These variables are passed to the shell without the RC_ prex and represent the
listed categories. The shell proles concerned are listed below. The current setting
can be shown with the command locale.
This variable, if set, overwrites the values of the variables already mentioned.
If none of the previous variables are set, this is the fallback. By default, only
RC_LANG is set. This makes it easier for users to enter their own values.
A yes or no variable. If set to no, root always works in the POSIX environment.
The variables can be set with the YaST syscong editor. The value of such a variable
contains the language code, country code, encoding and modier. The individual
components are connected by special characters:
11.4.1 Some Examples
You should always set the language and country codes together. Language settings
follow the standard ISO 639 available at http://www.evertype.com/
standards/iso639/iso639-en.html and http://www.loc.gov/
standards/iso639-2/. Country codes are listed in ISO 3166 available at http://
It only makes sense to set values for which usable description les can be found in
/usr/lib/locale. Additional description les can be created from the les in
/usr/share/i18n using the command localedef. The description les are part
of the glibc-i18ndata package. A description le for en_US.UTF-8 (for English
and United States) can be created with:
localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
202 Reference