Access call log
Press CALL LOG(UP) key in idl e mode and press Navigati on key to
browse the c all li st. The call s are displayed in chronologi cal order wit h
the most recent call at the top of the li st.
1. Press OK key to display more det ails of the call, incl uding the date
and time.
Save call li st entr y into the phonebook
2. Press CALL LOG(UP) key in idle mode to go to the call list.
3. Press the Navigati on key to select an entr y and then press MENU
key .
4. Press the Navigat ion key to select SA VE NUMBER and then press
OK key to select. ( Enter the name of the contact (maxi mum 12
charact ers) and then press OK key to confir m.
Delet e a Call Log entr y
1. Press CALL LOG(UP) key in idle mode to go to the call list.
2. Press the Navigati on key to select an entr y and then press MENU
key .
3. Press the Navigati on key to select DELETE and then press OK key
to select. (Press OK key again to confir m. A confir mati on beep is
played. )
Delet e all entr ies in the Call Log
1. Press CALL LOG (UP) key in idle mode to go to the call list .
2. Press the MENU key .
3. Press the Navigat ion key to select DELETE ALL and then press OK
key to select. (Pr ess OK key again to confir m. A confi rmat ion beep is
Us ing th e inte rco m
Int ercom, call transf er and confer ence are only possible wit h at least 2
handset regist ered to the same base st ation. It allows you to make fr ee
int ernal calls, tr ansfer exter nal calls from one handset to another , and
set up a 3-w ay confer ence wit h two handsets and an external call.
If you try to make a call while another handset is alr eady on an external
call , you’l l hear a busy tone for a few seconds befor e the display ret urns
to idle .
Int ercom another handset
Press INT key in idle mode.
Int ercom is establ ished immedi ately if there are only 2 regi-
ster ed handset s.
If ther e are more than 2 regi stered handset s, the handset numbers
which are avail able for inter c om, and a * , wil l be displayed. Press the
specif ic handset number you wish to call , or press * to ring all handset s,
to star t inter com.
T ransfer an external call to another handset
Duri ng the call, press INT key to put the external call on
hold (t he caller can no longer hear you).
Int ercom is establ ished immedi ately if there are only 2 regi ster ed
handset s. If ther e are more than 2 regist ered handset s, the handset
numbers which are availabl e for inter com, and a ’* ’, will be displayed.
Press the specific handset number you wish to call, or press ’*’ to ri ng
all handset s, to st art int ercom.
Press T ALK key on the called handset to answer the inter-
nal call , where both inter nal caller s can tal k. Int ercom is
est ablished.
Press END button on the fi rst handset to transf er the exter-
nal call to the called handset. The external call is transf er-
** If ther e is no answer fr om the called handset, press INT k ey to
resum e the external call.
Answer an exter nal call duri ng inter com
Duri ng inter com, a new call tone is emit ted when there is an incoming
exter nal call.
Press T ALK key to answer the external call and end the
int ercom. Connecti on with the exter nal call is establ ished.
** T o put the inter nal call on hold and answer the incomi ng external call,
press INT key .
Swit ch between an inter nal and exter nal call
Duri ng the call, press INT key to switch between an inter nal
or external call.
Est ablish a three- par ty conference call
The conference call featur e allows one exter nal call to be shared wit h
two handsets (in int ercom) . The three part ies can share the
conversat ion and no addit ional network subscript ion is requi red.
Duri ng an exter nal call , press INT k ey to put the external
call on hold (the call er can no longer hear you).
If ther e are more than 2 regi stered handset s, the handset numbers
which are avail able for inter com will be displayed. Press the specifi c
handset number you wish to c all to s t art inter com.
Press T ALK key on the called handset to answer the inter-
nal call , where both int ernal caller s can t alk. Inter com is
est ablished.
Press and hold INT key for 2 seconds on the fir st handset to
st art the thr ee-p arty confer ence.
CONFERENCE will be displ ayed on the screen once the
confer ence call is est ablished.
Ha ndse t T one
Set the ring volume
There are 5 ringer volume options (OFF , LEVEL 1, LEVEL 2, LEVEL 3
and LEVEL 4). The defaul t level is LEVEL 2.
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select PERSONAL SET and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigat ion key to select HANDSET T ONE and then press
OK key to s elect and show RING VOLUME. Press the OK key again to
select .
4. Press the Navigation key to your desir ed volume level and then press
OK key to confir m. A confir mation beep is played.
Set the ring melody
There are 10 ri ng melodies avail able on your handset.
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select PERSONAL SET and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigat ion key to select HANDSET T ONE and then press
OK key to select.
4. Press the Navigat ion key to select RING TO NES and then press OK
to select.
5. Press the Navigation key to your desir ed melody and then press OK
key to confir m. A confi rmat ion beep is played.
