Drag and drop the desired les or directories to your desktop or a local directory.
KDE provides another protocol called fish that can be used if sftp is not available.
The use of this protocol is similar to sftp. Just replace the sftp protocol prex of
the URL with fish:
34.5.2 Transferring Files with rsync
rsync is useful for archiving or copying data and can also be used as a daemon to provide
directories to the network (see Procedure 34.3, “Advanced Setup for rsync Synchroniza-
tion” (page 552)).
Before using rsync to synchronize les and directories between different computers,
make sure that the following requirements are met:
The package rsync is installed.
2. Identical users are available on both systems.
3. Enough disk space is available on the server.
4. If you want to benet from rsync's full potential, make sure that rsyncd is installed
on the system to use as the server.
rsync Basic Mode
The basic mode of operation of rsync does not require any special conguration. rsync
mirrors complete directories onto another system. Its usage is not much different from
a regular copying tool, such as scp. The following command creates a backup of the
home directory of tux on a backup server called jupiter:
rsync -Hbaz -e ssh /home/tux/ tux@jupiter:backup
Use the following command to restore your backup (without option -b):
rsync -Haz -e ssh tux@jupiter:backup /home/tux/
Copying and Sharing Files 551