The following are some indicators that you may see.
Indicators Meaning
Indicates Sound OFF or ON. Tap to adjust volume or vibration.
Main battery at full strength/No battery.
Main battery low/very low.
Backup battery is very low.
GPRS is available.
Indicates that the Caller ID monitor program is not yet ready to receive calls.
GPRS/PC connection is active.
Indicates that you are roaming in a different network area.
Notication that one or more instant messages were received.
Notication that one or more mobile e-mail/SMS messages were received.
The ON/OFF status and signal strength of the mobile phone connection.
One or more wireless networks are detected, but not yet connected.
Indicates that your T-Mobile MDA III has WLAN connection.
This indicator will display if more notication icons need to be displayed and
there is no room to display them. Tap the icon to view all notication icons.
Your device reminds you in a variety of ways when you have something to do or when you have
received a SMS. For example, if you’ve set up an appointment in Calendar, a task with a due
date in Tasks, or an alarm in Clock, you will be notied in any of the following ways:
n A message box appears on the screen.
n A sound, which you can specify, is played.
n A light ashes on your device.
n The device vibrates.