sure that your controller or sequencer is
transmitting on the same MIDI channel that
VoiceOne is set to receive on. Voice One
defaults to Channel 1.
• Connect the VoiceOne MIDI Out to a
sequencer or sound source input if you wish
to use the MIDI Pitch Output of VoiceOne.
The MIDI channel of this output may be
selected in the MIDI / UTIL menu.
• Changing parameters on the front panel
sends the coresponding MIDI data to the
MIDI out.
• Connect VoiceOne’s MIDI Thru to pass the
MIDI input on to other devices unchanged.
• Connect the VoiceOne MIDI In and Out to a
MIDI Sequencer, Librarian or another
VoiceOne for sending and receiving Preset
dumps via MIDI System Exclusive.