Acti vate/ deacti vate key tone
A single tone is emi tt ed when a key is pressed. Y ou c an enable or
disabl e the key tone. By defaul t, the key tone is ON.
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select PERSONAL SET and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigat ion key to select HANDSET T ONE and then press
OK key to select.
4. Press the Navigat ion key to select KEY BEEP and then press OK to
select .
5. Press the Navigation key to select ON or OFF and then press OK key
to confir m. A confir mati on beep is played.
Acti vate/ deacti vate auto hang-up
This funct ion enables you to end a call automat ical ly by sim ply placing
the handset on the base s t ation. By default , the Auto Hang up feat ure is
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select PERSONAL SET and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigat ion key to select AUTO HANG - UP and then press
OK key to select.
4. Press the Navigation key to select ON or OFF and then press OK key
to confir m. A confir mati on beep is played.
Set date/ ti me format
Set time for mat
Y ou can set your prefer red date/ ti me form at for your phone. The defaul t
for mat is DD/MM and 24 HOURS.
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select CLOCK&ALARM and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigat ion key to select SET FORMA T and then press OK
key to select.
4. Press OK key to enter TIME FORMA T . The current sett ing is
displ ayed.
5. Press the Navigat ion key to select 12 HOURS or 24 HOURS and
then press OK key to confir m. A confi rmat ion beep is played.
Set date format
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select CLOCK&ALARM and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigat ion key to select SET FORMA T and then press OK
key to select.
4. Press the Navigat ion key to select DA TE FORMA T and then press
OK key to select. The curr ent setti ng is displayed.
5. Press the Navigat ion key to select DD/MM or MM/DD and then press
OK key to confir m. A confir mation beep is played.
Set alar m
The handset has an alarm clock feat ure, and when the alar m is set, the
is shown on the handset displ ay .
When the alarm tim e is reached, the display flashes - ALARM - and the
alar m melody is played for 1 minut e or unti l any handset key is pressed.
If the alarm is set for ON DAIL Y and the alarm will sound again on the
next day . If the alar m was set for ON ONCE, the will be turned of f.
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select CLOCK&ALARM and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigati on key to select ALARM and then press OK key to
select .
4. Press the Navigat ion key to select OFF , ON ONCE or ON DAIL Y and
then press OK key to confir m.
If you select ON ONCE or ON DAIL Y , enter the time (HH- MM) for the
alar m and press the UP/DOWN key to select AM or PM if the tim e is in
12 HOURS for mat.
5. Press OK key to confir m. A confir mati on beep is played.
Set a larm tone
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select CLOCK&ALARM and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigati on key to select ALARM TO NE and then press OK
key to select.
4. Press the Navigat ion key to select MELODY 1, MELODY 2 or
MELODY 3 and then press OK key to confi rm. A confir mati on beep is
Adv anc ed use of your tele phone
Change Master PIN
The Master PIN is used for regi str ati on/unr egist rat ion of handset s and
for accessing the answeri ng machine remot ely . The defaul t Master PIN
number is 0000. The maximum length of the Master PIN is 8 digit s.
Note: If you for get your PIN c ode, you can reset it to it s defaul t 0000
using a handset Reset (p age 15).
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select ADV ANCED SET and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigat ion key to select CHANGE PIN and then press OK
key to select.
Enter the curr ent Master PIN when prompt ed and then press OK key to
confi rm. As you enter the PIN it will be shown as aster isks (* ) on the
(Ent er the new PIN and then press OK key to confir m. A confi rmat ion
beep is played.)
Regist er your handset
When you purchase a tel ephone, all handsets are already regi ster ed to
the base, so you do not need to regist er them. Handset regist rat ion is
only necessary when you buy extra handset s or if a handset has
become fault y .
The procedures described below are for a DE191 handset.
They may be dif ferent if you want to regist er another handset model, in
which case you should ref er to it s user guide.
Addit ional handset s must be regi ster ed to the base unit before you can
use them. Up to 4 handset s can be regist ered to one base st ation.
The Master PIN is requir ed befor e you can regist er or unregi ster
handset s. By defaul t, the Master PIN is 0000.
On the base st ation, press and hold the HANDSET LOCA TOR key for
approxi matel y 5 seconds.
1. On the handset, press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select ADV ANCED SET and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigat ion key to select REGISTRA TION and then press
OK key to select.
** If no acti on is t aken on the handset wit hin 10 seconds, the regist rat ion
procedur e will be aborted. If this happens, repeat the fi rst step.
Enter the Master PIN when prompted and then press OK key to confir m.
(t he default master PIN is 0000)
W AITI NG is displayed on the screen. A confir mati on beep is played to
indi cate successful regist rati on, and the handset will ret urn to idl e mode,
wit h it s handset number displayed. ** If no base is found withi n a cert ain
peri od, ther e will be an err or tone to indi cate fai led regist rati on and the
handset retur ns to idle mode, and you wil l need to repeat the
regi str ati on sequence.
Unregi ster your handset
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select ADV ANCED SET and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigati on key to select UNREGISTER and then press OK
key to select.
4. Enter the Master PIN when prompted and then press OK key to
confi rm. (t he default master PIN is 0000)
5. Press the Navigation key to select the handset number to unregi ster
and then press OK key to confir m.
A confir mat ion beep is played to indicat e successful unregi str ati on.
** If no acti on is t aken on the handset wit hin 15 seconds, the
unregi str ati on procedure wil l be aborted and the handset ret urns to idl e
Y ou must use a O30 handset to unregi ster handset s from the O30 base.
Set pref ix
This all ows you to define a pref ix number to be added to the beginni ng
of any predial led number , and to define a detect str ing to prevent the
pref ix number being added unless the detect stri ng matches the fi rst
digi t s of the predial led number , in which case the prefi x number will
repl ace the detect stri ng digit s.
Y ou can enter up to 5 digit s for the detect str ing and up to 10 digit s for
the auto prefi x number .
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select ADV ANCED SET and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigat ion key to select AUTO PREFIX and then press OK
key to select.
4. T o enter a DETECT DIGI T stri ng, press OK key again.
The last s tored detect str ing is displ ayed (i f any).
Enter a detect str ing number (maximum 5 digi t s) and then press OK key
to confir m.
T o enter a PREFIX number , press Navigat ion to display PREFIX and
then press OK key . The last stor ed pref ix number is displayed (i f any).
5. Enter the pref ix number (maxi mum 10 digit s) and then press OK key
to confir m. A confir mati on beep is played.
** If no detect str ing (bl ank) is enter ed, the pref ix number wil l be
automat ically added to the predi al number af ter T ALK key is pressed.
For numbers star ting wit h * , # or P , the prefi x number will not be added
to the predial number af ter T ALK key is pressed.
Change recall ti me
Y ou may need the R button to send a Recall signal (also c alled Flash or
Ti med Break Recall ) if you are connected to a PBX. Y ou should
normal ly leave the Recall Ti me at it s defaul t sett ing of SHORT (100ms),
as this is the st andard recal l requi red in the tel ephone networ k, but it
can be changed to MEDIUM (270ms) or LONG (600ms) if your
tel ephone is connected to a PBX that requi res a dif fer ent recal l ti me.
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select ADV ANCED SET and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigat ion key to select RECALL TIME and then press OK
key to select.
4. Press the Navigat ion key to select SHORT , MEDIUM or LONG and
then press OK key to confir m. A confi rmat ion beep is played.
Change the dial mode (dual mode dial ing version only)
Y ou should normal ly leave the dialling mo de a t its d efa ult se tting of
TONE (a lso c alle d MF or DT MF).
However , you can change to PULSE if necessary .
N o t e : I f P U L S Ed i a l l i n gi ss e t ,y o uc a np r e s st h e*k e yt os w i t c ht o
TONE d ialling for th e res t o f tha t c all.
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select ADV ANCED SET and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigat ion key to select DIAL MODE and then press OK
key to select.
4. Press the Navigat ion key to select TONE or PULSE and then press
OK key to confir m. A confir mation beep is played.
Set fir st ri ng
When thi s funct ion is set to Off , the fir st ri ng from an incomi ng call wil l
not sound. This is useful on exchanges where callin g line identit y is sent
af ter the fi rst ring.
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select ADV ANCED SET and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigati on key to select FIRST RING and then press OK
key to select.
4. Press the Navigation key to select ON or OFF and then press OK key
to confir m. A confir mati on beep is played.
Reset unit
Y ou can reset your phone to it s default setti ngs with this feat ure.
Note: Upon reset, all your personal sett ings, call log and redial li st
entr ies wil l be delet ed and the phone will ret urn to it s defaul t s etti ngs.
However , your phonebook will remai n unchanged af ter reset . Also, if
you have an answering machine model, any recor ded messages wil l
remai n unchanged, but all other setti ngs wil l be default ed.
1. Press MENU key to enter menu selecti on.
2. Press the Navigat ion key to select ADV ANCED SET and then press
OK key to select.
3. Press the Navigat ion key to select RESET and then press OK key to
select .
4. Press OK key again to c onfir m. A confi rmat ion beep is played and the
unit is reset to it s default sett ings.
In Ca se of Pr oblem s
Se rvic e Ho tline
Should probl ems arise wit h the telephone, please refer to the fol lowing
inf ormat ion fir st. In the case of technical problem s, you can cont act our
hotl ine servi ce, T el. 0900 00 1675 wit hin Switzer land (Swisscom fees at
ti me of going to print : CHF 2.60/ min) . In the case of claims under the
ter ms of guarantee, please cont act your sales outl et. There is a 2 year
peri od of guarantee.
Probl ems and solut ions
Probl ems Solut ions
No connection to
base stat ion
possibl e
- Check that the handset has been regist ered
on the base st ati on with the corr ect PIN code.
No telephone call s
possibl e
- The telephone is not connected properl y or is
defect ive. Only use the telephone connecti on
cable suppli ed.
- T est whether the tel ephone connection is in
order by using another tel ephone.
- The power adaptor plug is not plugged in or
ther e is a complet e power fail ure.
- The rechargeabl e batter ies are empty or
defect ive.
- The handset is too far from the base st ati on.
- T he wro ng d iallin g mod e is se t.
Connecti on is
dist urbed or cut off
- The handset is too far from the base st ati on.
- The base st ation is in an unsuit able locat ion.
The system no
longer responds
- Reset all the funct ions to their defaul t sett ings.
- Disconnect the power adapter plug brief ly
fr om the power socket.
The batter ies are
empty withi n a
short ti me
- The batter ies are empty or defecti ve.
- Place the handset in the base st ati on properl y .
Clean the cont act s urfaces on the handset
and base st ati on with a soft , dry clot h.
- Place the handset in the base st ation for 24
The caller number
displ ay (CLIP)
does not functi on
- The caller number displ ay (CLIP) is a
supplement ary service of fer ed by your
tel ephone network provi der . Cont act your
networ k provider for furt her infor mati on.
- The caller has suppressed the transmi ssion of
thei r phone number .
Declar ati on of Conform it y
This device ful fil s the requi rement s s tipul ated in the EU
dir ecti ve: 1999/5/ EC direct ive on radio equipment and
tel ecommuni cations termi nal equipment and the mutual recognit ion of
thei r confor mit y . Conform ity with the above mentioned direct ive is
confi rmed by the CE mark on the device.T o view the complet e
Declar ati on of Conformi ty , please refer to the free download availabl e
on our web site at www .swit el. com
Maintenance / Guarantee
Maint enance
- Clean the housing surfaces wit h a sof t, fl uf f- fr ee cloth.
- Do not use any cleaning agents or solvent s.
Guarant ee
SWI TEL equipm ent is produced and tested accordi ng to the latest
product ion methods. The implem ent ati on of careful ly chosen materi als
and highly developed technol ogies ensure tr ouble- fr ee functi oning and
a long service li fe. The ter ms of guarantee do not apply where the
cause of equipment malfunct ion is the fault of the telephone network
operat or or any int erposed pri vate branch extensi on system. The ter ms
of guarantee do not apply to the batter ies or power packs used in the
product s. The period of guarant ee is 24 months fr om the date of
purchase. All defici encies rel ated to mater ial or manufact uri ng error s
wit hin the peri od of guarantee wil l be redr essed fr ee of charge. Right s to
clai ms under the term s of guarantee are annull ed followi ng t amperi ng
by the purchaser or thir d part ies. Damage caused as the result of
impr oper handling or operat ion, normal wear and tear , incor rect
posit ioni ng or storage, impr oper connecti on or inst allati on or Act s of
God and other exter nal inf luences are excluded fr om the term s of
guarant ee. In the c ase of c omplaint s, we reser ve the right to rep air
defect par t s, replace them or replace the enti re device. Replaced par t s
or devices become our proper ty . Right s to compensation in the case of
damage are excluded where ther e is no evidence of int ent or gross
negli gence by the manufact urer .If your device does show signs of a
defect wit hin the peri od of guarantee, please cont act the sales outlet
where y ou purchased the SWITEL device, producing the purchase
recei pt as evidence. All claims under the terms of guarantee in
accordance with thi s agreement can only be asserted at the sales
outl et. No clai ms under the ter ms of guarantee can be assert ed aft er a
peri od of two years from the date of purchase and hand-over of the
product .
Disp osal
In order to dispose of your device, take it to a coll ecti on point
provi ded by your local public waste authori ties (e. g. recycl ing
centr e). Accordi ng to laws on the disposal of electr onic and
elect ri cal devices, owners are obliged to dispose of old elect roni c
and electr ical devices in a s eparate waste container . The
symbol indicat es that the device must not be disposed of in
normal domesti c waste!
Batt eri es represent a hazard to health and the
envir onment !
Never open, damage or swall ow batter ies or all ow them to pollut e the
envir onment. They may cont ain toxic, ecological ly hazardous heavy
met als. Y ou are legal ly obliged to dispose of power packs and batt eries
at the point of sale or in the corr esponding cont ainers at collect ion
point s provided by local public waste authori ti es. Disposal is free of
charge. The symbols indicat e that the batt eri es must not be disposed of
in normal domesti c waste and that they must be brought to collect ion
point s provided by local publi c waste authori ti es.
Packaging materi als must be disposed of according to local
regul ati ons.